HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-02-07, Page 70 t )71 t iktocualaro rodo. sal '.11.1.1te .•V 41roatete' Ae4oe 1003-40mh*ueeting on'two*, xilt,b. '3thIeoitimeneing at 10.* Jim Vpuve.. lArfdoteadayi rehrorY. '004 ,,gc)rd. - at. $ .004n. Kiht,'04:001ta.. 404, The nnua eliVeAtiOn o the• Orslit OrOWere , Aeocistion o 011titele *14 be et the. 'OW Voneweaght Hotel, 00ailtont'reblanitrY. 1414:,4411e inst. 19th , Ontario HertleatitetraViteeoelation. Ate, Convention-Thaletelq si.44 tebrearY .k21, • and 22,;, eoutmeheu4 •0 -Pan. ginggxlwarcl Hotel, 'TerentOS, , • Preeeselh; Catesdien 0104 Improved quality has been an impor tat, !a.otor in inereaeing the total- Oahe' eaette etinetneptiOn of ;MOW' fruits and Vegetables in Canada, as, well as OPeh- 'We the door to expanding oreign. flia- &ets. Provided qualttv and oritinaltY ef saPAY are Mahltalhade a larger 'that' ket seeMS assured. These /eaters are 'PregresSivelY Operative and if *Oared to 'illStitY the expectation that the vOlUrrie of fruits- 'arid Vegetables processed In Oinada Will eorifhtne to grow. ; Already c,'Pes.!..c.1904#1S•r:te -z,;kheesS-..-Ce preduotient.!of Iiesh'Irrirt;.-and -vegetable ..goeS to the processors, - arid the propor- tion so used is likely; to increase. ThiS • fiend should be impre,ssed upon growers In order that the beat varieties and the ducedehrsaffielerit-W-alitaties, a • • -venom* .Your Seed Supply • . Iris not toci early in the season for a farmer te he thinking about his seed supply for, the comleale Iliptine. In, far the matter uatil a few days before the too niany, cases no thought is given to l eeed required mad by 'fbat time it smaY dillicult to dbtain, and he will be compelled to take seed of inferior equalitet, It is a trate p011ey to be .sure kIiiiro Store COOKWITH ELECTRICITY • Quick Clean, Economics'' See the disgAay tvskrious styles' and assilsecat The llyiko Store CODERICH Use Hyaro Isidb. for light, • mt. net axe Osman - teed. WW1 that %ell 'tet ,lareite Pee it .fiic free om weect eeds,,'°401xtOrolisnd '.-Other Impurities Orta tile WO, he4t, PAM WOtild lhePheve rather 041r detetiOrei atte, 'Pat 444:4 4E444there arehilie 01 the; very beet /Ovine that being te4, to our liVeeteek er,,0014- siiitt. or /'04- PAtiVeilleti4 Nireolit it net 'be good '.tionizineee kez set up the.", laniaing Mill at- 'thie time �f the year Whele'farnl. Week is : Attit'40''OrViAllit„: and oieen. this iirSlitt or haUI it to your nearest eleardlia 'are? Smaller Vain* MO be chopped or ;taken ' le:AOC *04. Tet Whole. They make geod. feed)but peer seed, the best Is none too'• 'Shea lb. '804 for wleetStiever a man sow- eth that shall he alSO ;OAP. putzt* early, 'clean and 'reclean Stottr best grebe beere feeding and keep the best' for seeding leetpoeee Itwill lso a liONIZOiNVALI rOaVele it V as, 3..ttaVe niayor Obleatte etiee /Teothedhi etrninenttle .P) the heir LitTo ittiett0010). 13 eer.41h1t0g, t the ealC Of the Ieg., 15 PrOgre3 • 01rtnneetiO 'her 19 Citirl, 20 ChOPPed.; 22 TrieneltS relit Oakes or lee. 1"1"wieei. • 116 27 Oetket; - 46 31 IrerettleY ogre 33,8tdttio010Y; 34 Swift. ' 3/ 'Abounds. 49 Indian, 41 Velvet-Ilia:et Vainerel, 43 Aurora, 45 Wagers?: 47 Employed, •. pay Yon front a fillanelal stand point. The ten- dency is for prlcee to go up as the sea- son advanees 'arid the supply gets less good farm peactice and • Yell will save time and money by being sure of your seed supply earles • seeP — "'.-- e.nA,-.9.49a:5144149/1013 „ 4sjeirUnder- gegulation 'The Eastern -Canada Potato IVIarket- ing Scheme submitted by representatives of the potato industry, has been apprOV- .ed by #9.P.