The Goderich Star, 1935-03-21, Page 6'TO POLITI(1.$7 , TIMING
=teed". roUr the hot MixtUM OW
he•cornitareh end eggv attrrhht. 001140
am retern, 'this tO the 110, st04 0eo
'slowly Until til4ekelted 04 Air
Minute/1 longer. 'l'our nto * cooked
;Nett. Inger,
Within a eilingUe,
ewith the egie White beaten until
tell)! 00 TIIElt GO IN
1, then J to tAblespeene Sneer
• gradu-
- do Pee.ple go lute POlities? I ant, 'Pitting b one .4 the Words 0.40$t tWi` di allsr* 911 by #0964;1* •
. •attet dk
O Mt sinoo+h a t•;flae In
, sere there 'west be times when the poli.t tie theatre variance. . Vest Of 'lle he -
Ar even .ee ere sees---- -11es-- hie .a. IV'
tielan asks himself that questien. Selne, Invole ore dame over ehe :than ethers ts•''''" "r `4C4reee Act' -sweney Minute..
the great'ininotity. enter Politice !Iterates Wise these daye and the next time on el'e'''te!el"ietiaellels VOW Jule', It AtaY Xes
it, a real desire, roe eeesiee. trill listen just 'notice hew lilltell Ihe stlifeesSret;i:4‘9+se.Puig,S44.........,..„..0.,.......„.„.„="wsPre Te...nsta"hses.44/5 " -
medloseee end unfortenatelee there are ef the preeentettlen depends On the tita-''''•""' '''''''" '''WA` aPe""cd is'Sullletentb
too many of them, like the feeling of Mg; lt la not emcees -4Y to.say how
power and the sense of importante, portant Vine le ,ill nuteie. Tlet SOO yen
ActuallY there 'Is net to muoh power in ever thoustiat how important 'tenet lee In
the hands but most people 'Sont,, to zoeltine. In the. firet 7pitece, one IllOeti
Ainslie: that the ;Itemiser has a 'greet Oat take the oreper time to oetok well. I
ot power eo this panders to their' feels venture to say that there ate Mere fells!
hag et impostanoe. Few go into it for tires from not taking time than ilone ,
Abe mm10 they u'llt make ete the Calory any, other maser*, JteSt notice the neXt itOemtributed istt Vrecieriot .7: mt*Itel, large enough to be very tonging .thiltse You have an imPerfeetlen In your Ne,et eemeel. lefebteee 'tbe world over
and the chanee for' spolls le little. foe I cookinglf it is not due to not taking "
believe at have very few trooked men proper ante. Perhaps you have not iv/11 ti° h°n°r t° Vatil°h* th° Patr°4
saint of Ireland. It does not appear to
In our parllatnents. Then 'there are taken the time to mix thoroughly or ,,,. ,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,w,.. .. 0. t.,....w.,
others .who have the time and mbnee, what Is ntore often the eaeo You try to w7ts'''he-#en7vvee'e'-"It'"i; here.4';nerallY'''"'eonelilei'dell4a4
whes look on it as a game and play poll -
'lies ,ee seteh. Postbly _MO -have:
ealoyment out of it than any ,other Poll - intOte tbAt th/At telle
tilde certetitutel her ,econornie
ood 'Must sceepta not ineanstederable
ShareOf Winne ter the, hart** he .144
P10,4ed in the lvtty of :leer tratte * both
hurry the tooking. There is a proper
temperature at which to cook and if that
particular stemperature is increased eon -
%iciest. At the present time aomen wha siSerably you are Almost sure to have
enter mettles *seedy aU have A desire to lettere-. Then tt is quite a knack te
serve, seeing the need of women's putt- time your cooking for a meal so that the
caw kind of ability and intelligence. different foods are finished at the same
Now Le the time to be doing the spade time, have found it a most difficult
work and looking for suitable women for
candidates in the next erection. There
sat some outstanding women and the
" work' of women's organizations should
be concenirated on the few instead cif
being spread all over the country.
