HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-06-27, Page 51404‘,. uietest Coundil ee igt nMont] (Cordipotal Iroax,Paa I). Iette.r MO* the street snd.at crestiosr 01041nst Ole otatorog sewers, si mill lake in front et theh Prem$00 dusing the S1121 04,001 01 00,01044,, M01,11'41 " p*ttlks: *long the aidewalk bet • V4441 get into.t4eir. phioet,01 tiitinctio. 'MO war* the 0,074 ioris oat *amuse to. viittr oT thy likelygitantt,t)tOf water. The pub - Ile' *Oka' contrail*. Will go 11114 the inteetiort esid *Al Make a reeelMnenda* • „ • The 43ecter1Ch 46101 EtocietY ,seked for an advance on their grant and sub, mated a schedule. of concerts to be played this Summer. The first went to the Ituauce committee and the latter to the special, ' • The Collegiate. Institute Board' 'asked, for $41,000., with whiCit to finance for the neat irieitTiCand the tilaitoe oomnatttee - PBELL'S DRUG PHONE SO Goderich chance to listen to' the It sow! • n. 514441e4t "by the P440 liOesihniti-secnithij Wither' Of the' retnint hetithea WW1 ao ,attrutel, iri OtilAY,, belletred wee fl Ostlr. waS ilmtliy left With' Cent?. Cralgie to etPrleee on some ot :444 cement seat's, Town. 4.0,'esSOr Neil McKay eX1;retse4 the, 4#11,1" IA reply to. Az *list:ton bY •Coun, Bro*O, that: tkaltea$Ments of local property Were reasettablY.even. Comtnittee l'ArePoztv 4 Mance conmattee reported that in.. ttrest. has been received on staczal bonds held hi trust for the Cemetery PernetnitY Fend and for the Band r arid, ese, =bunts -bad been placed- to their ProPer aecounts and it Was reeomniend. cd-that--the-sunt---earMarkedlor.--the use -Of the band be.sent- taZ the- pazitt treas. nrer. ' • ' ' - Rieommended that payaient of $150 be made:to the Blueweter Rghway Asso- ciation as 1935 membership. Also recoinmendect Payment of $100 to, the DomintOrt • Day celebration com- mittee as an advance. 'Further suggested the purchase o; $2,500,#Province of Ontario bonds, 1937, paying. 2% per eent, the current issue, l'or account 'of the O.W.SJR. sinking, fund. There is an amount of interest on hand sufficient to make the ,purchase. 000 Will SO 'MO acknowlediiiaint 01ff, donation. to , the Iting's Canter Ptmct was reeehred and fYled. .,11the Department (if Agrlcul, ture sent in :a long diseuasion -of .''the proper -method of dealing with, the weed menace 'which the Special committee vat asked to study and -act Upon, 'where Moron County advised that - county , .... • .„ -satoiromtikt soki'Cfli#4 401 all to 00,40/,31 this, year. , Tuis was Med, also for 33eetz- sary action. 4 number of ' .tacco41:04s were, sent to the t.inailee eeeeinitt*O, .4 lootl family suddenly placed in do, etttilte circumstances was ordered assist- ed Until proper arrangements could be IMade for their maintenance by the pro- per autItoritiese ., ..-- A question- vlaell has arisen at dif- _ 114.000.0( 0{0 , '*•• \\ MINIM MEN \\I • m \ \\\ 1111113111 IIIIIIIIII sI The Province of Ontario, one of the richest areas of its sfze in the world, with great per capitaresources of soil, mineral-. bearing rocks, forests, lakes and rivers, homes, farmsteads, factories, cities, towns and villages, now comes to its share- holders —.the people—with the soundest securities that can be offered— the bonds of your own Province. _ THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO offers • *20;000,000 -PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 23/4% an' d 3% ,Deheintures (Non -Callable) 2% Debentures, dated June 15, 1935,Adie June 15, 1937. 3% Debentures, dated June 15, 1935, due June 15,1940. Coupoits June 15 and December 15. Definitive Debentures registerable as to principal only. Principal and Interest payable in lawful money of Canada at Canadian Bank of Commerce in. the Cities of Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax and St. John, Canada, or at any Province of Ontario Savings'Office, at the holder's option. DENeMINATIONS $200; $500; and $1,000. — These -1 e entures are a eet4o ig,atton o the Province of- _ Ontario, authorized by act of the Legislature of the Province, and are a charge as to principal and interest ‘ulioxi the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province, arid are issued under authority of statutes of Ontario, 25 George V; Chapter 50. (Legal Opinion of Messrs. Long and Daly) ISSUE PRICES 29,4% Debentures, due 1937-100 yielding 2% to maturity. 