HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-10, Page 8er, 414•4 ot IOU Ott the deth 13*Ii*ntyne, rn,ther Or 41001 for flOU n her 05111: her by Of 'Piot Miss Saliantine, %CAL Itere "rfainilt00. , fIRE cor4,010101114: \titer Wino oZ Mr o; atriore on '0011•Vt+, tog Seine exIteraent WO, s.ren,,Ifor the,:fire brigade _last Wi slay roOrntag When fire was discovered in .11,0--troxitdor-leidttig ,•-trcia-the-luniabir 'the bittlirooM, /t.,evideritly tem° trona *nd was discovered about 8.39 in thei *gulling $000, ..0ter th smfly arose;!. The firemen put it out without mueiri .diffieuity wi.th el/tulle:OS but consider, I vhalt• SS Ott f•n!f_ .Jaek 13ennett, Of Auburn, alio attended, oblet .loas resulted :nom the smoke,- and; Ittads vo. Rrc.AuccF44.• :divItte • It .:443 'there Were 122 boys present. The Sea% henticala helnEt SPraYed abOiitt I 1,411.4' Ur WO Athdiii Xi. tt, WM* UghteW Im4-Mns, • I; 10441 • Mr Mid Mrs Ofe alltit e # ,11 ' (;,i 1* 013110; 4 l ". The it. Chang* :Mt' 't's PI , bod - $ ' u-rW:tiesrilae, j- , \ The ' S" Van ini 'hone ot V , The Ittectr:e Tore h M. liirirodee, . t • Dell ti.iztion, it; y The Trail 6 Ott rieSidert.. 11011Mer • _ dent* :Mitble Si hi. 01 0 1 , Brownlee; The, Rancher's ',Revenge— z ItfoXinnto;„ ire ,'12,X101114 " Ur. . plaribit, Mehlii 13 * The b0117. Bou --4,.. Vetch ir tele Sinit111 t Green Judgment ' ' grgareet.' thriptotu tLi :lxmonthsItimlfnwthsalsvi.71i' liellr!fl * teaCher, Mra. , . raik VI i. ,,,'' ha .dainty Ittneh ' teCt4410*11i74A* B. 14-tc° c:IBelwlineDunlopl'YNw;a3 81 1 tg 4te amongSa.11- 71`,:e '0:i 'tricker:4' 'reeltot1611* Mariorie Eastman the Inettbif if4th, Spy Of INlapoleort-41arenwie ()rev r church mit- AND" MANI( *Toms, tleenrct the Huron Regiment Who Vera violin solo, Mr. Ted Vann; seleotionz ily eh • 0 ,00# 4,40, ' an t:141). lgti MO, %fp 000)4 At uriZtVW, fat ThlirSdaY; - MISS lietty CaliaPb411 re iito' 'en Inesday•' gt. Chrtittnas wit1,4410P144140$* and D. E. ParaPbellkreui*g* 0, DGoer '0 t :Oh Mr. j. T. Fell, of WindFor, Vett, dayt rto3ntly, with his -parch*, Mr„, hal CO/Meet/on With at,l' John Fell; and with his. atInt Wilo-'AOcOrittee 44 cliurcli $UNIkr 44a41, t piage. Promptly' at tight o'clock Rei304. whO' aCtod: chairinan, Igedt the follehVins program: by 4110 stiditive; neitatson, muttreci -Videart; ,Solo, t % Ai rc on ,uttuNI • • int lybe Zurek*, in attendenn at the funeral at' the late- tha Orchestra; ,coronet solo, mr,. lobes Westbrook, ,y , Folip:054240.4 villa. ysFra.osferSeahosforretht,,um.ed. to her 1104101r, 1;30e,it,Faitrykiert. and ena Outreesarrool 0011," Violet! g4viveetuf4Y '1°uar,110 0*re'rct. ' home atter spending atm° titne in Toro 'gory and 'Audrey Fisher; V1olirt 8010,1 and ,ISlana WIfi* t01014tted for the ellVer '' onto, Mr* and Mrs. Fraser spent Christ.