HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-05-02, Page 81 *P. ,44,41061.1.0. • erneeefeefeteeereetele04 .4at „41..eeeetele. 41, ' 444 m41 ..........44.4.4..0.,4•44,4,40.4444~4,4,14,4.41,40 • ,7,oWt....,1 1440 , 4.1 4110itre.:041NN • ' : • a al,.4,11•00A4PA,,,Woate4st4.0 , -ectuld.".'. , , exidnred after 1L snd . : :. , . .. 1 ..at .041.0 0 ands itraight: avkin; tilt 40140441, 01 ,to vce,lootooki`i,, Ilwo7,4,;: drIvcr 1pr: SvAartoY .1;4, , „ _ , lea. waS -taken into tuStody 44 l', Sti l'• IlfclitANr qiffiEST SPEAKE ;der the, ioll#Once. „Laticiltg,*. key -.,i to -if:' i0:001i4il, '' ., and -.charoed "with dritinig,'Avilite ',,.- ,ar,,, P,„71ici! ki?r,t.. •,.10ta.-"p4diaeked ,, held Iktoto)3,!....r.ir,001, e #0t, .'.110.ss. 800'00..RN In 'olhe ;:oniteYanee ta a tine in trent •et the, &hair.; *iati . Mari 1140* .11', 'tl.'":a'n halttooe4 thei,Inik '4rgp 41 many pedple. Tii3: ' .tasn--to 1411:4.44f11111-.4 ' '41 :11:'141**444/v( ;1441: , . earungormr fit -hang Award In rrat ch,prus waS sung by mern i ot - ttratiles Court today, 'Snlitla'S ''grotip,"Tlie' opppt-.,peaker, OUS. W. 74iss ,lean',1#4*.,1ati, .1Iphe; #4Pa. q' lio Is IT. ..,4tiivIt 110NOREO borne ' oa hfr firat turlough,..gaa - Viw-Y0144 -PIM& gla,q.lan . Circle Of Inca interesting .: and ituiPlring!''' addres the Baptist,'ShurCh *net,the _;hotne of 64, ber Work ,a.thel4I OA Koreffii*ln, APE* , Mrs. Bunt OA , itf SL* Ai*. 14140 trijilqi.,V,,arv very, ' earileat. In the devo , oX the "Tro.e,litv, . , t'„,,a every frel1410,,,,,'''nie are : Ohiistiais fiaY efthe' Wtok;!." decia0d . Mils ,.. A table repctor4 .- U, was a' larse.; attend- ., ver rose bw1. .t add. beni read by inahi t the 'Other , orga,014tionli MIs 1,41.11 cl,titt-' and ,itie presentation, hi. the churr.h. being- repreaente41 ',i The inade IV IttiSs 4mie'Mair. The reliaibe" 'tlienkOfferingFenteented to over:',05. A der of the 'evening was ,spent tatilillYi. '4*101 halfe*r was erkiOred !tt • lie eteae , ,,.aftere'which, a dainty lunele was• served of the meet g. . by the hestias. 4;4 r YOUNG :{ N ENTEXT4IN Ian /*we 'OrrouliiIpt vie - =eat held iMehdaY evening. the to;19,wr. iatotaa 1.134 ja,"„ium, b.juio'Pr. cys in the ing were winners; echOoltoom TueeditY evelaing; AprII hra-rlh and Sgutil-14' t NEI"' goo. Bussell few tersott P. F. ottrerP P1" ; 4.ellechoseri. words, weir4ine4.' ,:group 2nd, Mr. 03..0:m4er and Atr. px, bore, steer which Jack Snell was Pius be 3rd, Me. and Mrs. MrtiOttit wetted chairman for the eVer44' 'following program wag given: 'I *mu,. sul" viest";44. 444-. and. ;gm, eee 'Iristen. to the Vote of 'ifeeuel ;1:1.40rers D. Mooney, plus iVee 2nd, ferne-w. peeeev %lief Pliers by sYsekt.,' 44C411- , '01-41%*"..iiteftenbaere rt-Srd, Mr, and ilOs. E. ta, Dean; Plus reading of seriPture, Morley rnout3iifeel 1"4 Anetber4$21 ti.eletti01/1 BrU6a a _ game will be:belt „not, etielbe duet, .i y evening. SPsiteileek Thimiltone reading,- George TELEPIIONE POLE TIRES Sitt'efltee eelettion Jew's harp, Ingle 'An- deriione Feleetion, Goederierkiterie ,7.011,--*VeleiePhiene-Pele..inetrent.,-;b.1 , Massak TeMPle apparently bebalte After the- program gables were: enJeYied overburdened ivith tehe last under the leaearabip of Jack leictinnon 'Friday night; sometime, and decided to and iiiereehneents Were served. - euend it ale" It wanted to he clown end • 'forget. "Except for the time tiling Its PAIlltyiliC 'SERVICE 00.SERWIri top piezes 4 would- have siree‘fet DThee/Tegeete monthly meeting 'of Knee' but theseeeept