HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-02-28, Page 4" TAMA'
't.s...siot,o,411A4M1., • Art0
4114Whili14,1044,41,144 ,
• # 4+,,,V'e4f ;. '4,441! V); ffriP4
clay SO the
n of num ceineth," He Urged
all to be,Prepared. x Ciod'S tall, when At g&nni
vonies and ipolte of comfort.to the ber- s being
,eaVed, "pOinting to the 'happy' re4inloni, the hotn-e of C.Ars. OhirlesdClliOtt.
of adnts n the 'life beyond -the -grsof;ii luserve .riktior 004,ing,„ M'arvhApo,
4IA. FeW'" Udrift %eon*, 42110,4' '011P" Woks -fOr'a "ralicte" spiitire Show In the '-
very effeetively *a a duet by' XliOngannotik und*r the *no,p
.A01141trer RAPP and Claire vent,, getso tue 4
,-AinOtit the '140 '040004,0ra, s
114"4":70:1°IfittellY7 4,09.'4'1:44-4W4ibelSny a'*" ..g1.6 Irm
r. wit Io( IurUa,
Winch *lased fuit, beiitt a Talthtur ern-
PIOYee fGr six yea* a triericit'bparents
. and fanAlilr,' grandmother (litrs. Rebecca,'
"Reed,Mr. and Vre.' >Moines. Odemen,,'
Ntrg, .4014 1gal..0 .n.ephe *vie, niece
(014,1drerc 0± 1*. and Mrs, Wilbur *Own
and, Mr. and WS, 404ePh, Petrie)';, Mi
and oil*. jas, SP.r‘eat . and. family', Nfr,
and Um. Cfeorge Aberhart,and Mrs, Dale
ank. 11M1134 fierifertb, Relatives were
..present for the :antral from,' Luelitnow,
Whitechurch and Wthg1am, anions;
them being Mrs, Rebecca Reed, LuCk-
now, the young man's grandmother, riow
Wen Olen
tiOn of both,. yotingand
A-Coirt; lv
Itrelditied, Mier bY *Os,
leePOle president,' *n4
them vaa dancing' to
1,,nak provAdett by ,the ito-Palar /091-0
etrilestra, 1.4Unch ,W04 SerVed at raid.
PrograM Was made 1lit as
b.orUses bY -the Memhees of
Women's Von1Postgl 4$11e.
Slaty for the "!eoming 41,00 or the
lier att•Ondanto
uausl owing tothe 1;44 conditlon, .the
roads,,, Whysed ohler iVerator
and Or °LAO: COMPtInr,
'While the ' Man, tt4 Itlebodson.
The anntial rental for privaa Phone* IS
*16.044, ,Whtle that ter eireult phone* Is
"4340, 1.1hete 490 phones in oper4
*tie!), *itch eo*er itre*--44.tnn
8aitfor4 to .ititiberli?'and eat Aub.
urn. :
Dungannon Beats Imeknow
tnno Wet bad the Iniaigtline
tO WC her *nhie hurt Y4SP, ostter.
in which. She VIP siding wed.
. tAlltn Betties. tat* Pilith4K4V the.
fartn• acroSs .the road oceuprcd•tbe last
few *earl by Bert garris.
712e :cOucert advertiaed by the Tsfen"4,
Club' for Feb. 36th has been postponed
indedinitely oaring to the 'continued ill,
ness of the preSident and bad:condition
at the 'Pede,
Ur. Allen Betties ittenued toe spring
fair at Hens's& re Was very successful
Wiih his grain exhibits, having &tallied
OM! 'IVES, and NVEILm---
A long anti4Pated event eonies
Intrigue -4 rIUMpht1104'
Saga -.;Of adarOntalMtis reMaeibe.: Nate the eitsto,' „
• , •. „ •
Frelrie March, ,conosnie Bennett Frank Mbrgan and ray. Wray,
Vaitt Olot ,tti;T:t•
droest.huraOrist all,.reaches-. the shafts o
• tilt' deep into the thaMetbr of .
