HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-31, Page 6If;
4.• Si'i5“4.10'# 00, •
4.• *kg .4.,*441114,444:41,,
lirillitS1114 OF INnliitEST
,a4e414 /See. 14 '•44,et 444.100 h et it pra
t quantity. o a
he '
'in‘"3‘; Y4.04), l*Pretsled .by the diliita/ty PPIit.'
t. less. interest', Aetemeree tleeee .1141Ve. Pr'ern4p. bee 'been .f011114
Sta '0.$114,11$ 'ifnite to*. people value ee..fital4 a gatvi ilaitntitY et -vitamin 43
' intake: eorninents n!Ilt quest4eps and. attillaa4 been iiicT4 in'tf4a,nt
TeleitnIt Aro ;eminent en tiie onto Z.'01,1n,g. bsoto uPv,ar eXtraVt24 bu
040;4 Vitty„Ote interested in 'fir4 thins, irirlagjne that Oa. eaiiest way
tir)3,' 113,4 000104 theta 'Personal end Init it. thrOugit the grhioey,
• •
rork Done
,„ Utlicileciefi•cen p4 r
54.6'13".0 g w IlAtts. .,f5r 41408'. SYStallip lo
.eedraWerShigh, for erealt deetiMents
Thflie '..!rigitry 'iiilree.:. "414.0.:thiv-tho-i
)c.nio.es oil,. reotoraoil . 019* that th
1;i4OW Unite •Shettlitl, he 'placed in, • P.';
Perty cOMMittee,
ti'VawbhlneV,ffaetteeWaye-Tieat lbela
No, 5 of 1922 entitled a bYiOAF' grant
, the -T-eiensli4) Of , Oh -pile% ,the in
. 111971, .ef31;06711eStiltliddelf, '`iltd°. t1:149:t' piteiweliirS'e '
taid bylaw revert to "the County tree
he ereeted, ,t ,
hey broUght 0, report had tOreddereel Wft'irr
th Metter end hett seettred- Oriy Wee -
tion "lehiel4 wee 'tee/king end cOuld
*refere Make Tee*Onnae04tie'lls 40'.14
bak theM elp With AttereeterY realer"
,Vor ,that rea$40 MOO of the COMUlit, tee
Ur renerti Pertlehlar the report of 't
1i11ekeptiee eedninittie,:Wf14, 'dire Vt14-
et,, Oat :autiotigh gqi
renukilied; a. thing '''WskS ..aline4
un -
0' heard ot. Alsrallye- a 4014 diseuesion,
ragett over IntialY .disatk.ssiOn;
Zbasuoienlorinone4rols,ciontmmerinae j4ficin resulting 4`rOi
,• • /moos
ot 4 loiter from sc•huan regarding
,lete account 'with the !Mothers Allowance
• net, tyro pi4p.lre AWN the eame epee„ Inn ever Meet/ earret etteks?
lerle(ge t Wee ainnied atter try
it av ourPtisinFle" •god. earrets in
. Niati ansivereti 'que4lotts Ser Tomo strIPI 6udtal4P„ for ervng vr theni ID
onto anti orm or mem had bon On ow ;COX water and Terve ris you would .01.
odvi,T4,,tuty or usant..outot„ with .ery, I Often havo-thent V‘ith }lewd let*
siva. it woman from woos wa:s tin) Lure.Z ceparate the leaves of the let.
tuee. Aria pile them on a Dervin$ plate
entlieriee and She ilipaleditetely earn° for.
and garnish liberally with carrot,estfeks.
ward to rey that if we *red Texas
Mast ehlidren like a joiet.el a raw vege-
eve would find that they were
table. A chunk of eabbage, a plece •of
en sweet that they would not need 011,1 -
turnip, or a raw carrot left casually on
sr. went on to give tuts and fige
kitchep table are often eaten eager.,
ures on the butt situation generally and the
Orengee. lemons and grapefruit are
the 'grapefruit in • particular. Did yoe 1Y'
the Moat frequently used sourees vi -
ever see anyone from 'fixes or from
tantfn 0 bUt they are not the only ones,
Florldk. enio miated ceePertunity; tee
have-not-mentioncA-the but, you
advertite their Own atote? It might be
tannot do better than to have a dish
god thing for all of ue if we were
Of apples handy, au through the, winter.
