HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-05-02, Page 7, 40, 401644.; • 4.47.1,,w • - eeeeeeesekeesevesee..4‘091VVrieteAsee4,e.fere" • and info it:)71 - t,.... totAlFice'nitnio 404 Ilve4t* low' to ,,,t4a pU tbrOotih-the divotive ittrae eotetrillnale API** bet$InC , When MOUre la hauled etalte•Ined.sPread oil, the land• viablet weed SeedsMaY be, *Peeled with lf are* are Preeent ale IOW the Manerle tO reroala i* the Plie for a least oneeneenthe before sPreeding and tiserebyl avoid the danger of ineresS- 'Weed' inteetatien, or Th llifedetes FaMer CiaeStiO#'44141,t he .400,17% OCCUPOton' 0010.4.. IZS-0Y 'city 'haVet 1jtteideapr tleiSeaatelnet of, and detailed kne*ledgeeneeseeary, for„eneeeMn arralng. •Tli* -WE; =net 41t* ?event ! ,()''ffle.,-;i'lliere Is the man- ia); •VottOrttYan*eche** - sense ' Seeded for .0.Peratl411 1?irt4 orafrAarY:and, Modern. ,faM MitehtnerY; and the knew. ' *le 'resiillred 14' '004 Viitti '116=0 and Stoeit. And above all there is` the Aglertnent wbc1 decides the right mom- ent to carry out this or. that operation on OW parti'Ailar Ivrea Of_.sell, and the Managerial capa .. to_ arrange OPer tiOns and'hiateritefe eftieientlyk The de- apree. �tToretholeglef and Asia demanded 7ninehi higher than ieetpected •of the 'oistlinary recipient the bosle eivage Tor unskilled ittleer.' • Choosing: Pereilirers te-tetmejelee eeeseeee**21441eesesee MeM are Allgehafeng Or considering the ptirelestsing of fertiliser:it' for the 'vesrietiO': latni--Oropte-e•--ese •. une quito recently; farmers who had .13.0t mitaieet etudy-Of efertiftsers usually' • 4OPPAde4.-A1*•,Ase;4osgsferttlizesslagent] to oviso, fleet eerto the particular .lysis 1410 Abould use, aid unfortunately the advice fral*thhts 'source Was 'not "waO'In. 'the Uri/4r% 'legSt* intereSt, more acceptable source of infornlation't :now at the terV10e of Tamers, for the •PrevincialeGoveinnients in, Fastern Can- ada have in 'recent yeas set Up fertili- z.er eotinells een1ne4ed*Of 'leading authe - tarinere have a preetical knoWledge of the nee, of fertilisser. manufacturers. These ethincile peblish, •recoirallerniattone as to the talielyzee 'most .suitable Tor the var- iant cropeemider the vierietes soil condi- tiolseeitiet thlut ine• perforniinge se valu- able service to farmers In assisting them 4o-esele4ertillehl most ecOnOntie returns. sirosers ;gee teaming t4et`reallset 'that lOr, the, Capital 'ileveeted and Isiber bevObtet te 'are trOW, if IOW fletiattlitnta tAbai te as hIgh lettirre. rer°:, the MO24 taro% • 1000414 PiirPO$0 box* •itale thesArSoittle'lloeit 'Which aleeetelesi ,bothor *log •imd tor.' the prodnetiOn of 'Market PooltrY,`00. recOnimendeq- .11%• ileek Of ittendred 4441.t bird* earefullY, teinettaged•are returning to MatlYfarneers Profit Ora cost et feed of froin -fo,&500 a • year, -wh1e1 IsaoriSethhur net ,to *he 41. SAW hY Oen the, MOO 111e ',cetera,. fanners: • Marketing 'Scheme_ . The Canada' 410ne Maktbg Schletne 'Prblially *greets, theeprovinceeso Orltish•`,0/11.1Mbli, Ontario. and, Quebec, -been approved beeFlOre Robert -Wei* 'Parninion • Minister ‘of:•Agrienittir'6' and the Governor -in -Council upon the re- commendation of the Deminion. taket- th • • , nts,pch6me has thesupport, of menu- lactlieers represent1r4 at least 90 per • cent of the volume of jams, jellies, and MarmaladeS Produeed in Canada., No .P13Poeltiori has 'been advansed by any fruit 'growers. ° • '3Jricjer the Scheme it is anticipated that the demoralized cohditions Which halm Prevened In the' marketing of Jams, jellies and marmalades during the past several years will be coreecteel. ,These