HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-10, Page 2aV,11, nat
'40 Of la if at
1P' :0;000
-the *414. Act LJU
prgamiahla, elaabla the Cottia
a `nd.04er Of Or 10,0 *lUfl
0111 e nmePtS aM tbe rfatiOn$
fleauhraeriptienS VdIi net, "Liahped, hrit* ;ren
arrears orcr an 43ttetided Pee*,
e a 111310$ We are hothled to craileet t Pu40 4441 1°11.3''at's 011Jv$ 'the
Unte the auttsiwlitser .Wistiai. the k;ser- eratiana party polities Ex4 who
Work 031437 fer „the OS '41( the Atte.
C.E.tiON .-Mt' . fietd
ou ibcdbsz& prefer net
ir- tOvictiPtiOns IlltetrUPtat,
fait 40401rtit before Opines
Asada by registered letter, Money or.
•Aar Cheeile Midge lit'a par na uotigp.
Probably we OPUrit,o As Welt *I
o man." legtsbItOree IsIst ases Wive never
eenaie tO:ZeeitilittYkOtAltlen*. In
oda warrant the helift,''t*t* OW
class of Mcn Watild be any more PutP140
virAted r More ompetfl o 40.1Vie otti
"the eitiren$ did well to 'approve the Pr$411114 4°4`1141.'$1160t:'101.0: haYe;" *la
Goderach Organ petepany bylaw. clou'aZfill if there. ls Alt abler man in
11 OW had net One 66, a nisty pro- Canada tbut, X.114,-HrInett..
blein would have confronted the new °there 1114. 4hiss 1)14 hcale 3?etter.
eisagaill. it tile Proposal may now ti has ar.iess to the advic.e ot any sod
be passed onVo the Railway Board for I the We. 'hi"' 4 ,Ps' r4s°114111! say
that he 130 3301. the C*Orage to MOM*
their .• probable that"
zot Y*
.44Y,* . '1 .1)44114
„» laotA 4441,4, 'the got* iihruhk. When
ei,Y* '`the" godsgods slu ax114.'"., or
•1h wrd, family Ot Pie*
*Cording 'tO faMily iIs are all at
Do not aitY, filArolter to apt' to be
there.'" Say, Is likely to be there."
Do not SaYi If* i nowhere neer as
Wealthy as ISS'Olge think.' 00,y, "He is
OOV nearly en ?wealthy as people thlhk."
Wert** Often 'litirspiroiseaneed
Table erbete. we�-ta-bidotr
a sas In M*, 0 as In no, iscovst first and
laat ;syllables. • ,
Celibacy. Pronounce eel-l-ba-si, e a.s ,trioters and missionaries
final approvalIt is . .
In slle, both 01 as in it, it unstressed ao., ' IOUtton spent a delightful year there
they will suss it too, which will eriable!':4,• "allr e4Minejlttible P/4114 P/lic31 cont first. syllable. ..
of ..ould such be evo/Veda He has Proven *00111111;de. between Augua., 1829, and August of
ule town to complete the financing Pronounce a -kit -mat, first the 101.10V.r nig year. He gave to the
i 4isrULAIL,e,:,.. .. ,_,_2,_ s , a as an at unatressed, i as in lie, second seimatifte World the plelitiful results of
the comaany. . .
!any thcught that a two-thirds is ‘S44-1441,"4 14°', wacrves. as 40 inast ar as in Mate, oacent, second syllable. hie Werk In (we books a year or mare
majority was needed for the bylaiw.i-411--"wriP tila...,,Q14/' ra•1191" rt"birrl Tirevomble.' iPronoume i-rov-o-lea,:-bl, ago and now aelis us just what kind of
1131s is• not so. Actually, the RailWay in red, and aceent second 4, Wile he'bad, personally. .
must be saved. ,•9r course it must, but 1 as Wit; 4 as •
-, how?, The Duff report recommended a, Unable* Pot theisthIrcl• '
but 1421014A 49.
tainterestnig L Man!
