The Goderich Star, 1935-03-07, Page 214.61,6661.144
$0:4, ta OA, t •
4014.1:1A. v* 0404t,trivt..004v, "OA.
4.4; '6'66,10V.166.4 s's 1,:m $60 t,
t . .1411:4
the Tottrailte
f*it ellele Cared*
ge that he
Osilern)* Vet
retnrne4 beit1r worset
tdeprsslofl on
• 0
$0 Xar
10 re?
•. Prefernot
'IsiL to rezfttt. Isore rxptrs
$ CIpU�J2I wUl not be
ftt arraars Olfet: sn extended per -
we are retttleft -to tanee
.the stable:We WIthee the *era.'
firmed.. antrrriuvis %hood
regilbarett lOttav MOO •oc-
.Pokrible at Par in
Int-urnz pigoitz
One of the remarkable events ,of the
last-twerity year"! •ints been the .deve,f00,
anent, of the str,Oalled Littlo Theatre
AtOveMent in Canada,
It 1s not .easy to locile 1101141110.
*a *Pio aOt$X1V- Ilea been Ole feature of
Coma/lien life tor gentratiOrta, Fenner,'
te It was of an onerobitiouo type and
aimedat nothing more thalt the enter-
tainment .of the local e hureit wOmenli
* or. the - irrimediate group taking
• AialtiMilderilyttiring4he#,If
to take on &more Wimp nature
and *Mate= PlaYS went; eneeied'tin-tho
• bleh disclosed talent r 41.4094 04.
„nitanS01. tait*rZ3**
titaeo then its • develoPment,', has been
riled until there Is scareelY a eitY large
or sinlirldfirelrlii0X 1135.rlirLittlirTtita-
tre gimp or its Ontina League or tome
'-*•"et2er-iihniistri-4364y41,roduc1nt1'bx*-r•Of • -
iniperior Merit. Last. week in London EC!ITOMAL NOTES
there was a ottr,iiight ..festival. 'during
which companies ttont' different cities
-prodticed tWelve r -*Wear plaYS, all
different entj. *cording• .report all
exoeflent k London company won the
award 'made . by • a protesSional English
* *ter and pi:Q(1110er. His comments On
:the. Outlay- Of the oiteting rde It, evi-
dent OA a high,- degree ,ot perfeetiOrt
In the laireete and 'MOM who
end, turned etti*• free& tot.
earrkti AO.
rtrow .the leOrid, Our world, itt
in a brotherhood:Pleb '4ut Itelier watt be -
Are, to detetit the ertelny o cleOreutOn#
Thitt. 4014 alone„, is eolith to defellt,
*Ornate% any foe,
The World. Will CO* to tts Fenton.
Oaradte With *an abatirOW :$111411. pOte,
Wen, lutif a, continent .to derlote
•It Is filled with riche% which 'Jig!' met
of the world wants and Will sons time
buy. Only if WI mankind goes mad
am' there be ultimate defeat. •
A kw years car quite easily. see.. and
probably Will, ..stich4 prosperity as was
never known beroe.
*rnIdeZ wItich we leber hes
leirag beeil no toWui WIT
receptive mood, Melnik through fear, te
eorred 'zany of them. It is eur
. .•;•.
ectk.,44,154 pl.turiuztl*0 ati,*.tmeilts.•
far WI, thrOtigh MtPeriMentation 'and
to meet a loud • voiced demand, Nctiak
the foundations.,
tor enliner thie
heving guelde."*
Po not say, Van't!i4ty as
• 041$0, °that fire to ao." '
l>0 not Say, 'lie 1$ better 4110-11 $00
think tor." Otnit fer.
PO not 10134 "t left mY Or to bo
4." Say. "1 lett my •car
.0 •
Do not say. *,"$110 iWerlY arrdous
tO hear from him." Say, "She was ,aVer..
entioule" • •
DO not 'say, "The withem as sum.
moused to Ootirt." Say,,.'gwas sUMMoned
to cond."'
