HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-03-14, Page 5►Novi; w•, , ,�.� .,w� , ,04.44p!041.11.404Rl.k4,0,,, ,m, ,',t ".'4; {' OU. WA .,♦ y'•,'• IirW{!h »!IMN,.,aA".N;�,.,.'..,• x,•« • 1• ".9A4 t,.Au.[..>•p...,.. ,A1.'.d'.{4•4A"7„• , . , •, :Ad.*WINK, 4...4 d\N.0 .a YpM'N.','.7M.4'� • Ou IC "TOMOS tat `00o11 Olittith wa'ss•held,in, tl ctitUth buy eeet with »fin mew bere present • ;And' Lne orteir'ln hatj e; meeting ► wed„ With the tom, ;"Koine : ,its tIs '8,140•ot ' 1 OrlAt lull eve'," fallorved' with parr by .C31.4110,411 srula(nstoh. The seriptu e 40000, , 'duke 14:144; was `read l Maw , `M I ain The tbnici "JeSUs'' "1 tti%tide°Toward Sin- ner3," was. mad b t ;Esthe 'Mcltlwaaiil; ,hymn "".ill tail the ower of Jew' . suug,, , diad, the. Nilzpah Bienediction repeated ' • The concert sponsored lay the W, , .hist F`a; iday e1tening in Onion church was' quite a asuecese, R,ev» "Fr W. ('alk 'ow chairman for ,the Very thee grogram, Which included nun rs by the :follow'. ing: Selections, by the 'd aelkion%a band; Bolo by Marry Harwood, readings by 'iss Marion • Colwell, Mrs, Ernest Sen .and. Everett Mc twain, several vocal zlum- bets by Misses Margaret and Claire Pentland and Mr. Ralph Henderson of Goderich. A short play entitled, "'Tail- ordMade Suit," was, enacted by Miss Marion ! ;Colwell" Mrs. Geo. Me lwain, Jas. Young and Maurice McIlwain, A solo was 'also given by Mr. Jack Sproule of Goderieli. An address on "Home Mission Work,' was given by Rev. Ward - law Taylor sof Goderich. A pantonine entitled "A. 'Young tatty Entertains Riper Boy Friends," was enacted by Mesdames McClure, Robt. MCIlwain, Tichborne, Young, Harwood, and Orr. The presi- dent of the Society, Mr& Forest _ Mc- Clure, in a fete well chosen words,. mov- M Ly� 4i �'.• 'S2C'^9'l• u� q part in he ' prdgrain and ° Helped Make the evening a success. ,(Little Dorothea Ttchborne drew the lucky tickets for the a prizes, which resulted as follows: 1st Prize, a quilt, No. 326, Mr. iitobt. V{ in�.ter, 4 drB1-i' Ch�'�"` , nd prize, -a � large •basket of groceries,. No, 411,' Percy Harrison 3rd prize, tablecloth, No. 556, Mrs. John Blair; 4th prize, pair bath towels,.._ 147, Mr. Fred Bell; 5th, small basket.of 4 . h,1�. �:!X* Syr e J b tM Oode 1ebliy�Pth rilew�ymp , o; �2�•�1y M Veldt o ,Stanley. . sl p; ' •'lh,' dish, = Noo . < 1,, M . 01iffe d Mel ill, The National ,Aii'it ci, was sung' and'ilie, evening btO ugiit a' allose,,' fine Prot Gid from the 74 ; tieireta ;stn®that JO y+j , ('salva. iiitethe ' freepondent) Cdr's ..,Mary' ,. 'Phillips, : returned. hobie' ,, , n the hospital, • Saturday evening;• Mr; 'and Mr*, aohn. 17ohnstion moved Onto the .,far of 'Wm, '.len t •week,. iAS. Owing ; to :the ix1enteney of the .weat, ther, only a email .Congregation, was preT nt Jo Union on Sundays Miss Grave `MoLeod, of Goderich, 4137 1tCd' last week with her friend,, Mica. .. A7"•—•"-^`, ►..