HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-06-20, Page 1;YVV4; ,e 441tojoi.0, Teachers 'At***oE CONeriafrBid weI t0 *um Hume awl aid ober** OVRTsEs... Vt4tng /edge Defers '1100101.11si,e The ' Allan Hon* tinie-Fitlite Arrest' • 40.0 ' and kstant Hohert,4on, _retiring Melni?ere of the 'staff of the apoderich CollegVate• Itt- tute, Were the reclptente f ilarting 100) et marble desk sett tom the student body of the echool on 7.11suesdaY after- ...t1P9n.anne...14th. d: ' , • A wannly worded address was read...by Jean Robertson, fourth year Auden*, • expressing' the regret of the boys andi Orle it the diP404u* of the tea.oluirs. ge_.1,P,L_I*OeW made the Presentation to mr. Hume and 1Wa1ter Ruffell made that to Mr, RoberttOn. • • • Both gentleMeo - replied feellafily. stowing genuine ':Ottrprise and Pleasure at the thOughtfuloese of' the boy* aid girls. 'I have ttied 40. de mai-beat for you at 'all times,' 6414 _Mr. 'Hume, andi edded. the hope -that, the pleasant events,' in their association iotdd be remember -1 id and all othe.rs'forgOtten.- ttfr.„ Rnberlactitspleaded •for a forward lockbag :attitude on the part- of all our youth. The present 'Is an Abnormal.. time .and, Is probably affecting our youth more than they realize but conditions would change for the better and the mil; I __settlement of present-ttonditions-would .be foritten, Be asked those. present to do their best for themselves and for the country. Found a 'Use Woo "Did ye hear about Sandy McCulloch find' a box of corn plasters?" "No, did Ite?" • "Yea --so be went and bought a pair of tight shoes!' - • - - • AUCTION SALES A yarrON SAILE OF MILK COWS, CALVES AM) PIGS. At Lot 6, BaYfield Line, Goderich Township,- on TUESDNY., JUNE 26th Commencing at 2. o'clock TERmS--icash. „ . A. E. '1'0WINSEEND, Proprietor, .Q. H.014,10T-T, Auctioneer. • • ARTICLES 100'S SALE .• TRICYCLE .POR. SAL*-.-slxv,good con- on.44- Apply at Ira -Quebec St. - Fon -S*110.--Witite brick house -tor sale or rent: Apply to E. C. ROB- ERTSON. 8ALE.--.28 by 50 Roller -bearing, White Steel Separator, almoSt good as new. Reasonable price, as I am not in business.. Apply to J. H. TAR - ISH, Anglesea St., Godertch. *NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4 Npf rIVE 1110 CR,..FDPORIS : eloat lettaido One ease. ta:hear,taat ot *se ,13,0ger of 0*,,3--Tor31410A,104,. the, (Sell Engin s Company of Worth.. He la tryhtg to leehre..thed return o/ traetor .or-tte- ulna of WO, will* bp 'claims was"voNteigiullY, sewed by the Bell Company ,Itlien Sent in tO their shop for repairs. IThe cisMpany, re/Itemized a Machine previously sold 'to a former ettStIt!ter. and*hlttlt _carried a mortgage payable tO the company.. -0 ,Geiger said he knew nettling about any 'mortgage but the Ampex/ main- tained that, It had given notice of the chattel Mortgage And 1.34141 seized the _ . machine by due prOesis of law. • Judge Clement reserved judgment. Allen„Ceatt * JUdge 11"*.• M. Costello reheard. the .14 - len horse rate, on orders from the •Oourt of Appeal, and awarded the Same sum to 'Prank Alien wbich, he had even On the ilrat-hearing, nantelY*43,013.46-. This Is the,..fourth time the case has been teatUreChi.the io-nrts, the first tinte befere-410130.-700#0110; the - second in Sal attempt th .aretettli the third the appeal WAS allowed and tpicUe Costello ordered 40 give it a reheartpg and finally the present award. . Judge .Costello announced that he could -tiod Ala -reason for -changing- his first verdict.* - • The Davidson vs MoLeod "false arrest actiOn Whieh Judge_Clement_was to have heard_ .teses,4tostposed.,__eiting--to the ill- ness of the defendant Leslie McLeod. • sRlieiter, D. R. Nairn, produced a med141 certificate showing that he was suffering front_ an attack of pneumerde. It may be heard before July ,ist. Iss 1. 