Vt*rils Oftea Allagammenced
Laud. PronoUnce the an as in .114111.
Orisetto. Probeunce gri-zet, f as in
e as in accent 114 syllable.
MlkactOfPronOunee rai-ka -do, 1 as io
it, a as4n ah, 0 as in no,accent second
Depths. Pronounpe the th, not dep.s.
Montague. Pronoonee mon-1a-gu,, o
as Itt*on, a as in lei unstrePerlo- g 5/4-411.
Ttslaasltatronourice re-aus-i,tate
rne, Mliii-ft; a SS
ate, accent second syllable.
e re heving 0;407
`04Y*, We are
One of these days the people of. On-
tario are \gointrIci-deintarid that 14-101)
be taken out of polities and the noise
will be beard. ifydro.:belongs to the
-people end The only function any Gott-
ernment ought to have is that of lend-
-its- facilities -for economical fina,n-
tint. Ette- ra,,..that -•-•••-tussistaiiier- ciitticr
h141„*.ert 014104; - _ - - . dispensed with if- rieceseary. -
• Here f.n Godetich is talent whieh has
been dfspl&yed h different Rutsteir
probably the eeli141 ef
that roomed by the London winnexs.
Zt probeblym requires develienent and
direction but there appears to be no rea.
• *
PUtint the niellth 01 February. -there
were 4.;e28- accident* -reported to The
Workraenin Compensation Board, an
eeraPered* with Ole during' January,
and 3;0$0 during Iteruary a year ago.
On *Iv a •spiendid. company should not. The - fatal ''eTeeei --inteeh* (iced -4i:- as
be-deVeleped here.
A movement it afoot aiming at the
oepniaation of a players' group to -take
• up, ierkeisly, the study of dram*. When
More informetton Is *Venable as .to the
**time of the, national orgenizationa,, it
The le undotibtedir esseee•
thd Pert of the culture of a, nation and
13 13 .truelltet..ixtera Is like gold,. where
100 find it. 4.•
It 1$ to be hoped that the memment
Ineetg With a ftienely greeting when it
=keit its .4•PPearanee her!.
- -
against 30 in January.
The. benefits .awarded amounted to
$413.09$.35, of vtldch $333,924.33 waskr
conninsition and $80,109,ief for medi-
cal aid.
✓ 'report _a fall ot sand orjiirty*with
the snow heat ;week' but we saw none of
it here and have not heard of anyone
who noticed it. It is eiipPeeed to have
come .from one of the Western Stem
where last ,year's dust storms have eft
• ' early start fat 4935. Probably
, nature 'keret that the district Around
Ooderich did not *quirk ny enrich.
• coulagE •
. * -
• Orey County was fated with a huge
bill for Med-building when the provin-
cial accoUnts came in in jantterY. It
was asked tet pay 41105,000 as Its share
of the cede to pavements built last year
24;Ptiati dowered a Moat
able,. 'wising and intereeting„tedditeS to
the meniber* of the Vartadien club in
;Toronto at, their meeting on Mondayed
this week. .
While few Of: eoll*Watire hlotkits trald dm not know ,wbat tbout
mlfld11411 litreo with *11 th" SI* at_1(9.1ihe Provincial Oovelliment hes allowed
.."grIte Vith 14" "c* three:-$esta ht which to pay :$50,000,
ht 1,..41114 13 most needed In C*1.1„.„.„ at.' it& Year;, -the Mare In Me and the bal-
ante ate stuNie *l,Aucti, au aim et „woo in mat ,
P"4" '7
tbe *c!id, '.01f0146. . - thee_entliesheene fee new eekvereents
It' II
,. *, (irey icat, loW ebb Just It
tote let the :pot trof Iestra,_ when uuttse, might 1* wen eer Huron wmty to look
bee 'been reasion to.belkeet that man;in„Thrtimi ovet
bit primitive ignoranice, has been, taele. • *
headlong to daittl.ittion. Three.* a while there are ,tele..741atentits
seuddhp-o-thermelled-fistfrheightel voitto4 moat, peop)4, will welconie the
*1114 t° *hut °Ui ii/ter!. eelectiOn of the Nrhite $$ the
totatie, nation With natiota.10 the Mut. ,oinebtl flower of iontuk,.. Thom .no•
desttoetiorr Of *'cOnan?,,,t‘rce bet*. loved- nor more .sidely distributed
leo and hate and 00
'of &premien°
theee UM such as
tear to the 'hearts ot
tittle In canada, it we have mattered
les* than have the 17000.Ple 01 Other Ian&
• lutve. lied Wilat seetned like unbear.
