HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-02-28, Page 8,6*.14,4.404ri%t,"e • tried a I Duz$p. fo I friencis �zdlit t280 tont.' Theft 'wets twelvetibIe the. 2,41460entuer* „ alter nseU nd Mi. *,,I,Ohn 21. v»rrI Myr Inhoh ilgol4ft %as. ento4v41„ wtfl flrm bovie Of.,th:ter.1113• 4(10010 ,*AtDhe 'Miff "' Ilticre are no cases ted rot tio4r444c, e 6 $ NEJE , teartO ea r TielOorne And 8, avtt tended meet 10mnd VhaPtor of the Royal Atoon* '$4101leuer siz Tuokaliky; • jeffrei; ,:akiC 4 V s10'41, 'bac Aut u znqi4y,149, etitnted bir the tr. Pi, Department of Marine, • A bv UsittistWe $.14'.34'idtinatoday. Th. of the Valicerton , 1r4161 een up fec hosting 444 NO Ai* mtponcd ;Or lurthir ourolpation of 1okIt la 110Ped to tiady4,4 thera ,read for hearing by next:Ong NO UOCKET-*Ttflocs .• No :trace haa._,44 Yet 004,4*'040-vered,' f 'OA 11440 4440 „stolen from the quarter* Of the 'A00,140307 Olith at the rink iiiat WWeic.- Th. MOW iinal44 „04, their WO intO tli. to0, by *AIN loeks And the patiel'of the 4001,), after, gaining entrance to the; „ifillt,"thrOugh the back door. • • itOVERE.0. Ai* i4•XIMi: 0* tideijOt .,,0140,y afternoon, abollt_ruetion ot a An 40000 4041Ored blame 'over' night to consfOr theconst , A meeting was bat- At' Blyth as a ' throe 0,41oci,41appirently following the Covered rink in that village. It is pro. *hero line south. No onekm* who It1 Peed to convert thepreSent agrieultur, was Or !hat brought it out in winter at halt, Into tvekatint, and hockey arena *Ober*, ly.itt At ,niailt a pritty Octal's!: I. it, .,‘. toift lif *Wilt' *S000,- And. the pro. ,atnat the western akY. ' I SPeet4 Of ;aloe -is are bright, lodging - , iftOberts and Erultino have OtnOletett the stidit of the books of the Ooderlch ofigrkultural Sodety And will ezec ye o:Sid to *bow Contfortable balance on t rght side o1'the ledger. T .OF HOSPITAL - Mr. Rg 1cGee. the. well known car .dealer,. iaoutct ooltale atter a -mon ievere illness, and nthius lilsaPpendiv and tonolla., He is roortfd well on the y to recvery. HJi malty friends 1111te expreited Ilie1t:.ve4sttre at -ht s- tvrnt-o bettcr hezlth. MN -TOWNSiltICP -FRIENDS evening last Mr. and Pittehohni Oolberne Township, .414 INGER ROLLED OA UNWRAPPEI) • SOAr ,.• tit° DIACIEWELL, CATSUP BROWN;OR GRANULATED, SUGAR........................... V1NS11!114+014711a000110.141! 1:W71,f' „ ..... . ruxis stroldleSS.. . - •• • troao corzsc ?vim rImEN-3:0 Oft. OLWE. AR AST .1%/t,C0..N.,• •ES VANILLA.....................,................ SO.. . . from the, entfitisiastn, disnlay_ed ...at the Meetingo, • ALLor DRAIN CASE. Willtant. John, Allin, 'has totted a uprome CourL Avrik '•againate the Towa- . , the matter of the long standing acti6n regarding drainage of hisland to, a head. The Oise started in 4027 With the purelase of soinilow-lylng land by the Pialatiff. Various attempts have been made io_arrive 13_ 8,044.e1110,01 and Own- year it is brought lip as a subject of warm disenssionat township nom*: ation meetings.- A. reasonable • t•-.4s-atintittedlipictiltr*-matter. Law oSts already amouraing, to more than_ 2000 are 'being- earrised--by the township tis a bank overdraft with inter.: -charges • steadily- Mounting. No amount of damages sought is mention - 4.46 14,1, • • 09•"; 4;41 oney Saving Specials for You Itbe lic „ • 6 Lb. 23e .io • liars 23e 2 14 -or. Bottles -23e . .10 L. 1400 2 LI*. 51se ... .. Us, 24e Pkgs. 210 Piece or Sliced, -27e .8 Oz flottle 17o. Tigg; 14 10 311$ EAST SIDE • .