HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-03-14, Page 1t trAtt4,490,44.41,1,4,,to., ktit t1,C, go • 0041, Sia 'for One 04 poi song Re‘ ardped It Is 10;01e that tile GOderieh, Fall ,Vair, will adopt bk 'city ways and sell • • , badly 'tickets at six foralte0 to en- courage attendance if a allgrattOn Otter. • ed at the.,meeting •of the exicative last • Saturday 43;100 on, , lhe' Adel was Well received and some are. in favor of trying if for a year. - • The neiv-;Piesiderit 'Me; Hwy Old, is aiudella to secure new ideas. and with a good executive is helping to build the„fair back' to the point where be possible to keep open .for two or even meet lends an Or Of llosiolny ;W' ,1,4.11f -- The Meet* Was Mainly for the pur. 1'r -rearranging, -the the vomit* Year and a great deal of • - -,work.Was-acCOMplished along4his- line. . _One artnevatiokavIll themlaCing of • the judging ' ring; In 'front iet: the 'firma stand in ordet. thab OPeetoOis, many of WhOntf,are,,fa ,iee -able to •see ,te the quality 0!live , .?" ..`ObRO I401:',and WOTTA WART, un- desirable guests \' Mrs, Public, Were re. Moved by Cress Porn Salve at Dunlop's -Orng. Stere. • TENDERS WANTEDSE BY TENDFR. ,' Tenders will be ,received by,, the under- ' signed.. until SATURDAY, IVIARAOIH 30th, - at 12 o'clock neon , for that, portion of - Block ``C" in the 'Township of 'Colborne, - in the -County --0! 'Huron, owned by the - All tenders must. be accoznpatried by tertffiet1 cheque-tor_.10 per Cent. of the tender. . For 4urther particulars apply to the Pundersianed. • 'The Itighest or any other tender not Dated. Goclerich this Irth day oft March, 1035: iecassartly accepted. MANIC DONNELLY, 'Ooderich;Ontarlo; , .tiPittri9z7", ;Pr - tile-DMA:0am • ----- Mr. 000. Om* it I"barn ate With Meet.'of litSmity and Okuda Around Therd ehowered 'With the :sued, *does 41 Van,yfriends and eUrreunde'd by moat of their AMOY, children, .grandchildren 444.00 grandchildren, Mr., and Mrs; Jos. Cook of imeburn celebrated the 64th anniverstal of their wedding on March. The ((rand old couple are both Well over eighty years' of age and their de- scendants number the total of ninety- three, 'including eight children, seventy, grandchildren and lifteen great grand- -children. Ugh both are natives Ot Ooderich p, they moved to their Present borne on the: Lake Shore Road Colborne -Township 52 Years ago. At that time they had . been married eleven years, -the ceremony having taken place 9.41,V.Rne.AAPIV7eaAttballerseett.M pioneer families of the 'district and have Spent their. lives in the county. Mr:. Cook has' been an active member Women's *Miasionary, ./W1,etet_Of Leeburn United church for many years. -A. 'pleasant _feature - of- -the:feelebration "sinie„ the visit made by the members of. 'he W. M. S. in a, body In the evening. • The sons, and daughters, all alive, are William and Lockhart, of Colborne wnshim-Ileflaert-,-- of -Woodstock;- Oli- ver, of Goderiche Mrs. Alex. Horton and 1VIrs. Gee. Freeman, of Colborne; Mrs. Harry Freeman, .of -Niagara CE'alls, and :miss.'Rose living at home with her par- . J ents. y Form To Manage Museum Huron '00Witty Historic*. Society Created but No Officer* Nam.. r e se n t Committee to Continue Work, - MIRTH ,A;41)1,4p,..otor Zaalee Aid OA*** rroabifteriala Cbureh Stage EnitlAble KaAartainment ' G• rOUP I 0!, the Zadiee'i .Ald Of Xneer PreebAerian ,1a0,64,0ted/ an even- ing a 'splendid, elitertAirilneut under the cant/on of "Mirth and Ifelody,”. in the lecture room of, the :ehnrch bet. Thurs- day evening, ' A eitizen& meeting., called to listen to misar id"iTh*.fglogeardiftther‘v itiltartart s,* Ill; 41.1err the repert, with suggestions. a the Walter, had the affair WI hand 'end are c�uneU•connititWe charged with •-The generally' conceded; to islie Made a duty et ereating; a museum, decided splendid success of.it. Wednesday night to fOrm the HurOn Smite. instrumental Selections and OPant,ir •Historical Society. P_i_laYleteR L000,10ted_ the eVenhyt. to the The Metion to this 'effect, sponsored ewvYinen%t Andellee- by Gavin Greene and seconded taking Part'M °:1° Program in" Omni, *Yu°. Craigle, was passed &Sather° °II.Clett the 1:68t"iRer . 