it more or less erebt,40 -fee7ebiterien, ehureh tisolas. AlOtiiai,tety tta, ankle of about 45 degrees. Nothing was hold on Friday, April 26thfi)W when a • IGODEItIC193.1111t..GE.:,CLUA At the *tilde 4144104e bridge teMeri- The C bumped it to give it an impetus, just the leeigit' et its eamea. A gang of Men sent goodly attendance of members , preee sent. The president, Mrs. A. D. Me - Lean, took charge 01 the devotional exer- 7? cises, during which Mrs. A. Te:Kaiting t read the scripture leston and Milt, leIcleay led:, in prayer. The main' busi- • AIPTER EASTER SPECIALS •,An exoellent assorttient! et all the season's newest styles. The "Off. ,eeteele4,Aee type, the Briton „Sigler, RDU etas, Teffeta and Crepe, priced from gi.95 up. liteblocking and funk* and itelseaattir INAS • ‘40411.424 GOLD. *num, nosy sertit*, ,.011,ittort. and Ore*, 7,St! la. SIAS. . Irom S. 1401140N' . ,,r4lArl wire T , • IVIIMOt OMR/ Oft t • • Wffltazn' :,54!arricit..- /Lately' of Btn, and ;tomer :4r. Of ,lluvPri pelehet, .nrocit. EV; Att onaturd SO WINO Aprli,?0( • !wAs.In 1s $6th ,Nora Eti „ • pro* pt the Co ue:4441'. April en' :when he was „23 , vars old and Vas n the Jewelry inxtineas 'until' he retired In 403. 1-47.! had.. been. 4. meinher ot Park Otraet ollureh, for over '.00 ;years, In MRS' he, *ea inarrit4 to 'Harriet It 0Ovel* who " 0044t,aa4.64 him In 12l C Mss'41411,4, (4toritiie;;* Wife* Oster, bi Maxie /her -horde 'With thein sfnce their 400;0144e and cared for 'Mr. Carrick - 0 .,jsp Nr.r; carilek will be 're- ',Ineinhere4 by piany residents of 1004e. eicheite-Well'ael the surrounding country Also boxed Note Pa With official pictures See Our Mother's Day Card* 5c, IN irilacAt funraL were "Sr. ,47. 47140.41 of Wnnipe, Mr.• lintllion, Rowland; Mist Mirgaret Mr.'1/1(..,' ..Cleatelk#' and Mildred of ten.440,,, 'Mr;Wilhlam 011,111. t`a; Om T. 01144 *iehael„ lbomas and t*tintp.' 0110111 We have selected SPecial *terns, woutp JOS.: GEStOlittlaTE* tallt*(m the - /ire W114941:4 J9SePh qerPmette, well know li 1.'"'"' ooderleh, yOnng min, died on, his 2ele.h sang theNtlonaL!''A.iitlietd_ , At the .‘iithdayi, tueoday, kora, soth'. . Aboutclose0.1 *4406'04 4'•Patr'41° number, three ,weeks Ago deceased had an opera.; Never Let the Old. Vag well",Tiaa ton removal of his theses and cop, given In good style*bY Miss caul. Barton and enthusiastically received by elle audience. The meeting Was (limed by the singing of the Choral nenediction. eArresson,!•ritlxisit. ititei.st spring v,ding • took -p ace on Frionage 01 day, ieterbitirii,t April Stlieeit't'eht114Pilrfilie' when- 1410 M. O. tiati*s.0, daughter :of , iCfrah S. 3. pattterson. Bel- taSt. Ireland, was. UnRed In marriage to lis4r;Veeit. 11441$44-Tionr of %or. and WS; W. H. Dunbar; Wililant.Otreet. Strat- ford; by the ttivm: ' ''Oralk, The', , .11. • bride wore a smart travelling suit of grey -crepe, with navy. accessories, and tarried a Corsage of Sunset TAOS and orchid sweet peas. She was attended by Mtge Marguerite Dunbar, sister ef ,the groom, In . a smartly tailored blue tweed suit, id wore .a corsage Of oil; roses. The groomwasattended by Mr. R. G. Camp - ell, brother-in-law tic bride, After he wedding breakfast" atAW.hoine of he bride's 'sister, Mrs. R, G. Campbell, happy couple 'left an an extended tri w the ' bride's -13 through the Brill /eleS, and will pene the slimmer other. Belfast, Ireland. Out-of-town treats- were lier, and Uri pun);,9x, yam Verna Curran, of 'llavistoek. AGEANT AT NOuTn txp. cirtiiteu