1. Shanm, Principal, :Resigns Alti EXTRA HOUR -AND -A -HALF .Masay telephone users. have found ' it worthwhile to wait Instil .840 to get the night rtes on their long clistaaice calls: Nov it is no -longer necessary -the low night rates begin at 7 p.m. •-, PUBLIC NOTICE N9110 To Virlio rn. I ,wiliaiot ,he responsible for any de bonteacecl for ha my ,naMefby apy per Or persons other than myself, neither' previous to, ,nor henceforth from this date, June a°,5th; 1935, . PHILIP C. BOGIE. • FOR trOino rig;kchku SUMmer can* to the ilarbfr 1ant`6101. fday With' scores Of young and old in hulning in a teMperature of ,62 to 64 degrees in the harbor and even higher on the besell. Bert: MacDonald,. haa :opened the_ bath _ noise end it it 'being well patronized. The minnows have left for parts un- known and bait* been :040-We4 by the -herring And most of the gulls. No one knots where the Minnows dieaPtri.r., to when they leave, but theY congregete in ehottls which darken the water In patches ,and vanish nail next spring, Only a few are' /eft in the *hallow warm water 'tear the headof the heritor.' 'The 'Ruth B towing - the barge Vigil- lant, is expected in some day 000n with a load of tepee p�toraUhipment. They will'be unloaded onto flat ears On the sitting on. the ,northeaide of the har- bor and carried to their destination. consignee% non* la not known lint it is no local firm. Not 40 nmny years has such a !shipment come by water. The „ Goderich Manufacturing ean- pany does not expect anf na;ore timbers .from the north until July 20th' but the Goderioli Salt Company has erected a stout enclosure on the vacant land 4Perosi from the power houuse, 40 whist% they "expect to store coal which, Is to Come in by water. J. E. Huckins has secured the con- tract to haul the coal from the storage yard to the plant. ,The coal carrier- which -will -A) shipments by water hes :an arm nearly one hindred-feet Tong which reaches out froin• deck and dumps mighty loads onto the lot which ts.apparently feet from the water. • The new passenger steamer Georgian came in on Sunday and many of its pas- sengers made the 'stop the occasion for getting a meal up town. Some hun- dreds of people welcomed her. The Departinent of Public Works had stilted a Ideal gang of Men at work on the new slips tor the Goderch Salt Com - Any. 'Ithese were asked for kit yeats .It means cutting the cement dock ,away to a depth Of about three feet at the water's edgeand sloping the cut .up 40 the doors of the frefght sheds. The men at work are having their troubles as the contrete is reinforced with steel and S a foot and more thick. At the water edge the cement is a full three feet, thinning abruptly a foot or so back and hard work with the sledge is needed to break it up. MEADOW GLADE FARM We have ,a few three and four-week old chickens and five -week-old pullets. They are all ,stred by R. O. P. and pedi- greed cockerels and from our .own heavy producing hens. - All breeding Stock blood.tested; Gov- ernment ,inspected. Reasonably priced d'or inun.ediate sale. Notice is 'liereby given to all persons having any claim against Lottie A. Palley, late of the Town of Goderich, in _.the_Ceunty_os___Htuon,- who- died, on --or about May 17th, 1935, to send sanie ta- ttle undersigned on or before 23nd day oi2uaa on, 474-44.,Afnat__:date the Etecutrix of the said estate will' proceed to, make distribution, having regard only ° tc,. the- claims- received -11T hers- ---Dateci-at-GodMich-thir-ttlt--day--9 - June, A. D;- -1935. • - HAYS and HAYS, 00derich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Exeoutrix. FOR