HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-06-13, Page 74.404;066•6444,#4,9 6.660.6....."0,06 • r•'### nit • While the mzjorlt3r ,Z AgOeidttlral 6Pekt3r .feine Are held in the lantthnnt; several /Wing eare eonducted1, and *sr 24th Is a, popular date, • show at Brooklln In SOnth tx10 end Richt:001d BiU in l'Orit Conn. ty,,,y, were veil attended on, the ifolidart and entxles were numeroua and of good - quality, 11 Pairs are not he1 st these' pothta. .This also '4,4:00*$ :to the fair" at 40104114ei Peel Pann;t44 ' on May 39th, and, to the lumina lap* of the Kemt- vifle 8oclety On 11100 lath to 30th, 11, Melosi-taitt,tre, (Ay beargeflatalt) Melons require well 0,411104;4W. Itich loam, mixed sylth, gratel, Avarnts up, and is Very- suitable, Pant In 441'3110# In bgla 4 lee), - apart, e seeds ..to a NM Wben plants show rnnneree leave 4 Viailtflh refineM08 we0, CorOs. u.ts not ativ*a„,b10, to plant near elle- Innibers,;;:as, bees- Inoculate, and, 'leave Cut C'darlWer flaYer In me1on. • Caltivate -With hoe frequently, anti.'for „his** control, dust with 1 oz, Paris Green, t ihs.'.• Hydrated '1..inni; niix well and duet during „early morning,. :Varieties -seeemmendeM , -nnles--.ZesN-liesrts-Of ''Pold;, Pell- e/pus; if 'a green .'ne*. is. *114re,4-*11.60, ROW:, Vora or Hackensaelt.. , ''.Water. 0dIeS • Early, •• Count Y Agrieuiltural 'Meetings couPit_ n10#1,8-4...,„..91 AVIcnItUral- ciety Officers were held recentig, In rth Thiron and 41dUesex Ahnost 168% representation was realized at „Stratford and 'Clinton and at London every ,Society in MiddleseX County was •••• 0 This is evident ,of LinemsIng enthu- TIRED and IRRITABLE ,you feel A., weak and nervous"? Is your housework a bur- Aienl_TakeLydist B. Pinkhim's Vegetable Com- pound. Mrs..:hf. A .Kellyof Woodstock,NeW -". "* Brunswick, says, "I was weak and rundown. A. neighbor brought me your Vege- table Compound. It helped me se) much that I 'am taking it now at the Change." . f't a battle NOM- rt mai be just the medicine, you need. • VEGETABLE COMPOUND TRY THE Convenience ..4 Service OF SENDING YOUR WASH- ING OUT. We sew on Buttons, Turn Shirt CLIFFS, ,and do Mending with out extra charge. WORK CALLED OOR AND DELIVERED. lielluron:Law, 7-ftiaggit. Phone 224 • ' South' Street COOk WITH ELICTRIC111( Quick, Clean, - Economical'. # #01 t0 .` • At", alatint on tbe prt oi AgriettltUng elety, for AgetnliAl *Societies wu dMcueeed and Man)" Portalit feature of fair Management.re- 'sieved comidetatto-4. t eaeh meeting the clessifieation of horrAs promoted lively exchange Of -ViOnt as eVltlehtly thls l found to be PrObleal at ItlanY fairs. TheitoWnings'01 904104 henned to be, ride*. On horse Flames should be more at:rictly enforced and 'eldiihiteh 41504 be Permitted to enter hi' proper chum* %dr: The eelneatIonat Val*, Of Th4tra Is preclated 11 PrIte* are awarded to AEI- mais out ot ClaSS,, #0 Partner's Pigs ray parolee' 'carter of Pot perry, Ont., a swine elnle ineMber, n 1933, obtained rematicaNe results wdb a. litter 'of baton hogs, aCeording to detailed statement, 4,1 leed vests, -and Markest.zeturns sitht mitted though WIfs. creikery; agricul- tttrat- RePresentauve Th littereeWhicli ntere&TiCtize.-i934 baton titter comPetitiozi, was from a •sow secured through the Federal Breod Sow Polley. " The Sow farrowed 16 pigs. on April 28; 1934, 'When weaned On June 12 the the pigs 'weighed 28 Pounds each: For nO apparent mason- one pig died: The 141 reniajnint p4es 'weft marketed on Oct-, . 