HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-06-06, Page 2•
,IRIE..14 0
i41 _,X9,0,*(1,1%)VrviVOKS.,
Aso *ir
•Change , is
$ IX
subsariber *WIN the aart.
rolinrrA,Ncl0 ahould
letter, MOM Or.
Rot 40
t OUr
ft is 'al Of
ThL*DRZ UN tb, 1035
soienen$ lament, t$ 'box
the Prime Miniater -and his eelleague0
In the tYPe ot eatitidiens reeenimended
for Wars bY' the King
The birthdaY 11*t *040 **laded
*audio only. Men Who have MSde out*
-standing ContribUti0o4 t� Canada
music, *Awe, adminkotraiitin, literaWire
ond selenee, Ifo politician lit included
which may * not be 2414 Thing. WM*
'it is not eilatcarunT•to **Y *0 2t remain*
a tact that, poiffielana can ,and..,have
te*Ale real Centributions to their Olive
lands Ilowever,,'therti Is also no doubt
that a Arfteralt-inaluition of matelots
Would hoe Mixed * loud roar ,trotn one
v • • t
his OW Amilersal benet,,
There Aft' eneouraginif 41311" 11A1.-
li constantly *Owing, 'The almost
worldwide acceptance Of 'the WWI*
of hell) for thOseIn need during the
Past five Yeata is 4 stem 'definite WO of
4 'marked uitt in the social conselons,
nese of. man, At one time the unforr
turista would have been allowed. to die.
13ut Man must advance * long viol'
yet before it will be Possible to Wird.
,con--,a-systent aria * sure that
thesystem *lone IOU work the wonders
lt is meant to achieve.
• :4.3.9v$,,,i40.M.44v4v.v.$01,
suKy Theon oij
imting MO*
v )
fang out ot men like Min iltotentutri
for 0,.!ettiletterii *.i.a (*Adieu_ most
eminent Scientist, one whose Standing
In lxts Ober** .InterrittionallY' reeegillu"
',Seatti of the C. P. U. is so
—outstanding 4 eitison: thatins ear)y
reton, once the *wailing of titles vas
t'reitudated,ItiViuutglia 'Wu a prom,
conclusion. air *Alert Marler, Canaa,
Eprroma, NO
o• •
Over per Cent of the total', 1)*Y-
inents or oecOlints In Canada during
1934 were made by cheque, Tins.•
cates quite clear/it that 010*(4* feel
they On always bank on their banks.
_AtnoWn, POSatbiY, but be 'le trolled with
inte.resta ln
Canadian ',eachOo1.01114; 4. t
•COUntrr- Charles' D Robe*
the Orient.
.Ii known for his,poetry and .41$ prose to
Wyly :Orier * great "littera itikeet
•.„013+4Skis, rrenchwainitiatir. 'out.
" letters;._ igrnest.-.),fektillart
.16iters theworldover;-
M.444 .tiet_ta VO.Brien.,. head or the :'Ciu.-
sioitutett haa„..clintributed
'Iargely• "to the..Ateltel*Ament Or Canadian
'orelation“.Siriegi the Oise .of a distinguish",
• 00 'Career in, the war;", and ttir 'oe'onte.
WhItes- promition' to ,*._/i4die.r, order of
• Knighthood SS his reward for •-constsut
lio,hervice since his retirement frotri
Doughty 'pessiblirthe
st Ion, *11:,the riew knights. The
' .11* /,' $tikett' 50 far L**
Is . concerned; yet. Deminitin
.--Arthiciat, has .1*-fidert4", eaeellent. and
falth!ul-'itet'vice ,Vanada oier, many,
None' of these • mentioned have been
the reelpients. Their son*, they have
/ill have to. earn their eaWri,
tong. Vida is as it Should,' _
•,Of thase *warded 1 dei.
gree none will pleue more than the 0
B.•i,4• given. to Or. tOottae OuMtuplet
He • took hit well deserved-
tacii.00, with ',accilstoirotti Modesty, ie..