�- Ethel. Mulilwain,poll 'was llshowing an Mrs.s» ttlin, held, of Stanley Township, a teridane of nineteen 3<t was dee. ided visited ,last week et the bonze 01 Mr;and to answer the roll call for, the nontli of Mrs, Robt. Davi n, • April by a" '7 bie v . r:oozita1tktrag° the This Sunday is ht e. first of six Lenten word Faith, The minutes of the last servlves, Next Sunday's subject will be meeting were ,read and adopted. The "The" Psalm That Swings Us Back to social committee reported that they had arranged for the Rolmesville Y.P. S. to The last dance of the ' season, will be put on their Play 'in Zion 'church on held on Fridaq evening, under auspices March 22nd, After' some business dis- of Riverston Lodge, L. 0, L. 145, in their oussio'n, Mr. Herbert closed the .meeting hall on 4th concession. with prayer, S,unoh was then served by Services will be conducted at Union next Sunday. Sunday School at 2 p.m., preaching service, with the pastor, Rev, F. W. Craik, in charge, at 3 pan. The March meeting of the W. M. S. "the' hostesses, Mrs. Andrew Holmes, Mrs. Prowse and Miss Nina Walters; The March meeting of the Dramatic Club was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. B. Qrr, with 35 pre will be held on Wednesday evening of sent. Mrs. Gordon Orr was in charge this week, at the home of Mrs. J. 13. at the meeting, which opened with corn - Orr. Rev. F. W. Craik will be in charge munity singing, Mrs. Orr then welcom- and the program' of the World Day of ed the .members, and outlined, the aims Prayer will be used. , , Pla/Ca - r'StrOil'fg"t`'_.so. _ed- :to with names -of geography:- Nora conte to the play entitled "The Winning Sewerby, read an 'article, "Mrs. Dent's of Joy," put on by the Holmesville Y. Kitchen Building Fund." Two selec- P. . at Zi on char h' , Taylor's s Corn er sA tions were la ed p ,y by the Harmonica Band, it was decided to had the April meeting- at -the-a - ra Mrs: es Young. Several suggestions were on Friday evening, March 22nd;- - under the auspices oi;, the...Zionmchutch,..Ladies'. Aid. Admission 25c and 15c. The Ladies' Aid of Zion church held made as to ways of raising funds. their March meeting at the home of Everett McIlwain gave- a short recitatibn. .Mrs. Andrew Holmes. The afternoon � er-one then look part in a geography was spent in quilting the missionary match, with Nora Sowerby 'winning. Rev. F. W. Craik gave a brief descrip- tion as to the writing and writer of 9When You and I Were Young Mag- gie," followed by everyone singing the song. Games and contests were played and lunch served by the hostess, assist- ed by Mrs. G. Mellwaih and Mrs. G. Harwood. The • evening was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Does Your Stomach Ever CornIain? Distress,, • I�Ileai? Perhaps;the most common of all human diseases is stomach trouble, such as• dyspepsia or indigestion, and one which causes untold misery after every meal. , Tho groat point in getting rid of stomach trouble is to got back bounding health and vigor, and, this may be done by using Burdock' Blood . Bitters, as during the past 56 years it has been On the market, it has brought joy and hope to thousands of dyspeptics,, helping them to eat -three square:. meals a, day without suffering - for it, by toning up the stomach, and making easy the work of digestion and ass ircnation. Check These Special F000 BARGAIN Chipso, Lge. Pkg. ........16c Countrykist Golden Corn..... , :.3 for 25c Oran0 Marmalade, Lge. 32 -oz. Jar 23c illcr t' Pure Lard, 1-1b. Prints.....,15c Itoyal.York Coffiib. tins 39e GardenPatchT. 111 'Patch 2 tins 25c Siiigipore Sliced Pineapple....2 tins 21c fleadicutMacaronj 2 lbs. 1.1c Ilillvrest Toilet Tissue... • 31. e. rolls 25c 9 • P. & G. Soap 5 bars 19c Baker's Cocoa %. lb. tin 15c Royal York Tea 1/2 lb; pkg. 28c Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes Thc Golden Wax Beans 2 tins 23c Crunchie Sweet Mired Pickles, Lge far . 