HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-07-11, Page 3• ' •••••*,••••• ‘011, A. iI01$ FOR :ME100111>rs: WO10-****4 ..-X ,-Iserdwish (Word: The regular eve 4StFO Ing o Vut tvomere* -4,14014x5r.'of ptfite- *Wed us s 5144t..etent oI timothY,' Oleos Aug lion church was held at the yicked frInn, bla slot On ''X'neSs, "• *Me. Of jelszi Dinom ',(10.0 41214 114 4,0 '40404 bat lout- ' Klay, 4Uns 2(iths with.* very :attens ,acree. •01.1, ,wheat$ ViatsraeasUres 1#. elanes C:1Present, The afterneon wet silent • 9 Whelk In length, and 'la as Oen a* 2n. sow* quilt 01004.,e0Uld be dasireit. 'OroWtli has *MOW 'been P*, Ilter ll•A,YFIELDI, 'Mrs, J. 4 No3teS0, of " sPencling the wonderful. , of IststoW01 led' the ainsltlii the MOrning, 'rendered, hit 14Plieir Ot eth-, er 4,00. Ve0114ell, 1011 Xeres, and sumpler.nowers were Offectivelir ,orrang* 'ed. about the ehureh which:Vas Vied to OVerficsidrig both raortilng and erenindc 'sus eserr44 the. thhir rendered $ Ke.a �d ere. Tenn,' sks.it ale DOrothY elal selections and "the 'Men% quartette f The ' 11144°.° Trinity Chnrch. ;were 'Mast acceptably heard, 01 Thurso Choir held a '..re+rtY at the Rectory on isueceredul sumer ,Ionowing wilieh the ,R te "ii f the 'Uir" W 4 B I ... Y stVening„ when day :evening 'Ine .Y41Sine PeOPle W10-' 4 they .$01014164 blitlaiewitl" tO. the ._,, 04 r 4 rs, .. m. . ug er, rung PeqPie or Puircautrch Ke30141.t14, on the OVO of 'hi,* 4441rttire to Make fit ,ility.. Friends ',trent tAtehellp 'Pablins hiti Wine in Londo)u':. A beholt Of Moto. Thara.ei 'Road "and:VO'ineriaWK t 4.'aiiiir me ritc,, s. S. MeEweii were preaent. IVO" an addyeaa ant Mr. . S. ,Wid- 4, › ectrelbe psent�d Kr.:400eler viritil * ,HOre_kl*AV BE RE_ AufzED, _Smoker's ..,. untsinion.4., ,,Mr,,,:, ROM. IsSoknow sentinel:. cif_opes for a pro-. thanked the choir an expressed his vincial highway.froin nnlirsi westerly to 'pleasure in the,,,work /Ono a ;Member, tutowel, Illuevale; Winhain, Isidiciiow The evening wins -orient in games and --andtAxIdgrlen theTPleviater:IlitirimY in"irk' ,..ni— ' 'ii',.7 ii.:;..,:' ii4.-1.'i ' ' - ' i on Lake Huron Were Voiced In Wate,400 s s_ss-ssssvissar:743,,, #'ist ,'''sov.ossiosizaMe- Votionimty-visporassuneiv,i,tiree;entlanbrg Actentiut 14:ro:reecilvinosui ;:lienioieut747;41113;ientirs'im.d.64,°4:1:1_PoPtenzton17:17, higare staYing with the Misses Sterling, heiodeprtment to .take s . a , lceover - -this road as Part of the W0142104,1 system. Mr. Sara and Mary.,Nitidcombe visit. the-councirs-stand-sts-instesPingslwal, .-edrs-theirs-siaters--100,--Allans-Pie of 'views yoked at a number ef pulitte Windsor, on Sunday and Monday and meetings in the district within' the last NennethPand Arthur returned to Bay - pear, particularly: since the deportment field .to visit theM. took &for the Waterloo -lamb's 'County 141'ff.- M. Fraser of Fort ° William •.tioad as a provincial highwaY. ' aarned the Xt*, iP0 eesutss I alisi rigseLre,wisO.ThA.om0p..., PASSING OF MISS 0' . son: , . - • - Mrs. Chas. Wafters and Miss Eliza - Clinton News Record,: Many scatter- bath Walters, of Grand Rani ed all over this- province and, at greater . of are e. visiting withMrs-Lewis Thompson. distances will learn With regret of the Dr. and Mrs. Mrs.ri, W. G. Kink, fi D ,Passing of Ivilas .Margeret O'Neill which troit are at their cottage, King's eccurekinClinton, on Friday, for maw' Bluff. ., '- Of the men said Womerr. niii-'-'ii-eadhig ' 'Air.. C. G. --,Stijgdill- , Of - Tiiiiinti; families went through her capable hands Spent the week -end in Bayfield. as she taught on, the public School staff Mr. Frank Barclay, of Toronto here for years. She had been tp failing spent the ,week -end with his' friend, health for some time. The funeral tOok '1)11:-• .,311;.'llorria• • iMr. and