HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-07-04, Page 1•
Irmo, Have Many Attractive Floats
,InterestingEvents-Afternoon : Pr
AtiritultUral ark -Dancing on The
The Evening .
W1iat Is.-gerkerallyt .coneeded,...to:.'have
74.3e0,0 the 'beat, Ole noili*Sk the. most col,.
the tatt,tt Interesting, the most en-
joyable Dominion .Deit eeleheeti9n5
Otelerichelaste had in manY ?years, eatne
.to in 'end late Monday nlght last when
the last Motor van, the litee truck and
;the led motor ear left Own, Several
.otherauperlatfvee were heard, 'during the
The town WOnt•t0,,bed, sated with it,s
:mile. long parade, its full afternoon of
must* (to' local people) evente at the
...Agricultural •Park, not tomeatiett the
'baseball...Slue and the collapse of the
'band 'stand In leant IA the track when
the band viain-ftill:ory. •
' Tat- vat11932t0
Seecorated Autos, and Ploats-4The
'OorleriCh 1-1Ortiolturai Soc1ety4- Victoria
.Xlemeeend -.School Club; Wrne Syneoncle*e
Fleestone tirekt F. Overholt... "
thik, tletritt .rfrnee *DisplaYa4Clederieit
Manurg Co.; ponion,,t.tead *0211197
Co.; J. E.'litickinS .14, -Sona: Ariperial Qil
Co, '
'Decorated .11'ettir.
0,10nni HOSpital
(Harry MeOreeistli)e Central Home and
School „Club;, - the, ,01,onne 'Frame. (Jean
'Elliott and, Gladys .marriint)i. lYtaj'Ae Leaf.
. X. O. D. 0441 ocit0e, Mias
Norah .0oistello and 14r,- Gordon . Mc -
Manes). - • ,
Best Dressed Fire Brigade-4nm Wing-
ham Brigade tinder Oinfef A, E. :Luttit.
Events' started early with a constant
stream of motor cars entering -Verne lOng 1
• .
before jereakfaet, The fire .toniPanles,
raembira ot the Western Ontario' Fire-,
n's A88°441611., ;came In with 'their
bands all morning atid..Innickly spread
themselves* out „aver the, town, 'rhe
toutre-Was 1?ePed:kOttlii:Ofi4111FItere-
Perm1tted to enter. all day save' those
which drove along the sidewalks, which
ee few did'. These were" quickly chased
- -oft
The children's sports occupied' more
than two hours, starting at lo a.ra.
The:..,e are reported in full elsewhere.
The parade, which usiratly occurs in
the morning, was scheduled Jor 1.30 p.m.
, to give time for the late comers of the
firenien's„companies to , get into line.
The cOmpani'es and the floats and the
calithumplane were grouped in the area
close to Victoria Park -and along the,
adjoning streets.
The committee headed by Lt. Col: A.
P. Sturdy and -Mr. Harry -*Sturdy+ mare=
ehalled the apparently ditorganized
clutter of -vehicles into line and "Soon
•after 1.30 the parade 'started.. It pro-
-ceededetoethe =Squart--by: way of -Victoria
street arid Kingston street.
The Start. -
,•brl .4e$-: and -II) e,decorated TOad. 4.q.110r:
of the Dethilide,if Udall *eithtery anise
_ .
aleeee eeelk*ed ;byJ,i,,s,E,i_goLeionez,-,14p4
-Sian* fine .new (Misfit: •
The smart Outiit of the Wellington
Bregade was fe11owi4.by several Im-
perlal .011
cars aiict ;the IfinOver Pre
Department came lating. 'with, one of,
their hose trucks in attendance,
The Victoria Home and Schooi Club
hOwer04 in buntlng and 'tiorters was
Mich admiref.i attraction. : After thorn
came the'1034h band and iire depart-
ment: and the 1001404 Manufacturing
comPtinr .supplied truele • load. of
shingles and a huge lead Otloge,
The Oilrl of P.10PlOes .eebeeci 40.‘Yo
the street as the Oiniton..PiperS swung
onto the 'Square, heading the „Clinton
fire department. Thesis- got sPeOai ate,
'11.Se,frem the Melee people of Scotch
descent along the rOUte.--. The: eomParkik
46;74 Elmr 140 leoota:t4e, 4eniot of
the Xlitlea paying *Sid the Goderieli
Manufacturing ,004111.1' and J. • C.
Otitt*s ,deootated dower/ ilalooft came
along: The forniStr., 1,1 OW 4'4- eight
loaded truck g and lOrilaa 40th fine "spat*
• honsee and made.. s Iavorable:•impres-
sion among- theeelghteeerie. .
The-Wingliani fire litidies **de a fine
'sig14 with White :tibias* and hats on
their ,bandand eneert untfereas. on ,their
men. Kincardine tese was 'weliilup In
the -standing for emiretness. ,
, The Central Home' and, School Club
I with the little Old red .sehoel house and
several members ticalltrig their youth
',With old *School soup •was loudly !lc -
claimed. 7 . •
The woillOgtoo. town 4)104 andfire
department next lipeehi sight, followed
by the fiat; of Of St0.4110i Hor-ticultur-
soeletY, a *bower t eyegre.toppe4
,with showers 61 •
-Tavistock tmvn .band and its•:•••firemen
made a brave showing under Fire Chief
Baechler, the secretary of the Associa*
tion and the moving epirit in the pro-
posals to bring the brigades here.
The Bridal Party -
Representing the Maple Leaf Chapter
I.O.D.E., came an ancient bridal car-.
riage, drawn by_two white horses. Seat-
ed in the open was the blushing 'bride,
Miss Norah Costello, and the groom, Mr.
Gordon NIcilanus. Two little Siemer
girls, Misses- Elizabeth Taylor and. Mar-
jorie Hays, occupied the trent seat.- The
lovely bride was beautifully gowned in
white lace and orange blossoms while
the embarra:ssed groom doffed his silk
topper to the applause.
Baden was represented by thefr band
and by their lire department and were'
-closely--followed breTeetwater ecnirr
band,' playing the Teeswater brigade
A gasp of horror, fo11oWe4
gale's of laughter Went Up aa the,
ban4. tand neAseietiltitral Park
"fti front of the. main stands sud.
denly .collapsed on Monday* after: •
no9rk in the nodieof s selection •
.the Ciodericie bind.
Zt loeleed at lirst AS If'ettne ot
Nee stores sef loople standing. on
. the. stand-raitat_be_in,_
Jure -d but-,thi,first eeesee/M--g. 'el -the-
. platform gave warning in time or
WtW oLZie way On
g1 n the.etelee was turned. com„,
pletely upside. down; othershad
skinned shins and slight bruises
although no one could . telt- 14,Lerk
they recel`vecl. them.
Bandmaster fluckins had just -
got his men intothe swing op a
smart band tune when:a sudden
crack gave Warning., _ate
,caught hold of his neighbor as the
stand swayed and settled. The
band at 'once struck up -again as
At was seen that no one was „in-
. lured and 30 averted any seine
blance of panic.. "
We haVetheeirtiTini'to-id:::the-,
Stand fleece for a. long eime," sal&
one Of the bandsman. "If this
had _happened at "a race* meet,
some orie would have been serious-
ly injured as many childeen and
others crawl under„ the stand to
get out or the way of the horses."