- Iffr, Fred Vithittingbani; guitar „oleo_ anniversary Vila" .1,0 14'114 -held some -1 - . ....,,,, I haw _with their daughter, Mrs. Abrams, ticoas, Mr. . Bert:- -Mohring; • imitation, time In Mari* ' - ' 'This Parliament Is sPensoreci bY,- 1 tbo Mr!. "ratter remained for a longer Visit. BettY, Eastman; piano solo," Gordo* 3y011,1*Nti/ipt11114-'." Aulys :of the ia-elds, gqoare„ while .theMiSe 1.itatriee _E., Campbell returned JO Harrison; recitation, Hazel Beycc; vocal The Anuary * , fob,,,,,,,,,,,41',iiiinger-Tiais: , itietr.iiiti—ol the- Ting lier-4110lelaiteart-cl;fetlwa-ndinitert;"linive viteTlutoYnr SmOtoOrre.nlittearrneyghaq4..red;,puriiistrIlunnenta. instrumental the PreSider40', . '''',,,,"'„7"'4,,,.," Itaii*erS, are invited, ,to attend. ''444iii` 1141" was the youngcat boy in attendance and' ' lg 171147111.'".0a. Mpbell, East St. lgeNtill; Violin duet, Owen 0,a. Kenneth Institute WO,' 7:ted wolTat lbe, home of her parents, Mr. and Lon, Helen 'wean) yooal solo, .Chester 4,' 41 441 We, 010 flioy from' 0-derieh :Master ' ie etpet UM. P. On ThersdaY pods were treasurer, '1-&it.SOOktore.' 444 4. 4..4 44 .4R • • Alons wereireltun_thg,P.A.44mut,,zund.. '4647 ,•• • • .44,043•.'..14'.'.4- /13 •.45,711,1 • 'olt •• ..1 1 •11, • 44. , eitiV v..< i $ Ciirvin ‘YOuniir ari. . , L peasant rig was *spent at the ilii *hie twO 001/Pc ming . tic :.-themt;eft.—rflia boys .were- -tt:1' - — - Xttted in ,BUrwash Hall, University of 'Mrs. Irvine "Oke, 11121*1 I lett"! 'fin the 1144 -',,,! Onto, The new premier for 1935 is d*. on 'Tiiiinkte,y event/le-Dec. 27thWes . t (to *bent ''the 'tnitittif4' 4Se',, ''''',11, Vie, Wisneer„,Jordan, Ontario, and the 4_ ,_..,02CL.#...01444.0,t1"-fitinit the1.0041t, balq_411:!•4..,114thern for._4,4,04)141 -4--*--v4,41"der nr--31* --croos--ition-is--Grar -RiViT :aeliliv0114:17. *ben.between _513 and 00,.. -*4,'-T-r*.'11°VI-ti4=;:::3e:.1;-blit!1:1isal'FN'3;-trLi14 iatleredtO ext 141:11:113suM4r714ntaii_a1a: tare board. Mrs. "lturdock Mt1)onald at . .,,„,t, ureSted; the boys at a banquet at Bart iffaVoi .4 ery interesting ttilic on, her ,, ltimmer. „Iva" House' On _Friday night. :tug with,,,a! GODERIVI1 BRIDGE cum • Juck; -redtation, mar, 0,i1Io.; vocti,v itiai:Plans For eel°, IVIadeleine 'Vickers; recitation, ROY 401,04 .004600N40:0.;. 400.0:4 4 ",i• .4 ge V ea sP,..,, Ernest 4xlees-haAn .reitalt°1.1' p011ir Boyce; vocal sew; ,Roe Bowra; ..,. am ....m......,' Legion. .*rerilt#40110 • Alice Irwin; 7:',solo4.{,'Almeta I •Annipii1Clea l'Y '-"c"‘"4"." . sts* rzeltation,:.Mabel-BradleYi. whal All Espouse Tour to, France szao, priscIlla , A and Back * for Not More Th ' - AlatorMarlyn. Botz; recitation----Awitatiort,----morgater------guttaiT ,,z.y.-,.; --...z.,, ----- ------- — --. : 145047 ."Wri.art 'duet; w-th-oi-i-o3 guitar iltiet,- Eleanor 'N'elSoif and 'Edna rigv...te; atwangements made ,to far are 13514 . not Yet filial, the general plan" of the, anTrihl The. largest _ . at, or diplomas itt the .