HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-10, Page 3r"•••,--4in zit :3 th, qtUnts" V elret plant Wood ant 40( and She nted Ate. extra one -14. the Fenton P r44,,tzOO.,z (1V.a..'Weathexpaatt :Pla$0 a 444by tilelt n. th04.wh ventured .any d1tane by motor for the .Clirl4crtas festivities. 'ancli did not return :4;a4 night. 1.1tre were several Owes in t1ii4 ,41.1Ptrict.*here Oen the . main reads ,had to be plowed eat on Monday, but for the InSt 'Part ,the mt- orinr Was Pretty fair. The 'blizzard .t7414 1414‘ *aforill Ilews; A On iwsit$ etendzI to 'iMr. 11. V, .t'egi.St„ •of :14ra1ak bythe conOregatIon et DO: st' P;re443rt4Tiani. cliurct, fie*forth, at al'InegtIng on *4-1 '.11Sseca4e, evening. It is expected Mx 1,.t3t Will, take ohaige here alput the end Of ,IATin4ry„ LOSES HORSE „ . ,whIg4 a4r,ppd. c4r1xq4„11P.44aY rA,ovolog" t1rougbotii:"44-e-'-4ifi iseCes----Isceireveresentest-havesebevn.-geiserileavok tilis part a the proVlisce, toe several of our local families haven't- arrived home yet. :241WiM `.er•••, DR. P.. J. Ponzaza. ka'S. EAra, NOSE, TE1ROAT Late Iiouse Surgeon New York Orph- :hairdo and Aural Hospital, assistant at Vfoorefield.'s Eye liotpital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. Ea Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele- ithone 267, At Hotel Bedford, Gederich, from 7 • o'clock en the evening of the third -Wed- nesday of each month lentil the following, Thursday at 1.09 pan. •. .•• ......••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••.7.. ,Erdwic1t Iteeordt ' Rdliert Aile;',',1„. of' 1he.T."4th-voin-fhad--the--misfortune to Iiise Et9,4 ,w9rk horse in 'town lest Sat* , • the , animal on the way in, SO Stopped. saveral times in order that it might rest but when it got to the church hall cor- ner the prior beast expired in its track's. Cause of death was not detirin,ed, PLEASANT RECEPTION lett Township breaight a curios.ity from Zurich Herald: A very pleasant res the farm. It was a 'Siamese egg. Two ceptioa was recently held at the. home eggs a =Mal skin were joined tageth- of `Mr. and Mas.-Eilton Trueinner of the er by a tough skin. The °egg's hlid a CEM,MTE 0014 134-th. i$401$4141.; Hr. Wm, ittlasden, CeZetsria44 010/0 $044 Yit44104 anniversOrY tiaturday WEEKLY , 20,tb• WEEKLYIt:414* 0140.41', , • `their Xmodosboro With their Ici*artlit* *OeNV-004,110,7, Arthur .1?IrkIns- that •the halklaY, 0404 Is dyer Ipr au don t WaStitl4s • tIm*.4. 4340 Terir liCinegdine 'iner,318:14 1?.,111„ 14,(:# :fad LOW, ot, rniel.,C: to tue'ote,:seaion system a 4,4* vtiknd i$1:x pokuclehtkliezi., 4iilrw, 1111=04 erviOtf the Wednesday baithelicIai.,'*$ 1404.n totolossey PwlishIp. In With curling Ats yea* - roost, of the 1.0.40 nd. erne to porml*rc at. the liM1nc$0101. Abe' afternoon 10fP' 14 tail rave; Ho I*,been sigena off. DMini the 'Month o bo.cenlher at 0ls. vsap,tor..,tlie liofitalleY Harris Co. anct.the first- week in 4anuari, In Which. 44 /Ye4t,Alitt.7-lit' Violent illiJoys. falrly 'there was. 4- :11,olictaY stores ..ren.44necl. goiodelleave *it 40014 bis tune to open but. the mer4hant*" by -.law Provide* 'teui strt01014 Plitt :or :the bits.iness. for 'Wednftlay afternoon ClOsink the rh Mxs. ArVals 4**147 'A -4M* of PIO .Year, Shoppers will, de to Man. 'who Settled iree- this community (bear, in Mind that stores will be .clased in 18* wastiont'on a frn now owned next Wednesday, •Jantiary 9, and each by 1aro1d MIMS ot tiOndesboro, and one thereafter. • ' beenl'easind'ed'uttir pmena0aVetr°11ofee.the6hUenihads A CURIOSITY • Church choir for twenty years, 'With the Clinton News Record: Last FridaY WOMen's Institute Place It was formed :afternoon, mfr. John L. Tasker a tiore,;: also Member of the Women's 0014:nary .SieietY,„ They were married 411 the Methodist parsonage," Clinton, by the Rev., Kennedy on Dae. 29th, 1884. concesSion, ia honor of Mrand ;et;; in and were produced, by a Mrs. &tines Rennie, bAdal couple, and Barred Rock hen, who evidently luta a Mres s. Trueinnei 'sister. While orilyl- open hearing a great deal about- mess the immediate relatives were Present, production and thought that she would try it. Mr. Tasker showed the eggs to Mr. N. W. Trewartha, who put' them ,up very appropriate program was arranged tor the evening. j. W. sioirrErrp,; __CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. 