Summer Tournament of Alio Goderic
Clulfat Hotel Sunset is a Marked SUCC0
rmer Winners Pail toQualify- Seve
Prizes Remain inoderic
. _ A Ile o Iiikritts_m_
Otherf 'Arent* "
Owes of; men have started on the
work of renovating the outside of the
court house as svittherized by the County
Council in la,,-q-m.onth's, session. •
-Mr, B. C. Mtinnings• Is supervising the
Job ,,and caulking and replacing worn
and rotted woodwork, was the first to be
undertaken. It is expected that scat -
'folding will be erected all around the
building and that ' this will serve all
trade...11173n, peinters, glaziers and car-
*fo,rod n'ged
Alla one 21, son of
eChee, 1,4.s.tedeetelt. Prem.1404_40.10#4
sident, OW in Seaferth hoepitig at pat,
after having reeetved, eVeUnsle Irene
ebuteher irtreifeelnetneehlendieetf his sister,
Mise Mildred..
Vfacdonelle :Whowas, one of the beat
known characters 1 Huron County,
Came home 114 Saturday emilligt 10 an,
intoldcated” conchtion. He *neg.. ,ed. to
have attacked Its mother 'while his
ters, Nethired and Ms. Edna Labghtorie
-went to her asaistanee. The father,
Chat. Mesedettell Was not In the home
13:y Sortie' Means. severe wounds Were
inflicted on Ma0(10441. • On his light
00iilder and the ()thee aelering sit ten -
dans and arteries in his r*:lit
Dr. Collier of Honig' was cal/0d at
once, but; ht.odect4ed.-3b4-400-4141441
treatment was indielkted
Re rushed the-10VACrnan lo fileafOrth..,
where; in consultation
of Worth_ and
immediate operation was deced liPon. I
• Maedonell mirvieted, retielf but .
failed -to rouse limn the and died
Soon' after,:
• No charges, been an in- ,
qUest was ordered by pr. Burrows, '
Huron. County coroner. is will be
held on Friday - of this Wesiikt .
Great sympathy is f4lt the family:
who among the in the
county. MreeWeil* a sister
ofthe late County Dickson of
Deceased was a Man ofiinbre than or-
dinary strength. Last srai*:be celebrat-
ed the victory Of the Hepburn forces at
the June election by journOS, toZur
tch where he wrecked lta*C•among all,
Conservative /supporters- ev*eim he could
locate. He WAS adept at itiany spores. '' I
Who. led the Liberal forces to a sweep-
ing vittory in the •New BrUitswick pro-
vincial electiona. The premier -elect won
his own riding 'by 164 votes.
of Owners
tr.;ergt. Major Gee -James, n full dre.ss
,uniforre, headed the procession. Fol-
lowing; hieb. tame His Wordhip Mayer H.
'ifieiEWari, in hi; Motor car, KA;
lowed y members of the council, also
d.tiving• .„,,• •
• 'Plum came members of the Octogen-,
erten Club, alto in Motor cars, and the
Ocderlth band followed under 13andnias-
ter. J. Z. Huckins.'
take ,part In the 'parade were: Wears.
OtellrY, lannOtt, :Donald- iraser, Albert
"deleocl, i,�1thaei tennedy, 3. iLEd-
ward, Jetties parrick,. Captt.). zetacgaY.
Duncan" And ",.john MacitaY, Cape' John
ataelCaZ James Mite, James libtfg$,
Chats.. Washington, Alex. 'toting, A.
Challenger, Win. Armstrong, Mew, Wm.
bailie, Marchand, A. Kneeeheee. damn-
MelNee,•^Stotliers, deo. Montgomery
:and I. Thinfatty. •
The. spurt unforms 4:4 the Burlington
Are brigade, white helitets, White trim,*
Med long blue 0004 stalght, high „white
collars, blue Jrbutera ,and 'White shoes,
servhig to create -Mt impression of
smartness for Which thin body is
0113. They marched in splendid style
Then came' thee band arid after it,
the life brigade froth St. Ipirys. A °wise
decision by the contreitlie placed trianu-,
,fattorera PA -other. Beats &Wong 'Welke
Pee- eivitiOns
otJfitbor Pink as a picolc-ground
make it AMU' that. It .is one 01
leteeh bunny .haVeRiA_.e.i,d tor It for
Wednesda% JOY lth 1lie th,e
Cotmty *emelt Will Stage their
get-together on 'Weibietde*3011
NUL Many' , .othent do not go
thrOtigh the 1011414 of aateing
ermlseon 'to' hold Volt other.
ings there althotitib It iadesirable
as mid pienicel,might decide on
tb ,1110..40 and **Me eonttialott__
(Continuedon page 2)
New Teachers -
For Loeal Schools
.11arry M. ShacIdetOn tO"Issi Prin-
. Fipall Of Central' Sch0o14. Wm.
7 111.1013tA et '24762f 44)Sitti
Mr. Harry M. Shackleton was chosen
principal of 'Central' sehoot at a special
meeting, of .the „School Realii hekl on
lorldttyc June 28th, last.
• At the &erne meeting:Win! Z. Thom-
son, eon of Mrs. Jas. Pt Thomson, *as
selected to' replace Mr. Ontith, who re- "
signed his poaltion at Victoria School. 1
both de* feathers will take their pla-
ces at the September opening.
Mr. Shackleton is said te eibein 36
years of age. Ile was born' near Crewe
in. Aahileld Township and hait taught
near Dungannon' and in Ilbth. Utter-
ly he his .been printinal of the 'school at
Mount l'oreet. Ile is a sorielet-law of
0. Allen of Ociderieli.
He we's seteeted in competition with
more than 1501 other teachers whose ap-
Pileatiotis were considered.
Act- fithonoodAs-a-doderich boy -who
has lately been principal of a two -room
_School, at Anattsville, hot Yet
_had the. eAcperienee_ which -Mr. -Shackle-
ten has enjoyed but is considered *Dmost
th appOintinente Imre been well re -
(*Ott( bY the steeple 'Of town and it is
-eonildently.ornected.: that the nev,
-a-sfttendid 7addition to the
toWlea limiting Staff.
vt41Ur1il sTilittirs
Ing Movies% of loot t*';
their hlek loAr the:Motel of
the litaitlitrid but do not *tort ninth
istteceal ,sa yet OIic party from tnackso,
is4.1000 000161 noOlt, „Ohtikhnidgeo are
reported to 'hale heed illOre auccesatui
and took ,F)omoc tkeit toot* ft %Wet
ie Fr4,teep,sabotsit .threnigh,lotpo
I ,7
In•taking over the interests of the estate of the late
Walter F. Naftel in The Goderich Star, we want to place on re-
cord, in this, Our first issue, some recognition of his seryices to
the 'community in Mitch he lived. Those services are, of
course, much better known and appreciated by the residents of.