'ober 30, at 185 days of age, the total, weight being -2860 poUndf, or an average ot 204 pounds. They graded 12 selects, ''one bacon •and one light. The selling • price was $7.85, or a total, with the prezniurn‘_for selects,a 35.1 costs totalled $114.86 leaving a -gross pror fit of $148.65, and' the score In the bacon. Utter competition was 199)27 points; oru. cri the highest scores melee 604400.#06., Orr, C.4 9 14.-X*Ple`tree• :. AO,LOVerit'Part, harmony Or a •-nIttaieai •1.)10eltielle 14 Crippled. 10To-'aeerthe,•'' 190,ne-, of the live Great , ,1.7,10at poiverin 'State lie`9ere Many. , 19 Violent '.0treatn. 31 Pelting dielt. 22IAlbrieatit. 23 Divers. 27 Applies habitually. 31 Dry. 'It wolf° rirev .:03140rii pnmoi ARPNIZO. XA1lla4. MA:0 R.MANg RAMA0 MORit AWMMOMill wmunR. R1VL MQUOM RNA- MO RN WNUOM R MOM = 'M ZAP MOZR * 11171:14 AHMR OMMIWRPM 43-ilark of paPet mulberry, 43 Wordly. 4 -'ram pulled , by a tram, . 47"Sott broom, VliRT't High : moun- tain, 3 'Vehicle. 3 AloOley Apple. 4 $Itithbered. 32 Disembarks. 48 Every. • 5 Pertaining - -34 Authoritative 49 •Esteems. • to hair; ' standard. 63 To rattle, 6 Meadow. 3$ 2000 pounds; 37 Verbal. 7roird ,•30Pedal,digit. 5$Rascal, $Eneonntend, 37 Eggs of Ashes, 60 Edge of a roof, 9 Ponders --3-$-Tce-,prePare-for01-COter;---," •-•"". ublication, 62 Black haws. 10 Capital of: •• '111VM Ot. 4* 14600104,, • IA To bettion. 8 Male title of 4001040* ., 20 To, free:: , 1.$ Surfeit*. $4 To corrode, 25 Occurring in. wine. 16 Tardier, EiPert, 18 Sea skeleton. Figure of speech. 39 TO daub. 33,1440Me.. - 39 Uproar., 40001410a, 41 Popes -Scarfs. 4*Tipped, 44 Piot , • 46 Wing; 49 To decay., - 09Silltwortm. 51 SIdflet. -02 Sun, .03 131111ard -rod. 04 Japanese fish. 00 'Scarlet; 4,9-To:411Part.-*-, ant 04.64,forr. * ,strittly tt • slogth,ur -*boat -••- .apoat1a haJng been :thug ,esrt reitalonedloeVnO One, 'trheY at oe departed upon. tirlr great- wott, Mtft • *Meet and 'P(04004 aerVkes tley lett, their 'Christian brethren.' %%Sr 0*We was thojaland ekt Clyprita !Web had f.". large Jewieb •population, and had, been *Melia* desig- nated for ;Work among the Cientiles, they ever Made' the ,0e*s- the atartleg4illit: Whence, intinertee.- the outside Or He Sought Zlit the ideas. Or the gonnut, eoninion to hiraleit and his, hearers, and then, having. tound,, the poinia on Which, they agreed, he worked out ;rixnn them Thie is the true ' ,nlethod controversy. Thu* they went throughout the whole is - hand arriving in due tiMe at Paphoe, city at the weetern 'end and distinguished for 4f, aPlendtd temple erected to Velnle who was . Worshipped throughout 4lie is- land. Caere they came into cOntrover, slat contact with a :Jew- who pretended to be a :PraPeC lie was, attached to the ehlet magistrate of the -Island, who Was a nun of an intelligent'and inquir- ing turn of mind, %fearing of liarnabasj and-A*41h tler-proacOnsui 'Mt" for them _being gun* wimng to Ilvelve instruction rom anar-aouree-,--4Phat-was-a-vrofessed charaeteristic of many :anoient phlloso- pbers. Seeing if these new teachers were to secure a foothold and thus in- ithenee the 'Pro -consul, Elymas in all probability would lose his power. HIS Interest; therefore, led him' to appose the gospel: as proclaimed by Saul and Bar- . lie Made it his business to with- stand them at the magicians of Egypt, ,in-Miaraoh's court, Withstood Moses and Aaron. He saw that,the pro -consul was inclined to believe .and receive the.. gos- pel and would thus be removed from his in6nence., equl,. being: at, this time IU- lcd with holy indignation against . the false doctrine and practices of Elymas; set his eyes upon him and delineated his cheraCter in no uncertain terms. - "full of all subtilt7 and all _mischief, child or the devil, enemy of all ght- eousness." Then he told