HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-03-07, Page 7Wet
tbs ttotario papartmont °
*Steed and ° rkd
ithi Ynin. of Canada•, :tikt
ltt to x'thep �, �'�}mini�oo Mars,
t* -�1. �• ,scheme iia been
,b d }y tilt .sub,.
�,�jyy�i� the ''�p��� y�,�,,�,�y�y,� +Ff�' �,Q. I►+ Yoe
v�:R'45Y 7!!' .F ,""`rte n " '.: '^i'•
n '�Ga %s b
•'t •ta ' t the
�d�e . . p ..
, robe obtained 'from:; the, 'tea-.
o � Ire d
niinl n coax A
�A wa,' to ' b arepresNn tions < y' `be.
Att "the . tuationn With • react to ' the
° ' of a that ,r ulre,Ima
io anyrepresentation*
�� act ne esen
mill ,�rra�,ve � ba''made without, �►
One. of the., reasons xnan t ull.,ets fail
%yell duri " 't a 'W • n s . te. of
`to lay , . ' �, irlk ?#
good feeding', la ,t •da'ntp and Magnant
air for lie found in Many poultry hos.:
• litany, poult' keepers close up nearly
. all . ventilators; • when winter-. afpprroaclaes,.
under` the Impression that • the • fowls
.:rieed' •the warmth. ;Prsh air xs far: more
itnnertant than " warin'th, and,' many
iatces of, inlVint p liaG fail' to come lnto
prgduetion .at the proper age are suffer
f th idea
� pn
k 1 t K 7 [7A4 bV. "t '
� a d-' 7a u er
so a of
ate . ax> s front
sease, `tbough;lhey are very. Diable. 'to
but• they fail ! o;reaeh. laying -con-
.dition, and by the 'time the error ..is .dies
«§....------..� ye ifs Akre'" a 'g
mar"itet . has generally broken. y =^ .�
The, best time to test the air in a
"" uitr hcrxiso s • ixs ' inn ' i lie iaii -
- �Elitatt Seed: Supt Y --
The alfalfa seed- supply in Canada Is
now regarded as no more thapesufficienit
'Pee .seed rentstremerts: - thirseeeetting
springs being, somewhat •smaller, ,than
AM -
the display of vitriolic'
styles and makes at
The Hydro -Store
; .- :-::1O '- night -
:They .are
ht.rThey',are' guaran
to lP , iia t *
Web of weal
nee*'d 'w to t
• u
1.duritlif the 'zilt*g
Wm trttais4lcularkr of aid, as
the icon cnttir. ;
•' ' yt13fortunatMam ver! that t . sup .
Orad,ia..'. twna�a�
a_ seedt
tY$ .eu�t sow ie"norxri
*001$0., 44014 44 ` *ate 41141:
more p0Pular ,u a farm : crop.: and has
saved the hay ;sltt ►tion On '1:na? + firms
;Where drought.,•wou1yd�'ow*
,have canted a:
sou* :May i qct ',oovp an
owes' hadbeen the only hay ' et'o ..
uite recentthe onlr
areas 4n t rto �.i� �4ex
r. o
tr,� a •'w the h e.
iv. � �. f h yrs
1,X 'e a ems' .$41�t
n •St is
'tern ' X1111. ties.. notv
thio �. hoUt„,'trhe province and if only'
hardy seed is used it May be' counted:
'upon. to thrive in almost any' cultivable
area in. ,Canada where the soil has su-
cient ' iime content' and where good'
drainage is also provided.
U'ost of ,:the Alfalfa ,.now grown •: .in:
Canada .ls either of, the Ontario Vierie-
gated Grimm r mm variety, • thea two n t-`
stranding hardy varieties which, have
Made alfalfa prodnetion in Canada ,(both"
extensive and profitable.