this neighborhood than by ourselves, but vie have learned from
many sources that he gave unsparingly of his time and energies
towards the betteriment of his home town. That will also be
our objective, and if we can succeed to anything like the same
extent as the late Mr. Naftel, we -will feel that we haveobeen jus-
tified in selecting' Goderich as our home:
Several factors contribeited to our selection. We frankly
'admit that the natural attractiveness of the town, combined
with the foresight displayed by those of- earlier generations in
placing the county buildings where they did and building the
business section of the 10ivn in a circle at a' measured distance
around them, made an instant appeal to us. Then Goderich is
sho_re.s. o er_and2havi rig spent -a -great --
part of our lives in lake port towns, inland location had little
Or nO attractions for us. Goderich was- also rec mended
-The-cause of it .0 ure poSsi west an e co -opera lye -spirt
which is said to exist among the citizens on all questions affect=
ing_ the . Welfare Of the. tonununitY__ -
Regarding the political attitude of The Star, our intention
is to be Strictly independent. We have learned, as many other
newspaper people „have, that blind partizanship -is disastrous for
both a newspaper and a town. For that reason most .of the
modern papers in cities and towns are operating Upon a basis of
independence that would have been misundergood a few years
-So- far- ag fepoitinerneetings*is concerned, The' Star viiI
give both parties, whether Conservative or Liberal; absolutely
the, same treatment, without coloring the One or disparaging the
other. Should a C.C.F. candidate be in the field in the forth-,
,comittig Federal contest, he (or she) wilf be accorded the sarne
consideration: •
• We decline to believe that either party possesses all the
virtues while the other is burdened with all the vices as so flam-
boyantly asserted during a catnpaign.-
There are anxious, ernest men on both sides, • striving to serve
Canada and their constitutencies to the utmost of their ability.
•The recent physical condition of the 'Hon. R, B. Bennett was,
unquestionably, Caused by his devotion to what he -conceived
to_he his duty and his uncontrollable desire for work. One
cannot but wonder that a man of his enormotis wealth should
concern himself with affairs of state, as he has nothing -to gain'
' by his sacrifices but everything to lose in the way of health.
There are also men ,of outstanding ability and Integrity on the
Liberal side of the House who are spending their energies hi the
service of the Dominion, Von. W. L. MacKenzie King tlas de,
'Voted his fiti Cinaiiian-affairs and the same could doubtless
be said of several of his colleagues.
. 711.13, our, 'first issue of The
,efotierich Star, is not what we
had hoped it would be, but owing
to certain delays which were quite
unavoidable and beyond our con-
trol, it Was a physical impossibil-
ity to make the desired changes.
We „therefore ask the indulgence
or our advertisers and subscribers,
and .hope fc;r their sakes, as well
as- our own, that we will be able
to carry on our plan, 'within a very
short time.
Alfred Wilkes, C. Kerr Stewart,
- Editor. 1VIsmager.
Chief Jim. Bell Is
Elected. President
Kincardito Man is Honored by
W e ,sk tern Ontario Firemen's
Association. -
- John Bell, chief of the Kincardine
Fere Brigade, • was elected president of
the Western OntarioPiremen'g Associa-
tion et thefr annual convention held in
MacKay 'Hall on Saturday evening, Aare
Norman Baechler of "ravistock was con-
tinued as secretary in spite of his at-.
tempC-1(3- resign but he was given an
assistant In the person of Roy Manuel of
E. P. Heugl;an, past president of Mil-
verton, occupied the chair for the meet-
eng. E. P. Heaton, Ontario fire mar -
shall, was unable to attend aa had been
Thenew president, in assuming the
chair , thanked the gathering for the
honor- -conferred --upon--h1nr9 and - aSked-
that a more comprehensive set of bylaws
be drawn Up AS soon_as possible.
with ,pray,er end Mayr 11. J, A. Mac.
Ewan welcomed the delegates to •ticide-
-rich in a -Warpleasing manner*. -
Chief Draper, one of the past, presi-
dents, conducted ow election of officers.
This was .the seventh convention. of the
Vithere no pationaLissue is at stake between the parties,
The Star, will preserve its independence, making Goderich and
its,interests„And the -immediate district it -serves, 'tire pivot of.aii
its activitiesaWe solicit the co-operation of the citizens and
will „gladly do everything in our power to assist, any and, every
movement calculated' to boat t1i wTIand muftity
. To our local contemporary, The Signal, we extend" Ira.
fernal greeting S and are looking forward to including the pro-
prietor in our list bf new friends.
As conditiongwarrant we 'hope to make certain changes in
" The Star, but in the Meantime our first determination is, in the
Interests of our advertised: to catch the firstoutgoing mails on
Thursdays, so that The Star wilt serve both readers and adver-
tisers to the best possible advantage.
r.:11. kg F.
London Man
Seriously Injured
Turns Into Ditch to Avoid On-
coming Car in Dust on High-
way. Wotmds. in Head. and
Wdlte Crceaen of R. ft. No. 7, Lon-
don, .1100 in„Aleyandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital, • With a dislocated right
iboulder, a right lower jaw broken in
three places, his upper jaw also fractur-
ed and most of his front teeth out as a
iesult of an accident in which the ear in
which he Was. driving W MI forced into
the ditch about half a mile north of
Port Albert Monday night.-
.Crobsen and •three other young men,
residents of .London, Arnold Robb driv-
ing, Oordon Robb and Ray Myers, were
coming -south. Police -state they -do not.
appear to have been driving fast but the
road is very dusty there ntld, is they'
were passing a Car corning 'frem the
other direetkm a thira. car loomed Up
tleVillelletheedest ilmoediately _in font
of them.
Dt order V) aVold the cratii, Robb took
Ito the diteh. ITU motor travelled Autry
feet-biraiii Mari* --tba
culvert when it turned. completebt OVer,
landing On its back.
None of the other occupants suffered
any serious injuries but were badly
Aitken up at4 the ear Was crushed
about the front. it had to be brovititit
itti by it tv-recker.
Provincial MostAble P. ISO:* wag
malady on the ecent, and the injeued
•-yrsui- ;rel 'M tohoepltal '-irhere
'rite Dr. A. C. Cannter MeMorlif Tro-i4unter (QgdrhJ tMrs Bantimkoot
phY Went to Toronto. reault 01 thel and Mrs.J Killoran cstrattordw
win *1 'the TOr0010 •teAA1 Of fobear 1 • D. Eastman and T. R, PattersOn;
down and Oso, Cooper °,the tearna- (Gedetteh).
Ment of the 00der1c1 Bridge Cites, eat.. (.East and West -Mrs L ilot (Lott
ed last lorkbay and Saturday at the Sim- don) and Mrs. A. Wilkinson (Detralt),,
set Hotel. • J. H. letylor and. iyirs. T. M. Ian-
san unusual feature of two days 01ex-hell (Ooderloh); Mrs. IL "teen= and
o.eilent plavalts_the-tallure-Lot .former
winners suet as Mews. Jacobson, Chap-
man, Carey, Pattersort, Mooney and MS.