tiou, and set to the Thinillar, In '411 afternoon Pm Played on iii*t- in her eist year,. The reinaths were laid
of "Jingle Belle and 'TO on '011e 41114' On the Dungannon rink on The Dean Coal,.Co. to rest in Greenhill cemetery, Luelcnow,1 three PlUes In °ate and ether grain'
• 'old. ''honnet;" reilanngs, Isfivs 3.011* eillabY 14e, the Pin*IltIon.,' sehoel
Se ler Witt 'ouled rowtir old o. w„ boekey tel4M defeated•LUeknOW`40venilis ,Rh011e p5w
:poilerieh 'being bOrne 1:i jamas 'Halliday, Whitney -1 The COMpetition was very leen this
Stewart and Arthur Wilson, all - of the year, quite a number of the grain 'ex -
Alton; orchestral numbers by. MOO e to 4- Ice Conditions discuraged nnwh „Go -Operative c ompany, Winghani, the Pert's °ming ''.-r(an the Royal wintev. - (laughter of the late kobert and Ellen
Six, -piece OrCliestrat, violin..- duets, miss testni.,p1SY so th4 .the. brand of beckey
perothy Rohl) and W.,..J. .51,01); High- was not what II molly given when jatter being rnanager, *gain j. petri .Fair and Guelph' Winter Fair, ' -
. e, Tutt Sallows of the 10th on., 'Colborne.
90mbst-"Thine .111, Ilearti'^'"MUS by FianZ Sibert.
Matinees Wed, and Sat, at 8.00 pm*.
'William Stewart, neighbors and Thornas On Friday evening last a, ,regrettable Since her marrlage to Mr. Long they
limd dancing. Oita RiVett, 4"hestAtiLlts 'Meet, tont At eloS. e score Andersot4-a edits*.
*ken Manlee, and other jersey danceal tbroilghoilt °Provided Plenty of inierest years of, age, bad been- pOor 'health .4th. con. Goderich, hact his leg,
aceident occurred ween liVir. Thos. 0.1 lived hi •Winghant:,for a few years, af-
_ by, Ithe, 3000:44erie znliFzueen • atete,:r to the contest, :4- For LUeimow, Johnstorr- for some- time; had!' iarto lauidonr Duni"anneP Defeats' McCaw
O041141e.. • debate, Ite$Olved
that 'the sinall ungraded School hi pre-
fiitable to the, large Ungraded •ISehoin:'
veryAbteresting„ the Jacia0„.
johnston,• 'Mb* COM Culbert •and
'favor ot, the. negative. _The affirmative
was tipheld::,by.'Vorothy 'Robb and X.onie
ItoaelA, While the A'egatim was. taken by
- ,CaeSarr
sSies brought obi many fine points
of adirantige.,' but. 'the; PrePtindefenee
ideas favored the -negative. Douglas MeDonald, -a student at Icnox
e'Onl•Paninlents for al° daach* '1'1w -re College, *TorrontO, conducted the -service
:played. •hy Dorothy Robb and Chester In Erskine ,Presbyterian ohureb on sun.
anit the---piane---aetern ay -afternoon Tin-, the. absence _of the
W.* Win% • G. C. Treleaven and paitnr! Rev. a IL. moDonaki, his fatbor
#ra., Donald :POWier. The door receipts Mrs. Robina, Campbell is visiting her
amolinted to ore $31,00. In. a neat sister; Mrs. Edna Pentland, .Port lfuren.
sptikh nor the end or the WV's' nl, vatnes. Hayden; *or Corteeknon Ash-,
34s, CamPbell mored a hearty geld. bad ,tho., iniaininne t9,1,101, on the
"te than)ce::te WhO bad ontribut- foe at .hotite
ed toiv04 'the vz,..:xitarn, Avineh Was OrleOf his legs at7the thigh. Is rest-
41;.1"117 4a116411;PYhe bis
'Cicifeatiii,410.-ttributed. -herssaixatid called-lerTirriank
nun*ers 'during' the Irograra, and:1Sn orilt Caen weeks, since Mr.