that his fellow PraCtitiottera
itte,:being hoofttiather thari,hiratel4
-3atarty, Other ttanadiatis In' Mini, *Oka
o( lIIeand 'reitittint,4,; several -- Count:do
apite"''Ot the ,objections- of * .great UntitY
e_recipients, -good- -deitiotratsitt
though. they be, are, OraStid;
11.tith their good tOrliinta
-afiltre 410- in iliWifta
hen. the inAlAs fall ttk-eontAin leatt
onp' new plan or arattin for the. ieoitoui.
ot t1 40eisa, Ilte ot the .**oria.
* not, eintetty' new it will
0104411cition of ,an: old one and, In
ibe ut104 Of Its author', the new perfett
plan whereby ;all MOW attidri,:liaPPlues4
and beditity,
There is no desire en linYorieo $Art 10
*Wile these eiretti4s. :rho are A Ogn.
*An teatOgrdaes the inercile* faults
'Of; our ‘41ta$'` 0$,„ living" is -thinking dee*
on WO the lamp -lit hours in the
hope otgIvl»g 43iiiit to -until** which
t Ameliorate tie, 1a, Of 'his teltowS.
Wter he has thotight Mit to
t where they stein to be •com
eeibey'lope to' ,hapAr*olved
intlnite pains
to paper and,
at , sends them but
rind t*
are so often the
n. sett
The pendulum of nature is on the
awing, The Int.S.t._three„.„Synnners have
been excel:Om/am dry. /it the *est the
dry period his been even longer. There
are slims4hat the drought has been bro-
ken. Li the west are torrential rains.
, Put
4". e**epurpt
do you of nie
gong w '; °or iny
"i*tilsailry4131$1514ietsittotillaholgtsi‘simseterus at
not eaY, 41f0t al. X have !nerd' otr
104 # 'that I'M'S*
agree With Yoir (4 Person
I agree to YOUr PlOPositiOse (di 011010,
Wit* Oft* ibil•P‘Olseit400
0$11n, rt040111160 lcsrn,*0 LI in
;lot AA IA *Oa
Own. Pronowe .0"lev".1•1#'flrst e aa
in me ,tinstreseed, and three Oyllableo,
not lev.'n,
' Deduce. Pronounce de-duii, e a$in
u as in Unit (not as in rule), accent
. Decent, Pronounce second e asin
cent unstressed, and not de -sunt.
Modest. Pronounce mod -est, 6 as in
best( not medalist, :
04ireet0 (Texas). Accent first .syl-
lable, not the second.'
. Words* Often liffssileile4
44641 . .04 g• not, .
411410,0„ •Obeerve the Ph*, pro.
flounced- teeg. Petrify; 4 not re. Pass
port two es, Pastifne; ern, s. '
Sinanyma ,
. .
'14iftable. changeabie,_ .alterable,un
• P4*serve, guard, keep, Protect, defend:
shield, uphold. -
thnorens, fe.a.rful, afraid, shy,
faint...hearted. .
=or, vat, satire, pleasantry. ,
(Sanguine, hopitill, confident.
- dioeerning; knoWIng *Age sago -
c10114.. sapiot.
Rem =OM X**. is' in sight. . There - Word Stud,. -•
balance in nature Whielfr*ill—glierfis ,s$
suteesstaiik or Nvet Years to cOmPensaie
for the dry., Maybe this is the start of
the ivet -years. '
: —
* *
-List week -end - the • Horticultural tv-
ciety ;held the second of their spring
flower shows, the Star windows being
• 'Use a word. three thnes and It -la
ytnirs."Pt us increase our' Vocabulary
by nfastertig one word each day.
Words for this leison
ellIbaPAIACIOUS; of acute_ -thental
*yislon-or drsterVitent; mentally keen..
-4tge was a man well known for his per-
Spicatious sigatitY."