Eland to even 01410'
Dr. W. A. Kelly and 0. 11. tidy of
London came second while,another Lon-
don...Pair, Dr. H. A. Skinner and Mr. A.
Woodeetremeethirde -
•Ooderich teams, hoWever, earned more
than their 'share of the prizes in other
events and the officers Of the club are
espetially appreelative of the splendid
turnout of 40 Ooderilch ,players whose
presence wont 'so far to make the event
the outstanding 'success it proved to be.
Play ,started at 2 p,m. on Friday after-
noon with the qualifying rounds and
continued until late an Saturday even-
ing. Lunch was served on Fridey even-
Ang at the Sunset while a buffet lunch -
.eon was eerved at the Maitland dolf
Club late Saturday evening for those
who remained.
Opinion was .general that the tourna-
ment as a ,whole Was one of the beat ever
held and promises greater aueeess for the
future. Players 'came from every Main
eentre in Western Ontario and from
points inl New York and in Michigan.
In all 130.players attended.
Prizes .remaining tn Ooderich were
hAnkets won by Measra. Carey and Hun-
ter in the open game, (playing cards won
by the Oodefich teant of fours. Messrs.
Carey, Patterson,- Taylor, and- Beacom;
while Messrs. Carey and .Chapman won
silver vases. a •
Only .28 finally .ceialiflesi for the Hun.
ter Trophy,
The play resulted as follows:
Open -Game '
North and South -P. P. Carey and fc. (Continued on page 6)
r -EL --Stringer. -(Goderich.).--
OPen Pair Championship (Kantor)
Section No 1-111:r. and Mrs. -J. J.
Bateman (Albany, N.Y.; Agra. Wr.
Saunders and Miss E, McNaughton
(00derich); Mrs. X.V.-Beacom and
Kelly and 0. N. tidy (London); W. H.
French and H. 0. Hodgson (Weneham).
Section No. 2 -Mrs. S. Itithtriord and
leers. Killoran aitratford): Dr, R. A,
Skinner and A. Woods (London} ; C.
.Draimin and j.. Hershman (Toronto);
Dr. and. Mrs. Orahain (Ooderich); Mea.
H. J. 'Watson and Mrs. N: (turd (Sere
• Section No, 3--4Mrs. • T. Mitchell
and Mrs. J..0 11. Taylor (Ooderieh); Mba
H. B. Harrow. (Toronto) and K. Hunter
(Ooderich); Oeorge Downey and D. A.
McDonald (Toronto); P. E. Sheardoven
and Cieorge Cooper (Toronto).
Open Pair Charapionaltlp •
Pinal Round -P. E. Sheardawn and
George Coope e (Toronto); Dr. W. A.
Kelly and 0. N. tidy (London); Dr. IL
A. Skinner and A. Woods (London).
Consehstion Open Game •
North and South- (Toronto) -0., P.
Chaptaan and P. P. Carey (Ooderich);
Mrs. S. Howard and Miss B. Scott (Sar
nlet);; V. 8. Lanaway and R. Johnston
East and West-LMrs. R. 11.'Reld and
Mrs, R. P. Harper mondon.);- .1: D. Circuit
and Wass at1 Jones (Louden); krt. 1.
rastnian and Mrs. -It. Vow (0ode-
Modern Coal Boa Famous Speedboat
rings rs Loadriver Pays mit
Goderich Salt Company Ship.
-Mem. of 4,000 Tons Handled
in Short Order. Other Boats
The harbor .front WAS crowded with
intetested sight -seers last Friday even-
ing when the Calcite came In With coal
for the Ooderich Salt Company.
e She WNW I;i3CRY tong and finitiaded-
the lot in one hour and twenty minutes.
A long boom' fitted with- a travellin
otifEra tlip-trom the closed
holds and spilled it in an ever growing
.pile in the middle.,ef the enCiesed lotee-
cently fitted up for its reception.. 'the
equipment of the 'Calcite is the very lat-
est.. The boom, 1which is more than 160
feet in length, is af the general site and
strength of an ordinary briilge: It is
.of steel bridge construction and is
stiSpended by 24 heavy steel hawsers
frOrn a steel tower just aft the bridge.
It inoves to either aide of the ship,
raises and lowers and when abotiid
rastened securely for heavy weather.
Mb Is the first of a series of coal ship-
ments for the Salt Company.
Buckets in the hold unload the coal
onto the belt and from there it falls in
a constant stream" anywhere within a
radius of 160 feet of the Ade of the boat.
The Georgian' was in with a full pas-
senger lest of some hundreds of steno-
graphers. In convention and at the :same
timi 'the Imperial oil tanker unloaded
some thousands of gallons of gasoline.
To cap all, an unusually beautiful
sunset brought hundreds to the water-
Gar Wood's Plane Forced Down
By Fog on Thursday Morning.
Going to Georgian Bay dn
Fishing Trip.
tGar Wood, the "Silver .Fox" of speed-
boat racing, arrived in Goderich this
marning where ehe was forced to land
owing • -to fog at Point Clark. lfls114
Pokker Amphilean roared doWn early
this morni and the holdeee_e. ot
Harmsworth trophy eame-
ashore to wait for the fog to lift and at
4hQMr7Wo4ol:Ciii°gIEohne7 tellit4thte° Cie"O4rgia.rit-'
Bay on a short, fishing trip. He stated
Unit he has been to ooderich a number
of times by boat but this IS tile first tune
by plane.
Speaking of the trophy races he eald
that so far _thee year they .haye reeeived
no challenge and sines all challetige3
must be in by the first of March of the
same year as the race there is no poe-
sible cirahce for comp�tltloii this year.
The American national holiday, July
.4th, Is responsible for many Ameritan
motor cars in, Ooderich the last few,
days. Local merchants report that
more cars have been seen and more
business hat been done with visitors
than for some years past. The bathing
beaeh and the motor camp haVe been
well patronized, too, as well as local
tomtit houses. It is cumntly hoped
that it is a sign of better touriet trade
for the next feW. menthe.
Having dispozed of The Goderich Star to Messrs. wakes and Stewart
' 51 M uaird Onranri,---wildlire MOW 111 peasereelone t wiett-tte extend -ft .werd-
of farewell -to -all those who have assisted -me * any way. •
Throughout my connection with The Star, both before and after the
pasaing-,away,of mg. husband.the public has been vent generous.witilthejr
patronage and for that patronage I an deeply conscious. 11 was owing to
the loyalty 'of the advertisers, subecribera and reliable correspondents that -
I was able to carry on and for their continued support / am sinarely grate.
tud.- Throillre staff; often operating- under difficulties also- contributed toe
wards the conduct of the bitsineette and to them, my thanks are "idee
besiness relationships with the various monietpal and county OM- ,
dais; have been of a very cordial nature and in severing ray business con -
election with The ow 1 extend my gratitude, to all of them. There were
several other mullets of information, from Which r received imaluaige
trust tho ftitAiro holds nothing but good for the citizens of Godee
riele. where 1 will maim* Wetted&
Thenkine you' 141 ovo *ore. IC iun Itoura Orateftdly,
(MRS.) 00*.4, F. NArI110.
t• •
Irmo, Have Many Attractive Floats
,InterestingEvents-Afternoon : Pr
AtiritultUral ark -Dancing on The
The Evening .
