The Goderich Star, 1935-07-04, Page 2ati
United Stater,,a2 ,
old and new sdfirsosto isiteuled • be
ven *hen ichwate
*Vested. eigstaMA1'ION14,41ete ,
t most or otir otibseribera prefer not
to inave their anhaerilitiOns itdercUPled
In caroe they fait to remit before ,expiro.
Wu. -Miles we ors netiiiert to 0404
:afisuMe the atthicriber wishea theser-
vice and will lend the 'PePer
tor-lat-limited lime. volkiterikttexo
alould be ntade by registered letter.
0moey 04t.wourdet. or''0hegu, Ii41,7181)10 at par 111
red IOW. 0; Kerr Stewart, -
041tor. gansger.
ones: DO' 14444W and $31,
TIMRSDAY„ JtfrAf igth, HO.
Canada is finIkerrd bat* da 01 funilutl','
I1* and llaPPY Oelelnations. -
le peculiar 'because in most tout..
tries"the day « equal or Similar signin-1
eatee is Usually one of solemn veremonY
remirdscent, too ottenor liberties hard-
ly wen f tOM ome OPPre8801':
Canada did not h*eto Wtn her
erties, at least not in 1887, If Coded;
eration had been achieved in 1837 as a
result of armed revolt, it is probable that
Oilman& �f our-obeervance „would be
'vastly different with ; many patriotic
bitter oppreisor aid of how we oVerefune
lilin In the intervening Years it Is safe
to say that the heinous nature of the
-rarrilly Compact would haVe-groWn.
swolieri out of recognitkit,1 just as the
• perfidious Red Coati have become syno-
nyms for toll that is evil and cowardly in
the land, to the south of us. *
It b probable that Ansarleans of 1776
as well at their British eonteMpOraries
Ivould- not recognize the modern pictures
of the latter if they were able to read
about them as described today.
-hdweve.x, has no heritage of
bitter memories'nor of glorious victories..
/kir lack of the latter we may be the
poorer but at least we ere the happier.
We have no one to hate and no one, to
. honor save those able and far visioned
men who brought .about the federation
of .the disunited peoPles from coast to
boast to- make a atate whjelt Pi'MnIses
wen for the future of the world:
It is this laaltef the need foi Partisan.
oratory 'which Makes 1t possible for our
• PeoPle to celebrate with fun and laugh-
ter Jam' annual recurrence of the day of
,eur creation as a, state.
teste---tovms traditiotrally excel othera
'in the 'preparation* they make for the
day. . ,Goderich •is one of these. or
many years it hes been the cilia= to
look to boderkh to do something MI*
_114:Ual. Oil DorthriOn Day. And the town
seldom Isla
This year Was not different from those
in the past, except axissibly, that it ex-
e4_1,-ti-J110st:Ahat -have :Ono
'the extent anO.ViirietY of the fare 00.
.ed. /tether) have never been here
before, or at least not in the recollection
Tot 'ord -Men. They pinved fine-cluurge
and welcome one from mans* Sitrao.
t4ous of formerieara, and 'these have at
thrice been of h1gh quality. Not .likelY
theii Wlil tomerogain th i long titne but
if they do it is safe to they 111 be
say ey
at is a happy circuinstance that Can.
• an Make.* happy day of, her n
MINCER iviARcilEas
em one end 01 Canada tO 'the Other
men Of the, fella cabana Ali 'On the
_ or,t.threatening-to.break otiL
'fliey• destribe themseke* MIliniger
Maher& but 01 Waite, they are not
1he; various -local governments
ba een to it that they ate Jstiffiekutly
fat. PrOvided they go into the camPt.
7:Iwo who 'will not. alma themselves of
Mt fealties of the tamk),i are ..fett byhe
Cititens at large.
It is,* terrible state for any mai to
he in and tit o impelling motive behind
the trinibbs, apart from the totruntmist
agitators* to lecic ,of an interesting omit.