saffitiently intereeted find out very
definitely all atontsoursewn province,
'Many •people take .advantage of the
•eenter linen aalei to replenish their
,„Viteartin- C is to be found in fresn stocks. There are two ways of keeping
ant is the one which prevents
Ittcuoy,..04nzutawist,0„, nee_ ,the stoke up. .reome women_bpy a_nale
" aretWrfinitri 4rrairou'paeVLITM
are mar., uealit, is at. towels, and so on each year. Others like
, aVe sealre7, these days, but there : " • — -
;ette"4_ 1!4:40710.k, vIt7;14, Tn" 114.. to burn, quantity of one thiog each year
so that their supplies will be the same.
erla.y_ not be actuallY ill but they lack 1 llke the latter method myself as I pre -
the definite god health whieh all of us
J.L.V:-.11111L.P.Atft towels and so on to be
.......„„storedeirrtbeetRioi, untriorems. the same sieees_....11ellteenber_ethAt
_ „ _e _ you are .buying sheets that you. must al-
fwe SWUM mcmo semetnuiteorresh in
Surer, ,
' Blhott-Prydelnit Col. 'B, Cent')
• be *pointed beistee of Clinton „Collo
giate Institute for three Years. Cerrie
PrytteeMelleke-That this egunca Peti
tion the Department of Highways t
take over as a provincial highWa
°County Road NO. 7.
-Elliotte&rehibald---That the eXecutiv
committee onsider the salaries pet
the ceunty officials. Carried. •
Eckert-Cardiff-411st the Vount'Y' gb
die mute grant 1035 inevring show
fall fairs and Plowmen's Asscielations a
in f334 and that a bylaw to this effec
bp prepared. Executive. -
• Cardiff-Turnereetoved that the Pro
vincial Government be asked to chang
the law regarding to indigent patients
_ low for ° sltrinkage. Sheets will Some-
", our food melt dare- , Fey ple lack
vitamin 0 In the summer time but in
f,hee wIm t is a different problem.
V.4ft2y "because it. is difficult to obtain,
And partly because fresh- foocis. are ex-
• . pensive. Toeday we 'will consider Immo
cf the Cheaper sources. Leafy vegeta-
blee are one of the best sources -of vita-
\,etri _inC end eabbage of course comes
'AereAhis • el .ase. This un-
vItam le de-
, ,
eloped to a large extent by coking' so
have a cabbage salad as often as you
ran, Ceti:lege maY be used to take the
.place -of lettuce In winter salads, so lne
stead, of the -usual lettuLe4 leaf, use a
05..ee, of finely chepped cabbage. Vary
the ealadedressingsadd a spoonful or
tWo of, mayonnaise to your boiled. dres-
'-- 4inf, or mix a little 'catsup. alth Your
time.s shrtak as much as five qnd e, half
inehes In length and _mayestretell an
Inch or two_in width. y you Want te
lure that your sheets -are long enough
you had better perchtise them in three -
yard lengths and that will allow plenty
for hems and shrinkage and still leave
slifficient to tuck hi well. IA short sheet
is coptinual aggravation.
2 cups tdmato pulp, 2 teaspoons but-
ter, speck, pepper, 1 teaspoon sugar, 4
crackers rolled, Is -teaspoon salt, 2 eups
Milk, teaspoon soda.' Empty a No.
'VS can of tomatoes IWO' the colohder
and drain off part of the juice. res ng
it to serve as tomato juice. ure I
• 2 -tiros of the remaining pillp, lilting UP
jressi.ngeeirated- new carrot adds eel. .with tomato Juice if necessary'e-
' or, flavor and vitamin C. Tomatoes r1 eraCker crumbs, butter and seasonings
Ileb In, vitamin C. instead of t.exelag! to the tomatoes and bring to the boil.