W1iat Is.-gerkerallyt .coneeded,...to:.'have
74.3e0,0 the 'beat, Ole noili*Sk the. most col,.
the tatt,tt Interesting, the most en-
joyable Dominion .Deit eeleheeti9n5
Otelerichelaste had in manY ?years, eatne
.to in 'end late Monday nlght last when
the last Motor van, the litee truck and
;the led motor ear left Own, Several
.otherauperlatfvee were heard, 'during the
The town WOnt•t0,,bed, sated with it,s
:mile. long parade, its full afternoon of
must* (to' local people) evente at the
...Agricultural •Park, not tomeatiett the
'baseball...Slue and the collapse of the
'band 'stand In leant IA the track when
the band viain-ftill:ory. •
' Tat- vat11932t0
Seecorated Autos, and Ploats-4The
'OorleriCh 1-1Ortiolturai Soc1ety4- Victoria
.Xlemeeend -.School Club; Wrne Syneoncle*e
Fleestone tirekt F. Overholt... "
thik, tletritt .rfrnee *DisplaYa4Clederieit
Manurg Co.; ponion,,t.tead *0211197
Co.; J. E.'litickinS .14, -Sona: Ariperial Qil
Co, '
'Decorated .11'ettir.
0,10nni HOSpital
(Harry MeOreeistli)e Central Home and
School „Club;, - the, ,01,onne 'Frame. (Jean
'Elliott and, Gladys .marriint)i. lYtaj'Ae Leaf.
. X. O. D. 0441 ocit0e, Mias
Norah .0oistello and 14r,- Gordon . Mc -
Manes). - • ,
Best Dressed Fire Brigade-4nm Wing-
ham Brigade tinder Oinfef A, E. :Luttit.
Events' started early with a constant
stream of motor cars entering -Verne lOng 1
• .
before jereakfaet, The fire .toniPanles,
raembira ot the Western Ontario' Fire-,
n's A88°441611., ;came In with 'their
bands all morning atid..Innickly spread
themselves* out „aver the, town, 'rhe
toutre-Was 1?ePed:kOttlii:Ofi4111FItere-
Perm1tted to enter. all day save' those
which drove along the sidewalks, which
ee few did'. These were" quickly chased
- -oft
The children's sports occupied' more
than two hours, starting at lo a.ra.
The:..,e are reported in full elsewhere.
The parade, which usiratly occurs in
the morning, was scheduled Jor 1.30 p.m.
, to give time for the late comers of the
firenien's„companies to , get into line.
The cOmpani'es and the floats and the
calithumplane were grouped in the area
close to Victoria Park -and along the,
adjoning streets.
The committee headed by Lt. Col: A.
P. Sturdy and -Mr. Harry -*Sturdy+ mare=
ehalled the apparently ditorganized
clutter of -vehicles into line and "Soon
•after 1.30 the parade 'started.. It pro-
-ceededetoethe =Squart--by: way of -Victoria
street arid Kingston street.
The Start. -
,•brl .4e$-: and -II) e,decorated TOad. 4.q.110r:
of the Dethilide,if Udall *eithtery anise
_ .
aleeee eeelk*ed ;byJ,i,,s,E,i_goLeionez,-,14p4
-Sian* fine .new (Misfit: •
The smart Outiit of the Wellington
Bregade was fe11owi4.by several Im-
perlal .011
cars aiict ;the IfinOver Pre
Department came lating. 'with, one of,
their hose trucks in attendance,
The Victoria Home and Schooi Club
hOwer04 in buntlng and 'tiorters was
Mich admiref.i attraction. : After thorn
came the'1034h band and iire depart-
ment: and the 1001404 Manufacturing
comPtinr .supplied truele • load. of
shingles and a huge lead Otloge,
The Oilrl of P.10PlOes .eebeeci 40.‘Yo
the street as the Oiniton..PiperS swung
onto the 'Square, heading the „Clinton
fire department. Thesis- got sPeOai ate,
'11.Se,frem the Melee people of Scotch
descent along the rOUte.--. The: eomParkik
46;74 Elmr 140 leoota:t4e, 4eniot of
the Xlitlea paying *Sid the Goderieli
Manufacturing ,004111.1' and J. • C.
Otitt*s ,deootated dower/ ilalooft came
along: The forniStr., 1,1 OW 4'4- eight
loaded truck g and lOrilaa 40th fine "spat*
• honsee and made.. s Iavorable:•impres-
sion among- theeelghteeerie. .
The-Wingliani fire litidies **de a fine
'sig14 with White :tibias* and hats on
their ,bandand eneert untfereas. on ,their
men. Kincardine tese was 'weliilup In
the -standing for emiretness. ,
, The Central Home' and, School Club
I with the little Old red .sehoel house and
several members ticalltrig their youth
',With old *School soup •was loudly !lc -
claimed. 7 . •
The woillOgtoo. town 4)104 andfire
department next lipeehi sight, followed
by the fiat; of Of St0.4110i Hor-ticultur-
soeletY, a *bower t eyegre.toppe4
,with showers 61 •
-Tavistock tmvn .band and its•:•••firemen
made a brave showing under Fire Chief
Baechler, the secretary of the Associa*
tion and the moving epirit in the pro-
posals to bring the brigades here.
The Bridal Party -
Representing the Maple Leaf Chapter
I.O.D.E., came an ancient bridal car-.
riage, drawn by_two white horses. Seat-
ed in the open was the blushing 'bride,
Miss Norah Costello, and the groom, Mr.
Gordon NIcilanus. Two little Siemer
girls, Misses- Elizabeth Taylor and. Mar-
jorie Hays, occupied the trent seat.- The
lovely bride was beautifully gowned in
white lace and orange blossoms while
the embarra:ssed groom doffed his silk
topper to the applause.
Baden was represented by thefr band
and by their lire department and were'
-closely--followed breTeetwater ecnirr
band,' playing the Teeswater brigade
A gasp of horror, fo11oWe4
gale's of laughter Went Up aa the,
ban4. tand neAseietiltitral Park
"fti front of the. main stands sud.
denly .collapsed on Monday* after: •
no9rk in the nodieof s selection •
.the Ciodericie bind.
Zt loeleed at lirst AS If'ettne ot
Nee stores sef loople standing. on
. the. stand-raitat_be_in,_
Jure -d but-,thi,first eeesee/M--g. 'el -the-
. platform gave warning in time or
WtW oLZie way On
g1 n the.etelee was turned. com„,
pletely upside. down; othershad
skinned shins and slight bruises
although no one could . telt- 14,Lerk
they recel`vecl. them.
Bandmaster fluckins had just -
got his men intothe swing op a
smart band tune when:a sudden
crack gave Warning., _ate
,caught hold of his neighbor as the
stand swayed and settled. The
band at 'once struck up -again as
At was seen that no one was „in-
. lured and 30 averted any seine
blance of panic.. "
We haVetheeirtiTini'to-id:::the-,
Stand fleece for a. long eime," sal&
one Of the bandsman. "If this
had _happened at "a race* meet,
some orie would have been serious-
ly injured as many childeen and
others crawl under„ the stand to
get out or the way of the horses."