Patten. 'Men.Willi 110thing•t0 dO, tope-
a1iyoung' Men, *1111 naturally joint
y movement. which* promise,5 ermstr:41
Most a theta probaby have no
ular totvietiont rtgarding Methods/
to better' the rzonomle with
_erayliAg, Afor,",*iti,tement,, wal fol.
emkr Bennett% restrained handling
--t teput*tt*xvbiat ans
bit 11* toe ot perhotual
*tilt*b1e Ke de it, 'cleat 'COI la*
In 4b*tbi
Salad* 400 '‘et Watl
Act wants ouvlittie d wt
14$441_419.014!1_ btni
instattees 01natiOna '101011. tEY, W*' 1O
sOlVe a1. insOlUble 'econenitO liroli1ell4 an 'porttetuilussnew we believe,in tntm
'IDUrepo oteina headed Oat 'Ivanow*X natiOnal relattelul WO registered'at
undoubted? ,ohe 'reason "why Italy * long Brandi On itiOndaY ;Where* ouD
trot Seeking' very' hardfor a ;41MM Of of American Army. orneera piesented the
bor Abbysimsn., troubles, OM *Old itjaht .gegiment, of Toronto, Olt in
Prder w Se n aid .10 :heronorni0 AMerican flag to, COriatAnte a Pert eirthe
difficultiea. '1eg1pientt COM. It the Irish 'Xiltkrs
Germany is one with her kthe Mot:. Went to war With An Arilerielar flag flit.
ter and if the fate of the VOrld, is arm- lug at their 1100, an ene:inl, *0014 ,Ini„.ve
ed eoralliet in theonext ;Vega, 00sons r did/gutty bi itriavring ,inst whOtItelt
acia might do worse than Isie the Orez.. were ilightint,"" •
erit difficultlea to build la defensive foto
which, may some 'day be extromelY use -
Death and the Intiming of *Wean
stow/ in Xteglika inditatea I WO*
,of ,mind Mont the, Sttikere
•Owing VOW.
not ChanIPtotr
aPPetai to
V'et be probobiy 4s,
as ,hho tine*
riummitris OM We .1341te: 1 -$1144 *4 a synipathY
ROME AS DOMINANT irwr-rdink, with irryotre(Loot, ,4ka
81 uzs*ftn1, Ir*re1-4`ai1lii7-eit"- keta-h144 ltiere 'AM*
liteme On Jane 'Ka satd: "Al We Sand
before the Veliseum, the Arch f.reon,
stantine, and. the Temple of Witifs,'-the
• anif.atisble government in„ Canada. 'The
'meri cannot hoop te win ber, mating de-
mands. It they ..bate:reasonable gifev-
a1IC� the Might to. be adjuated but dis-
wort elogOent . words ire tficse said :by Mier cantlet- he 01004
the monunientS ThAV M000t of'the
great Route which dornirrated the 'yea 03ehools stre llflallY cloeed fOr the sum -
by ier Annie" ancl her laWily and there *nor and,neWs oresigmLtiont ,or• te*v13-
°thing to prevent nit belie/int that Ow Of more 94Vanced'ase come in from
what area iiidetlny yesterdaY may 44,4lualtem'Zt Itinf.0, kno:ft 'bogto ot.
still be our destiny tomorrow' Thjal.these are Inspited from Toronto, but the
extract front one of 11 Mee% tt mova 18 a PM 94e; Yel4rig tea- ,eperche( throws 8.01ne light Oo .!el.lers are waiting tO step up 110, the
Italy's present', attitnde tOwards Abys- Places "which have been, occupied. by old-
9.1ner4errespaindent-....of.-thel_Pr.Ule44P4,41W01.,thent ,lioveearned
zondon Morning Post 'teleitroPhing the right to promotion., All honor to
those who have served:16)1g and :welt,
henor and& &tent, superannuation, but
It Isivell-to-giVe-the :tyoUngerinen- with
newer i4eas a chance, to fune.t.kin,
the date named 'above , observes;
, „
mow far sitmor Mussolini has, •
ready carried -out his -1925 plan for
the "organization' of the nation for
-....war" Is intafileiently realized in
Great Britain. The plan Was -to
change rtaly into a unified Oghting
machine, and, during-- the ten years
that have elansed it has stead-
iy Outhar the last ,ten
Weeks the plan has been speeded .up
on account of the at African situ-
ation. Several new decrees were
passed yesterday. By Ono of the
new decrees the *hole ettployed
popaistion of Italy has to be re-.
baud from Smtk at one o'clock on
�aturd*$ra In order to .Junderito.
m'n ”Ult 'The ).
