HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-10, Page 6.•4, • ',Lew. PVVII • •P• 14 .11 • po, 4.4 • • • • •• • • • , 101,41, 4 40.0‘ • , 1 Mr. Bol r. oiturdr. Alfree'tler4Ore leVer 'On last ISatereigY; geteed pent the y 'with hi* 4,04 Mel. 11100tOsiee . end (gni.; reset sui4 visietee at Mr. l*n:00100. -.Ster„ Nita. 'Reed Ten*** nriaterme IcIPptts.,, 01.00 irowatbmat r the test efettIO 4 ter With U. 1 At the annual _ •eetleteer thing' the AcTay. we try, In, leyer: 40, virourd t .4111pft, retiring WSW 6 , dates UI JO 411: tvifeelitzoirt4411.0100.4 141.*agmetle,ittl.,!4114:46:::,1t, °I;EtSe0W-t.4111,121444V-nititsiee4;er. t Imuday witu eiatiotee, eeteo, geed= elsiieti:n"f.oec2d1; 11:Y0111.:jtellarsentlrf*Y.ot4erint°11041'..."44111:11* CI f OePrellertto 18$7 ;:::7461r.ileire:::14:41711:tit' fiergrtelfX4reektea' ' awe eae kicarest aud -dgaiot, Alynoilto gentro in • th6, ahdOnilnal Teg • tr,)k to:Ott:1,40 It:s.rt,4)0111, efgOtf$ in 'plate, Ait ;$11ilea, cf*14uvertoa, wat held everyone, entereetied, i., Of the ereiejeole renapire Wasi leeld • beeeiend lute Whet 4110 want.. Trkli tO1,4$ tni$ ,gonyinng ffi held thettlielve* ttS1Mr,. Jaek ifirinet Spent the past W4CkI 'ateited to be Present 140400 ttokt Year the .:ei'P'.10 Mtn Vet Iftm, bye a now Pettern. so to eeeele tiry doe they le111-11,114. titintult? to iAttctiditi$ .t,40 ',40**-Pariiiirilertt, vet. •--Ntrz-Valeatinc Fisher Iso..elyitd thee asti 614" or "A -v94008 1)°mInions were e • eee On at the. ee/ebratiOne of the Ttoet,itlahnegevenireg'snt,elett,itueee gc:glriatiouyirb.sot.ctirl ortrimtolis,a 60t 41.nd, Ireate;• arrow, teall:n*.sf thheer,Pacassinbisg ottforall:'14:0,74.4.0,0t4r. eee40,,,,',4,1011ahs,1;1610:f the late eateeene vieeenee, eeiXed, the , feeelotet, tor a attmeted her in Mg Slee la et AneethO 'pe.eteee.4 children are In Ntitehell,. etre ,Visitheg wittr,, their grand-. ton, illOgnasion •ot matterg reiating, to mu.' da;) tor dilappointment, 'hgcaneg bY: the '01.0 411'licbeCt 00: OT -04. perenta, Nitre and eft% J. lgt JON:estop, via ',Mee and pupils are to bee vet to h ofd eneeonerra Wel.tat4te- eknOther gathering Wet* t old itt'Llonglon,;itt, 1002. The- tWo time a man is dgii e Inarriiget t/ MI4 attealon Pik . nec arta '/vir on, of seetroit, gratin d on the ' splendid , program:lee Id' eo s wits 0 !Woe Were kienWn ne .00100141 he is nee eo plastic. *Men dothe eente Peettire ntleteekeet,ereee, teeehere have to are vlsiting with 40 414tef, Ors. 0ke:000 Px1,, in the school on, December 20t1f, Conferences ,Itnt! were proWdcd, 'over thing, They fail lots; with it gtri flinch tittle grannning In th I i4 U* JR�r who is bright, (my, with in eye for Ileads tor cloolinatiens that they have WO. and ;Mrs; A, King, of eioderich, (MS 'fl Betties, who had spent the; 4190711!reei*reti:ehiltaativea ofmtie-v-ri The eelteol was comfortably filled y leniai secretary. t a 17Miri n gns Pete7°Priirrntiti:Sitt4e°r°t14o:n? lee cie;r7e'realtetti!elliri n lien:A.1i' as 'a'Z'titeAlit* 11:i- , tiothes that are a bit different and they DO tinle tO vend on the _important epent New Years with their daughter, piviasat,rnietourntenhe:itahndheirn Mrs. A. ICIllough. Arelide nebison, Sr.. of the vile some thne evith her datseuindshtiern"8, immediately expect her to settle down ,So a life of drab domesticity, with few, If any. outside Interests. Afarrled peo- Inge, 1S MA gaining in strength as •her pe fihould realise that everyone is en -J with a drY skin ebonite ever nee vanith- inatit friends Weeld wish. te their own characteristics and ting Wasp, asit tete -aft alknitriC