„ Robert We1,pomthjonj- •ItterTir X-1-i.l'atittirse,--arid the - eovernor upon the recomMendation of the Dominion 'IVIarketing Board. • The scheme embraces the preerinces • ce-Ecielard Islande-NOva-Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario. The po- tato growers in these provinces have been receiving 'inadequate returns for their potatoes and the, position Of the growers has been particularly difficult this year. &ver large orop and lack of organization has resulted In demoralized marketing -conditions. The 1934" potato crop for the four Provinces, laced at 43,308,000 bushel, an increase Of "8,1854- 000 bushees compared with the produc- tion in 1933. • . :Under the Scheme, it 'is expeeted or- derly . marketing WM ree:ti- lt 41.1=0 tontrol Of, the grades of Pota- • toes enteringthe commercial oinumels of trade and potatoes Of 'inferior grades will not be allowed to glat the raarket. Consignment selling, which has been contributing largely to price demoralize-. • tion will -be proluleited and sales will be made under filen contracts. The schenie also. provides for the development of ex- pert markets and for increasing domes - tie consumption. or pettatoes. •Moreover, it ts.belleiteci the utilization of potatoes in -various- loritia-Aviiiela might be marketed 'in this country or find an outlet to other countries, has not been fully explored and that organi- -ezationeof thosesconeerned- with potatoes will greatly facilitate the type of work necenary, to develop such possibilities. The prophsed 'scheme was submitted by repretentative petal" growers and dealers. Originattng -With a meeting. of representatives -or the potato industry held at Ottawa under the auspices of the Canadian Horticultural Counoll, the scheme has sinee been endorsed by meetings of producers and dealers held at central points throitgli all the ,irepOr-1 tant potato Producing areas .in the toter provinces. . The scheme will be administered by a. Local Board. 1,4 IExcellent for Crony Children.-4When a child Is suffering with. 'croup it is a good Plan to use Dr. Thomas' lectrie • Oil.' It reduces. the entia and loosens the pli14in Wing lief to the little sufferer. "It 12, equally re- liable fot sore throat told ehest, earache, thenmatie ,pains, cuts, 'bruises and epretins, Dr. Thomas' Wiled...tic 90 Is regarded by nunly thousands ati an hi- disPensable of the fluidly .zneditine SCItNTISTS FIND FASTER WAY TO RELIEVE COLDS k iche. and Discomfort Eased lie Take 2 Sti)iiin Tablets, .24 Drink flak water.• hot**. 4 I 01 st#0,014s ) Almost Instantly Now - When you have:a cold, remember thc tiMple treatment pictureirbere • : preidribed by doctors everywhere t�L The soft! way. - ,Bteause of A.vit,intg' quiek-disinte, - grating property, .Aspirin "takes .liold'f.eeerimos( insidnitie , *iltist tette Aepirin end drink iiienty Wafer , every 2 to 4 hours the 1nifelay-40ts often atierward »If throat is eore, use the 44ir1n gargle. Etut be *UM .you, get ,A,IPIRI&. It ie Made in Canada anded drtigidsts have IL Look for theelatrie Bayer in., i,he tfeni etd.'ettiee'br zireirAtoilit • TabletAipitin 'it the trade stark of the Boyer Coppany, Lirnited. 00,E3 NOt HAPM Off ilEARt eees-„e's • n , - axon riroAfrq r- i1%' KON _fliM2 Marl 0011NM AMR 5;174,7,13 WUX NAV V.W.' Mr0,40 ..1.1174 to, Z1.11.CM la= a. Wilk; 1.101. 014 Zer4Trlirrtgi WI 011110Plii rwrimx 49 rekitiVO '011'110,t 60 Ael I $410,00 of „ exeelielltee, VertificatiOn. • *irk, ' 55 Angry 1 50 Turkish ,Inette,Y• ef , aceotint. w 57 Tnene anes.. • VEROCAL , . . 2 Perverse. 3 To. perese, 4 Male, MisichiCYOUic . bend the knee. thickened pant of ,r0.11k. Ongliele con; 9 Chart% Mineral with a. nonMetallic Neter, • Yourig fi,heeP.• 13 Let it stand. 14 Small sal• e• , amanders. 16 Platform IP 4 __hall. „ 18 relleOltittil, Ot 4tututtlit, t A inen Wheee , wit,'Itatt I To tielaVere stear., aniOreaa •' glances • , ;,91300 ey.p. 3o, Pedal 31 Reps .Ceteikt Kreek 'need ter btAek bread. , ' 34° inventor of dynaMitie .35 Paragraph In ° ttenewepaper, 34 Eh fel flea, Enlaeitted, 39 CoMnoeition for one voice, 41 Dereetle ot 1*, Arabia. 