HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-24, Page 1' tteeitee4985. Well, 4. Bxyana, R. i 9, ,Heletheitteeyt T. Lovell. „ Father a Member f 0. ,n,,,,aeletee - tegielathiteaer, W. Bcott, R. Orin,'''''''" Yire4tvott,',It (IVOgridge, D. Sherwood.ounciI*–Rea1 Dirt Farmer. rinante-44., Metheeio11, ills: Hari10Y, 7. • _ . Dittld(tOnt C. imovviximgy. J., Bryan.out= swettzer, ,liew ',Kovach ‘4° EdOrettien'tervV. ' Avelahtaat' T. 1P4-Yder be 48 years lentY in 4887, so he will Property -0, H. Elliott, ' A. MollickW. ; ' tit; 11'14 bornits- %Ohm0, ivrogridgl, H. zee:3W. .1. Jones oo_ • i .• ] • Crosiex" W.. :Archibald, G IVIalsitiU' Old thia year. - - '' ' ,_,G. attentheze (4 tile Township council for the HawilinnehIeY,y:1,. ltdoser, F. Davidson, C. me- atia lather, eam --seeetteeeteswas • -4 littlasa- 'of -Bef$140-43, J. Bovnuan,'• M.• i000, 1990 •iqg and li, which indtcates , -Madre/ea .Villetter--4,-TeuliereaNir....e.l. - illat-4315Ve'lerIneinYetpalellreedsAtred'in Jones, W. Sweitzer. . famityp• . ' 0 new 8tiarder tete' theseu been in Agrtculture Advi3ory-0, 'Hemingway, the ;townithip cotitiou, pe xe jeers, the .P. W,'Scott W. Stewart, II. Keys, Q, 14i Ebc ‘ot which have Placed hint in Peagan' he County Cohtiell for three Years as, 0004 Roads -W. Macke, T. E. 'Car - Deputy Reeve and the last three Years ;110, d'. Eckert: ,esV,ItItirfii-- •' He has been an., active labefell;i'polt- tiog,Tall his.life arid it was as a Liberal that he became warden this year.In the oouncil as a MeiiiTer7"1.ie has been ''.active in the interests of hie men Town - t1» f Ste$ien but has not lost -.:the--Wider-rmxonsibilities as a repre- sentative of the Otnnetee. His idViee on matters of general toterest tegthe eourity hes,alwale beep' in demand. prectiearfarrnereeowning 200 Iteres. Of land, With beautiful buildings, and on which he has exercised 148 love for flowers. His farm has, been photo- graphed and the pictures published in the papers on more than one Oceasion.e lire has been Wive married and has a family of eight, consisting' or Aix girls and two boys. • He is a solid, substantial caizen of .. good judgment whose „incumbency of the wardenshIP-is the realization of a long anthitiehl. He is expected to conduct the affairs of the county in a most sat- manher. - . ARTICLES FOR SALE.-_ • FOR SALti-One share et 1Viaitland Golf Club stock. Enquire at P. 0. Box 796, Goderkh. TAG. annual meeting oi the .West Wawa:nosh :Mutual,' Vire Insurance Com- --poly Will be held in the Parish Hall, • - Dungannon, on Friday, Pefbruary .8th, 1965, at 2 p.m. to receive reports,. elect directors, and transact general busi- ness. Directors Wat,Sons.. Thompson, and Reed retire but are eligible for re-;Olec- .tion. 9i .0. TItzipAITEN, secretary. I have (Completed a cOUrse In taxidermy toed tanning a furs, -and have secured a License to tan. am now ,prepared to b3ii kinds of slimy. pelts up to the else. of dog or wolf. you can have your fox pelts made into lovely neck pleoes, Iaet of.putterials obtalnatge used in Ines, ' Wall AS. BAItion,s • - -Rode Goderieln Perna * 'ttieveral tehan* *re $400, , doe** Onit the antemeibite elealera And gar. Agee located on 200004 Otc Moelntroll, who boot occupied the bleiltle Ing at the.corier or 14hIgstent and Vie. here. Quicldy Settle pleVele to torts; streets lor aoneet Years, 15 Mev*18 into .the Preentsee ftetinerlet beattieded by *Maier , some the'izteraectn. -. Wffilain Sweitzer,• Reeve. ,of *tepheti property is now pealed by the:N/0;7411- Froutenat 011 Co. • and Ur. WelltWan wiU handle their products. Ali addition to the building will 'provide Ser a Motor car shove room. eselkdesslese-Hoelse -44-.--Helt-W.411-entovearram, their resent qarters on itfigrariTit, • tothe garage and service elitatiOn to be vacated by the MacEtvan* firm,* They will handle the Iliitteh American pro- duct% and it Is probable that a, well known firm Of =AO Car. defile** will ottcupy Part Of the Prenneese • totvaship, iviareeeleieted warden of Huron County for 1936-.41..