asant*aaite4. TIreolaa' a't,A11‘412. deellidellit!tot44;111,.. 44: 444
Ititteharabittitiotaandefacrhann,,,eolitoocith atit_
an bird , life, or that Pert.0
IneSta ar4 rears it4 Young 94 the Aretio
' afe' secured passage OA the 10008
• tun
Bay steamer '1Nascop1e," and wee eeding viral* ,opti
ped ohl. With an his scientific eadement, u rat ISO
the ./rokitites, •
tkittrit•I•11:140t*PO°r1IS1811UBgallYacIvias;t ilubeicilittil*OW11"t peoplettte1bad 3,00uttiwulontpdereglit,cbt 141 srigolwbere
94ta5hirt 'OW0101000.. -,,spoo.
vat bleak, barren, stoney island lies bier and 00 one *neat ;until ltleat were
right In ,the ,northweStern month ot finaily 14/cited en SoUthaniptam /Stead'
Hutiassols" Bay, A' trine under the circle, and* Ban% 1,404.., •TIttat 'why gle_ntkat,..
Only & feW People live there, all Edda 'Ur -79-sse8 ir,maiteri-e0 lonfir -18 not olOor
mob, exaslit' for the half-dozen., white 44, the 'natives seeineel to know all about'
*Wino irotoor.„ is 'not 4 great boolr',Iout
It la Pad* intermit* reading, 41110114
can read it and learn something, and
, enjoy the 'evening % greatly while learn-.
Ines It seems to toniirtit Many of Stets
fansonas claims for the friendly Arctic.
Life, comfortable • life, Is; there for those
broa d d reasonable sort al'
Be is it true scientist and evidently a
who know liow to thsd it, It Is bleak
gaalee'lte st, lw,litter With the. to CliapeSe of timber ell the.
413;#te ,Sideroad. • " ,
Thatsfellowing accounts were real alact
Orderel paid:
and Empire)
Referring to, the "Banptrainnrtr-la" at-
Flemlnaton, NA; the New York 'Herald
TribUne say a: "*Tustiee Trenchard Ithn-
Telt toe* the talesmen In- hand' When
there was confusion of mind and exa
Planed Pahate . of law iwith kindlY
lucidity, The moral ean hardly be ints-',
sed. New Jeraey, by clinging to the'
older *14414.1 -Point of view, has invest-%
el her Judaea' wail a force and a power
an the'beneh that are• sadly lacking in
Many other jurisdictions. the fault lies
not hi the „judges In such states but in
the rigid restraints 1,vhich have been int-
tenftnee, $1.25; Municipal World sup- ,
plies, 02/288; T.,ucknaw Sentinel, print,
lug, '$3; N. F. Whyard, Didifen ("burg
clerk, $12; Chas. Fowler, bailiff, $1,2;%H.
EedY, relic', $11.71; Witt. J. Stewart, -eat-
SinarYytt h,"), salary,;j.M$15un; llnsalary, $4&;
$4e6, saBl:
aryr.$45,a-111..-Afitchison, salary, $45;
Board of Health, meeting, $22.30; Helen
Miller, cailtakin.g, $7; J. Dtirnin,--reftmd
fog tax, $2; D. Phillips, balance of, sal- -
ary, $115; Oliver Smith, relief, $3.36 7
It beatitiltd,• hal'reit on land but fruit- posed upon courts in the name of de- C$i'2,319b;3114V7lAa.r.Y/3earrle6,.9S3U;;PCiieSA,IW$ng..501711Wef''
• ful in the seas. It Makes ene,wish he macre:0y, and which prey t judges front Boyle, salary, $123,00.
t unsiressed second chap Cile *Vent native in so far as that
O. as in say, is aa in it, accent second Wae• Called for, and enJoyed himself
Board has the final say but the consent Sort of *co-ordination or services. Plenty Passaie MOW
.0 the peep e was needed , 4 , 7eople Stepped forWatal topdeclare that Sa-
a as a '
f 1 eded to Indic te the * first
'Jersey). Pronounce pa- d Milt Ott an
a a year , apend enjoying a primi. counselling Juries and, keneral, from The Council adjourned to meet Jan
Mag,-the free hand 6:Sent al to anrignified •
41.1.MigaWfTP,0,440-1 , .4.lt....Pt..11 aan•
and efflaient trial." * • .