42 LtrkeWartn. ' 44 Without. 46 Pace. 4/ Venerable, Te eballenge. 49 Fence door. $1 Fish. 53 Rodent, INSPECTOR- J. M. FIELD'S REPORT al The Warden and Members of the Huron -County Council. Goderich, Ottario. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit for your consideration the following report of the condition of the sahools in :Bast Tinton for the year f1934. . Yours respectfully. - • JOHN M. MEM. The only changes taking place in the organization of the schools for this *year Ivere the addition of a teacher to the Cranbrook school and the redaction of the staff of leewer Winghame from two teacher's' to one; the latter change was inadvisable as the school is too large Tor effective 'mirk for one teacher and the icost of the second is fully coyered by _ • 't A1.1, 4 ISABELA 1:143101,0 • 004010*. .0nt, he lellde, lbeneetit'TI 1en11uz •. *44,3004. 11vherteeet or banner Tby le 10, their tte*rtS -to Tileei Thelr,grateful Valet; relee; ,011•0,11)Orninhan eier°' templ to Thy *tete wIU alOire let ell en lief toartt 'of' the lettap Meite .entatila• Thine evole '.4,14 Of tho load% .e.ritie 'strong eternal ' hand; Bold us 18 honer, truth and "selfi.ccene meanie The loyal heart, the eenetent Mind, The courage to; he trite, Our eVide.extendlng Empire bind; And all the earth rellOW,- ThY'llaMe be known through everYevehei' Lord of the worlds, Make all the 10,MIS ' Thine own! • D. Watson. S. S. LESSON FOR FEB. 1lth,1935 Leon Topic-sPeter Teaches Geed Citie atellshIP. CreinPerante Leesofil,' 1 . It you a),*e gel' g to require ut not overlook the fact that we e 1 coke Of the best grades that can, be . , . Por P1umbing. Keating and we us a 111 work fully guarantee re (malt (10 • cdal pure1!sed. Tinstaititingi peeler.* IStom 22 House 112 AT ci . - A. 1 shoeld, like , to s beei a little ' hereiised hi "strenet-W " Q. 4117V14?" A. 'Because It largelY lacks the reel qualitei of beer it Present, uniesS $011 pay the higher nriee. X think theseiorke big Ian is entitled' tO °la beverage in the way lee has been akoustonied to. have more or- : leSs, Xt is nothing like "so _. . . , strong as it was baore the War," Lesson ps,;.,v4ite-4 Fete* 2:11-11; 4:1-5, Q. "Vhat 'are the real qealities or Golden Texte--Itonuois 13:10.; , •beery, • Devotional Iteadiree-ersaine 146t;5-10. A. ,,Aieehei chiefly.. • "Beloved, I beseech you, as SojournerQ. "We have, been told that beer te_ and pilgrims, to abstain from fiesblY la non-intoximting beverage?" . lusts,, Which war against the soul; have • A. "Gh no. If you reduce the alio- ing your .behaviour seemly among the eta below A cei.fain point beer" is not, Pe4ti1e's" ..1110.a.941 they sPeak. ' • Angie iti evfledoees, they ,illoa:"-,bY eonetititent of beer." . . everth' drinking.L. AlcohOL,W.4,thwastliplii . Let me ..sum ups -Arming admitted that• aleohol is the attraction in beer, and that an increase in its alcoholic strength in view more especially, the -Gentile -cone may- mob . ethereeemiterof ,xliee-iiii:)-6,-e-i-s verts. Their ease ure had been one or eowards sabriety, and having declared Vile-noing-1n the siglir of-Oode- those that advelfaing alcohol as a beverage is whom they had left wee stili walking a bad thing -A- With 'these facts before in the same ways, and were to be ;woo hint, with thrs ienowledge • within him, over and conquered for Chr;et. : • They e and with the., .admissionsz-behind bine Must lay aside the flesh, milli its glee- ' what -does he etty-To his employers," the 1 tions and lusts, and net vinditate their Brewers. •, freedom by using it as an eecasion to "Unless you can attract the younger riot and self-itidulgence. 