4t4mato juice, bily a large can of tome-
toti and ,drain_ off most of -the juice
and tise,.tbe remaining pulp in soma
ether iva,V1"-tri'boupslior scalloped for ex-
ArrOle.• thin. tanned , tomatoes - -thee
oughly and.seasen, With salt, peppertin'
sugar and a little lemon juice. If yea
hear the emen juice just use a feW
drop S of Vinegar but the lemon juice is
,.,pfeXerable.2 yen' are -substituting- to4-
inatO J14.41e for'eratige when feeding your
babreniember that ,The vitemitt 0 In
. i •I 4 i KA
;A T
Heat the milk and when both milk and
_tomatoes are just at the boil, -add ihe
soda to the tonlatoes, and stir until
thoroughly mixed. Add the milk slowly
and stir. Do not allow to boil. Taste
to see if additkmal salt and sugar are
required as the tomatties differ In' flavor
and additional seasoning may be neces-
Plat aelayer,of selesoned fresh or can-
nedespirlach itt a casserole, then a layer
of well seasoned canned tOmatoeS• Re-
peat, and top witit buttered trim:tbs.
Baker In a ortbderate oven a* 375 degrees
for twenty 'minutes.
afothers can easily know when _their
Children are troubled Ivan worm, end
they lose no tittle itt apolkine a reliable
reniedp--aother Oinve.s' Worm Fitter-
,Clubbing Rates of, The Godetich Stay
avp' You nioney, The list: -
ronowro DAILY STMt a The Gederich Star. .
THE GLOBE and The Coderkh'COW
THE MAIL and Flamer and The Goderieh Star . 00
THE LONDON ADVERTISER and The Gederich Star.
TIIE VREE PRESS and The. dodericlkStar... .
4'A% 1+ 2.50
M�RZCAN MACAZINE and The Goderich Stow
ThE MAINE sails tt
ick Star.. 4.50
ih Star.. at,
4, 2.0
JouRNAL and .Gotheich .
MAGAZINE and The Goderich Sitar.; *'4 * 3.50
„ 4.50
FJOME Y *ad Tb. Godsticb Star4. 240
lo 4 * • 14 *
'Board Wee read and referred to the fin-
e ' anee ectennlittee,
.., The" United Counties Of PreseOtt and
a, Russel fOrWarded resolUtion .aSking
- the Provincial eleverrunent to atrange
to borrow meney and reioan it to the
y erntlas in order to amist the latter to
• avOld the peytng of high interest rates
e to the benks. It was Passed to the
f.egislative Committee.
•'Peter W. a...Ott read the report a the
O Children's Aid Conunittee. It dealt twith
e. elle minor difdculties alwaYs exPerisn-
e ced in handling such an institution. but
t Plaine-eel eyerything Was working itts
saloothlY as could be desired.
tt read part as, follows:
In hospitals so that the lic•spitals mus
day a adMission •Other*Ise th
county to beAree of liabilitY: and that
the hospitals -be eompelled to pre‘sent
detailed accounts for such (patients
CatdleowmeneeThat the Minlitei
the Old Age Pension regulations in such
a way as te fillew 3D days - instead 'of,
„the present -20 days, for the County to
register a proteets ageing -the grarieffig
of any pension. Carried.
Turnee-Davidson-That all lihrariee
of Huron Counties receive ae" grant of
$25. Executive.
Turner-Davicison-That Reeve J. J.
Moser be appointed to the Goderieh
Hospital Board' for 1935. Carried.
Archibald-tmogridge-That the Legb-
• lature be petitioned to draft legislation
Permitting mothers. with one cheld to
voine-- under the act. Legielative Com-
mittee. •
Grain -Davidson -Whereas it has been
reported that the unemployed -relief
grants towards work on county roath
may be 4discontinuedeand since It is only
fair that the rural rauniapalities should
share in these grants with the Urban
munitipalities, be it therefore resolved
that we petition the Dominion and Pro-
vincial - Governments to _tontinue such
grants as such work is needed and that
a :copy of this, resolution be forwarded
to the Dominian and Provincial Gov.ern-
Mints and to the local ineiniaers of par-
Council adiourned until • Thursday
morning at 9.30.
Haacke-Stewaree-That the Warden
and Clerk bi authorised to sign and
forwardeto the Minister'oe Highways the
'petition of the County of Huron show-
ing that there was expended on tee road
systetn during the year 1934 the (sum of
$131,120.44 and requestinr, the statu-
tory grants thereon. Carried.