444e loads, to corY and with no gliza-
met ot hops or the future'. New debt*
lme viltfd nil, Old debts have retrained
'Mined 'and the streets have been clog.
ged with Meet Mid Women 1000* for
Ilerlr utile: the fatttoties limte retrained
It het taken conrege for the )(lidera
Of the jleople in On With. ilOgISM'
1bt *3nes, lo mei* out a' path.
hoe been. Melly exhibitione
tear both here and *broad.
1et, tbat the end is in
own: in Southern Ontario at WAAL In
our s• (4-er 44---pe3e4 14th -M)
11 gratettal, queenly beauties. 'They are
IntelY-picked and toO.Ofte
* Children, Out rdUliong ot them find
their *ay into bornes.-.1'bey seem to
peasoraity. spring 'to most ot us„:
dotal 'Imo* what scientide. facts wens'
addiated In rkupport 01 ,the choke but tt
rit,;t.. good one.
• *
wrente of Arabia, otherwise known
ittraltsman Shaw; totetpletot •p,i*
*40'4 i61istment and has been dis-
thawed from the ArtriY.• Mt Is Sea to
hal* ieft, for l'ata tOttege been* on a
bicycle and that be -hopes for 00014
lt4 01 corer *We* bate gone the
re about'tlits most voltam* figure
01 31* 'teat trar,and he UMW* „MY*
thie dai tile -*sent to
the Ordinerg. PertlOn wool
01* dI.ocdead. mind *Zatesc la mid
• WonIspetten
Marnialade; three a's. lifyclrauli& Ob-
serie the y and the au, Carat (unit of
ightti_Caret_At_ marl_s_bLed_bylivrit-
ers). Carrot (vegetable). linsher (one
who fishes). Fissure (a - narroty,,,„sfen;-
'ing). 'Artillery; twci i's.
Relax, loose, loosen, slackea, ease, un-,
bend, divert.
Care (noun). eiexiety, concern, solici-
Embarrass, perplex, discompose, dis-
concert, **vb.
• Pride. „conceit, vanity, ' Sea -esteem,'
zyeedate,ezilent..;AumbieelPeechics, ei-mege
Mg -no sotuad.
er 4 'Who lOyes his Ouie, : A
. .
t (*OWN 04ereterY) .
ell few' :chief desire '4 t ePle •o
re * thet. it* gOVe'rrinint shall
0444 lens than it reetiveit an einfil
Make seriotul 'ettOet* te: var it$ debtz.
rbrinli"becir thtarue-t of' arlinekitrthe"letbinnTs .1041"
'plan r gOverltenent ContrOI, eviliele ere 40~4
ding to Out tremendous, debt.
• It
01740.0414‘'(bt )1410.7
Adventlirtrs ,Tra,41.0, .4(1 Xilt0 04*r°
This' cornet title et the Veat• 0e$0,04.