'generation to take the place of the, older The Apostle binds together all his men, there is no doubt that we shall tfeoaucrhiesin nlog ar. ZrecChrenteist: iti.nmodnitoi:enasuhit men; tion of beer. That i n: ,s hat may happen have to face a steadily falling consump- Love the brothernood; Pear God; ,ifonor unless we- do something to attract and the king." All men without distinction, secure the younger customer who, in are to be honored, because in all there -turn, will become the mainstay of the remains the image of. Glad. it may be public house." defaced, blurred eXceedingly. The more needful Is It to deal Considerately etrith lArid now we have a veritable rake progress ' Easy indeed is the suele that We anay help to restore what . descent AvernusListen to this:- has been mar•• ,red. , . Those who are our brethren in Christ, "If we begin advertising in the pre the brotherhood we should seek to be of we shall see that the continuation , -one heart and one soul with them, be - our advertising is contingent upon t cause they 'belong ;to Christ. fact that we get editorial support .Pear God. (Honor the King. Ye who well in the same papers. In that way It is wonderful _how you can educate fear cioa, St. Peter says, should not let, that foremOst duty lessen your willing- pubhe opinion generally,' -without mak- ness tol`do honor to your earthly rulers. Ing it too obvious that there is a- pub- . Hefty I Peter 4:1-15. - ealtePalen behind it all." your good work, which they, behold, glorify god in the day (4 visitation." This part of Peter's exhortation had township in which the township grant and special levy, were not paid in full. • improved Satiftation During the year ,Sanitary chemise' closets were totalled " in eleven school .buBdirtgs, making' '32 in all; the value to the health and comfort- of the cbil- dren cannot be 'overestimated. Wells were drilled in three schools where the supply if water vats found to .be defect- ive. Several -Wass • rooms were painted and otherWise 'improved; the grounds 'in most sChotils are kept in good condition And adorned With flower beds.. There are six schools M which the atcommo- *lions *are of the poore.et, but d seems necessary -to await the ,,advent- of better itinets-.-to suit stieW A successful school fair was held at 13e1graVe; •Seaforth. Pair features school exhibits and other school actifitim. grants. 'The additional teacher at With the encouragement given to them Crimbrook VMS - to enable them to oillfr-.Iby the 'Government izi refunding to ate a Fifth Perm • schotil'boards the grants made to school • Last year there Were 42 teachers with fairs, there Should be a revival in centres First Class Certificates; this year there Wlrere they ,evere discontinued. Agricul- were 537 with no provision for Second ture is taught itt all the schools and the Clas_s teachers after' 1935, it eanneer lee. grants pafd to Boards are inore gener- long' before teachers with Leith certill-, tos. cates will be supplanted by tho:se or the Matte under qualified' instruction Is higher grade. Two who had attended more than holding its -own. There have the -Second Year Normal Course secured '/zen several Inquiries from boards this Positions 18saft Huron.; there can be -,month wihhing to have it taught ln no 'doubt that the additional year's their schools. 