041/1114to mike frivolous objections
or criticisnis. -"The4re is always a dis.
position, also to calil at the conduct of
draped with the loveliest or bloOmsthose in authority.'E—Trving
Love tat beauty seems to be inherent in I firffitit'llOppUS; cluiracterized by a
dee0 snoring: hoarsely breathing: " "The
daY luwebbed awaY, audit is -night, itt
his roian, before his stertorous'breathing
14115.r.a .4;34*ft* , •
thel•*MUM Mee and men arid women
spend long hours or ardliout labor
to prodtice 404, ohe biocin.of superlative
*aft disPlOi ''thi-t '•44, 144•
*WAY lir6t ,aniirAigie , hot tAitt.°1"Plt; 11 shorta Pitht and in-
„.fOr..the Pleasire !they give but'ItrIl°416 144414* "A. good sYotbelin.
ort4Ti- a' tare roaatir to follow.” .
?0,1WP.OVS; cliarseterizeti by excesstve
seltaimportance: pretentious, . `The
PoinO0Us Vanity' of „the old schoOhnis-
tress.".—Thackeray.' •
001/liElOLOGY; a collection. of be.utI-
lieSeagoi of literature: ANIi101,0-
MT; tk" goliecter of an ,anthologY•
mpatheersonio 11- ---Wha1/0
the matter, little boy? Are you lost?
tittle Boy a.;,. "Yes, oUtt; :X Might*
out the Previnee; bu Sesoved.,11,2111.143. •franivn -betteen to Cone -out vilth
Ca* to ticle thein over the first few
ma,. he's always•/win' somethinVi
an er.lt/tational andan inspimtional, in-
floence, ospetially on the young.
• ,Oollegiale Institute ,Soard. and ilk*
"Inwri Council had no difficulty in ar-
riving &t a, pleasant and Mos, °noble
agreement 'regarding the school esti-
:ntofl (with 'most alfltIiarhodlea• thmugha.
•Months ot each year Mita the *on tett.
..inatealtaVe heen-attlici. .firhe Provincial
legislature declared this unneeeniail
and to eliminate *h Surpluses deereld
The Port. ilight 000 ;111inee" Ptints
estlifia-rea /nut. cp,ver on3y the mai- zrvie:. Grieve butchered a _ lag
the:4**s. let Attindendingf
ender year. The locol board at, "ree
3+ .
ly that they he. 0er/ti1tt:ed. to retain 409
01 thetr surp*s tO -Pay for ...-cer
titheesserY Work at the school.. This Wsui
readilY weed .to by the Antinimouit
vote f the '
, 0 council �1prd.
,=whrch,- bow* w10;
,be secOnplisheit reasOnabletrieri
when the get together In a 'refunittable
'War with perao,litie$ eliminated.
�otne newapapers are certain that ,h4r.
tenoetes ..rethe'..tnerAt is Orel* I*4.0'elded
tor and that Von. Dr.. Manion w1)1
*Med his -Successor before ,the end 01
the Week. it- *lithe retailed that' Dr4
litguleu was at One time * Liberal Which,
dues not 1.‘44 40'10* 'atttittiiii*as with,
Markt 01 the 014 suott ,ot ttif coolierra,
ploty. Most 01 the, *one old guard
vikAtki, not bta1tato 44J wept too. 30.
Ahodiss, twho has it11 the queiditetiod
ot natitns! itadttimtoopt the .14sh to
Tule-end,- The teiiiitivtii'atind'theT'Stralit.-
VIn. H., Afros* would thti Wu'
latta that ,1* 14
sidertdloo .ApttOtti$1„ HI* 0011PMet t;Pn.
effet atbjude, sktld the
Nadal 'Vetted
'4,4% cvoNdivA 6,0 410.
`WA" ler
4004 4. 4'.
4.4 i4 4..;9440,,sviv • s • )444,"4.4-40..0, , i.4 ,
i144,444.., Y .0, • • • •
ind, all th.
salt of.,,the failed to daunt.