266 Ontario -SE, -1510 'Star iStilldMV- Stratford, Coat. , ••Toroptee put. • -- • ...,...,..............._,.. , . •,,- ,, .LEGAL CARDS - ... g HAYS & HAYS; .. - Berristers sand Solicitors. R C. Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays. B.A. 'Harrallton street, Goderich. Telephone 88- ,..•••••••••••••••... DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor Dffice: Hamilton St. e. Phone 512. FRANk DONNE'LLY, B. A. Barelster, Solicitor, Etc.' Paone 282. HAMILTON ST., Goderith. F: R. DARROW.. • • j Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, • Etc. - successor to J. L Killoran. Phone 97. Office, The .Square, Godes:Leh. ERNEST M. LEE: Barrtster and Solicitor ' fun Life Bldg, Adelaide and Victoria. -Streets. T:dePhone: Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC " DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. EIIROPRACTOR A N D DRUGLESS THERAPIST, CrODERICH. Equipped with electro -magnetic bathe. Electronic electric treatmene and- chiree ix/attic. Chronic, organic and nervous disease.s. Lady in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 p.m. andjay ap- pointment. *Closed Wednesday from 12 to, 6 p.m. N ATKINSON. residence isnd office, c,orner of South street and Bri- tannia Road. Phone 341. , AUCTIONEERINO TH01.1AS GUNDRY 4s* SON, Live Steck and 'General Auctioneer& Elgin Ave. Garrick. Sales„ made everywhere and all efforts made to gives -you Satisfaction, Parmere' Sale Notes disommted. . Phone 119.. -INSURANCE - - liScKILLOP MUTUAL VIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY ---zwinzawszeibTetioeassea„ SouthamPton Beacon: Southampton must- hold a -second nomination. for teLeekeleltres.VElasAits tteittAitoRat 'perfectly 'nerinal beside. . Mac- Leod of the Department of Agriculture, declared hel had not seen 'anything like reeve and losuscillors. At _t_lase time for _ the closing of vanfleation only Mayor Rt. MoVb1&'4i4ounvir Beli_had qualified. • iks a result Return- ings'Officer- ivfatmlity:.Wilt- arrange for-&' second'nomination meeting, probably on Friday, January lEATH OFD. A. CANTELON Clinton Neis Reaords The death oc- curred in St. Joseph's hoepital, London, Wednesday, of Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Hensall. Mr. Cantelon was the young - OLDEN WEDDING ANNIV RSARY Blyth Stenderd: 'Mr. and. Mrs. Jno. Potter-,--Salio-S-Orgolden-WeSiding Miniver= sarY was quietly celebrated at their home here ori Sunday, Dec. ‘Ittble, where they were -greatly,- surprised when the following of their family and -friend's ars rived fer the' occas:on: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Po„ter and family, of Kitehener; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson, of Water- loo; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dawson and euzs OunAannon • - Establisned,, in is,17, the Bank of Montreal was the 'first The first hpket for doe Government of Canada, Pi i• • permanent l'ank in &lash North America. The first bank to help' finance the improvtment of the 44ElsfiliWaingtimanwiciar.z.110KAtopeg.,.. - bank in the capital' -of Lower Canada, first in the apical of tO the bililding of die fast Lachine Canal. (Intended tor last Week) _ (Mrs. Frank Jones gave her home the-neguyr-meet Women's 'Institute Thursday afternoon with eleven. Meniftiers preesta. absenceo!.. W. alion,:the presi- dent, Mrs. J. 4. Ryan, *1st' vice-presi- dent, occupied the chair and conducted t meeting. Mrs. G. C. Treleaven pre- sided ate-ahe -pia:nos-Roll-call was se- sponded to by. new Year's resolutions. Reports of .committees were heard, Group 2 reporting that the receipts of the social evening held at' the home of 1virs. J. "J. Ryan amounted to $2.75. g Contribution of $3.00 was made to the Christmas Tree fund, and a letter was received from the Institute for the Blind thanking, the- Institute far their gift of $2.06: A pleasing solo was rendered by for est son of the late M. and Mrs. Wm. family, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. aantelon of Clinton, and was barn Petter and family, of Parkhill, and Mr, and had spent his boyhood and early and Mrs. W. J. Ticlewell, of Lucknow, manhood here. For several years he . A very pleasant time was spent at this had been in buelness in Hensall. He is.. reunion on this auspiciaus occasion. survived by his wife and one son, also There •were about thirty sat down to by a sister, Mrs. J. E. Brooks of Mit- Mrs Jones Mrs Burton 'Roach read dinner and all wished the happy couple 1.