13.ryaris-LovellThal the cdtinty
buie the Totynship of Howick in the
(mount of taxes ope_the L. Bennett pro-
perty paid by the etownship through an
error to the former treasurer, lots 16-17,
Gordo. Finanee ccanmittee,
-I3ryans-That twe ask
the Good Roads Committee to pull:hese
now fence -to be placed on the county
read leading inie Perdwich and also on
that leading te learriston. Ooed Roads,
iCardiff-Seott--That the ccamty mune
ell We reseltition drafted to the Min -
hair' Of Pablie Welfare that so tar as
the Childrent Shelter is coneern0 In
the County of Huron that .we are pet-
tedly satisfied With the creditable Min.
egeniefit of coin* county shelter as it /Jre-
Sent adininistered and ask that we
Might, be exempted !romany new regu-
tattoos. ,
Tdrister-Rawmart-Thert we 411 for
tentliste for painting the mak hail Of
the court house,. -the stairway leading
upstaim, to the catirt, romn arid also the
*Athos* room arid the .tollet remit and
that this !work be completed, before ethe
June seselon..• Property committee.
ArchibaliPTurntr.--Itat the 7eVarden
and Treaetirer, Interview the 'manager Of
Abe No* itIonunerti 400 other Witte
tf neeeteary to 'Pewit* -* itiductien In
the bitetosst rite ealdthy the CoMity,
* •
tatante ot Age
'Wu!. AdvieS1 400,0,,,. end ,ef. *PO fo
junto e*fetelon, #werki *15 gee' eae
'School fah! held IMO i.. -ear;, SW` to. the
,A,grturit AriVii047 CotaNit and it wu
alSo deeided to MOO Reeve ON'er
,let$0 00.
The loco of '4%0010,1 �ozwnit—
te leeOunnende4 that tre aqton
taken reproxig 1,4e *mot of the 7404*
4011‘130414. Edneatien that the eotinte
cpay 00 per ,Cent Of thi cesi POO;
attending the .London..TeehntORI, Sehoel,.
eententione ePleatiole caused .eine
diecuSsien before being disposed of; It
'was, suggested that 50 per Ont., be 'Mid
but even that ',woo not iteceptabit 10
sente.while Othenh niAtt1117 Reeves Tutatl
er*i PrAle :end itkfaeall, Waritad PO
the whole - thing,e.S other ,Ountiee "were
40111g, •
A.•demand for the yeas and nays on
ehe question, showed that en4* .(mir
would' be to pay the 00 per den,
vihile 25 were against:
gIt Was decided, however, CO" receive
mend, that the county suggest" to ale
Secondary Sellool Board truselegratert
the county that they establish cpmMera
eial -course* in their Varinne SehoOhe
This suggestion Now go out inemediatelY
and will, it is thought, Meet With,a good
respOnse aa it IS known that numbers of
teaChers ha.ve.!been favorable to Itfie idea
"'Ithe care of the children is an ini" fett iretrio tiree. ' •
portant feature and, the Society is prod et era/ ek.t.m,t9.0i, an neopmt, fr,pm
t of this Part of the Work. The ehildren
Itari2eY4fe1icke*trhat 'the toutityL,t‘lee;
o'er the reed No 35, Ooderich
oWnslibp,' iotteti ithrong.uh atanleY and
iltay t� the 2urfclir, road.
Weateettiltrchlbeld.-"that" the reinaine
dei* ;e01yrewi1en 4. Vsborne. Mita the
pOirt of' &intact 1*It1t•OautitY Itoed 23
the,ThotOel Reid at Whalen,Unklng
,orith the Peeelneltil higbavaT there, be
i placed In, the ecamiy system.Ood
t Roe
OstailleS04440*1 that
etititled, *1�r rMth„ the
to 'take Oter o4t 2 and *leo
the resointiOn ketVelitinkt the; %awing olk
8.0a4.140. 4 be lig over until the June
• oittotdori.
It beeatne *IWO. 00
this:rant to be
linit that theta
ha „1 11*,,e 4,eie.3e_idee,eth,
"t444V,OffiniVerri&Vd ,/0,
e Board of Vdneationtfof Stratford Lee
• with' lbe-Ject,- - • -
Executive 'Committee
Chief among. the rebomlnendations Cif
the 'report of the Executive Committee
--the recommended- ,inerease-fer the
two Waxes, County cleat...,
and -Harvey Erskine, Coinat'T Iteastirer.