Mrs.. E: W. Kende% Jr, of place on Monday afternoon frorh the ' Elmira, spent the week -end at the. home of (Miss Margaret Bay, which had home liflAlt. and Mrs. W. R. Jewett. been her home for iii,any years, to Clin- Amongst those occupying their cot- ton cemetery, the Rev. Dr. C. E. Deugan tages here are: Mrs: Suppnick and concluding the service at house and fation of Detroit, Dr. Tillman and graveside. family .of London, Dr. and Mrs. ANO'rlIER FRUIT PARASITE Alexander, of London, Dr. and Mrs. ERECTING OFFICE BUII...DING Aberhart, of Seaforth. Wingliam Advance -Times: We have Miss Ella Erwood, Mr. Tom Cox, l W a I k e r t 0 n lierald-'11ixaes: Mayor on display in our 'window a.brahen oL. a Mr, and Mrs. T. -IL Cox, of Toronto, c`lanipbell Grant has taken over the er- wild plumb tree that has fruit on it spent the week -end at the home of ection of the brick two-storey ..,office which matured to normal- site. The Pe- Mr. and Mrs. 'Tack Castle. building- on Durham Street next to culiar thing about this fruit is that al- Mt, Sid, Castle, of Stratford, visit - Crawford & sasassees, flour and feed though it was matured and fleshy dur- ed 'his mother, .Mrs. M. Castle; over store which was coininencesi by Mr. E. tng its growth It was attacked by some the week -end.• J. Skelton a short time ago. 14ayof parasite that removed the pulpy part of ,Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston and Grant purposes having up-to-date office ithe fruit, leaving the skin intact, which (porters on the ground floor with apart- -feels Plat like a bloWn up ball. ' 'The A ...-; Mrs. Chas. Parker spent the holiday ments"above. He will Occupy- one of the tree is on Andrew MeDinigal's property '-`1 - - .•-• . .....n N Y , 'where -Mi. Parker's offices. to carry on his legal practise and in the town plot and he told us when he - oirents settlea. and where he was another will be fitted up as ,a dental brought this sample in to our office that horn 76 years ago. They also called chamber for Dr. Geo. -C. Hind, who Pur- all the -fruit on the tree was similarly turning by &wale, on friends at Lancaster, N. Y., re- tooses moving to, the new quarters as affected. The tree in spring was hea-. Niagara Falls, 'soon as the building is completed. Hamilton and London. vily laden with blossoms and the fruit Majoy and Mrs. Bishop and family, tipparently cltOltiAltTY CHURCH ANNIVERSARY of_London, are occupying "The .Ccd- smatured uqite naturallyWe, „ . have heard , several reports of cherry ars." -20,-M'elk" Advocate: Rev* Wardiaw trees- being attacked by - a bag which Mr. and Mrs. A. D.. Barr, of Wind- causedthe fruit to grow long in shape sor,' are OciOying,MeNeil's cottage. , and have fibrous filling but in tit% case Mr, and Mrs. WillsBuChan and son the plums were normal' in shape and8willig, °f -PuArn ,blle,„ apent the week - size. . end 'at the home of 'Mrs. N. W. Woods. - Miss Ruth Fisher and Mr. Walter DEATH OF H. II. CANTELON ' Grierson, of Waterloo, visited with .Clinton •News Record' The death oes Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards. G. S. Atkinson and curred on Sunday of Hugh Hanley ban- Dr. and Mrs. ' telon, a man well known through all this family, of Exeter, are spending the district. He was the eldest son -of ' a summer in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs _Jim f pioneer, the late Adam Cantelon, lachl- Lend ' Ferguson,' ly known as "The Old Schoalmaster," on, spent the at the and he had spent all his life in the com- Ferguson. home of his 'Mother, Mrs. Margaret Moms no A PAST woit,ISER; • :Walkerton Verald 'times:, A *erkaluN*.e taeW beloqing to .111‘.: John Wynn., CM- ' Vession 16; -4-lovackish4 eteated-41alta..i -record; for ,proline snott4ctfon.,Within the past 