SALE 011;TO RENT 141tURNtterglID---00tITAGE At -Wittagas---Biecris-RealdriabTe.1 ,.. P. MAUR, GA Saint Vincent St. TO RENT11,-eetunished room, centrally 'a- located. ,ApplY at THE STAR. lattig`10AIOW 8W11. -Nearly new, ''"" red** brick bungalow., 'Hardwood ileerai three bedrooms and den; heavy wired; three-piece bath; electric water heater; garage, Mice garden. Apply 84 • Newgateat. A igtAlliit---SOlid brick home, large „ .veranda, .411., conveniences, heavy rooting for, eke:irk water heater, lawn, 1010;rderi, fruit 'Wei, stable, garage. Close tO the Square. Mean for caah Or tenni!' arranged. ttn nest eldest eonithm. En- quire 211. 'W0Olt40.0MBE. .Phone • 298. T , or OR 'SALE • • Bedford Residence,Cobourfr Apply F. R. DARROW, Exetutor V..aw *Itti th nSTAiit M1ECAREY CO. _ Fire, Atekleat .atid Motor Car XI311RANCE /up. Tao 'Loudon We tnauranieCo ,Oligetl‘°- Mrsit,'15 W. Emsz R. R. 5, Goderich. Phone Carlow 1-413. - • - TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED. Separate tenders for scaffolding, paint- ing, eavetroughing and caulking, are asked for in eonnection with repairs to Court *House, Cioderich. Tenders to he in by June -27th. 1.0014rest..or :any. tender not- neteszarlly -accepted-- Specifieations and furtlw particulars at County iClerk's Office, Goderich. .1. M. Ita)BER/119, County Clerk. TENIYERS POR PAINTING. ° Tetideff liddtieseetii will be seceiveds by -the Goderielr•Ptiblic Sohool Board up to SATUIPPAY, JILILY gth, 1935, for painting ttie exterior of Victoria. Public ,Sehool adeording to spe- cifications.' Make of paint 16 be named, which 'will be taken Into isensidere,tion. No tender necessarily accepted. L. L. KNOX, Ssic'y Pub. School, 1141. Goderith, Ont. JNO. MITT, Chairman Prop. Com., ° Goderich-, Ont. Sintrum TENIERS, addressed to the '`-' undersigned, and emile:30 "Tender or interior fittings, Public Brume's, Ont.", wi11 be received until 12 (Mock noen (daylight- easing); Pri. day, Sane ZS, 1935, for the supply and installation of Interior fittings in the 'Albite Buliding, Brueeels, Ont. "(Plans and specification can be teen -and forma of tender obtained et the of- fices of the Chief Architect, Department sat- Publie--WorkeoOtteasa,- the.-Slinierel& Ing threfiltect, 36 Adelaide at., East, Tor- onto, Ont„ the lonlderaw Kitehattge, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto, Mid at the Woost Of- fice, BrUsseig, Ont‘r10. -Tendetis--tellt not be considered- unites made on the fortis itupPlied:by the De. partnaent iSAPOrditiACe_ With -the ;conditions- oet-forth therein. Vach tender Must .be accompanied by ,0ertined. third* On Si obarterid bank anw, payable to 140 ordcr of 0a40-Mi1ister Ilk Per tent 4theamothit tender, or Bearer Onit of the o1nIon Of Oitrisida.or of the Catiadien National Cornp.ny and _ha oiti- stituent i MAW. subsea to *tat by afore - Es and a certified chop* if requited 'to Snake 110 an Odd' ilinimmt. By ortier._ 14*.- 01010,1=0:48, Secretitl. **, The 011 for the Farmer -A bottle of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the ,farm house will save many a joUr116y for the doctor. It is not -only good for the chil- dren, when. taken with colds and croup, and for the mature who suffer from .-pains and aches,--but-there-aredirectio for 't\ts use on sick cattle. There ,should always be a bottle of it in the -house. BYLAW - TOWNSHIP-OP--COLBORNtEs BYLAAV NO. 8 A Bylaw to raise $20,000 to aid in the construction of 'tile, stone or timber drains. .Pounoll Colborne, pursuant to the provisions o the Tile „friftiliiige Act, enacts as fol- lows; . a. That the ReeVe may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this bylaw, borrow on the credit of the cor- poration of the said Mtmicipality such sum nOt exceeding in the whok $20,000 as May be determined by the Cornell, and may in manner hereinafter proild- ett issue debentures of the sad c - tiort sUch Sums ,ss, the Council deem proper for the amount sO bOrrow cid, with 'coupons attached as iseirrided in. section 6 of the said Act. . 