These two salaries, were raised from.
01200 and $1300 respectivelY to $1000'
each.• •
With the increases was a strong .werd
Of conimendatien for the excellent .work
of the neve officials Miring the past
year Both .men leaveetheir work in per-
fect order and both, hat% b'een deprived
of' certain focorae due to the changes in
the Old' .AgesPension Rat and in the
Mothers' Allowatfee -Mt. .
recoirtmendation -was passed un-
animously, the two .ofticiale subsequent-
ly thanking the council for the consids
erotical and for their wholehearted sup-
port and ,kindly asslitance dining the
peat year.
'It was further (recommended that
grants to fall fairs, to spring show, the
Hentall Seed' Show, and Plowme
Assoefations, be the same as last year
and that grants Inade to lelekten.
414fferel and tuanow fairs on the traSIS
or„one-half the amount paid' to -
county fairs: This WAS carried:
• pontratts: were iiwarded on tender tb
the following: Bread; to E. U. Cleve -
zed f_ore1leeents for a threeepound-lbaft
meat, to ele,jcibler for '114 cents -per
Pound; es to be supplied' by J.
euperv on ;0 ver, the matron
• At (present there are twelve Inmates
ranging in age front nine, Months to 115
years. All who are of school age are
attending 'school azept two, one or
-whomeisubnormaleind the othereassiste
teho„....hoine—Thet....expena': es. for _the
year 1934 amounted to $334.75, which Is
a little lower than last year?'
H. T.- Edward's ',Report• :
The Children's Shelter Superinten-
dent, .11: T. *Edwards,stated plat spree
new Government regulations made cer-
tain extra eXpenditures necessary. All
children's shelters :must. now be covered
by .public llabtljty InsuranCe and a 'new
system of fyling must be initalled as
well as certain other Office., eliangea,
He, Maintained that he IctieW �f hp bet-
ter run 011elter anywhere. (lefre. Meer;
the matron, is a trained norse Who has
made a home of the, Shelter inetead of
an Institution. •
Deputy Reeve . Turner, head of fast
year's property committee, spoke of the
necessity of having a meeting to discuss
the purchases and -approved the work of
the Shelter offerors. 'Reeve &Cott arse
added his commendations.
P. 1. Stephenson addressed the mem-
bers regarding eatilking 'the
windows Of the Shelter and of' tie, Court
House. The 'eost' the job would be
$16 for the Shelter and $110' for the
Mr. Chas. Robertson, MLA..
The member for Huron -Bruce in' the
Legislature appeared” in the chamber
and was invited te sPeak to -the Meth-
bers. Heeremarked that he had arveaers
made it a practice to call on the" coun-
cils but thad not been able to do so last
year. It was ten year since lie had
sat in the council and most of the old
fazes were gone, only that of Reeve
Moser being amotig those present. He
answered anumber of. questions regard,:
Ing affairs of interest to members and.
their treatment in- Tortinto.,
He was given n excelleri. t reception
and the meMbers expressed their pleas
sure at lila being able to be abut After
his recent severe illness. •
• Finance Committee
-The case of -the Sccittish_family which
wants to go back to cotland and which
Rie e v e IVIellek wants the county
to assist in their trip, was reported on
by the finance committee The-eem-
mittee decided 'afainst it and the court,
Oil agreed with them altheugh it was
recognised that' they might bedtime .a
burdenif ekept here.
The tiecount subinitted bY Chas,
Reid in connection with the Juvenile
Court for $26,90 was tefitsed by the
committee and by the tont:tail at a
Whole, It was felt that the petnity was
not Liable. •
Thereport of the -,County Clod Roaclg
es.Pimoilttce eves taken .'un elattae by
elaboile. uncagreed t� the reconurt;ndatiori
that the highways be eleared of silo*
in such Manner that sleigh, traffic be
benefited. It ease *greed to pass a, by-
law, in atcOrranee With the Wiah' of the
Oritadio Legialottire that e, definite 'SUM
he appropriated, to set aside $140.000 as
the probable ,expentUture„On read* thIr
trig The coining year. • '
• It agreed to pay lb,* MeinberShily fee
$16 to the Ontario Cleod Roads Oome
miscion but. *hen it Caine to rikeeni-
mending that the Government take
over -the Itad. through Exeter from
()rand tend to ltpaseidale AS * ZtOTInt
tiikt Naltfrft*Yo the Connell balked...