Mrs .: WoIlveen, of Clinton, returned not try to tie too much alteration: ft and has a tendency to make the skin home after *pending a week with Mr. you do not love them because of these. ,vert dryer. Notwithstanding the ad e and Mere. A, A.squith. • ,.lovezetimeneeineespite -11 eeneeetfie;nee-cold-ereeMewilleetneure , ri.0.40,,FAL-144,kiteeiteetheeeteillteeteXce make for fewer family dissensions. This making -over business is not con- ' fined to married people. Every parent has a fixed idea, or we might better say ideal, of that they wish their children to he and we all try to mold them int amftthat, sometimes with disastrous resettle "jr.-17:441,b1ViltitA4ViMfrerlitrikirgri212 are not satisfied with their po.rentd and try to change their ways. Usually it cannot be done. Live and let live. Do theebeeitestoreyeepeeeele, and teet to loek at yourself introspectively:. Pro- hably you Will l'ee oFtngir own mistakes that you 'still not have slightly set, beat until frothy and fold titre to meddle With the lives ot. others. Johnston. The latter spent Christmas in evenly a rneringue made of the stif- Leh' the skin. It willclean and lebri- :ate and, keep it • eat, and pliable but the skin oannot, he Nd frem Without. zkins differ in their" requirements and it is wise te try different products until s•ou iind thir one that suits you -then steek to that Partlettler brand. Seak 1 tablespoon gelatine In cup -cold water. Scald 3 cups sailk in the double boiler and pour it over 3 beaten egg- yolks:- Add -naked -gelatine -and -stir itntil...diseolved. Stir in. .e.tipe sugar. Stir well and sot to chill, When jelly is and 04rs, .Everett Taylor on Saturday and left a baby girl in their care. 5/fies, Better Asiefith spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd RaithbY, north of Blyth. Mrs. J. PMllIps and sons, Arnold end ROM, Vent the Christmas vacatiOn Wawanest,, Mr. Thomas Aaiderson, who is at- tending Kingston University, spent the Young, rnaii. Since then conferences have Mr. Prhos. Cox, 'formerly of this WS- neon 'held in the British caPitel• in tact, is „quite ni at his licme in Gode- 4,91. lzidoeizg, delegates :019the1, ..eloPn2faetrel:e6s , rich with heart trouble. We hope to age him around scionrepresented ae total population of eegititeeneeNeteente. thee,elezeatter-gleekte. .,4q9e9(19.,,e(Mee..29.3:m1:,no- „ f94#11(g 2., mogi izr,olIvenienced many holiday visi-i quare miles, eb Yanr about ea°04ne-gaeart°9eveSef tors, 'SOIne having to leave their sates arem"ife and 'return to their home by train. Pra- Sunday, the service at Oreee church, took the form of a song sereice, Yitsieh 'woe much enjoyed.? A number Of the -1314'"familiar inns We sun ev. V, II . ,an Ceelone 4.040 010.99 ,of laleck races, 6,000,000L Arabs, 6000,000 Malays, 4 1,000,000 ( litliese and 1000,000 Polynesians, with various other elements. The religions repre- ,thum_h. wase, sentellicludee--1140i-1100,000'4-11ndstsis," qUite amuSing and gave some _splendid 100,000.000 Mohammedans ; 80,000,- seletions Thiie were readers,reeita ei.r(ttr 'el'hts2etdalanss'-"Pa-ro*telisTtealir;;s6lenr dialogues, anonologues, drills, and riecas an orchestra from Hayfield cothprised of Aev. 12e, ete. gale and daughter, both with violins, -Mr. and Miss Scotchinere with saxaphOne and piano; an amusing performance . entitled, "Tiler Working World," nkas good; this was accompen- led by Mr. Pete Itiounk on vidlin. the known $1111aCe of the globew_clis- .tributed almest eteeally over" the northern and southern hemispheres,. Of the population, .of 00,000.0000. bout 60,000.000 are white, the re.e Malning 890,000,000 ,inelude 315,- 0, 7.1.4,x4i talk on the origin and author. A splendid Christmas concert was, put on by the young pecple of Grace CA.....00tAlit,s' vacation heSe_eeltieteehtieePareeee ants, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Miss EVelyn PIatzer returned to pan-- gannon with her aunt, (Mrs. 