1 expect that it wni soco training improved their teach*. Ability, receive more consideration in the Course The 'present GoVerratent conSid a study; the , Department encourages it that the same result could be obtalhed 'by the offer of liberal grants. . plans for such courses have not yet been eompleted;- it 18-• possible that refresher coursersa rna-, be priiiided for the more experienced teachers whO can stM be benefitted by the later developments in education.. otherwise and at a lower east, buttha' Improved Health The attendance; stiffered somewhat from the extreme cold 'weather' or January and February and in a few schools in September from •Infantile Paralrils: twit) deaths were recorded.' Twenty,years agOlor less it was unusual not to god child In ahnost eve ry school °tippled by the disease. Science has made ouch progress in late years Ithat such scourges as smallepox, scarlet feer, diptire being overcome. in this light the vhtheriand ainfantile paralyele ellrovirecial Board of Health with the co-" operatiort of the medreal health,' ofricers1 arid -the teachers (elpeeially when better *quipped for the service) are 'doing a :very impressive work; Tat the rural schools the highest percenbage o atm - dame Is 98 and the lotted- 75. The urban schools average almost 95 perfect •attendees*. . - The salaries of teachers took L further •.clicip this year due largely 10 the over- supPly. I do • not think it fair for school .boards to take advantage of this toltdition: the services a .a •teach& h6idd not be considered ae- it ccommoditysubjeet to the law a supply and dernatid; the hurnan element &wild be taken into .00nsideratieri. Antal? are PAYllig StslarY Of 4MtV 4440: ALAI& s.aletle.nci,...Ontierntrient -*ante are additierial Ott to this sal/try would be NO Witted by the grAnt5 eXeeert tor Webers iviih Irdettm &teed Offeft Oertitkatiet itnd wonld then have * sivall;.etettelte'e shbeVe their necessary ,eXpeinte$. 1he Obteninent is willing and Ale to 0*Y grants, A the *hoot teetIonal- elOsefl `04, year With It billaher• some ilidth, s- vet/ Mk. ertantial eterlittete 1,4nr 440e, eititetti*ilY rediteed their betide*. &rent -the p�o, ttm4 to it�v ,Aretris.1$ t ell • 'The number of Fifth Classes remains about the same; the largest are at tither and Auburn, in whtch thee are 40 in.* attendance; they have resulted in lery considerable saving to the county and to the 'parents. Brussels Continuation added another teeeher to its staff last summer to en - ellil, y lall e Are Still Illowiting .Goderich Follows Lead' of Whole Province by: Showing. an Crease in Deposib A total of 418-ethools ehroughout the Provinte are nrek vontributing to the. Penny Bank and thereby instilling Principles of thrift into the minds and - habits or many thousands of children. On December 52st the total amount • on deposit., had increased, to 28, a email increase of only about $14,- .000. for, tibe year, but. as -reported lay lie_littleproud, the <anoxia enepeatorea__ least an increase. Ile points out further that reports It -am ell points tell of increasing pro.. ptYltrItud5fe"-YrroiferlirliVis This Recounts for the increase. Ceideficli-ebows a alight increase for both sehools, Victoria Ls in the lead as usual with a percentage of 63- as com- pared with theemark_of_elefor Central. The amount on deposit lOcally has in- creaeed by $62 to $3,285.20. • The Vergtie school Iteods the list lot December with . a perfect, score. 100 per ;cent of the pupils contribating. 00.1.4444444404.4.4401.4444.0111.4.100•044 MARKET PORnititLEV IN DAWN ANII DEW _ 'There is practically no limit to the production of barley in Canada and re- cent testi show that it produces tietttr bacon and beef than other grains. It is 's proving Indy the equal cif torn, When to I fed with suitable supplements Abe - 'form of how -grown leguminotta rough.,- ss,! ages., Barley can he usedIn.alinost ereir of 1-Proportionof the grain ration up to- one • he hundred per tent AS a 'beg feed it as!, develops an entirely .satisfactory -class of bacon, ,which is more than can be said few corn fed in equal proportion, and as a feed for beef cattle barley is un- doubtedly 'one of the hest of our Cana- dian grown ceartle'. graios. The creased' use of barley. and other, coarse grains et their. present low levels will makeeter----muchebetter -1n• the beef being