-.- .-GO-YERNMENT-..- . t -
..______ ...- ACT
If a man, Making $40 every week .a. -
a nottee- explaining Una '$9 ' had been
' ..une summitry of figures for The
found only $31 in his pay',Onvelope with
held out for taxes, he would not be long Workmen s. -Compensation Board _of S111 -
guard, if I laY-- 54,7130 accidents reported during the
MUST SHOW/ HIM * --1 ,
_ iris demanding, through his public offi-
three eg,gsshere and ftvesanoner wenta .and whY, und.,--tidds tile prior year. _
year, as compared with 38,042 during the
Math Professor-ioNcw, Mr. Zilch- eials, an .explanation* of where the
The fatal accidents numbered
i was: desigtird to do. it has nevif hien
THE NEW 'COUNCIL •.,11,put to work. rt appears to be Just a
matter of honest difference of °Aston.
Me would be a hard man to please
_ srtainlysit asas never -been -quite fair to -
_341 -0 Avaiitt, be dissatisfied- with the town ?*
csiinicil 'chosen for 1935. I lay all the blame for -the raliwaY. Meta
....mine it .v612201, otthe PokitieJane... The
'-',As3% that they will work marvels they are a ''',,allAvays-•T-7,',eiViii 'a mess when we -took
• Went over. Some of them had been
most representative cross section -of the
pored in their management • and
- citizenry. It is at least certain that the ""'"&ni
.syst were bankrupt,. They have added Vs
business of the town will be conducted
• our debts put what was the alternatiVe?
in a reasonable and dignilibd manner.,
Had they not been team air they
- for 'the- eorning twelve Months. Any •
t I would have,folded up,. leaving
problems which arise will. be gs-ve
, rust. streaks through the country.
quiet and °reasoned , consideration azuf
, The whole condition is luta a sample
the resiths probablY sneak for them-
wves. of, harnan failure through Inman
• nesse Thst should not prevent every
Tlie Old council Is well represented cffort 'h g made to correct. things but.
• with Deputy Reeve 'Turner, Cotuitillor -411
in the final analysii, the debts, rallwaY
Hockins and former -Mayor Lee. It was' er personal or national will be paid only
a proper and an appreciative gastilre on busines4 ma -keg it Poselbilla 'VW Can -
the Piot of the citizens to elect Mr. Lee.1 amen people are, willing Oa work head fo sernitY, asteciatieo.
• It took sioilritge to offer himself - after' pay. If the debt camtot be ptdd, then ' 'tyord Study •
four years as dija mafistrate, one cktss -of the Comm:unity will bear the
• Councillor alucitissa vote was not Liu., loss whesetia 21* the Other ekes is ,;Use a word three tiniea and it Lai
'alasssaisps 4rmalsessagifisS•'"-
'Lava. Pionounce 'aa-va,' first a as in the pages of his• book as naturally as! ---
oh (not as in at), accent first syllablewater lanbblea up through limestone.
Words Often Misspelled Nor is it strained fun, drawn from ex- WHAT 0111-IER
Manor (a mansion). Aquarium; aq, not
• Manfier elletOM: obriduct; .angagtievrae tehrl*saittoouhontro-rost•suThd ashorisrmlnd zir
trayellers_filegitimately draw upon to
acq, - -Symbol -(an emblema. Cymbal -Jo,
musleal Instrument). Maraschino; the ersahcO. kajoer aamoethe, Theca Es"kimciviloizeasd" hreae,dis
rve wArchitect; eh, though pro-
golai, is pronounced skee. Sword. Ob-
.and net Eta he thinks he. ought to be
nounced as k. ,
sethe .
and finds" that helikes him and that
a reason for most of the habits
• Intent, intention, aim, endeavor, goal,
• centuries."'
whithshave worried white explorers for
purpose, object, aspiration.
He tried to acconunodate himself 05
Manner, mien, demeanor, behavior,
baring, • cexri4e.
Agility, celerity, quickness, • speed,
Conskier, think, study, reflect, poiider,
contemplate.* meditate.
