HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-05-02, Page 81 *P. ,44,41061.1.0.
• erneeefeefeteeereetele04
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• a al,.4,11•00A4PA,,,Woate4st4.0
-ectuld.".'. , , exidnred after 1L snd
:. , .
.. 1 ..at
.041.0 0 ands itraight: avkin;
tilt 40140441, 01 ,to vce,lootooki`i,,
Ilwo7,4,;: drIvcr 1pr: SvAartoY .1;4, , „ _ ,
lea. waS -taken into tuStody 44 l', Sti l'• IlfclitANr qiffiEST SPEAKE
;der the, ioll#Once. „Laticiltg,*. key -.,i to -if:' i0:001i4il, '' .,
and -.charoed "with dritinig,'Avilite ',,.-
,ar,,, P,„71ici! ki?r,t.. •,.10ta.-"p4diaeked ,, held Iktoto)3,!....r.ir,001,
#0t, .'.110.ss. 800'00..RN In
'olhe ;:oniteYanee ta a tine in trent •et the, &hair.; *iati . Mari 1140* .11',
'tl.'":a'n halttooe4 thei,Inik '4rgp
41 many pedple. Tii3: ' .tasn--to 1411:4.44f11111-.4 ' '41 :11:'141**444/v( ;1441:
. earungormr fit -hang Award In rrat ch,prus waS sung by mern i ot
- ttratiles Court today, 'Snlitla'S ''grotip,"Tlie' opppt-.,peaker,
74iss ,lean',1#4*.,1ati, .1Iphe; #4Pa. q' lio
Is IT. ..,4tiivIt 110NOREO
borne ' oa hfr firat turlough,..gaa
- Viw-Y0144 -PIM& gla,q.lan . Circle Of Inca interesting .: and ituiPlring!''' addres
the Baptist,'ShurCh *net,the _;hotne of 64, ber Work ,a.thel4I OA Koreffii*ln, APE*
Mrs. Bunt OA , itf SL* Ai*. 14140 trijilqi.,V,,arv very, ' earileat. In
the devo , oX the
"Tro.e,litv, . , t'„,,a every frel1410,,,,,'''nie are : Ohiistiais
fiaY efthe' Wtok;!." decia0d . Mils
,.. A table repctor4 .- U, was a' larse.; attend-
., ver rose bw1. .t add. beni read by inahi t the 'Other , orga,014tionli
MIs 1,41.11 cl,titt-' and ,itie presentation, hi. the churr.h. being- repreaente41 ',i The
inade IV IttiSs 4mie'Mair. The reliaibe" 'tlienkOfferingFenteented to over:',05. A
der of the 'evening was ,spent tatilillYi. '4*101 halfe*r was erkiOred !tt • lie eteae ,
,,.aftere'which, a dainty lunele was• served of the meet g. .
by the hestias. 4;4 r
Ian /*we 'OrrouliiIpt vie -
=eat held iMehdaY evening. the to;19,wr. iatotaa 1.134 ja,"„ium, b.juio'Pr.
cys in the
ing were winners; echOoltoom TueeditY evelaing; AprII
hra-rlh and Sgutil-14' t NEI"' goo. Bussell few
tersott P. F. ottrerP P1" ; 4.ellechoseri. words, weir4ine4.' ,:group
2nd, Mr. 03..0:m4er and Atr. px, bore, steer which Jack Snell was
Pius be 3rd, Me. and Mrs. MrtiOttit wetted chairman for the eVer44'
'following program wag given: 'I *mu,.
sul" viest";44. 444-. and. ;gm, eee 'Iristen. to the Vote of 'ifeeuel ;1:1.40rers
D. Mooney, plus iVee 2nd, ferne-w. peeeev %lief Pliers by sYsekt.,' 44C411-
rt-Srd, Mr, and ilOs. E. ta, Dean; Plus reading of seriPture, Morley
rnout3iifeel 1"4
Anetber4$21 ti.eletti01/1 BrU6a a
_ game will be:belt „not, etielbe duet, .i
y evening.