444- several solos, 'Owing %into wa's VeAft
910.1 atOOMpiniment on the guitar. , • .
Death at Mariiiia,itikti
UUWj -broken just above the ankle • Ire was t611144ds11111424441644n4"1. `611e leaVes
In the -hest game of tie season on . ' to mourn her passing her husband and
te..Ored two and Rutton and Webster one for treatment: last fall,' and was believed naulhrg logs when in some manner one
Oach. 'For Dungannon, R.' Browdie to be recovering, when a few days before Dungannon lee on Thursday night the 01 - tile logs. xolled, with above teams., one daughter, Aletta, of 1,sondon, to
local Warp= defeated McGaw by a.,,,,,,s, ,,,,,,,,,. whom our sympathy is extended.
'counted three - times • and A. Durnin, his 'death • meningitis developed. Skilled
Currie and t r4d,v ono' cad'. 71te PhYsicians *ere called in ° for consulta- s°re of , 14).'t ' The game was fast t7ii.;11‘e7e-rawn"X-tfarakyellwatos. CmiaindrnaniirhPli;
-the score was tied sev- . The devotional meeting of the West-
. ' -.. ',throng rnioster Guild was held at the _home of
ne-npt now --Go e; •defence, tion, put all efforts to save, hint fallea. eral t es.:!!Withs.brut, a feti, minutes I f ie.! „Pt:it in a dast":. e liew zesting as A thur P Spitin. ,Lon ',Wednesday might.
RiktektiL,L.,. eabaftnr.,,,,_.7,;',, ViAftvOirtintittiVata05.$**%%.*Altetit riMictlireitlittigialgVIIii iM,411
genzie,• Treleaven, Cook, c n " , through the shoulder- when a gun di:4.; edleirit `i*,143011ttall' trete,fitiffellreTie i& •
•13uttorr- - and -Patterson.- Dunga,nnert- tharged was,, being removed front
Goal, 0, Derain:. defence, A, Dorn*, the vehicle in which he 'Was returning
Coale, Errinetam. forwarle„..R, Brodie, from a' jack rabbit hunt, and. he was In
Park, X. Eed;y, Brodie. P. EeciY. hCispitai -bkidittelf-I45t:-.16-iftbS,
• eree.44:ferdon - • was 'well known titiO
North Huron, where, for many years he
Wei driver of, a cream truck for the Co-
opeiutive Company at Wingham. "te-
stes- his -parents he -As -survived b
brothers arid three sisters -Russell', Wil-
liam and 'Alvin Reecl...• Mrs. • Willity
Brown •Mr4. Joseph Petrie and Miss An-
no, Reed, • all- of )ishfield, Relatives,
.friends and neighbors were present in
lakge numbers as ,final triblite, of re-
spect, when the funeral Was held on
Sa•turday"afternoon„ front 'the. brmte-,of.
life was cnt off in early manhood and
his death is mourted.in a wide circle of
friends as Well as relatives. '11-111.s was
i the first break in the family of seven
"jerk, itsrai 'T/AeOheae' 'meeting Thia Wires saddened • on children; _if •-which .11e was the eldest,
POSIcs cs,me Dun, home`
gannon's way and two trick goals fixed
the outcoine. Iloth teains worked 80/116 LOYAL
good combination plays, IVICOaw being
Goderich where she has 'been for sev-
eral Months.
• Mr. and Mrs. Stoll visited in Auburn
on kftiday with. Mr, and Mrs. Torn li-
-son and family. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Vern and daugh-
ter Annote, are spending, a few, days
'with, Mrs. -Gordon Young and family,
• £&r. Hume Citittbn is suffering from
blood poisoning in one of bia hands.