Repaiir of"lhinery
Careful re, _ sfring +of tillage aohiner ..
each winter er early' spring with r-
en �rouer��to pay-laxge. d1vid9
s y
Pee:Venting 'major costly reponseTill
--irixpienterta- genera +eceive -less- :care
and more hard knocks than any otkler
class ; of ,farm mathinery4
The value of • any implement can only
be measured by its- usefuiness in 'acres
covered,' quality of work done and free -
don. from the necessity o. costly„repairs
and' d'ele,Ye elaysdue to breakdowns
4 ii.:•till a ee ort , of s r1#i
end summer" ore 'c+osstlly 'and 'easily pre-
• ted. ifs -the -farmer with -a -few -t
and a little time, will check over care-
17-Worgt "'wearing ii, ong
before he is going to use the machine.
Check .over every machine • 'carefully
for loose, worn or stripped bolts; `replace
broken i . l
spring washers and .check all
loose- or -slack -parts. parts: *heel and power
lilt bearings, t1i c boxings and 41 mov'
Mg ,parts should„ be adjusted far, wear:..
Clean all wdrkini parts of oId • grease,"
oil, dirt -and steel -particles with kerosene
and replace with plenty of fresh lubri
A• hJ
• . �A.
QMf* �C1:10 D1 L1i
13 Ruodan
14 Com nds. ,
le Exelsoutton.
11 /IOW Whey •
1 �lalu -1 Are.
� bY'
19 To xaap
20 Rock. •d
cltvit .
2A Taro'. paste.
2$ �
T1" I • 1
w w
be v
2�� ua 11+4 er,
27 `tipper opening
of the wind-
30`1Pie toto:
an. are*.
36 Spaeions,
37 To partition..
30 Organs of
Current Farm Conditions
imports from Dui>ferin •'County state
that feed is:the-ain3iting factor sb far°as.
the condition•: of. _ 1hrestoclt- is concerned,
'Theme I a large percentage of • livestock
'There � a Ate
district, 'however, being carried
along in fair flesh and they will be
Untied on ` grass in good condition.
Many farmers there are' ,' feeding , cattle
for :• market.recent largely -attended
sale in Orey County brought forth
prices of $40 to $45 for grade' emits and
over $100 - for horses; implements also
[,sold well. (Koine mixing of fertilizers is
a live topic in Qialton and It is expected.
that a -good ileal"of home Mixing • wi»l be
done this year unless mixed fertilizer
prices- ShcW .a decided deeiease. Them
is a brisk demand- for horses in Huron
and good prices are being realized. sh
team -of Clydesdale- snares, 4 and 8 years
old, Were sold last week for: $00, Far -
Mere 'thele are :also in +a more hopeful
trait*. of mind regarding tattle prices.
Hay dealers are offering $12.50 to $13.00
for baled hay...fn North Sftncoe there
i$ sufficient hap -and grain to meet Iota
stock requirements for this spring, al-
though some farmers will need to 'Ado
seellestraingseetostet.through the whi r..
[hied quality • timothy or clover 'hay,
1oose, is selling at $16.00 .a ton in that
.:;1r• »'7 ZUPDA AAE4017
1, k s
PrZAOR 0011U
e.i,J► fe4�+*.�(.6aillidlPa.,��
41 Pie** *Melt
1* ' y1.. Ie!t 1.
43 icer,
47 Te.. Iceittilat .
44 The third
`Yvr .
51 E pilepsy` h
sYip o. •
62 Cougars,
54 Armadillo.
$ envelop
�To cop
'with Paper;
w t..
56 Winged, ,
57' Departed,
SA Permanently
at ached:'
59 Aecon+51r:�A•WAL�ipsaul�e•s.
r V#
Part of
2 reeling
▪ Ace.,
4 Aorsefly.
6 To steal.
t Types .of
7ilCulnI tion
Work of skill. It
• 9 To yawn.
10Pertainug to
Sounded' a
l: fall,
A t:letirtuuse
24 GreittionI
38 Iniient `
var'nlsh. •
y2,j l nitlte (11110 30•
31 1 e
33 Native ped
24 Cereal grass.
31'Vernal**, ;
38' Shoulder of it
'39 Monster '
40 Cubic meters,
4Aap lt*I off.