"Politkal,., athletic. arid...._rincinalli
military instructio(c
eocial and aim
, (Tara *Leader) '
13o. plentitul are:potatoes aroma Erin,
Inois The Adtocate. that many. farmers
in tim distrket are offering the tubera to
anyone who will core and take illein
out Of their cellars,"while otherkare re-
eetving AA, xnuch As live -Cents a' -bag,
• vist Saturtio," the decteeemPlalaSo• ththeak' .. 'out. besPite the huge iftliPli*
There are :thousands a . bags . being.
is 4teniplitely different frmn the •
Saturday bait -holiday adapted ea a large "reagel*111. 'be Planted, and
•Marl have heal their early crop In the
other ePuntdes tor red _ ant tom,
fort.4 Hitherto 'the &Outdo half- azo-iiird *Mel Weeks, hoping to dig them
July 1st. •
. holldaY In nab" has been known is • _. •
an. ,"Finglisli igaturday.;" everyone .
I on stopping work at: \1- o'clock., on, —
Saturdays "trued place himailf ' at
the dbposai -ar "-r, reapectiveor- ' . (Simeoe- -Reformer) '
A town offteial lialepohited'ont to The
,gen4at a, the ,reirime for the
' *hove -Men' tloned purposes, which Bete:suer the imPortaner at- removing
4e*Yed and d
-orders' WZI organise, taking pre -
higher , ange.rola tree's frfan the
tonniell* thorotighfares. lie reports
the. Federal seeretarks, under
nitiii44,7, training inky accoutio, .. that recentlY *Or tree fell en Talbot Street
south, roaTowly missing a veranda on
A lonclist •of other decrees Of a simil, 1,414t, an want was playing. llown
larly war -like character Includes mie Worktien. &Are had, to rethOie a niaMber
dreithig a national 'fire ,brigade in place oftrees latelY and *aimed . InVarbirly
of the ,existing municipil and local bri-. over the PrOteat of the .adjacertt property
gades. In case of aQboiaatk)n_thit _fire limbers Who.ffidtat appreciate their .dan.
brigade. becomes subject to moaary dbl.' tier to. Persots and property, to say- troth-
cipline. Its role ' in theerent of aerial sinrLitClinginte, erituPtlejerriciry, etlheeeretritaishobe
nja '
Warfare is evident. . k warning in the stor4„ of a man who
RING OlinTHE OLD ' ' .,
. ,ftiterniged to Oil UP a looSe Vire ,*round
a pole in the Street to keep it out erthe
, RING IN THE 1.NEW ..Wiy of ebildren. The we was charp11
A worveorresporide
than most' actue '.bat*nts do For
one thing be IS4ahle to move 004 more,
linti *VW he 'Ilea good chance of living
longer.' On August mt. M.
N. 40fItio;14, so ite legs:us in 14* meui
oleo of 4 IOurnalkst!st ittv triont Every
whore, liutollinson.• ISO, hurriedlY
for *1011. was : a Voting nit* Ith0
;Mut been on the Datil' Vail bfkrel1r ten
MOntlsi. Two of Ina 4W/teepee had' to
rush off,
Pemberton .441 Atkinson both lived
out 'of %,aintion and could not hope to
get 41b.,000 before they 'left. , Atkinson
:had to croes, to Holland in silk hit and
tall -coat, luggagelers. remhertOn's
gage,was sr solitary aPare: Viliater*
acquired, -I-forget- from wheri7he
had been awry:nen-id to the '�, hut
That -isnot -a New Year wish, though
It sounds like ote.Itreters to the ring -
area a grievous stirprise _to 1104 igiat it
was tecessarY,- to _twist a rank every
time on made a PhOire Call and fur..