• the Wlantute, „its vete Or -the -Courteil in Sessioa on Ttmeeday efternoOn, January 22nde . ePOUreeantlidatee. epreeeleted for the consideration of the coitus, Reeves Switzer, Math,eson, Atchibeld and •-ieltert. 'It' took more than an hour to arrive at a decision and the final struggle was bedween Reeves Matheson and feweitzer. •, • When the session of the.. ...un 1 ,t4; IMMA for by the county clerk, 0. m. )toberta ed when theytheir new sta- re 4 _.itvtr,,satetizer_and._the_neminatienpiece Of land at, the Corner. of Iattigston HOLD MEETING Reeve MatheSon arose and remanded' tRth thetr lhviltertY oh ithe triangalar alerrst:-Divid-Sis.-7-but expected steeolided by Reeve Arelalbald, With •-Reestee- Belted nodding. approval. •:_ The thatthis will be ready *for spring bugi- eY_IlleYte eraleed sportsmanship display- UCSS L4erlettsthe -defeated casOkUtes was loud - .applauded by the meeting. . Road- Mac nery Co. Listen -to -Most--Interestinc-Talk.-by:Mrs: L iltnox-Elect -.Officers for the Coming Year '- The regular-raieting of- Vietorie Home and School Club was held ir; the kinder - _ garten room on Thursday, an. 17th, at 8 Pm. • The meeting opened with the zinging of "0 Canada," followed by the repetition of the Lord's Prayer., This- was fallowed by a -short business session 'when plans were meade for the birthday party of. the Club, which will take place at ;the February meeting. Mrs. Daer, convener of the welfare com- mittee, reported that anuraber of art- icles of clothini-hade been 7prded since the last 'meeting,. and a request was made for ehild.tenoes and clothing, also articles! that could be made. over Any donatieris could be sena to theeseite01,1and would be pieced where , they eyere moat 'needed. All seeretaries 'were asked, t� hate their an- erePertse erest'the s fort -the eltebrua,ry *et:Inge a. 4 , The repqrt of 'the.. nOnelnating 'com- •mittee wad read by Miss _E. Hume and adopted: The officers for the coming year are: Presidept, Mrs. Calvin Cute.; Ist Vice, Mrs. Bisset; 2nd Vice, IVIrs, D. I. Hill; Sec, Mrs. W. Macdonald; 'Leas,, Mr.. E. Sinith; .Cor. Sec., Mrs. H. Palmer; Teress Sec„ Mrs. A. Taylor; Pianist, Miss alacdonald; assistant plan.. Mtss E. Hume; review sec., Mrs. Noble Young; convenor Weiftire come Mrs. Re Doer; conVenor ways and -means corn., Mrs. 'Riley; convenor ,social corn., .Mrs.. Price. '- The programs foie the year will be rilarmed each month by a teacher and a Mother, assisted by a grouP of the ram- bers. A very fine musical program Was ar- ranged. by the committee. in charge of the Meeting, consisting of a "violin duet by, Raymond Snell and Jack Hamilton, sole by Miss Dorothy Craig of Auburn, piano Solo by Ruth Cornfield and a solo by Mtge W. Mae-don/ad., The gel/Icor of the evening was Mrs. L. L. Knox, who gave a splendid address on "The place of 'Art in the lives of the bait- fair girls,. '111 -the "scheol -end the home." The speaker gave a. very fine cladnitiori' of art, as the ability to ex-; •press lite in 0.0011 41t) .`1:T.--40funbria ltd.terms of beauty. Art VMS d• and iiot sirtiply dra,wing or Painting, but APP1770,4e- -Mu*" might, bbedivided- Into -Ilefetreettiottee 0. Meat, the art eof supplying our practical needs, second, the Fine arts, evhifeh In- clude pa,inting, sculpture, drama, archle teeture, poetry - and prose, and third, Applled art, or makieg useful things 'beautiful. The real purpose .of educe - tion should be the trairdng Of Mit boys and girls to be cultural Men and women, -with.o. love for the„ beautiful $wha Will *play noble 'part in life arid help to ithelce the world a better -plate tet lite ha The ithael Plaerti a large part in this training. Drawing and Vetere- study' trade a kite for the beau- tiful in nature, reading teaches 151* Wye • and giris 14 ate Weird pictures Of Whit the .author' 'wishes to king before them, and literature helps thein to tbrne (Word pia/tree of their Own: IrOfener, the 'borne' hltS' 'ifellt 1171P-Ortient-piett in this thing too. There are so many Ways In which the parents May help, One of rtiltereet. calf Side of double tense .alhatte on Bruce. St. Apply lilialrEt ;and, Harriliton • birefatitte mer-Itietway,;'%-inede torn :iipa4; sores .ot '$,W1f11, th'tilllihr house' and garage,' fell -biteenearit tinder datelling, 'PolliteY- lite** -reoni.'