A#. at�tin.
40 Agee.
46 Kr*eeks.
4,sBird. prison.
9Ot On.
o tt
GQ m nY
� p
5t` Chum.
53 Group of
MiliiiiIMIIIM7 iiir ill
111111111M11111 'Aill11111111
'' Mil
� t
IIIMMe MiliallMall
MOM Mil= 111 id Will
iiiiiiiliBMAIMINIMilr NI
WI WkIs, ifflatik%\11! ME -
thitt!, 1
OW* delaYs *to
' de, ,rte z
►t even, :to a irc .
t let this cup" a
" stip ;did not, lam, J
d nk it to the bitter drega.,
me:of s:: 's oht enough° to hoe
,11x:PliVr* 000
IMS Ids •li'No!" ortwofire been 'thee
our HeavenlylHeavenly:I#4t:he.t!ii
could .d0 nO Other.'
Out ' " delights to .. be app' o
"Year"' That i hr the :' most
urrr to our . e�
. V#nd
when pod ye•w»
as 00-1401 done
nninberletta; times, ,de, not. let, *wt. forget
to, return thanks, and eo ,ItaVe our e1vts
fiwzn. k'a, • � 's a tit- "'Mtn.
ry tom, � ... m,i,;,,,�(�.,f�a �.i��1�"
' rely: that'..ever.
'' . praised„' 9 ' XI 'let: '11►a Teo'
mem'1�.r that the `at ' ta
is oat to
�x #
round to
of thlnki�. lutto bringou'r
round , ;Ood s way of thinking. 'dear
Mg in mind that we may bring anything
Sunda, *Afternoon
Gmericb, Ont.
By the holy mystery -
Of 'Thy dwelling here on earth,
By Thy pure and holy birth,
Lord, Thy presence let me see ;.
Manifest Thyself to me. •
'Prince of Life, to .Thee 1 cry :
By Thy glorious maiestr,
By Thy triumph. o'er the grave,
Meek tO suffer, 'strong ta save,
Lord, .Thy presence let me seel
Manifest Thyself to me. °
110 1'0(6
1+; mime, ittsi
Repeat treattrent in a
. 44441141111
Lesson Topic -,Peter Delivered From Pri-
Lemon ,Passage--Aets 12:5-17.
Golden Text—Acts 12:56.
Devotional Reading ---Psalm 34:1-8.
Here ill this passage is a °record of a
Divine deliverance. Herod, seeing that
the Jewish authorities were pleased 13C -
cause they had now a sympathetic
ruler who understood their religious
troubles and was resolved to -help in
quelling them, deterinined to proceed
farther in the work of <repression. He
arrested a eprominent leader, St. Peter,
and east him into prison. The details
arrest. -Peter was now making his first
acquaintance 'With itoltan methods' of
vlousy arrested and imprisoned, but his
arreet had been earried out by the Jew-
ish authoritiesi.eanti .hesslettle been. -cone
eigned te the care.of the Temple pollee,
and lutd occupied the Temple prison.
But 'Herod, though a striet Jew in re-
tide earnestly of the church unto God
for him" is the statement af the fifth
verse. ,And then when -St. Peter was
released "..he came to the house of Mary,
where • many were gathered together
and were praying," though the night
must have beer' far advaneed. 'The
crisis was a terrible ene; the foremoet
champion, .St. James, bad 'been taken,
and now another great leader was
threatened, and therefore the church
flung herself at the feet of the Master
seeking deliverince and was not disap-
pointed, as the church bas never been
disappointed _when., she, rhas ,cast herself
-in lowliness and profound submission
before, the same holy sanctuary. The
arrest of St. Peter and his threatened
death was a great crisis in the history
of the primitive 'church. St. Peter's life
was very precious to the existence of
that church, and so it was a fitting time
for God to rescue him by the hand of
a supernatural messenger. God.' does
hear and anewer pray.