him God would Punish him. In all this there was the highest evidence that Paul was un- der -the inspiration of God. Re delected the secret feelings and desires, of the heart of Elymas: and he inflicted on him a punishment that could have 'pro- ceeded from none but God. This mir- acle..was wrought- to .conflrin- the right ways of the Lord, and to show the wick- nufmtiror-Parm _hp p- - -- • The demand for experiented farm help hat been so keen this spring in Western Ontarib that it now exceeds the supply in theectistriet around London. Enquir- ies are coming in to the EMPloYment Office there every day and few men who have worked. on farms are. available.• In the past two months. inore than 250 men have been sent_ out. _to frirms_from • the 1.4endon oilice. Wages ate nearly. A -More' Beauti."' double those Paid last year. Starting -at ° $10 a month with board the prevailing ... - : f -1.I1 Canada' rate is now for $20 a month or more. A - •" , „......,_ high .pereentage of the men have -been •• \-- Canada nas been richly endowed hired .on et -yearly basis. If weather 44, conditions -continue to be favomble.-and vv"'" great natural 'beauty and, ex - the farm Outlook improves these hieh cept where man in cities, towns, and 'should not be back in the city on relief, villages has turned that.loveliness in - as was the case last year when the ex-. to a semblance of garbage dumps- the tended- drought ruined the prospectS of land is a Vista of endless charm. Just Crops in the, district. - • ! as a man is oft -times judged - by his The demand for farm help has been clothes, so is a community appraised best in fhe Thorndale, inger,soll and by ite.,environment, and that environ - other districts east of the citybut all !merit is at once the responsibility of .filstricts have shown iinprovement °Veil e's-i-erY nieni6er 1934, '• of the community, in- . , - f , . „. ielividlletllY and :Collectively. „The home- , , after all is the istarting point for the most .effective re -beautification of the spots despoiled of their natural • graee;,. and, where eadh home• ' ( Plants should be set OUT in early June 'beautified, the fulfilment of a comp- rehensive scheme •of beautification In warm evil drained .soil, Chose ion civic or community lines is 'strong plants, well bushed out. Dielnade a comparatively easy matter. veil, and supply barnyard manure att This has• been arnPlY proved by the the rate of 10 tons to the sere. Too success of the More Beautiful Cana - large an application will create large -vine growtn, at the expense of the isn't. When planting make a bole deep enough to cover roots. It allowing:wines to trail, space from. noted_ upon, and. nave cemada. penes. 4 to 5 feeteeacir way.' Do not.ptant too es many more eautiful towns, vil- close, as mildew and, rot result throughilages and homes, soine lowly but all h lack of air circulation. When staking the -more lovelyeein - their -lowliness-. 5 t- 18 Tn. by 36 in., using a stake ,2 The use of_ flowers and plants on the in. by 2 n. six feet long. 1Drive inthe t_porches and 'walls _of a heme,;. in the ground -12-M.- - s Pratle,L04.Lade..