*even drowned wltii
t rr# Went • Under wIlh *31
,JUA4 whore no Man Mier'fomd
out. fler eargo'OtIa* PIE* white weed.
and . ***More Celunmsk visa strewn :I '
(orty Miles; With the e
pleee 0! hei zooto,r'%ati,, .h*wor boxand
Dan* hood,. *10$ eviie at
the Oleattete4'corge:WO t
WAS -ever •Seit et the Dori!, OW_ got.
:Woods, ot the Ilehaoner *at,
Sightor her ki. the- grey Of the. November
twilight one Sunday, The tWo. -Mosel*
had lett Toledo eomosni on A ,43110/1
dAr; • itrAirtAlber 141t11' IS said 10 have
been the date,. Their- May have 4,
ale4t PASO. . down WO Erie" for
0417 the Dom. we* lost. .4 Week later'
When Weeds .the t)otr she
was wouoisdng In the Oa and Making
bad weather .0 Weather that. Via$ aktIMIY.
decidedly won*: She was very heavily
Jaden. •
'The Darr, ;milt, by J. W. sa*ea at
Chicago, 1064 'and repaired or rebuilt
four 'times afterwards, was „A 090 -1110.5 -
ter • schooner, registering 2,1 tons.
was -120 'feet long 26feet one inch
:ate' was 'valued at ';84roor Itt
n which she, was lost, ,the fine
or, John B. Lyon, rolled' out
toirnokestaelm on lake Michigan.
schooner John M. Mitchinson
ie ...._ had in, tow., lost all her
'PalErgitte!"..).iuv frPrael011711ae40TorloctInedo. from
early In
ilolIa$ before going hack to
**s 444 rre
40 *0
PIN:t w0111t3t 'Os
or Peet)
OUGted SaYi.ng he
thoUght to Canada
whir 4110014,11e7 Re
tO do with the DoinIn
losi, and froln What; Wet Mad We fancy
to has bis bode roll tAit State
01 toulalann; Bookies, we would hoe
reason to Ponder if A01. public man. in
the United' States„ antloiMeed that he
'was giving much thought to Canada.
. • •
No „ . Mat,
(Mine* Past. -
Credit,. isn't taking any Chances ere -
MOW' 0000104 *e*POnellt 64' S66114
11)2..4 -eiVie verY, clearly
Giinihey the other day the
See Winnicipal Act, avtion 63 (a) .and
hoklez,of an iiikorporated'COmpanY
set out in .ftle Act, the lAtinicipai • World
was. teeently... asked the 'qnestion and irk
In t
arki. qttestiod affecting the conli*ItYa
Ing inisines,s„ relations with the munici-
<:ouncil threa,tened to 'Unseat the mayor
l'eplY- said: 74.44. Person Is not .disqualified
InrAnStg#.4-401nPan.+1.11i0Ing dealing
ed that a member of municipal Louncil
Is disqualihed *Wing "-toeing 'a share-
liflationt !it Attie t Vsaidarea2P01:dvietk
00eial'Oredit„lheories. Under Omni:den--
about three, weel.07 /Kivu" vith sti-
the Earrle-,,Esinniner. • Engaged by
tit/ ,mispieee, •1*InsiSk 'Oen; being pia
*5000 in (Sank at Canada notes for
the Alberta government to 'expound his
03,.0,)..,:w.here be is. persentuty:
Occasion' allY.(Vra*enl,°'artIlittlla4:eis):•acivanc-.