Some of the. best of our • organizations
ere non-political -and deftly so, but a
r4a_toME,4A-44,s,s41444FiAl 71S -4114s-1/,'
carried on wit all nonle) cir
would, like to see women on both sides
of the house, and now 1.1 the time to get
that he first saw the light of day inset
village—Cla Bensvien Teberinae, reir
Benaven Tabernai, in :the nerth of Bile'
Vain, villa,ge is thought by some
to be 011Patrilek, Scotlaeld, between
Dumbarton and OlasSol• OA the 'Clyde,
His lather. who vAtS a ileat'on, came ot
thing to teach, Another frequent nits. „sere f„rnti,, 1,1
take in tinting is not allowing ame for 1"--"'. "tt's.e'ttev'etPte`s"misee "41"
the taking up end, Anal Preparatton for "e°r"img 14 86111c catlY writ414 hi°
mother% nettle VAS Conchessa, niecent
a meal. Time yourself when getting
dinner and see exactly how long -ft takes
to pour your vegetables, mash your pota-
toes, do the necessary. seasoning, make
the gravy and all the last minute -pre,
nal'Aioshee arttl thetkertlewill know jeet
St. Martha of Teurs. The fact that, St
Patriek spent some years in the eehool
of St, Martin Of Tours gives ivelptt to
'this statement, Was born about the
O teen years of age was carried oil by' a
will'have your meet ready to the minutes e,edy. ee mete variously easerihed as- hers
, a s o , .• arr to
to. work. , Whet .4r,e yOti PeraOrtalbt..40hig ellght en,..tiine and -we .aU Want,our irteta!s • er eeees.-
abOut it? appreciation. So look to- your *4"' Aw. waa soul -11A0 Slattery to
.----1 arUesashowe.-draina akfilch,o-Macelivananei_a_eRetetyeseltid
IIIng of Dalsararie—nrt ulster, who emplayed
A small boy proudly displayed a val. him as a shepherd to look after 'Ws
tntine which he had made in school. flocks on the mountains of Sleamish in
He said that he was going to give it t
Mozt. households, especially where
there are children, have annoying situ-
ations which are continually recarriteg, .
-Do you do anything about it, or do you Here for seven years Su -as was
Net let it drift? We are too stingy With then his name -the name or title Petri.
our brains and many a difficelty might etas or Patrick 'was not given, him int
be streightened out if WC itil4 Pat' same many years later-laboree while in sla.
constructive thinking on it. Th1S Story '
which was tole at 'one of our Parent.1 very as a slave, exposed to hunger, cold
the County of Antilin.
Mary. When asked if he, liked Mary -
best. he thought for a minute and said Early years.
-no, but she likes me." Many a man
has been caught with that same bait,
*she' likes me.'
OUr diet is very apt to be short of cal.
4Atim and one of ite chief uses is to keep
the nerves in gat order and thus pre-
- vent us from being irritable. The dairy
products and fruits and vegetables are
our most important sources of calcium.
Tilts year .our group is studying the
q- Adolescent peetod, which us ,you know ite
• roughly,:the seers freen twelve to twen-
ty. We have been- paying particular at-
tention to the diet of the adolescent, be-
cause at that time mental and physical
health are so closely related. When One
- of the mothers- heard the affect of cal-
,clum on the nerves, she said that her
fifteen -year-old son was so irritable' all
. the time and as he would not drink
Reading Anthracite
is spreading!."You
sec it's ilatt.irally
superior arid Supir-
Clean. That means
the MOST heat per
-dollar, Order 1•19W1
and -every' priVatirm. But during' this
education groups aptly illustrate& con -1
structive thinking.. In a home wherei period he acquired a knowledge of
there were two children there was a4 Irish language, and familiarized' himself
wrangle every -night over, who would with the manners and customs of the.
