HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-04-11, Page 8V 611 _ 44, Ti GQDEEWfl 8TAZ 45204)11'V HOS, na4lelidee4eat eyd,rzta hteeplial nSettirde *t, vesseete.4 prOgreeetOg • fO veitoroo D, J. Lane; It, C Dunop t TaP1Or and rwaravnb, Taylor loft ithis. week for Torento Where ttheY a ofteteing as delegates at the n- Utl '''iniCting of the Ontario Pi0Vinela1 the Presehyteriau church. •:, • -7''' NEW .`SelesEl!tets4901.DENT Mr. idea:eat has been 'appointed tiperinteaddit oftileX 'Pree4teri'en •3eiho4 In sucooslpo to Mr. Cha.ei4tOiders, Who neighed n ate' deetao Theisrnelite ofiicer has' been ativeli,adentscrX,withi .the work of: the efiurch ter $0aze ,WINS SVItOlioARSIUP Weans.' Weir, Son of Mr. and IVIrs.F. G. Weir; as been sueeessfie in winning honors at 'Kiwi College and in securing the John K. Itislop seholar.shiee The latter was Miseated to aim at a. recent convocation. Mr. Weir will have charge ot the Picebyterian church in Hunteville for the summer. Ife has been home on e VISO.with his Parente. • , HAS APPEND= RE11401i*ED Miss Roberta Johnston suffered . agile attatle of apPendiCites'immediately . atter the samiveriary supper at North Street United echurch On 'Tuesday even- ing and wee ru.shed to the hospital where he was,..subjecti-to-iiiti-operation..-for the offending organ. She to making a satisfactory recovery but win be eo days in the hospital and will be unable to ',engage in any ,activitie.i for some Weeks. • _ • 1.• GODERICH BRIDGE CLUB • At the weekly bridge tournament held Monday 'evening, the following were winners' Ist-3rr. D. D. Mooney and Mr. 1. D. tman, plus 7; 2nd, Mei, W. P. Saun- ders and Miss E MeNaughton, plus 1%; 3rd, •Mrs. L D. Eastman and M. D. D. Mooney and bite T.' R. Patterson and Mr. P. P. Carsey_peusLe., - Another- gaMe will be held next Mon- day es•ening. • JAS. WARNOCK HUNTER DIES Word has been -reoeived eof,'Sehe death in ',tendon, -Ont., of an old_ resident of ,...71,••••••••••••••••... ld JO, Kr. J. W,e, :Is ...Mr. Hunter had tvcd in indan tor a' number Of years but hol for, 4 itttlVini'.4 aOb'cral intsrehariti Various Park 'Ot WOL,Srl: 0400%, after leaving bi$: native toWnship. flr rec4iiis ,are P.:14 thterrid ,Orceigaill' erhetert Xacklin.W. Two daiiicbtersOnd 400 -S'arvi% 14.4, %Want* .14"VrtlEN•S . 4 s gri" tuo. Wurtclik,',i,president. • of ,t110 Godereeit -Salt -Copapeay, "rottirriedi town on ,ThUrsday niorning atter three. Months' •trlp to 'variolie countries in,Vinope on businem end Plea5t4 :Com'!" 'billed., Wartelo, Ls thoroughly tin- ned and lacking ekcePtIonanY well attcr what he 460104 wonderful tripe 4oderieh is 4 tine place ,to eente*Inek though," lieie dOed, , • sitqtal cAtivoit . . A seecial Service IS planned for .neitt Sunday evening, Palm Sunday, at St, 0conOls An -Wan church. There will be no sermon, the time being taken up by the choir under the 'direction of Mr. 'Bernard Mune; in the rendition of the Steered cantatas "Olivet to Calvary," bY ,Itiatindel. A large attendance Is 'statist- pated, The toner Solo will Ise taken bY Mr. Prank leilejr While Mr. Itegrisher will sing the haritene AN IlNigliliinSPLAy etfze Chas, 'Bilker, eteliese interest in taxidernly haS becOme quite -Predeselonal In nature, has itie *Musing and interest. ittetiehiefeeseL*Iredoet. inhe form of three aqui:Tele' 'mounted to sti- mulate a ttidding '1•PartY **Bee - ettr. Black SqUirrel is peitforming the cor4. mony with Mis$ and, Mr. 