'Lorne THIN PEOPLE DIFFER Ily_ebeatSiii egg whites and Iee_ mita sugar. --There are two' types- -ot thin pepplepour intni-Ta cold wet mould anderhilli Next Tuesday the first meeting of the There is the wiry type, the kind who until 'set. ' - year for. Knox United W.. M. S. will be seem te stand so much. Then there is GINGER FORK COOKIES I Wilda t' 2.30 * d the .P. :. will the thin person who never seems to be -'i ' • % cup shortening, 1 Cup brown sugar. e elso held their first meeting a 1935 at pally well and who is a ready victim , I en, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon creearn 8 pen. on Tuesday, Jan. 8th. for every germ that coneealong. Both of tartar, 2, cups flour, 1 teaspoon tin -I Miss Effie Stoltz and Mr. Eldon Stoltz types are apt to be nerretts. The great.- • ger. Cream shortentng and sugar. Add, who spent Chr1RtmQ at the home' f est difference iS apt to be one of post- ure. The wiry person holds herself 'ere ect and • the delicate one will be droopy, as if there was not, enough strength to hold the body up. If the body were held erect, the strength would probably utes. -come. The chest is compressed. the 1 nosh eouncil were returned by aeclam-\ • beaten 'egg. Sift in the dry 'ingredients.' Their 'parents, left last -Friday for Tor - Pinch off small piece of dough about onto. efias E. Stoltz will visit friends - the eize' ot a walnut and press down there until the schools re -open. ' with a fork two d i Bake waste. Bae n a mo -I . tEast Wawanosh old council were re- erate oven of 300 degrees .for 10 min'. eleeted• by ac.elarnation. Weet Wawa - ation early in December. Atiburneevile breathing is shallow InStead of deep Health cannot be !poked for in' the loge rustees, Messrs. T. Riddell, James and consequently there is not sufficient held that is subject -to worms, because Medd and Jas. Johnston, were. return-) oxygen breathed In to allow the bode to "worms destroy health by creating inter -1 ed to office for another year. „ I -do its proper work. The slouch)? Pps- nal disturbances that retard develop- . ture allows the abdominal organs te sag and many minor diflizulties may devel- op. The sort of thing that keeps a per - Son feeling' never very well. -They may go full atearn ahead, especially in the evening. and when the Spurt is :over. be all in and irritable, and find it very hard removed, and satisfac_tOry_ growth Is get going- rn 'the morning.. Bede tYPes assured. ment and cause serious :weakness. Mil-, church held a social evening and watch' ler's Worm Powders expel worms andi night service on New Year's Eve. are -so beneficial in their action that Games, followed by lunch at eleven the systems of the little sufferers are re- Flftored to hialthfulnessall the discom- forts and dangers of worm infection are The present generation of wawn and young girls' have more than their share a siekness and misery. With mime of them it is nervousness and rest. • lessiress, with others antenda, weakness, faintness and dizziness, hysteria and melancholia, and a dozen other atm:ells to unfit them for work or pleasure,. Let those women suffering from a tun down Eitate of heelth take a count) of Milburn & N. Pills and KV how soon they Will