- , image _Virny, sponsored . .. • . ._ . history Of theschoolwere ,then, present.' by the, Canadian Legion, has been, work; ed out.., 4,, i ed to the following pupils who had %is,1:00ding;anHosel:la. *Ilia; 100; idean,, 93.35; .Helen Videan, , Josephine Bradley, 98.71; Betty 4.1 TE oF 111 orae Township Pleue acecpt, tut"Theolcs ofyour stilendld itotittort.., e Tyn, a N. Tones f&vore rent °event*, The meet11:14,elese4ave cur- At the weekly . duplicate bridge DOW Wog *Uri. a ,sizoog :001,44 the Itcrig,, unth wasp toUrnament held Monday evening vied nr the lotesses41 oitroo fat; the ..ltst week, •the following were winners: North and South...ist, Mr. N.• C. 'day. '. - Lanaway and Mr. J. H. Taylor, plus 11. %vow:4; Jung, •IARLIAMENT 2nd, Mr. D. D. Mooney and Mr. P. F. ter Ted- Chapman,..0..year.„014 eon .7areY, plus 10. 3rd, Mrs. b. flmooney Mr. and Urs, L. 0,, chatoan, cam.. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor, average. I • bilk Road, was in attendance. at . the East and West-4st, Mrs, J. M. J4ohn,,- i4th annual•ses.sion. or MeMbers of :the Own and Mrs. P. F. Carey, plus 13. 2nd Cicter• Boys' Parliament, of Ontario held —Mrs; W. F. Saunders and Mrs, J. A. in Toronto tron,,,D000niotr,40th to 3ist.rtiraham, Wits 51n1:. 3rd, Mrs.., Geo. ien- - ' rier and Mr. J. M. Johnston,. pins '3%. -I .44:440.4 Ors o oderich Please accept my yor3r 'Sincere thanks for your support in the contest for 11111 folk‘ ()MING ii,ght in the "4....0 height of the tefk$011 this sale offers a. splendid Opportunity to get ix great deal of wear thia winter, and it the Sante time, e c1a consisterable SI&V" * new winter coat, MI sizes includin 3/3 shes efy coat a recognized leader, good quality this season's Ioths tiaranta.ed hnng & n waimly tilany HAPIOIS, L I The values 1104.4414444.* At the weekly duplicate bridge tourna- tient held Monday evening, the follow- ing, were winners: North -and 8outh--45t, Mr. E. C. Bea- com and Dr. N. C. ,Jackson, plus 16%. 2nd—Mr. T. IR„, Patterson and Mr. V. Meakins, plus 4%. 2rd4fr.. • F. Saunders and Mr. P. P. Carey, plus 34. East and West—lst, Mrs, P. P. Carey and Mrs. J. Johnston, plus 19%. •2nd -L Mrs. 4.. R. wheeler and Miss E. 1. Mc - tort. plus kr and Mrs. W. F. Saunders. plus 2. ' Another game will be held next Mon- day -evening. , 1 4, •. AMONG Tifri CiltriktiliES Services at the Salvation Army .citadel oh, Stinday *ill be as follows: 11 aan., g aptaln4Crozier; 2 p.in., Sunda.); School ' and Blble Class; / p.m., Salvation meet- 1ng Illent. Strachan. All weloome. Regula,r serviees will be conducted In Vietoria, St. United church Sunday, Jan, 13t1i: 11 a.m., "Devotion to, a Par,. pasel-"1 3. p.m., Sunday' School; 7 pan, "Worlaing Toward Success." " 'Services at the ' Baptist church on SuzidaY wilt be conducted. by Pastor Vir as fellows; 60 ,a.p., Bible Stele* 11 oan,s; a special seiilee for the Yonng . Worshippers' League, a .niessage In song ' and sermon. Subject, The , FOundation Truth;" , I p.m., siiblect„ , 'The ,Pregticeattate GlorY ot Christ." . Services at North street United church on Sunday, January 13th, will be con- ducted by- the ,tiaSter, Rev, W.. P. Lane, as tollowc .10 ctn.. Nierel5 01111); "Can a Mart •1lve a true- Christian lite, it so; ;_jhtie:romowt?"41beirak:.7hirgi, 4, S4:ttek:Illinn":1. ; ipl:ro.s.:71;u8bulbk' Pworahli), snbiect. "EVerythhig to Its KNOX' CtillitC111 Lt,blitgs' .un MEET ,The annual. meeting of /Cleat ChUrch 4111Cs* Aid SoeletY Wes he/4 on Friday, :bee, 2ilth" When & iUIi attendance of the •Inarabers was presentto-wind u'i) the business, of 1034 and to elect the (Miters .fer the ensuing yettra..