Cbndensed from The
Expositor's Bible.
wont') hosSIONS
The following interesting article in
answers to prayer is taken from an Old
CotuitrY paper:
,Gott's Delays are tove'a Delays.
There are three anwere to prayer.
-One is "YesI" another is "Nol" and the
"Wait!" For forty years that was the
-Weret 094 ealti to tem Children of
Israel, and they must' have chafed under
the delay; for the join -nesse -which took
forty.years, might have been. done in a
delay. God wanted to fit them for lib-
erty as well as to 'free them from bon -
Sofe wag.
twat:its are amazing, Adze and dis.
tress go inunediately. Because of
quick-disinte,grating prop-
erty, Aspirin "takes hold"— afrnosi
instantly, Your cold is relieved'quick
as you caught
Alf-yeit-do is take Aspirin and'
drink plenty of water. Do this every
2 to 4, hours the first day--71,ess often
atterwoxd if throat is sore; the
Ask your 'llottorlhouf this. And
*ante Yon got ASPIIMN
buy. It is Made Canada liAd all
Bayer in the tom of it cress, on every
Aspirin talitt. Aspirin. is the 'trade
iti Matters Of rule and *goveenment, and
Reinan fashion: '''Virhen he had taken
WM, he put him -In prisen, 'and deliver-
ed hint to four quaternions of soldiers'
to guaxd him; intending after the Pass-
over to bring him forth to the people.".
He was delivered to sixteen men, who
added the night, into- • lour watehes,•
fotir men watching at a time, after the
Homan Method of . distipline. These
elabOrato. presautiense were doubtless
taken on akeenent Of his escape on the
.previous *tension, when the sanhodrm
bud arreated him, as narratid in the
nineteenth -.verse et the filth chapter.
And* there in tontrast to all this pre-
paration, we are .told how the thurch
betook herself to her ,sare refuge and
strong -tower of defence. dtleter there#
fore -wds kept prison, but' prayer Wag
Made ,tiarnettly Of the plimeitittito. pod
for MOO' 'These truist -Militia* had
petal 'blessings were a proper sahiett of
_Omer* or. whether sOritoal Wettings
trite '''intittei'
The* Vete t.he fervoitt;ot-Ohrisa
tian love, and they did, rit4.(titeotise',
define, or debate abOlit ertayerelittd 'Re
Mister had told theta to.priir; and had
promised to 'intSiver sincere woo, .as
lie *lotto knew, lion *end too they
erect thettitelVes' in' 40.1eietit
prayer the foet or. the' thrOrsi.
ins that the' oternaident
et rig its danger, Orgatillot *
If. you are going mo Allure of
not , overlook
coke'of the -WA grade that can
givecanwar fully gas
4 rit
o 22
�' +fit
r100$0, fiA4
Al lam
e • coal, do
coal and
and everYthltf to
in .•
prayer.rM Nothl ? e s guidance.,
is too. trivia. wtake a rather* _
anything,T talte'to earthly never either �� C"Walt," when
' e all r .rte has; He can Say : l
father it he � a �y tor
taut me that s 8s?►i?dance is a : Cl IL Kennedy'.
Three .NMajor
�l a and r ilWa situation discussed. b.. E. W. -Bgttt ,
Tarte, agriculture � . � � , �`
... Chairman and President Canadian Pacitc
Railway—Urges ges l ined e or t to solve questions
threatening integrity a State.
P!` . upon the actual econatnie
'.needs of the country; a, deeper
appreciation x of and a wider and
, more active application et spm-
. .. ,-tiffirett li ill,` n't` ;houg'htmto-
agricultural problems; end the
unification of Canadian raliro ids
_ P to , r�,past-._. _ otseru tit_ t. As
the only mit <ea tOVerteni iia
present disastrous debt structure
eted: through public owner-.