OtiOn .1141Uttl/Y :11,6r.teaect to
iludeen's Bay elompanY, and as IS tlebe
IMMO 0,11 .1..wor the vitalized*, World.,
Philip If.. Oodsple, is;the
'author , and he wrote the baolv, throe'
Oars ag 04'1t haa
°4(41'Gurtede.tnini"..eciesSarily'r. evarrip; 'that it
* not * ilterarit -effort, .bet rather a'
straightforward 4count of Ws life or
usitweititty.x:royeedr oadinoctenrogo,4144411.ansemp,,I.0.12symilduluxo,
ell parts of our vast north. True. -it
lacks that' Polish, whith a More Sehobtre
Irvirlter might have given it birt it is
Ate to :say that it would not have gairt-
ed lxi intervit had a Thomas Hardy
written IL -
: Its..Aectiraey and trtith. are SO Ob34011S
SS to ;Mita in unquestioned thrOughout.
oePtanee ot conditions of lite *as they
are met wlth among the
heowd,..ajltwelers aodnt;!,1eT,,
Fastidious, squeamish, critical, over-
nice, difficult to please.•
Word Study '
"Use -a word three times and.
yours.", Let us increase our vocabulary
by mister* on word each day.Vords
•-tor- thie lesson• •
_ZOTIMOrpru•ndness; speeck
full and flowing. PP.A: boldness - and
rotundity of spe•ech."-Rawtherne.
RIWOSITORY; place where things
are stored 1 "The air we breathe 13
drawn ifrota the great rigvaite:0rei ot
hliftInefi'-,-;:eare--:-14-1Or-rsee,- and
guard against evil- "It, determine what
• are little things in religion, great weri-
ness 13 to, be used:Pe-6)0st, '
mythic turf where danced the nymphs
Mrs. Browning.' •'
esi3elviutil4 not attively;_ _ inertly;,
urtreatetiegly. The student is to read
history actively and not paastirelv,"---
leviliteSiffitMe not havine arrived at
pOberty: immatute. "In impuberal ant.
male the terebellum is In peOPortion_to
the brain Ironer, greatly' less" than in
adults."-eair W. *laminate,
• I:toes yotu huelatrd help about the
hOuseWorltr . -
'Ire does now that 1 have- secured ,ft
,pretty Meld?'
Little Modred 144.i>oking at eonse
thing ta the gtass+ Suddenly* she meld I
Mlldred "Ohr Mother dear, bore 13
• little green snake •
Womin 4veryerviitiousl4 .42wri-swity
tont it dargragft might be just as
dangerous SA 1100 One."
• ittislitt IV/M. WAS WANtrisi
owe soy-J.114w* sir, 1 think Som -
body, wants- you owthe telephstae.."
cefNw t Is the use of eat -
11,,fanottArPtE, ;4„0:31:,
Ole brocteitch ttax! Won4er/1 WhYP we
were healthier -lest .ivirter, when ,tXo
W1.040' WM Much colder than Mont' I,
than. We are -this 'winter when the We**
thew 13 Mere "4,004g414, Well. ono iktt-
(tIstowel lianner)
1ton. David -Cr011. Nfinister of Welfare.
was eertainly right when he declared
ret".thegovernniffielv'oultil: 'itittiediatele
,take.”..actIOn ,u; ,RIAate",...ixim-,n141410P111W
that published a Uso1 itiiiople on re-
mAIS •might. Serie SS a 'check on:
0i add: to
rag tii;"'ivis
part of the author which tits 'hen, ad, relief .through no faUlt,
a en , 6-se4,v•r inveetnye , turrenter .e eliereti.TictiPtil•reeas-Prene-oTiliers: ex:462re.'7"'"'", ''uo.'4.,”efe7e7W.--e7711. ear.
of their OW11. Pressed himself optimiStkally with re- A wheel teacher asked her class in
gard to Canada's future. His con.clud7 what part of the world the most ignor-
mirably, for this task. Ite ',belongs'
amangilLer Remit ...,.ancl:_exeirt_s_vagell
•It constitut,es a,.,:rentp•Xabil,,,,pjcture.of
the almost miraculousl changes which
have come over. the world in the last 30.