SPsiteileek Thimiltone reading,- George
TELEPIIONE POLE TIRES Sitt'efltee eelettion Jew's harp, Ingle 'An-
deriione Feleetion, Goederierkiterie
, Massak TeMPle apparently bebalte After the- program gables were: enJeYied
overburdened ivith tehe last under the leaearabip of Jack leictinnon
'Friday night; sometime, and decided to and iiiereehneents Were served. -
euend it ale" It wanted to he clown end •
'forget. "Except for the time tiling Its PAIlltyiliC 'SERVICE 00.SERWIri
top piezes 4 would- have siree‘fet DThee/Tegeete monthly meeting 'of Knee'
but theseeeept it more or less erebt,40 -fee7ebiterien, ehureh tisolas. AlOtiiai,tety
tta, ankle of about 45 degrees. Nothing
was hold on Friday, April 26thfi)W when a
• IGODEItIC193.1111t..GE.:,CLUA
At the *tilde 4144104e bridge teMeri- The C
bumped it to give it an impetus, just the
leeigit' et its eamea. A gang of Men sent goodly attendance of members , preee
sent. The president, Mrs. A. D. Me
Lean, took charge 01 the devotional exer- 7?
cises, during which Mrs. A. Te:Kaiting t
read the scripture leston and Milt,
leIcleay led:, in prayer. The main' busi-
•,An exoellent assorttient! et all the
season's newest styles. The "Off.
,eeteele4,Aee type, the Briton „Sigler,
RDU etas, Teffeta and Crepe,
priced from gi.95 up.
liteblocking and
funk* and itelseaattir INAS •
‘40411.424 GOLD. *num, nosy
sertit*, ,.011,ittort. and Ore*,
7,St! la. SIAS. .
S. 1401140N'
,,r4lArl wire
T ,
t • •
:,54!arricit..- /Lately' of Btn,
and ;tomer :4r. Of ,lluvPri
pelehet, .nrocit. EV;
Att onaturd
SO WINO Aprli,?0( • !wAs.In 1s $6th
,Nora Eti
„ •
pro* pt the Co
en' :when he was „23 , vars old and Vas
n the Jewelry inxtineas 'until' he retired
In 403. 1-47.! had.. been. 4. meinher ot
Park Otraet ollureh, for over '.00 ;years,
In MRS' he, *ea inarrit4 to 'Harriet It
0Ovel* who " 0044t,aa4.64 him In 12l
C Mss'41411,4, (4toritiie;;* Wife* Oster, bi
Maxie /her -horde 'With thein sfnce their
400;0144e and cared for 'Mr. Carrick -
0 .,jsp Nr.r; carilek will be 're-
',Ineinhere4 by piany residents of 1004e.
eicheite-Well'ael the surrounding country
Also boxed Note Pa
With official pictures
See Our Mother's Day
Card* 5c, IN
funraL were "Sr. ,47. 47140.41 of
Wnnipe, Mr.• lintllion, Rowland; Mist
Mirgaret Mr.'1/1(..,' ..Cleatelk#'
and Mildred of ten.440,,, 'Mr;Wilhlam
011,111. t`a; Om T. 01144 *iehael„
lbomas and t*tintp.' 0110111
We have selected SPecial *terns,
woutp JOS.: GEStOlittlaTE*
tallt*(m the
- /ire
W114941:4 J9SePh qerPmette, well know
1.'"'"' ooderleh, yOnng min, died on, his 2ele.h
sang theNtlonaL!''A.iitlietd_ , At the .‘iithdayi, tueoday, kora, soth'. . Aboutclose0.1 *4406'04 4'•Patr'41° number, three ,weeks Ago deceased had an opera.;
Never Let the Old. Vag well",Tiaa ton removal of his theses and cop,
given In good style*bY Miss caul. Barton
and enthusiastically received by elle
audience. The meeting Was (limed by
the singing of the Choral nenediction.
ititei.st spring v,ding • took -p ace on
Frionage 01
April Stlieeit't'eht114Pilrfilie'
when- 1410 M. O. tiati*s.0,
daughter :of , iCfrah S. 3. pattterson. Bel-
taSt. Ireland, was. UnRed In marriage to
lis4r;Veeit. 11441$44-Tionr of %or. and WS;
W. H. Dunbar; Wililant.Otreet. Strat-
ford; by the ttivm: ' ''Oralk, The',
, .11. •
bride wore a smart travelling suit of grey
-crepe, with navy. accessories, and tarried
a Corsage of Sunset TAOS and orchid
sweet peas. She was attended by Mtge
Marguerite Dunbar, sister ef ,the groom,
In . a smartly tailored blue tweed suit,
id wore .a corsage Of oil; roses. The
groomwasattended by Mr. R. G. Camp -
ell, brother-in-law tic bride, After
he wedding breakfast" atAW.hoine of
he bride's 'sister, Mrs. R, G. Campbell,
happy couple 'left an an extended
tri w the ' bride's
-13 through the Brill /eleS, and will
pene the slimmer
other. Belfast, Ireland. Out-of-town
treats- were lier, and Uri pun);,9x,
yam Verna Curran, of 'llavistoek.