$QUARE IDAY„ an1 SATURDAY: ood Bargains iO lbs. .4444 prints iOc Ides lbs.19c "Don't Miss These ugar, Best Granuiat IiHcrest Shorteni • 4,4 oke— omatoes • ,9 *4 44 444 0.4 0444444 k �r2 n's 4 4, A NI 64 2 4 cut 421 444 411,4 I 44* * 4444 4044440 is** 4 1 6 2 6 •ThUX CAR»$ 'LAY1fl CUP)a tun ". 4 „Jo tho writ. . Frani( DonnellY in tor My..41114 in the case, • , '00DatitOtt littrOpz Ciartt At the,weeklY dingleik,*10101. 04.r42. - ;not held Monday evening, the follow - Ing were winners: North anti Bouth-ilat, li‘fr#, and We. *modem, Phis 'ft 2nd Mr.: T. lto ratterson, and Mr, N. C. LanaWay, plus 3rd, 16.4- and Mra, J. H. Taylor, 'plus Oast sind tV'est--iitst, Mr. and Mrs. 4. 34444;e1'en, phis 23%; 2nd, 'Mr. A. L. .0010 and Mr. Itobt...,/ohntton, plus 12; 21,ti, Mrs, 'IL EdWards and 1Virs. N. C. Lanaway, plus 4%. nether game' will be played next Monday' eVening, • ---304-011RIEN-IIIIRT------ • , Joe O'Brien. ton Of Mr. Dan O'Brien, Watt St; Merchant, and Inniself inuir* Mediate sports champion of' tturon Comity secondary. schools; was Severely pfogrest a the ititerschOol hockey mat between Goderich„ and Seaforth tearns., Joe' aceident was the re. plunged head first Ink, the boards and broke his collar bone. At first -student ia,* more ier "IOUs' sea. dent as the -crashethoed through the „rink. /He was assistedoff the ice and an examination mide when it was found that the 'bone was fractured.Be Was-pUt to bect-at-,is not-expee-ted-that aill be able to Piay-again this winter. .444•49.4%. 1.1.1*It V.41N4' EVENING' AUXILIARY MEETING The Evening Xtlitilliity Of North Street et1inureh,,Wass'ent,prialned at the home- of -Mrs. A. L. Cole, Britannia Rd., On Tuesday night. -41-be Meeting. ;was well attended, ever forty -ave member being present. Mrs. Kenney presided. And the -devotional_ exeWses- were taken by Mrs. W. P, Lane and Mlss McDowell. It 'was planned to have a "get together" meeting- at -the Parsonage-4in March 15th. or games and a social evening' for the -entertainment and Mtroduct,ion of new members. The chapter In the. Study Book Was read by Miss MeNaughtone.nti leaflets by Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. F. 11144 A..Natel and lvhs,-..A; L. • Cole. DaintY refreslimentS were served at the close Of the meeting. and a-social-tiMe enroYeff. ons of *sh n mgle . Seining . Enormous,'Runi of iierring in Waters of: VArtnotier Island' Ditting. Currit, Season Two: hundred tolls of herring-rtons, mark, you-takeninLa_single haul! • Some, pepple may think It 4 fish story in' Mere- SenSeS than One.-- out, doubt - ere nOtwithstanding, it's "a,. true gal.. .1ts scene' Was the Barclay Sound area .V.411001i.verLIs1and,4te_tinte t44,- cur' rent herring 'flaking. season, Which began last,i0etoher, - ..*rting was so. abundant in Barclay -43oUnd At 'the height of the season--oii. erations passed. their peak some weeks .i4go..,that; it was quite a Conurion hap. ming for a purse -seiner tolesinture 109 ton*ot the Ash with -a single • 4‘set" of his Seine, and 00Mititne the atch ,ran to ti'.Vice that qUantity, ('Set," by the waY, is Atte fitheritliirsnerM covering etining operatiOn-4the ..'operatiOn -of puttitig-ttit 'the '1:44'0"S -eine -rittn-the oohingboat, enoirelfog a'body_Of fish, and then ClOgirig or 411PtiThe" ,.net W-000$1*.„Vut—the Web).* tout Were Stu& the Soli state 'nf affairs also Mated in aresa on the eastern isi4 of Vincotiver bland. One 1nsliect4 em. bY the t)onnaon. 