marketed, and this in turn will help createa demand for More -. beef. . • • • 4The numberof hogs graded in Can- ada during the first week of 1038 was 40,863, an in,:.srease of 2,443 over the cote rmponcling week of 1934. In this PasSage we lind the lessons of suffering. The intention of " Christ's lire Was to Oppose and overtome all that was evil, and to consecrate himself to all good for the:love of his people. This brought- him _cob...muy -one helived_ Itt the ,world, and M the end a shameful death; but these things did not abate his hatred ,of sin, nor lessen his love for %grillers. Christ bore willingly all that was laid upon himthat he might bring men unto God. This is the spirit, this the purpose -with whkh his followers are to be actuated; to have the stone stren- uous abhorrence of sin, the same devo- tion' in themselves to goodness. -which ehall make them inflexible, however fiercely they may be assailed. He who And then, finally, this meniereble but infarnOus sentence: ----tsWe want to get the beer drinking hebit • instilled into thousands, almost millions of young men whe do not .at 'present know the taste of beer, Thss *rung men. If they start with what beer they can afford today, as they grow up they will afford better beer, to :the grea- ter advantage or the brewing. industry.. That, Continues Mr. Pratte, Is thP brutal, selfish program, regardies of tho effect on The young man growing u provided the brewer makes more money, From The Temperance Advo('ate) says, "Arm yourselves," supplies the MARRIED IN GODERICH . weapons when his servants need them. i For the sake of angst, then, and few the Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 014:erve Their * love of the brethren, the fAithful have • -Golden Wedding -Family Gather need still to bb prOciaiming. ."Let the in Port Arthur for Event time . past surence,"• and by their actions , More t,han usual interest' f'or Gods._ to testify that they are willing to* suffer reelrerreeple attaehes to the w-elding az:: in the flesh, g so be they may thereby eie ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ;be sustained In the battle against sin and may strengthen their brethren to! A-1.exaerszazdrYer oaff Z3 Angus St... Port Ar - walk in a new way . , thur, which was celebrated on January Paul in writing to the Ephesians de - oared that they were made for good This fine old couple -were married in able its pupils to take up Upper School works; and being biought near by Christ Goderich In 1885, both having been rest- sulejeets.dente of town for some time prior to should not live as Oentiles and foreign - Examinations ers in time put, but as citizens with the, that, The two witnesses to the cere- ., saints, and the family of God. What he, many. James Inkster and Bella McDon-' Said to them was written for our ad-! did, are still residing here and remem- monition and ediflea•tion, i bet the wedding clearly. Rev. Er. Ure (The ieepeeifees melee ! performed the ceremony, • Of Scottish descent. Mr. .Alexander .. WORLD MISSIONS • t canie direct to Ooderich from the, land. Sir Edgar sanders on the Quality of ; Ing' stage at Point Levis iri 1801. His - Beer i wife was Margaret 'MacDonald and after speaking before the session of 'the their marriage went ' to Jackfish and United Methodist Conference at Reading t from there to enpigon in 1894. Wit. n June, 1934, Mr. Gerald France DL 1 Examinations have been largely re- . duce(' 'in the High 'Schools, the Only obligatory departmental examinations thebeing of -the XrPi)er Scheel pupils may receive Middle and Lowe School certifbcates on the teachers' re commendation. There is always th danger that they may be too lenien through sympathy or otherwieeand thus do an injury to the ,candidate in the long run. ExeMptions ft= the En -1 'trance