` ' • 1 chell, and twq•brothers, J. E. of Clinton, years more of happy wedlock. an excellent paper on the subject of , and W. F., of Toronto, •- ' "Things that are . worth while." Mrs.! WI R. &others read a short stoiy, and • •64,U•41 '••• • Upper Canada, And first of the present banks in BytOvni, • • •From its inception she Bank of Montreal has held she afterwards Ottawa, the .capital of the DOminion. It was esseeseesesperepeeent-ssele ta. be _estebusaesi weseferae________entifecienc•e, of the Canadian IteOple, TOciay theteorifitlence Great Lakes and the first to achiesie a transcontinental is expressed in the fact that the Bank holds mare than Milliori"depOiit accounts; equel to a deposit account for one in every ten persoas In the entire D.nr_ni_ninn. Canadians naturally expect, as the sequel to such a record 41° • The firsriastitution to provide- Canada .,with -a domestic currency, both bills and coinage, ?ARM" -AD ISOLATED TOWN PRO- PERTY - INSURED.-- — Value of prOperty insured up to Jan- uary. 1910, $3,648.975.00. ' OFPIOEIter-Ak, Breadfoot, Seaforth, President; Jas. Connolly, Goderich, i?'resident; A. Reid, Seaforth, Secre- farpoTrettetrrer. DIESECTX3RS--A1ea. Broadfoot, Sea- /orth R. R. '3; Jas. Shouldice, Walton; Vim. Knox, tondeshoro; Oto. Leonhardt, 'Bornhottn No. I; John Pepper, Bruce, field; Jas. .Connolly, Ooderich; Robert Perris, Blyth; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R, Archibald, Seaforth No, 4. AGENTS -W, 3. ireo..tt. R 3• Clinton; Jim Matt, Blyth; Pinlay Isgatercher. sttaforth; John Sturralt L'eaforth, policyholders can ray their ,assess- enertS at Calvin Cutt's store, Ooderich • The Royal Bank, Clinton, or J. le. ReId's, Bolted. . eat FIRE INSURANCE sem it atteictett to by„the !NEST VitAWOOSIBI 14,01nr.fAi; FIRE IGNBIlitANCE CO. Itatablithed 1818' SCOTT -'STEWART ' VVICKSTEA.D-THORNTON . est , - se Wingham Advance-Tpnese The home Mrs. Lillian Campbell read a pretty. Seaforth News: A quiet but pretty of Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Thornton Christmas story: Mrs. Ivers rep,orted_ , wedding • was. solemnized on New Year's was the setting for a very pretty wedee for the skating rink committee. that the night at Northside United parsonage by ding on Christmas Day, whin their eld_ rin.k hoped to make the project a self - Rev. T. A. Carmichael, when Minna est daughter, Eleanar Beatrice', was supporting one. Mrs. R. McDonald cote, Marguerite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. melted in marriage .to Mr: John wiake, fered her home for - the next meeting, Harry Stewart, Egmondeille, was mar- (*stead, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wick -1 for whieh the hostesses are .to be. ried to Arnold Bertram Scott, eldest son stead, of Newport, Eng., the Rev. A. V.'Ws- a Elliott, Mrs. J. D. Richardson ' . _, Robb, of Bluevale United church, of ti- -all' Z.. ,,Bradford. The slngtng dating. After the 'ceremony, dinner the National Anthem 'brought the in- sterved_at the brid,as home- with -only -the -was- served to -about-sixtrefive g ties ts, ,. teresting meettng to a close, after which Wilfrid Eggleston by lunch was served Mrs Roach Mrs • • .....--t----........ Ottawa, Dec. 18. -What a "3U1'• 'wise packar7^" thie forthcoming ses- sion scheduled to open .January. alth date whomore has to go to thOttawae people with nothing than the agree- oromists3 to )be- Usually the ,"wise guys" on Parliament Hill can forecast well ahead of the opening date all the broad lines of a coming session, b this time for one reason or an - The first !mink to assist in financing the foreign trade of that this Bank will retain the spirit of the pioneer in co. Canada; - opetating-with-thrfirture-business life of the -nation— : BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1317 HEAD OFFICE' • • MONTREAL M0DERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE . the Outcome el 117 Years' Success(ul Operation Goderich Branch: R. C. WHATELEY, Manger of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmore Scott, 1VesKil- lop. After the ceremony, dinner was 0+. 