conditions which heereses4.7.1.av14' 'o am manu- facturers,' fruit -growers and consumers. St is expected that under the new regu- latfoijh mialitys orthe• will be offered for sale, will be improved. The- Local Board, is composed of four- teen _members, nemelyeenineeemanut tinkers. three growers, one consumer re- presentative, appaiested.hy •egreeeTra and Labor Congress of Canada, and a Chairman -who has no financial 'interest fti thelam business- -- of irt • III The Farm )Nultex flock Poultry kiat last' definitely recognized ' - as one Of the essential' departments of • ' 'every usko-date fa.rna where a program self mbredIarining J earrled on. Not on- • ' ly is it reeegnisea as, a ilecesserY depart- ment of farm work but more and more TIRill 'Id IRRITABLE TO You feel -'weak and nervous? Is Your houeework a bur- -den? Totke,Lydia •E. Pinkham's •Vegetable Coin - pound.. Mrs. M. A.Kell yo WOodstock,ISTew , ***• Brunswick, says, . "X was weak and zUndbwn. A neighbor brought me your. Vege. *able Compound. It helped me so much 'that -I am taking it now is the Chatige.k4 Oita NO10; Itit-mitY he inn the -medicine YOU need. 7- 4.4 (A.4.414.414. #1.-'0S• f CJI•AP;iUNO tore mcnuemr ozick, ticano Econonikad ••••••••••••••....!.••••••••••,,,,, ".•••••••••••41•0••••.,.••••••••••.... • - Horticultural Metes (By John F. Clark) Oarden rosei should not be set out If So11-1.67 cold .tend Muddy: `WWI* is in order, 'eating all dead •wood, from clim- bers. elelybrid Teas and Nybeid. Perpe- Weis when pruned low will give large eichibition 'looms. Well rotted manure :nay be lightly Cultivated into the soil about rbee 'bushes. Theburning of al/ rubble') eleaned out L tM V. A *ItORIEZONTAli . • 1404 Oronif $41.' dents engaged in research, '.'14Airrealt • :15;1'O. eXtel, 1.600, On 'rt COWS stored. SupPer .1per1entS" 20$onp 'on -31-Dye 22 Scatters; , Sinflulf .34,1,04tr, of20 4.-• beast:. Vgalted esoppinelne,••_ -:-g11,ttereld ' 29 VoraelonS. 31•ConlMerteeSe. 32•Tb weet•t- .lightilt. • '33 Ln what .coun• try is there al- ' leged to be the oldest iron • luduetry thei 34 Valences of eight. . ^^- 40 cool 1411, Li Fm.a Nrorz, Nr& i''i fi n:".„ :tiro wrePennti.: gamit Anititird all301246.-1 fA.:11`43JAN • P.T.31110R. 11:47.31, • EHARMitinEirk Pu ANalialruYOP 6120 UA PNAtilP 6W:7n a,LNIM %.00R2 tr1,70 arff"Z aotirgaictlt, pr4=41151111 lolibzezpE-1 .Chillte esoltatitly 4.1slatnea nf anything. --- '- 41 Comparative . • fieffhe 42. Pot .herb 4$ prey of eye 44 Toward, 46 Beer 46 Love potient • 49 Hedge; : 69 Second note - 61 Verbal, 62 Hernlit 40100 011.4* efs toilet tt SOO OW unitttieltilitt* 1.11, it**010*, timk tune,.:31( $3 TO, inton4 • 46 To 0001* 21(Fetters.27 Not so ineb • 28 Busties 30 -Toangliing,,,,,i .a.Pired * gn 33 To bire. 4 Forward. 35. POO)* 36 or:Aiiat ndn eral:bao:.:Ph104. anok01104,14 Fortune. : $$ Packed, 440 4 14(14°Q1 'vreit.:1: lelet• coMparison, 46 Golf ,teacher' 47 Before.. 48 Th 51King' Of Xhi 49 Socrsiod... 53 Third: tiote,, flue sernen.‘:, 5•Ltred:, * flrOnt :f 2 Small egg4 31'a free- • 4 'Mother 6.-Indlane 6 Anything; steeped 7 Pertaining to aretitim • Winter car- riages Organs Of NINIMINIMIONA IoWIIIIINI ifill11111111111111 1111111111N111 111111111M111111111111111111. SkiMa. 1111111111164111111.11111 All111111111111011111111111111111111111111i 111111111111111E401111111111MAIIM 46 61111111111 11111111111111111111 iliall1111111111 • • • wee • 0 ge from perennials, -rode and frint pruning's, Is highly advisable to assist in coineoi of garden pests. and diseases. 