12 months tins animal has gel, to three litters totalling DAY' - 'eight. baby porkers, over half of :Wadi were ratsed inatailty, s SOD .FISHING! :11sTorfac ,ObeerVer-r-IfikriseMorr and _ _sassits or ipiseeo, went: soass-llshhit on Monday. It was lucky day *for - Mike- The nit resulted the very surprising Oatsits of a complete- new- siishingsrodsand reel, with 410,-hIch. bass already 'On. the hook. while itis ncti . together a new thing. to hoc* a nabing rod, it is most =awns to mid a live fish on: the end of the line. . MANY AftPrIt *BMWS ''.41-4rerx ExPoeitor, The many Wend* 4,LVMara, Schster Ses.fortis. and •Oc*ItY WM. $141i Expositor in ex- tendIng eonarratulatloiss and hest Wisheo for ilaxiY baPPY returns of Monday, atilt 1st whenshe-celebrated her 65th bitthA AV. Mrs. Selater spent the Aar the lake in Ooderiebs'a4 on Tuesday al* ArAs at home to her _MAW" friends, who nitned-stosextend".vangratalagoha. • • . MOWN ,A.Ts. Milverton Sun: The members of the Milverton Fire Brigade attended the:an, nual. meet ot,Ontario west firemen held -_at-Goderieh-on-Mondoy,--rrhey-were7ae'.- componied by the Milverton band who „also took part in the, parade, which was one ortIthe finest held in years. Our bOYYS were tied_ tor first place in the res- cue race ,but lost out on ,the teal up and „„ war team they were awarded the. prize , EVE, EAR, 110013, of tie for this event. TAtti 'louse Surgeon New ,X0Cro %0,4, , • thalmleand Aural 'atolotaut at pe:sT 30 CENTS OFFERED $109 Moorefield'a Eye tuf,d Clolden • - spare 1%reat BesPital, Ondun, tug. Perth Expositor: An tmemnloYed car- „6,307ateriao_at,„Lj$:, stratford. ' Tele- Penter Ottawa purchased an,old water 207.- . --dolor,at Sale -for bealli;., and `Next. visit Thursday, July 1mm later was offered $100 for it by a tourist a a.m. to 11 P.n•L •• • from the united States. He refused the *offer and is going ie. hae the Picture' • TROVES valued by al expert. The slate 1860 ftp - pears On the back of the painting and J. W. ISCONTErffil. • . appears to be a scene in Ottawa. 'mg it THELED AMOUNTANT. it valued at only thirty cents the owner 269 Ontario, St., 1519 Star Beitlodinign t. will have hist 499.67, and will be kicking ,Stratford, Ont. Tc'ren ' hiinself, Here's hoping its value will be iL ARDS placed at 6509, and that the Carpenter will reap the benefit. HAYS & HAYS. ' Barrister* and, Selincl0F5.- a. C. Hays, K. C., and E. -Hays, BA Hamilton street, Goderich. • -.Telephone 98. IrCKELAS NAIRN. • Banister and Solicitor. Office; Hamilton St. Phone 512. FRANIC DOI•INIALitY, B. A. ' Barrister, Solicitor, Etc 'Phone 2,82s Hamilton St., Ooderich. pi It. POROVI. , Ate4:0514a VW_ 'EtA40 '410000t10, Ittitallni•-4 41'01°4 '1":434Of °Winch •preached two , , Office, The Scluate• utPuersi-u• :splendid sermons to -large congregations itione taNlte.r •Barriste; and Solicitor. LS3un- Life Bldg. Adelaide and' Vi.ctoria Streets. • 1TelePhone:, non, 5301 Toronto -4, CHIROPRACTIC DRUGu9SS PRACTITIONER. --OBMROPBACTOHA N•IDRUGLESS •SHERAPI1Err, GopeRare. ••••••••••,.....*PII „, EquiPped with electro -magnetic baths. .ElectronW electric treatment and, chiro- practic. Chronic, orgahie and nervous hours rgc .5* itrist-716- 8 p.nt-on -Tu.esdayl •-Friday and Saturday,.atrid.aon Wearies. dayLu-to-ie a.ra-only. Consultation may liad--hy-asppointment—MonclaY an Thursday at aiitchell. A. N. :ATICINKet, residene,e and office, corner of Soutli street' and Bri- tannia Road. Phone 341. . • ...... ..10.*•••••r•.•• AliCTIONEERING THOMA13--OUNDIOC-5s.