'Grey Squirrel the 'contracting liouple-Theeeeningladis weans very -0y* expression-lieeides-a. l;rief skirt and veiL. Size stands hand in hand with -her belgved, who, earries silk "tispper" (not ustiallY worn dering the ceremony) and a stiffollar. The whole group is unique and a general centre of interest. FALSE ARREST CASE Davidson,' ot Howe*, heAed Ino court be Leslie •IYIeLeod, also of Howick, on a, charge of 'horse stealing, which charge was dismisted bY Meal- stmte it/faiths, Is taking action to re- cover dainagesie his trecuser for false arrest. Damages in e amount of $509 ed In- the -writ- • as ---bee issued against the Ho ick farmer. The - evidence produced at the, hearing on Thursday, April 4th, mainly from MC: - Leeds' witnesses, was to the effect that Davidson had _taken the 'horse after, leaving the agreed purchase price with 111101111C4ill Complete Eyesigiat Service .at ei:c. _ROBERTSON'S JEWELRY STORE, Coderich *here a .Conii)leto Optical' Tiepartment has been installed, in ehargef 114 A. Stratfordls Lekling Optometrist for 16 yearg. Second and fourth rriday of each month from 9 a. .m..to 1140.0pon. 'Pirst visit PridaY, Aprit 26th. tlYrilS~EXAUINED GLASSES PITTED —Satisfaction at Ino(israte priceti GlasSe$ straightens(' and repaired. . • - Se' 1_ ew..s ipment ,f Coats and arriving almost daily. a oats and .Suits In Cahadian and *gnash' Tweed4ancluding plenty of blue. A NU range Of Sketil for Misses and Ladies in- cluding half sizes'. SILK SUITS navy andpolka dot, t long or short length , oat 4n 'cm* sheers, a full range of sizes. ° Blouses and.Skirts oiler - crepe 1 white or -eggshell hi e ski in o rho VAL, and Catdo. for all occasions. Cole's Bookstore McLeoti's neighbor, who left it in Mc- Leod's )1ous.e. The latter admitted get - 'Ung the money afterwards. OIL IN HURON • 'Met' there is plenty of, oil and .gas under the stratum of salt which under- lies miteh of Huron .County, is the opin- iorr 0.'lleerrisegeolog1steet Wide tee- eRgle.Aest.i.49..elusleheenitt th-4 i4 -•*.10.* for some week' i-on'bitsiziess. Mr. Perrie states that salt and oil are frequently 'tassOciated W many fields and the geoe _Per deposition of oil. There is probably, also, plenty of as in association With the . oil, he and-the!only-problem-,wouki to find an, outlet for it if ' well were drilled. He is of the opinion that an investment • pf more than 'one .dollars would be neceseary.in order to supply towns such as Goderich and 'Clinton and the profits from such an lieveigtment would be probleinatical. When the • market develops for the pro- duct, he feels that drilling •Will be done and that the oil and gas will be found. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING The April meeting of -the Women's Institute was held in MacteitY-Hall wit an average, attendance. Reports showed the sxpenses of the denionstration and lectures by Miss E. Zavitz very small with Er good attendance at each meeting. Mrs. J. Bissett, president,, expressed her thanks to the eommittee hi charge of the At Home. It Was deelded to glee ,a table cloth to the hospital on the occa, don of the hospital birthday party. A nominating committee Was appointed to ,ramtinate officers for the new year, to be elected' at the May meeting. Mrs. S. eteolettall gave a very interesting address ofl Caniclian Women, and spoke of' the nfe of Lady 1lio of New Brunsieck, who donated her parent's home to be used as a hospital. She spoke' Madame Albani, who spent her early ehildhood in Quebec and who ,became a prirna donna. at the age Of 18 and who althmigh she sing in all ,the eduntries •EllniPli, never forgot her home land. Canada. !:tVf.rs. McPhail• paid tibiae to the lite of 'service rendered by Mrs. Stringer, -wife of Bishop Stringer, and also Caroline '.11,1e.bonald of NiTinghati, who gave her life to Japan* and was called, the ellithite Angel of TOkyo.," Misses mien Archer and eVrary lloward played a piano duet and Mrs. C. Worsen gave a demonstration -of summer -Wailes made of fruit Anti. At the close of the. meeting lunch was served by the ladles In charge. • , . . • rilomponvium44,1 ObithatY 1 - ----WILLIAfc ItOLING Williarn Yoeng, Pletii.n street,- died at the Alexandra Marine and General llospital-On Moakley, April let, ISM, ,atter an illness of several weeks. Mr, Wing Was in his 83rdw year, having been born in, AShileld lint/n.31111) in ;AO, the son of- the late James .and Jane phi,ok !Young. He carried On Ida occupation a -fisraier ineCtilborne Itiomitilis.