.fett: 500 four inottbarott4our brooder a.tentitao. 400.1* Vatrt 0.40V14q; podersch, " FOR:RENT, or PO4 SALE oritl Iteil'atente-Xobourg St. - Apply• bA4ROW).• :Executor • Phone,97. tbe .triost luipOtiant is to teeth }the ohil- &en the fine art Of toifitesY eifid .tone aeration for others *loch win help thN Oyer a good 'Many' of the 014 mid bring Out the geed of oilers'% The boys and &Is the haat builderS and flakrs :4* tornorroir, .1/411 „ire can -fete fit: Milelotft tt nd *b� alt lit *es Others; this bett& Oat for the tom- . 1iez oaatt exten $100,4ddaddreas, sOrba 'took V4** 116 the ' ' Installs Sprinklers As is customary at fret- sessions, the • . • - County Clerk' took eharge of the meet- I ing until suet). 'time 1113 a warden. could • be chosen. BeHe read the statute -cover- . Ask Permit for hWater . trig his dutiei and the -council voted to A - reduce the . statutory halfshour wait, be- Conneetion—Firat Meet of fore doclaring nominations closed, to five P. U. C. for Year nxinutes. At the expiration, of that time -- - • hp' declared the new warden duly elect- The PeHtilic Utilities Commission held new officer to his seat in time honored ed and Coun. Geo. escorted the their first meeting of the year on Wed - manner, and duly installed hiln. nesday, Januat7 23rd. • Old Warden Installs • Myor 11. .1. A. MaeEwan was absent , air. Elliott alio welcomed hi'M attending the coerence01 Ontario' to his .new office -witmayors in London, as decided at the h fitting 'words and with last meeting of the milieu, and as a re - the presentation of the keys of office. - "It is a great honor to me to be able suit no chairmanfor the forthcoming .P, to introduce Mr. Sweitzer to you, al- year was installed. Dr. W. . (allow eccupied though I don't know that he needs much the chafr as usual. introduction," he remarked."He the Considerable routine business was trarefacted ,but---thie...-angh light of the known member Of this body for , reeve of , Stephen Township . and .0. well rrieeting and an evidence of better tim.es StX ears. e has given. yeemau the past In store was the application of the Do - ice during that time minion Roads Machinery Cofor an 8- will d the seine e , and I am sure, inch otameetion with -the water maims! s warden. (We had ,to .a sin 'roar asPirailtS tor th wastdellshim any ep.orate fire wrier whom would havemade a good they are installing. • This installatien: one- of (. , ' calker-, but -we can't --will cost several thousand Oilers' and ntertaio the idea will add greatly to the fire proteotion 01 of a quartette' so most of thorn had to lohe." Be thanked the council for the whole hearted spirit of cooperation _which they had displayed during his tenure of office and ended ,his remarks With "I say, in all -sincerity, that if you- will, the Hand that guides the universe will guide and 'direct you in your work."'• • SirOrn In HARBOR,' Oh Mgett APpfgartletits • 61 'Word, *WO 4eIy4d Thuts4s..tivOkt ftweatimates:':'t/tot/iti* ateteate OW the 'Weise rtt ,oirtavite on WechtesatO Pr,ovidt" ed the. ettitentithere. Or 02,300 Oh dredgirte oelt, n Seveal 11.14Ktre4 radio °timers brtlie Of itderiextaved spring. " of -the-Winter - Thle Morn/AVOW Vias Weighted. to attend a masa meeting in the town aflen WetinesdaY evehlog and voice their indarnatioh see tire interference iQb hae ,rendered radio 'reception in 7.43ed-Criehe..?‘ s9.4"0 °•reO&.ahh.t!•Y•..