1 I — thin* t:if the- dice, could bring about , "THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT" immediate relatives present. The cou- I the. bride's table being centred by the ple left far a wedding trip to Brampton wedding cake, trimmed with holly. The, Stothers • and Mrs. Jones were the hos-1 and Toronto. On their return they will, happy couple went to their home on: tesses- . ; _reside . in lVfeltillop. 1 the 3rd line of Morris, the bride going" Despite stormy weather and blocked' THE SCOTCH REEL • away in a tunic dress of Marina blue . roads; about thirty ratepayers were pre- . ,erepe, with brown velvet turban, brown' tent at the annual ratepayers' meeting Kincardine News: The Scotch Reel tame into its own at the annual .fire- coat, shoes and purse, the latter beinit of .U:84. No.8, Ashtielcl ' (Dungannon), , ' -the gift cf the groom. • on Wednesday. Charles Elliott was i men's dance in the beach pavilion on Monday night. • Although none would sCDOOL DESTROYED BY FIRE • elected chairman, and Mrs. Robert Davidson as se:retary of the meeting. I come forward to uphold their elan a Exeter TIrnes advocate: The old In the ab.encl, of N. F. Whyard and 1 year ago, eight couples were there this stone sehoolhouse on the llth conces- Wilbur Brown, auditors, the secretary , New Year's eve to show that the Ssptch sion of tleizirne, knewn' as No. '3 or read the' auditors' report, which stated I had not -been forgotten and there were familiarly known as PlugtOwn, . Which that the 1:h)cks were f ound to be cor- Still some who could shake a nimble for the past 99 years has seen severer rect. Receipts for 1e34„ including a toe. Prcbably no other dance during ‘getieratians of scholars_ come and go.hsalance cf $2399.39 from /1933 were the evening was so eagerly watched, was on -Wednesday morning completely $4236.78 Expenditures amounted toi a defeat of Mr. Bennett in the Houee. T -here are enough insurgents wait- ing for a leader I think, who would not be averse to gtarting something if Mr. Stevens gave the word. But will he? He has repeatedly said that hp hertioure no politi:al 'amble Cons of that sort. (Those Empire Pnets) 'feel a little sorry for any yawl- ut s another the "crystal gazing" isn't as confident as ueual..Everyone knows that the Whole political situa- t on isfull of dynamite, and that any- thing may happen -and probably In the first place -it's the final session before a general eleetion. They s, re always more boisterous and Young and old also showed keen inter- gated by fire, the stone. walls alone re- $2131.81. leaving a balanie on' haild eSt in the old time dances, with Floor mairiing. On New Years Day • the of $2103. a7. An interest report waq. y oin gth_eca111 ne &chord - had been cleaned arid made glyer; by James MeWhinney, who told :fling flasth whi - - off. - read for the new term., A coal ch comes when parlia- . ments to offer as a reason why he should be re-elected. In some re; spects thay were fine. it has been a good thing for us -that we were able to get into the British market. Butet Will be very difficult to prove to the satisfaction of the elestorate that ous external trade, because of the Ottawa agreeinents, is healthier state to- day than it would have been if a Liberal party had been in power. When Mr. Bennett beat- Mr. King in .•1930, tite latter fondly *believed that a 'recital of "The Record" of .the controversial than the others. The Liberal administration iwould save political, atmosphere gets surcharged him. Mr. 'Bennett' knew better, and • with electricity, waiting for the' light-. tried other tactics. But eurely Mr Manager Alex iVicKa d. Bennett jell% going to fall now into the same snare and lean upon a reels tal of acCiiiii)ollahmenth since 1930': 'The voters don't -give a hoot about what was done in '493g. They • • want to know what will'•be done in 1035. !i fire of * eertain. -necessary expenditures for ment is dissolved and the date of the — WAS MADE FOR. QUINTUPLETS &Clive n. Sup: Betty, the infant rto daughter of Mr. arid Mit.. Ralph Fen- • ____ ton, just north- of vtVallens. tein, is the proud possessor of a little arm chair which was. made for one of the Dionne quintuplets. 