3% Debentures, due 1940-100 yielding 3% to maturity. Plus accrued interest in each case. WHERE TO PURCHASE BONDS Applications for the above loan will be received by any Branch of the Province of Ontario Savings Office or may be made direct to the Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. Inierink Debentures in bearer form will be available for de' livery on or about June 20, 1935. "The proceeds of this issue will be utilized for the purposes mentioned in the,said Actincluding Government Servicess04cla ds—Old -Apr Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, Hospitalization, Unemployment Relief, Education and General Administration. " "I believe this to be a most attractive mum and ant sure that the confidence shown by purchasers will be amply rewarded. • Let this be ;our watchword for progress.: 'BUY THE BONDS OF YOUR OWN PROVINCE'." o d Munn, lien tti, IOW wan; PAiona ' WON, Bethert Moody, ItObert Mae* :4e pustw in afl but one o donalit, , two stikleet,1 404 are proanoted 10—ndet gouda** stated* * indiV$0041 PiPe*tti sent to .'004,entaf 'dine 4400* ranked; Madge Tamen Lo •Tre)elkveni• Pk)* Baectiler, t. Betty NeWtoll, Vet•oilaitt ,imtariott Webster, APAkkgrq Ma !*aker, Gordon; Walken:Teresa ,efoia Plante, '404 - ream, Alexander Butler ClarneVilit ieten; - C,-*-ThoSt; Whole promotion 1. depen- dent On their Pasaing the Departmental Examine-0MA 011 the t have *vitt- ten . or * 'under consideration and con- sultation with parents and students, ranked: 41ohli '1.4retttson, Ruth Robert*. son, Ruth Doer, Fern Cranston, Ltteille Red% Gerald reitawe; Evan Irwin, wu. liam McInnis, Fred Crawford, Carl An - demon, Ruth Shepherd, Grate Pfrim* Mer, Ralph Blackstone. Promotions front 10.---F1e,34 Year • Commercial - — (1, 2,, a elm 'hfellere) ' Jean Chisholm, Norah Juek, Violet Henry (1), gueenle /at liceque Richard • Weston (1), Mary *Emile (1), Bert Huckins (3), Clifford Berton (4). Barbara Thomson, who was unable to write the final examinations through ifiness, is promoted on her yitir's work. Second Year Continental Aws,rde .Diploroas are. grinted to those mak- Ing- 76% in each of -the bookkeePlng and stenography groups, and typewriting, Certificates to those obtaining 60% in at least two of the three departments., Diplomas are granted to the following ri for , •••txt e • . .• , . ...• .. 4 , • alt wool • • foi WOMEN, CHILDREN and 'apples 0 . SHoRTS and SLACKS NAVY BLUE, WHITE and ROYAL. I3LUE pubilo W011(.5 with honor standing: Tom .1"age, 86%4; ReCommendetl- --that be - God • -etitt= -01a:h•e-Virebb, -85e-Ray: Tattavrence, 42:- Trottingand Pacing, Association. - bert Webb, 80.4; Helen Baechler, 80. '' * permitted to remove a fence on the east Certificate standing 14 awarded to the following: Elaine Burrows, 74.3%; Dor- side of the Agricultural Agric and ereet -a new horse stablei---142 fect-lonfrend--10 and a half feet wide at a cost of ap- proximately $1,000. This stable when built, will become the property; of the town and amounts, In effect, to a gift by the horsemen to the municipality. at—was Stated that the new building would he a real im- proveznent to the town's property as 'well as being an assistance to the horse- men.. 6. The public works committee also ask- ed for power to Mend Stich cement side*" walks as needed same. was grant- ed, Another matter referred back to this committee. was the old trouble of riding on sidewalks, and against traffic on the Square. Tlie chairman Was ask- ed to take the neceisary steps to have It stopped. The water, light and harbor commit- , ,tee was told to notify.. the Goderich Salt Coirtpany that the pdminipn Gov- ernment Is responsible far. any accidents arising out of 'epeetsipi ,getting in the vasty of loaders gr sh fos-;,;,rhen,;these are taking on salt: The compally. le to. be 'advised to get in touch with the harbor master. The cenietery ani parks committee is! purchasing four more tables for' .use th' Harbor Park, the fire • commtttee will buy three pair of rubber boots' and al coat for the men and the chairman of the industrial committee will see about cleaning up some of the old fast-ary &nee in town. Coun.• Huckins was absent with the t band in Lucknow. All others were pre- sent. G. C. I. Promotions Theb 1935 promotion...lists of Gatlerich Collegiate_Institute _ tire _announced _this -week together with diploma and &Choi- arship winners. • cns—frent—Ferntr—M—a, Based on the Work of the Year A.