tiler sUrprke to learn that you had to
tdve Th another -twist- or 'tivirl'Ori the
ehiskin ot the ConVentation.' 'The OM -
Moil batter/ system .WOuld tainitely
more eenvenient to telephone eu.stoM-
eii•-iiid-*Inc-isicit itt that las lfl thla
mmiy #t-eustomea *esre abeent
from the MeMbersilip01 tbe ilefogen.
erten Club oil 1401141^ but -Others"had
tatttn their, plaees. People, both men
4 .women, gr',4* Old tracefulli itt
ts ,not easy to derlY the lanperor 01
AhAihiteA the Atht to defend ariorstli
frOm attareic-; ataird IS leitkat.�re
asks, "Who In the aggressor betor and
the answer ,appears to be !Italy.* If we
tannot do much to prevent Ztslin Ogres
12* &bs8inbM o lve*.
Wattle t 44. Olga' *tt*rr�e bas
Initd4 ti* tounukt* a the
'Steil-6On) Ihe
1oiinethalf m ter atitalr,
tok' those*, 'Tat' 1irs.,pou4t.
• With electritel potential and he was
electrotage.d.- Otiitens .shOUld never
touch fallen 'wires, as they May be flan-,
geroUSE •
urry;.*e proceed-
General 1eadqusrteLA In Corridor%
itat.down and grirmed,at
A . • I
• Many
tbilea France 'Mr.: jelIrtes 'ad
Minta.that be nuKte use Of Belgian
'"Ortire tie tower Passer": -
It was 'algae& 'by pie-1411sta at War,
y4, this title, that Is, *without surname
or. olookgozt of nationality, Since its
brief fortoula. Wit* in the Preach lan-
guage, I . to reason 'why it should
not be respected by Military
POliCo, /entries, 018cerft, or other* *nor-
-arif of that tongue... So it was indeed„
as I.41M sure surviving provost-olarshals
(if ony) will be Oad to learn,
"Veilt Sir OM!"
But one of his dolleagues, 'Douglas
Crawford, did better than tris. PatlY
on War, at some 'hamlet he pro-
:the---splendik-possport of those
timetti, a parchment approaching a foot
he had been Pnwhtit rceea ahtait and -a lialf long. crowned- vdth Ara -
lo do so, VrobahlY. 'though, roee-Prun- posing mai escutcheon; and under tlab,
-asi,Wwitmecesti:Thenoi ,wou14. Pi!so .140e,roehred..
The Officer's Monocle
dOorrnel. Liege Ifs 1s Mr tjePlIfe0rt awePurant t°'"
ah4tie luek was to be on the spot Just
alter the ilrat German *Meer was cap-
tured. Ur. Jeffries himself the.
hands of some Belgian Tsoldiers VIM
thought as a. spy, when fOrtunatelY
their officer arrived with Ws prisoper;-'
OerMall officer had been Isolated,
and had fought with hia back to a tree,
defending hitaself With his sabre" till he
was surinurided-and --received-a-disabling-
, , _
wound in the arm. It was A Infraele
that we did not, litn in the filling
/*kV" saki_ the_ Belgian offieer, betray -
Ing 'the -huntsnitY
race.. . was brave,' ',Continued
Borchardt,' `tad when we got lam we
saw . that he had his monocle dill firmlY.
fixed fn. SIS eye. He had. worn it right
through, our little combat."'
In his despatels to WS paper Mr. Jef-
fries' naturally mentioned this monocle
as deserving of record: -
Bet the censor thought otheriise. .
Later, in Brussels, r asked ttils censor
why he had struck .out the reference.
,Was the appetite' not clear in the eonv
Premed ,iecartext? Quito clear, • answered
the °Metall the meaning Was underetood
Immediately, "Why did you strike
out then?" X repeated.: 'Well," said he,
'ill- gavel an impression. at; once that -the
Germans Were courageous!" go, as r
have salt a,Staudard.was set wirith
fortunatelrluted for Meet eit the war!