1.4* lane, who the Matter ended. The iiext motion gave a elleatil-"gaa 4elentiGn" Mr' Livens, the organist; 'ten Attle boys Of instructed the .Present tonunittee -the- -Sunday Schoel;, Mita l?orothY and 'Carry on with their fact finding and re - Mr, HerPert Greene; Leebe Hanna.; Vaal meeting will be called about that tiniel°4417W141244.4""gottovF Jack Roberta on. the Violin; Messrs. to .decide what further is to be done. Riley, Green, Walter .,and Hanna; and The decision to form another histori- Ael,Aecipty_ came after long discussion. during whihfessrs. D. E. Btoin L. Knox, W. H. Robertson, opposed the idea„Arainaing„' theLthere had noUseen suffieient interest shown in former or- ganizations of the kind to justify going ahead. tt was felt, that- the present some committee might Vizi investigate further, locate possible exhibits and retain re- sponsibility for the . whole thing until such time as a society or body of ,some sort arose out of the movement spon- , taneously. • The regular meOting of the Hospital The cemmittee which had already Auxiliary t'vvill be held in the public considered the matter,. felt that some - library on Monday,' March 18, at 4 p.m. thing ought to be done to give substance to .the body other than its council asso-4, elation. Coun. Lee, speaking for the commit- tee, favored the idea of a Historical So- ciety .arid remarked that many people would doubtless loan objects of interest will sell„ by publia...anotiOn at Lot /5„when tney would not donate them...The con. 3, Gode.rich Twp., on majority would want to deal with a • WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH 27th, regularly organized body. The Mayor; comineneing at 1.30 sharp: who occupied the chair for tile ineetin.g, thought so too. Gavin Greene has volunteered to fur- nish one room in the public library with his owoa loaned articles. Conti,„Binghern„...merslier of the comia ,anuseum -committee felt that the matter was -not being given the serious consideratkm to (Which it is erititled, by the other members. • The old Centennial Committee mem- bers were invited to be at the meeting but did not turn Up. I is said that -- they have • some cash from the centen- nial funds still in their possession and that this money might well be used for museum' purposes. A small balance still rein:tins in the ibank front the activities of the former 'Historical Society and it is. hoped. to add tbI s to the grant from the city court - this to the grant trent, the eity cowl- ing the cost of making collectIons of de- sirable articles,.• Thete -appeared- to brarF nlinoirs opinion that there are -plenty of inter- esting articles- going to waste in homes all aver the coitay which their owners svill g1a1y &Mate when it ik evident that a reSponsible body will take proper --eart-orthein. • ,ttt, WANTED NTET.S.--,,-Two furnished rooms - one large bed sitting "room for 1st- 'housekeeping, suitable for- two ,ladies. Apply stating rates to •eletdericb, MS -AND; HATCHING EGGS ' .0.A.L.V0-...litaby Chicks, hatching •-eggs and started • pullets from bred -to -lay E. C. White Leghorns. All • birds are mated to Government Approv- ed it.are, and regi.,Stered cockerels With reeerds UP to 263 eggs. Custom hatch- - 1119- -and three-week Old cockerels. Order now for future delivery. Lortoivrim 'Potway rtAikm, McDonald St., Gotle, Itch. 111101,11.4, -*FOR SALE OR TO RENT Olt SALE oat .xtaNT.