When, as a Young , boy, he left'„his
English hOnie-TIn. 1300 antriburneyed
4o the rentoto north en the company's
auxiliary schooner 'Pelican," conditions
were • about as they had been ter the
-past.::240'yeatsi • 4,, _
• The Chief Factor was a _little_god•
the employees • and to the Indians a,nd
.marked with -that cereraolay Wilith was
necessary to impress the savage .breast.
It was a kind a life which...appealed to
-most of the Scotsmen who Came out for
their five years' exile. •'
Travel Was still by means of dog teaM
in• -the winter. and by canot7:and 'Red
--River-boakin thesumrae-r; occupied -in -travelling the- rapid Alters.
over hard reek barrens and through the
forests a as,Orlice: and .pine and
The shortest trip to:015,A*
'e.r,,,orriiets which were anything bitt
* kat& and whieh soinetinied lett Phy-
sical ailments in- -their wake lout *.Whielt intact. •
ing-reinarics.,-ase,-of.:speolatint,reat_tp antp0ple_yere to be found. A. =WI
,, ---emeetrotor-ay --afo-e-reo-04--te-fh-e - elfare--and-.prosperity-.of--the-people.-He. England."-- .„....,,.„,,,,...„,_ . ______ ___
.cords were available, the - d
ofticth wedding_ anniversary 11 1,tpro•b•re; 4
newspapers of a couple celebrating thel.r said'
every citizen. seeking' to ' promote the boy volunteered quickly, In .1.(oxians.
• sturdy country. Vulnerable :early in ed the lad As to where he had obtained
,. "Canada has proved itself to be The teacher was amazed and question- _-
(Kiricatdine Reviei-WportetY
loy..r4v.cat_ that there. are
far more of 1029 to the, 'disintegrating forces in such informatibn.
. . .
these eVents, • today than ever; before. a
world economy, caught in the full tide Well he replied, "the....geegraplev
yeople' aia living longer *noviaclays.• t a depression of unparalleled szope- says that's where the poptilation is MeSt
gainst • the increase of divoree, the ntur-,presaive influence of- the most serious __I__
and interisity and weakened by the ob. dense."
erous coUples who have travelled hap- droughts known in the West it has
,p,11Y together- tor 'vial* 'Yerirs'eaioteg-the neverhless lesunted-a-1"gress1vev4*
highway oi life provide a - Pleasing -speez, 'alio record of Canada during
- the twe- Yeartet-get4c.,,
Ject of most favorable Comment by the
rest- of the world ; bet Yine of the mast
th..spiring •Iter' ,But Ido not
(cariadian • -Zehe) - need to reinincl You that :the clouds of
We were told the other day that dur- Ititernatiorts.1 animosities and rivalries
Ing the last t:old spell a*Wiarton lady .still overshadow the -ground that the
missed lier•pit Ptrsitui eat §he search- business world has regained, nor that
d Indoors and Out, but ptissY was not we have serious domestic problems with
be ken -4. A*-- neighbor 'was cleaning Ivhicli to connd in our efforts to m-
oll' liM7walk the, next day and heard a e-stablish a AVell,balanCed national eeon-
faint meow Coining Item
tifferlianGreh. lk investigated and
.feund-the-cat-witiritErdfir-ur frozen
to the _Joe and holding' it fast. •Kitty
was soon released and, restored to its
owner apparently with its 'nine lives still
_ ,
More otten built great strong men,
for a life of mushhui hundreds of miles.
over snow covered trails, living in the
open - Nettle -Abe -temperature many de-
grees below zero, buliding camp fires he
the lee of *Mae heavy spruce or balsam
making tea irom-Inelted snow and !leer -
Jog with the soli falling on the quiet
tonna. .