, The Germane Arrive.
fLater, in "ranee, Mr. Jefftlea 'taw. t,he
Germans. entering. Compiegne, lees ttaia
MO' Malta fnam Perla. With bla 'ear
handn,. .Waited near the deserted
%town ''artlY ',recently- evacuated. by, the
TowardSA# o'clock: the - •Germana
,eatite In eiglic. Welty in close fonna-
tiot, .1;10re...stirrup by stirrup, a flood of
them, &rat Covered so that they! were
diefilult deititguish, and at trot X
'thought that they were Sorter of otir Own
dropout. '1` 114' came Stemilly tOWerds
the bract bridge • aleaviet eoianits of
dust rose behind them; from starehing
,cOlurans, presumably but the evening.
was alnomaching end it was noti'easy to
distIngubli Very mueh owing to thedust.
X. 'waited. till .they were abeut four
hundred . yards away, and then. thought
1 r 40,44 stay to ionger, /Wt.:Chad
awslItneeSein 4.,:cienenth4taslotme.notode, Oh*.
Ilefore he left • CoMplegne he was
faced .witir ptobleirr. The* hotel burial,
esti,. who stayed -on, taine-tO,111111 i4
explodned that sate member! of the Uri.
tish- Staff bad left -behind -41'-$1.1it=eakee,;'
isk •-
T. tried to open it, but could riot.
Short11,1 leave It behind or takejlt 'with
Me? Wist ar- dedisfori. I
e4 is1 144 001" not -assoelate- 0.•
00-ra deoartUre With
4--tilter --Vout te., -IL Q*ndot
to leave belotghtgs of itripertairce
6etgoit, bid beat not meddle. rt
might well be that 04 'ilia* A illSey that
thirooture, of the, suit -ease and -its tet-
atninatkat the- Germans 'sras desired.
.1 told this to the ,iihinager, and lie put
it boor whe;e foUtut It
Whit himpetiedr to It nobody will evert
A ./liarf -Tina SoseetelINI
Ur, 4'6M/ea own Itirablet ooni-
Veil* * brilliant piece a bluff; At
that timetorreepornients Were ttheolUte':
ly banned by the Britt*, Oren Ma' the.
fringe .of the Itor "bite. tot Mr. jet-
(0wen Sound StuiLiibitis)
- Last vieekr-aerr-..oweri---sound-I-bushiess
Mau Wanted to ate topy of 'the-.0nu
*to ..gaitetite41AheConicial ,publicition. 1.
sued by the Ontath Government The
tioitttto Is the ,paper in Which all ofdclail
notices such,as tax ;Sales, etc,. are print.
_ busliniet -Man 'iftsited =or tis la*
offices, iri 10Wit in -the belief; that the
la'WYers • *Mild be Mire cop 0!
the `puttilosition:- ire WM iiiisneeesablizi
locating A. Singlki.VOPY, Otlitr
offiees Were NiSited, but tt was not ,until-
drcppt4 Into the iSoly; Stui4inies of-
fice that, he soured * tom :Very OM
‘pleir are citeulated and feateraattili Are
reed., The experience. Of thitsyhosineta
iatati altos* the worthletshest 01 thia
pub) *WA 5 * 4or pinclal
riotitts, The 1ubUc Won** served
'doh better if the I:WT*4nd weekly
**paper were ibed for placing govern,
adifertiting, rather then keel)ling
alt eX,PenSiWit 1)0116140n WW1 aPt
PortiltlY,no one reactk
W110, IS I* *ITE 1O1tS
Ansmelid rest)
there tie -statement -lit Itris
Patttutlo'S message to the people aCan,
oda that-oboulet eltillertged-at,40a*4
He stye« _
,m041 .rittuir ortmiO4 1 h* pointed
Mit that pritiate iteldesiVer
O'th aa It
an in the re41nOIOYmeri
hot. Al
The litritialt Columbia pi *5111*
me tiosein:. -to thoienlproyfintetirOresilisetnort onartso,
tbou toraiip Ito Shows dont oit
in hien his
10 inch.-bigh, letter*: toPPIng the test. the
opening settence. ,* riir Edward
COY," 'The effectwas beyond expecta-
tion. The village eeigniory With awed
osre'4 took their hats. off and bowed low
to Crawford, while through their ranks
'ran an 'excited minium, eof "Sir Grey!