-44asture farm ply to laRS.,ItuTat ItiromPsolt, 13368 Cheleea, St, Detroit, or to MR. HARVEY PtE,SHER, R. P. 6, Goderich, Ont. FOR SALKz-Semf-detaehed house on David St Large `lot. ----Must -be-sold,e to---Wind-up-tar -estate: o FRANK DONNELILY, Goderich, Ontario, Eolicitor-for--the- leateentoreF Fon. glit4.'"4PiatiltrY Farm, en' Blue -town•--11M-- IsiVe and of, land, with. diverilhig house and garage, fun- basement under 9011.1try bandit, room for 500. rp1era, :also Incubators, ate 40 -egg and to 400 each; separately Or aa goingeeneertl, Mgt 342s. W. A. ReYffelti *toad, Ooderielt, AUCTION SALES A EnoTroDr SAM OF FARM STOOK, A. -7e• IMPLIRMENTS'-and HOUSEHOLD FtIRNaseuRE. , MRS. JAMES ROSO 3 farm horses; 2 ranch cows in calf, 8 Yr& r old; 1 heifer'in calf yearlings,21all calves; 1* Isrood sow, bred; 1, young Pigs; 60 hens; bhitiere Mower, hay rake, wagon, manure spreader, cultivator, set of discs, set 4--harroarip seunler,seedi drill, hay - 'fork and ropeT-buggy,---busx-saww plow, cutting box, London 414 lias. en- gine, •single and double harness, cream separator, fanning Mill, cater, 2 sets of males, wheelbarrow, brooder • stove, a quantity of mixed grain, buckwheat, hay and wood. Also all the household fur- niture and effects: ' No reserve. Everything must be dis- posed of. TIMMS-Cash. MRS. JAS. ROSS, PrOprietress. T. OUNDRY SON, Autianeers. imouTorts SALE OF LAND AND CHATMS, • , • 8Arag..-400-acre farm in good -condition Motet •OU Miles south - of Dungannon, , Vireet Wavattiosh, tfounty ot ouron. Ont. story house in good conditkm. Atnt, barn. Oeod • •• eminent stabling, igeveratacms timber- ed; no hills, wafers or waste land, to* stones.. Pirte water 'supply. Good \ water at both house and barn. hums - 'possession. Misty terms. IVO par- VIRMSTOONO, 'Lox $0. Goderich, Ont„ At Mrs. Cffnellenger's, Itligin Aver PC)It RENT or FOR SALE Bedford Residence-i-Cobourg St. . Apply P. it, DAtRow, Executor Phone in. ••••••••••••11...••• The Executor of the Estate- of William Vrooman will offer for sale by Inthilo auction, on Saturday, March 23rd, at 1,30 o'clock, at the premises, 41) Lot No. 6, In Gordon's Survey ot the 'Town of Gaderich, ,of subdiVis- ion---of Lots- running-Numbera_020, WM and 378, en Which there is •-situitte-sered briele-dwelling house. • (2) Fart of 'Park Lot No. la, formerly known as the west half of Town Lot 186, Also houseluAd .funaiture as fellows: • Three-piece suite,' Upholstered in tap- ast-.7751dtfashioneir bureau; aialt-hrtffe refrigerator, 1 reed -settee and chairs; -1. davenport, 3 rnattressee, 2 feather ticks, emery, 5 realbg C'ai 4 small tables, 3.1plete parlor suite, 1 small settee, congolemm. rup,„_carpet, small ings, 3 -piece 1-1-vhite Iron bed, 1 white wooden bed, 1 White n 1 white chest of drawers, er. and Mattress, sewing 'machine, wainut diMlig table (four leaver), 6 din- ing chairs, • 10. handetnade ‘kitchen "allittrif,-,,drOn- leaf table,' kitchen env. board, • *Weave 2 -heater, Quebec cook stove With Water front, 1 *itches clock, floor polisher, topper eleotric toaster, electric iron, coal 011 stove, plc - twee, curtains,„ 'books, sealers, dishes, cooking utensils. TKKIMs--Vor chattels, cash. For real eatate. .20% at time of sa,le and balance withbi, 30 40,y* from date of,sale. Por father particulars apply to '111108; GUMMY & SON, Auctioneers, Goderich,' Ont., 'to H'A'YS and. HAYS, Ckderich, Ontario, Solititore for the *teats& herein the evening was topped off with a one -,F series. They will be continued for the tirtees liasi- ,. . , . 