•PeoPle. cfre also silent much time in
penance and- prayer. as he himself
states: 4'Before- daybreak I used lo bee-
• -
have the section of the paper with the
funnies in it, "first. -There was so much
arguing mad Wrangling over it that the
peace of the whole householuea tod was dis-
The ., ,Ontatle , !West* Bril.nele,s•th
year • are . loilowlog . the polW$ oft,
previous year in ,supPlying free trees to ;.:•-• C
any farmer he Ontario, , Any numberi •
Will . be ouppiled. for refereIttsrsttlOrt Pilre- f' '
poses and any rettalber up to a Maxis! G",errintilit PIATIII to 00 Away
mum ' ot 4 500 . for Windbteale, plan,tietel, - fr4)M -IiIsillOilimE ':. Rewards , I " ..
Th,e, only .cost ee, t4fi teenier, es the exl, trawya:clehafareor nifiigThal,k-.C.10.4.4*,4:2 Work. 7---
. these chtldreo that It was meting' the
• ' _, ,,, • .A. 4,...
west charges iron 0ohlt, of shipmentle t --T , - --.--- .., cOntiti* 70 , eente_,P2r.,_411.7 _feo .maiht4111, s
hie iiiirest• eteetieft. •• - • •
to iizolitt.a4szo!orel,Tha'neizan'tioe'wn' ,r2egfulet7etions.%loreOx' v,,e'orflelglts4''eith::eo'477e,'',*:'er:itaeet4.iel:eig-eh;a;llltt;a:einoiPe'ateSeos:.h:-eetoiltnte,erluTu-r-viilng're:4s.itisrleett40- nt
that ' • ' . ' . U ou of forest tr-1744,A4 Oen% Ald:poislety, entbedied In the. cit.i of the. tWo• new babies may Make ' It
is restricted to the following purposes: dettellteCoulaell of December 20th, 1024, necessary that additional. assistance be es
'rise reforesting of stiltable lands for were „dieettseed at the. Meeting of' the secured for WS. Oliver, as else nowetteille
the preelection of forest cops, , . localb.ociY,,aP the Shelter on Tuesday have 14 „children. under her ealW‘follx of
The Improvement of existing wood. last, and met with general, approval. whora are babies and one older child
lands whittle have become depleted. Under- theirs' preitielans, 'the, vartoua which requires, almost as much care.
The' teelarnattenS 4 . unproductive branches will be eneouraged tte, Tait, '11% There Is available as help, only the „ser-
witetelenes ...sole)), are lyingIdleand • teen a, high standard and retteeretrin the vices of one '45-Year-oldsinneate, fortusa-
vbio would support forest gt.owth,„ , 1 nature of Increased grants as the work atelY, a highly competent girl.
e the ie„,.. e .,.,.4„ti,,,, 4- .
ogeesellbe tev,4,es-Prat'ect:1°‘" A.' se-li:':' .1'6,reeie• bi ,-Plean!.!,:nest.1!.....C4.• '':Ii°r."•,7-07-e‘';17.,,,I.,.7;:,:74.,,,,‘,,hit.eaZil,,..1, ''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ''',,e..,,..;I:tetiisti,T111. iers77:44°..fdiaelthussed:C41.a,n,Thd ':u54:7,4741
- ' u ' • ' - ' ' ••• • • t ORM.Ifeiretl%Arefeit?"'s s'seseeltikeittOtctaiet: -I
. , , '.. -14,
instal -
erosion and of light soils which are stili» --z___
jeet to 1;10,1iattg or watitgo a, tendente- saiaries.