Vest. Sir AtIrey1" •
'ith:W tra-
dition itt the,little place that at the Ou-
zo at the EurOpettlo. War -there passed
tnroush it itpolil some strange,: high er-
rand in a disguised oar the statesman
who then was ruminating uncertaitly irt
Erren this,- however, is beaten by the
eXplcdt of' Allan Upward, who was in
Brussels when the Gennans entered.
,a_t_d_ay he deckled lo walk out of the
city, . For this.lie donneil-of all things
scoutmaster's untform, almost ask-
ing to be interned!
But the dtv1e eccentricity which led
Wan to use such a costume actually, sav-
ed hini When be reached the final
German -post' an the outskirts a Brus-
sels tile officer in charge, seated on
horseback to eremite deputizes like a
traffleisaliceinah, 'burst ipto , roam of
laughter at the eight, of -the bearded man
dressed like- a. small. boy., . The _dress -aa
I stsy, was not universal twenty years
ago. Ile , waxed,. the apparition gaily
forward, Without demanding papers or
anAhingat is possible that he had
been lunching well, relebrating
torY). "Oook• 'Upward struck me as just
.trifie -dissatisfled with the manner of
his escape. • .
Mr. Churchill in Charge
• Durjng the hurried retrzat from Ant-
werp, kr. Jeffries came upon a terrible
• block b the road --ars, horses, ambliL
lances, pedestrians, all hopelessly mixed
Up together. There was no one to, dis-
ijet' the 40,1fUs1tip 'Until a Mati •deesaea._
1.4,•101, flow4it0tok, ittnl,Pett'rOnt s cag
auk hoisted himself upon sonie point (if
vantage: -
There was purpose in his ge.sturesamd
power in his voice, and under lib direc-
tion cats end carts were unlocked from
each other; and the trend gradually
setted into etreanis. The car in which
Was fell Into its Own channel and went
Past With tho Others, but as I looked
back 1* was still et his *pest, noted like
watehinir.4111 the order he had
treated was lrestalled with durable mora-,
eritum. /t Was Mr. Winston Churchill.
• But r, ,reffrie% mention of, this Itt
cident hi his telegraan was deleted by
the Jordon cerslorsi
After witnessing the exodus from Ant-
werp, Mr. *Jeffries slipped over to llo:1-
•lancL From the trontler-1*-savt the
Germans PtePaling to hoist their flag' houses were full for the day. Some of
dn the -last lards- of ecalqUerd- Belgian' the -bands ccreiln in motor-ivicWi
td"1tts7„ filen ,., tan
Marshall; the Piss photographer, that
was deternated to be preSent at this
ceretiony,- so hematte a OW detour.
Pt -over -two betigter and re*entertd-Irel
Isofssi hisTatrig Vormioas of --Ss44 atak
water. After OA aqua* akelkliarbt into
11/4 cps of ifortmittitti IOW iind die juke
af#Ividl MI COolelatr with cola W4Aer. DO Pot
vottaii-ittltar#14*.liciald Williatallo_e_
know what the nerve-racldng 'life a a berne and West streetS. '.11101i4re4s ,to-Oii
war' ornsPandeat is really like should advantage of tite opportunity to enjoy
read this bookthemselves until the early hours of
.• morning. . .
Shoats and laughter., echoed 'until long
after midnight as the last' of the:Weary
rbut aPparentlY haPPY parties litany .....
!wended tliiir way- tii 'their -respeetive-
hontes. •
(airtWried-ftora page 1)
The whole 01 the Groderloh hrigade
with hook, and ladder, trucks 'and hose
Fagots, brought up the rear save for
the calithumpians.
These were of exceptienal, merit and
were headed by a float from "Birciseye
Centre representing the- Dionne hospi-
tal. This- brought -howls of laughter
Voln -the --crowds-as-- the five lezious.
babes, Swung in baskets at the end of
poles fixed onto the spokes of a wheel.