„ ft) witith he moved. for many years, finally retir- ing and, moving into Oodericti, Ths farm Was laditteit: near Shippareltonnear the lake 'shore. Ile hid been a devoted tromber ot Hamt Presbytrhat phurch. In P,olitios he was * lifeking Liberal, 0. though4he toOk no attive part in tia politieat del& flit is surYived by bla Wtte, atilt residing on l'icton Street.„1.nd bp.* sister, litre. Iititehinaon. !The tun. Ieral toOk 01100 On Thursday afternoon front the fairdly residence to Maitland Oefiletery. BeV. rk ,,1' Lint of ,ftet Preebyterfan WWII; Offitiated. The palls -bearers 'we* Ifer4ts. - Dave telt Wilfrkt 041. Jac 'Maw, Itirtey 14taw. JM Vomit and 31204,,, Wont*. #doiplt 'S.. . d publishe theIstew.,:tork,Tknea, j,fitedi it Ohata nooa:0rintaiioe, on ttondo. IfIthbis gees. erie et- -the great irt be ***per voleid"; 'Itot htillt toto et the tin et tb,r;o Et*, Ittliii8-IrOtlit. ' Alt)*Iiiti O*ttatttsctiOu tio it** lwAin. * Sr,* 'It et 0044 Thitain band Ot erp bit klithooki 'og 1 mans Many OttOillieht HO gra taproot hurivrio, liz tettUine ieille 40 40 the world: ',, .t,ss'v..n4h Taylor is visi in Wash 40044 Rio., wet*, 'M1.s Cblre fteYnoldS has retaneti frcrn a plOasant visit in Torenta,' • Mr. F. Martin. of TorOrttie WO' renew- ing ac'qua1ntane3 in'tOWn, V00).atlY. Mrfe 11,*f4Weede' has returned home. attor op:444011g a mont-4. in.,Tgrohta. 43,s, Ruth Wark • is ,Vel:ation With frientie" 1 Toronto and L. 'Catharines'. *citifrs, ipainPbell, • of Delaware,* is a guest this ;week 'at the home of Mrs. r, W.'Whitc'; South St. - Judge Costello ',Palleti to Rentre'%ir, owing to the 'death of his niece, Me E. Eurleng, Of Zganvillei, Mrs. If. and Mrs. Oeo. Downie, Of Toronto, were, guests recently with Vise J. &Anders. alias MeMeiten, el Oshawa, is 'a guest at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Re J. M When, Britannia tRoad. Itev. and Mrs. -C. -P. Logan, of Kit- ehener, were gnests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Johneton, Miss Mabel String returned to town on Thursday, having spent some time with* relatives in Toronto and Newmare ket. • . Mr. Kelso Johnston, of Kelso, Ontar19, is xi:tending his holidays with his par- ents. Mr, and Mei. Geo. Johnston, Stanley Street. -Me and- Mr -Jos; -'Carter, who- have spent the winter months, with :their' son, eke i'orest 'Carter, have returned :to their home at Auburn. . Mr. Keith Saunders, of the Cahadian Beek of Connnerce... Dalt, was_ a .guest • over the week -end at the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Saunders. - AL -Hughes, - of -Wiartori; -formerly of the Attica the loetii ..bredech Of the Canadian, refank of Commerce, is enjoy-, ing his holidays with friends en town. Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw Taylor are visiting in Toronto this week where the degree. of. Doctor Of Divinity was con- ferred upon Dr. Warrllaw Taylor at Con- vocation Hall, , (Misses Oral and Phyllis Cooper, of Port Elgin, spent the week -end with their paients, Mr. and Mrs. A. 4. Coop- er, Hamilton St. Miss Helen Cooper re- turned to Port Elgin with them for a". visit. ' -Mrs. A, Taylor; Mrs. 17, J. Lane, Mt. ,11. C. Dunlop 'and Mrs. Wardlaw Taylor are in Toronto this week in attendance at the Provi cial meeting of the .Women's M ionary, 'Society et Knox church. Rev. „F. . Cralk, the representative of the Hur. esbytery attended a cons- mIttee eneetingheld Metropolitan' ,•:hurcli, Toronto,- this meek. Plans were d1mssed s•egarding the tenth 'anitivei•- Buy f Churchainiore e • , ,mr.. and .,24fraW., Heitman, Colborne Street, and Mae Ai Stokes, Brock Street, had roe Week -end guests Mrs. Arnold Beattie, ;of London, tneland, and Miss allied Mintzer, iat Toronto. Ms, eat- tle is a sister-in-law of Mr.*1i'. Stoke.s, of Londoe, Ereelatid" foemerlY or <lode- rteh„ and leaves. tine week for her home, In England after ahort Veit with eeletide in 'United States and Vaneda, s AGED vg.i'"PiA Prefers the °pea Road to the Shelter of. the Home -....Veteran.. and the Father ef Soldiers Fred. Watt, aged *80, eame out of ,the shelter of ,Huten county jail where he had pessed a fairly leoinfortable winter and ante more., took tO the roads on Thursday last. , • - He appeared in.Magistrate's come and Watt advised that exiight remein, a While longer • or POSeibly. arrange:y.1,P11.t4 totild-be .made .get IMO the sheli ter. Fred *tent having:141y of it, hoeie • preterrn4r the 'freedom the lopin road to any confining space and regula- tions. , Ile passed t lit and aWay freedatri Mit a day or so 'later was sten along the railway track hear Olinton and seemed very cold.and go' one knows where Same interested eititent are looking for 'again, in the hope of belief' able tO Pereilede hint to take it a bit , 'Watt is, .said.',;t0 be a [veteran a the SOer War anci-to, have lost his two sons in the *teat War, ror his, services and sacrifices. to as country local citizens Would be glad to assist hini now if he wUl accept asalstaiire, Ire Pleited up lasii fall atter 110.4 spent tome nights,. practically' luthe 00en,i VICTOIIIA ST, W. M. s, The W. M 3. a Victoria at. 'United thurtzh` held their tegiila. r meeting in the schoolrootri of the church, on Monday, April gth. Moe a. *r., 1$141.1pt, first 'vice preotkletit, iti*, in the ‘ohlkir. Aftei; the elniting. of a hirlian the it,ord'a Aver was repeated itt unton. litt*:-Ifotte.rWitithe Missionary , Okeed. Oinr. Omit . tout* sect the sieripture Wean and told' an lmpceulye litalter stoty4, 04Ers. P. detetional feeding, '"rhe -riehrtifir''''tlie- • 1cir1st the , Oben Tedayor! tog and On illaster ttorliog *it.itiven by Mt BA it. PM*. *art was bt.P. tred by' Mra. *Ott, tooted by Singe nit 0, heunit 44nt, roatelethirsite-gave* zead*i, titth the Calf 011661ooars ,t1044. & ihott 'reading **** Won br Mrs, lito$00, **1 reacIng by )gra. Adam. itts. Jeo IF° era s oese:y eochman , tawa, as Heldin %whim Town 4veir ort '"Beat S�itton" ; PZiactigalti, 01.VriP VttOr 1104 •. put:digit.* -Men Of 'Ottawa,' Wae neMietated. ea ttiberai .etandard aro lx the tertheiming olietion lji 'North Iteren When ,the Liberals 'cane ereinghem toWn heel last day.. . * ,* • , 'pie meeting was lilge• ?pet sone490- to f.)04 people being, present, 7: Iline prominent Raton 'County t4beral,' weenominated, in, addition Mae*: Death. man Theee Were, W, Xtobertson,', Nairn and 0..14 Pars* of ciode-„: Jno, meNabb of Grey :Township; Hugh 1011,, President, of the 'North .g111 -- on Liberal .•Asseciatibn; Slielden Bricker, W. is, Young, et Colborne Township; 4. J. etoirerteon, .secretary of the North Huron. -Libertil:•,AsseciatiOn, and Miird044 Matheson, Reeve of, Ashfield; 9.431,Y three of these allowed their names to go before the meeting; awn*, gessrs. W B .Robertson, Jno. McNabb and Rugh Rill. Mr, leill opened the rneetirtg an after instruedng the various delegations regard...Ws the Method of nomination, call Lir. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, to th platfornr" and. itsite4' himi to: take th chair, — • • Al1. nominees present. spoke 'briellY emphasbeete the intention_oflhe 4ais .".13*eat Ccie 'epOttOn." This was the keynote of Mr. Deachman's address theeaudienee- being -assured that eier letr. Spotton might seem like a big man In Huron, he resembled the apbstrophe placed after -a- Volt to indicate "noth- ing!' in Ottawa; - peachman. gave a- brief account of himself, etating that he had been born in Ho•wick Township and had lived there until he was 21 years of die. elis father'.was a teacher ino. seizool Gor. rie -for Many' Years: been econ- omist for the National Liberal Federa- tion for the past eight years. He showed a -shoe Made by a western .* . • er , us ra thetvicious results of hig tariffs in Can- ada. ' lFollowing the nomination speeches, Major Frank Sanderson, 'M.O., i'sf St. Marys, spoke , briefly, *emphasizing the necessity of unity in the ranks In order to win from the. present member, Mi. Deachman was announced as vsinnee,lon the firstballot by a majority of a over all lb a toial. of 259 votes. W. A. Preser, Meree, fruit ' grower of Northumberland, was- the guest speaker. He made ,an able plesentation of the party views on the Bank of Canada. the tariff, the railways and the foreign mar- kets. The Bank of Canada, will he re- constituted as a publicly owned institu- tien instead of one controlled by ..private shareholders: The 0. N. R. will be re- tained as a separate railway and efforts will be made to sezure tarel market for Canadian naturai products in Great Britain. �f condemeed the Netural Preclude Marketing Act as a vicious , piece of legislatien - arid predicted that little would eome of the work, of the Price Spreads Comfnissiort. He also con- demned the present Government's "gamble 'in -wheat." , Hone Nelsone-Perlitiment 'Twee in- -the audience although he wag not called to the platfOrin. Mr. 'Hugh Hill announc- ed that Chas. A. Robertson, MLA., was too in to attend, the meeting. Goderich sent a full delegation, of 37 Members, tinder the leadership of -Jiro; W. Craigie, all pledged to. support vv. R. Robertson as eandidate, ne ei7-;".... • KEEP -"THOSE CRILLY CORNERS WARM WITH Empire OcicahOntas A SMALL FIRE GIVES WARM, EVEN MAT, Eimearmaim.ati The Dean Coat°. (ALL FUELS) Phone 95w Goderich reetteot yeeir uii 'Woollen Wu - *to Itent Met*, Patk theft, *VOW in a 'Oedati, Cheat, thts .10Ma. hio beet dig* 4te. $1400 up Th may' ";,1= -.77•010 GT 'IOU '7111 ot OUR ADVERTISEMENT 01-1:CED PRICES FOR IRE WEEK - 12th to 20th in,eiu,Si*e NalwrototAss flans for 3$e* -11,111hurta -*Heart:, and Nettre 1111.,s, 440 sLeAl'srs„,paNnavaENT." Sr04- 2,9e. , linieL4eleintind, San. set, #itii a $40 foi 25e Carter'e laitik Liver 1'1114 22c EASTER PE WAMPOLE'S .1s1 Lle 01? teAGNESIEA • 20 tm bottle 50e 40 tablets for 25e #REP 50e Jar for 200 • AND • ZNVELOPES - Pad and 'Paarage Envelope*, Zlo MOTH BAP! FLA,His, itA9s PRES11 CANDY"'OR - EASTER, ,Lb. --, $411,4 BRU,SiltS 5e, 10e, 15i ' 'orio-RO-NO Sinall, 33e Entiish Heald& Salt 390 Cety'e Pace .,.Pettelet • , , . • .14.11 ehatle$,' e9ce ilea Our rogatALDEHYDE. , and have better grain 250 * ••;, 4 • •4•."1,.. • * I el: .4for4the,„ ,:. tii Al SI lip it. r. N:itta fAl 0 RiTri oi. 114 0 ;N4 6 I " ... " 4'444). Aht01:0%;( --1,- op 7 v7,lei , %., 4.01 .F77,77 „ 11 4:14.0•Nomonommommonom, DRUGS AT Irnkl_DRUG STORE_ Campbell's Lauder's Dunlop's. Wigle's I - t DR'UG$TORE.