'A friend of the Fenton faneily, who -is deeply intereeted In the famous quiatupletsi. placed an order VilarirroralosigraororoomoomormoItoonlyorter 101IN PINDER PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAL WORK Phofli127 P.P., 0401 1 0•0•111. had been binning. cluiing the day. Everything seemed in good order when the caretaker left between five and, sig o'clock in the evening. Baween- hine.-Desninion of Canada -and Huron countyl the five by-elections held wince •the upkeep cf the school, new steps leading voting is announced. This time the 10 ,the basemed. additions to scientific situation is almost unique. In the equipment, library, purchase "of maps of past eighteen months four provinces overhave swuna to Liberalism,and and ten cealack the next morning fire pasee discovered in ithe The flpictures, also a , new flag for the was flagpole Fourteen meethigs of the neighbors were quickly on the scene alui school board 'were held. succeeded in saving the woodshed which • J. B. Young, who was a delegate to will be introduced to the assembly last session of parliament showed a powerful swing in - Ontario. When the House opens two Liberal members +from ridings which. were feriliPr.Y "BINGO" AFFECTING BUSINESS ;Midland Free Press: That tile inn°. the Canadian Educational Conventioral previesdakesreturned a Liberal Ifle•ms . _ the. Convention a Trustees- Mid :Reg- se- = Payers gave report of that conven- uotiservativ-es One of -them, Colin tiOn. Mrs. Davidson &a-ve a report cficroainin.epsbcenitlinfgroma rFidrionngtenae-Addington. which had riot cent game of bingo should seriously ate feet the poultry business will be a sur- prise to many, but it Is a tact. The game is being played, in several Sawa eitery night, sometimes just for the fun of the thing, and in other places ter lileasure and profit combined. The cons sequente is that a lot a people are at. -tending these- genies; some are hating to succeed James McWhinney, who hae.absent during -the earlier stagee of thepresent parliament. 'Another good tack, while others are licit dons. completed a six-year term of office. A ' piquant toueh is the return to Ottawa so well. But the winners Are' getting their own supply of Christmas 1*11.1try and also Some to .sell, whicir they 'are •doittg, or else giving it to friends. so w testrsitefeitielrrilrhrEilir-aiiiirth7 winners would find it Cheaper tO. buy their poultryfrom the dealer; but then me contract for supplying 35 cords of ber in its-1,56syesats of iluetoi•y. The lasineh gacd body wood, beech an' d Iformer ConservetiVe majority in the House of nearly 35 ininibera-ovet maple, was awarded to William Cook at ' , all opposition -has been cut to about $275 per cord. The contract for , 20, and while this is quite adequate scrubbing ahd cleaning the school was , for the purposes of ordinary govern - given to David Glenneit $15.00 per s:•ear.;ment control, it will add a certain Victor Erring toil was elected as truwhich stee ' zest to divisions was entirely FUNERAL DUCECTOR AND IMAM= ALSO iditRULANCE stievi6E GODERICII, ONTAWO semi Ofileot —Thmstiustish, Out* Rouert " Davidson, Dungannon, Presi- dent; Ernest Ackert, 'Efolyrood,, president; in idditlio to the President and Vice President, the following are Directon: Wm. Walsotii Auburn; W. J rhoicipsta, 'Anbisert; Walt - mcqunild, Lucknow; W. P. ,Reed, MR. 2, lateltitost; Harry L. Balked, Goderich; Dan Mae. Kay, Ripley: Tim orifbn, R. R. NO, a, .odertalis OECitti TRNLItAt*Ki Sec. TUOfttrliantERS, All calls prOMp•tly attended to day • or niiiht Phases Stare 3,35, Horse 251. 