It was ***Mid' to aro w tins nuestica
to. stud liver until the June sessien at
thteh *wee believed that the. .1
t.y:ot the, tiirIarto 03olierrunent, regarding
rtfds WoUa have AiecorneIaw
*Nothhig ra10:0 was he4:..1 of the Pro-
pesal' to oft. the read treinAklYth north
t Withy kbetearae..,:tollditleiVie eXe
ltd Th.
Tht inottir putetiming an6* 6464 atilt tie t..xiinimittee it :,),410411
• "
Hospital grants on the same' basis AS
is year *ere deilded. on. The efode-
rich Dairy was .given the contract to
deliver pasteurised, nulk to. the Chil-
'drent1 Shelter:
'rhe ca.nadian .2tational Institute for
the Blind was allowed $10 Oand to' the
Salvation Arra3s-Shelter-went-$150;
• J. W. Monteith of Toronto\willebe the
colintY auditor for 1935- at a 'price a
$275 to include expenses.
The Huron Expositor Will de the
county printing, tor the year, the minutes
to be Printed at a eost of 65 cents pzr•
page, ttie Want* of the work accdrelln
to the prices Itsted: • . ° •
The toiinty employees will not be en -le
sured as suggested by Jno. W. Cmiglee
who submitted prices. The AssOciation
of Manageis of Ileomes for tile Aged
and Infirm wile not beallowed imY
nt nor *1.11___the_...Hospital for Sielt
Children in • Toronto get anything this
Iluren thenty Wilf re-
teived31 .grant $5 and $20 hat beeli
set aside to care tor the rower beds
tiround7 the; ,eaurtbe taken Ube PrOtee Will i .
cei otz
the staft Of' the county Iri order to make
payment of her estlery legal,
No aetiOrt was taken to have the deers
and windows ot the Shelter atid,ot the 0
Oonit. Holise calked as It Vots felt that w
puireesetufty' had no money totDelld at ,
ZegfIagjve Cormalike
The emetiell quicklyapproved the re-
solution ,I.presented . - (Perth- ',Comity t
Cotmeir.-Suggeitilig that exeeesive pro. -
fits; /*Aimee and calories; be heavily c
taxed, especially those tieing to /hut
end. indiehtuils reeldnag mitsrde
The ProvfnCial Odeernment Will also
be asked 'AO lutY mothene allanvance
mothers ;With .MI6 "Skild the O.
eminent willItlao,be asked to continUe
unemployment teliet gyallt," ntee, tfirett
PetilleAlf 11(041qiiii6
11**11.eir eni*elleit ittaei "teridett4
be* noon and, in. Order -*to. expedite
hat th, seeefonber:t obe•
things fort ...)06 014At
tetpieeted permicelen siteri the pro-
cedure even More than 401 Wt.
.,tflded ftriC4794.i;6thott:4,100tletiet 'bchi Md
".".• "
, fr. 00%,,,g'.4.4010*.t.k.110,454.4,404:•••
le; 0,Akr.
ON StATA;RY. .1. we are 'moving 'Vol&
'quarters 0# Kingston- ,Street t the
building at the; ,corner of Kingston' and Victoria
.Streets, .fOrnledy ,occupied by Geo; :lilac van.%,
Service Wation'. and Garage.
want P4.) thank our old eosOmer.$,...: for
P,ast. patronage ancl"Aallfbfi,' pleased to mr,ekione
and 310*. customers to these large and more -
eouin4ocliott where- ', we ejcpect, to give..
even .better service than: formerly.
BritishAmerjcan Gasand Oil
se & Bell
Phone 33
them a< copy a. the regulatfOrlsXeferreel
to by Xi...Corbett in hie: address, care
•Orain-Lovelli-That the County Road
committee , give consideration to; the
purchase of' snow fences for roads Nos.