2. That when the Council slutll be of opinion that the application Of any person to borrow money for the purpose of .constructing tile, stone Or ,limber drain should be granted in ;whole Or in part, thi council. may, by resolution, direet the Reeve to iseue debentures as aforesaid, and to borrow a• suralAiot ex- ceeding the amount •applied for, and May lend tau, saine to the applkstnt on the eorimletion• of the &einem ',works. 4. A epeeist genus/ rate shall be 'in- vited' , levied and cc•Iletted over and aboVe all other nal% upon the land in I respect of which -the eakt money shall be -bOrroived,--Atffitient,-for--the -payment -of the principal and interest as provided by_the Aet, _ „ aimed the ,i4th day of June, 1935. cno. c. MOAK Reeve. • - NOME MUM(IrpAtArrir OP, COCSORNE Take holite that the above is a true cox*" Of a bylaw *seed b the tattoi4i. ucloosielLoctho.,- p• -Of VOlbOrlitt Orr. 00414* thRf Attiner.4035;4"16titt-' alt posons are required tor take notice t**%. any one .Who desires to' * such hYalaiv Pitt th ed MA* OM notice.of fth .UPOn-the Head oe-Clerk ,pany *Wit Ives* lidowasti tht last pubuttuon ,t4r* motto.' zwit, Away MI Su:treble sitiourt of Month after the aiiid date. Tins nowt was eat published*41. the 2Oth day of June, 11.215. and the Ptibliation wilt * On the sitli ditS .itilt- Vat foku,ovrer, ,7;im=atc4 kum ea relittiVetS *do. ind,Mrs. 0. H Oreen -1040i44 40 Tort/1ft Wt. week 40 vMit friends there, M13i Z. and 01111044 • were guests at , -the Weticlitig . namilton„. • , Mrs. i'.):'01Sgootle- lind.'dangirtat of Detroki.,,Were.gutstsillot **15 With Mr. and" Mil.. tri4. Hibbert. Mr And WS A /C.' of 114011ton, d Vent,a tevi, dt10.3101,1Freek with Mr. and ttre.;H. fl. on, glr.ebria Bd. Una;8. Cape3r, ovit ripto„Attosied‘the funeral of her aunt, AA* I. *Pottorrand b.ae hegya. voft4Nry,S,14,03 4kifiis. • Mrs,gorwe ckjon and Mr.° T. AteeMOZV lEdoldnigino • ot 'Maki% • were Pleat with Nliseeccrarepbell."Ouibee reeently. • ** .PV Prenelt ludo - 9 • Chin 'With hl Pktull.1*.is. ePel*ir the week -end at- the'illeenet of his siter,Mra W. P. The Misses Schneider and tArtiolti,' of Kitchener, were •gtleats over the week end with Matte 14, and U. :Johnston, Newgate street. ' , • 'Vass Nan+ ',Clarke left* for • TorOnto on Saturtlayt,. 'She .has acceeted a posi- tion ie the Department of Education for the summer monthas - Mr. and Mtn, W. O. Vrldhain and Mr. and Mrs. 4 4.-Orldhini attendedthe Kickley-skdliains wedding at Hamilton on Wednegday, .June l. 'Mrs. Joe. BrOphey and daughter, -Parents,t1r. and Mrs. J. Ro utlitrei -And: other ;relatives in • Ter - onto,. over the Week -end. MrsvGray and Miss Hawkins were hi town on Monday /rm.:London to'spend the sumraer.at Port Albert, Rev. W. B. Hawkins, of Forest, accoMpa,nied them: 'miss Mary Johnston' has returned to her home on NeNvgatp St. after spending a year at therttriirsity of Toronto, studying a special course in household science. Mr, and Mrs. R. T. '14hinips; East St., tetruned „(8'114,v-.;, evening. They had -•01sited friends. at )BruateLs, fordwich, Mount Porest,,Plesherton, • froton and . • LucknoW. 1 Mrs. ,Frank Dennis --Miss -Janie-Den= n1,5, Mrs. 'Gordon Hamilton, of Atwood, visited, last week at the horne of Mr. mend Mrs. John Longmire, lo William St. ,Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sporting and family, of Durham, iNe"e guests recently of the latter's mother, Mrs. Warnock. Albert St. Number of "Young Men Up in Court inly- for Stealing Chiekeits.