ea..- 0 .e , 1 lations lee being looked after by the
,The_,,coniser,Innir et vatertow,*__ 1u...1:slim. Thisietiii Is 'arahiv. een:60,squIttfiltralyen,:tot 4to,iletterlopalepeih;r.s!,are.golleralt_boli,igt0essee.o:reectil,Ze:-. ete.7.1101,1-_an. (L., --- -
'est plentietg,..on .the..slopes, at the heetet.:Imiejs_eter,,emerleiee,e, 7,-„ses,!„.0.- • es....eeeet •-,e,i'.'"e'S''''Ss's--e-,77--,...',..,• l'_.,'....;_, -:- •
•4-36-eal-re"---7"."--7— —, -- 1 -tile; "Whole tendency, us. ehselosed,hY I•erteee to '
If ,
The planting' Of shelter belts and windi the report 0 tram 34d. wp.rds, , loca,144:4), eisf, auwyt:rribei not tea::
, taus° tonvniskea; 'and "often •
breaks teethe protection of agricultural erintendentse is to get 41Vai fre111-!n„.stl' Initiator !will --protect :the children:- from -
-erope, - 'Is . •,, ttutional inehringini _Of e.hildreis • And ,, to these distressing' amides/la,
The ibrestk7 4r4nelt, ainnot supply I get them _hies_ homes: as Soon. as pateibled — . . . , ........... .
trees for 'decorative Or ornantexttel 1 It is hoped that large institutions such
Planting about homes, clubs or the other ; as,, the homes in the 'bigger cities will, in
private properties. Application forms' time, not be needed. Only clearing
for these .4,006,, /nay be secured ey, wee. i houses for children will be maintained,
ing to the •Ontario Department of, Avid If' the Plan .9;1°I.its" .....
outage, iolinton, and all Applications Rev. Dr, J. XL Barnett; president of When you are just on edge ,,r.
must be in the handsauainenrefttil
he, utOnicuptargiso: io
e Jr-lt:19%ami
! cS:Itt4b,,HuronY'ebo
xl)14il.criybody to
edtitle provise
when you can't stand the children's
rore.stry Branch, p
bpoonte inoise . .. when everything you do
Toronto 5, Ontario, not later than April ncerporated, another Provision • is a , burden ... when you are irri-
15t4, ,, , of the new eigidetiona. , Tills was ap- table and blue . :..try Lydia E. Pink- °
repels's!, Baleneeartvalueble :to. the whole '
*Will be taken into- the Shelter teropor- of tOctwomen-ieport behtfa. '
ergy you need. Life will scion worth
ham's VegetableCoinpound.'98 out
It will sive you just the extra en-
, . , ,, . proved by vote and the application sent •
- • .... - • - forward.
'1'wo children, at preeelit-iii litlinitharnt'.
r 1)ettefit 'OW Matt's ,Ve elite
the 'names ot ' the,-
Seaed reeentlY appOinted
i1i..Ontario ciceeertMenti'. Tot,
`Ms COoPert PlItitme;
14,104. Oit 4CCkeli., Welter.; eitaUk.
OW$04, 'W,ingbant, ,Ot the teem.,
'ghee infoematien regard.
'tug tbie en:portent WOrk and *Optic*.
teme for *4 imoviano 440.10:. eent.
egg .to th.e Seeritaryelter, 'r. Coopeee
ten.. '
s • .
, .
We s ;n1N:iittoCtrjs!'Y' urn SW."
CUFFS, nnd do Nerlding
out Ott** eliarg,
he Ilitrt)11
Phone 224 $01,101 Stree
.e., Itta
tutted and it never was settled settee:ie. 7-A su° r°8 them -the- neW' doetrine Be that as it
in me.S-as I nOW See, e Silainr°cir has for centuries
was always mad. This went on for anY SlUgf4S1111°8
years and the mother decided it wet: beettise the $piHt was fervent within been the national emblem, and on this
freedom he reach-- day is worn by Irishinen , everywhere
time to do something about it instead Of Regaining ills
just.letting the matter drift and beingl ea Otilil,,and for some time studied un- with justifiable pride.
a continual. annoyance. she steeleee' der permanus Bishop of Arles and in (mewl,* tion at Quebec In 1765. .