-'a•rtCe„,,1C'.,V- SOm-' .years. As a xesult of prolonged discuselon, a Raclioegiub wee• formed and offieers .op - pointed With authority to use what means were at hand to torah -at not enlY the local, interference but to agnmunie •cate to the GoVernment the .feell f to ask for remedial legislation and to protest • against the erowding of Cana- diatravaveslengths-betellniteel States- -eta- tions in such a way that Canadian Radio Commbsion programs canna be heard. meanings as It tlOes, the itistributio4 Of ;nude et the amount • for wage* ZocMly xt ls,taken as aigrr.of UnPrOving tiMea and is *id to be on reetilt of the trips made by ex-MaYer 0,. 0. Lee to. GttaW* 14,K=.841P,Tner,PUbarbqy. • and all dimanditig that 'at/Meth-Mg be done to .Malte a 'continuance of the trouble-U*130414e. Ceuta J. X. Huck- = stated that his greatest trOuble csine on Sunday and Wm; „eln, elainied that .His Honor,. Judge T. M. Costello, was called upon to administer the oath of .040 to the new inconthent. ' have had the privilege of swearing frz thetiverden of Hawn County for the last three yeare," he began.. "In order that his appointment (become effeetive at price I shall not delay" and the oath was -administered with the new appoin- tee signing the oath afterward. •,"Gentlemen," continued .His Honor, 'X dont intend to 'detatn you frorathe many duties before you. A note ori my desk asked that I swear ,in 'the new warden. • It dkinte8aj aleythittg else. However it affords me the :privilege of looking over the Other *of the new exruneil., I wentto irnow 'you person - Z want you? :to feel' that you know me and that yial are fx*e to consult Inc I:lever I aeri Ih fries "/ dont know Whether you can flirtation Witliauf seine -of' the ohl War lorses wheat/ (faces Z am stecustorned to seeing. , here. Albert Goldthorpe and 44.ft: iieNitthb for instanee, and Geiger *etehe Younger leOlethg men have taken theft places but those plder meti gave dignity to your body. I hope the new Inge doatt , , He the i Vaiir a trilatto to the count) partfettlarly the clerk and tries surer -and includfrig the ether Officials faxen whoni he had had the greatest et Courtesr. , Thp hew Warden spoke briefly, 'exprese tang bis pleaturc at his aeleetioti for the honor. Ile c64ratulated the Warden 'of the past year and reniarked that he dkt hot expect to be' able to do as well as had Mr. Elliott. He Maintained that the niembers Were in sortie Meitant". e • "Our bretberta 36xtet" and that "We eliall -have to keep the welfare of the whole (*turfy he mind." Var. .40 We were ,880,009 behind4 kOontitrined oft' We" ." 134 .tan. rah 3$ 2/ 2�th . . . 322* '28rd 1.4.4 -44i,4-44.444=4"==4.4,4, the plant. The connection was agreed to; the company to defray all tEosts in connec- tion with same. The treasurer prasented the financial statement for the months 61 November and December and a number of ac- eciunts were passed. • Those present were Dr. W. F. Gallow, Mr. E. R. Wigle and the treasurer and manager.. • The executive Of the Catholic Wom- en's League chaperoned a large crowd of both young and older folk. at a- very gay and informal party on Tuesday. evening, January 2214 in the Oddfel- lows' Hall. "500" and euchre were played the first -part of the -evening, the Winners of "500" being Mrs. N. Clair- mont and Mr: Kenneth lefeCauley, and Mrs. W. A. Coulthuist, while those for euchre were Mts. J. Phalen, Mr. J. Hussey and (Mrs. F. RObinson. A very delightful lunch was served by • the meinbers of the league, after what dancing ewes indulged In Uptil an. early hour in the morning. *MTH 11. Sw ' • The citizenship' meeting of the Y. F. S. was held Monday evening, with Carl Wer,sell in the chair and Miss Roberta Jolmston , at the piano. 'The meeting was opened with Owo hymns after (which Mr. Lane led in prayer. The scripture reading was taken by Miss Jean Roberta son, followed with' matters of business. The topic, "Personalityy was given by Mr. A. U. R,obertson and was very in- Art/dive. Solos were -rendered by Mas- ter Eugene `Ityart, accompanied by his father on the violin, and by Mr. OM, Harker* accoMparded by Mr. R. Player. The Meeting WO cloSed with the alizpah benediction. blithe Formed , Finally T.., G. Commie moved -for the fOrniation ott, a Itedio Clu'b, and the question Was quickly pita and posed. rt was agreed that inenlitehlhiP 0.