001*dt:dent ot ruhtirtee On tlie eastern. coed of the laland'reported to Us chiefs pat the ttUt hefting in his district wa*lrer$ Urger ,ti in ttlious , A 0006 Itxpedtoro. on Smother part tt the same' toiSto deeerlbod the 'Oentitite Waring es 4frenorMOus" 11114 that - fishermen of' long over**, ths tint as .shdut'the **tit The iUthcsvaflth,in lAit oui'their nett th.tuitiOnatt4 aothnisf011owed the Aeti of UW1* tett Mike oeots„" the roult4' ant catch helot *041.0 tot *IL BY. the *dor* *Th1Iid bot '41b9 „tsta_ the • Hoke (000tInued, fxmn pageX) hav24:941,444,In t omce Of Crown Attsoiv4r..a Iefoi the'tria w co. r.:::441tutice ;rope performed the leasiig .cerenieny 01 ealUng Mr, 0 landeri 1>ehit4 the bar;"' teenSe0Ue.nt up- on his 'ApPointment 'As * Poni.004 ellort, time ago. ,X4' tie brief but 1tng remarks Ins rashiP 41(14 "It Is ulth a very gorgr Ine pleoure that 1 aCeelit the "Pdirtlege f conferringon you this parolmient embleiriatiO of your apliolutmeht• to 'the, very honor** peak Of Mg% :Counsel. 1t Is * Preferment WW1, 1 knoIr .14014 eraona1 :emierience sin4 frOnt 'Stir high ntatIon you, v411 Alone, Orriy to, -en. banee. 1 lope that you will ko spared long` to add to Your 'Unroll. 1 regret that there is no bar here to call you 'Within but ; de so symbolically and /. WeleOrile you 'here . • .,0*,011landere Made no response and the trial Proceeeded, . the case Arose out ot certain dealings 'Which, Davison had over a period of Mile Year*, with Walter Rose, *A poultry miteroperating onthe outskirts of Brussels and, witli liOsee sWeeseort one Itobert--Piaotor-w, who bought theplace f!OM, 11.060, :formerly MS .employer, in the autumn of 1020 and who Went bite Ilenidatien in. November, 144 lose. -customaillY Made substantial thtehatiA whO.,. Omuta 1:0 chases, made during the winter months 011 eredit,,were.paid_fer 'during the sum. 'nter-:atter-thvosaror- thr4urrtsht-dia- • of bird*. . • . When .Pearson took over the business, pradifee-edittWfied--41tliough: 1e a, vent of the -depression 'made it difficult for Pearson to make -the business pay. When'DirVison saw that thinwer not going well, he svoloi to Rose, Who auth- orited WA. adVance„what..was-n Saky.lor the COnduct ef, the business, he, r•RoseragUaranteeing payment of .the ac- connt. „ VeanSen. Ailedi...fiavison sought retoverY Or, the aceennt from Rose- tin. der the guarantee, and a county Court action resulted AS' Rose Clahnect . the guar•antee aras,azOnditional. Dering the eourse of that action Dav- ison:, made - eirtaim 'statements whiCh Were afterwards proven to have he-ei wrong 414 'th'rovincial Police Oillcer Perey IIVIcCoy was Sent to Davison's store to an _BoSe inspect his books and to cheek up on< account which be had submitted to gaskatc*nr in :the rriwin6e Sa-14' f kateliewani and at ,Laedinbe, Edmon. ;which had' not featured -in the too 411(f. Lethbridge, in :Alberta, testh Mrs,' AbrantS'' Toronto, 1* g t 4 :SbOtie‘ VUlt. I ,fete; Itt'an4013* at tbe Alpine' of her parents, Mt' and rs;J W..lorger• 'ICIght Monne. Mr W. K. Iiithipole, „of the Poroinion 4 Machlnery Co eft last Saturday for SaraeOta • an t'hineral, .•, „ llip Steele. 