ship, atom tho,.-...tliree... malpr
theines emplumixed by . E.- Iv;
3.3eatty, l.C.,
,D., . liar
man and Prost -
act c Rene
the course of
problems he-
lot° the Re-
gina Board of
Trade on Feb -
PeoPle pay for the railway 'Bev -
vices which they receive, -and. all
the costa ot Oovernment,
Beatty emphasized that the rail -
Problem of every hidividual
e'en, The 000t to the -DODO lit
freight charges of mOving a` cell
1,7tritIn Cattr_nailtottits altoTvLales
world. Unhappily tho full ad:
vantage of these low rates was
not -retained ebees taxea paid,
oe to be paid, to meet-Thosennual
deficits -of the eatintiner National
nOralreleap no it seemed to
meat in operating efficiency
were, first, the adoption of mod-
ernistic equipment, and secondly,
a. drastic reduction in wages.
Owing to the huge`investment
existing equipmeeit, "and ihe dif-
ficulty of finding capital to finan-
ce new equipment, he indicated
that progress aleng • the lines of
the. first suggestion would of
neeessity be slow.
Mr. Beatty argued st rongly
agalnet reduced wages, and point-
ed out that ,Tailway employees
spent wages as well as earned
them. 11e felt that. railway as
well as other wages were out of
line with the returns to the farm-
ers for their labor; but emphasiz-
ed his belief that the remedy
lay in an increaiieeln the farmers'
earnings rather 1Wn a lowering
of- the- standard Of living Among
railway workers.
Another suggested solution was
the proposal to lucre:Lae freight
rates. The freight rate trend wes
downward, and Mr. Beatty would'
greatly regret to see an increase.
hi,rates until everything possible
was done to eliminate waste.
The. argument that there was no
waste in transportation and all
that the colifitry needed to-do was
to await the Mum of prosperitY
was not, Mr. BeattY considered,
sound. Restoration of business
to the high levels of 1925,1929,
would not come as a gift of Hea-
ven, or overnight, bet only RS a
trielsrietItt. of national industry and
Mr. Beatty replied to argu-
ments that under his unification
proposal the 'Canadian Pacific
would take over the assets of the
canadian National while the flab-
ilitieu would be left to' the Ciov-
"Unified management will do
nothing of the kind. Tlie phynical
assets of the Canadian National
will remain the property -of Its
owners. Similarly the liabilities
of the Canadian tv;ntionttl MUM
remain the responsibility of the
the Canadian Paelfic must remain
that of Its pwners. froweNer, if
stbadAmft"inisett4-°eredl-b(4byti a unified man -
tile waste of conipetition and the
owners of the Canadian National
will receive more' money with
which to meet their obligationa."
The fact that only 2% of the
excessive debt of the Canadian
National Railwaye wae due to the
"errors of private capitalists„er
anye nrgtiments dealing with
errors either' private or Govern-
mental weuld not help the
tion of today. Interest charges
on the Caradian National debe
whieli in 1919 were $38.000,060.
lent year were $92.000.00.
man capable of raving facts be-
lieved that' the country coufd
carry the burden indefinitely.
"We, the poople of Canada. oge
direetly or indirectly to' private
capitallata. over f2,700.000,00e, on
aceount of the Canadian National
Railways system°. We are goitig
sent a loss in income to us of at. te_ t because eve preeelsed to.
• 'Xliere were two necessary judgment to be warned by corn -
VOW lilt' ii9:joirt%-t4foir :ire-Tell:4* ;04 4-1-iCtiall felie4t"li!negovt:on c,4erliri IT °Ili ittijile lue0anatt-)
the farm home largely self-iittiSs dianilational Railways in the
porting through the wet •of 'better hands ot the nubile --- sinee they
need,irtiptoved methods, Mut the eould'not ,I:ossibly,,get.114 of it
expansion of live -stork opera,- and devote our entire elergy to
Secondly there was what Vletling a method 'of making the
others could, do to help Western
agriculture. The capital invested
itt the farms of tanada Must
kelve 114041111H it any important
block Of tapitai was to be regard,.
kdnii safes Other Libor could not
hope for. the peenianeite%1 of • a
earnings of tabor on the land.