AGEANT AT NOuTn txp. cirtiiteu
tratford; Mr. and Mrs.r. A. C. Dunbar, also ortgpatford, and
A very interesting -evening was-rspent
North Street united 01001. on Tkies-
y evening. April 39,h, 1,1,0en the W.
.8. and Pyinioi ,4i;1041,11rY united
eir Baster .tbe9,15,0,F#
the -Evep-
g Al1x11441,•' fle4d4r/A, 1410, gu
speaker of the eltel.04,$,,,z00.
e meet ng was in eo#Peetion
with the centennial celebration Of the s
'iletuth which is to be he-
ber. It was agreed to have eenten-- g
next supper during the eenterudal cele-
brations, under the auspices 0! the m
Ladies' Aid. The program for the after-
, ,
Wen was in charge of Mrs. MC. p
WI% group, which was opened by a
1/10_tlis :given by Ihd: whole-v*0e - --A
.duet; "The Good Shirr Uglyptlipi" was in
given by Masters and Bruce Mac- ,da
ntinald, to *lila 'WO bad eelipend M
With_ •e4tc-re. fA reading on the Ali
- was—givon
WPM. Who' also) responded
dote. beeketifalli rendered O. solo
bee' Miss 'tom. Archer was oi
...toyed, while_ the . Inen*era pre
greatlY Interested and
lit:4'0ot% atcretant tkr r**Itesti,
one, and show 4, r,umbe:of lantern
des of the 4,14131.41,40,Ws. OF -
g the evening 11.
red a vocalo 1410e, .",t1
,by 31lcbers MOP*
of the Omit*. 41,0040)*). #114101.V,
Mrs. W. P. Lane, Mrs. H. ,litarrefier, Mrs.
4, Johnston, Mrs. Mrs,
Chester Johnston, .T4e. pay 'was very
interesting, depleting the Ate of a Young
woman who was a te*cher, in Canada
and professed to 1,;4' nee interested in
missions at all, but after a visit from a
prissionsxy-7-iriende and atter a drew
following, decided to ?lie her entire lite
to the Work of lithelOtci.. P-
lane offered the offertory prayer and
the xneetlng closed by the, tinging of the
hilissItularY 'hymn, AtOry to
!Tell to the Nat:IDOL-4'
womau of ave
age; heavy iir00
51 ShorU 4;4
•ro, the sitoit, .average,
heavy figure. "
1 'Top Heal/
Pree Methodist- thhrell;lisratKay
soviets Sunday' at 3• ilia,
-weVolme., -Miss IL paivedit't•astor,
Services at Itletoriv.4.*itit4 Vatted
church will be conducted or,!..t.
AtaY sth, by Rev. At 0. Parr,,of
1)1 Ctn., subject,, -"The Margp 0
atisp autklect'4sadng
_outlets at the llaptiat,, 11,ihurch'
atutdoy, May 5th, *ill he*, *lows:,
tichool; **es at .11 ,ixo,
and will biln:tha* Of Itoitort.
aohutti Superintendent ot.the
t, Ralik Waal* Board, Ibtont0.
The Sidtatiole,41irra,,V',1094)**4
,be **duet**, be:Adjutant
Willman at London hetidinartera.'
Ihilthan Will be aecontoladed by eta.
'40totilm. etatatioemt.ti. Who will
sastat buti. •-toutottlitt foUtto .444 11541it
*Wing* Ottimaneeat tl1 aitiL and
p34, come: **dr to toe* root sot, .
tterdoee .tit Knott rtetityrterion .041441
:on *undo, usy tith,„ Will be Conducted
by the pastor, Rot D. 4:1Ant, Ag tot.'
aa *mt., jollied, In counnernona
At KIngs lubilee,! **With 1 !MOP.*
' herd** *ow.
100 "
tracted sok cold abOrtir afterwards. Ifiti
:death wee ,unexPeoted° ahd came as a
Shock to -the, town. A/41044h born in
ilerysdale, the -son of Noah and Marie
,Gezarnette,, 'early mend to Goderieh
Since. He was a neembere.oe at:
ehurcle and of .the t,,,,I4an Society. 1
-tie -is turf/lied 'hy !wide,* &rine*
Afiss Josephine Aiselman of i'TorontO.
There are no .ehildren. Three brothers,
;VP 0.11ti 441v.r.M0e.:Agid,,,,,Plarence- a;ad-a
sister., Milli' Madeline; survive, in
;pm. tO hie Iaielitri: The, funeral was
held :from St. Pet= Reenan .cattioli
church on Timrsday morning, May jet,
to ColbornireemeterY. Pstilbearers e
R. Johnston, Gilbet -Plant, Jas. efae.Vi-
ear, Geo. Geevell and Prank Jeffery.