y resson•Of being a. shareholder in AA
r contract 'With the eerPOrationa J"..r0
ause lae7 accepted ,orderi. ;or his
.0;40 k and the schooner Bel -
cached Milwaukee with six. Inches
:jail over her: .1Ter staysail and
• ivIrt hose _hotore they,Could
lutd to pump beibbg water on
I. -Were frozen so stiff., that..the
nn Buffalo 130y
A,SOeatri barge Bell Orals, b
da• e*Y3ai: atirldebArtlirrit'arterl:reekSIIM*on the °
via, *Pron.- _Deo (orWettlettes owned}: bar,ctjatapt. (
Who had recentlymoved
11 I
• ihiO. She carried down with that
and owner, his mete, .Tames
ud of Sit Catharinei, and a crew Of
men The
• ineio.earsnd '1•Ith4e°Donlaren ecmertv
• Of7De°1troliiinit, 1‘110°114-
ne,v, of Toledo, and Mrs. Minnie
, of Detroit, cook. • •
aki reached New 'York -penniklis;
beat WO hOmeward as far- as
where he got, hard and fast
Aunts MeCannell„
• was -then at the cOonnience-
-of his..laliefaring,- When joining
d Donald there. hMulitlea.-187rnedl' liebeltdedbad,
s •
0 11
1 11$
* another craft going. to Mon-
--Montregl-Mackilfur —made a
e to Glasgow, Here he Joined the
4Ancillit, bound for the. west, coast Of
tMrl�a.1-'7,t.4::lai:rgle49atti:ohihentlioThard*-twit tyb811114ettailigreP4
,, -on-for' three- - iregs, iseryice it
14.1#0 Man* graveyard. •
nom as they arrived the ':dreaded-
, fever broke Out on board. Sev-
eral men bad died when. Donald was
clien„,--4/4"----receveredvlint—saw -too -
44.„geing overboard *Mtn Up in him-
i#Ocks? and never coming back, 'There,
:stiruaiii1441,VIng. 1)4t4e:orthanthe Aantoelf1S;
for the
• d___ethnatecL11er -• ere -tiso.
-ner captain,,
• '.theovi.,11.611.thed*olAnv'nignisht.shes .881.140Ped, rcii.c40t,d.down„,
'Wear .'ressettert" wrote * mbther*
'please excuse John ...,for being absent
from school, -becabler ; Was washing We
whiter nuclei-0**r and it, won't '11000en
44146'7 1401mAt -Whets--
Case .1),Inteeed. _
Roaeoe ,Penn. eale;*4 ot Atlanta,
tell* the onirt bOw It eatne' that t
0011cemikti thOight Hoiceo" Was Stealing
."'Ah lots tired, walkini down: the t
and Ah *eta dOWn itt An ,t0„
rest mid Mali loot, -hits .the starter and
ith'i too tired to tat It tog."
to.* p.ltettor
Two otiawa *Omen were diecussi •
the vi'eskther. The first itaidt
'Isn't this horrible -ivaiither?" a
That 'Second, At plettalioul, replied, te
PF0v104113t, itt i .004's ,weather:,
.14d ahe flrs entountered..„
but notTh beitt.1' •
roC* Clooklog Voice
Aights hid gone ottt in the WS'
and the tali man asked te1%0, Who
hell) her find �Str*
"I'Ve **SW round one, ihe Saki,
'Then would' ion trifrid 'letting *0 01
uty et/die?"
*$$ 7stiltsalt 1110tott
s s s
Info & waiting boot and joined the tint-
4itunder. She.. Sailed for °Oltsgew.
before he WO discovered. Of theithirty
shipped or &impaled,aboard
cII]a, only ten eanle toiok* to the
Twenty -shy: died of the. Arrlean
Dortild joined A elipper ship in
Gl eiv, said sabot for " Ceylon, and
back with & cargq, of tea Then-
• ,•tllosgOW lit made his only venture
iii`aietteola 1 eahttoPed .as a boatswain,
Ina ; stein -24r for 'Ca1eutt4.4 • ,When the,
vOke woo colipjeted, he Want *belt to
4144 He Joined the full-rigged ship
*014 tight, and again went out frOM
Qtasgow to- OalcUttis, and bact 40 Bel.