--,-. Get Off Lightly asRecords Are Good---Farnily-- Feint. ' • MAYOr Andrew- Sutherlansrag_ Seafbith lasrsTiten1117-14 plead -for three young townsmen before Magistrate Makins. The mayor said that people in_ Sea - forth could not believe that ',Mon and George Little and Prank due had been mixed-up -in •a -ehicken-stealingsenteswilit one _Gordon -McKellar . of MoKillop. They had always led exemplary lives, being prominent in Swaday School and •in 'young people's affairs. Seeerai raore Seaforth people bore witness for them on the same grotinde with .the result that . they were given auspended sentence. and a right good talking to by the Magi - trate. They pleaded guilty. ' Pull restitution has been made to Robt. Campbell arid J. W. and A. -Dul- mage from einem the chickens were pin- loined. Olve other youths also pleaded guilty to thefts of chickens, and .an. automobile tire but bekog first offenders &leo got off. The got a stiff lecture- from the Cadi which ought to sink home; • -'Nelson Naylor, 19 -year -o14 Blyth boy, tried to put one over Ott Geo.- Young, thinese cafe opersttor, by getting s Meal arid then skipping out withotit Paving for IL The ChinaMan wa a bit too swot for Wm, and laid an infortnatkin with the result_ that Naylor paid, -$10i10 for his little estutpoide.; James W'a.rd, another likrear-old from Howick, admitted taking two einem°. bile tires from ;oho **40.1ean., tIe diree again this year at his Motor permit was ordered ,Itanded..lit and In addItt� Paid 4/0 Into the tremitry. A full dress pars& of the McArthur And um** wales took tt easp,..e„ -thoeildthluir liartie"frylair s Umpire Of a long attending (*Atte; Itt was•icAtheted that the two ling*); do not admire each other, the testi% 'et a Mimindtatiriding .1)Oweert the yetithild AgneS-14.1itthar !find- koinig *itiriSter. tilet trot and high board ferias figd tired irt the affair ste did old wire, tin cans awl various heitsehold acklds of no MinOliate value. the Megistrate sue* oeedettltt getting an sgreentelit 40-01..te hbetilitles from the neighlfora. M141 .X E Sharman, after having given znlhy Years Of .the Mast :eMelent serylettlboth es teacher and latterly as Pritielltal• of Central 'School, tendertather kesignatiolt to the School lleard at ha ist ni.eetting held on Friday, June 14th. Only a few months ago Citizens in all stalks SC ftfe gathered at Central School to pay • tribute to the help and inspire - tion they have received from Miss Sher- man'S 'brilliant ability as a pedagogue in Years gone by. Many of the nroininent men 'of town and not a few residing at 'a • &tante, including Rt. Rev, Chas, Bagger, Bishop of ninon, and others prominent in church and businets have dt„aken pride in paying tribute. to One whose influence made a marked 'differ- enee 414 their later lives. d 4081..r8hannan IS eligible for superan- nuatidn and many of her admirerhave expressed the hope that she will long enjoy a peeled' of pleasant relaxation from her arduous duties. The School Board decided to advertise at once for a male teacher to take the retiring principal's Place,- the *Pinion being expressed that only a man Of high qualifications could satisfactorily .fill the position vacated. Miss Sharman has also' resigned from the Public Library Board. The School Board has sent out con- tracts to all other teachers hi town at the same salaries they fxre now receiv- _ • The meeting was a 'small one, only Messrs...Geo. Schaefer, Jno. Cutt Ili;St- ard McfNee and Dr. Jas. Graham being Present. • Concert Schedule iFor This Season -Published for Consrenienie of the Citiiens—A Total of Siiteen by the Local Band' and Two by an Outside Band Planned.' Many complimentary remarks were heard -regarding the masts dispensed the band band on Sunday evening in Colirt House Park. Not • many people knew the band was to play and a comparatively small crowd was out. In order to assist people who wish to'attend the concerts the Goderich Musical Society at Its last meeting or. dered that a schedule of concerts ..for the corning season be drawn up and published.