Mr. James Ituddock Ts -helping 'with the
work. * ' „
f3eiral frim this district atter:tiler-the,
-e-Obee-it given -Iv 41_
Senn:tiller church on Friday „night and
were well Pieased 'witli PrOgrain•
• Mr. James Hayden, near Sheppardtort,
had the misfortune to fan last Friday
attagks. La Ttatque was Met:laves best
scoring live goals, while Fisher, Lock-
hart., and ..1y.feMantis.. counted one each.
For pungannon. ked y scered four,ICi
•three, and Pentland, C. make.and-Gar-
niss one each. The line-up: mcGaw--:-
GoaI, Xt. nay; defence, A. Risher, ..A.
Vanktene;" ;forwards, J.' .1.,ockhart, W.
MaTanus, 0. T...anocque. ...Dungannon -
Goal, F. blekeen; defence, F, Garniss,
TB... liaredy' lt,18'6."-kitcidlEfi,cei5;. forwards,
;' Pec.ntiaBilinicde4,
J. L. Eedi"-
The 'death Is reported at London of a
former well-known 4,es1de.nt of this dis-
trict ht he person of W. John Merrett,
. 72 years a age,„ .1,1e. was a, brother -in- artorriing and. breakhis hip bone. Mr.
*The iminal meeting otthe -aitantioid. Thursday morning- ot last welt when The "AIneral- services at the ileme and Jaw a Mr. David, S. Ellington, A.- E. Er-, .Frank. Mark is fa)ting care of ' b14,„ at
ara 0 tho, loodericit 'Rural '*weihone word was*reeeived that Marvin- Reed, at,.,the-graveal4e were eonaueted by Revrington and Mrs. Charlotte, Veld. He111s-own borne. We hope he makes a
`wasibeld. in OUngannon when eldest' son of Mr. .snd . Mrs. ,i.Tacob at D. A. afiteliffillan, pastor of Dungannoni had 'lived near Itkeatdine until abouti gOod„recovery.
After •the opening exercises, the roll
call 'was answered by the name of a
book of the -Bible and something of its.
contents, It was decided not to enter
topic, "The ApoStle Peter," was taken
by the converter, Prank Clark. The
ext meeting will be 'al social and held
in tI baLon11/1arch, _8th.
tion Is extended to the Y.P.S. -of the
United church. The meeting _ "closed
With hym "Breathe on me breath of
• Clod," and •11 repeating the Mizpah
No. 2:
Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, world
famed as the man who brouVt
into the world and kept alive t ,t
quintuplet ,daughters of Mr, -and
Idisposon,00,--a.,,,.-441tYAMWSPASSatt wavn
old, fiVe foot six tall and 41&31t.s.
shorter be..:
caUse at bagO'
clothing I.Vould
rather be what
taro than the
highest pa.10
obstetrician in
New York.
for ' the job
.• over at their
house, $3 each forthe five of
• them. That's -his -rate for a baby
'mostly French Canadians. into
"- ,the-tworld, fnaking $4,800 -Worth
7.•,...ers...have ever gone to a hospital.
- Orie night,Sirdibitirlouv'bours•,
through a_blizzard to• rescue a .
worm* shot in the brain. "She
was frozen and unconscious, but
be saved her, life,. Threslisontlis
later he delivered her of a baby
boy, Both ilVed, 14kea neritlePar
men and is ;twined it flio- "Angle&
ity the Dionne job 4wought tio
• UM -Thinks men living withosit'l
women, or womero-,IffthOu$ maw
• absurd,- unhea1thYi--.*-unniordo1.4_
le:meets to liva- thirty -Mors rim.
•A Nelson township farmer went to the
barn; on a recent ,coid Inerning_to-milk
'out- when ie Neigiii through the *motions
nothing happened. The. firmer rprodded
,a bit and deaded the teats were frozen.