Summer Tournament of Alio Goderic
Clulfat Hotel Sunset is a Marked SUCC0
rmer Winners Pail toQualify- Seve
Prizes Remain inoderic
. _ A Ile o Iiikritts_m_
Otherf 'Arent* "
Owes of; men have started on the
work of renovating the outside of the
court house as svittherized by the County
Council in la,,-q-m.onth's, session. •
-Mr, B. C. Mtinnings• Is supervising the
Job ,,and caulking and replacing worn
and rotted woodwork, was the first to be
undertaken. It is expected that scat -
'folding will be erected all around the
building and that ' this will serve all
trade...11173n, peinters, glaziers and car-
*fo,rod n'ged
Alla one 21, son of
eChee, 1,4.s.tedeetelt. Prem.1404_40.10#4
sident, OW in Seaferth hoepitig at pat,
after having reeetved, eVeUnsle Irene
ebuteher irtreifeelnetneehlendieetf his sister,
Mise Mildred..
Vfacdonelle :Whowas, one of the beat
known characters 1 Huron County,
Came home 114 Saturday emilligt 10 an,
intoldcated” conchtion. He *neg.. ,ed. to
have attacked Its mother 'while his
ters, Nethired and Ms. Edna Labghtorie
-went to her asaistanee. The father,
Chat. Mesedettell Was not In the home
13:y Sortie' Means. severe wounds Were
inflicted on Ma0(10441. • On his light
00iilder and the ()thee aelering sit ten -
dans and arteries in his r*:lit
Dr. Collier of Honig' was cal/0d at
once, but; ht.odect4ed.-3b4-400-4141441
treatment was indielkted
Re rushed the-10VACrnan lo fileafOrth..,
where; in consultation
of Worth_ and
immediate operation was deced liPon. I
• Maedonell mirvieted, retielf but .
failed -to rouse limn the and died
Soon' after,:
• No charges, been an in- ,
qUest was ordered by pr. Burrows, '
Huron. County coroner. is will be
held on Friday - of this Wesiikt .
Great sympathy is f4lt the family:
who among the in the
county. MreeWeil* a sister
ofthe late County Dickson of
Deceased was a Man ofiinbre than or-
dinary strength. Last srai*:be celebrat-
ed the victory Of the Hepburn forces at
the June election by journOS, toZur
tch where he wrecked lta*C•among all,
Conservative /supporters- ev*eim he could
locate. He WAS adept at itiany spores. '' I
Who. led the Liberal forces to a sweep-
ing vittory in the •New BrUitswick pro-
vincial electiona. The premier -elect won
his own riding 'by 164 votes.
of Owners
tr.;ergt. Major Gee -James, n full dre.ss
,uniforre, headed the procession. Fol-
lowing; hieb. tame His Wordhip Mayer H.
'ifieiEWari, in hi; Motor car, KA;
lowed y members of the council, also
d.tiving• .„,,• •
• 'Plum came members of the Octogen-,
erten Club, alto in Motor cars, and the
Ocderlth band followed under 13andnias-
ter. J. Z. Huckins.'
take ,part In the 'parade were: Wears.
OtellrY, lannOtt, :Donald- iraser, Albert
"deleocl, i,�1thaei tennedy, 3. iLEd-
ward, Jetties parrick,. Captt.). zetacgaY.
Duncan" And ",.john MacitaY, Cape' John
ataelCaZ James Mite, James libtfg$,
Chats.. Washington, Alex. 'toting, A.
Challenger, Win. Armstrong, Mew, Wm.
bailie, Marchand, A. Kneeeheee. damn-
MelNee,•^Stotliers, deo. Montgomery
:and I. Thinfatty. •
The. spurt unforms 4:4 the Burlington
Are brigade, white helitets, White trim,*
Med long blue 0004 stalght, high „white
collars, blue Jrbutera ,and 'White shoes,
servhig to create -Mt impression of
smartness for Which thin body is
0113. They marched in splendid style
Then came' thee band arid after it,
the life brigade froth St. Ipirys. A °wise
decision by the contreitlie placed trianu-,
,fattorera PA -other. Beats &Wong 'Welke
Pee- eivitiOns
otJfitbor Pink as a picolc-ground
make it AMU' that. It .is one 01
leteeh bunny .haVeRiA_.e.i,d tor It for
Wednesda% JOY lth 1lie th,e
Cotmty *emelt Will Stage their
get-together on 'Weibietde*3011
NUL Many' , .othent do not go
thrOtigh the 1011414 of aateing
ermlseon 'to' hold Volt other.
ings there althotitib It iadesirable
as mid pienicel,might decide on
tb ,1110..40 and **Me eonttialott__
(Continuedon page 2)
New Teachers -
For Loeal Schools
.11arry M. ShacIdetOn tO"Issi Prin-
. Fipall Of Central' Sch0o14. Wm.
7 111.1013tA et '24762f 44)Sitti
Mr. Harry M. Shackleton was chosen
principal of 'Central' sehoot at a special
meeting, of .the „School Realii hekl on
lorldttyc June 28th, last.
• At the &erne meeting:Win! Z. Thom-
son, eon of Mrs. Jas. Pt Thomson, *as
selected to' replace Mr. Ontith, who re- "
signed his poaltion at Victoria School. 1
both de* feathers will take their pla-
ces at the September opening.
Mr. Shackleton is said te eibein 36
years of age. Ile was born' near Crewe
in. Aahileld Township and hait taught
near Dungannon' and in Ilbth. Utter-
ly he his .been printinal of the 'school at
Mount l'oreet. Ile is a sorielet-law of
0. Allen of Ociderieli.
He we's seteeted in competition with
more than 1501 other teachers whose ap-
Pileatiotis were considered.
Act- fithonoodAs-a-doderich boy -who
has lately been principal of a two -room
_School, at Anattsville, hot Yet
_had the. eAcperienee_ which -Mr. -Shackle-
ten has enjoyed but is considered *Dmost
th appOintinente Imre been well re -
(*Ott( bY the steeple 'Of town and it is
-eonildently.ornected.: that the nev,
-a-sfttendid 7addition to the
toWlea limiting Staff.
vt41Ur1il sTilittirs
Ing Movies% of loot t*';
their hlek loAr the:Motel of
the litaitlitrid but do not *tort ninth
istteceal ,sa yet OIic party from tnackso,
is4.1000 000161 noOlt, „Ohtikhnidgeo are
reported to 'hale heed illOre auccesatui
and took ,F)omoc tkeit toot* ft %Wet
ie Fr4,teep,sabotsit .threnigh,lotpo
I ,7
In•taking over the interests of the estate of the late
Walter F. Naftel in The Goderich Star, we want to place on re-
cord, in this, Our first issue, some recognition of his seryices to
the 'community in Mitch he lived. Those services are, of
course, much better known and appreciated by the residents of.