„ rt, is given herewith, starting from- Wednesday, June 26th. Wednesday -June 26th Saturday -June 29th Monday -July 1st Sunday --July 7th --Wednesday-July -10th Wednesday -July 17th - Wedriesciay---Vuly -24th - • Wedneselay-dJulr--31-st---- Wedne.sday---August 7th Wednesday -August 14th Sunday -August 18th Wednesday -August 240t Wednesday -August 28th &Ansley -September --Lst - .If it rains on any of the scheduled nights, the concert will be played the ,following Sunday or Wednesday as the case may be The town council is alto being' asked to sanction, two extra concerts .during September, ta• be given by outside bands, at wliich Silver collection Will be tak- en. The Musical Society Met o PridaY even40g'. and it was reported that light- house Nan had produced a revenue of .04212V•10in which a number of exPensts were taken, leavktig a fair balance for the band. It, was felt that the play did not receive as much support as it was entitled to on the basis of merit. It is propoeed, also, that the concerts be staged at different points in town on oseasion. One night, for example, the concert Might be 'held in Harbor Park, on another occasion hi the vicinity of the I3unset Hotel and; if there were no patients whose Conditions made it im- possible, the 'hospital might be favored. , On a paeticularly favorable evening the beach at the pier could be the s,cetie, if such plant Mature. notice will be giv- en in plenty of time for the citizens 'to now. attrereto ' "gif to tettrtlie musk. eete son. A thtlit;i:#rawn Mood S coining down and staining 'fOr mUe te the -nortla. dkettinateljr the saltiaden water has beeti, ttlyef‘t.bY the breakwater.axxl by the *hid'away front the water in- take, .9ni Si!ethleeday.' the line of the floodwateig wae eteagly muted ould reached to within:* hundred yards of the intakebtit &4'000 'etinte closer, Bert Maellokuild hut #ke Whisual ex - .10.1100 Of Meting hia host on Vireo, dit. tempt olomd Intent on Wednesday mortahir„ there WINO. it Point where- the blue of the 'clear hike water, the broim water front the :TOO. and the .rather ;green •water frolit,the harbor tit6t4atut the "A.lirro." crossed that particular • • Rtifeirts 'front, d many 'points in Wegient Ontario tell of bear flood conditions arising feera _the totaamli rains. 13 3 1'041*A:this 4;3114- • Sug Nirtgle WWI Groat, drone* Egg,* There seerns to be genera approvslof the plan40. have the DominlOtt .Pihr- ode commenee.at one o'cloOk in the afternoon, instead of hi the, moxiing *a is .usuitl• : It Ain start from victoria rant and the procession, which ‘,411 include the visiting firemen and their eight QC nine 401343, will -proceed along- Million: _street to; the SaUsre, around the square to South street and thente to the.,exhi. • hition grounds by wiiy of Britannia Rd. The Judging. will be done in front et the grand stand, including •thsti of the 04 ...decorated hierelis *nit trz, i)y-cies. 'Abe main- children's. eventa, however,' will be ru.n off in th.e morning as usual. - • Mr. R. Stonehouse has charge of this part of the days events and is. complet- ing -ell arrangemerits.