'All Plants wintered in cold -frames, pansies, 'roses, bulbs, perennials and reek plants, should be uncovered. Re- move proteetion on a cloudy day. - Plant Tuberous Begeolas in. a box of soil lightened with leaf mould and -sand. The side of tuber showing irregular cav- ity isthe to. Pitmt juste-barelishelow the surface. Shade boxes fromstrong light. -It will be beneficial to beds of ferns ond wild towers to leave most of the totting foliage or the past season on the ground to serve as a natural Mulch. Seasonable Garden Hints (By John P. Clark) 4 hz divlding perennial phlox, diecard .the old, centre. To control mildew at- tacking this plant, dust with sulphur when foliage is wet. ' Lithun Henryd, Regale, Auratuna and sPeclosuins may be planted safely in spring. Give good drainage and sur- • round bulbs with and. Do not permit them to come into contact ewith see A light dressing of lezdrated lime May, be. sprinkled over the ;ristei. No other .fertilizer is neoessaree . Air coldframes and hot: beds on warm ,AUnny days to prevent moisture from collecting - and calising damping -of( -shrubs and 'hedges will show appre- ciation or a goodminchof erotted 'Man - um, left on all year, soil for .perennials should be prepared deeply- and thoroughly -with well -rotted manure 'incorporated at- of digging. 'Never crowd the plants. Arrange 'tin material at the back, ineditun in the emit* and love' perennials' and anntiale at th; 'front. Sal in 'seed fiats should be of a light sandy nature.. A porous filln of Pinvere bed leaf mould and Aid Is advised. Sift -the Soil and fill to 'within half inch of the top. Pine seed should be spank - led on sutface and gent iy -finned In, w_kil_e_l_weLftgt,may_baligbeiy-covered, • *NILE tess Mary Ml has retttrrted to her thotne on- the 4th tOncession of &Wield. Master Girvin Reed teemed to his home itn,Teronto Saturday. „lWatheis and fstielly, *who .liave been laid en with a severe cold, are -able tee)* ,around again. MisOral Finnigan and Mist Ante (Elheplutril, who have been. home for a +week have returned to theft ritspecti isehools. . I Master Itueoel Mctintyre si;id. Wilmer Rutledge ,took, a day last week Sucker Wishing. About all they got ions `a, .goo flo.ettihif *124 t_ *ere tx4d-. ' quarterlY board met., it the oage t, =Vag, nta-tor 4th tet m6etint Ana 0410 1:*-- Ten by nil Went, eiatitied, "litert cows cbstne* • Meg •Betty thane, law has been Moe het grandparent*, /fIr. and Mm. A. • returned Saturday to tier •Intotio. 45 • t, 4, vacation spent at. the home of his fath- er, 'Rev. A,. ,W.•Itrowm of Hamilton. Miss Eunice Long, of Guelph, .spent T4 4,- • 1 41 • Wt.' e• Mr. and Mrs. L. Oke spent Blister with his Mother, 4Vfxs. Ida Oke. Mrs-. Moore and children have return- ed home from a two weeks' visit at Mr. Will Long is under the doctor's 0are pneurnon1a- -Miss MoCituire:', R.N., is ritireing him- We hope fora speedy recovery. Miss Elda,.,Good sient, the holiday with her aunt, Vas. Parrish, In Goderieh. A large number from Benmiller at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Pit- blado on Thursday last. Mm. Echlin has returned to Toronto ;after spending the winter in Benmille,r, The Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs: C. Baxter on Wednes- day, May Istv it 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, 6f. Camlachle, 'spent the week -end at the parsonage. Miss I, IVIaedel has returned to her home here for the summer.' • Keep GOING with BETTER BRAN FLAKES You calm tea Itelloges PEP Bran Flakes by flavor and crispness. And you can be as. owed they are genuine bran, "flakes. Full of flavor and nour, . ishment. Children loVe them. Theii truly better bran flakes have enough 'extra bran AO be, mildly laxative.