40.1),ERICH -SEXTET IS nen r . , DEFEATED 1N, alPf..Elf , . atte .Attendance .......... .amabbseil Pilger and Ififleamline Tess* . Orb* Herne a a ties 4,Vietetat Rev. F. W,,,,,,,C°fintirS00. alta al IMPlei/March.1.1.4-,a9:Moit ,interesting First "Or irOting ireloPit.ril game; Ot hockey was atelted In the eaina ' Glithering$ . inanity arena on 'AidAy . evening ' When . a mixed team of Ripley' and Kincardine The first of the Lenten series ,0! 741- IllaYena defeated Oetlatich 0111.A., teara terdeneMiliational Meetings was held in in a feat grime by a IKON, of 0-4. "Wench 'credit' is dlie oae of the Ripley plaYers. , • the Baptist church and a lam +Crowd who which Packed the ehur.ch to the doors four thl gcalst oleo Kenneth. Motalr. was on hand for the opening, $, Mrilaonald, Kintardine, who scored glowered by the Young People of the the ether two. townthe,se. gatherings Ocimnienced Tor Y OreYY Kineardi ne ,refereed. year and Were then a marited.stleteSS. A large crewd enjoyedThe. eXhibitIon of Rev. P., 'W. Maesennell Or Paris 'was god sport, the special speaker for thii first meet. - Ing. He is the convenor of tile evange-lig , usical. Society To lical conunittee of the Synod of Ham,. in Ilton and London,„ • s . Mr. McConnell. spoke on "'Happy and Meet Again Moriday Abundant gfe" and ,. Waa, listened, .to with ,. • ra.sefasm wstrritifea*aarato-iii:Tirge AretWaPPOttir,a-UM ____ . Not 'Enough People Present '.(6 succe.ss of the first meeting is considefe ed to augur -well for the balance of the Pick -Cornmittee--Finaniiel -- Report Read ' balatree-01"Lent;---one-13eing-held -each several of the tengregation tpok Raft,. atIonday evening in a different church, • Ivirs. -Saunderi; Dintlop and Miss di vvith a fferent speaker., _ _ Other elergymen wii.-4;Tare to speak are sett and Master Dan Walter sang a Rev. - Canon Warner of London, Rev. duet. overtime". Man investigatm A, RClinch"' Cama tO Town MilaaDeadiklyr 401 Will Staki til Sundar--His Troubla Spotted. A. R.: ViinehY. government radio in-- - aPeCtor, came to town, on Wedneedev afternoon and will remain etindal. night, *ettecking and locating source* of radio interferenee. dfls conling was rendered tierealarY owing to the fact that Z. TtileIrt Club, troble„ Ant; has been cut Of town on duty for some days and ,hts been unable to devote any tin* to The local work, Mug° Ohlb Official, get In toilets with To:Onto aeked for Ur. Clincheo services. • mVit,. uP, On :alit- 144,4treet, 'Vier% earbrfiumeor reportea and. on the arta Sollth ot Orit- tania where the chileprettie itachinea are still giving troublc. t the chokes and' t1W prootic machines appear to be effective ea. Mr. Clinehy is studying the mat- ter and hopes for a solution before he leaves. • While he has plenty of reports -to keep ---.- him busy, Mr. Clinchy would be glad to hear of interferences winch are believ- ed to, be caused by applianes other than the chiropractic machines. He will be able to (ooate them and 'hoped to be able to suggest remedies. On Thursday 'morninit he was out checking the high teniOon wires 'whicaa lead through town. 'these are said to be the -cause senle interference and have never been given a /her:nigh look- ing- over. • A -partial meeting of -the Goderich -Muskat -setae:tram held -in -trio' TO Hall on Wednesday evening, but owing 'Philip Duncan of Toronto, -Rev. A. J. to the fact that only two of the corn - Vining, Toronto, Rev,. Cressley__Hunterot, metate_euenea_a a_ehat_ rear en derich Bank Note Hamilten. ' " Inns AMONG Wki. CITURCRES appeared to shc,w, their interest, the • creating of a new committee to carry on daring 1935 was deferred until next lVfonday night. It is tlie hope of the band and of the menibers who v -ere present that „enoash interested people will be on hand at that time to make -it possible toget-to- gether a strong committee. Parents of players especially .were Invited by the president, J. W..Moore-, to