be brought -back to normal health end strength. Ask your . druggist or dealer about Makuna's 11, & N. Pills. o'clock, after wh ch a sof* and testi- mony service filled out the evening un- til the New Year was ushered In. -Quftc a number -from the- Walkerto community called on Mr. and Mrs. Jno. FIngland last Thursday to offer congra- tulations and 'best wishes to them on the occasion of their golden wedding. All of Mr. and (Mrs. Pinglaies family, four sons and four daughters, were home for the celebration. PORTER'S HILL (Intended for last week) Wishing the editor. stair and readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and airs. Leman Lockhart, ROYal IOak, Mich., spent a week with his pare ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lecklnixt. MreErland Betties, Toronto, sperit the SUPPOSE you calm Suddenly upon two roads. One straight, well -trodden. the 'other thin and twisting off into „ undergrowth. If you didn't want to arrive at any place in particular, you might choose the latter. But not otherwise. Before you, as buyer, run two roads. , One is,the road of knowledge, of an advertised product, 'fhousatids use it. There's no mystiry about it, no' doubting; nothing hidden. It leads the way definitely to a fountain pen, a ilooi wax, a itooth.. paste that will give you satisfa6tion. When you use an ad- vertisement, you, use an 'open road. isetnerirttrydty gt1li iiltfiit — road." You ha,ve only hatknowledge of the product ahead., No trademark or natne to dependApon guides -you, The re. sult may or rnainot be, worth the eiTort. Youvion't know, Reid the adVertisainents. Anyihing ,widely advertised...1. • 'breakfast food,,,Itainmet, hair. onic has proved itself.' good - by advertiiing, A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MECNCAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE /PM/RANCE COMPANIES 1 is CAMAS?* WHATTOD0 The very.' eharaeteristics 'which we admire in out friends annoy us in our enemies. we admire persisteney .in our friends, but pall it stubbornness when disyolayed by our, enemies. One of the moSt annoying thine* about .dis- eaSes germs Is their persistency.- _ Diphtheria ie Mit the worst disease' which afflicts mankind, but it is one we are .never entirely rid ofat any time Year in and year out, diphtheria:con- tinues to ine„ttace life, and health. ,,That this 'is 'SO 18 a grave reflection upon the intelligence of • mankind be- cause we are hi a 'better' PositiOn. to over :erne the diphtheria Menace than' we sitteeai. ‘toedeal practically any other cu Knowledge fs povier, We know as much about •diphtheria as we may ex- pect to know earreerning any Mame. The germ 'which catlees diphtheria is so familiar that Itean be recognized under the micrascope; It is One of the few,dlseasee for Which we have a sPeci- tic .pure 'provided this agent be used very early in the disease,. ettd it is also one ,of that: small -grow); Of diseases for 'whit% we have available a practical, re- liable and sari means •vef_prevention.. Diphtheria continues its ravages. be; .eatege unprotected thildreti come in con- tact with diphtheria germs it is pra- ctically impeseible to prevent sueh con- taet as theree.re dimly peopte who, al- thotrgh. aPpitiently WelI, Niebor diph- theria. germs: in their threat or nose. 'hey de not knew this and, thet 18 us- uallY no reason to snspett them, bet ee„__ Interesting., rellilltS gXPq11111416.