- Always - fresh and ready to eat with inilk or ,cream.' $old by *11 getotim.' Made shy,raogg in LOndon, Ont, Ltz • CQLBORNE. -(intended for last week) • , Mr .To (anrxg 01AUburr, 4 Ing his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mars.11. • Mr. Donald Glemile, of ToronW spent , Easter with Mr. and Mrs Jotzn4prble. Mrs.' Meadford, of Toronto; is 1s1Ung her daughter, Mrs. Joe TAMAN Mr. and Mrs. •Dtmcan 9rSAdord and , . Arnily, of- Flint- fefielr4---spent thei *Oki; end with. Mr.. sina Mrsflen TiV14,0n. Miss Dorine Webster Is sPendhig the Easter -vacation at her home at St: Hel- ens: Miss Irene Stoll, of East Waivanosh, is spending the Baster holidays at her home here. ' 1 -Mrs. Allan Wilson has returned home after spending the past month with friends in Flint. • • ' 'Miss -Vesta Tabb, nurse -in -training in ooderich hospital spent priday with her friend„ Miss Amelia Mealwain. - Mr. and afis. Wm. Munithigs, of God- eich, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsh.rion Fr 1Mlss-- Itiwidaely1 'spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Rebecca •Caldwell, of Dungannon. . Mrs ,arid Mrs. Kenneth Allen, of Dee -trolt, spent Eastftr With Mr. and Mrs. Alden Allen. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid, of Detroit, is visiting the latter's -father, Mr. C. A. Robertson. Mr, 0. A. Robertson has returned henee after spending the past two months in. Toronto. , Miss Christine Robertson, t of Western Hospital, Toronto, spent' Easter with her Sather, 111r. C. A. Robertson. . Mr.- Douglas Nagar); -• of Stratford Normal, is spending the Eaeter holidays With his mother, Mrs. Jas. Fleapit. ' Mr. arid Mrs. Earl McKnight and bwo children -spent -Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs, Jno. McKnight, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clayton and ton, :lack, of Putnam, and Mies Gladys Treble '' of vibrant°, Were . Easter Vieittett with Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Treble. • lqr. and Mrs. Warren Peeler and son Wilson, Mr, and Mrs..B. Pi Mee and son Donglag, all ntnetrnit. were Easter visi tors with Mr. and Mrs„ Win. Mersh. Mr. Breek Andrews,- of TorteitO. and •Wirs, letaribel Andrews, of WaikerVille, spent the week -end with Mr. and .1/Irti. 3Vrte, Mcilwain. , I Miestit oeorg Poremati; who his spent the itast month with Mr. and Mrs. AMOS Stoll, has returned to his home in Flint, itedh. - - - WI ternoon As-IS4BEOTA3M0 bUi ,ezUg� 'She • BY *Ater. and the word•:- Proin*Oen dter*Me ini4.49414 1* V410114$ Qvin 1004,11.`er bOl.tglit: her* ' gla holy 'bride; , And terr her life lfe died„., '44,01•4•094,014$0,'VfteAW • :,-4.4.41!,4,10,11:t •.4etrvAtt44440413301V41,4:1,- 4 "•,•••••••••••,...440.4.,••.1.,,Tler11. ,04.441,morsof,4•6',..," .44400.•410"•'-' • 04,1i 001,•*••V•Prentat•0,410041404,14 , • °.tiseese eektese, seeseeteeselseee) Ltt THE FL4VQR LASTS , l'ItAlfS*: flavhats, Meet trite ond gra01410. . ' 'EE the entertaiMent and O iu;r4dietsPill414::10111):rt*PI;e40101' , le; Mtn*. 04040. Ie'r Mother' tem to me the : n.,4TR duateii of this svhool mid She IS II volt wisatparn, 0, tot No owop • re nK that ,:q4iy, Were *11,esdled to Ole tdoor41 , . , „. oxistss alid All each heat'. Amenday befo . fie„tierytt VAC 140444141.44-4:a413',0tamusir"4-"14413.0,::TheNT. "00,1n111, 2;144ri:ChilreEpesietoieSi 1°3145 ' 411.1: 04:tigat:11-etthrtlf: -1:4171444041tc4441: $44:4:‘ ::::4141)4L' -tiennt64' the, varlet* $10:0170. winftbesu. . asked leave tor her. teellnOr theb itle this '404* peevelent, Golsen Text --4.4024114 1$:$, ottYT'berr44"Ieboing4t*ntr'esrut. ul?"41,4kethehOr"*Pot, intsv rillEt, ttedite4t.14°9 .44 +4, t`*''''1)".t. '1:letheu: the, entertainment Wileit'l 'bad finish- ' takeffierally, the spiuting is cenibiecl to 'Daylieofi*`FetArntle004641'. *eh' leinre: it),*". X*: ' Ito': Ibe litStf"'"40110111Yd thatlfaltlisthherlgiragal hiadn thnote:Mtinitiggene an' sil aboutimetli,t,bledrci. 