Afraid, .cowardly, fearful, frightened;
faint-hearted, apprehensive,
Club, lodge, 66:dety, fellowship, fra-
. the life and in, doing so learned how to
eat raw nah, row frozen meat,
freshly torn from new -killed seals and
the score and more of northern dainties
which Steffanson reznark.s must have
been available to the erews of early ex-
plorers who died in the early Clays, be-
came 'they could not accommodate
themselves -tothe conditions of the
P1:4011111? With tile Iwo White
radexs but irssoblated• with the Eskimit • •
yours." Let us inerea.se our vocabulary,
-fx?-1c!I ilnq . Vc4oel.' the general belief , carviflg. tt.
gloom wia give by mastering one word each day. Words
in his Inherent 110116,4 a fairkse eVen 1 ' .14og el the nre"wht
CCINTRAVENE; to go Or aet contrary
'if unwise. counsel led him asthiy
. on, way to cheerfulneas if bust/Yes pleks up.
If we are in a condition from %villas
some matwrs. lt is prObable that with
. his ,year"4 experience in coanell he will- there 15 49 Menge Mover/ then the
paaVe 41, usefal Mangler of the body. 1 debts just won't be paid.
3! VC ittiliarti Siketied at, the head of Probably ten years will.see the coats -
try so prosperous thet our debts Will no
the poll Was sttectitted from the momenti
he announced his candidacy. He is i 1°4er be -a- Purden.--
.hew to match/al affairs but the judge- I
rnent of, those who know, him best is I ' EDITOAIAL 'NOTES
that he Ion -uvo up. to the expottationa '
of his manY friends.
• • King Canute Is'reported to have stood
Binghatti, Vs°, has never served al -1 on the edge of the ocean hind to have
thottgh he ran once -Wore some years command:4 the araters to -stand Isaac.
ago. Kis persenal, stake in the town is! President Reasevelt is reported to have
large and he 'has the time to devote his! stood before Congress and to basal coin -
talents to the inzblie welfare. He is. ex- "handed nut the power of the rich
..1PoOted te give a good slocount him. it cease.
self. • „ I '0 *
DOugias Braaat and. J. Craigie 'Ma authorities at Ottasta want to
.are Proven campaigners. 'Both have' know what pecple think about the large
. eatablislied their worth* not anis! in the silver dollar. 'Most of as would be glad
__municipal field :atit hi numerous publle 1 to hale any kind, pt i, dollar but few
tatterpriscs: They would ‘ add sistrength welccMe the idea. of'a great eumbersome
Isa aay council. - thing suAr4s the Anteritan eart"Wheel.
s ••
Mr, Gould Is probably not displeased /t should be avoided if possible.
a s Is 'a
. .Lttutt he lost as his. bealth has not been
.of the b* and he had intended to ,rea v.e4o. general sYMPathy is felt for
tire t‘thiS year, His excellent vote is in, Briketnals_Edward, lamas through sallow
late 'nature of a hearty sendoff* • trsistake so many lives NI:ere tiluifed out
.faiseb 3. Moses's election to the •on Cluistmaz night at Dundas. %/Vs one
Iteevethip is the elimination of an snits of thoese •things which could .1Sapites lo
bittaa which, he *flues/teed, he ' had aintatt •anyone. We fancy the dead
harbored for some ' year* Inks Seen woUld sa.Y. 'tio easy Oh him."'
toarwa Interest in the publio Works 0 --- 4' a a a_ _
the'la`Vii- 'Ivilt elm" that -derattnrei,it - ikaiti Sea -ire -rib saningatera, aged ' 11 'said
,lbehir wet loaketi lifter. He latka 4 hard 14, got the thrill- of their -liet -when:they-
man to follow hi to. Miming** "whe saw a !Mtn ileil)illg hinisele to the ten. -
Inas devated nian.V 110105 of hail, vork. tents Of a cash register When the' prOa'
diirifia "the past, twelve Montt* to lila oastar szas . Out. They WOO bright
chairmanthtla Its nlanY Yeats of set' enough. to report it, Immediately and the
Vito to the town will be gratefullY 1t*,1»j1 Was auleklY behind the bars -
mentbered in spite ot his doted. • * * * *
Al' Tor the others who Wed to wilt las *
s„. "Blatant Nationalism" 'opiate :to be
a eocif field, there are still the $t•MICW '
a proper destription Of the, twat Whereby
, tonic. • to be defeated In aft electiest Is
laid experietaw that many good men tut., ‘4144.11an ships winteribit ,inAmerican
water a are supposed to have Aitiorietitt
..derg4) end; thotte whO ..talcb it best are _
outi,,.,tcho itoany erilit, beek t,,r0,11,0citaliPla:14".81 1.e6)41' 5111"Win 41' °I° dts'
Vitae Whith ta only tot) rainiaant. in naist
to; tO oppose in principle Or effect.