Ur« titatty expressed unswerving
si,w,BEArryiK.c. Basing his ap-
tion that a
"'service •of individuals, individual
.groups; and sections of the coun-
try,to the whole State is the only
safe' zoad for the future", Mr.
Beatty appealed,to the country at
large to make this theme - the
dominating note apProaching
Again voicing•hiti sincere beliet
,in the Ailtiraate destiny ot Canada,
sity -of a mutual. ,understanding
between all sections of the coun-
try, and imitated that should this
objective be adhieved, the unified
effort of all eitizens would go far
toward solving problems which
nsetawtet.hreaten. the integrity of the
In the light' of this argument
Mr. Beatty telt that he had every
right to discuss the tariff, citing
the fact that the Catadian Pacific
Rally/ay was most decidedly sue-
ceptible to the effects of unstable
tariff conditions. "Give me -a
tariff policy advantageous te the
Canadian Natibnal Railways and
1 shall be quite content," he said.
-,Mr. Beatty was neither a be-
liever, in proteetron with no limit
nor in free trade. Ile believed in
-the maximum of national wealth
fairly distributed among the citi-
zens. The Canadiati tariff shoeld
be one which would keep par in-
ternal and external trade coin
_blued at a maximum. '
Mr. I3eatty illustrated his argu-
ment by citing the fact that Cant,
ada enjoyed a greater foreign
teneinerce per capita- than either
of the two more important Am-
-erican Republics, namely the
'United States and the Argentine,
-end-sald-that would - t4,4 -
see the preparation of a 'tariff
balance diteet which would give
an analysis of tbe effect of the
-tariff-ter-tilli-tahrincome and
Purchasing power of thertintidian
people,- and urged-thatetn- erliS* of
the Preget& position .of eapittil
and labor,' an examination of the
provement rather than, to drastic
attempts to correct past efrors.
Emphasizing that agriculture
was the primary industry, and
voicing hitt Appreciation that
agriaultUre in Western Canada
was passing through a period of
great difficulty, Mr.' 'Beatty said
that Governtnental assietanee and
That of private business institu-
tions had on the whole, beep con-
etrUctive. 4,44
"I may say," he itdded, "Without
boaeting, that the emergency re-
ductions in freight rates volun-
tarily Made by the Canadian
'Pacific Railway 'for farm, relief
during the past five years repre-
those long years was to get, rid.of these
undesirable elements. .As soineene has
remarked, "God requixed Only one night
to bring tisrael out of Egypt; but it took
Hint forty years to take IggrlIt Out of
Israel." Uoreaver. delay Was necessarr
to fit them to face the disciplined hosts
of the Philistines. So God said, "'Whitt"
Both the Old and the 18tevt Testament
are full of these delays. Think of
joseph waiting' 'Mr the .iehief-bittler
fun prornise. "Yet did not the
chief butler remember ileseph but iforgat
'hind. And it came to lAts at the end
a two full years, that Pbaraoh deesen-
ed." Two fille years of waiting! Had
God also forgotten hilt? It must have
eeemed_so tO 4oeeph; but Vie!. Who have
the 5ft:6,-c:flits whoTellte-bitore us, can
eee the matting of it a% those , two
years 01",:ttalting 4'ere for,
0404 tho.$0,310_ yoarg.,„iroeoidi. yea
ed with the etestiens ef the *Ole, and
1010; dettlned tit') held.
Or again, thia it* two snxieue
dos 'dist Jesus kept Martha, anti /fairy
waiting. 0When Re had heard, there -
that vows! was slekt, ittos abode
tiro '41tols ;Ntlit in the same place' whom
*sot have settied to the
tOritou hadat been. here
cattadian • Pacific Railway, and
their tigures• tallied eloeely-Witie
those given to the Royal CoMmis-
Railways. estiznate was
1030, an average traffic year, and
oetliat-basiti,...1.4mt., the future at
$75,000,000. Sir HenirThrtirnte „,
who opposed my plan, gave lila
estimate: as 140.090,000 -tied
in justice to Mr. Fairweather 1
that he told the Commiasion that
1 believed then and believe now . -
that mine can be."