this neighborhood than by ourselves, but vie have learned from
many sources that he gave unsparingly of his time and energies
towards the betteriment of his home town. That will also be
our objective, and if we can succeed to anything like the same
extent as the late Mr. Naftel, we -will feel that we haveobeen jus-
tified in selecting' Goderich as our home:
Several factors contribeited to our selection. We frankly
'admit that the natural attractiveness of the town, combined
with the foresight displayed by those of- earlier generations in
placing the county buildings where they did and building the
business section of the 10ivn in a circle at a' measured distance
around them, made an instant appeal to us. Then Goderich is
sho_re.s. o er_and2havi rig spent -a -great --
part of our lives in lake port towns, inland location had little
Or nO attractions for us. Goderich was- also rec mended
-The-cause of it .0 ure poSsi west an e co -opera lye -spirt
which is said to exist among the citizens on all questions affect=
ing_ the . Welfare Of the. tonununitY__ -
Regarding the political attitude of The Star, our intention
is to be Strictly independent. We have learned, as many other
newspaper people „have, that blind partizanship -is disastrous for
both a newspaper and a town. For that reason most .of the
modern papers in cities and towns are operating Upon a basis of
independence that would have been misundergood a few years
-So- far- ag fepoitinerneetings*is concerned, The' Star viiI
give both parties, whether Conservative or Liberal; absolutely
the, same treatment, without coloring the One or disparaging the
other. Should a C.C.F. candidate be in the field in the forth-,
,comittig Federal contest, he (or she) wilf be accorded the sarne
consideration: •
• We decline to believe that either party possesses all the
virtues while the other is burdened with all the vices as so flam-
boyantly asserted during a catnpaign.-
There are anxious, ernest men on both sides, • striving to serve
Canada and their constitutencies to the utmost of their ability.
•The recent physical condition of the 'Hon. R, B. Bennett was,
unquestionably, Caused by his devotion to what he -conceived
to_he his duty and his uncontrollable desire for work. One
cannot but wonder that a man of his enormotis wealth should
concern himself with affairs of state, as he has nothing -to gain'
' by his sacrifices but everything to lose in the way of health.
There are also men ,of outstanding ability and Integrity on the
Liberal side of the House who are spending their energies hi the
service of the Dominion, Von. W. L. MacKenzie King tlas de,
'Voted his fiti Cinaiiian-affairs and the same could doubtless
be said of several of his colleagues.
. 711.13, our, 'first issue of The
,efotierich Star, is not what we
had hoped it would be, but owing
to certain delays which were quite
unavoidable and beyond our con-
trol, it Was a physical impossibil-
ity to make the desired changes.
We „therefore ask the indulgence
or our advertisers and subscribers,
and .hope fc;r their sakes, as well
as- our own, that we will be able
to carry on our plan, 'within a very
short time.
Alfred Wilkes, C. Kerr Stewart,
- Editor. 1VIsmager.
Chief Jim. Bell Is
Elected. President
Kincardito Man is Honored by
W e ,sk tern Ontario Firemen's
Association. -
- John Bell, chief of the Kincardine
Fere Brigade, • was elected president of
the Western OntarioPiremen'g Associa-
tion et thefr annual convention held in
MacKay 'Hall on Saturday evening, Aare
Norman Baechler of "ravistock was con-
tinued as secretary in spite of his at-.
tempC-1(3- resign but he was given an
assistant In the person of Roy Manuel of
E. P. Heugl;an, past president of Mil-
verton, occupied the chair for the meet-
eng. E. P. Heaton, Ontario fire mar -
shall, was unable to attend aa had been
Thenew president, in assuming the
chair , thanked the gathering for the
honor- -conferred --upon--h1nr9 and - aSked-
that a more comprehensive set of bylaws
be drawn Up AS soon_as possible.
with ,pray,er end Mayr 11. J, A. Mac.
Ewan welcomed the delegates to •ticide-
-rich in a -Warpleasing manner*. -
Chief Draper, one of the past, presi-
dents, conducted ow election of officers.
This was .the seventh convention. of the
Vithere no pationaLissue is at stake between the parties,
The Star, will preserve its independence, making Goderich and
its,interests„And the -immediate district it -serves, 'tire pivot of.aii
its activitiesaWe solicit the co-operation of the citizens and
will „gladly do everything in our power to assist, any and, every
movement calculated' to boat t1i wTIand muftity
. To our local contemporary, The Signal, we extend" Ira.
fernal greeting S and are looking forward to including the pro-
prietor in our list bf new friends.
As conditiongwarrant we 'hope to make certain changes in
" The Star, but in the Meantime our first determination is, in the
Interests of our advertised: to catch the firstoutgoing mails on
Thursdays, so that The Star wilt serve both readers and adver-
tisers to the best possible advantage.
r.:11. kg F.
London Man
Seriously Injured
Turns Into Ditch to Avoid On-
coming Car in Dust on High-
way. Wotmds. in Head. and
Wdlte Crceaen of R. ft. No. 7, Lon-
don, .1100 in„Aleyandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital, • With a dislocated right
iboulder, a right lower jaw broken in
three places, his upper jaw also fractur-
ed and most of his front teeth out as a
iesult of an accident in which the ear in
which he Was. driving W MI forced into
the ditch about half a mile north of
Port Albert Monday night.-
.Crobsen and •three other young men,
residents of .London, Arnold Robb driv-
ing, Oordon Robb and Ray Myers, were
coming -south. Police -state they -do not.
appear to have been driving fast but the
road is very dusty there ntld, is they'
were passing a Car corning 'frem the
other direetkm a thira. car loomed Up
tleVillelletheedest ilmoediately _in font
of them.
Dt order V) aVold the cratii, Robb took
Ito the diteh. ITU motor travelled Autry
feet-biraiii Mari* --tba
culvert when it turned. completebt OVer,
landing On its back.
None of the other occupants suffered
any serious injuries but were badly
Aitken up at4 the ear Was crushed
about the front. it had to be brovititit
itti by it tv-recker.
Provincial MostAble P. ISO:* wag
malady on the ecent, and the injeued
•-yrsui- ;rel 'M tohoepltal '-irhere
'rite Dr. A. C. Cannter MeMorlif Tro-i4unter (QgdrhJ tMrs Bantimkoot
phY Went to Toronto. reault 01 thel and Mrs.J Killoran cstrattordw
win *1 'the TOr0010 •teAA1 Of fobear 1 • D. Eastman and T. R, PattersOn;
down and Oso, Cooper °,the tearna- (Gedetteh).
Ment of the 00der1c1 Bridge Cites, eat.. (.East and West -Mrs L ilot (Lott
ed last lorkbay and Saturday at the Sim- don) and Mrs. A. Wilkinson (Detralt),,
set Hotel. • J. H. letylor and. iyirs. T. M. Ian-
san unusual feature of two days 01ex-hell (Ooderloh); Mrs. IL "teen= and
o.eilent plavalts_the-tallure-Lot .former
winners suet as Mews. Jacobson, Chap-
man, Carey, Pattersort, Mooney and MS.