"Nature is always ooneistent, though she
ieigna to contravene her ,own laws." -
MUT 'Afilm&It; quality or state of
t g subject6 change. "
llty Illatt'S. laws -are Unlike the_lawaor.
CONSUMMATION; act of completing;
state of being oompleted. "The con-
summation of peace between the VW°
nations was the result."
QUIXOTIC; rcimantic to extravag-„
arm; abSurdly .chivalrjo. "He was not-
ed for his quikotic love of adventure."
INORDINATE; not limited to rules or
to usual bounds; excessive. "Hi pos-
sessed an. inordinate greed and love of.
Father: "And do you think you will
be abie to give my daughter all she
Suitor: "Yes, she says she only
wants me."
• s 8 *
rather: "Well, Willie, I retelved
note from your teacher . today.",
Wiuie 'isthat ao? Give Me
quarter and 1• won't breathe a word
about, it to mother."
tario for the year 1934 shows a total of
eggs here, how ma.ny, eggs will I have?' Indianapolis Nears, the pebple would
glance) -"I don't believe you can do it, ,ontleal government. The comment - is. compared with 228 daring 1933.
Mr. 'Zilchguard (with a questioning soon have better and much more econ- .
sir."• timely and revealing. Most govern- The total beriedits awarded during the
irtenta are loaded up with - bureaus and pared with W994198491 daring 11.9P,
year amounted to $4,499,70723, as con-
ly number of them could be wiped out the 1934 figures being made up of $3,-
denartments and branches, and a good- .
or at least amalgamated with others, 657,90.82 compensation and $841,738.41
_ , . ,
sed. That's why' a change in govern- medical aid.
Taking a . basis of 300 working days,
'and their departure would never be mis- .
ment is advisable at stated periods. A§ the average daily benefits awarded
soon as one btuich becomes .finnii' en-, „sense
, amounted to about $15,000, requiring an
•trenched, the trenChe.s should be hind-, average of 780 cheques per day. The
ed over to the opposition. It's sort of a nuMber of new claims reported
silly procedure, but Seems. the only way daily increased from 127 in 19$3 to
in 1934.
In their trapping and hunting ek,Pedlal' . s (Hanover Post) . ment. , The accidents reported,. during Dee -
under our present system of govern- I:_
tions; tried driving ,* dog team,-daneed general Smuts of South Afrida, who r 4,849 during November, and 4,3211 during
ember numbered 4,328, A§ compared With
for their 'benefit ashe asked them to is recognized as one of the greatest December of 1933. •
dance for hhn. Hes even sang for them statesmen the world has • seen, says that WHAT A -TRIBUTE
and listened to their . weird songs In re- the true line of progress for our future • (Picton Times)
. (Walkerton, Herald -Times)
When the Central Bank of Canada
opens it will have control control of $100,000,-
090 Worth of gold, sharing that there
Must be geld, mines ',which do much
better than the ones 'in which we
'bought stock.
lies in the recognition that in mankind
HO found them amble, polite and we are members one of another and
quickly responsive to decent treatment, that in spite of racial ind political bar -
bringing In huge quantities of specimens Tiers huraanity is really a whole.
width -1w needed7-lit.-Iiiir reseal& WoW
He tells' of trips over the frozen plains •THE GREAT- MAJORITY
and gives a picture, of conditions by in- (Listowel 'Banner) '
Terence, almost, ,aather than explaining
what a hard life he had. itt was a hard
life but when One goes into the Arctic
one should expect` to' find it cold and
bleak and hi many ways uncomfortable
and it alWays seems astaille silly to dil- 000,000 people. With 1,800,000,000 peo-
ate on conditions and to acomplaln of pie in the world -this 'Maryland sky -pilot
seema to insinuate that the rest of us
poor mortals will have to just go down
to the other place: --:--C
A Maryland pastor sketches heaven on
a map for his congregation and tell
theni that that good ..place will be 6,000
miles square, with twelve pearly gates,.