31 and 38, CaTliedes..
ment-or EdUcation-reimburseethe-County-
of MUM; $1050 being' tlue arammt or
judgement against the county handed
down at the January session, 1935; by
His _Honer Audi! Costello.
iient a travelling expenses; etew for
JulY-ind,-.Ankust4436;--for Pidkie-Schoo).
Treopettors Dr, J. W Meld' and Mie E.
C Beacom; and whereas the Province
assumed elie full responsibility from
school inipsmtereeWeeir tes. and expenses
on July lst, 1950,4,re the efuron County
&mei' assembled are of the opinion
that the provirkee pay this bill and fur-
ther that copies of" this' resolittion- be
forwarded to the Minister of Edo:ratite'
-and to our local 'mombees. Carried.
Bownian-efiliott--That the ellilklretee
Shelter Commettee ebe gieen authority
to Turchaso two fire extaignieliers and`
fire gecape for the -shelter, if they con
and There
Cot:1./1mo Pacific liner Empress
of fereutio, flagship of the fleets
of the company, sails ,January 10
roenu-thetworei cru eterVbeiting
-parte 1P-130 daYS. Return to ls.leNe-
York is scheduled for May 20,
1935. More than 31,000 miles. will
b,e covered, by the ship on this
cruise. This Is Canadian Pacific's
twelfth,annual-world-cruise: •
Four years old ,and still' brea
!ng records. the 26,000 -ton Em-
press of Japan, neeyest and big-
gest of the Canadian' Pacifie
Steamships Pacific fleet, made the
runs.Honolulu to Yokohama in -six
days, 36 hours; 53. minutes, put-
ting the ship in possession of
speed supremacy for all legs of
—thesleacifie crossing.
R. Cornthwaite. fire/nen. Can-
adian Pacific Railway, Engineer
James Y.. Ross and Yardman J.
Brophy, Port Arthur, aboard
yard engine "66087 , pulling 150
empty cars from Port Arthur to
Port William, saw a woixtan lay
her head on the rails juseeethead
of the, engine. Cornthwilte leapt
through the cab window and from
the, front floor board jumped lust
e 'in time to drag the woman clear
of the traek,
ii.161", it necesserv as" reeeemmended in
the Grande:11\1r reBpoorrrte.winCarrigs ed:
The ..resolution of the council of th
United Counties of Russell and' Peel to
the effeet that the Provinelal Govern-
ment -be approached to see if they would
borrow money at their "'usual row cost
and relend it to the counties ale°, atiow
coat, was then .put and carried:. -
A suPPlesrientaty report by the Agri-
cultural Committeet adyleed accepting
the tenger of Ross 3ohnston as corn
bo2,..ezrriepenepeotrty o6r; the. ppopert".y
advised, among a nutnber ‘teli.°111innigslt.tiele-
ready teported, that the insterance poll-
cieS covering various Iteiri; of property
had been and found to be In
good order.
Salaries Feted
A bst of salaries of vorieete county of-
ficials, as submitted ix as follows: -
Warden, $75;. treasurer, $1,600; tierk,
$14600; county enginer, $2,300. gaoler,
with -fuel, light, 'eta.; -$959; turnkery or
the gaol with fuel, light. etc., $90e; mat-
ron of tile gaol, $225; gaol physician,
$106; mariger of the House of Refege,
$700.; matron of the House of Refuge,
$700; assistant matron of the House of
Refuge, $360; physicians of the Hone
of eteftqe, $360 ;,' inspector of, the° House
Of Refuge, $250-; chaplain -of ehe- -House
of Refuge, $101e; auditors, the crib/trial
Justice'occ' ounes each per day, $4:50, and
let per mile one way :cartaker -court
house and registry' offiees, $900; county
councillors per session of four dayS, $25
and 10o per mile one w,ay:,e0ilunittees,
$4.25 per day and 10P,z, per-Mlit nearest
or most cenvertient. way; If. 'D. gdwardt,
Manager of Children's eitelter; 4000.';'
se.6:081i511;er, teriaenegrtroanp:etr. Ch. glirhej
strate's 'ofece,1600.