27c oz. 1.0c •PORTER'S HILL Mr. Jas. Harrison, who has been quite the last few weeks, is slowly recover- ing. home -.With ' bier daughter, 24%, Pete auugg has returned to her- own home for the summer ' months. " , The �sef'lball• boy's are making plans for a et.- F"atwrick's program on *arch. lath at° Verter Hill, Mrs. W. Fleet and two daughters are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Poaock. I4rs. Chas. Young is improving nicely frons her fractured. ankle and able to `sop round on crutches. Mr. Thos. El- liott is also doing as well as can be ex- pected and le up and around, with his ankle in a east. On Sunday we were pleased to see so many . out to the Sunday Sch000l and Church. It is encouraging to see the seats 1111 up. In the absence of the regy ular organist Miss Gladys Gale very ably v4 -•...� ^S .�L. . .. •5..3a A: Meeting dealing with fertilizers and hay and pasture eropl will be held in the basement of the 'tJnit:ed church, Porter,s Hill, ...,.Qn _,.T.hursday, evening, March 21st, at 8.00 p.m. • The speakers. axe 4M'r:`11". J, l3rn, ,(}hemisry Depart- ment, and Mr. James Laughland, Field Husbandry Department, 0. A.- College, Guelph. The meeting has been arrang- ed by the Huron County branch of the Ontario Department of . Agriculture, in co-operation with the 'Goderich Town- ship Men's Club. All farmers are cor- dially invited to attend. •Thef hawing ha13d dealt r7We:9t 14 Onts0a team of tow ehi• resulted in 'quit a large set for •all the East and. West pis ns». This WO -J(4 haat# often eente's up, and it is very c ttestinnable. ,whether the biddingsh alt ;, r beany way outer than It WO. Pezo*. stlly, r make it a rule to noVer ° oi'er call : vulnerable without a fairly strong hand,, that is if I have 'to .bid moi» han one as the -largest penalties' in duplleate ale. made on doubles of a one or two -bid, bidding DOT11 STDEil YLTI .A ,,,"E, 4A1C76fi. C?IC10, A5, 4104J102. 1w. Q 9,3. S,?'Void, 0 10863. 4 A K 9, 411CJ 42. e, AJ7, W° E 654, . 0 QJ 854. 9 , 467. 410. VQ9832, 0x9742. 463. N. • E, S. W. 1 Spade 2 Hearts Double 3 Clubs Double 3 N.T. •Double Pass Miss Pass In every case the hand was set 2, 3 or t6V1g154011/2**AMPIk400atatas of 500, , 900 and 1400: NEXT WJE1I.'S HAND SOUTH --DEALER. BOTH SIDES VULNERABLE. * Void. - 0 Q,10987642, 4AQ743. 4QJ97. "7"1"7"`"'"AK543. 1964 W y E ee86. 0 Ale, r...air— 0 J 5 3. 4K102. S J985. A Ale) tie 2, AKQ10732. We are now showing a complete range o inn -fast Silk Drapes. Made-up. Curtains Cotton Nets, Marquisettes �n�i�e hurt a _Also. SQ -inch plain- color cotton Repp; loot-ivaa%.and' stin=#ash, at 58c --per yard. • 0 Void. Persian Balm .is inevitably Chosen by 4 6, discerning women. Delightful to use.♦ Subtly fragrant. Cooling and refresh- ing. Imparts a rare youthful charm to the complexion. Invaluable for soften- ing and snaking hands flawlessly white. Tones and stinii laces Jhe akin. , Useful for the family also. Protects the tender skin of the child and is excellent for the father as a_hair flxative and cooling Mrs. Thos. Beatles, who has made her shaving lotion. • WESTF!LLD zti Mr. Ernest Snell was a Goderich visa -1 for on Monday, J.E. 