tratford; Mr. and Mrs.r. A. C. Dunbar, also ortgpatford, and i• A very interesting -evening was-rspent North Street united 01001. on Tkies- y evening. April 39,h, 1,1,0en the W. .8. and Pyinioi ,4i;1041,11rY united eir Baster .tbe9,15,0,F# PreSidlnt,Of the -Evep- g Al1x11441,•' fle4d4r/A, 1410, gu speaker of the eltel.04,$,,,z00. e meet ng was in eo#Peetion with the centennial celebration Of the s 'iletuth which is to be he- ber. It was agreed to have eenten-- g next supper during the eenterudal cele- brations, under the auspices 0! the m Ladies' Aid. The program for the after- , , Wen was in charge of Mrs. MC. p WI% group, which was opened by a 1/10_tlis :given by Ihd: whole-v*0e - --A .duet; "The Good Shirr Uglyptlipi" was in given by Masters and Bruce Mac- ,da ntinald, to *lila 'WO bad eelipend M With_ •e4tc-re. fA reading on the Ali - was—givon WPM. Who' also) responded dote. beeketifalli rendered O. solo bee' Miss 'tom. Archer was oi ...toyed, while_ the . Inen*era pre greatlY Interested and lit:4'0ot% atcretant tkr r**Itesti, „ one, and show 4, r,umbe:of lantern des of the 4,14131.41,40,Ws. OF - g the evening 11. red a vocalo 1410e, .",t1 ,by 31lcbers MOP* of the Omit*. 41,0040)*). #114101.V, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Mrs. H. ,litarrefier, Mrs. 4, Johnston, Mrs. Mrs, Chester Johnston, .T4e. pay 'was very interesting, depleting the Ate of a Young woman who was a te*cher, in Canada and professed to 1,;4' nee interested in missions at all, but after a visit from a prissionsxy-7-iriende and atter a drew following, decided to ?lie her entire lite to the Work of lithelOtci.. P- lane offered the offertory prayer and the xneetlng closed by the, tinging of the hilissItularY 'hymn, AtOry to !Tell to the Nat:IDOL-4' Si Ay`,0!:age womau of ave age; heavy iir00 51 ShorU 4;4 " •ro, the sitoit, .average, heavy figure. " 1 'Top Heal/ Pree Methodist- thhrell;lisratKay soviets Sunday' at 3• ilia, -weVolme., -Miss IL paivedit't•astor, Services at Itletoriv.4.*itit4 Vatted church will be conducted or,!..t. AtaY sth, by Rev. At 0. Parr,,of 1)1 Ctn., subject,, -"The Margp 0 atisp autklect'4sadng _outlets at the llaptiat,, 11,ihurch' atutdoy, May 5th, *ill he*, *lows:, tichool; **es at .11 ,ixo, and will biln:tha* Of Itoitort. aohutti Superintendent ot.the t, Ralik Waal* Board, Ibtont0. The Sidtatiole,41irra,,V',1094)**4 ,be **duet**, be:Adjutant Willman at London hetidinartera.' Ihilthan Will be aecontoladed by eta. '40totilm. etatatioemt.ti. Who will sastat buti. •-toutottlitt foUtto .444 11541it *Wing* Ottimaneeat tl1 aitiL and p34, come: **dr to toe* root sot, . tterdoee .tit Knott rtetityrterion .041441 :on *undo, usy tith,„ Will be Conducted by the pastor, Rot D. 4:1Ant, Ag tot.' aa *mt., jollied, In counnernona At KIngs lubilee,! **With 1 !MOP.* ' herd** *ow. 100 " tracted sok cold abOrtir afterwards. Ifiti :death wee ,unexPeoted° ahd came as a Shock to -the, town. A/41044h born in ilerysdale, the -son of Noah and Marie ,Gezarnette,, 'early mend to Goderieh eeetteeteeee0e=e31 Since. He was a neembere.oe at: ehurcle and of .the t,,,,I4an Society. 