,a. 0 , itamu1, Mli
itowian.14 1 t;fti., h
Donald, Ittr, ti : Ponald Molttr
nen and. ' ,X
;' . Itastet of Parkhill..
Election,. Officers,41issienerl
Gives Splendid. A4449--Iriak
On Work,
'Wine was said td be the.raoSt ,success -
414 presbyterial .yet he In Huron
erowded tenacity the 'auditorium: of
Main !Street ehurch, fully 400 being pre-
sent. .the preeldent, Mrs. W. J. Greer,
lot wingliant,': pteaided, and Miss Maryr
Melnei Blyth, was secretary.'
• 'The following ellecers Were eleeted:
/let -vica-praildelet. litre.. Robert;% 1:10cen.;
Pile; Eirmondv011er second tar Mrs.'Xi.• *Dena, Aells,all,; third, Mr. W.
Wenwood, 'Whighaire;9 POUT, five., W.
leaidlave -Blyth: eorresponding secretary,
Mrs, itOthert NeY, Peirdwiehe treasurer,
MS.'S Pergus0z4 eeaforth;-.ieeeretary
,Christian stewardtbip. Mrs. Cunainlng,
Mrs. -,iftc;Centiei legatondville; Secretary.
*fission chtles, Mrs. W. is-.-Lene,Ode
rieh:'-riecretary 0, O.' toTtlircinis, Mabel
Bathe Goderiole; eecreteit missionary
bands -Mrs. C.' 15.:11colnu BlgroandVille;
"0:04.47 :,J).#1,?7bands- Mrs LJ)
for, Thlinlei it:c;WA;
tar", Mrs. John Gmedy, Wioxeter; sup-
ply secretary, Mr*, Colclough, Blyth;
inisslonarY 2)10'14111,y secretary, Mrs. Wm:
Pickard,e-Clintonre strangers' secretary,
Mrs.- George 'Mansel, Exeter; literatpre
weretary, Miss M. MurdoCh, Goderich• ;
temperance secretary, Mrs. Gibson GU.
WIntechureh; • press secretary,
-Miss Jean—Muffarr rnerritiers- itportfolio, We. .0olborue and IVIrs. Ham-
ilton, pe-Goderiche and wire.' wilson of'
• Wingham. • ,
The address of welcome was delivered
by Mrs -A. E. Elliot, while Mrs. McCrea
ef atenmiliere gave a suitehleeretely.
• . Longleee missionery 'of the-„Ple
China lefission Field, gaveitivet?
ing address on the work
the need of unselfiehness amongst the
•people berg. Mrs, Kipp, Secretary of, the
medical 'Work of home missions gave a
The deeth occurred on ,Saturday,
April lath, of a life-long resident of 041-
borne 'Township, in the person- of John
Fowler, in his year. Be was laid
to rest on Tuesday, April Ifithe bY
three son -in-laws and theft nephews,
Geo: Ryan. Wm. Benjamin, ....Barry
Beadle, 'Howard rOwler; Allare
'and Cluis. Brownlee. Ha is suryived by
his wife, formerly Kezabeth Feagem, Col-
borne Towns,hip, also three sem and
fon. daughters, William of Loyal, -Beg.,
of London, „Worthy at home, Mrs. Geo.
,Ryan and Mrs. Win. Benjamin, Glide-
, Mrs. -Harry -Beadle, -Auburn, and
brit:Una at, home.- There are three sis-
ters and four 'brothers, 'Mrs."' Wilebn
144)Wrilee,' tiotierich, ThOs. Johnt
.4114 unfc'vrni• 40414. 71144a, Osslc.-;
George snyier, SalgOd; .111/1111ain, Gedi-
Alit 130*, ,WelW3'40 j431t., ftrifi Obeit,
gattl ate. Mfrle. • 714 ,*(utierai eerViSef3
werp in, charge of 'Dr. •UPrtimIrt
Ion. Mrs, qeo, -itnd Mrs. Nun-
tofl ,V,P4 Will ' Whet Ilpar0
4141Y," l'inieoti was 11,04 lromhis
400 eteidepce, with interment in Cele
News oe the death Of Mrs. John., P.
itoWlandb. Which occurred at her home
in Mount ;camel; on 'ably Thursday,
April lath, was received as a severe:
shock to her 'ninny friends, followin
gesee-Ameater--aritit-411-e-deater- of ler
sister, Stater M. St. Felix, of 8f. Joseph's
CortuntmitY; tendon, Seine six Weeks pre-
vious. The deceaecel • lady WU brinerly
Miss. Martha Oweill„. daughter at the
late .1*. and Mr*. tirobiais O'Neill of
(!f, and -*raw a-vatittate-htifie
of St: Joseph,/ Hospital,. London.: .