,rniik tor eat vegetables. she wondered if that one child should have the paperTiraue course wee' ordained 'tleaco'n, priest
Wednesdays and Prklays', and bishop Eventually b h d ssomin. g desert ough the • ages we
..that could °be the cause. It might not t first Mondays,
be the age cause but it might vely-w ant tile setohd • child the retri.i.tigt - and 'It aPpea,rs that hiee lieeaarnic neg nndl, he-lfrt-teleh-1455"-S1 t; Pat'
be a contributing factor. If the child three nights and the parents al tor,' Beecemee'aeotity were so eetetememe es to ricks 'rev TecOrded, in Canadian. historY
does not like milk. the mother must MO have it first If they happened io always
took plaee at iltieliec in 1765. 1)a that
her 111VIIItitY to provide it in other it, The s e has werked itilveee_ I bring him .ta the notice of Pope Celese .eee, iereeee
forms. In sa-ftelk gave some time -am charni as the children saw the fairnesels! Une'on %Irli°se nchtlee' and tuldei.- eTsl-a've-ernee'- rt-s—ait-abll-to—thae oc"..unca.:
suggested using Chocolate Syrup and of s it. The Tuesday nigleter will even, 41#11014W, he once more set out for ere -
a mother told me this week that since go out. and brin i o preae e gospel to the then • • *
S1OA Was PreaChed by Bev Di Brooks
she had started using it she lxtught tin Monday Wester gto hnurry him up. 'Who heathen Inhablta. nts.
for thei d t ee
at the Church of England 'servicee011
the paper
torily because the one who .had to arit n; and felt :Ito ,hurt; nor was there ina ,
. extra* quart of Milk a -day. Most NZ%
like cheese. so It can be used freely to .Apeetollo Envoywas ta.ttendeelyty the military officers,
elle calcium. Orange and eaglet° juice It wasein the year 4•32 that he sailed judges and leading nierchants.. Later
Itt the dais' a large banquet in limier. of
,Iteletelerspation saint was held „at the
Sun Tavern, where_ loyal and pa.trletic
toasts' were drank." !Also at ceitebee
waa held In 'nig the first Se Patrick%
Day ,.patade in Canada,-ctt Is only
eight, and proper that tribute sttetild be
Paid •to such a saint& life whOse In-
fluence; le felt- -811--iletverst1ie • -:-centerieet
It els only natural, tete that it ahOuld
take the folext 'a epiebrations both re -
!Igloo and patilotle. St Petrick 18
reveredand honored as a Saint and a
day is Set apart for this purpose Iii *the
ectlesiestical calendar, - also he bas his
place In the ealendat In weileh is, listed
•eseltSytt of theeyeatsaffd-riatielarheiV•
daye. folloWs 'that the rethe of
%earth take e the.nature of ,a, dual ele-,
bratian-religiona and nationall •-•,. We
toy ;think that the age of 0t, kattlek--
;eoniPared --With; The .141th -CeritUrY-,4verY
PrintitiVe, but In all of to- there Is ft
revere:nee for the . Post. We nke to
think .thet our national thataaterieties
ate typical of our nationaleseintse *nd,
Santl*e has eald that the lessons' to lete
learned hone St. Patrick'a life are "to
The &tingly, to theelsh high Iciest* to
stick Sim br .4oble • coliviotions„ to sip.
prove things mot exCellent and, pursile
them et any mot:"
• 6
YritY Ivy vanity no*
(Mancha' Pest)
It has astoniehed many Canadi4tut to
hest` Of the tetutklerable itriportatiebauf
flour Whieh hive come Into Canada in
rot* months from *teat *
Illguree for the list 410.4.40 re0 shoe*
tOtal Imports at A record bones $7,000
barielit at ,4065,000. Zit aOtne
Matioteta &Li ,e'attgrig' somtural
owe to, a CaMidist. Newcastle
" "f0.4et
U he 'le id
sweaild-have to bring th the paper was
Always a source of .argument be.foeits.'
Now everything- is serene in the early'
ere usually well liked and are valuable
sedditions to the diet of both the grow.
eng Child and the adult. I have given
the Chocolate Syrup reelPe ever SO often'
before but just in case you have missed
it, here it is again.