Grandfather showered them with fiytox
wlile his grandsMx milked a giraffe lab-
elled "goat" to keep them in. nourish-
ment. As_tbe _wheel revolved the chil-
dren got their cohstant
The quintuplets were represented by,
'no fewer than four of the calithumPians
and even Dr. Dafoe was seen in the par-
ade. One decorated, _bicycle, to . which
was affixed a representation of a canoe,
was considered splendid. A Bcotehman
with a Collie dog also drew atientikon.
The parade proceeded around the
Square to South Street where it headed
which drove along the sidewalks, which
• for the park, followea4by most of the
crowd. All of the parade went once
around the track it the park and finally
dispersed but it aitracted .some two
thmisancl „people in Its wake.
'rhe • Stands were 'fairly full. although
'zany of the crowd went over to watch
the baseball game.b.etween Lueknow and
Goderich, a feature which was raoved
• from"Lueknow at the last moment- to add
to the attractions of the day.
Burlington Brigade •
Itt the park the Judging was quiCkly
over and the crcivi/d devoted their atten-
tion to the exceptionally smart drill , of
the Burlitgton Fire Brigade.
That these men must have been long
in training was the opinion loudly ex-
pressed by many as they performed
innutterable evolutions reminiscent of
the •best in- professional performers. They
• whiel4d, 'tattled *mares, triangles, stars
and inarthed in echelon and Other for-
mations, every man keeping exact place,'
lime and distance.
They earned many rounds of applause
frain an enthusiastic audience.'
•I. A warm sun made efforts in front ef
the stands somewhat trying but every-
one went at his part with a vim and
events followed each other with fine
regularity. saving,.anci two
or three bands playing., together vvith
;the passing of many uniforms, then
ecrearn of the sirens, end the bark of
pistols starting, races- made a colorful
scene whith did not end until the final
of the !ball game at 'nfarly six
The crowds streamed downtown for
;their suppers and hotels and rooming •
Trani:portal Beer Which' Others-
- Had Stolon—Grantillend
Allowed Off—Rubber Cheque
Costs $9.
Wilfrid Graham, Goderich U114 'driv-
er, will spend the next thirty days In
jail as a result of having been found
gjIty of having transported beer, which
he knew to have been stolen, to the
hot& Of-biat-of the- nielirItTed--tittl-1,:-
'child; who s6ole it.
Three other men r Weis
and Beattie, .are Already in reformatory
as a result Of their participation in the
• Ali three claimed that Graham knew
the circumstances and that he had par-
taken of the bee:r. Grialiana claimed
that while he was in the beverage room
of the Bedford Hotel, en gay 7th, ithe
day Of the theft, he knew nothing about
tbe matter except that lie was asked to
drive one of the men; aliegedi to have
been drunk, to his home,
• .Arrived there the beer Was produced
but Graham insisted that he did not
drink any, going on . at mice to his own
home. 'His family testified that he had
*remained at home for the evening_
-Graham was, arrested and placed inthe
local jail here, where, he claimed, he
everheard a plot by two a thetiotherof-
fenders, to triplicate him in the theft.
• Magistrate letakttis, after some days'
corisideration of the ease, found him
guilty but dismisSed a second charge of
bree,khig and enterizz for lank of evi-
Gordon Veiclenum. cf Cre,nd Bend,
charged ilth having -entered a cottage
Grand Bend last December and with
having ta3en-,Senit:00th1hEatO1t1tehen
utensils therefrom Vias'..,allowed suspend-
ed- .senterice, cle,firring to have been
2 drunk when the offence was, cianreitted.
Teideman had his -home brew permit
taken away front Win. It was pointed
out that he had. just started to work and
that he had a wife and fear children.
O'Hara was found: guilty of hav-
ing passed a worthless cheque en W. W.