- haf Of the liner 1111hvatikee. frOin the -these- etarrlers".7-spread thik---getms ter Witn Wheat Over Several Ite.arS, • cools near Aberdeen-, where, she had ()theta 'who then, fan vietinis to the dis- • emu' n _ , ALI . ,cone ashore to the Tyne, where an ittse, wheat, may replace marquis 0,,ter a other bow was made, for he eo that int child an be rotected in etteh a large area in Vireeferti 'Canada, ate she could take the seas again. No recoeds. of fug voyages haVe 4w thatthtott,tbi:eoposeciyeill be otoultethr geermalf hfe ihtapi.; rvaerrdmitity.gotfe sDurk, aaTt.caho, ' fessor of field husbandry at the 1m1: beetiecotepliede but,it would be inter. eating -to have such facts. Perhaps pessIblt to 'build lip lit 'lehlitireft 11 POWer ion is belied oi i aeries of COMpara- ewne Ilritial"ItiPl'er can claim a of reeletartee *Wen tenablea them to tive tegts o yields over a period of longer twage than that Of the tug torte out vietors .ixt any conflict with &wen Years. Tn ,the testa contineted ittiolwhich, a few yeas a" towed vhis resInetbii.stith vaetritohde,:ttiinir nertiowityste htetsiestr; Itthatil",76; yritir..,:.I:aittl.ottoisftlfLeteobenttli.oalitt,2si.ostrititibilaege:isett:tf. the germs of diphtheria. to kbowii 1.1141'za" age .711'lgiredoentrangtidlnit71511:: trgsti8ThIrlf 'io*lesetd det:‘;()ren:: tion, vhien, corals* 'in*-lhe. injeCtiort of ly seParated experimental stations as Philippines froin 'Baltimore by only. , 000.000 as Catholics; , 12,000,000 eBuddhists; 12,000,000 Animists; 4,-, 000 .000 Sikhs,- Jaine -and Parsees ; 750_ 009 Jame- and ..--tbe=-rema.indeee Polytheists and others. There is no fundamental law upon which the constitution of the British Empire rests, but the two main prim- eiplesi" underIelng its administeattion, are self-government and zelf-support. • LOST CITY MAPPED. Soviet Eepedition Explores pm Cher- sonesns Submerged.for Centuries Exploration of an ancient cite. whichyeas "drowned" when an earth- quake dropped it under the surface . of the:Black Sea many centuries ago, has been virtually completed by an unusual expedition of Soviet archae- logists, geOloglets, divert; and photo- graphers.. ,, - The expedition has succeeded In mapping the streets of the city. which was known as Old Chersonesus long before. the day of the Chrietian era. It also has taken underwater motion pretureee The city was called Old Chersones- tle, by the Greeks to distinguish it from New Chersenesus, the ruins of which have been investigate4 by amliaeologiets derl tury. Actual physieal traces of the lost city were not found pail last year, when divers off Cape Kherso- nes, near Sebastopol in Crimea, found the ,ruins of an ancient house at a depth of 50 feet: An expedition head- ed by Prof. Grine:witch. undertook thoroegh exploration. The expedition established that the eity had been in dang,or of being sub -- merged over a long period of years of pei:Iodic earthquakes in Mine& The disaster was haetened, however, by a violent quake which must have resulted In 'a great wave' of • water rnshing over the city and destroying Its population at One blow. The dis- aster was believed to have been of the lint magnitude because it was mentioned by the Greek historian Strabo. The .Grinewitch- expeditton found potteey which indicated that it was made in the fourth century, 13.0., when Old Chereopesus was a flour- Isiling Scythian tolony. The entire sunken town was mapped and a strong fortified wall with 18 or 20 towers was discovered annelid city about 800 ley 400 yards square, the centre of the town was a tonne, while traces of streets, houses, baths, shops. etc., enabled the explorers to *reconstruct the entire scene, Several leteresting work e of art were brought