—Those passing in every subject, ranked: Merle Sheardown, Wlfllam Reid, Elizabeth Bisset, Worthy Ryan, Kathleen Lednor, itelda Sturdy, Donald Williams, Catherine. BartonFranees,E11..„..1 liott, Gordon Yule, John McKinnon, I Graham Whitely, Madeleine Bishop, Forbes Miller. B.—Those passing- in all but one or two subjects but are promoted , under conditions stated' in individual reports -sent to parents and students, ranked : Donald Mason, Marjorie Eastman, Annie Whitten, Virginia Hayes, Roy Turner, .Edward Jenner, Margaret Bissett, Sus- anna • Bawden, Phyllis Jewell, Hope /dutch, Donald Thonmson, Maine Mere, Robert McManus, Naomi Webster, Mary Thorneloe, Margaret Webb, Helen Thomas, William Carter, Terrence Coop- er, Jean Lumby, Ross Pennington, Janet Taylor, Ruth Tyndall, Maurice Har- wood, Helen MacEwan, Inailip 0a1der- 0.—Ithose whose pita -notion is depen- dent on their passing the Departmental examinatIorts on which they have writ- ten, or is under consideration and con- sultation with parents and students, ranked: Mary Tichborne, !Olive Shear - down„ Wdliam Johntion, Irtrine EedY, Patricia Signor, Keith Westlake, 'Alpert Gainey, Jack Snell, Marian Chapman, -Helen Snell, Frank Vines. Premotiens frcm Form II* and 110. A.—'those passing in every subject, ranked: Helen Archer, Vera McLeod, othy Mate, 74.ortald Cron, -88; Thorn- ton Eedy, ,64. Unranked: With Cur - wen, 88% Madeleine Naftel, 73; Mar- jory Henclerson, 67. Students who fail in three and more subj.ects will be required to remain -in the -form another year, but in the per. iods at subjects in Which theyave ob- tairied Pass standing they . will be per- mitted to go forward to the higher forms for such subjeots as the time -table 6,1 - lows. THE SCHOLARSHIPS The Adamson Memorial Scholarships ' In the Lower School, there were five students who- made over 75%. Vera McLeod with 86.4% is the awinner of the 1st scholarship, value . $25.00..° Helen Archer, with 81%, WIDS the 2nd, value ea5.00. In the Middle School there were three students Whomade over 88%. Harold Stevens- with 96% is the winner of the PIQUE SHORTS 'BRIGHT.COLOIkS --attratively made sn sizes - from 10 to.20. WHITE SILK ,CPNEPE, CREAM FLANNEL AND WHITE PIQUE. SKIRTS -at $1.95 and $2.95. ea.ch Three -Piece BEACH SUITS (5K1RT, SNORTS and BLOUSE) attractively made n whte tirque and natural linen° - $2.75 and $2.95 pet' suit • ,P1101,TE N THE GIFT 'MOP: 1st scholarship, value $25.00. -Walter Ruffen, with 89%, wins the 2nd, value $15.00. „ The NieKtin MemoraI Scholarship , This- Scholarship Is awarded to a stu- dent of the third year of High School work or what li kriCA,vn as the Junior Middle 'School, but the Money is not to be paid to the student until the 5th or, Upper School is completed- so that the money, will be available for the student going forward to a 'University course. This is the first yeaz of the awarding of the Scholarship. There' were two stud- ents competing -for the scholarship, and • the winner is Edwin Dean,- :who 'obtain- ed 78.4%. The value of the Scholarship is the Interest on -the 01,000 bequest, which at present will be '00.40. The individual reports will be sent ta students by mail as soon as they can b; made ready. Lower School Certificates will be malt. ed to candidates about July 25, Middla; and Upper School about lOth to 15th. ot August. ---6th GREAT ANNIVERSARY SALE - 5 -BIG DAYS OF SUPER VALUES JUNE 27-28-29—JULY 2-3 UGAR MINULATED TheGREThST FOOD -VALUES GODERICH 10 lbs. g QUALITY WITH YOUR, ORDER "I'lidr Palmolive Soap, 3 for 14e Priti-ces' 41akes 2 pkgs. 29c Soap Chips *- 3, lbs. 25c -Clothes-Pins; - doz-. 10c 1 c c SALE —TIP: Beehive SYRUP 4; And 1 package 141cLaren's JELtYPOWDERfo1 - C 1c SALE Superior Baking Powder We' 25c and one bottle Hillcrest Extract for lc • GOOD 5 -STRING QUALITY, each • 29c Royal York Coffee M.FREE39c Coconut Biscuits Lb. 15c sPEciAl. BLEND lc SALE /1/2 LB. ROYAL YORK Tea Black Tea Lb. 39c 28c tHIEE B LARCE. • and smarCll can STAR Peanut utter JAR 2 o LC f Milkfo r Standard . Peas . N °°SgIVE 19c 2 tins Puffed Wheat 2 pkgs. 1,9c lc SALE• Interest Shortening 2 iii525c Hilicrest Toilet Flaked TUNA FISH Selected White Fishlw hileat,5 1,2 oz. tin Cowan's Cocoa, 1 ib. tin23-c Bright juicy Dates 2 L. 15c Tissue Oli,111" 25c anal Cake Castile lz Soap for 2 BIG SUPEAKIT STORES IN GODERICH, J. CALVIN Ctirr J. j z Zra C.11