He got an electric heater _and set it un-
der the ' milk Producer; "Bossy" then
• carrie through whit the usual morning
ltis following -011Cett were eleeted: I.teed. 0 Glen's Hill, Ant north of Dun-, United ehurch, who based his remit:444 fifteen YearS age/when he Illeved to Lon- :Word has itist been received . of the one 'sx,
lit T
W. '. Riddell, .Ailburn ; vice gannon, in paRed away hospital upon thein ' words found Matthew 25:131 den. Surviving are a son, Rivard, of .death * London of Ins' James Long, 'wihash
fe's bash.
Preaent, Chas. A.' -'Whitely. Goderich; London, The young man, ...who. was a2 --Pwaith, -therefore, for ye know neith.1 louden, and it daughter, 11(rs. Stanley formerly Miss Ida 'sauows, younger_eause she Pas everything she has in it."
ale Starts Frida
ieen Waiting
I In this sale we are offering good' merchandise at prices which will be in"'
possible for us to replace Cornfield's has always stood for good quality and
. tf
' fair prices . This sale will once more prove t a actt to you.
arch t .04 Continues
oM"eti's Coats made.'of excellent cloths
.in black, brown and • navy, *IAtitli fur ,
trimmings of French, seal n.tid Oppos:*
• st1M4* SizOs.,38 to 42, Reg. $22.5,0
to $2630. - Clearing Price'. ie
4 • .
coats_.L Treebark-i--Andtz
Sueth Cloths in black, brown and
• Green, Sniart styles, Fur, trimming
of Prenth Seal. Sizes 1 3-19„ Reg. -
$16.50 to $19.50. 'Clearing Price
,„ 4 • 00 4 * ' 60 6 '4 w 419.1175
9 Winter Coats to clear at.. .00-.
*ew. 4114 -inia.rt Dresses: for women and
Plisses; Printed. 'Silks, and Crepesin
fancy -weaves. All ,rnew spring 'shades
and styles. 'Dresses that should sell
for a, lot ntore. Sizes 14 to 4V
Clearance Sale .
'4* - $4,95
Dresses at au Extra Special
Dresses a exceptiOnal value„ a large
assortment to choose from. Clear.
awe Sale
A few only itt bright shades and stt rt
styles.. Clearance Sale . $3.95
d It
* 4' 44,1*
t Veldt -est" full-fashioned . Silk Chiffon,
Crepe and Service 'Weight Hose. All
• new spripjshas10. Regular $1,..00 pr.
Clearance Sale,. pr: - ... ,ii:
44Weldrot" full-fashioned • Hose in Chif-
fon and Service Weight. New shades.
Clearance . Sale, pr......,......... -.6% ,„... ....__ - ....4 , ...-....
Silk and Wool Hose; tine quality, good
Viades. Clearatace_ Sale,' pr.- . .. .40e
Ankle Socks, all wool, Penman quality.
Colors red, blue, sand . and orange.
Clearance Sale, pr... ............ ,39c
Clearing -All -Wool and Silk and Woo -1 *
. Mile on -s ieon inue tnes. e
-iAnte Sale, pr...... - ....„ - ..
11 aturda
9th. aTiloVILIFTEN
English Flannelette), fine firm quality in
white, pink and blue. 36 in. wide.
Clearano Sale, per yd.... .....23e
annelette, striped atid white,. 36 inchei
' wide. .Clearance Sale, or yd... .•.17e
-tong *SledireAt good-- quality -flannelette.
- Clearance Sale ....08e
Cape Skin- -gloves an browni.black and
cream, perforated, cape -skin, pull -on
style.. Clearance'. Sale, r $L25
learingbiscoritinned • lines of fine
French Kid' GIOVe8,, light shades onlyr
Reg. $I.So pr. Clearance Sale..4140
ChamoiSeite Gtoves, clearing lines.