--centaaencl-ope - • 'e. ---- The officers \ehosen and given author- ity to print .xosenbetehip tickets and to The questions were dtscussed in detail is represent the citatens in any negotla- -with --allateby of -the --Department • tioni looking towcieds the eliminatkm-of af Marine giving expert e Ideate • In E. anpwer to eaplielt questions he stated the ,difficulties were: • President,Douglas Brown' The Pres L '1.1 al . that his instruments showed that mach- Sec'y-Treas., Thos. Pritchard; Execu- tive, . E. .r. -'-eu responsible for 90 per cent. of the inter- DHolmes. D-Erreebell- and E, Glen. ference which he had iodated here on The folim.Vilig revolutions will be for - his various trips. 'There may be other warded to Messrs. Spotton and Golding, sources of interference noticeable When Members of 'Parliament for Huron 'he is not in town but Mr. Atkinson has County, the Ontario Government, the bwo machines which cause acute inter- Dominion Government and the Caned. ferenee over an area a quarter of a mile Tan Radio ConiniissiOn. in all directions. These two q machines give out different noises. • To Canadiao Radio Commission: • Ile further stated that he had never Araa and representative mass meet - noted any trouble 'riven Hydro wires but ing '4-f the elt2zehe01 clOder,tch mously passed the folloeving motion and these could give trouble on a windy, rainy night. High tension wfres passing direeted that it be sent to your body, thr,ough the towii and over ;which the That this meeting strongly objects to local' P. V. C. has no jurisdiction may the eneroachm.ents of Wilted States also be a source of interference. biteadcaStingtaibn on Cab/Wien wave lengths. making it practteallY imPost-thie Instruments In the local railway of- fices had formerly Fawn trouble but to get any -Ortiele Weistatknis alter six these -1= been "corrected -and' were now Vele& "ht the: eVening- -wI-xcuts noteeless. Thealtell Telephone eaipeay that ORO programa are not heard over the country,' atid that irleasct "sPecorindtitoivcmser $2°°in thaetitremP' externhgantgoe Ice°er; wide areasComrnisd0rion be 'urged tit use ivery had not completely succeeded. Mr. H. thearls t* secure 'iVa" lengths, 'Km( -the • Griff, local manager, stated that •hie result that CatC programs' are not company would 4eontinue to experiment heard over wide ateas of the cOuritry. to endeavor . to eliminate ea interfer- whereas: • encer. • D. Gomm stated that the P. U. C. of which he is charmare is willing to do anything possible to make certain .that no trouble arises from their equip- ment. - • The question narrowed down to the one source of interference, namely the high frequencey chiropractic machines. rt was generally agreed that if these could be corrected any other causes of trouble could e dealt with. Ines owned by a local chiropractor were Past Efforts Mr. Chas. A. Reid acted as clialtunan of the meeting and explained that the gathering (was,.one of and for the chi» zens to enable them to vote their trou- bles. and to suggest remedies. • Mr. L. L. Knox explained what had been. done bilathe town at verlous tinies to 'get tic -mailing done. Be *showed that the town was not able iii -get anywhere. Various authorities had been appealed • to, including the local, members, the'On- tario Ceovermnent and the H. E. P. C. • In Toronto and all had a.aitl thatsome- On& else ha.,d authority. The cam - ell has nee autho to pass bylaws to • step the "tifirierice a the town fathers had filially come up : 'inst • a stone Mr. D. E Holmee, who has been in commUnIcation with Ottawa, advised that tae remedy Was in the hands of ehe people. While there was no law govern- ing radio interference, as a nuisance, any radio dealer Who could ehow , that his busintis