exarnination continue to be given ,and are extended when, the conditions I are. favorable. The ,fees for the higher! tectiniinittiont were reduced last ,year. The Teachers' Institute was aid at, t Clodetel in co-aperation with West Huron arid ,vera a highly successful meeting. The second day *Fr wilt by, a Webers in, Oita:owing in other schoole; they were thug enabled to...compare their - own methods cif instruction with those n of other teachers and tddiscuss each ether'e, Profalerns and diedculties, All the teachers wrote me regarding the visit end tonsidered it more Ivaluable itt a 43144itS..V thart a sec�nd Ors n er waS' appointed •to the charge P.. (s member of the recent Royal Com- of Lamb Island lighthouse in Lake Sup- missio'n °on LI:ensing for England and erior in 1897 and continued there for Wales, brought some Interesting and thirty-four' and a half years They re - valuable opiniens of Sir Edgar Sanders! tired to Fort Arthur in 1931 and have s revealed in his evidence given before Hied in retirement ever ince he Commission on the, qualities of beer The members of their family Nov, s Sir Edgar Sanders lids formerly in, able to be present to make their 50th liarge of the Oovernmerit's experiment I anniversary pleasant t Carlisle and has more- recently gained otoreety as a director of the Brewers' ociety in which capacity he made his •,..D„.?1,taias` Eg,yptian Liniment, al wa3 ow' trillions deliverance at Birmingham 4""lt artvaYs "ftealri. 810p5 bleedlng there were .214'4:lenges of Leathers 'af- ter lnicteueutiete tbaiost° WI, of which Were, dile to tiva expectation 'that the re- tiririg feather would be regillted to at- tend another 'mit Itorthat Eight teikebera Were moiled. 'tort 'done in the seitools of East iftireetk of,* high average; The teeth- e* ghee?' With fei exceptions good abil• and the beintelm and Wintry of the• keejteeretlik. te tile different. Advocating A vast program of beer an- , instantly. Catzteriz s wcuth an vente bleed poitoning. Splendid for vertising. Sir Edgar had presented his statement to the ltoyal Commission and muscular thetrinatism. was underecroes examination led by Mr. Thrance when the foliowing dialegue °a- ttxtrat; ,It eTi011id.'Tie noted that beer in Britain ia taxed, according to RS eke-, holic strength. Q. "In paragraph 8 of your state - meat you refer to taxation and the strength of IntoxIcante. You speak there of a real 'grievance erf the working cleats,' and go on to "say: 'The preterit strength of intoxicants cannot be meter" - tatty &reseed aro long as taxation is tecetstry on anything like its present bask* Do you think lb te desirable that 4ite pteetrit streentdre-ofeeintoxieetitft shouid be considerab*lzto ?" 7.<""""'"'""''"%•1.1.4•.i..MOB 4,4 HIGH-CLASS PRINTING We can give you' prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate price in the • following lines of printing: * —Letterheads —Envelopes —Statements —Billheads —Private Cheques —Circulars , —.Tags —Cards- -Tickets —Sale Bills —Dodgers —Menus —Factory ,Forms —Society Stationery —Blotters —Booklets —Business Cards • Visiting Cards .—Wedding Stationery —Invitations * The Star has an up-to.date commercial printing plant and we are equipped to turn out all classes of job work. Prompt • rvice. * * THE GODERICH STAR • Phone 71 After Your Kidneys If You Value Your Health DOANS fret", The duty of the Itidheys ia to net as inters to• • purify to blood of its impurities. That in the event work the, kidneys do. *they filter the blood. e‘ ' Do yoti think, then, it is pdasible 'to bo Tioitatlx,y un1es1 the kidneys do their work thoroughly.* Dorm's Kidney Pills help the kidneys Bestowed, " the poitonous impurities, cleansing out tto *Wee ' peeta0e, ana palm We's:et **Ord and regular. ..tiVitAbtr:Wl=ltera6,4==.1.}.a=r1tr:Vifi7A tr°