hopeless, yet it was ace . elished in tothesurface. , .mid-wihter, and the tug., "mothered" e the veesel to safety through terrific mAy REptAng,Nuttuons. seas. A etrange, experience, too, was • attoniz libnw UnclustrY by burning the celebratO Foothills coal ,6orn the FoothiilS in Alberta, „By usi4 this ei)ai you give employ- ment at the mines anion the railroad to Cana- dians, This coal is Of Urd structure and does t 'Stack like Pocahontas, therefore, is free from . . ust„ .Tlus•koal is very high in heat units. We carry a full line. of Anthracite Coal, Alberta, Pocahontas and Cake. For -Hardware, Plumbing, Heating, .Tinsmithing and Electric give as a call. All work and material guaranteed. 1 ." '____ousse 112 ' • • "henti"* 51-197-eLn 2 - - -CH-AS C---- ,., . • il The Hardware Store attheHarbor. • ' :,•''',' • •. 4., • *Has Won an IllustrioUts Place In thi , Itrnance of Shipping— --- ,....,Thotie4ti,d,stota,little craft; tow our great ships* to safety and help to keep our big harbors clear and efficient have won anillus- trious place in the romance of.'ship- Pkge. end yettheir etery siafe hug_ 'overlooked, says' Kaye Chitteeeto,n 111 the Cape •Argus. • • This is the greater ,. pity because "British, tuga have done many remark- able things in the past, and it is a •branch of shiehtiliding which is ,snow- ing meritedvitality, even in these somewhat depreesed .imes. This year atone British -yards will complete, tugs, for at least five coun- tries. The popular .idea that these liveee- but powerful littie boats are solely concerned wi.h theproealc task of towing is quite a mistake. If that were so, therevould, of course; be an anstver te theF.-Slip-owner, and an ex- cuse' for the failure of Jeur,euthors to write a book about -theme Some years • ago, .tt ven.uresone captain took his tugs, voyage of mori. than eleven thousand miles, .trom New York to Panama, through the Straits of Magellan. It was -a brilliant journey. The bOarliad to be hoarded up fore and af.: to'prevent theheavy seas from flooding her, tut she go) through her task in no more than fifty-three days actual running. Not a few British tugs made extra- 77--Sourriereeduring the le 1, and one towed a cargo of sones distance of over 1,200 milede often through mine - infested seas, and reached her destination without a Scratch. Tug skippers are venturesomeby nature. So many of their most in.er esting and most profitable jobs hav, to -do with salvage ,work. When by miracles of diving and. 'engineering the gkeae Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci was e.aleed to the surface, though still lying upside down as she had sunk, the problem of getting her safely into dik dock was one of the most hazardous adventures ever en- trusted .to the "fussy lietletug- boats." It had been: said thdt a stranger spectapie than tire towing of this up- side down ba.tleship was never before seen on the seas. Thetugs managed to -keep the capsized ieviathan right in the centre, of the channel, and ,by • nightfall the vessel.'was at the en- trance to the dry dock, and eloverly manoenvred *tide. On thatoccasion theleg skippers justly came. in for te share of the public hero-worship. When the Weethioreland, with a cargo 'worth three million Pounds. was torpedoed near St. Bees Head on her way to Liverpool, salvege seemed a substanee-.--difphther* ,toXoki, ' This .1,3 Scott, itosthern. Swift Current and 140 mites, potently , got ‘protedtire, '' ,,,„0 4,,ne , one SaskatooIn the Proirlace Of ' Sas- A Seettishlug made a daring and which lii's the effect of stimdatint the kathhevren; an a at tat:mane, guinon- portions Voyage from Leith to Amer.. „ .., , tii3ec-1,---ticiay-rt,-47, ii-6--diwi-,..