tome- out. Discussion ranged around the division of the proceeds of --lasts-year's activities, Such money -.as there' Was, was _divided by the committee among the members On the basis. of number of practues at- tended and of playing engagements. This resulted in some ,dissatisfaction as players who were of Particular value but and Was brought to Goderich by C., L. ed on Sunday as follows: Holiness who were not able, owing to their 'ether Walker of the Royal Sank of that 1 nseeting, 14 a.m.; Company meeting, 2 duties, to appear At all practices, reedy - It is dated1834 and was issued in a pans for the. children: Salvation meet- curioumixed .denomiiiation of one doIng, 7 p.m., speaker, Lieut. D. Strachan. 'l l - lar. .or . The regular meeting of the Arthur The bill or bank note is about the size -Circle will be held In. the *lecture room • the small new- American bank notes' .of Knox churth on Monday, Mar. 018th, and is, numbered in ink No; /80: In at 8 pm. The review of ,current events the upper right hand corner is a V with! will be given by, miss Wiggins. The the words "'Five Shillings"' printed overi toptIc from the study book will be taken It. It -then reads, "I ,preraise to pay by Miss Edith Taylor. A social half - Five Shillings currency, to E. Griffin �r hour will be enjoyed at the conclusion ,bearef on demand at the Ooderich. Bank of the meeting. M. the town of Gfoderich, in 'Upper Can- Services at the Baptist church on ada." ewer left hind -Corner is the Sunday, March 17th, will be conducted In the. l printed mark 1, surrounded by the words by Pastor W. T. Bunt, as follows: 10 One Dollar. The date is 29th August, "II!' Bible School,,subject, .eontinuing 1834, and it is signed -by, Edward C. Tay- the series on the pistle to the Gala- lor.' The name E. Griffin is written In dans.. subject, "Grounds of the Bellbv- as is the signature' and date. ers, Grace and Peace:" 7 p.m., subject, It is ,PrInted only on one side, the oth- Continuing the. series on the life of er side being blank.. The .liaPer is a Joseph' subi"t' -Joseph visited by his ." very fine grade' of_linen . manufacture brethren and the printing was done by C. P. Har- At --St. Cteerger'e -church -on Stusday- next, being the 2nd Sunday in Lent, rison of New York:* While the paper is new brown with 'age, it was probably Mr. Leslie Hanna will be the guest sol - white when first issued and the note is oist and will sing at the 14 o'clock com- in an excellent Sate of preservation. =non service,, "Out of the Deep" (by. one-knois-who....E..Griffin Was but Marks), Tills dory is being observed as -EdWard, Iorfava_a_ it--; -ave. II- amown lvien's-13tmclay---and all men are -Most- , iServices will be held in Nictinio, street Only, -Known Evidence of Exist- VnitecLchurch Sunday, March 1.7th: 11 ence of a Banking Office Here. am., A' psalm Whfch swings us back to • Some Early* Goderich Lore. God;" • 3 pian., Sunday School; 7 p.m., • .111.1,0•1.1.0,101.011, "Grace Abounding.7, Illustrated hymns on screen from 8 to 8.30 pan. Probably few people realize that at English Lutheran church, macleay one time Goderlch was ar financial Hall, Sunday, IVIarch. 17th: Third Len - centre and that the "Cioderich Bank" ten serVice at 11 ants (pre-eminently as was a going _concern but an interesting a commemoration of Christ% pamion relic was brought int/a' The Star Office and 'preparation for Easter subject, on Tuesday in the form, of • a bank note '"Faith at its Best" (John 1.8), Rev. which formed conclusive proof. • I C. Ziegler in charge. This note is in the eollection of Ed- ward Hoare, a Walkerville enthusiast, Salvation' Army-Goderich spiritual power ,house. Meetings will be conduct - ADVERItleamiENT SAIA.,, threttst,motott 'Under and by virtue Of the powers cOritairted In a certain, mortgage. 