1 cup coma. 1 ettet sugar, le thespoott
csertillt\, 2 eupe water, pench of salt.
.evening arid peace reigns just because
the mother used her brains instead of'
her temper.
One sometimes hears it said of a
woman, 'Why she does not even know
how to boil an egg.' 'It la frequentlY too
true of •wornen Who consider themselves
, Add water gradually to the cocoa and Od-eseee„
sugar end mix tuatil sniooth. Soil threit illwa/s-:
zninuteS, add vanilla and bottle. To use tooked at a low temperature as too great
a heat makes them tough, Tttere Ls Et
add a euffictent quantity to milk and
lls ast -groat difference in theetexture-oleurvegg
te. tfeaeither ltot or. oIt
that hoe been cooked at a low teniperete
makes a delicious cold drink but thie ture and one which has been belled
weather may' be preferred hot
tepidly. Bave the water- boiling, put in
Cititt COs cARIeTE the eggs and reduce the temacrattiretn.
2 onions, 1 lb. Hamburg steak, 1 can til the bubbles are breaidn genty„at,
lomat-ow; dash of pseipee, van The surface -but never letthe water bell
kidney beam 2 .,tablespoons etdaup, rapldiy. If the egera tire tooked at this
1 teaspoon saltlower temperature they wilt be tender.
Cut the onitms and •cook in a litilebacon throughout indeed of tough on the ontel
tat 6nt11 gently brawned, Add the side and watery around: the yelk. 'Yon
.11.emburg steak and eook until it It nay have to coek „them re.liehtly _Iongee
browned. Add the other Ingredients ter got them cooked as hutch, as yolike.
and molt elowly, until thick, which win Coddle& egge aro even better. 'Put the ,
take tram threeequarters of an hour to eggs in boiling water *td when- the
an hour. This is not really, Only. Chilit Weter-ereturase le* the remove the
Con Carte, as to make it properly it Iva, sancepen, Over It and'plate itt * warm
entree chili pewder, but most.temiediens plate for seven Minutes or longer de.
find it too bee for thele liking'. It you pending on how you like your eggs
'AA.' eon may add the Chili powder but tookect citerd-tooked eggs. shouldal-
without It t think that this Is tme *tiny 'Ws, e's aeng At low tennietature tor
beet meat redoes, Omits' Intrilltft. Done this way they
12 Ib butter (half lard laity be us-
ed). I cup white sugar. 1 eurt brown
sugar, eggs, le lbdates, le tun
walnuts, teaspoon soda, 31-,e 'to 4
tuns fltnir„,
Cream butter mid sugar, add irellebeate
sets eggs, elitir hi the sifted flour ,and
Soda 114 odd the ditto, tut ilgaiPsto4
the lvideaktis Cut dintiy. &jape tiatO
small 'reire and let iigand .lit.aoceot place'
Ottr-tIght, trhe leasAlour that Is Used
the better the tOokke. Out In ilittio 11 I 'sultst, 1)11tter leint4i Pike •and bring
01 315 4eitiee' . Yolk
cookles t� w' •
are 'eery easy to..dlgest. but if theei *i&just evoked tuitil the Yolk IS wagy, they
are ninth more difficult to digest. You
see there are Weirs in all traded. Even
op water, 1 One silt 0* lake aria
eind of 1 lemon., I egg. 2 tab
lieur, 1 teetepoots buttery. .
Ora* the riled or, the lemon Into A'
saucepan end pour the Water through
the grater to get all the rind. Add
ineu &lett lend toOk In It mOdetate mem lex the torngtotrett With
k. lemur wont xor tb617.1tile oldwaterBeet the egg .