44:Iteth.ote ttohteal tbarreek, .artai914 composed, ot the disciples 'whOM ,tinus. ,,,pori,w,„,„..et,t,_0,0nigo„..T,here,nt..ohunerd.brothautiesherea:(41, Peityrs"insilidn:Or •Ittrwis'nenwiwastii p:ucannnu*Coolor wreete: • saekheinagirtleate bfotri her iss1 iotonljd but 1 thine; bmelreb.telirShemntellidv:11:ininlrot°erreatil4ofr:t6bae,, ytel'ilar.rts15.13iTe,Itte? t: ' S'llbisimPe Iva: "CIMIuLerhninoefnOt. odi't8' or "ChUrch not feel it my duty to tell her to O. ma's kPeingrh4lurapil*orgrstowt*hhe.re e'Ahlsete"treesvteoren: - of.Ohrist " Cl- Cm 1:2: Romans 161143)* Pinally the friends' persuaione Preva114°' heavier soil types seem to have guffered whether of a single Congregation or of ed, but: evidently she made the M Prom" more than theee on the lighter sous. made uP 01„the "sanetified in Clutit tertainment. ,The town was some (Ma - me wfiele body of believers, It I'm Ise to get her -bac k in time .fer the One' edTrbeattt bark, ebnut Dor4the'norttaerkerirtvdetlsne ow: rathuerre, Jesus" . el Cor. 1:2), the mcalled saints" tanee away and they had to go In an loosely to the wood. 'Illis will prevent (Rom. 4:1) , the "holy, nation" (1 Peter ' ox4eart so X , did not think that ahe the sun from . drying out - the ,cambium. Id :9). In the deep conception of Paui. ejeuid be back. That day I had to gel and so, will facilitate healing. Make a every believer' was 'united with Christ, to Inclore and did not reach home till a,-1 short time before the entertaineepeexesj,e Tee. , ,,,,,,,• , AtRkt*lopt,404CArgFrP,I,U4'4,1, elit at the bottom of the injured area in a.nc.larielArpoired tehls4mciliz400telsitrarvitutilon t11..arolikIgh '5W41,115eVitlitintireieniiitk lirlive ter from rains, will drain off readily. Church was ChrLet's bedy, of which he e'cloelt. She toek her part on the pro- thus removing danger of mould. was the Head (Col. 1:24; 219). . • gram yery creditabli. _Surely this_s_lieWle ..---Theeenexteand tinai • step is- bridge.. - Thereswiseaesignant-differenee bee a new day:- in India when the women grafting. Unless this. is done many e . are thus able to assert themselves and trees 4111 1(40. the branchiimri_e:d_iite, .1„y,, . . have their rights reepected. On the 1'f -above the ruptured bark, although the Paul's heavenly, reeedome e',B, tit beri4;i: and dor •tediowing this, thee'prIze-givingetook-e-reratifirdie of the "tree ' Ailr 'likely, coin* --fi*---ee canstititted on edhurch,, in Christ place and the 'handwork of the children through all right. Lolig seions will be. net 'edeleSiastieltI--obeervelces Or theoloel 'Yeses; and the teat, of memW bershiP as was shown then. The boys and girls of required. • These should be taken at -gical eonceptions, but love. • Love to Christ, love -to the brethrene-eby this were Christians known to the wora "See how these Christiane love one an • wee the achniring speech of their enemies. mrheze things X command you that ye love one anether," said ---;Jesus. Love was the higher unity in which the Chtneh forgot minor differences. (*am The Encenelopaedia of Religious Know- ledge). ' . , C'Wtae2h:rve-47h., ere the -account of what fol- . L. tween "legal" church In Jerusalem, and the "spiritual" churches permeated by he three senior classes sewed some of