Crosier, Seaforth merchant, <The am-
ount was $1.25 and his batik account
carried only eight cents at the time., Re-
litit tailor*. Were Ott the -point .ot
hoiSting the !lag, I' came right up •to
,them, the allurement of the situation
getting 111011) and More told of me till 1
telt -obliged 40 toueli-41* flagstaff with
-An& thert X -perte.tVect Afar.< around ba-Alrparrillen; -
$ II, eyes exotbited but Ws whole IA -the -evening dewing was tarried on
'4304 Instinet With ,thist trio motion; On a platforra 011 the Square with an
lesetess *Mel* marks the tite photoorchestra in atteriderick a platform
araphel in a. oasisnig camera was befog laid on the Street between Col-
leVelled from point of Vantage on the,
verge of the .barbed-wIre, ready to re.;
cord the scene That was spleridid.
had not. thought of It photograph. • It
livOidd he betterby far then the mutest
deattiptten in a te1graxn R�w,admlt
One large bus, rnade these their head*
quarters and secured their recalls also
from them : Most of the visitors, how-
ever, picknicked, and riot In a long tithe
have;so 1Ti3' Imatir.. 0ltbW1Uduiicbjng
'Met been seen in town. Every
al,le POirit'froni which- viea.f-ortho lake
is obtainable had its quota of cars and
of jolly crowds 'preparing their evening
Meal. The Meter tamp was filled to its
limit. as wits*the lake front all the Way
fries had 401 ,frapoisint.looking, etr, awl Ably yoik.tait flout with a: phatOgraPh
with lit te1lott:00 ititrove loth* ficor,„ not atiP.I.tritaatit *Ord "011!th, piMet
bit up to the Wet Where G f. Q. was ZeTioroti*
And this photograPik13 reprodueed itt
We -040404 and; X Walked Wahl his
trugIxark. The text ptoblein Was to ,get
t, :Ole Proper 14 a 10.-Iet uttemorti, baek Into Iloliand again;, itikW thst
past groups a orderlies, end * fete very th.o. chriun oftttet. *v. ban* to the
Worn4., Staff officer* gathered 0* Vateh captain at .the hatbed-wire bar,
t:tie'etra.orkbelnik 11t'ir(HAtetai"dut101wuh..b014t,:ritrksi noted him X .catritht sight*'o'f'irty
Jot, the ,.0u8tetris,:,' by. ,,tlofficer'S
4 goresninent interventlett itt bud* title, Tie gave ine * thence and made a
10, fle.t 0.AllsZfr t4airlieeiani:i;roetA4411$111erklYCLIrfiltursGeldillinrlineseattereregi
Store..41 1
• . 4117 MoigetoR
iiees, mflhIo#tj $n *114 ,"011 .11.E.41
- -
SAO -ndolliOtt /totem**
* *AO, thing
fed by de,
• And in
Om which Intimated '.(let back itt
sway."1 sUppecttoto the
41*- !*rivk
at the
Mita. Was turnotti
tinged in *
few *ton& votmd tbe fornebetis, and
over 14* fist hedge., 41 view o!t
irsa covered from the Gerifisin -Meer by
the hUildinga. A ft* pude Wen', Me
Itt the open. 1 VP over -the latcdird
X was back In MOW.
Th,itteonall. /Wet had noticed Ur.
eie and bad betel trAng "to lina
bent* timing hint
Disco is th6 POPuiar fuel that a 4111i46f of our
customers have been waiting for and we have been sue-.
cessful in getting another car. It is as good a suannet
fue1 as it is for.winter heating. Disco is a -coke differing
r from others as it has the gas left in it, therefore, More
'heat units. • -"
• Wirt' yoWrequire morefuel, order a small quantity
,bf Disco and give it'a trial. • •
For Paints, Oils, yarnishesi Shelf and General Hod-
-wark-Plumbingc 'litating-and-Tinstriithingylive lawa t..111•Ji.°
All work promptly attended' to and fully guara,t4ed.
arrhea **a Dysentery do nt ne.i to run for
aay Ieagtk ot time n.til the
flebiIitated, Pew other diseases so quitkly
netlittio.st4rnenagtohotannatouotpbriutt *Witt * ,e0adit10*
Never I,e without p bottleof Xit'lrolvlerte r.xtratt
of Wilt etta*
elfeitire thee ettl, but
at the mom *Oat 11 oot _trotipt, an t .
let's** '