it 4o Olssgew sigidnil lie
or Roans aboard the *etch WO
re, with II. 410 for dubc
the, yelow fever Was is had In 1tav,
,the Mark :lied been on .tne thanes,
-hut' Donoil4 dift not get; it. Prorn
the Ihe sidled In Witt 10 tk.rt.-
the ship 'init.' quarinuned for ten
and fundoted, with .1:ter
•When the two took 'oft the
4* eosiunence , they were
bout' 4arrylng out dead rats,—
he ulted tor Watt
-1* tlmber cargo, and there he took
Oroce 170 Polltutont
10$4.7 ot took
trots childieth tirea with
„`—betli ibou1diiarc1ight,inotra.
IAA** casily digested foods .
forastir evening.meAs
Xellogg's Corn Nikkei",
even *rote -Isidthnefi help
children sleep.' Scientific
1eists1 Conducted -in a large':
Children who had Kellogg!'
or ,supperslvt 39%
itottodly than those who ate
1;isvier food".
Kellogg's restore energy
wititold overloading .002411
otottittelto. .7'14e/ere pleasant,
appetizing. Children 'love
.thelt crispness and delliotita
sell Kelloges
Flid" itesarto aetY
lot +Jiff...,
ibe .andiagreea pack.
Econonile4 Mule by
o1njo*dn, Ontazio.
have gotten into serious' Anancial Ott-,
e.ultlesa But their re4Or4 WOTSO-
thool „In*VinObli WerAlnenta hi this
VeaPegta, irnit,0447 cliiXerence IS that the
provinciOi government laa borkowhig on
the credit, of- 4he .dtber insiniehalitiee01
the province that: itent. their Credit 004
through lite, exercise of; proper •econesni
by their roUnteiPal Otinells.... „Because
a few Municipalities :were. reckless in:
, their exPenditiire no reaaon Why aU
the: otherS should"be penalised. It ',le,
210 4110 4)g44: 441040W eetinellS.,-that
Vend. extravagantly. 'In moat, oasts
they- carry businesa both efficiently'
and eeOnomically. It our provincialt,
And federal governinents that spend 'the
millions • and hundreds• or millions reck-
lessly. Municipal' expenditure, except in
theCentres, is noir cUt , to the
bone, lourther economies depend on les-
sened Provincial and federal expenditure.
Se V
The one -ring cliene vas town, and
/Pe "honed Wee , The Or/Autrj.
folks re6ogntsed 011 or lpotruments
'exce$ the slide trOngritea
An old settler watcliert,',the' player for
a time, and then, turning tO ins son, he
!Viet let on that you notice him
There's *a :niCk It, he Is not really
Externally or Anternal$7,;it*is. Good:•
When ,applied besic zittb-
bine, Di. Thou've Ftelec,trie ,c)11. Opens,
the pores and penetrates the 43,i,u0..,•
touching the seat of the trouble: and im-
mediately affording relief. Administer-
ed internally, it will Still the -irritation
• in the throat which, Induces coughing
pnd will relieve affections or 'the bron-
chial tubes and respiratorYaorgans. Try
It and be convinced.A 9
%.-..vgatso,Avax9TARVIMItVrA .
Strong OPpOsition.'is being offereti 4
Cana.dian insurance companies tothe
ratesof interest on loans to policyhold••
PrePeseleral legislation to reduce
ers., The opinion is advanced that -such
a—measure woUlt-3-be InJWions, to ',the --
policyholders them.selves and It 13
tiler declared: "The fundi, administer--•
'ed bit the ceinparifeS 'originate with the'
policyholders in the Zarin of - premiums •
.and are in ,realitY the totals of their in- •
d4'edluti equities. (Any legislation svhich
adversely atrectS these funds, therefore,
adVerseir Affects the -individual equities
Of poli..yholders. mOreover the earnings .
on the invested funds are a primary..
factor itt the determmatiori of prim -limn
and ri-li*Ividende444111; reLet11"45"423:141ggtions • in earnin"g4r4
power must ;Inevitably be reflected in.
iniward adjusbmenta of rates, reductions
itt dtvidends.. or modificatkm_ ,
Ws or :Privileges, on' all of thee." The
viewpant of, the conipaniesLiLiblY__se
'forth in an article elsewhere itt. this Is-
sue by George Gilbert; well-known fin-
ancial 4;writer.