-- -Races' oraii sorra- will feature the morning for the children emoving in Court is House Park. • - ft anticipated that more and better aph Poles &eta and calithumplans then ever -wiLl rbe hi the patitde and the firemen, with :1 to the events. In the fair grounds will . be run off the annual rates the 100 - yards dash and.the half mile relay i-stee. E. R. Wigle has this in hand while a strong committee 'headed by Cotirt. Lee Is looking after the parade itsel. . ,The Main part of the afternoon and - a series Qf interesting oteurrencea which are repu to he -Werth all that la being arged-;-2-will be the firemen's events. These consist he ei rtices between t chiefs, fire drill, rejig races and fancy drill, 'besides a .number of special eventLi which are • de.signed catch the eye of the 'multitude. • It is claimed that the town is in for - something- quite novel and interestbag. Commtittemeondhaeayd:inreeteporing. ted fine progress at: lu • TEACHERS HONORED Stiff of Collegiate. Banquets Messrs Hume and iltoberisou A very pleasant evening Was spent -at the Maitland Golf Club on. Wednesday nwhen the members of the Collegiate In. stitute staff tendered their _principal, Mr. J. P. Hume, and„ diele assistan hi Princial. Mr. A. M. Robertson, a com- plimentary banquet on the occasion of their severing their connection ,with the staff. The dinner was served by Miss Jean . Walter and Miss Grove's. After the dinner he as a mark of t high oteem v,hich both gentlemen .have been regarded by the members of the staff, presentations were made to Mr. 'Hume and to Mr. Robertson... their gzgeous uniforma a I add greatly C. P: Equipmont To Be Placed Ofl thdr0 Poles 1$ Suggestion Improve Streeb--,-The .God -a r :SA CO. Wants Waterfront Wires Down. Xf vpresepi,„ ,propoSals_go_ 111W -etre which itown..hall OtOciali_say they pro- bably, will, more untightly , wooden _ Poles will 60 removed, from aoderich streets. G. P. Galbraith, inSPector of Com- municationS for the 0,-P. R., has 'pro- posed to the Public Utilitlea Commitsioe that ,0. P. R. telegraph wires be carried through 'WWII On Hydro poles, t•lina mak- ing it poesible 40 rerttoVe all company poles from the streets. "iiiele'hetinginagrat61964Cr. to.•be. °fern e.mthe last y Jae 13th; and *as, taken under cori- sideratiOn.. At present C. P. R. wires enter town from the Huron Road by way of Pleton Street, proceed 40 Waterloo Street where they turn down West, Street- both ways, one line going to the Harbor Station and the ether to th# office on the Square. It, is now proposed to eliminate all these lines, placing the company wires on Hydro poles on Picton and Waterloo Streets and carrying them • into the tic4ket office from the rear of Lighthouse street, and then proceeding down Light- house to the„, station. The poles would become the property of the town and would be removed from ill streets. An early decition will be made as to what is to be done. Three applications were made for electric range connectiorus by Mrs. Chas. Wurtele, Harry Mitchell and Bruce L A. Smithle- tter from -'the Ooderich Salt Com- tpany -asked- that the overhead wires long -the -1i a rbor--frontbe-removed-so--as- to permit the unloading ot coal froin boats onto the property. across the road from the power house at the harbor. The tout boat which brings in. coal' for the company is equipped with a long granc-which-stretches• Well over the tyrtesi. ts.nosawdlricalpottlinterof tt ct ere:. with. he by t SuPt. J, B. Kelly ie to make a report on the proposal and to make any tem- porary alterations reeutred. Prank II. Wood asked/9r the removal of a hydro pole in front of hl gasoline station. This will be removed to the sidewalk edge, Mr. Woad paying half the cost of the. removal. The *netting teas informed that the H. E. P. C. hi 'Toronto S. insisting on the carrying out of lice regulation that cervices of people who fail to keep up pay2n*1U of their Current light bilis Must "hit cut off. It vies reported that there are a number of such delinquents in Godertch. The Steamer "Superior" was hilted $42.82 for 'light anpplied -the shipkeeper during the Winter. Vie owners consid- er this too WO and Wive registered an objection. /t Will be 1001ced into" to see what etut be done. The surplus cash of the local 10,..Vt C. uinftlOitrittiointliiitigu:-9,itpaots;hat.