- The president, Mrs.,: A, 1:). McLean,. conducted the ,Opening derOtiOnal ,exerelsee during Thich Um.tDobt Clok led in praytr gnd Miss Rosie Gliddon read the Wit lemon. After 'the .different ottle had *Welt their report* tor the which were #11 iery tostistictory, the. rt Of the nominating conunIttee nted by. the eotiVeillir, ,Weittr...,„11.1104.-1.t.P0-1°1441°4 oflow1ng reconmftclotwonsiPresk A. A WrAittre; let, 4, 1),. Welter; 2n4 ?Ike.sk *Mem VoCtfonfild; 3rd Itlee ettattOnt *Ore_ Girtiln oun, treitturtv, "D4on,'00104 Mrs. (itt!.) Post sorstikty, Uri. F. 0. Vt. WV. 0 •, Vooperation., of the railways and made steatneltip companies has been seetn-ed' 144over 6 5Y-cv got 'aigkelass paosage will be provided ill''.1dred from air***eon port, probably riv'fontreal, "V'ranee, 'Boleti:1 and return to Can- Eastman, 98.6.; 'Marjorie, Eastman, 982; a da for net Morethan $160ore ex - !Pauline Bradley; 97.8; Baroid Black, ., . 'm Oeulftve actOmmodationwill Ix 9.11.c:13k;ers, 06.1; Donald • Vickers," 92.94i. Basil Bradley, 972; Madeleine, lirOvid.ed Or&poV rtionately higher rates, Bruce Bradley, 92.3; Olive Bradley; fr'rhisIs from pott;d nctenf,l4te,4at.ratiinocnlu, dbeineatlme fril ganalds 9t23: Billy Reid, 90.81; Nor & Juck, 89.3; Hazel Boyce, 88.6; Mabel Bradley, land tretispertatkin.'.0 Prance and_ bed and breakfast n London. t-f15,-13.P;i 'peslie Riley, g4:61: Rose-1301vra, 83.3; Beth. Schoenals, 83.1; 'Rose Emvra, The trip stilipts 'about June 2041 to June 25th and lasts three weeks. • Low ker, 8247; Edna Ruffle, $32.26, and Bobb fares are being arranged frOm home tc Reid 80.98; Fred Dowker, 77.9; Harold ithe 4n4 64.0ver*of , 0mb414 E4ropriratide eon.areSivennitiritedps FlIrotlmd a7713,wn,hi i.hharaGord,7o4nH ; als K;rtioeoenn, 7R5 .u6n1. ..; at extra cost the motets being rod for dle, 714; Helen - ,Halmes, 69.6; Gwen one year. t''' . . b- . , ,. .; , ; . . • i Juck, 70,04; Dorothy Minnty, 686; Mr- , Battlefield sideold Shore6837Roy Turner97ABar- ,. tripe have been az': ranged so that7C1 may see any particu. ',Itra, Ifolmes;' 67.18; Violet Ilenr'y, 07: * part et the ,ii,eht jh which they are Pearl Farrant, 662; Ernest Kneesliaw. 14tere,sted,•,(4.1.-4-nr'oniotery. .hie, perty 6602; Alice. Irwin, 6517; Robert Carrie will' -,gather., finallf at VinlY Ridge for: 64.31 ; Norman Hoy, 62.9; Betty Rooth e--•:yrkireftintro-tbo4.14-ttere on 82:61-----Che,ster-3eNa1l;-----62191,---Do July it, 1038..2 , ,. • Boyce, 60; Dudley Holmes, Jr., 60. --Canadian exleivio- men, their inr.