the garments sold at the W. M. S. eale of work, • • It ILI my privilege to teach the .131ble lesson to these larger children and some- times I gm thrIlled by the Nay 4n which they respond to the _imam One day as 1 talked to them and related the ex- periences of certain persons belonging, to the Oxford rouplyrovement, they show- ed consider 'emotion and one boy spoke up and said that he wanted a lean heart: 'Last Sunday as I urged the claims of Christ a,nd His ability arid e there were moist eyes and was sure that the Holy, Ghost was • working in •• loved the preaching of Peter Afte• r that' 'willingness to do for. them all the need- . -the-Boly-Ghost--had-talterr-pesiessien-of .his whole being. • At the close of his discourse Peter ex- horted his hearers to.. "repent,, and be baptized every one of you in the name -of Jesus Christ for the remission of The outcome •of this appeal 'was that -three thousand stepped out on the Lord's side and joined the.meelvs to the Apos- tle& At one ,the rite of baptism wased- ministered- and thus 'they became mem- berieof etteellrstettifitsdEssorelas . The young Christians needed to be taught more rully the way of life and so they continued in the fellowship of the Apostles who noMished their souls and showed them the necessity of fellowship with God through prayer. The inspired 'record .rof the result is that "they con- tinued stedfastly."• Though they had been suddenly converted, though sud- dela adniftted to the Church, though exposed to much Persecution, and con- tempt, and, many trials, yet the record Is that they adhered to the doctrines and doties of the Christian religion. - Through their example and influ,enee • others were drawn into the --church through the power- of the Holy Ghost. -Ephesians 4:1-7; 11-16. Paul in these verses beseeches the church members at Ephesus to remem- ber their exalted privileges. "Since God has done so much for you; Since he has revealed for you meth a glorious system; since he has bestowed on you the honor of Calling you into his kingdom, and maknig You partakers of his rnerey, X teeireat you to live in atcordarice with •these elevated privileges,- and to show your sense of his goodness by devoting your all to his service." This was the appeal and exhortation of him who had founded the- Church'. in 'their midst -of their spiritual fit her -of .one who had endured inuch fOr them, and who was .now in bands, In a Roman prison, on account of his devotion to the welfare of the Gentile World. ,. Paul exhorts these Christians to live as becomes a Christian -to. bear' their religion with thejn,. to all places -see panies. employinents-e"endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." We, do not go far with any fellolv-tmveller On the journey of life4 before we find there is great oec41on for the etercise of lowliness, meekness, longeauffering And love. (Prom Barnes' Commentary). vvont,o mtiistoNs • GET TI1E cost:alumni SPIRITe, (BieeeetativMe Statesman' Individustl efiett le Make a town a better place is good. It may accomplish inuoh if properly directed.. But, .11 all She units ot inane*. industry, religion, ,oucation; •sotle,tr ife,bariieseed tagoith- 'Ate and se ta work -ter the good of the tt---tit-ivili"U-& re- tinWrnainViller 'Anti &Witt* IA climbing up towards the ideal, or Sliding back Oto ,the rtit, iiceOrding as it pea. Attie* or lacks the toinnitinity spirit. Anyone ran: Spend his money where he prefers, ,but there Art Obligation ttt. • spend 50 in your mini hone town, lOte lore Alf Want thit distriet tee'eatitintie 50reife Ietente, end We all Went 50 to