.16,00000 rooms to accommodate 32,-
harc18hips which, .11 Should be known,
are a part of the life, that is the fault
4 so many trastellere. They deliberate-
ly go places which are isteange and, to
a white 'man, untomfortable, and then
they aoinplain about it. Sutton does
not complain. are gets 'a, lot "of fun out
of it which b the tight attitude of
mind. Frozen riosee and cheeks are a
part of the life. They are nut nice, in
fact they are painful and disagreeable,
but what about it11 a man' does not
want his nose frozen; he.141001d not, go
where he knows, it will be froien.
He suffereda lot Trent' sealskin shoes
which were WO short for his feet.
These- worry the teader 'Some, Ws it is
LAwee.tig. hard to understand Why he Aids not
A tough old., egg was dyink. The have the Eskimo Women 'MAIM thein the
-parson was asenf-torsandsaeeing-tt 'vast PrePer ettg
sews „,yed had how., ,suffered needleolt, and inakea the read-
er uncomfortable at the Same time.
renounce the devil my friend." • Mowever, he aceepts that .as Part of the
"tbo late" was -the reply, •"I can't- '
lly cemplains
afford to iliake any more enernles." game and dots not actua
.4, • • • just as he ate frozen ' raw fieh and did
(Barrie Examiner)
As an illustration of how collection of
taxes has fallen off in recent years the
Renfrew Mercury gives the figures for
that town, in 1930 arrears amounted
to only $2,208. The following year this
liad. grown. to $10,287 and has increased
every year since, with 'the result that „at
Dec. 15. 1934, there .was a total of
63014 impala taxes, including colter
$50,000 of OAS' year's leVy., Mt is Orb%
bable that this situation may be partly
'respOnSible for the/fact that net one of
those nominated for mayor qualified
an47tUrbli1y7Mr-iiomfriees, for coin -i -
tillers signed- ther quilifitation papers.
But the most pawerftil influence in
e o y the
mein -
e -life of a child is the home life.
ory of the late William MacKay of
This was brought home to -us by a re-
cent incident.
NOt-ltifig ago a yorm--gr man returned
from college to Ina home for the week-
end. It Was unexpected and rather per-
plexing to his parents, for it was an ex-
pensive trip and money was scarce.
But they welcomed him and enjoyed his
visit, unquestioning. A day or so after
his return they received a letter from
him. "I knew you wondered at my
coming," he wrcite, "but I felt I must.
Many things have been disturbing me
lately, unsettling my faith, overturning
Hensall, and the late Frederick Ross, of
Dungannon, Who- passed- av,tayton__the_____
second and sixth of November, 1934; re-
spectively. Of each it may be said that
he was a faithful and sympathetic
teacher, a true friend, and devoted Chris-
tian. Mr. MacKay was born in Dun-
gannon 73 years ago, the son at. the late.
Dr. and Mrs. MacKay and Mr. Ross fin-
ished his teaching career by tewaving.
17 years in the same old school as Mr..
MacKay attended in his 'boyhood.•
"Ithe Master's gone, that gentle twai,
,a .
gain. And ;mind it." The people trusted 11181, -
doubt We all
were pleased 'to meet;
nidaryiPeshfotosophniyy. sobrigin r justuln. To lister1 his cheery wcrrcis,
come home, to get within its atmosphere As we passed down the Street.
and feel 'the sureness of everytaing Por man years he taught our school
What a tribute! Such a home Will -be 'His pupils loved him as a friend,
girls, "dearer than life:"
theevirerychendhirledn,wbhoeysn 'While all looked up to him.