-1 The following were the pulse wirtners inediam 4.e1ativos so well as the Irente. fer the year on the course of Study. adrefatteefirgen,410sitelytAtor.,.o,tftiemenput.idfied y.itovisersevasot, riltestnit h.lvii. tihileis.suInaodap5ciSalce7ti.'; iiuseetrYand dild In necessary, te, be a member er the ,i4egion tbe. Sunday Sch,00l, Mildred and Helen to take adr4tutAge of ttit,„ trip. .. I.V1dean, 98.38: _third in the Sunday tob Theraleivil iwayk y.koceig payment ii`f -aohool, Josephine Bradley; perfect Sun - 131 -41911t114' lAstellinelit4 °°Ininelleing 'il Had4yrold8011B031alcka; ndchureh:thandattesndautindcaey, once, tompleted hetere the date .if - sailing. Thizz444,,,e, sort of oonvenient "Slhool attendanceand perfect In his savititgask'epleandZ"nhtlatglie lofSundaySchool attendancePauline t 1,,s expected i , , =int ,class, Basil. Bradley; perfect church and win i rurther. cletns . win . be d Bradley. -it and Sunday , , ., announce , perfect chur, i tf . „. from -tithe to trine. . -school attendance and first hiflier class, • Marjorie Eastman; perfeot Church and rile 1,.. p, d 4 p ogressive conduct; Nora, Juelt;. Terfeot Sancta willT,tRLhold Sunday School attendance and - perfect erckinele paxtY on . ii. iday evening, eforchoc4ol dau,ottte.nNesstonzie juanek'd; 4e,,,,,,,::: ....„,,,i tlatttclt,vilarYlco.d: litttek:41-Innio'';thc; toWnship ' ham ennooi and ehurch attendahte, Brtlee '.?.;.":•-74(tii-r4"I'd nu;ting Of. the Ca^r/ow • BradleY; Pe*et marksg 61. c"d4et` and 44 second in lessons, HettY Eastman first 4taticultur4 Society will be held in the in Miss' teares class,. Madeleine Vickers.; towntliip,"auill on -Zieada-y afternoon; Jan,- 15th. All, meMbers arerequested first in .111ss Rileyls class, 'Doi Royce: to itez pretent,, tret in wits. Satinder's elass, % Havel Boyce; first In Mist' OlAtrkeS cIats, Fred For Catarrh—It is One of the chief Doarker; first In Walter Rilffie'S recommendations Of Dr. Thanes' Eclec- 1 rtnald viekers1, first 14 Miss Wurtele's trio 011 that it eith be Used internally1 class, Harald Shore first in Miss Tay-! with as Ithkch ,fatecett AS it can out- ler's class, Billy Reid. . *Wilily. Sufferers from catarrh will find During, the program, Ames Etta, SaultS. that the Oil When, used according tol for. Many 31•ears eselitant, to Mrs. Me,-, diet -diens NianYi caned to the Piatterni and Offerers Igen this ailment ,have found; Presented with ta,,. lanip;" a bouquet of relief 14 the ikt. and have sent testi-! roses, and an address7 by Miss Hurritt, , Miss Hartwell and Mary Oallow. Mita saults, who Is temporarilygiving uP I work in the Sunday School, replied I suitably,. • ' „ [ 'the rector thanked all who assisted in the Sunday. School.. and .0.P.04411.Y :the' superintendent of the vinairi school., t (Miss ;Hotel ,On Saturday afternoon; Dec. 29th,the party and ''C'heistalis tree for small tavesi audio,' fact tbadoii a. the Font Roll, 'ftintary or the Pariment, and thmday• Sels391 by rot anyiulnwas held. the Rector ii,oted and the following toolf, part inthe' PrOgfani: VMS VEL ,..01,1q1A...11.0..V411.4...gi,,Nikuter,P....biLlta ti MONEY Primary °hutch klehooll's