'which will be produced at the time of seat, there ,will be offered for sale by public auction on giatarday, the thrteenth day of Mareit, 1936, at the hour of twelve otloele noon, at the office of Thiya and Atty- aa; igiatienkerei, the 'MOW* - Hayti DitorditOt fit i0Odeeieho_h3r• 4-Wallpaper-a/Opt_ ,M,e„,i,t7nlaatains.',$4,-.-.4,.. Ing Property,:` nsAely all .and angular that orfath parcel or tract of land and premises eitilate, lying and being In the NOTICE40 MED 17 RS TALKS OK...COOKING • Women's Institute Sponsors Dietitian_ Oood sized croWds of ladies of tOwn are kteriding the derhonstratiOns Of cookery for instrition, riUt,on by Miss E, Zavitz, the.:..ylionten's..Institute branch of the diitailo G•oVernnient at MacKay Ilan every afternooh this *eels,. The elastes -commence 210 each character ire the diis of the Canada cordially invited and urged to attend. Company. - -Walutong a male ••cheY i -A-50- voices He contested the Huron seat in the will render the Choral Service, Which Legislature_against_CaPt.,...,DIMIon-bro- -will-- be. -most -impressive, The rector, ther of the Tiger in the first election Rev. J.1. N. H. Mills, will preach a special held here in 1836. He was the rePre. message for men. Mr. Riley will sing sentative of the Canada Company, in the a solo.. • election but was defeated bY, pt.Ca Were you at the service last Monday Dunlop, the people's -candidatea-- night in the Baptist clitrebir The Mott During the rebellion Of 1831 -.he at- in the series will be held in Victoria St tained the rank of colonel and organ- United clinrch on Monday, March lith, Ized the Canada Company's men for ac- afterhOon President tatrs. Bistett gen against. the bele under William and Mae. Abel wituilly in attendance Lyon alacKenzie. It is not known if he to reiresent the .12nstitute. Spectators am requested to-salilawst* 'cooking pro- duced by the demoriAritor and lively discuaskuut Actraetimes, follow the speak- er's talk. madam- rePort that interest has actually contacted the enemy or not, Por some time he conducted it general store bainesa, and it iS probttkly during that period that he opened the, bank. laterally nothing tan be learned of the bank blit Somewhere, thee twat be ail Week and thitthey"tietthat -S4'ithe. Walla -Of --governmentm-author- 1 the bringing of Mies &Wits hag, been aty conferreelvon Toler to engage in Very much woith while. It IS pointed the 'banking businesa. Posit* hi the ont that the Department of (Agriculture cad archives at Throat) Or QUettec or in elaPPlies sneakers and delnotistrators In the re4'ords of the Canada; CorapanY will a wide variety, of. Subjects on request of be found the details of thelegislation %Mien% Ireititutes. ' . , by which he WAS permittettlo -operate . ' * ' ' and to- issue bank notes. . .. • StuiWorthy Papers for every room In • ire Mit to the saatintry in tile first the heuSe at rieW tote prices. The new , place as factor to Baron de Tule, an old sPeing papers,. are im 'See these in our i5t ttits cana'aa, )00eromy artd .74ont.14,,cksittioli Ixt, Ow Pountlt .45f utirciti, Auld .rtiviiiince of ontado, bting v, groom of _tot Running' Number 1.31* Hundred arid seventy-five (815) exa eelittlit, the east, aixtVflaat feet deeded ,to .Tehn' 8014 14 1013, by deed rro. 1 1042. NertION • .140/1:019 1 -tics -Atilt 01:VW-to all parties :havhig- any chant .againat the *tato of •Vr110.shiltrOtatain. lett* Of the Town Cloderkh, in the, County TigrOtaro*h 'Per tent Of' the Piir, died on Or *bent the 110th ,Cliase how to • Paid' dOlvit the day 6 A. D. 1935, send tin* a .5,41to lance 'to be Paid sande to the undersigned on or Wore acareifiard.71.035,-as On .and after .that elate the ,ltatectitor of the said estate win 'or side *Weed to nuke distribution . thereof. V** Otrittart. 