-Sclit.... _ • ILI* Stock and General Attetienters. Eight' Ave., Coderkh. ts Sales Made everyWhere antt all -efforts made to lave you satisfaction. Partners' Sale Noteis diacotitited, PhOtto 110, s INSURANCE IttoN34401* httiltrukti TIRE Mang- ' *OP COMPANY: raga mcia 'GOA -viva Tont PRO- ' Plititnt 7.1161MX0. Value of property insured up to Jan- us:Y. MO, $3,3481115•00. Otor103E80,04.A„ Broadtoot, Sestforth, , Preeident; Connelly, tioderlch, Vice- Preeldent: Sesiforth, Mere- ' tary-Treasurer. DMINOTOBS-41ex. Bre...moot: Sea - forth U. R. 3; Jas, Shouldice, Walton ; 'WM. WWI, 11,0ndetibOrb; Oto. Lesnharat. l'itentOm. NO. It JO* Pepper, Brace, deldr Jas., ConnellY, OOderleht Alex, Blyth R. is. No. t; Tips. Sitoylan Seaforth 11(o. 5; Win. It &this - %ad. feettrotth';/(o. 4•4 sosOIVIS-10, 'Vet), U. 3, Clin- tm ISS, Watt, Blyth; nolo Mtge& diet Seaforth: John Uurrai, fiesiforth. 'Policyholders can their sweat - swots' at Calvin Ontt`i store, Oefticht - -Royal ,Olinton,,.. - ItTs. eld. ' • in Cremarty Presbyterian- church on Simday last, the oecasfon being the 70th •smniversary. (Rev. Jas. Reidie, the Min- ister, assisted at both services arid T. L: ' GET OUR PRICE 1 OX BAVETBOUG/IING IRON PIPE • _ AND FITTINGS GENERAL-BEZAlit ............... ' -:--CAR-L Irt,-, --WORSE , Phone -47'S -- ----rsears SC We can take.care of I your‘requirementif in FURNITURE Stoves, and in fact •anything. _for the WE POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY IVA BLACKSTONE the Breed Goderichs aserawassistsmonswisefisermak Miss Doris, accompanied by Mr. and Onljr it 1:**W' Os* 0 Laft---Mutty : thivin oreetut Jiine *I, 1030' Peunion ef. the old and their Mends of 0, 'tto.' 8, 441bOrne, .-ttvkifo*Oits-t: shespressait-schoolsgretinds, years after the forming of the Ann' acrioisOaNftion„ No. pi Oelootne. The do. 'vrsa pleasant, the .cinvid tier - lona,, Three hundred' Peepte, old time pipits, and their 'teamds„, -gathered and. renewed acquaintances° .of old school 47..s,, oOgnted LAitY-e_teht Otouto011ex -two-aingity OtAgglea,-two. suotorcyclen and ene batik. inunity, residing .in Ooderich township Mr. and Mrs, ChurChward and fam- until a few. years age, When he sold his ily, of London, are spending some • rain and purthased a tatialrer -eatitte in -time in -their cottage., Stanley, just over the river south of Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Baker, of town, who& he and his sister resided. Chatham, spent the week -end at the ,Heswas taken -to hospital -last week•fo hoair of Mr, and _Mrs. Fred _Baker, _ an operation .for appendielt but other•Iss Peggy Burt and Buuster and •Jr. R. Wheeler rutuumt Diltliteroil AND *11123.0.11111.11, ' ALSO Alial'OltottWit ill1311101 801332W1/0 All eikiiir promptly- stiendtd - ilwesise Sari jilt 2,511. 12, Colborne, iceording to 14104, Were May laOth. 1.557, icitne 'SUM, :twentYseiht pound.% 15 sblitings, JIhe It oa Which :the Present Seh001 haute, No: star, UAW, Was Perchaa- ed Irons rtaVid Nev. 1, 1870, for the burn ,rorty, moan( (2%14.00). ,AgreeMent, With SehOel teaelten.--We. the undersigned, trustees ef fis., No. 5, In the tOWniiiiiP of Colborne, by virtue of. the antliority*vested in Us by the Attn. 4144Use of the twelfth seetion of the UP, %ler Clariadit echoot Act Of tiS$0, have criceen 'Itichard 4femes. °who bolds a wood OW certificate -.ot ousuncation, to be: teacher said sehool section,` arid we do hereby ft:Ott:wet with and eats PloY Such tesseher at the rate of sixty nainids per :UM= from and atter the ssiate :hereof, and we further bhid .and Oblige oUrselVis% 'and our 'successors in officesisktillallYstgt employ the ...Powers With Which we are legally invested. by the saidssection of said Aet, to eollect o! the Old_PintSeers,teachersi said pa-sYs. thead-teiteher, - diving The or popils who hats pal on to tlAt la.ad eonthusenge of, this :eminent, the _sunk where we never grow -old, could haie for which Ave hereby become bound - Passed by Vie acbOolt what IP" Lts.44.1111.111,11.1.,bP, thejd •they