tteitation, tillisii train; wig, 4une Oartirk; song, Viiltim Vickers: song, Catharine kneeita04, sOrgr, tiOutIV" **all re- eltatlo, /4 loce/tallt. Pout, Not*: , 'I15; *URI AMU*, 3flartMaz4 Ittantty VAtite: reeltettlett0 410.41Baker0 heila 'UM: rftatlon,' thOille; ja$000e rrietid .of LtttIe hildten*" ...Zia Primary redttv. tion, Dtaigla. ThitrkPOilt Icmg, It4 bort long, Wafl.t' 131430410, 00,14 0- e tan take tare ciar our toquirements in T • ',V A veal Ere 2 taint* Colgate* Tooth Cattle Salts;. . .3 Lb. H�llelrnre . # .390 !tooth lipos 'cake* Soap ,30c Potassium 1640 Sec, Lb. mixed, Chocolates. .390 „. 2 doa. Bayer's Aspirin. UY DRUGS AT TREDRUG STORE S C s Lauder's Wigle's oRvosTaRE, DRUGSTORE, DouGsTong nutosToke 39c, Bradley;' 5ied.$ -for uttei dance Merson Willis; second for attendance, third for attendance Rufh Reid, Elaine Vickers and Willie* Vickers; speoial prizes for the yourigeSt babies—present, Lartt'et-';161itirreflatr `Jame$ Bets: isS1,,,x,0t'ittlta7rt:11.14.Eila+snd7n.estail:iThvlutdlicTis C-aari:rdc:•10dishrali:wt-rlidalbesutelicift' 111.0d -children, and refreshments ' were served •to,,,a11., present under the tonven- -orittip of the staff of the Pribuiry School; Miss NOBS; Nibs .011:we, 1V1ss Groves and Miss c, Lewis. At hoth, Sunday ‘SeheoX concerts, the Rector Made feeling reference to the less, In the death, of Urs, '"if/fcirim, for /Deny yeers superintendent of the_ PrIni- ary Schoel, and4,:atrieeitek to her memory, one .ntirartekl • silence , 'Standing was observed, followed. byaprayer> SUMMARY QP BEEF I CATTLE PROSPECTS According .to the -1935 ".A.gricultur- 11 Situation and utlook” about to: be Issued by the Dominion 'Dent, of Agriculture, in- cO-operation, with the Department of Trade and Commerce", 4,bere weie increased marketings in 1934 by all major beef cattle produc- 'ni provinces, :with the exception of Ontario, and the larger movements, lecurring during the latter 'half of he year, were well taken' care of by 1 - the "trade. _Beer moved very freely, much more so than. other meats on 'mount - of reritivery loaV price. Packers also had an improved export. 'outlet for moderately priced beef. Prospects -are--t`or --a Anther -liberal movement of cattle during 1985, and possibly under somewhat better all - Year demand conditions than in 1934. During 1924, Cattle prices showed more stability and were somewhat higher t n in 1933, but price levels did not reach a 'vitt comparable to those of hogs and lambs, nor with those of eggs and a number of other staple commodities.' Due to shortage of feeds, costs may be higilier, fewer 'cattle finished and this situation may be reflected in higher priceg.How- ever, prices twill mainly depend upon the relation of cattle consumption to Dig and lamb Consumption in the domestic market, atid opportunities and Price levels in the British market. ,Cattleon farms- and ranches i the United States have been reduced by ten Million head as compared with a year ago and higher prices Were predicted for cattle of good finish ,,and reasonably high dressing percenta‘ges. The prospect for cattle, medium to poor in quality is Mit any better than iti 198,4 excepting pn the basis of a, possible shortage in beef tonnage. A- in Canada the spread beoween tattle of high' dressing percentage and Cattle of low dressing percentage was wider in 1984 than in some previous year and ,this *nation is 'likely to • .