'Ellis visited at the home of , Mr. and Mrs, MoNee, -of Nile, Friday. Mr. W. F. Campbell visited on Mon- day at the home of his sister, Mrs.H. Stonehouse, of Goderich, i Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Rodger,, on- the ' • - birth of a baby girl, born Wednesday. -1 INEXPENSIVE MENUS.March 6th. The sympathy of the community is In order to meet a demand for menus tance in meeting one of the 'problems of every home. They are supposed to sup- ply that balanced ration which is the I aim of all modern dietitians. { It is suggested that the Iist be cut out4 and kept for reference. The Women's Institute of Goderich are having a speaker here to demonstrate many of these dishes. to assist the worried housewife whose financialresour--ces are limited, we are printing herewith a series of menus prepared by the Red Cross Society and approved by" the Department' of. Public Welfare ' of the Province. It is hoped that these will be of assis- INEXPENSIVE MENUS FOR ONE WEEK MENU SIt1;OWN IN EXHIBIT: :(Sunday) , Breakfast : 0 • Dinner: Supper: 'Cracked. Wheat Porridge' Swiss Steak Macaroni and Cheese Whole Milk, Brown Sugar Potatvoes Whole Wheat Bread Whole Wheat Toast Whole Wheat Bread and - and Butter Butter, Honey, Butter Apple Sauce °Tea, Milk for Children Chocolate Bread. Pudding Gingerbread Tea, Milk Tea, Milk SUGGESTED MENUS FOR ZElMAtNDER OF THE WEEK Breakfast : Cornmeal Mush Whole Milk, Brown Sugar Whole Wheat Toast and Butter - Tea -and Milk m , Breakfast : Rolled Oats. -.----- Whole _.__Whole Milk, Brown Sugar, Whole 'Wheat Toast with Butter Tea and Milk Ci? Breakfast : Cracked Wheat Whole Milk, Brown Sugar Whole Wheat Toast with Butter Tea and Milk 113reakfast: Cornmeal Mush Whole Milk, Brown Sugar Whole Wheat Toast with Butter Tea and MVlilk IBteakfast: Rolled Oats Whole Milk, Brown Sugar Whole Wheat Toast with Butter Tea and Milk Breakfast : racked Wheat , Whale Atille,ilarovvir -Sugar -Whole Wheat Toast with * Slitter -artd Mint .CALVIN ant .Phones 116 and ,1.6 J. lifeEWEN. Phone 46 (Monday) Dinner ' Split Pea Soup Baled Potatoes, Carrots Apple Tapioca Whole Wheat Bread , and Butter Tea, ,Milk (Tuesday) Dinner : Pork Liver °with Onions Baked Potato, Blanc Mange Tea, Milk t Wednesday Dinner : Beef Pot Roast with Veg- etables Steamed Eggless Pudding with Brown Sugar Sauce Tea, Milk ( Thursday ) II innet : - Mbat Pie with . pork, beef, and onions and potatoes Whole Wheat Bread and - Butter Raw Apple Salad Tea, Milk (Friday) Dinner: . Creamed Codfish Beets, 'Potatoes Whole Wheat Bread and Butter Annie Betty Tea, Milk ISaturday) Dinner : Baked. ; Bean,'' with, . &alt' Tomatoes ,* hole Wheat Bread and . Butter. Baked Custard' • Tea, Milk Supper :- Spanish -Spanish Rice Cabbage _ and Onion. Salad Whole Wheat Bread! extended to Mrs. Gordon ,Snell and family, and to the sorrowing family and friends„ in the death of, her sister, the late Mrs. Good, of Auburn, who passed away at her home off" Saturday. BEN MTLLER Mrs. L. Moore, of Montreal, visited her daughter, Lorna, last week.' 11 Mr. and Mrs. H. Alton visited with; Mr. and Mrs. McCabe on. Sunday. Mr, Lester Walters spent a fete days • visiting in Goderich Twp. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Feagan visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. S.' Vanstone on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bodges , visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Good on Friday. The young people conducted the ser- vice at Benmiller Sunday morning in a very efficient manner. 