-mhootwAgar4en-and-ar-jacent--aptiees--ase.no leaving fiein • one or two-ebranthes. Matter, of ineree show. It goes deeper When. tying, ute binder twine, or me... than Olaf in reality if,„;strikes at the fate, three strings to a plant. eaoth of eivilitation. Beauty rep Spraying plants during the early stage resents the stipremacy of the higher h I3 witorcleaux Ilittiire helps. to control over the ower, of fOrm over matter. blossom end rot, Por Cutworme, ute 1+-86 Muchso,1 that cien' if ,.".helidworld were ciz,, „tt..tris_:,0,reet„, 6 Ths; ,brartilioeikeyfiliOliellbeinant tifn gar it --ev6rY *- rested:In it, there Would add 1-11 pint Of molasses, then add waterJibe no wari+ in equal parts, 'Until mixture crumbles gyery human being is in- lilce,bread. Drop a few pieces fled' each plant during the evening. •• -The fallowing varieties are recom- mended: Moores Earliana; Bonnie test; Carters . Sunrise; Pritchard; • Chalks Jel.fei..' • .. •• When fruits are well set, Cultivate' Adgm,yas appointed to dress the gar - :carefully and not too deep, or„rootlets den of Eden -- - an --L-,--..- d to keep it (Genf.- II., may be cut. • . 15)). Ile did _not do so and was ,oent out of the garden to till the ground. ' The Unit. Question (Gen. 111.-23).• .Children reared to love -flowers have their hearts filled A valuable pamphlet has just been is, with love for beauty and thus have , hued .by the Deleartment of Ohemistry, less room in their hearts a trd' O.A.C., ort the Stebjeet, "Lirae and Its roy. minds -for the things that hUrt arid” Otes." law -dest paniplilet, after diteUssing the nature of soil sitidity, points out that progressivSss and thrift of a 'Com till another Point of view. The it is caused by lime beingm leathed froeriee the soil and removed by eft& . • intinity Or municipality are often re, fleCUd* in .its appearance, and, while Soil acidity Le of increaelng Import- the Doninjon is, stressing the ini,, arise since on acid' soils, soluble pho- portance of the influx of tourist, the sphatet form combinations that are hoti best advertising Oat any community readily. avaZable_to,grovong _eget*, __ Irt estn,,46,34.4,4, present 4,.. _pleasirift,..e,ap± . ' In manure and in terillizeri it lied to Pliosphole *,,.,,cia pettrailee. x# the nuttter Of *what are other wordi, available •an add SWF (lees not help the erop to t, e Ines stn e owers ,an p an s the (ful• lest extent einie it become t• lodk;. ...1.....1 .-- 1 II 'tit the districti, inforMation • vi gladly be gifet-by tlie ttearest att. immediate vabse •fort eater interest in Ilc-toturau college, or the Experiment, ti rum of the ' Dominion Or Pro), ed .1IP in unavailable tortil.S.-. :this is the v " litilitit-tit14118r'''' --- 7‘.-----" - --..- a - ---- AiRtititi)eP4TUROlit of Agriculture. - , • , - Different WM and ,garden croPS can :Abitibi,* Cennot List When, the great, t434011tii different deinies. Of Oil acidity. est '-'of all asthma tpetifics is used. Dr A. PlotillcatiOn-cteropels-givert-iti-the -4',--w-ltelksget Aothintv-seitetiv'itsurtd. .. , c ly deserves this exalted 'title., It has to -, 1111110-6*$et SettsitOe" and inekpen- its credit thousamdsr of tams which other Om test for soil acidity ,its put out by PreParatiOns 14 failed tO benefi,t. It the DePiitt4leilt of tinetnAttio 0.., A. O. brings h1 to to *Vol The most 'Severe It is called° the gead03011 ttit Altd it; 'age/ and brings the patient to a condi:- available at Coat *Atli fidi Instretetrene tion Of vbleseed Mitt Sint* Mittel** as to "biete lb thte, trent asthma 1.4rieerswhattartnedy, ' lantf-'0'llthe;'fi1rentas, • iiiii liWirlriirUsity-Seei.W:' - Methods et arolleattett ate rutty dtseeso , ...„.......,4,4,„..ek..,.............. „. _se I**, dapeur is about " fiiiii-iit the prollt, With whirl itharty. 00 yeit realty 101 that she . -lies been used ere OW pineideed, tady for the battle of " taltabie 1# itt. --Ylilie 'iliOntstlie..-„Ithebnht -,at -momenta itireadY.!'.,,,,,, g9 4. : 35 37 39 0 NMI Ns`48 lib° 51 1 5e, 5a 5\9 4111111111 5 III 111E. all1111111 iiii 2MEW Tintr'tces - (By George 'Rath) 1 Sunday . Afternoon • By ISABEI. HAMILTON • Goderich, Ont. , Sri.