4erlei. attendWg the .4.pciothef, Aller-i*te l6 • %Ire, E. Palmer. of ',Sault- ste, garto. xteh., is il*Iting at the home of her sister and brothere:M.Iaw, 'Ur and avIro Aarne* (MaeAdatni, .1tegent,,,st, . J. D. ionG 016 xuttvi':ut *mtpointy succumb* At welnity uonte: tort' Zondon, Peb, 27th. -Mrs, Ida Long, wife or .Jaines David Long, 133 Ifigh street, died' yesterday at her home fol- •Iowlng a prolonged fllnes from heart .disease. She, was In her 435th year, terii At .suntlf mil, a 'Mage. near titoderieh, the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sallowt, pioneer settlers ,' she re. mined' On the farm with her Parente for ManY' Years. She later lived 40' Viringliam,_ taking an active part in church work there. Interested in .music she was choir leader, and tolOtst Of the Presbyterian church." She married and moved to this city 35 years ago. • Be- cause" of- ill health, $the had 'been. cOn- , • '04AASA, 4;Zr, 49for She was a ineral3er‘01 the congregation of Talbot street Baptist- Owen,Zer husband, James David _14.,Ong, ditighter, .4.1- ex. ,surViVe. Puneral services, Will be -eondlieted freni.„, the lialtie =arra*. aternoen tiro oielek br ReV, P, P, '7,1emann, pastor of Talbot Si. Baptist ehurch. Burial will be in iVfount easarit ecinetery. ' in ibe Cross -Conte vettised in the Daily F ess,, Halifax to eouvez Over many o the Radi4'stations. ri• Ta wee pIttsive Aprtry ccio Limb Lb. 1.044. 2 ibaft,$1.25 46.44444.46444640+44466464444444 WOOODUIPP :10Qr ;VIVO% , '‘1.,T4.14914.10, 4i0LIVE; OIL 'orsala4dreesing Oettle. 250 get, Water Settle Onalanteed orafyear ,A. GIN' kILLS, 396 Lmv1d5 Ira Voitle• 250 Dotson '1'0'4th • Salto RIMENEIIC 3 Isbaz. ,for 30e. Peke YAP* Rub Drops, 45e , iroNDeS''citiot *Inds? 390 A t_PEPSODENT 'room PASTE', 10e RUSSIAN Orfa 16 (PX,.., 40e. 14/SMitNE 250; ale; 119e RAZOR, BLADES Gillette, Sloe ar Green,„ 5 for 25* inlik -Of liagne#4,, .49c BUY DRUGS AT TE:DRUG STORE Campbell's Lauder's Dunlop's Willie's DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE NEW CHAIRMAN OF 005.414IOW ' NEAWINING".^1S4RE•D' Pro?' ArChibald 'Leitch has ,Just'been' appointed Chafrman of tie Domin1o1 markethig .spard.In sitccessien ' to. Dr. 1i, Barton, Dominion Deputy sMinister of Agriculture, who has been carrying the -riifizi.'esting results of "Experiments with Wheat Over i5everal Reliance, a new heav,v-yielding -wheat, may replace Maretfis.•over a lame area . in 'Western 0441,444. -iording tii'Dr.'-',1,11711aPfington, pro. _fesser of field husbandry at the Tint. versity of Saskatchewan, whose opin- ion is based on a tieries of compare- tiie tests of yields' over a period of (seven years. In the tests conducted at the ,urilversity, ' over ,the 7 - year, -period, the new, wheat,. it is Stated. -hag out-Yieided Ma rq u by an -a,Ver- _ age of 16 per eatiti- and a.t such wide, ly separated experimental stations as Seett, Rosthern, Swift Current and responsibilities --of. both--positfono- tne Board was formed. Prof, eitcli Is eminently' suited to the post on amount of his training and wide experiono4- �Ie has ilistirtgalbed career as an 'economist, an -a-tither; iind ta.s-leprictical farmer, , A native of Cornwall, Ont., 'where he was born'in 1382, Prof. Leitch was gra- duated ,with the degree of BSA. from the Iltivertity:' of Toronto in pm, .for.the•following four years occupied the _position',ofssuperintendeik of are Stock and Dairy Farms in Ontario0hereafter taking up a simil position In the Unit- ial. ' • ,• • . •• -id an average increase durin Arrition 'followed resulting in- the pre- two Yeara of 11 per eeot. tr se P risk ree Oee 144. in are at lanai -ed rept 01 gain Son Mc e5a, tem. =is whi fath trice of her Ing rep rat 'Care. dismiesed; NEW SODIUM SilLPHATV inia**40. Among, tfie,-cases laid over was that . 