1. wring toata billy to the Clain* then Anetioneerri, ,Ooderich, Ont.. Orto thifty elaYet, ' rot further and coriclitkuis AWL bated at Ooderleli thia 4th day( of , Utireht, A. D. ISO. 'HANS and ItAltlit, Ooderielt, Ontario, Mititonk for the tittu „hereirt. -dted at an unknoWit ;date, he, was burle4 bein the 'aide Of • the' pent. „ • als banking ability niay be the reason for the appellation of 'the 4eiv,q--givert him by Tiger Dunlop. ''.1/Cr. it) e. 'Comm has eonle.;intornis- tion on him and, most the,„ foregoing ettme trout that gentlernisit • the Origin and *ctiiiiks% ot the Ciodetich Bank remain Inobieurity, the note is undoubWIY authentic and *int rObablY the only one or its irind 40ex,.. istence is doubtla$ of considerable oVa- lUe. Adele „Patting in era% aii4 white, Ana soluelay Marquisettes, SIAO, to *LSO * pair, Ifetai* Tuscan Curtains from $4.00 tO $.1.115, Pair. A Ake MAO to those ttuni-it° 600402111, - ed very small mins. The Whole matter was gone into thor- oughly, and while llo blame was attach, ed to anyone, it was 'decided to distri- bute the cash on a different basis next year. The financial statement was read by W. H. Robertson, owing to the enforced absence of S. D. Croft. It has been audited by the town auditors and was approved by the meeting. . It reads as follows: RECEIF1'S Balance In Bank Jan. 1 Bank Interest Cheques from Town Various Organizations, Etc. Draw Tickets and Theatre $ 802 94 . 447 50 . 149 60 . 149- 50 $76•5 56 iaxmbriiinzus Salary, J. E. Huckhr` $240 00 Entry to 'Waterloo competition 6 00 Truck to Waterloo 15 00 Flowers 8 00 Extra pay to menabers 39 00 Expense, re 'Draw 47 30 1Vlusic 21 32 Eauipnient and Repairs 01 12 iExplilass ,, 3 00 Various paym'ts to band members 200 70 -Postage and exelse stamps . 510 Balance on hand * 10 42 $755 56 N. Hamm of Blyth I1 AND BUSINESS BRIElPS' ,s. Don't forget the St Patriek'a supper to be. served in North St. claurch, Sat- urday. March laith,- commencing at 6.00 o'clock. . . , One household size darripans Italian Balm. 600 slie, one Home Dispenser el5c -aSpecial 69c for both. OAAIPE(ELL'S DRUG inoRs. . T h e Goderieh Township ,4Hospltal Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs;° Geo. Johnston, Stanley street, on Thurs- day. March 21st, et 2,30 p.m. The young people of the Baptist church will present the comedy dratria, 'Ilkstrs. Lubbs of Shantytown," on Friday night, 'March 2,2nd, in the basement al the Baptist church. Admission 21e, Martha Washington Diessee for spring. Full range of sizes in smart styles and fast colored. prints,- the stan- dard of qualkty. Dozens to choose from, $1.59 to $1.95. Martha Washingtons are sold only at SOITAEFIZVS. The outstanding feature of the March meeting bf the Victoria Home and School Club • will be a bars oratorical contest. 'Musical numberJ by all male talents will complete a mo.st interesting program. Silver collection 'will be re- ceived The date, March 21st, at 8 .p.m. at Victoria school. - . The W. C. .T._1.1,..wiii hold its „regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Col- borne, St. Patrick% Street, on Thursday, March altt, at 3 p.m. it is to be hoped: a goodly number will bp present, The regular meeting of Knox Presby- terian W. M. 8. will be held on Tues- day. March 10th, at 3 p.n.