* anerrorressere ewer* , we've'r a story to teu to the nations, That shall turn their hearts to the • right: A story of truth and sweetness, A story of peace and light. We've a ,Saviour to show to the nations, , Who the path of sorrow .has trod, That all of the world's great peoples, Might come to the truth of God. -el.f,. R. Nichol. PRAYER Grant. to us, 0 Lord; the open ejte • that we may see the needy world, the heart to feel their need, and the open hand to,. help send the Gospel to all peoples. ,Amen. . da campaign sponsored by the Can- adian Hoitkultural Council a few years ago. • The idea of beautifying the home surroundings had, in many 'plates, only to be suggested to be iluerited to a greater extent by his surroundings that is generally realiz- ed. Where there is • harmony -and the harmony of flowers symbolizes the blending of the higher impulses - there tairbe no discord. The story is the oldest' one known. 4 S. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 23, 1935 Lessen Topic -Christian Lessen Passage --Acts 1:6-8; 1'3:1-12. Golden Text -Mark 16115. I Acts 1:6-8. The apostles had entertained the com- I men opinion of the Jews ,about, the tene- poral dominion of the Messiah. They expected that he woUld come as a prince and eonquerorl-und--free them irenis CA're bondage of the Romans.' This expecta- tion was checked. and almost destroy by-his:=deatirrbtrellIg return to e rous- ed again these expectations when he met them at the mount of Olives, for could not one who eould rise from -the dead re- store the kingdom to Israel? l'heir only wonder now *as would he do it at this titne. It was this ille.tdrer he answered. He definitely told them qs he had done previously (Matt. 24:3) that it • was known only to the Father. He consoled them 'for this disappoint - Tent by •telling them they should re- -cave the promised guide and eoinforter. They, Would receive the; power of speak- ing with new tongues': Of preaching the gospel with great effect and the power to endure great trials. ,.(ilfark 16:17, 18). He told them they were to be witnez- ses. They had been with* him constant- ly for.' three years or more • during which tline they had seen his manner / life, • his miracles, his inec:kness, his suffer - !rigs; they had listened to his Instruc- tions, had conversed and eaten tali him 'as a friend ; they lied seen him after he was risen, -and were about to Set ISIItL ascend to heaven: and the/ were (mall - tied to bear 'witness to all these things in all parts of the earth. (Barnes' ConnnentarY). Acta...131142e • The appearance of St. Paul up5n the stage of Christian history' marks a per- iod of new development and of more eit- larged aetivity. The most eagle' reader of the Acts of the Apostles must See that perstinalitY of vast power,,,,hrtejndi., "vidualitii, has now entered the bounds Of the thureh, and that henceforth his teaching methods,and actions, will throw-altZitherilitio -theellaife; tway% 'telectlert front Eit. Lukes'itoetings to Theopihts deals with the ination sPecial. work of Barnabas and Satal, Thete two hid for a year been engaged the,gospel nibiiitti7 *ether in An. fifth. AA they were engaged one day in soiti -Che* two -Should be dealt - mated for the Work or preaching the gOePel hi regions Ontside of 4.nt1och, It wo for these •tiro- a. 40141' Ordination 'flood lisct alreadY recehted bl. cern- -thj'joen the siv Yileirnabaaliett7ibori ,for mete Vast recdt. t• .0* Wre r • ,"'''^'IP -###....#00# # Sr' •40,,iZt:rn '4,4,4';',Tr.,%44ttA4W4,444,„ '4840 4146,13V".,, THE FLAVOR LASTS edness otthe tuo avh1:1 WOUld not "cease ,o pervert thew' end also tor the pAA- 4liment et' his orbnts'-he was blind for a thnc, Otich pttnislument Was tOlellt, r '11W:41ml !to othu4,044-0:$4 14.uti pervereiums, wits'4":414"IbeeltrPedutY.'helir41.