was united In marriage to John- 41. 'Row-
land at St. Peters church, tiOderigh, In
8eptem1er,71012# ad 1ad *ince resided
at.,Mount; Carmel. Mrs, Rowland. *tif
an enutuolasito-chutiti woticei. 'W.:441(100
of the .Letaire of the.' Wacied
hnember.,ot the ;Attar aiiiWir
Ing ;aft*** dittholfe_ Wonens
Lynne .0! Our takr- 1,4bout Csrmel
inteLinirClibet".1:"404114tauMyed by her
0 atm "M. 4. Ifinn and Mtu
hheband. %rink' eietera and (our
`,10,104(1, Prev.
000ph, sid ,ionnuin, own ot lcuict;
one ,brother.sdecessed her
three itrioetu.014,
Alin, Kathatitte„, aater At; ?tellx
OE* ' ,()
&gem), Sung in' �ur
FId ot Mount tion./ ohlitett.on
Untidaf. APtil Slhat st 10 o'clock am.,
wlth rut lit, D. OlreUI aa celebrant,
Ref, lers ittrlardle ot 10*iita4dge
deacon) and iloim 104 binVit to,f,
46.4eatott taw, rt. fr.-iin of Wat-
ford, and Rev. re. d Ay* ot 14040110.
went. In the '1041104060, enkriril g the
trigV001410 WO." ,ottered by Its. OThfil
and ‘1,0ittlarditx the Palibtarata
Aflflj v orbs. ary.
st; !lofted. church,
Sunday, May
, ,
Rev, Af. 0.Parr, Watt Ave, votto
PliUrCh, .7491140;1. will P4104004114-
, arm. and 1 P,M., Be Sure' ValieaW
this will be ome laete
chance before he goes torAtiip new
Charge -at . tkitterborough,l, ..T„.4evA
iatelebrate the •,King's Jubilee An-
niversary -by enjoying your ceven-
ing dinner at VICTOR/A ST.
blemereservEiree-m- 5.3I -73O p.m.
Ticketit—tedelis 46e, eleildren 2,00.
Cold Roast iPork With Dressing
Cold ;Roast Beef
Mashed Potatoeii
-weed liomatoes, - Oteett peas
.Pleitles naiadsJeliles
Fresh Lemon .1:)le or Cake:
Vea, or Coffee
very interesting.talk,on the 134ml:4441s 1111.70hn5, Eimville; Mee Helen COoPer
a .
Canada and the work they are doing.
A resolution commemorating the leth
year01church /union pledged the raem-
td euPpoet -the- Doniinioneleoard.:
Mrs, Lane Miss M. Bailie . and :Mrs.
MeKeniie .were appointed a committee tee
strppert the summer school and camp at
Goderieh. • The following will represent
the body at the conference: Mrs. C. C.
Gorrie; Mrs. J. McGill, West-
etd1rra. A Haugh, Brecelield; t.e.rst
rioderich. The Nomination and Finance
Conimit.te ia Mrs. WC P. Lane, Mrs. Wat-
son, .Miss young,. Mr.& 4110%wrii Mrs,
The next meeting will 1:1.he1d 1n936
in the Ontario 'Street' United church.
tc Linton, and in 1931. Istoitti St. Goderich,
.will be . the hosts. oreetings were
brought from the 'presleyteey by Rev. Mr.
Gale. .
MONDAY, . MAY. 6th, 1935'
Being .60 day'fixed-for the Celebration cf the
25th Amiversary of His Majesty's accession,
an in *40edrifaiige with a resolution -of 019 own
Cowie% I hereby proclaim the* Said day a:
and call upon all citizens to observe the, same
-fl 4.. A. MactW..A.N, Mayor
Daied at.Goodeiich,A • 26tit,1935
Spring Is Here
No need to worry about
your Clothes for The :Sprit)
Just sendk them to the:
Fmk Dry aim* %As
Send us the Overcoat and
other, levy winter _wraps
Or clanitig before you put
*them in the cedar_ bags for
, ... ,.-
tiiis-the reason why Mother's Day Shoula be more,
faithfully observed that any .other time of fiie, year.
She:is- always 'thinking of you 04 the . appiest
otOttents..tif her -life are when . anything
koko to herthat yoti how! remeMbeied her
, . .
utiftit bunch of flowers from ' -4'
40.20 40.407-
110.40). *scow,: 'toot* Wit:it 1.