aiivati&z, Ifelliest, new 06 tret really 66 -operating itdvatiate • Itotitterity the ty spirlti , • Early in January / went "touring to three camps. I returned to Hat Piplia after a month to the a•ork in the school. In most places the people listerted eager- ly to the message of God's grace. In some .eases, however, the women were tirnid. One werean said, "If I listen to ttis trio:Kedge. how 'long will Xftire, six Months or a year?" I replied, "If yoti • Ilfteretotuvalete Tor-eVerS She not tonvinced. • T,he 'last week in Marele the *MAI eXaminations in the who! began. On She whole the results were good. An evening entertainment, consisting mostly of short &areas. was held before the, Christmas holiday's. The proceeds 'AVM SMA,11; AS the admission fee was tett little and the night was wet. The amefurit, about two doliamwill be need tO help ttrovide..teaclife desk!. Stitthut is one of' the Ilindu guigrit- their hearts. In April. I took over : the editing of Jyoti Khan, our weekly Sunday School paper, from Miss Banks, who Was going on furlough. It was an entirely new venture for me and. I aecepted ft with some hesitation,' but by God's ever -suffi- cient grace, X am enabled to carry on. T*0 ofthe teachers, here ,supply. stories, and articles froln other_sourceS- also - come' from time to time. often Just when new issues need to be sent to the press. - Bertha Manarey of Central India. ' .1111••••• once while they are still dormant -and stored. In a cool place until used. -The actual bridge grafting is best deferred until the trees start growth. •- • Dept. of elortlenitive, . • O. A. College; Onelph. 'Wheiti a mother detects froin the- writhings and frettng of a' child that worms are' troubling it, the can procure• no better 'remedy than Miller's Warne' 'Powders, which are guaranteed to. totally expel worms -from .the system.. They may cause voiniting, but this need cause no anxiety, because ItIs but nutnifes- oroug worms can Ion; exist Where these Pow- ders are used. LL, 4-• TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 28th FULL INFORb1124FIRON NEAREST Canadian 'Pacific, • Is Your Health Run DoWn? Are You Nervous and Restless? The present generation a women and young girls have more than their share of sicimess and misery. With Some of them it is nervousness and restlessness, with others anaemia, Weakness,faintnese and dizziness, hyeteria and melancholia,' and a dozen other aihnents to unfit them for work or pleasure. Let those women sufferidg from a run down state of health take a course of Milburn's11, & N, Pills and see how WWII- they will be brought baek'toF normal health and strength. Ask et:our . druggist or dealer about Milburn 11 & N. Pills. dente 'You can't Stop stoking a steam engine, Said \V rigley .1nterviewed,' and asked to what hc -attributed his-- phenomentl suceews; the late Mr. Wrigley, of chewing gum fame, replied, "To the consistent . advertising of a good product:" nut," •asked the reporter,, "having 'captured practically the entire market, why continue to spend vast sums annually on advertising?" Wrigley's reply was illuniinking. "Once having raised steam in an engine," he stated, "it requires continuous stoking to keep it up. Advertising stokes up businoss.and Iceeps it running on a full head of steam." This applies to your business,. -too, Don't make.a secret Of your product. "Tell the people all about it. Tell theni liatr1rdtieIcT611 than -its advantages. Teirthem where- to get it. Tell them through the Press and keep on telhng them. , ,t Everybody Reads Newspapers • Star .Advertising P •SeelS . , umottd '•,•••••••