would have got to see the change' cher, lyearly. And the said teaclier in the process tirae since they went hereby contracts tad binds himself tit) to the old log aehool. teach and conduct the ftehool, in said • The ta,blie were laden 'with dainty eat- school section, according to the. regula- ables. The ehildreis, girls and ladies, tions provided for by the said school act. were dressed in their 14ht aimtmer cos- This agreement to continue for one thnies:r ToTaily 3-1--f• WM-the slates hereof. forms to perfection. noticed several Given under our hands and seals this of the old No. 5 school bachelora from fket day et jantial7 One Thol,l/and the lake Shore road, with' fire in their Eight riundred altd,rifty-Eight. teoyzeuus 5wh?.?n they beheld the lovely female JAME'S DUSTOW, ALIMED IVIORMS, - -They - had a- rtine,..orograti ------HELIJAHAE-HORTON,...,:Trustem making, song, arid instrumental music. _ RICHARD HAWES, Teacher 1e.hoel Dustow, 79 years' Toil The oldest pupil present of the 'old ros ,Witness' TM:WAS age, who made' a fine sPeeoh.--iiid- sang that tine old Methodist".bYmn. "VA) "will never 'grow old over there," which • GRithUNDY. W Honors he sang so sweetly, and seemed to fit in • en Pgsg -Music ams iepstd, kiltst ,dey for 2. A•Siseekis .1*.e0 104.10* 140•. iSloYlosgs, SOO stickliseas„ -bod4. odor. ASla "yews. efees grocery or Central- Store, n '10 " CENTS PER 'PACKET' WHY: PAY, MORE? .11411a WILSCON121.1114U2447104*,p4(i. Saturday, .They intended return- ing on 'Filesatiy. Mr. Eldon Stoltz spent the week-'” holiday -at the -home -of -her pars ents. Miss Annie MeLeod of Toronto and_ Mi. R. McLeod., a _Stratford. were !holiday visitors with. their raother. and. Khas-lilieNell,._of_Tor____ lite Was a guest of Mr: Chas. .A.equith. Mr. Russel Armstrong, of London, spent the holiday vsith his mother. Mrs. Wm. Dobie and Miss Mary visited with Mr, and Mrs. Warner Andrewc Mr. a Mrs. Lengmanndon, were gues totroWii:-.41finking and . Mrs. Mugford.• • Prot G. E. Raithby, of the O. A. C. visited his father and sister, Mr. Geo. Itaithby and afm Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, of kltratford, (visited with Mr. Archie Robinson.• ' --Mr. -and Mrs. Jno, Yungblut, Cart and Vadeline and Keith Arthur, at- tensied the Yungblut family re- union at Tavistock onMonday. Mr. Geo. Pilgrim, who is in the memories back, and a tear ot sweet re- Bank at Forest, and laiss Vivian Me - Holiday Guests in Loc.al Homes. Knight, of Harriston called on friends imemorance ped from many an eye. who went to the old log school in the Nfinisters Ass Their here on Monday. New Duties Miss Jean Baker, of Wingham, is to the occasion, that it brought sweet •••••••••••40•moolowor. • ' The pupils present at this reunion, ctragu. est of Wis. Schultz and Miss sixties, were John Dustow, Joseph - Mc- - Cann, Williani Bogie (Red BIM. Jantes 1,. , AUBURN, JULY 3—Mrs Rellerv and Edward Foley (twins). They hadwe-r Mr. Walter Washington And Mies anu children of near Exeter, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ethel motored to London on Saturday their pictures taken. this old school to attend thi wedding of their couein gang, by R. R. Salloivs. H. Grover. • Miss Betty Asquith and Miss Vivi- Miss Vera Trick. I •noticed among the • crowd George an Straughan received word on Moii, Mr. W. II. Sheppard Reid and Joan sturdy from Goderich Township. Re day, that they had passed their AT. motored to Sarnia on Monday and C. M.. exams. with honors. were accompanied home' by Mr. and Miss Madeline Walden spent the Mrs. Ralph Knox, who will spend their vacation here. Mrs. Knox and . week -end with her Meter, Mrs, S. Mc- Clichey. Mrs. Sheppard are sisters. Mr, Jno. Yupgblut had the mis- . Mr. Jos. Miller has returned home, fortune