Air. Beatty said h• is ,proposal -
had Met with much criticiant,
that no one group of Men 00111d
properly administer the Unif104
railways; that he was talking -Of
setting up • a great monopoly; -
that rates might be rallied; and
that he proposed tO throw thdete
sands of men out of -Work. Mr.
Beatty disposed of these criti-
cisms by Pointing to the efficien-
cy and loyalty 'of the eniployees
of both railways; to the sUpervie-
ing 'body set up by the Canadian
Government to, control railway
ratee, and he connection wit:t
labor. soleinnly pledged himself
to gdo everything be could *Rhin
his power to prevent such a de-
velopment. 'Savings in this re-
gard wotild made- gradually.
wisely, atid considerately; and -
without hardship to those how
dependent on railway employ-
.said: "it is Indeed my
hope and belief that the methods
'which I suggest will operate in
prevent an even more disastrous
period of low weges and unem-
ployment 'than that through
which we' are passing. SurelY
the labor leadets of this coun-
try are the intelligent men that
have elways found them to be
ned will tell their constituents
that waete of the country's
wealth oft useless services can
damage no one more certainly
and more severely than. these
wle) depend on their labor for
attar Hying. I venture the* pro-
phecy that uo'events develop and
the increased thoughtebeing given
to -the subjeet produces its' effect.
railway einployeee generully, and
particblarly the recognized rep-
reaentatives of organized labor
which forms such a considerable
part' of rellway staffs, will net
only recognize the ineiltabilite
of, but will come to urge rather
than to oppose -some- euele-mea-__;--
their own beet interest."
Streeeing that the report of the.
recent Royal ('
ta Onto of the Commissioners
would have preferred a Titan
tnent of canada out of the rail-
way business: and that the rails-
dlan Pacific was not a bankrupt
ndertaking, but on the other
band a thoroughly solvent ons.
Mr. Beatty went on to say:
"What I have suggested, and
SUggest today. is that we should
plan to divide the net earninge
the unified properties to give to
melt 'group' of OW Sei's the net
earnings which would -have re -
[tufted if each,had operated their
own railway, together with a fair,
,share of the savings resultinv:
from unification. There is math
ininunderetanding in this regard.
Many have coneased the total net
earnings alter aliteation With Cho
earning power of the two sepa-
rate. systents ls a matter of rec-
ord. The, Increasesi
power Or_tlte_coinbined properties
arising uniffeat:ott is an-,
other :reit( r. My plan contem-
plates . ion of Weil in-
creased 4,...rnings on a fair :basis..
be settled by negotiations
twee% interested parties but.
ebelousiy tbn Shareholders of re,
eoucede to tile Government at
lealt iir the net gain re,
Stifling fronr -unified nts.n.atTemn-t
.ftlirti;oncible to tho people ig, c44,, -snow who have weld the (-ate,
Haien ,ritelfie would claim t* e
sl.vvilltitt,i htt ablurerdaednv otittrrtatitiow:ittlbootlteilit:..,',P7:leyoutnelictivocipor:Loliirt.ctiuciatt.:y a, .,,,,,,,,,,,..1
1,00. of litages ,tok high at ,'0. the awnheolnial 4 Drioabalolligti. joefilittlottena•.tilivrt;ot;loins. btilletdintedbwaociudto,otltiestat 200 tl,etiaelh,a aagr-oli.tt. • .6
oonfideote that prittlito `basiness fitellItt 'to mo to be Ahe'.only ado. debt or the oomattv would br
wolild find 0 ,road, now beteg (tomb rouro — the tthitted man.. handrodo 0,0 mittioaa. of dellarz
orondet , materiel assletatto to totetoo,, The aMotint which tan relit ehildren will ney 'it. ....1.1',a
ito$6:outiyit,ut,800:10it., 1,4403.0), it could agetnot of the two major railway leas than it Was totla. °You and