'neW source of sodium sulphate Mrs. McLean c't hif Saskatchewan has et tly o againstigdward Sweitser of Len- into development, The •nrewelny deveeloml: ri and Wesley Walter, ttoFterith, to ed deposit, whleh is reported to. be oyer icto.go„.50ig 04:4940t _at,the pro., the fifth of its, kind hi the PrOvince,. ds of Insurance poey, which insetelienixn:41,,ups:14paitlittrre.esIdat w gf int4r$ father WO Induced •InVeSD Sas alt' toon. 'Tile deposits' in tile bed_ :Certain all stocks She 0141010 Of- White Shore Lake are, estimated worthles.k The claim that the fLt. t'° .4 0.0-n oP trgts. her was notIneonditiOrt to _transact - - onco;Fittsh.hteP_,4701blii94-toat„.urtissieniiniziee$, pr,.)...,aliica;)ta,,,-;itpohceeymot4ulinpoute_. eeent'ed tile'.defendatt. In another ego Henry Pierce, firm Morris Township, Is seeking to re - a Omit iron ranney of don; Under a mortgage Of MOO; T.•: bancw for tile Plaintiff; iraden, and Allister Of London for the defence. Thelliirtrease was that of Mrs. Ther. • Brewer of Morris Township„ pting to gain possession, from John and Annabel Draper, a7farka on ch she formerly lived iwitla her et. She -elates there IS in wife- Sontewilere, agreemnt by means which slio. was, to have the farm on lather's death. DanceY att.- for the plaintiff white D. Bell resents the, ,ikehre.. 9AAAAA99440.997. Ljix -WaS-Aeletteklor..lhe-case-of tapte,, __'%1Abortir. against -his foriner eMPloyer„ 'clutor4 xeyta, of Worley !Township, the former tieeldnit WOO diunagei for stander together With *rt1lriznpamj WigeS, brkf Peisige** the.csie **wit *as itisteSted 'that counsel and, principals 'retire mid *ittroPt« to tet tobOtet to eettie the matter withoUt litigation. The ISM bad .been *elected and vatted tot helf,an hotlr• Olt to be ditenissed at t1i4kt when the Counsel returned to Ormonnee that a settleMent had been made.; The: toettletriont. *01001i was *nod trid Vdtn010641,by onn.oi,\PrOVided that by. trow ittkeiWbok t52000* -40 far AS re,. *Wm i a deroratOSY nature ea,re en etlne4 And Oele. is 11 to 1).4 ;Zit* 04.15 in aetuen*nt ot-hte clatnt. Itte*tordahlt, opirosed his *noire at the arrenstinent, ‘reniatidnic that he St**A• ,14eael4 *then old Wendt 5n4 ne1giibo could ge'OWN& and , artangit coUrse ,to lati. 0 61 I A. th of F Where ualit Gives Price a Meaning" Ames, and from 1215 to 3010. was 'Para .Superinteudent..an4.Dlrector. oLliivesti- •... -. gations, and Farm Management at the - 94-tArio Agricultural college. Later. h .1049.ted.'43:13+,manageinent.', ..eityeYs 045 farm cost accounting programs -hi On...• tar16 and became Director of Varin Management surveys, Meanwhile try 1920- hle luta created - the: Altieratural-- getinonnsi Department_at, the ,:college—.... -- and was appointed Professor of Agricul- tural Economics. As an author, he Is best known by the following works: DairY4.04attle...Dair7 „Parroing frr...,Nectera..;,Oztax10,-, -Delft Farmlng in Eastern"Ontarie;-, Beet Ra. • ing in Western Ontario. Milk' ;Production Costs, and the miry- Farm. Since the formation of the local board to deal with the Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Marketing Scheme, Prof. Leitch has been the Chairman. " As a. vermicide an eyxcellent prepare - 54 States pltriteitch wasius:gtan,11909t, proanfessod isr of t0 xtMlicathsesra.vGerdavtehs; liWvoeramorEx_eminterrairitatori7 mal Euebandry at Towit State College at .chilchTn. 