Clearance Sale, pr.. ...... .25c
40.incli Cotton 'heavy weight, clean
,quality. Clearance Sale,
Cotton,Iine quality Clearance'''.
Sale, per yd. 4 4 'At, 4c4
s", s all
rance Sr,
ks, 36 heS
New Wrabasso' Prints, fait -colors, beauti-
fttpitterniti hi, wide; Clearance
Sale, yd . .777:".7.t ,17c
Pure linen, extra good-qtfalit34. -colored
border; 24, in; wide., Reg; 35c yd.
Clearance 25c
Linen Towelling, colored borders, 15 in. ,
wide, Cleafance Sale, yd.... -lOc
P. Coats' Sewing Thread„ bl
white. Four $POols fot.
ck and
,,R NA S •
Rayons, Cretonnes, Dress Materials,*
Curtain Materials, Etc.. Clearance
Sale, yd. . 6 6 4 * * '4 * * 41
PILLOW CASES4z incheg,: widet firm.,
quality. Reg.' 75e pr. .Clearance
Sale,. pr. - ..39e
white and grey with pink and blue
bordem, Clearance Sale, r,.v.
!en's and -Young Men's Overcoats, in
Nu -Elysian Cloth, fitted model, hand -
finished tailoring. Regular $24:50.
Clearance Sale.s. . - -$17.50,
Overcoats tailored of SilveFtone and
Kelton cloths, innavy, grey • and
brown. . Good 'value. Reg,, $19. -56
to $22.-54-. -ClearinCe7saie....$13.56
Grey and brown Herringbone Tweeds,
full -lined'' in satin, half -belt sfyle
$15.50. Clearance Saler .
TWo-Trouser Suits of All 'WOOt, 'Worsteds.
in riavysand browns. Exceptional
good value Reg. $24.50. Clearance
Sale . , $19.50
Suits ,,of fine cloths In navy and brown
worsteds. Goodpatterns and style.
Two pair pants, Clearing Sale $14.50,
„ Clearing odd lines, of Menis and Young
Men's.. Suits, also a fewyouth's
sizes. Clearance, Sale - - .45.00 „
*Shirts made of military llannel,and navy'
indigo dyed,. Large, roomy make. *
Clearance Sale
Penma0,All MOO, Pitilovers„,V ,nea
tr-lurtle fleck. Whit, i,blue,
teen and bri'etisnt. nte We' 1
8 a
144446#000.040., .4644446.46644644
Kat Mention
i SM ar
Stanfield's' glue Label, well-known make
rund quality. Shirts and Drawers.
!' Clearance -Sale, suit.. . . . .... $3.76
Stanfield's Red Label, well-known make
and quality, shirts • and drawers.
Clearance Sale, Suit $2.89
Penman's All Wool Underwear, good
tin -04y -shirts- and- draviers; Clear-
ance Sale, suit... . ; . . .$2.25
.Pmnrnan'S and • Stanfield's Fleece Lined
• Underwear, shirts, drawers and dm.
binations.--- Fine -quality. Clearance "
, Sale, suit . - .$1.49
Penman's ."71/1 an excellent wearin
garme na ura co or. Shirts, draw-
ers and Corribinations. Clearance
Sale,. suit - - . ;
English Flannelette, in neat patterns.
Clearance Sale - . . .$1.63'
Pine Wool, Socks, neat patterns, Pen-
man's qnality. Clearance Sale, pr.
.65, and, 43.c.
'44,4444 4444
Penman's All Woof Socks, grey with
• white ,heel and toe. Clearance Sale,
1 ..3 pr. for 0.10
Extra heavy quality. Clearance Sale, ,
pr. for $1.25
A large -assortment of fn e Ties in ztany
designi„ and `iiatterns., Ctearnce Sa1e
# #4
dc1ot1i Scarfs ;white
earance Sale,
ith biatk
de, of English 11annetett, tug ke.
• Clearance ,Sate