1 -tie -is turf/lied 'hy !wide,* &rine* Afiss Josephine Aiselman of i'TorontO. There are no .ehildren. Three brothers, ;VP 0.11ti 441v.r.M0e.:Agid,,,,,Plarence- a;ad-a sister., Milli' Madeline; survive, in ;pm. tO hie Iaielitri: The, funeral was held :from St. Pet= Reenan .cattioli c church on Timrsday morning, May jet, to ColbornireemeterY. Pstilbearers e R. Johnston, Gilbet -Plant, Jas. efae.Vi- ear, Geo. Geevell and Prank Jeffery. ,a. 0 , itamu1, Mli itowian.14 1 t;fti., h Donald, Ittr, ti : Ponald Molttr nen and. ' ,X ;' . Itastet of Parkhill.. Election,. Officers,41issienerl Gives Splendid. A4449--Iriak On Work, 'Wine was said td be the.raoSt ,success - 414 presbyterial .yet he In Huron • erowded tenacity the 'auditorium: of Main !Street ehurch, fully 400 being pre- sent. .the preeldent, Mrs. W. J. Greer, lot wingliant,': pteaided, and Miss Maryr Melnei Blyth, was secretary.' • 'The following ellecers Were eleeted: /let -vica-praildelet. litre.. Robert;% 1:10cen.; Pile; Eirmondv011er second tar Mrs.'Xi.• *Dena, Aells,all,; third, Mr. W. Wenwood, 'Whighaire;9 POUT, five., W. leaidlave -Blyth: eorresponding secretary, Mrs, itOthert NeY, Peirdwiehe treasurer, MS.'S Pergus0z4 eeaforth;-.ieeeretary ,Christian stewardtbip. Mrs. Cunainlng, Mrs. -,iftc;Centiei legatondville; Secretary. *fission chtles, Mrs. W. is-.-Lene,Ode rieh:'-riecretary 0, O.' toTtlircinis, Mabel Bathe Goderiole; eecreteit missionary bands -Mrs. C.' 15.:11colnu BlgroandVille; "0:04.47 :,J).#1,?7bands- Mrs LJ) for, Thlinlei it:c;WA; tar", Mrs. John Gmedy, Wioxeter; sup- ply secretary, Mr*, Colclough, Blyth; inisslonarY 2)10'14111,y secretary, Mrs. Wm: Pickard,e-Clintonre strangers' secretary, Mrs.- George 'Mansel, Exeter; literatpre weretary, Miss M. MurdoCh, Goderich• ; temperance secretary, Mrs. Gibson GU. WIntechureh; • press secretary, -Miss Jean—Muffarr rnerritiers- itportfolio, We. .0olborue and IVIrs. Ham- ilton, pe-Goderiche and wire.' wilson of' • Wingham. • , The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs -A. E. Elliot, while Mrs. McCrea ef atenmiliere gave a suitehleeretely. • . Longleee missionery 'of the-„Ple China lefission Field, gaveitivet? ing address on the work the need of unselfiehness amongst the •people berg. Mrs, Kipp, Secretary of, the medical 'Work of home missions gave a JOHN FOWLER• The deeth occurred on ,Saturday, April lath, of a life-long resident of 041- borne 'Township, in the person- of John Fowler, in his year. Be was laid to rest on Tuesday, April Ifithe bY three son -in-laws and theft nephews, Geo: Ryan. Wm. Benjamin, ....Barry Beadle, 'Howard rOwler; Allare 'and Cluis. Brownlee. Ha is suryived by his wife, formerly Kezabeth Feagem, Col- borne Towns,hip, also three sem and fon. daughters, William of Loyal, -Beg., of London, „Worthy at home, Mrs. Geo. ,Ryan and Mrs. Win. Benjamin, Glide- , Mrs. -Harry -Beadle, -Auburn, and brit:Una at, home.- There are three sis- ters and four 'brothers, 'Mrs."' Wilebn 144)Wrilee,' tiotierich, ThOs. Johnt .4114 unfc'vrni• 40414. 71144a, Osslc.-; George snyier, SalgOd; .111/1111ain, Gedi- Alit 130*, ,WelW3'40 j431t., ftrifi Obeit, gattl ate. Mfrle. • 714 ,*(utierai eerViSef3 werp in, charge of 'Dr. •UPrtimIrt Ion. Mrs, qeo, -itnd Mrs. Nun- tofl ,V,P4 Will ' Whet Ilpar0 4141Y," l'inieoti was 11,04 lromhis 400 eteidepce, with interment in Cele herne News oe the death Of Mrs. John., P. itoWlandb. Which occurred at her home in Mount ;camel; on 'ably Thursday, April lath, was received as a severe: shock to her 'ninny friends, followin gesee-Ameater--aritit-411-e-deater- of ler sister, Stater M. St. Felix, of 8f. Joseph's CortuntmitY; tendon, Seine six Weeks pre- vious. The deceaecel • lady WU brinerly Miss. Martha Oweill„. daughter at the late .1*. and Mr*. tirobiais O'Neill of (!f, and -*raw a-vatittate-htifie of St: Joseph,/ Hospital,. London.: . was united In marriage to John- 41. 