In stuntner time, black files .and Mos-,
eoliths made` life a•Misery for those with
tender &has as the Red River boats and
canoes were loaded up and the long trip
to Norway tifouse or to the •• WAS. Of
trti0011'a 0* WAS cornmence& Roe
witi hard labor indeed With the packing
of the heavy belts. of meetly fore and
bundles of titled fish and the hundred
and one Items of tang) equip'reent to be
eattled•oVet the portages In the 'intense
summer heat. „ •
But 'the end, of the 10142er '.•,iSt the
realn:*poet *with Its chief factor and, its
reunion with Many' friends and their
tire...lunge of gotetip after e.-•seperittieR of
many months iskild the good .food and
Ole parties and the "exelteMent' Made
One forget atiVtlie hardehiPee 4..;thepre-
vious iviritere` * .4
....It:_wet..a.itard tire but st 004 One and
-Carried-Vii-tesiltirfeitrs untll the
war and the: discoiery, of gold and the
,advent of the aeroplane clangedit all
wanted or notV*.
Bo-'Wefl1 sir, soteeliody Table Up
titta". id, Is ithat Tote yo U old idiet?'"
Altor-olithat about the Water*
tggehager.eolluPPoee we tell it 1.000.-
"All . right"
t'Of oouree yot understand tluat
81,000 A,. week 14 Mer0y, *hat at call it
-You will get 1,50,!'
Immo t.
wire (rtoing).-qt 8041 he they
"here bmnut * sheep ht the Monailia
Mountrdtat that Oen run 40 Mi/es in
hour. •
Per Hi it Would Ube
lari* like that to follow Mary 110Vilii.
as 0*4o thiutlee all Overg
Oodsell was 'moved *Wm. lila original
location' let the Keewatin district OP in-
to the VelleY of the liffteitentie Rlyer
ne reached. them. Wort the war and
his .pleture of the land, fop'ilvid and life.
like. He sketches the tonditiorts there
too, very different Vora the OK home
land cif the iloittpanY the Mae
aotes3* front, Ile Makea „rut a, striae
ot the Vestnees -of that tattoo:we 'eon -
01 01 315 Ar north. nil dralve*urtialat-
hiative pictures (it the men ot that land
arid they.reed no exaggeration to make
them the essehte of tonince t1gb3 In-
to tits Aretie he went and tot* IP'irith
UM 4 Droner. ' ienae‘'ot'ProPorit-ork ikhet--
, Of 'judgment of men. Wet of etents.
Ite-pletUres the eOlning of the mete -
Ads, of new tOttpaulles 'Oetteat the
eovereignte 4 The COmparay; et the III
ellette eivillieetion On the Ittdiute
sold On the ltsquinaos and Wok* One lie*
grettIng the life'of old
0.Xr. Oodeell's picture is thawn contin-
tot wide4-
At it Isn't literatitte, r
t1* atoq 01 Ole
t*ddIostitast par.w0.01,tto
6 t•
.. , . . -_-..- _ .............• . - . .
()eellingwood Entepri-se-Btilletitti
"One of• our toWn'ti most Valuable
assets is -the publie library,/ says the s3.
lwigs Jmunal,4kros. filisne in Col-
lingwood4 In theae days of unemPloye
ment and 'short purees for most folk, the
library Is more nspful .attd• valuable than
ever.. More : and. Mere the pUblic are
lea...mbar to Use 1t There' are twelve
thousand . volumes on the 'shelves and
the »ember a books taken out during
the past year exceeded thirty-fivb thou-
sand. Think What theabsence of ihat
rented would meant Were it not for
the Meaty _many Cfoliingwood People
would be barred from many -pleasant
and 'prteltable, beets.
10.1.10 tEND. HIM SOME
(Hanover Poet) •
anntsing- situation -developed the
recent elecUotte In a ennnicipality itt
Sonthern 'Ontitrie vbiveloreignerS,
reputed ".,Recke" Were rutining _for office.
M told by the DuntiVille Chronicle, the
.candidafe. .fer reeve wise naio4 a arn,
to see thet *240 each' was added tO the
,.weekly alloWante oft every' Unemployed
man, and the Nine' amount to each of
tij deperidentetyitten. aelred *bore he
lie *end get the money, 15 stated Ole
it-liatiotud-hatbrd ,
roilliett dollars se year and he would use
pert Of that ; He *edged, etlineelf
to reduce 1r Itenry Thotntoree. Wary,
aPPerintlY Uneleate Of the fact that the
letitter 011.14, pteeldent Is floWputting
'111- his .thrte where nO ..selaelee ore paid.