-egtr—tmLauei-ive thawed igthbortd,orts:, itictelhaettaso d,...t.tau riii.ronndahout-wfq.,-at-a-tini p when ‘. 1 le aubnle.rlne- witr was at,its tortes •which are ,effective itt lvalitilig two years of 1.1 per cent. height, and puffed into New York the germ* of diphtherla.' tl orse for adventure or The yo ' VVVii 40.4)ntfil Ammon iiimn 'mg"' the iehlid, the grst-er 1'4 ne'W Semite, Ot tiOditlin Sulphate'. streOttlh:tetrtaltatilifOloeast tthrolculiget%httet'lltartde the danger,Uplitherla, IfltXflUfl&aLkIu Itt swereeeheerset has recently &MO& voyage, • should be tarried out beta* the Oil(' ot Into development. The telly develop. •• ed deposit* Whleh. is reported, to In, er tvlieen (*entail t.4, the 'fifth Of ita kind in the provfnee, neer togger, tome gr mutt west -04- 4,1eno)tery, 1180(Fyiikra old has been is opfting Areal White Shore 1,..alte tzoerg, in Hungary: Roman Saskatoon:, The depoeite le the bed1 dineover6d'at,a apo. Where In the of White, BliOre LatiC6,,Itter '643tiniate4 sPtatt4utaittedli ,iinT))0hretailltoitoli::rtsfttbi'oetohloehryzitlast ot eight years ,of uninterrupted Icittar,tlincititlaie!itxpttenduniaorfl*3141tiettlill°'ilt IstEryigtOfttlfluitteoSiitiooraubsithittoreudta.,,Inim the rebtaine Of Romans of pie Arista* craft* ehtert were dlitillteered and the itgredtit,,0404,00,041," 3,15.t.pitt.tottor othrtenziswernreir.to,T,u14;114:::,.ot prow, other valuable jeivelS andinodlcal struments. Massive ''saretophatti of white marble and Ibid Were wrinved. from their 2.000-Yowold. resting plate and 'traniferre4 JO the Sitegettla Vat wittetook„ 4444010.04.0±04.04..40444.00.06 mittalt * b.hid Tottdoetipt. ' The lifst year of life« * Your thildred have not been: Inunindsett di; net delay *Mother. day. " 410estiOs eonternioi hteettb„ *Aires. Sed to the tar&liatt MeitieaT MstiCia- tiOtt 'IS 'Collette St, lisront6,. 10111; tpe attered peritnally by tour. reie Flour Made From Wotatoe. ioProilmaitely 170,000 bushels 01 potatota were ground lath tail by threl Prince Vdliard Island Pnflls at Hunter River Murray Hu* loot and St. Peters. l'he prOtiet 18 other machinery were acquired, and for working interial the local merchants wera asked to save pack- , Mire ca,ses throughout_ the year. „4knd teat -dirlitmas this- -15-ok:ina-3,fife-d--* vlanteelocatedein -a-prairie -town-- of -=4 1,500= people, made and distributed Ohristmas gifts to 1,114 kiddies, ornstly on hoffiesteads-egraren who otherwise would have beten -missed by Relieves Asthma at Little Expense. - Thousands of dollars have been vainly spent mean remedies for asthma and seldom, if ever, with any 'relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy,.edespite its assurance of benefit, costs stetittle that It is within reach of all. It is the na- tional remedy for asthma, far removed from the class of doubtful and experi- mental preparations. Your dealer can { supply it. dimummuniammetwx..;:zessaisims GREATEST -VALUE TORON 0. ATTRACTIVE I . . • ROOMS WITH 'BA TH $2.50 $3.00 WITH RUNNING WATER 411T) S1.50 S1.75 S2.00 P . EXCELLENT FOOD 'a Breakfast trona . . 35, Luncheon . 50c end 60c R4-; Diiiner • . 60c, 85c, Si 00 '4 WAVErZLEY HOTEL 111 CO . TORONTO • • Write tot I•oltier • 'tees be frankwe ._wa,nr you 'for a cus, tomer.. And when you try Our supihr. cl'ea ned Fa moms' Reading Anthracite And sample our better service4oull -want us for your pow. inerc.hant..Pick -yourp t?ne and- wc'il get tagethet! The Dean' Coil Cj d•..••••