'Row- land at St. Peters church, tiOderigh, In 8eptem1er,71012# ad 1ad *ince resided at.,Mount; Carmel. Mrs, Rowland. *tif an enutuolasito-chutiti woticei. 'W.:441(100 of the .Letaire of the.' Wacied hnember.,ot the ;Attar aiiiWir andxcord- Ing ;aft*** dittholfe_ Wonens Lynne .0! Our takr- 1,4bout Csrmel inteLinirClibet".1:"404114tauMyed by her 0 atm "M. 4. Ifinn and Mtu hheband. %rink' eietera and (our `,10,104(1, Prev. 000ph, sid ,ionnuin, own ot lcuict; one ,brother.sdecessed her three itrioetu.014, Alin, Kathatitte„, aater At; ?tellx OE* ' ,() &gem), Sung in' �ur FId ot Mount tion./ ohlitett.on Untidaf. APtil Slhat st 10 o'clock am., wlth rut lit, D. OlreUI aa celebrant, Ref, lers ittrlardle ot 10*iita4dge deacon) and iloim 104 binVit to,f, 46.4eatott taw, rt. fr.-iin of Wat- ford, and Rev. re. d Ay* ot 14040110. went. In the '1041104060, enkriril g the trigV001410 WO." ,ottered by Its. OThfil and ‘1,0ittlarditx the Palibtarata 4.114C Aflflj v orbs. ary. sev:ivices st; !lofted. church, Sunday, May , , Rev, Af. 0.Parr, Watt Ave, votto PliUrCh, .7491140;1. will P4104004114- , arm. and 1 P,M., Be Sure' ValieaW this will be ome laete chance before he goes torAtiip new Charge -at . tkitterborough,l, ..T„.4evA iatelebrate the •,King's Jubilee An- niversary -by enjoying your ceven- ing dinner at VICTOR/A ST. DNFID OHURCHe on MONDAY EVENING; MAY lithe, blemereservEiree-m- 5.3I -73O p.m. Ticketit—tedelis 46e, eleildren 2,00. MENU Cold Roast iPork With Dressing Cold ;Roast Beef Mashed Potatoeii -weed liomatoes, - Oteett peas .Pleitles naiadsJeliles , Fresh Lemon .1:)le or Cake: Vea, or Coffee DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE -bRITORE very interesting.talk,on the 134ml:4441s 1111.70hn5, Eimville; Mee Helen COoPer a . Canada and the work they are doing. A resolution commemorating the leth year01church /union pledged the raem- td euPpoet -the- Doniinioneleoard.: Mrs, Lane Miss M. Bailie . and :Mrs. MeKeniie .were appointed a committee tee strppert the summer school and camp at Goderieh. • The following will represent the body at the conference: Mrs. C. C. Gorrie; Mrs. J. McGill, West- etd1rra. A Haugh, Brecelield; t.e.rst rioderich. The Nomination and Finance Conimit.te ia Mrs. WC P. Lane, Mrs. Wat- son, .Miss young,. Mr.& 4110%wrii Mrs, wiektvire.;'. The next meeting will 1:1.he1d 1n936 in the Ontario 'Street' United church. tc Linton, and in 1931. Istoitti St. Goderich, .will be . the hosts. oreetings were brought from the 'presleyteey by Rev. Mr. Gale. . TO TOEICITIZESTS OF bibtattell MONDAY, . MAY. 6th, 1935' Being .60 day'fixed-for the Celebration cf the 25th Amiversary of His Majesty's accession, an in *40edrifaiige with a resolution -of 019 own Cowie% I hereby proclaim the* Said day a: PEJBLIC HOLIDAN' and call upon all citizens to observe the, same accordingly -fl 4.. A. MactW..A.N, Mayor Daied at.Goodeiich,A • 26tit,1935 Spring Is Here No need to worry about your Clothes for The :Sprit) Just sendk them to the: Fmk Dry aim* %As Send us the Overcoat and other, levy winter _wraps Or clanitig before you put *them in the cedar_ bags for storage.. , ... ,.- tiiis-the reason why Mother's Day Shoula be more, faithfully observed that any .other time of fiie, year. She:is- always 'thinking of you 04 the . appiest otOttents..tif her -life are when . anything .. koko to herthat yoti how! remeMbeied her , . . utiftit bunch of flowers from ' -4' t 40.20 40.407- 110.40). *scow,: 'toot* Wit:it 1. 11* U.,. ;