(NOW Yeti Timie)
: .
•1 One •and & bali milliort Weide leere
uttered 3* :evidence let lor'erningtki
the tO.uree 4 'd-dig/at but the' telegraph'
Machines carried out ot:teleatiington be-
tween 12 end 43 million words,
thOugh; The Associated Vitas Irsitaeriilti,
00'80d: :50.000 .4 da the two wire
conManies, Carried 'out Of.rderraington
*bout 400,0011 words daIly' fl would
thus, seem that for every *ord pronoun**
ed by *grasses ,counitel,' ludo* and
putt Oleos, flea !NOW'S Ink . '3*
tot, the'. diepftlity' lo** re* eti 'OW
beell coosiderable,*r
'41* 411:40thit.
0,410010400 Iarei
Motot" the
er im-
provement ahead of Canada if we avoid
iestalment „creditreckless govieriunent
expenditureS a,nd above all, the disas-
trous mteedient, of currency Inflation."
' eettite apart from., the great work 0,3 -
omplished,- individually and cp-operat-
limb, by entomologists of the govern-
• ments of the United States and Canada,
*the recent -meeting • of the- American
Association of lieorionde Entomologists
'served as an important object lesson in
international • •go -Operation. •Leading
scientistswere there, 'representative of
the , North' • Amerlean contineufr.-,Culvi
ada, United States and Mexico. ,In his
address to the meeting, Mr. Arthur Gib
eon, Dominion lentomologist, Depart-
ment of tagribillture, Ottawa, dealt with
•:the history' of the adrairable co -opera
tion which exists between- the United
'States and Canada. •
leor the pose fiftyyears, he said, the
entereologIcal .departments 01 the two
governoeuts bad been'. drawn elo• set and
closer and ltad develOeda co-operation
Ole ' equal of does not exist be
tWeetz any two other nation*. The mil.,
'tomOVOtS' of Atie,,two cowatries_work
Out their, problems together; as the
.typical exaanplc of the ',organization
known as the Internatienal Great Plabis
Ole Norther:eat Internationel Committee
oxtl'arM. Pitts -and came into 'being In
eR.t. brthrieddes".61.1no7:41li
"th. e filttereta-Y-4f
tiorial line have met in amnia
ences, meeting place rotating, on
year IA Canada and ret a rule • in tlie
tinited Statell. •the • next Striking
feature a these 'gatherings is the Oh-
•thiulty 01 attendanteof prairie enteenos
logistifroni both' ceurthiele •• As a retult
tkf these meetings, the . boned to the
United tetetes suid to:Canada leas been
inutgal, lite work On ele iqanadian
PrairleS alas leen advanced cOnSidetaWyt
and froln all report* - the disenielens end
.eaelethge 01 experieratirliiiiir hien -Of
eqUatiValtie to 'the United States ofilcials
LinviBAGo quickly relieved
this new treatment-.
3. '4%. CANIPBELL,..:Drugilst..
* Douglayptian tiniment is unriv-
alled kr ePeedy relief in Muscular Then'
inatism, lame beck, inilantmatioh, burns
and telons.,
Old Mother Nature
• pui. more heat into,
' Anthracite -packed'
it full of clean
healthful, ecOtioin-
-us-for'this naturally
superior bard' cad
-33011*. ttte,,006.,:of thok *oft'
tion* of the' lituratt' 'race) and atni,
one who itas hadthorn knows beto
sick and Miserable 'they make You
leeir toi just is 00;404 Mk yon think
/eti are n4 n on **toilet tivi
us 10
. misery,. ,• ,
All thernittleirai itrul )1anting
sou tan 40 *ill' tet, via :40ou et
Iturdock viola Ilitters teinolteit
fire. .1014 Metter teem "Ptke