to fall while clang grass alter working for several months on construction work at Ottawa. with a scythe on the Cs P. R. right of. tMr. Stanley Ball spent the week- way and almost severed the first fingers of his right hand; The injury end and.July 1st with his sister, Mrs• required several stitches. ' Mr. A. ' "Harold Stanbury, Goderich township. Kirconnel is taking hit place on the iMrs. IE. Killough has returned from Toronto. , section. Mrs. Jno. Clark left on Tuesday : Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and , for Goderich and intendod to leave family accompanied by Miss Sharpe, by moor with friends for Star eitY, motored to Parkhill on Salurday. Sask. on Wedneeday. , Mrs, 'VV'ilsan and the children esmain- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pels and little e•d for a visit. Victoria Pelz, of Preston, vieited C. Wilson will be held in Westfield The Induction Service for itev. H. . daughter, and Mrs:. Pete, Sr. and Miss over the wegk-end with Mrs. Jos. Ir. 1 church this (Thursday) evening. I went. to the old !school for five years ti.when he was a boy, but came too late to get into the picture of the old gang. He said he had a very warm place, in his heart, for the boys and 'girls of his old scthooi days at No.. 5, but was sorry to see so few o1. them left. He expressed his pleasure at being present and ivaa glad he came, though. late. ., Now, the present trustees; Alex, -Wat- son, Leslie Johnston and Andrew Bogie, did the grand and shotild be congratu- lated :mon the success of the old-time reunion, as they had provkied fairings for the. children, games for the sports and seats for the ladies, elderly men and lazy pupils. They ills() gave everyone preeent i ' OM Of lee„ cream and furnish- ed free ,drinka.aof lemonade. Perhaps a few vin and Mrs. Geo, Lawlor. Mrs. Fel; born Within a stone's throw of the old for. the summer montInk With Mr. II. i ke"her-"Now, 'Can any beY give Imo a sentence using the ward `dia- m wpm' THE MST T!,1 sehool by one of the natives who wati Mr. Lloyd Miller has been engagedt rec9"14' (4 14.9 914 'sr. 19 6 aster .of Mrs. Irvin.. log school would be of interest to the Mogridge. reader. ,Application to start a schocs Miss Ruth Robertson, of Goderich, tam?' Pupil—"People who drive careless- elvraet ;Ind:, toonthtehereezvtehofac:ibearnAep,rilRobit-i spent Sunday with her cousins, Miss I across railway traeks diadem Bt./ht. he yes-----tr -118K -by Alexander Jrnnand, Robertson- homestead._ ‘ Helen and John Robertson on the .137 fli t 4' 'quicker than those who stop, look and emolicationa-were discev6i a Buddy Burr, ef Lon on, are visiting . Iii-Selemotirs, at once rap est a , Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Heard, of Gode- Annand, Peter Robinson and Thomas rich and Russell Heard motored to Grundy. Windsor on SundaY, 'where they spent First sehool meeting of S. S. No. 5, Itw-ith: their gr_andpar_lt Peter Robinson and Thomas Cfrund7* family niotored to Windsor for the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratthby and 1 twos granted as follows: "This seventh holiday . day of May lir-the-year of oirr-Lord rie Miss Dorothy Burdette re- SHEBA WAS FIRST "In what reign,' asked the teacher turned with them for a visit. . Mr. Frank Ryan and . his sister of he s , Ar t . ,I,thousand eight hundred and fifty, -six. at r cla s "do We 8 hear of rail-- derich-, T.