-I2tonts14:114:t the doctrine- Of the Loot.", , (rrom The Expo.sitor's WORLD MISSIONS • - • "Ws AS In the now The following' story appeared 'in "The Inctoria. Dalt, Times" •kis.). nuary 17th: .Por the second- time. within a week, he gturdy little mission motorboat, Mel. 'vitt -S.wtirtouti---arrived- in-*Ittaria nerning with a badly injured man from he lumber mill at Port Renfrew, on the west coast of Vancouver The. C. and S. ambulanee met the eraft in the inner harhor and the injur- ed man, Gunnar Rosen, was taken to St. -Joseph's • Hospital for treatment: Last Monday evening the Melvin :Swartout was here from Port Renfrew with Steen Swanson, who broke his 'arm. He is also at St. Joseph's Hospital. Rev. Robert C. Seott of the coast mis- sion of The United Church of Canada Was at. Ilamileld yesterday. • afternoon STANDARD. OF awairrY throughout the or14 reeelYed lOng illetente Phone 'ine,iisage tele- om nslU mithorities, Port Renfrew, advising him 0,1*. Roa- 'Ws Plight. Mr. Scott made tbe%Melvizt Swartout ready tor ea and ottliesi, late Orem, YoUng te*ein 'of tie %lesion ship. They started out fro* Beintord at Ilve;thirty ocec yesterday 'afternoon and sped through dense to banks on the open OCean in quick time. oortly atter Midnight the Melvin Swartout reached Port Renfrew and the strickem man was placed on the ahlP's stretcher and taken. aboard. The ship .headet. Ammedlatel7--for- Vietoria., and again was foree'd to feel her aay through d Jog, _She. _reached the -- front of the Empress 'Rotel this morning at eight o'clock after travelling one hun- dred miles from Bamfield. "It's all in the day's work," was the way Mr. Scott dismissed the whole inci- dent as he -hauled in trie „lines of shit), and prepared •to start 'back for Sam - field this morning. 'He has a church service to conduct; there tomorrow.anorn. tang and would have, to get backdespite the tact that he arid Captain Grant had had no slftp during the night. They hoped to take turns at the wheel to -day. if the. weather was good. - A Sound, Peaceful Night's Rest Half the tItLife Peaceful rest is. Nature's great- restorer and the first sign of a .nervous breakdown is inability to get proper sleep. The eufferer is under a constant physical strain when the nerves will Wit -relax,. The purpose of a tonic medicine, 0110 containing' Iron, is to apply first aid for the relief of such a condition. Take Milburn 'e H. & N. Pills and note their beneficial effects. That feeling of nervousness will • lift and new- enjoyment of life will be found in - the restoration of, physical vigor. Sold 1...).y •ttruggists and deniers in medicine. • no you realize that the Master Chevrolet is the ortly car in its class that gives you all this • year's up-to-date features? Here are just a few of the, modern advantages ex- clusive to Chevrolet in- the lowest price field:- The TURRET TOP roof of solid steel! KNEE-AQTION, in ,additioi to balanced weiahtl Bodies by Fisher with Fisher Ventilation! Blue Flame Engine.' Cable - Controlled Brakes! Drive the car itself for ad little as ten. minutes, and • you'll be convinced that you save money—and get everything that .is up-to-date—when you choose a Master Chevrolet 1. 'Easy GMAC terms, 065C PRICED $(for the Master FROM •8 8 5 ZPoss. Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped at tactory, Government Rilgistration Pee only extra. See_the-new Standird Sedes thodels prked as low as $712 , 9 'IrRotir " ‘t;•,' READY rog tr.? IATE DELIVERY 6