It Will Prevent ulcerated 'Throat. --,At
the first sympk.ros of ,sore throat, which
presages ulceration and -lailaromation,
Ltake-a-spoOnful of Dr:- 'Mounter -Selectee- .
011:...Add a.littlt sugar .to it to make it
palatable. It , allay the Irritation
and prevent the uberatian 'o,nd. &welling
that, are 'So painful„'. Those -who vere,-...
periodieally subject .to quinsy hilve.thns,:-..
made themselves inumme attack.'
',$vvvvv.' .••••• viv•.-vv••••.
Z'S,;?•,,, •
CENT A MILE itotitid
Sat. June 1$,frpir.i.cGODERICH
T ONTO, laratford,..Kit chimer, Guelph, Chatham; Sarnia, liondon,
'Jn,gersofl,37Yoogistook,..Paria,,_,Brantfoliamiltoni-Ert. -Catharines;
mgara Palls, and an Intermediate Pohl* between .Station" named.
• Forts, Tichots,./14taraLin0 and 21.12.1,0)Wcrinatiaairci.spieent#, Ask fortrollailly mix - -
Aurora. Newmarket, Allendale.: Collintwood. lieeford, Pendent. Barris. la
iiiititnick,fissZtAirBtyallsnel"Pjilrldr.V.I.V11.1"6*, ri.)'.11-111C.ArnisluArit14-1144."1441100irs,t. 0LucIthitati°
To (Utast% Poralop0. CoboOrita Tkimtort. tenant.. Kingston, OtrisboquisBrockvillat.
Wescott. Mot -exhort „ _ Cornwell. Uxbridge. Lindsay. Petanboroc_ _Csingibeard.
Bilinsuid.GravenbUrost, Brectbridim liontsvilio. NOrtixThuvandallintsrmediatopoints.
Attritetion—Toronto (rhorn(diffe ittice Trick),
alsWN.ational libilee Air- Paid -
ant Glider riyink-4arielinte dropping—Feats of
skill in the air.
40 planes frorps participate
.7:t3:nited States Ariny and Marine
iittento C. N. R. Depot /toile 29-3.
41 A LAVVIraENCE DOW* Thin Atei. Phone 4,
4„44• *444, v
isco. is�c! bisco
DISCO is the popular fuel that a. number of our
customers. have' been 8valti4g. for `and we have been .puc-
eessful in getting another car. if IS as good a summer
fuel as it IS for .winter heating, Disco is A coke Opting,'
from others as it has the gag left in it, therefore, more
heat units;
When you., require more fuel, order a smill:quatrtity
OftliSOG and Ore it atriaL '
,F017 Paints; Oils,. itarnithes', Shelf and General Hard -
Ware, Plumbing, Heating' and Titistnithingi giveus a call.
All work promptly attended attended*td.ind fully guaranteed.
"t1riSbAtre 22 ('UAC C
Pluoises: to.
oUSe 112
aratt e' it the
diiites a, draagiort iin tite sense
tr k Mkt depreiloi vivito
thysitai eA**otion.
!the overworked Itooeiltvite teem** *ervena; run
flow* and , tired *of, tota the siaipie Uwe/old
doles twat * tnennt*In *taring her itt the hot.
This teliditio* ettea teeth. 1* ecoapiete dsablity
ieeo remedial trtoktmot i *depted.
X* the abottee t)t uy *140*$ tomplieatlene
githarea * 41011,---
001114$1$6$ to teatiovo new lite 614 vigor.
Get I** hoot rolit iifoggiot4 aito t)tenv
replorly tor the *toot be.4ttai,,