-WsWilisomsaSecretary, Rob- Rota Miss Edna Quit and -Mr. F. ways? "- s en. Ircvall1"4"twbb-lh-E strati. tuid Fred Baker - 7 _ Thin;-.1rown heave. Present, Alex. death ensued. Inc had been remarkabli 'active all his .life and op to his eighty- fourth year, having made a wonderful recovenr from a rather serious illnest a year ago. He. never monied but is sur- vived by two sisters, Miss Sarah, who -had itiw,ayslived-withiiim,-and Mrs. E. ,Ploody. of Toronto,, and three brothers, Arthur of 'Clinton, D. of Toronto, and Adam of Piapot, So.sk. A brother and at sister had predeceased him, Mrs.'David Oantelon of Clinton and William, who died in the West two years ago. He was connected -10th WeeleykArillis. church since coming to Ins- new home. me WAS a Conservative in politics: ASTIFteLD ASIEFIELD, JULY 3, -,,Miss Jean MacGregor, of Hamilton, le .the guest of her,cousin, Miss Annie .MacDonald. , nue it *Omsk& to by the WFST WAWANOSIii Artautemog setwiiheit au. Wad oleo: ' Atkerts tit GODER1014* Mil Mani*, • rtaistai, intworogit asi ithinAthiiititEr • Mr. Malcolm MacLennan, of Barrie, is home for the holidaYe. Miss Charlotte MacKenzie,. of To- ronto, is home for the holidays.. Miss Anna Mackenzie has returned to Toronto to take a atiramer course. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williams and little daughter were recent guests, of Mr. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and family, of Alberta, are visiting rela- tives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Norrnan Patterson, of Montreal, are spending a few weeks at the home of Mi. RobertDrennan Mr. and Ititrs• PhilipMaeGieor of and Mrs. Campbell, of-Ph'ilit-- delphia, are here Visitting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar and children, at Ethel, and: Miss Mary Ferguson, of Ilamiltoni Were visitors at the home Of Mrs. W. .Frsncie Mr. /CM ilifeekensie, °Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ilawes and children, were re., cent guests at the home of; Mr., :aloes Mores near Arthur, Misses Annie and Alice Brown, of etroitt motored to • Mr. Dorian orotes On Sunday. Their mother,. ):4 Brov, who has been Atte some week sii ;tried home .with Dominion Pity. Mrs.„Lorne Cook, of Hamiltoon, spentjhe week -end with her mother, Mrs. I... M. Day. _ Mr. and Mrs. D. (Prentice, of To:. ronto, were with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, over the week- end. sss . iMra. G. W. Woods Miss Anna Woods and Paul Crosby spent the weeksend with Mrs. IL G. E. Crosby, -at Mooretown. IMrs. Chas. Edwards, of Toronto, is spending the summer with Miss N. Ferguson. • • Miss Betty Rea n, of London, tent to Ilipperwash Beach on Monday, after having been the guest* of Miss Betty Gardiner for a few days. Miss Anne Dewar, of _Toronto is home for the summer vacation. Mee Betty Mustard and brothers, of Toronto, are spending he summer at their cottage. Miss Isabel Kirk left last week for her home in GIenvrorth. Both Miss Kirk and Miss Ferguson Lhave been re-engaged by the Public School Board for the nekt year, ,-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dyment and tWo daughters, 44 Pordson, Mich., spent the weeksend wiith Mrs. Dy- ment's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Tip. 1 Pe. I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. t, ampbell, of ILondorir Are occupying * cottage in Joviett's Grove. . . -.411.r; and Mrs., C. G. skew:thick.; et London, are occupying the Misses Rankin's dottagi -,Ws. 1 Dickson' Cisme and two daughters, of toridori,.-are-lti-orkr-of the Pearson tettages. Mr. and Mrs. Itilphs and Mrs. Italphs, Sr., of London, are in o cottage in Deer Lode. * Dr. ,and Mts. Murray -4- Pluck and - tied Children spent Tuesday night at I their totagor enroute to Ottawa. net midi for 'Ellen*" ' on gaturtISY. ..