64444.4494.449 VROOMANS .Gotieviclt French Dry Cleaning Works WEST sr. oney repaying axes Taxpayers May Purchase Tax Pre; -.-payntent Receipts'for 1935 Taxes. at Faiorable Discouitta COST COST COST. Alv10111fr Mar. 1 to Max. 15 Apr, 140 Apr, 15 May 4. to 15 $10.00.. $ 9.84. $ 9.89.; $ 9.93 • ,50.00 . 49.20 49.45 49.65 • PrepaYment Receipts must be presented along with 1935 Tax BUIS -durIng-the-first-installmentr-period. Bank interest is only 2 per cmit. Purchase Prepayment 4ece1pts and Ilitir0 your money earning -5 per cent. interest. *lune diseounts will be lammed In addition. . • o .NEIL R. ItilacICAY;,Ta* Collector tit ypu hum., $10 bill idle, pot it to work by 'purchasing a Zrepstr- ment Receipt. - 40,414,410•14141 APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT 11'-41'10,00arineta lisue,Iethere, titan to the thirty.ifinst day -of -pece,a* -1,C.torporation t116-11Man-of-Gode7---- payehls_irt.,_ten.,,etuaLarintial.ina, +her, A. D.--1024. wflt ' IP* to the, tegialative Assembly of the Forc•vitioe of OtItetio, at Its next Session, for an Act: (1.•:• 'To atitherise the said corporation to pass by-/aw to borrow, and to bor. «aIinezt 01 principal `. and interoist, the rate of interest of five per tent (6%) per annum, to provide moneys to enable the ,Ooderich Organ' Company,, Limited, to pay off its trade ,debts, the Interest owing to the coporation under its mart - Rage and all tioree owing on the property . •yaw., . . Niimber 24 for 1934,, whieli" h*s. beat duly sittenitted „to '• and reolved ibm assent Of the eleetersi of the, corms/U(s. duly. qualified to -vote on Monty by9lOots, . The exitting debenttire debt ot the said Oonporation tit. the Toni of - mt.. the *unl ot Teri Thouett4 Dollst% of the said, ecatpany to the *aid corPor- 4011 is ma Mows: betti;.lber 31 *$3Z TOWX Of" GODEIOCII r.STATEIVIENr Or DEBENTURES. No. 34 42 , 45 ss as88, 67 171 '74 /0 11 • de sad Deocriotbooi Diburse Aisoiatc R *0000 00 toOS1 17nli,t0'1114110cit 11509 16 ,LOCal ImPrOvemint NO 2 11000 00 Witter Works ltatetudon,.. 1000 00 Water Works, as *lee. 10000.00 PubU E1Oltool 4urpoaet 25000 00 .. 22600 06 05ewett .. . Swett ... 0400 00 0 3 00 21101 00" 1040 Itzooat 414449 44444 bb . 46 ... 41400.4 4 , 444 t 4 9•9444444 4444444 444444414 0,9444444444464.44444 44 444 4444444 944 44.414, :99441994' 1.444 4 09 44 4,4 9 4 4464 494.44, A A 4,94644944444t 44444•4444•4494 L b 1 1 2100000 0100 1 II 0 *emit moo 1003 1007 .100$ 100$ 'terew 'Von 1121 ,30 yrs 20 yil. 36 yrs.- -10 yrs. SO, irs. 30,8.1 30 Yrs. 40 yrs, 3lyrs. 20 yr*. 20 yrs. 26', Yr*, 00 yrs. 20 yrs. 30 3irt. 11 $11. 1 10 yrs. 10 12* 6 - 5 514: Principai hid is 1,31 10411 34 • 53393 130,12 46231 10/2 441 **3 46 251 10 1311 20 • 97324 165040 -,-'41211711; 401 65 114 00 127122 1712 10 1'IO 14 Alt 07 5 $$ 41 Intorito Pold in- 03, , LL hincio4 I I"' 0114.31•1. 1131 lin iinsio op, 1 ....,--. . , 31 26 *122 it -- 545 At 121 63 1 3002 52 .. 115 56- 1017144 122 40 2101 00 455 54 0044 20 • i , 520 16 • 940553 I • *3073 252213. I . 145o* 176110 14 i 1534* 2694 10 3556* _ 0X., $17 le- 4tokt 5.1 t 20547 4424.01 i -„ .10, itt *swot • . , „. . 4731 2724 65 i leg 12 3017 11 . . 17 tie/ 17 41017 15 i 173 41 '12442 03 i lit, 03 .1222 06 ** 3t201* 41 1 tt 40 1 01 2t17. 0me5 iot 41st •-• 171 42 20 144 st* 14117 27 too st st 11 It