wati.betng interfered with ould take out an Me/ruction eigainst the cause of the fnterference under the statute W.c. ifV.. IIOLD MEETING The ellinUary Meeting of the Was held at * hone of Mrs. A. Wal- ters, ruco Street, 41 Thursday, Jatraary l/th, with 13 snetribers Present- and was COnAideitttrerlt goed turn -Mit of Mem- bers,", as the. walking *at barardous. Mtssr. Buchanan presided over the de-. Votional Period and 'pointed out some very helpful and encouraging thoughts. euggeated if the people JO today trneted Ged M the people of Old We *Mild Set twonderft* restilt* in Our work of icomiliating the v1i of intemperancc. raM lIt44towell,andiOseW p. Lone **M. A 'elip sheet was r)tad the triambent And Mtieh Wain* Wu ditetissed but left Over until the next 440.0“ng for datition, MrS. Vt. T. 'Phil,. loii01, the WSW Ifith, *WY' ind Resolution The Town- of Goderich has suffered greatly for some years from interference with radio reception, And (vehereas: It is tredibly reported that the sources of this interference are electrical mach- ,tiy public bodies; that the radiated • controllable ateaanall.experise, and ..iymnese::.:ated by private IncliViduale and energy from, these machines is .readily It is' the considered opinion of coni- petent lel advisers that there is now no legislation, either Dominion or Pro- vincial, 'whereby the operators of these machined tan „be compelled to correct • this condttion. Therefore no It Resolved: That tilts mass ,meeting of the citi- zens of the lbwn of Goderich go on re- • cord as twisting strongly' that edam be taken at the earliest ,possible moment by „Provinelei or Federal Governments to enact stitch Legislation" as may be ,-Reserve Friday, 44W/try 4 iith,• necessary to remedy the conditions. „ eeeee party at matico. Nor ,tottier On motion of To -Pritchard, ettand-• ettepwes aa writ tiooertiotil ed by eeveral. Od thoee Present, a vote of the Women's Instittite., Adinitsion* 280. • thankswas inianimouslye-passed to The regular intOrithlY theetng Of 4110 Jirreily Hiinter, raffle editor. cif the Tor. Seaford Hoepttal Auelliary be. held onto Evening Telegram, through whose at the home of Nits. H. Merris On influenee the Government was induced . to send Mr. Clinehey to the mooting. Thursday, Jan. 31ste at 2 pane Mr. Thinter also had calleilupAO. Felt- G. 0. 1. commencement in MaittraV chard and asstired' hIni of the full gim- Hall Jan. met 'and Feb: list- see d-iSs Vhwetrepantdesetts*Iniog 0Ttortilorietora,dini° ass2nttsre4tirtesg play bcaruard:rty fo3rrdparticuie :aro: b vonthoott ooderich In'Clettrini nu its trotibleg. Wide C. 'G. 1 T. week. The two "HERE -THERE IN THE OLD 0nlatir-Gling' Tan' gmopet$P6relieg01 a/Kat:tin% char:I/Pea! Cial ;prom= for uesdfay, Peb. 8th, A: fuller announcement will be Meths next week. t , The regular Meeting of the' Ahmeile Chapter, z. 0. D. 1.wU1 be held be the Oublic Library on Friday, Febmery let, at 4 p.m. The Ahmeek Chapter, 1.0. D. E., WM hold a benefit night at the • capitol theatre on 'Tinitaiday, February 14th,' Claudette Colbert, th "Torch -Miters," Regular admission. 35c. . • Routine Business The Hell Teiepone CotopanY Presented: their plans for the extension and be. • proVeneent of their /ter**, on the Otidestit tirtet-ete `•'1*.'`Tasett: *44Ohrie„ Fv140Y evening last and *te. Otift,'Whe• was present, requested11144 'OW 1q00101, take action to fir/preVe therni tr: at the eerlieet poesitde Manielit„. He explained that the OentihtleY *Mid ••mieinthinenits titeerehOtatt. Or ..ttge,V4S00*'4 that delay wool* rove- cOitly. - Same dieehette4 'rete 0;10(44. the plane and ReeVe opitiktn, that all polem ought to be re- movect from Hartilltore et. rnU tha 'wire* burled' •Liedrerat •pieleiti•iow on the eer -hadebeeriethe- cense-of-ea nonthettettrethhte or but costly motor eeeldentai It was .decided, hoWeVer, not to beglri a prolong6d discussion of the project ttt- til atter thepublic,tiuntte had an opportunity to study the plsns aid