„ 04'?&46,Wenv the outlook is fairly fanrourable and shouldaltrineetr the •Mcnitilnattiili°014°11*;:hae Norh "Dtri.ng 1934, exports of live 'Cattle in 1933. "Canada has been asked by the •Britith Ministry _et Agriculture '-a..0pelide7,7by stabiliuing -lierrneX- Ports of cattle and me.ats for thefirst quarter of 1935 at the same volume for the cortresironding period of 1934,-. The policy sof the'•, United-10*On' * after the first quarter As Yet to be • determined, and the whole situation is to eozne underfurther review', ta°111woirtit-pwelit,Lttehnttexirtta"11°11:4;e1"4n; of exPectedt Despite the bonus available on certain types of domestic cattle, •till:t1:1:i assistance s tfaanrcjne farmer towardi 8I17:1 14:ritt at;de. with' his- market and is asking for industry on ta .More profitable 'foot- ing. 1.he prospects for export froin Canada appear to be abont ,equal to those of 1.9a4, although -probably lsnitho eieenrigPdao rowilln s tboter ern rec/7 Intl I ien bUl en i ft drj The increase in- consumption of beef manifest in 1934 promises to continue', notwithstanding the possi- .bility that prices may be at some- what, higher levels. under improve - Melt in ,the' general econeinii situa- tion. Tbp rattierwhich mightbe called the legitimate product of ,the industry, have in recent, years faint' their strongest support in the, deniaiid for officially .branded beef and in tlhe United ,Kingdom market. While there does not at the moment ,appear to be any probability of a material increaee in exports a iiveleattle to the United ingdom,--there isevery-probabili of an increased consumer demand for branded beef.' At ..the moment, the trade would also seem to have iniPrOlred utlets foi• eheapeeclasses of meats, and this situation,' it is hoped, will continue during 1935. DRY CLEANI G When yout bL:ing us a garment to be dry cleaned you Can be certain of s high elass job We dry clean. by to -date rnethods..-. NO odor remains in the clothes 'when We have • finished a dry cleaning 16b. VROONIAN 'Freak:Dry Coining Works WEST St. Fpr Opot glittlity'Servrce an"cl,Price pitiNcEs6 ittAxEs 414 . ; oitotautig max— „ • 4114tina Ito* ituLlt- SODA. 19180.11tS * .*2.94 "COVWDIAGNIST°0000N*8 . ........... .. . ii;;;;".131r4911; 221.1.4e OINGEit SNAPS.. .......... ...... .. . . . . ... . .. , . 9/0 HEINZ *oat AND RW4S 2 Sseit. this 2il* tt/Wils su1xuT 2tine gio," Or* OW14.13utirkir ThA.. .. ....... ....... .... . . ... . 141h )4. ..45e 000 '0009LINGRICK... . . .....1bs. sic; . „ 'EAST MOE $Q10111::: 0 STORE 8,,,-111Alr I AD 4ODER1CH peeL*1 rks Inartif rH Mien Just * feitr •11,4 44.4. ' 44,01 4%6.,