Byleavo implknenting the oterious acts
of the 'Council were .presented• eiur Passed
and ten-Ininutes reefse eves had. to
=able the clerk to Complete some ofAils
reehen the session wits;, reseMeed- the
balance Of the eounetlIOre ditties (were
rapidly comeileted but 4 was notteabie
hat there was tido hatte as' it. ttenal/Y
he, case an last dare.
'Warden fteitter complimented the
tot, on the anocess of" the new order
PtteedUre ,which 1*, had MatatUtioted.
iktare, *oat bad been gone through and
*.ith: less ceriftleion arid talk then ever
in tilt expetietice, :pity was lteotity
Repplatided by the tither, members and
Geo EhIlott iiitroductid a ,taildiortii-Which
Wet& e .,
carried, • InaMinaotist4 endorsing (tho
Of thWarden
The'eltting broke 441 betere town .ivit41
Plenty Of hilarity' Ana' the beat ot good
telimvehip being Manifeettet by the
whole body't 'tteter4yttk jokes,- were
trt One -or tiree- Members- lit
the dying Mini* to the great annesee
tog 0! Vod Atie(ibelting;” party•
Went ot alt pre and with the Ong..
dispersed to Inett•ftgain
idion lett overkilt it to taken °tat *1°4
V In tin*
tuttomt town.
toorktr now*
lo 11*4unit,
to boo -the
NO, 1$ and
tett inotione
oodotttoft uto.toutt
*ado: ix* 44.604 Ito
Shall be deMed *401004
t ten*
.MissGeorgia Englehart, slim.
girt Alpinist of New York, this
slimmer climbed Mount .A.seini-
bogie,, highest peak in the Can-
adian Rockies, and in doingso
completed her 1.00th ascent in
the -Banff -Lake Louise area. Two
yegrs ago she set a new woman's
endurance championship by seal-
ing 38 peaks in a single summer
that section.
1,04r winter fares good from De
comber 15 to February 28 are be-
ing offered by the railways cover-
ing ,round tripod() -Canada's-Evers
• green Playground, that,. favored
region in.BritisheColuilib'ut called
Vancouver Island, with the beau-
tiful capital of the province, Vic-
toria, -and alt the sports attrace
dons of summer available during
the winter months brought within .
*the purse limits of the average
thee big event of 1935 will be
the pageantry and picturesque
functions of the 251.1i anniversary
of Xing George's accession to the
throne, set for May 6"next, whith
will continue until well into July.
. Summer .sailings of Canadian Pa-
cific liners have been planned to
comma 'with these -events. •
The Lattrentions, Eastern Can-
ada's winter playground, face the
biggest season- in their history
with an ambitious4programmo of .
ski' events- callingfer 19 meets, -of
Various kinds, not counting tho.
Doniinton-and international inter-
' eoliegiate championships extend -
Ing from January 1 td April 21,
It ip announced by the Laurentian
.Zone.committee _of the .Ciiiiadian
Amateur Ski Association, •
. .
Recommendation of inimediate
• kaplemmitatiori of the Beatty Com-
mission's. report for professional,
ranks of the Civil Service..of Can-,
" ado was unanimously concurred in
At a 'bdsider§s' eeseion of..the_Pro-...
'resat -Mai ,of the
Service held receritly at Ottawa.,
Hie vas. ei
RtiblACAP$ eve immediate rdlef frAttnialta.
*Wilt the mine time they will Out etheemindi
the blood of, uric add Ind other ten
whiek polado- the systemand tatieO,
tam lottatleao hinihigno heehae.11k
be. etandat
treatinent RUlmiACAPs wIlO two
permanent *W.
• )116* 410 Cirostor Siata
OrWoodot Cough
Worries th , Mother
Atotkort alioula never reg1eet the *rot olio, et a
told Or eengh Where thelt c Wren are eveeerne4If
they At, sate serious trots)* ot As brachial ttibilit
4. IYalf "Ita6Yethol°13‘battletin, aoetoriatit eillirei' ' le to Oto dm*
Nrwav tig tita Wal 1401' 4Otiketlklag tbrey'sivitt tke
*ny. totother "du tad in th,«
Ito -11-iiittit- t1 by
1.04044* ao, *
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