bring in a recoil/me/344'400e New" Exchanat, Persistent rumors that thItteOonwpasy Intends to erect a 1144V etteheittite *nd change the system whereby /ghat or automat:it signals Will be used, are h* circulation, These could not be . but many are convinced thit;-th of 'the- Company Plana The cenietery and • sext0e4 showed that 64 internijentiS, Place in the cemetery during thia The Union, of Canadian TiCheniciPalitlett wrote asking' that the /What tee'ot 4t1.0: for membership be forwarded,: Irlte, ftn- ance COIlltil1tte6:N111 reicorningid'On. ite Mayer MacEwalt will take part In conference of Ontario:anima ee Mayor Geo. Wentge or -tree/Wens. Mace in that city early M. Vebrheri, comphenMve--agend1-as- been, drawn up dealing wttle 'a Wide vieriety.*".*We ters "of lottlikiPal interest" teinuty;Iteliee Turner and. -Cotan. C. O. Lee spnsored the molter to httVe thetemeyor attend -,- The firni of S. B. Coon 44 CO.; Med. tects, wrote the nmeor personally asking if there was any Mtention a the *WA, going ahead with- plan/a/Or a lieve town hall and reminding his Worship, Al* they had drawn such Plans sortie lee* The matter was not cOnildtired one of practical politics and was *Or, red to the clerk to advise the no such intention is in anyone's• mind just now. Tlw publishers•of ,Heaton's Hand Book suagested that the tewn subscribe but it appears that another ,publication is used. Huron Old Boys Mr. J. A. McLaren of Toronto, presi- dent of the Huron Old riOYa. ASSOCI01101) there, wrote the mayor inviting all the counal .down to the annual At HOMII In Torcnto neet: month,: Ills Worship. sUg- e (Continued on' page 11) • --COMb2g AND BID8iNE130 eovering restraint of trade, and-ebuld coywntirt-A141Wif MVSICAt compel the individual to cease opera- TRAVELOGUE tams, or correct the eondition. • 'I'hose -Who attend the- Musical trave- • logue. "Here arid There In the Old • Money Needed • • Countre," at North ftt. United church This would roitdre money to pr ^Demote on Actuary 30th at 8 p.mare prombed the case and it was not fair to expect art' enjoyable eVeOing, one citlien to shoulder all of t t. the Program -of stilrand moving 'plc - lie felt that Mfg° club shoitld biorth tures covert a Wide range of subiects edand the sinews of war provided, from the 0ororiatfon of King George V. either tO pay the cost of .ouch,aetiotat or, in ,1911 to the 'wedding of the Duke of if thatight Alec, lo help defray the cost Kent' in 1934. A particularly interest - of equiptrent which would ahead the Ing feature- will be the Emir .of *gadding eleictrical equipment and pre- Country UMW (with mimes familia'r in vent it from radiating ertergy. Ontario such as Stratford, Chatham. le H. prin expressed hiriteelf wIlIlng Pertlea, radio dealer,r5".le the east of any movement 'designed 40 Variottl,ktr Oldr,ctie*ite epeteleii:Wilitialtrtt'ageebYt as to /Wept hiaare of andshothersotie . 1•itri'" assist In clearing up the trouble but did eial °tints, *All be . riot feel that lie Might tO b expected 40' The 'prt,eittMn Wilt be made by pay en of the oat tVhere all of the Walter t Payne, fonnerly of London, people were going to tinefit. Eugituld, Moilated 4 Ultra ltust-tiee Mr. Prank 'Utley, described the • mea- 1Cey, a. wen lokowt4 muskitto 'who is in had existed here some years' ago, Ore teerheeelyatel:poseri :ay the Mot Rad*: Club *Wit charge $a the rriti44*1 Potion tut reevtoir://e4ratle: roilitidizttnso •ra:eu6 stoney for 'BY POurfkl7 a the Caluditt PoUld tiihri Wilting a trip fresn 11)6-A114r:ft their' Mo0114/4.-0rt TtieL 4E411411 #04. 1035, to Mr. and Mrs, John MoOill• tiPOr, •MISMOIttet. arida. Quebec, &son,• sod bit loving Marko -Of - William if. Bird, wheo- -pasit4 IWO seven years atoi **Woo lath, itiat. ne midnight stets Sire On a lone and silent ; Beneath lies one) Wit truly Eat one we.tionht not S. s We miss his kin4 and lottmt 1n& 1118 11is fond and tem*, olitc We dills malt womrr tik** tahtoi Ni/e ida 114-8Mt$4, leemeute. ,111, vropp