4 Mr. W. Hill had the misfortune to cut one of his fingers while cutting woad one day last week which necessitated a few _ stitches. _ Sorry to report Rev. Mr. and Mrs. and Butter 1 ►`- -_ Tea, Milk • I Supper : ., Potatoes au Gratin Canned Tomatoes Bran 1Vfuhns Butter Tea, Milk Supper Spinach with lard Cooked egg op toil 1 Whole Wheat Bread • and Butter Canned Fruit Tea, Milk Supper;: c Scalloped Potatoes Whole Wheat Bread and Butter • ' Plain Choc. Pudding Tea, Milk Supper: Vegetable Chowder Whole Wheat Bread , and Butter Stewed lanes Tea, Milk Phone 86 McC: ea have care with the ter at time of been, under the . doctor's flu but are somewhat bet- writing. Douglas' Egyptian. Liniment. 1s recom- mended for .sora necks, galls, distemper, callouses and- spavins. Removes proud flesh and Hoof Rot. Stops bleeding in- stantly. AutonobjJe Insurance L)on't forget the liability you incur through the 'operation of your car.Make.' yourself safe by + insuring with - Low Rates, High Security F. WQQ_L.LCQMBE Phone 296 Buy Today for Tomorrow's Wants No matter where you live, in town- or on the farm, you need some one of these articles." Note....: the reduced 'prices MARCH 1 Nth to 22nd, INCLUSIVE Squibb's Tcotit Paste Large tube 42c NOXZE11Id 25c jar for Ise Coty's Face Powder _!All- shads, 690 Scott's Emulsion 49e, 980 JUST IN 5 DOZ. MEN'S BLACK DENIM WiNDBREAjUjt. SMOCKS A real garment fur wear and comfort Sizes 36 to 46. Sper'ia 1 $1.19 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Tdp Tailors made- to -measure Clothes. Come in and look over the new Spring and Summer samples. Phone 381 81 SO DOL Small, 55c BAND LOTIONS. Jergen's Lotion 23c and 43c Hind's Honey .and Almond Cream 23cand _41e, Wampole's Grape Salt 49e and 98c Denis ' Powder Lb. Roe 1- Pond's Cream 29e and 55c Wcadbury's .Cream 25c and 50c Por Btaeliaehe, 39c Prep, regular 50c. ' for 20c • 1iiONlZ1D YEAST., 98c Mead's De,etri Maltose No. 1 or 2, 80c Potassluth Iodide 3 ons. for $1.00 lOOTII BRUSH 25i v Iue_.1.or 190 ('YSTE:X ';:ic and 81.50 STATIONERY 'Pad (note size) and Pkg. EnVPIop' , 23e Buy DRuGs AT THE DRUG STORE Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's" Wigle's DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE Save Money By Prepaying C'ream, of Potato Soup Cabbage Se, rle:d Whole ',Meat Bread arid Butter Peanut Butter Tea, Milk NoTi3: Children should have Irdin 1vira to 1 4uart of milk every day. children should have tomato juice fOr breakfast even/ day. Adults should have one raw vegetable. or conned tomatoes or one raw fruit every day. 'Adtilte should have one plat of milk every day. Adults el•tould have ow aiming of meat or meat auliatitute, tgg cheese dish, or dried beans or Peas, every dr. Advisable to include 1 tables-x*0W of Wheat germ on the arta! ever morn- . WI nts), Wain wheat germ"from the miller for 6 cents,. Ver pound. 'plums Itn the antnnut. "Where Quality Givers Price a 'Meaning" VROOIVIAN'S Coderich French Dry Cleaning Works VMST MT. 1935 Taxes Taxpayers May Purchase Tax Pre - at Favorable Discouuts AMOUNT 49.45 May I to 15 49.65 Prepayment Receipts must be presented along •ai".1 1D31 Tax Bills ...during the first installment period. Bank interest L9 only 2 per eent Purchase PreA pa3anent Receipts and have your money earning 5 per cent interee. , June , tescounts will be allotved in addition. NEIL it MacKAY, Tax Collector ichaVe a $1. Mir Idle. pot It to work hating a Pitlyity;