Eland to even 01410'
Dr. W. A. Kelly and 0. 11. tidy of
London came second while,another Lon-
don...Pair, Dr. H. A. Skinner and Mr. A.
Woodeetremeethirde -
•Ooderich teams, hoWever, earned more
than their 'share of the prizes in other
events and the officers Of the club are
espetially appreelative of the splendid
turnout of 40 Ooderilch ,players whose
presence wont 'so far to make the event
the outstanding 'success it proved to be.
Play ,started at 2 p,m. on Friday after-
noon with the qualifying rounds and
continued until late an Saturday even-
ing. Lunch was served on Fridey even-
Ang at the Sunset while a buffet lunch -
.eon was eerved at the Maitland dolf
Club late Saturday evening for those
who remained.
Opinion was .general that the tourna-
ment as a ,whole Was one of the beat ever
held and promises greater aueeess for the
future. Players 'came from every Main
eentre in Western Ontario and from
points inl New York and in Michigan.
In all 130.players attended.
Prizes .remaining tn Ooderich were
hAnkets won by Measra. Carey and Hun-
ter in the open game, (playing cards won
by the Oodefich teant of fours. Messrs.
Carey, Patterson,- Taylor, and- Beacom;
while Messrs. Carey and .Chapman won
silver vases. a •
Only .28 finally .ceialiflesi for the Hun.
ter Trophy,
The play resulted as follows:
Open -Game '
North and South -P. P. Carey and fc. (Continued on page 6)
r -EL --Stringer. -(Goderich.).--
OPen Pair Championship (Kantor)
Section No 1-111:r. and Mrs. -J. J.
Bateman (Albany, N.Y.; Agra. Wr.
Saunders and Miss E, McNaughton
(00derich); Mrs. X.V.-Beacom and
Kelly and 0. N. tidy (London); W. H.
French and H. 0. Hodgson (Weneham).
Section No. 2 -Mrs. S. Itithtriord and
leers. Killoran aitratford): Dr, R. A,
Skinner and A. Woods (London} ; C.
.Draimin and j.. Hershman (Toronto);
Dr. and. Mrs. Orahain (Ooderich); Mea.
H. J. 'Watson and Mrs. N: (turd (Sere
• Section No, 3--4Mrs. • T. Mitchell
and Mrs. J..0 11. Taylor (Ooderieh); Mba
H. B. Harrow. (Toronto) and K. Hunter
(Ooderich); Oeorge Downey and D. A.
McDonald (Toronto); P. E. Sheardoven
and Cieorge Cooper (Toronto).
Open Pair Charapionaltlp •
Pinal Round -P. E. Sheardawn and
George Coope e (Toronto); Dr. W. A.
Kelly and 0. N. tidy (London); Dr. IL
A. Skinner and A. Woods (London).
Consehstion Open Game •
North and South- (Toronto) -0., P.
Chaptaan and P. P. Carey (Ooderich);
Mrs. S. Howard and Miss B. Scott (Sar
nlet);; V. 8. Lanaway and R. Johnston
East and West-LMrs. R. 11.'Reld and
Mrs, R. P. Harper mondon.);- .1: D. Circuit
and Wass at1 Jones (Louden); krt. 1.
rastnian and Mrs. -It. Vow (0ode-
Modern Coal Boa Famous Speedboat
rings rs Loadriver Pays mit
Goderich Salt Company Ship.
-Mem. of 4,000 Tons Handled
in Short Order. Other Boats
The harbor .front WAS crowded with
intetested sight -seers last Friday even-
ing when the Calcite came In With coal
for the Ooderich Salt Company.
e She WNW I;i3CRY tong and finitiaded-
the lot in one hour and twenty minutes.
A long boom' fitted with- a travellin
otifEra tlip-trom the closed
holds and spilled it in an ever growing
.pile in the middle.,ef the enCiesed lotee-
cently fitted up for its reception.. 'the
equipment of the 'Calcite is the very lat-
est.. The boom, 1which is more than 160
feet in length, is af the general site and
strength of an ordinary briilge: It is
.of steel bridge construction and is
stiSpended by 24 heavy steel hawsers
frOrn a steel tower just aft the bridge.
It inoves to either aide of the ship,
raises and lowers and when abotiid
rastened securely for heavy weather.
Mb Is the first of a series of coal ship-
ments for the Salt Company.
Buckets in the hold unload the coal
onto the belt and from there it falls in
a constant stream" anywhere within a
radius of 160 feet of the Ade of the boat.
The Georgian' was in with a full pas-
senger lest of some hundreds of steno-
graphers. In convention and at the :same
timi 'the Imperial oil tanker unloaded
some thousands of gallons of gasoline.
To cap all, an unusually beautiful
sunset brought hundreds to the water-
Gar Wood's Plane Forced Down
By Fog on Thursday Morning.
Going to Georgian Bay dn
Fishing Trip.
tGar Wood, the "Silver .Fox" of speed-
boat racing, arrived in Goderich this
marning where ehe was forced to land
owing • -to fog at Point Clark. lfls114
Pokker Amphilean roared doWn early
this morni and the holdeee_e. ot
Harmsworth trophy eame-
ashore to wait for the fog to lift and at
4hQMr7Wo4ol:Ciii°gIEohne7 tellit4thte° Cie"O4rgia.rit-'
Bay on a short, fishing trip. He stated
Unit he has been to ooderich a number
of times by boat but this IS tile first tune
by plane.
Speaking of the trophy races he eald
that so far _thee year they .haye reeeived
no challenge and sines all challetige3
must be in by the first of March of the
same year as the race there is no poe-
sible cirahce for comp�tltloii this year.
The American national holiday, July
.4th, Is responsible for many Ameritan
motor cars in, Ooderich the last few,
days. Local merchants report that
more cars have been seen and more
business hat been done with visitors
than for some years past. The bathing
beaeh and the motor camp haVe been
well patronized, too, as well as local
tomtit houses. It is cumntly hoped
that it is a sign of better touriet trade
for the next feW. menthe.
Having dispozed of The Goderich Star to Messrs. wakes and Stewart
' 51 M uaird Onranri,---wildlire MOW 111 peasereelone t wiett-tte extend -ft .werd-
of farewell -to -all those who have assisted -me * any way. •
Throughout my connection with The Star, both before and after the
pasaing-,away,of mg. husband.the public has been vent generous.witilthejr
patronage and for that patronage I an deeply conscious. 11 was owing to
the loyalty 'of the advertisers, subecribera and reliable correspondents that -
I was able to carry on and for their continued support / am sinarely grate.
tud.- Throillre staff; often operating- under difficulties also- contributed toe
wards the conduct of the bitsineette and to them, my thanks are "idee
besiness relationships with the various monietpal and county OM- ,
dais; have been of a very cordial nature and in severing ray business con -
election with The ow 1 extend my gratitude, to all of them. There were
several other mullets of information, from Which r received imaluaige
trust tho ftitAiro holds nothing but good for the citizens of Godee
riele. where 1 will maim* Wetted&
Thenkine you' 141 ovo *ore. IC iun Itoura Orateftdly,
(MRS.) 00*.4, F. NArI110.
t• •