‘04aenedsn carryinvesinte: Interest' at 2 -per ant, and maturing in 100. The price paid was $90.20, with accrued. .intereet of -$12051 making 'UP tal porment ot 14,0112.4. The bonds are tolas-registered bithe'laame of ti* Pall» Le Utilities. Compilation of Goderich., A number of accounts were ordere4 11 *1 power stippliect bit the IL E. einettritinto for the one 'itionth, tO siookai, d_ d ILL-MANNERED MOTORIST 1 Many people have expressed great an- P-:.ed/felF.,e,-":47?1_94,„..TO:"!OMO.„ *to Ire at high -epeed .pest the funeral 't &elite tif the late Jul MeMinus fast P .3 Cinder, 14011.1118 his horn voratottilat for the ftmersd to 'get OutOtbl wayi Afitirt• fret* thefiat that. ..hiszactienJg. law, titoat. -peopie thbi- 111*1 cot:ninon decency would lave int. yelled blm tO pay some slight respect to the &std. fllsnumber was sittiuM and it is expected that he will cobalt% ap. peerage* lit court on Thursday, where it"i's'lleptit that A leeseit will be given hirri *Veit he *Ill itot ;soon torot Meds. E. n. "We and the ewstr- tt. Alt ri-034116it, Were the only members present, , moor A. Mite - Ewalt being absent ht Kitchener for the meeting of the mayors -'of Ontario. tont( has broten her engage - Merit with Mr. l0b,4 0sines he istwit bries-oorn leive ftt BoittgLOOS rem SI.Vgtz 1 CominA Events AND BUSINESS BRIEFS Stm..wnerrY festival on North Sts United church 'parsonage lawn on pri- day, lune 28th, under the auspices :of the Woman's Association:. Supper. serv- ed from 5:00 to 8.00 ceelock. Admission 25 cents. Keep in, mind jfie _Strawberry festival et Grace Church, Porter's Hill, on 'titles - day. June 25ths After the supper there will be a three -act comedy presented, "ManiMy's Little Wild, Wyse," _ by the Kinburn Y. P. S. Admission 35c and 20c. 1-- _••• lIEW BEAUTY PARLOR The Olivia Beauty Salon which is opening up-, in 1,own over Berns Shoe Shop next week, will be operated by Mss Olive Hill, who is a graduate of, the well known Kennedy School of Beauty Artists of *Toronto. Miss • Hill is well known in town, a daughter of Mr. ton Mrs. Hugh Hill, ef Colborne Township. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jae. D. McManus and family wish to take this opportunity ef thanking their friends and neighbors for their many great kindnessee on the occasion of the recent death of Mr. telcittsnus, particularly those who loaned cars. -DOUGHZRTY.-sfit Alexandra Hoek- tal. on ThursdiLY. June lath. to Mr. and Mrs. Ott). Dougherty, R. It. No. 3, a -daughter. ItOSS.-=•-,At A/exaridra " Hospital, Off - GaturdaY, June- 15111, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boss, Canibrias Roadt• daughter„. DIED , it. --At Altpum,ota W0aneods4; • e )047,-..-M4114 ittt. f� tate `Itobe-rt. Taykit, in her tifsth year. Ilyukietal front the late residence. 20, Ocsigostion 2, East. Wattanosh, JOhe 22nd, at 2 p.m. Inteig- ritent lit Maitland cerctetery, Godericli. IN MEMORIAM MtraltAlt.-Txt totag menteey of a deal* husband andtather,°'..Thhtt W. Mur- ray, who pasted away Mint 2044 1,34. Tinte,litis changed In woo Irmo; But diet thing changes men The memory of those hippy • -wheirve *tire all together. Ever remembered by Writ and trA. _1- v •