011611 • acingnicti . -THE LEADING . • #41t4gRAL OIRECTOES 141113ALMERS ..aLeo MX4ANSZIWICZ S 111(01* tolOr hearty vote of thanks was extended to of eliornmyee Church, who was elect - Mr. McWhinriey for his faitlehil service 1 ed - as a Consevative but who never and also to Charles tpiat for *acting as,showed any signs of subserviency to chairman for the meeting. " I the party whip. —Itonald- and Wilfred-fertatindeswerel -- -- ----- . - -- ( Liberals on the Icanipayily- hosts of a delightful party at their home on Wednesday evening, When Scenting victory from afar as they • kastoomorommistoomosoraostmosoomor THE GOIsERICII HEAT FOLKS "What is Itcont Itteut the at 3%6 rionie,1 sweet h tncY is* hinne7— worm home, where the Heat Folks have the run of the fire. If you have these happy ;youngsters in your coal bin there -is no need -of hanging up. There's no place like home -for you'll know it Just' as Soon as- you atep inside. - They keeps. tire- household- . At a rm 'and ea re- f ree. They •• sve frequent trips to the ce- lar and numerous fire-huird- ink jobs. You can trust them to keep the fires going no matter how late you're out. So ladopt these Heat Folks and put more joy in your life CALL THE Wo they uldn't haVe at much .fun, oind the.y entertained about twentY of their that is what seems to count, i claim to be° able to do, and w t so , friends from Dungannon and vicinitymuch edam moment from the SUNDAY'S CONCERT CONCERT A sleighride to the borne was the 'be- I toriite, is it to be 'wondered ati Liberals act frisky and cause the If the News rd . ginning of a very pleasaht evealing,ilgovernment of the day as much an „minion - , Iteco : The cofleeet spent in Playing progressive croquinole'noyanee as possible? Mr. Mackenzie given in the town hall later the thtfeels and music. An interesting Program of King has said, in a pleasant avaY, 1Serv1een on Sunday evening was ixt. speeches and singing was •presided over; that he will resist to the limit of his tended and the cowed %Vast Well 'Werth hearing. The retnark Was heard en, all sides letter that Olintal foul,* y exl cellent bind and that it `Made Itself very useful, for the Ireeds of the con- cert Wee eirititelY 'deVeted to the town Welfare work. It hatt been the citstorrt M the boa -tti -oit 'Otte *met% con- cert at the hriettratt heft** fOr • the past three foul' tyearit. VI* band played er4t verY„ ftne claskiit geed- titansr W Mutt* s bagpipe telleetio, Atlift Moritttli tteetiattillink biza eh the Oft, mut Ur, and Mrs. R. J. WIggine retutried sli6willeft Atte'. ibflt * Shring 1,1iit� Tikantitord on Tueeday. Aide. lite, Ifa* Easte 1Mallet se1te4 %fr. Prank Savage left on Tuesday for OM And Ittits If 1.4100on jt,49:1p. totiirirrie*Wrillire by Arthur Brown. A dainty luneh was powers any a terved by the sisters tot the haste, and Mr. Bennett either to introduce any another sleighride home cot/eluded thei !new legislation, or to- pass any money. evening's enJoyment. s u les. AA the present money ',votes run out March 31ist,„ Mr. King, Mrs. W. R. Stothers had tes N'elvl if 4utcessful could 'precipitate ti) a Year's Day guests, all her children and general election not later than Apra grandchildren as follows: Mr. and Mr?r&'earlY May because there would G. Stothers. Lenore. Heleri and Arn-i he no money to run the cotiatry hands of the govern old: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jonea, Dori - 1 the ment. course, a majority of 20 would en - ng gets able Mr. Bennett, if Mr. Ki aide, Bertha. Roy and Paaline: Mr. Ws. Hared Thera ShePpardton.1 too fresh, to apply whet known their four children, Billie, Dorothy,, colloquially as "the gag" -the " • nd argaret, 1 gure, in other words. a.1/f But to my mind the ;test fascinat- ing feature of theNcoming session is the politiear dynamite in the Stevens situation. I don't think there le any etLh4 r zmea jio .c.1.11t1ea doubt but that Mr. Sevens if 'he mpt 6n the rt of ogrieuts WE NOW ,CARRY GENUINII SCOTCH ANTHRACITE J-.--BAUSTARD-COAL C PHONE 98 ' iODEIIICH, ONTARIO ,oloorlo° Painful Boils Cause Much Misery An Indication of Bad Blood Done are one of the wortit Annie- tioria of the human mee, and nny, one who ha's hail them know a how sick and Mieerable they make you feel, for just as noon as you think you are rid of one, another (*rope up to take its place, seemingly, • just to prolong yous agony and misery. A ,r) MI the poultieine and lancing yOu. tan do will not td yousflor them. fiurdocit Mood titters ernovelt the loul matter hen tbe ,lotomb and once tbe,,, blood is purea this ,ticavAtIti;Wattipictv,,M2m1=trx.t.,viAtt=o42-0J,?4,