*. Ws. Lane will have eharge of the prep= and the topie from the stUdy book will be given by Mrs. S. McPhail. , - ' CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. X:rnest Jackman take this opportunity to thank their neigh- bors and the Goderich Fire Brigade who helped at the tirae of the fire. The family of the: late John Ferguson of Auburn. take. this opportunity to ex- press their sintere thanks and - gratitude tio Masa who -asststed during his illness - and subseetient death. They also wish to thank those who tent' floral tributes and those who loaned cars for the fun- eral, Cominh Events at 8 pan. The speaker vvill be Rev. Reported Improved Canon Warner, of London, Ont. Rev. Canon Warner, MA., 13.15:-,--eame from Nova. iicala about twenty years ago, to succeed the poetic preacher. the late. Dr. Ttobert Norward, as ;rector of Cronyn Memorial church, London, Ontario. For this detade Canon •Warner has conduct- ed a very „ successful rectorship. at, appears to be recovering from the effects Cronyn Memorial church, as well as tak- ,trig an active interest in all activities in the City of London for the well-being of its citizens. Five years ago, he was appointed a Canon. of St:Paul's Cath'- edral, and for ten years was Judge of the iJuvenile Court 'of London' and Mid. dlesex Cohntar..00Arton Warner IS OW of the leading exponents of the Oxford Group :movement ,not only in London, but- ln -the- oanadin ,church4 tire -is very. forceful ,spesker-o. striking _pert tonality, . and an- outstanding scholar. Tbe next meeting will be . held In St. George's Anglican church! . Monday, March '25111; at 8 pin. 'The speaker be th0 U' r bunt). Of Toronto., . Still in Hospital as Result cif Blow Received in Fracas—Assail- ant to Appear Norman Hamm, myth auto mechanic, MeGRATTEN-GliatEN of a bIow ad:Ministered by Alfred Bleonmield last Friday evening when Hatnm is said to have obstructed the ,passage of Bloomfield's ',Aster along the east side of the square. Reports from the hospital are to the elect that the injured man, whose jaw Was brakeriTITtlie- blow and who skull was fractured by contact with the side. walk wilt ;recover; atthoup his condi- don was at that rePerted 10 bd serieti.S. - The. ociprea *kite In the evening When Hamm is alleged to 'have spread Wide Ws, arms to prevent the PaMagre lot" Miss Illoomffeld; • '• The -Men is elalaied to haiebeen intoXleated at the . awe. Moot -wit was -s, pace r two behind hb eister and *hen be vras accosted, sprang forward in her de.i fence. The bloW folleWed.. Serge, nom of the loeal pollee was A 'few feet away *heti the 'incident occur. ted. Bloomfield WM taken in% enatody but Was allowed: MS triedOM atter ts Charge of wait* grteroui 035 laid against hint. „ If Ifainta it able to aPpear. the east will be lihilight up beet* Iltatiistrate j. A. skins ou tinted" *WW Mein is A quiet wedding was solemnised Wed. •nesday, March Mb, when Jessie Armand Oran, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Green, COlberne Township, as 'United hi MarrifIce to Modratten, Tisdale, Sealt, The tereineny wm performed by Itev. tt. C. IgCtherinid, at his home in Toronto. The couPle left hiimediateiy afterward ,for their lion* in ifiedsletsk., the bride Wearing ft ptett,y, bine thsendie ON BAXTER. -At Alexandra Hospital, on Saturday. March fith, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baxter, Ooderich, a son: 130WHA.---1At Alexandra Hospital. on Tuesday. March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. tleo4,.Bowrai, ,Oodericlu, daught er. B114.,- ,zabeth Joan. IAAUDER.--At Alexandra Hospital. on Thursday, March 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lauder, Goderich, a daughter. MEMORIAM. • JOHNSTION.--In loving memory of my. dear husband, Bert Johnston. Who pasted silently ',AWAY two Years no. March Pond thoughts that linger round our # hearts, And tears that, oftin flow: And to the plaoe where he is laid. Our tootitePs often go. Ever remembered by VOUP11, DAtJOHTElt3 and OX113„ WOODS. n todng Itteregirt Of our dear son and brother, Imer who peased away four Yeats atO, lietvh, 14th. 1931. Weir i'eniernbeted by „ 6,01.113M PA14810. MOM and MOM.