---.....,-..................... The Oil of Power .t is not elainied ..'"Ot. Tito:mar Vice -the 011-2tifit It iteilI tensedy eery in, but its uses are so vat, '1"-irittit'' 'WSW tic tooliWirpoif ' .gienersbw,usiu, killer. It ' has achieved that greatness for Nett and its excel, tete is known to all who Imre tested ' Kt virtues and learned bt slows:nog. dren and endanger tiler BreaAskople and 'efteettrs remostr is istetho Xtttertatuater, Colborne, held January ith, 1857, in the Maitland Hotel, Colborne, at a meeting of the freeholders and householders Ryan Sr., o nO», ca e on cousin. Mrs. C. M. Straiighan, on Monday. Mr. Elwin Anderson, of Hamilton, 'and 'Mrs. Thomas Anderson, of Gode- rich were holiday visitors at Mr. Jno. 'Houston's. -Mrs and Mrs. Wm. Strausser and Gladys, of Sebringville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Miss Benice and Mr; and ' Mrs. W. C. Robertson were in Goderich on Monday attending the Sclater family re -union, which celebrated M r s. *later's 85th -birthday. ' • - _Mr -and Mrs4.13ert liflyes spent the week -end withl friends heat Guelph. They reurned Tuesday evening. Mr. Keyes is now supplying as station master &t Limewood, while Len. Yungblut looks after the work at Auburn. On Tuesday of this, week Dr.- and Mrs. Mortimor, Miss Marion and Arthur left for their new home in Oakland. The same day Rev. Hugh O. Wilson, Mrs. Wilsori, their neles and a Mead, Mrs. Andrew, arrived. Dinner 'was aggyed in the bagemeitt for about twenty-five, including the workers. Tho truck was then load- ed syjth Dr. Mortimer's effects for the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allan, as - computed by Mr. Bob and Miss Betty Craig, motored. to Flint or 14 little girl, who was asked to think again, and, having thought, persist- ed in her osiginal statement. "Well, said the teacher, with a weiry sigh, "tell me why you Connect• . Iffair -ca" thit railways with the reign of Solomon.' lled Jerusalem quested to act • as secretary. Moved by qteettuse are told that the Queen of Sheba went to chair and Andrei/ Linklater was it with a very great train." - Joseph Strong, seconded by Hilary Hor- ton, snd unaniMously agreed, that -the Achool be a fret achool. Moved by Samuel Morris, seconded by Alex. Cireen that Jamea Dwitow appointed a school trustee, Carried, -Mond by Prince Morris, seconded by Jo, Strong, that Hilary Hort.511 be a trusts., Car - ried. Itecoad of meeting held at Oar -braid Hotel It& 21, 11857, it was decided by a majority of 11 vqtes to 5 that Mr. Juries Green's let be 'the new school site in preference to Robert Cammish's, and agreed to rent Alex. Green% house at a rental of 52,00 per month for three resmths, the same .to be used as a school house, until the new :school house be built. Buntline agreement: Between Hil- ary Horton and James Dustow, school trustees, arid James Linklater, carpens ter, wherelat the latter binds himself Co finish the schdol house situated on lot' *moo ood for Sale! The Towrb 'has a quantity of 1 good body hardwood direct from the Town Bush for sale at $3.00 per 'single cord of one -foot woed, delivered. Also a limited quantity of good body hardwood at $8.00 per full cord of our foot wood. Orders left at the Town Ban will be attended to. . Cash amid acomispaay Order. L. L. KNOX, ' Town Clerk. merowsiummis wamrsomminmewsetersouri AtillACEIVE ROOMS WitH $2.00 SILSO • $3.00 WITH RUNNING TATER Si.S0 51.75 SILO Don't. Suffer Any Longer , From Stomach Troubkis There. Is not one person <in. On thactilfees not at some time ot ether, suffer freti some feria of rtemlich trouble. It may be dyspepsia or indiges. tie*, seur stomach, gas in the Stomach, belching of gas, bilious. ness, flatulency, or the eating of toe muchlood hard to digests - TO get rid of these troubles we Inie're 'of nothing to surpass Third"oeklmoba )sittetio as it touts up the,atotnaeh, promotes perfoct -41gestionj-rielateslite"SoW44.,,iiiir ---restores heelthia-a.'etrimagtk to this ....:,„.debilitated,SYSteSst, • O'reis beide and tee he* gen it , will,correet.your stersaith treiblo.