-7-.DRUGST , IVILss Isobel CRobertson, Wingham, „spent the week -end with her parenes, . Mree-J. ROber-taCt Mr. Lorne Ton, Whe has_ been with Mr. Fred TO11, Jr., for ,several month, left resently near Toronto. Mr. J. R. Reiss, .of the Canedian. Bank of °perigee here, is on a vacation at his 'Vote at Beaverton, Mr. -Connon of Allvereon, is supplying. Mrs. N. Murray was in the village early this week. Mr. Ted Jenner vlsited with Mi. Keith Arthur recentli. Mr. W. T. Riddell and his niece, Miss Olive McGill, �f Blyth, 'visited with friends in Rifiley, Kheeardine.. Mr.-Andes:Mrs. Allison, of doderich, spent Sunday eeith. Mr. and Mme °haze Beadle. ° M1ss •Elsie Snyder, of London, visited her graedmother, .Mrs. John' Ferguson, on Monday of this week. •-; Mr. and ldrs..13,. 'Thompson• ana •Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thonipson, Were Sunday visitors witti 1,Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong and Mr: and 'Dees. Jun.' Thompson, St Augusine. Mr. Joe Ewing has sold his house and I lot to Mrs. Mari Armstrong, of Beyth, and she will take possession the Ist of May. • ' Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hamilton were at 13rucefiele last Thursday attending a ebirthday party in honer of Mrs. Hamil- toe's mother, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, who is remembered by Many 'here, Ott& Wil- son celebrated the iath anniversary of her ikrthday on APril 4th at the home of *her deughter, Ittfre. Chapman, near Brutefield, when all the ehildren and grandchildren • and greatgrandchildren Were present. Mrs. S. Cox, of dodertell, is at the home of MM. 7:1.*1,k,fogridge this week. Aef.r. Harry Ylitsghlut„ ot th's myth -gra,- vel road, is having his buildings wired for electrieity at 'Present. Mrs. Murray, of CanipbeilVille, spent a con* of days early, this week With Mrs. It D. Munro. Mr. H. Mogridge sPent,last Friday, and Oattuday on business in Tbrordo. Ur, ,Jras. Dail; who has been, in this section sirital, rPtttrited to his home in ebsitham on *ends/. Mr. M. Allen„ Mrs. ;&.Robinsert, Mr. and etrs. qrs. 1g, Motored to Flint 111,4 saturday. tOrs„ Anon, who has been with friends in Flint for the past two weeks, returned home with them,' Mrs. &to. Medd has rented her farm. to Mr. Long, of Lucknow, for a term of three years. 'Miss Dorothy Wilson was home from Stratford Normal for the week -end, rs re umed from Sea - forth where she Was visiting her sister, . Mrs. Russel Carter. Miss K. Wagner is home after spend- ing the Winter months with her niece', Mrs. Jas. Jackson, of Walkerburn. ••••••••••••••••• Automobile Insurance . I Don't forget the liability °. you t ' incur through the operation of • °your car. Make yourself safe by insiwing with .Low Rates, Righ Security , F. WOOLLCOMBE Phone 296 so..**Womm.:;ommoi* ow* 41111111.1•11•••1 Spring Is Here No 'need to worry about your clothes for the Spring. , Just send theirt_to th,e, French Dry Cleaning Works 'Send us the Overcoat and other heavy winter wraps for cleaning before you put them in the cedar bags for storage. J. B. Vroomin ifIgn ST Phone .122 GOIWRICht • Ah owners and oceepiers of Preinises ere hereby notified that all garbage; ete.„.mtistebe rernoVed from their Peentisee :before the first day of May, 1935. F. G. WEIR Ass4 Sanitary IfisPectot tie repaying axes Taxpayers May Purchase Tax.. Pre- - payment Iteeelptslok- 1935 -Taxes - at FavOrable. Discounts • , COST COST COST AW)UNT- Mar % 1 fie Mjiz 15 A!mr. - 46, 13 ibirty 1-14 15- . $10.00. $ 0484 " $99 $ 9.93 49.20 .4945 49.0 prepiament need)* mut be presented along With Z31 TO BIN ring the flat 'installment period. tank Interest Is Only2 per Oa " Pura*** rirepokyment Itetepts 014 hare our motto town* 8pet tent. Inter*. ./yoe 11114,6Untet *Ill be tillOwed irt NEIL It MacKAY, Tax Collector O. Wit Wk. Pit 14 r