Untll Weitmixed and *dd this
,. . ,,,,, 4
Wkat, i tr for au thotio _
o are ttoab1e ititlt oft**, *44
otker iiteiaI blentishot$ and who
a 004011, elver and
Maltby letiOrt lit to lint their
bloott ho good tottaltIoa bi
botralating thipoittettroi*
Zaire le Oa
o tkle; tot*-
** ,otte Abet
ket ter she
Ilukt atitti
tit 744005 'wok
or-freland As An apoetolie envoy and
then began one of the greatest and most
sueeer-sfill mlesions in -history when- as
we are told; oChieftaltee were per.
euaded ot the error of their ways: -and
were " baptized. Churches -were founded,
schools estabMised, monasteries reared,
missiohariee ordained, and the whole
,soelal- and religious-- .espect- -of- Ireland
and the erish pzople 'underwent a-tothe
piste change,'" vot:nd to he ,eartied the
title "Patrie1aff'-'1viiielt Pope .Celestine
had given hint It IS a very remarkable
fact that St. Patrick% journeyings eats
'be traced„ pravtiCally from lits birth te-
his, death. by the names of places called
-after 144V tePectrwilt perMit; the Ijen
Ilon ef only a -very foie as, ler eXaMple.,
WS birthplace in Stotlend, Whieh 15 now
known as Itelipstrick (the thuteh
ratriek)„ wft1e through Seetland, Eng-
land and Walee..*hete; he ii,,stipptised
to have passed are ninnerous places end
churches ending- withe, Pattickeee (iri
• badrig)eeiWhere he artded In
Zeeland s celled Innispatrlek (the 'Island
of tettriek), and the place of lib -death,
on Ilth austral, 03, at the age' (1124
Is ,generalW tsupPosed to have been Smilt
derhed ,front Sabbal.pattieit (the born
of Palriek)s
*the Attei Legenille. *
Ptirthg the .folatteen eenttulee- which
have pissed. Since hit death, many
and legends have gathered
trotind Wm, Stich as the legend at
tilmialvitriek, When the *int le *UM
hai lereitled 'eeltheln Angel; the ,legend
Ot the aosivetwIon. Ot the., two daughtet*
'ot the ltint*-01.h4, .0thiria
'rho Jeitind itt. Patrick .drIting OA the
shakes hat bettor •orroottUnt... skt bis
awing heetheniene Out of Ireland and
40trodueing OhrietianlOr tot sitAtai
Of the eleriptma reference to
-on V* head: tittlie.oirPentiThebov
r lernd itt convection *VA
reelt, ettrjtele kiettetra,
doctrine of the
rk wise petite
Pagan Malt 1* need bleh
hat Wei leataii on cot *
tot. tot -illustration eVW.
It le * nioitereenarkabk colnelde***
the trefoil In Arabie '2i COW ribiontiikli.
and In.Iran vow *ored beau. It
etablenustleel fit the lzweitin
are told that Pito eta ''that
never tette Ott trefoil, and th*t It
eh antidote for 41* iiting*.ot
to* nds' anakeic When 4.*
Sk Patrick and the
11 btei041 'boa bleagfeted *OA
IM VOW/ et ihrei4lIet
family. To the mother, a 'flawless aid to
lovIlliets. 'To the child . a soothing *
- ' rilv' pending the ap' proval add ultl- leivill:tonSetatg:lindeure another day without
beating balm- And to the father, ' ;CI maten inspositim' of the County colleen
splendid hair fixative and cooling shav-
ing lotioh. 'Persian Balm tones and re -I ednizratee•- This was done as an ,eCon- . adigohttlePfrothinas medicine
rdiddrugne cgainstgitolyCles:
freshes -the skin. Maker -hands delight- emy ine‘asure-, the cost of Ono'of them • '
fully soft and white. ' Indispensable to , being considerably higher in Wingham
.aahlty womenlie_littlestrentle rubbing' hosloital. _than In the ma.intenanee .of
=deft 1s -absorbed - by :the- tsues, Make,- both In the Shelter.
Ing the skin truly rose -leaf In texture. i It develoPedeiroll. e-diseassleheovereeltEC ETA -BLE- COMPOUND
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