(Listowel Banner)"
Most of the iosa. I merehants report
not, complain. '
WELL INFORMEDchri3tinas sales in extett; of 'th ir ex
She hxs doe everything wrong. mit tits acconnt of a ininting ,,trIP after pectations and arc greatly' chee;ed by
• &guarded the Signal lighta: then ceribet1 111 the vacant hills of the, north the business. done, sone repotted the
stalled its the middle of' the erect, and 4ast Of the island is' a real colo of- ad.
best Christmas '1rt the past foist ca Ave
beiore, -starting had taken out her pow- venture., Cold, ' did* 11 ht cliff the
der putt. Wad started to 4IPPIY: It to her teene and finally a e ' 4 .o.ites., tp years, and this scents to. 13e the report
• .. 1 fren other eerstrea as well., merchants
fate. An Irato traflit cep rushed up. and I '
ie has to.drive a team of -suspicious in nlanit Iseis had been -iiatlaila bAn
• doge some miles to atv unknown camP apparent slot, iri dem , id nioei.
'Tay, lady, do yet know anything at all ,,„ sss s us. sy..t.g...., ..A.,...A tia. V,,,,,y^t ' ha ItCitri
about trathe rulesr, tiov where Lu'l X.'3'614"U 4."'""' ''''' '''''E'.-" but the advent of seatonable Weather
has hallt tin° ` '8"w '-h1i*ts in and the inlitience of the get-giViTig sea".
"W1)„17, yet% , Whit, is -it. that, .rott want,
pvilAULA. ne asam 416PeS. sante Meature ovoreattie,„ the semmess btong,
sseount test s Or 4 driv the dir
to Mew?"' son
of warmth at_aLcomfatt *in he fattriduree.steastrteasoottiett
"ROY aflU
• a. blineh of Violets fol. $uut pour 0;ii.ibtya kinsa se atm taisas $s, were deuble What theY Were for Chests
enaart sank andjaderatiat Mark -
•(at . aiSai sha a'ellopateran stad .add cd the• resette Of the Men attended ea
rolitedt" able, lewlutrild leader at 1,,ar. the taito shwoo „RC II* by Oansallen1
mite's * sit' attaching POblerns flyers, Thro liroxi.:,landett on the ice
:and audit* catse 4,,,Itesh and, novel and willli'onlY Oft W14. teitigre4 Ar ',the
battaise't a. ft* Weeks 40 end iti tnat the' lee and 'Witt tattled Mit 4.*tly
ingt.Inla4e It dear that they Are OUr an41 CfrlaclitlYfr. •
21 deb% jaat- sit ate Our "me
mend men In hot itt r 6 re -S'
ale thsttitted 'Catiadies birtlinet deb cue but, ft tots 0, ttektith ijob getting
sweetheart, shift taxied the floater loistoad and yo'n rejoice with hirn Year 144'
'oltaven't got, one,," terblitti the Yehnit &ad feel to5y awl warm Inside the scoot
141 '
1,ar.A. • Wells livIth him. During the inforced
,..roce huni.At wont to put lotto.,0 stay in the ,iiirottive. ,hohte piso•SP/ittittil410. NEW
you(8:initot ytetontti)
So 'try, rin, tot martietr One& kind Of' WO, with 'him, Corn(r teipocts the itoronto rounict-
154*-4311Y the $4000.10 t4) Mei.. and the Zsitlmos and laugh their Pat eleetioataMpaignaftorded arsaaintaie..
tote Itino •tics and odd: numer ot„, vountint and Oettstale peopleretldingssaaltskle
* • /AM trawl out* when the „bliftard hat that city, rot,' the first time mem-
)dlifitkit It ended. isame days later *Oa enjeSt the etas they Sate the plot* arai the Mall
On nieht SeiietrOan wa;."-sa4pati 'Ali'ititt 44 nt tij• kroOle etde the
be boos of a tiaebeloi fortim tittrefa.„ below zero, ' sinne candidate, but teen with the
out in bout 01 the the ttretittee verre en And. you are lust as, glad tO g.et blek Vice of the Taesnoth, they lore unable,
rat aud three hitt**. There Wele to the treat* aseet he ,Is. thrbtatt elett. hint to the MaYar% t
fur hole, Itt the both** 44' .the iioor4s. #431 itou, are Mt* kept inj, foolish mix* tsf cnOugh„, too., tlwt slog
cne)arge and three After Petite all the time, waiting Or tstranity Star. outettin
at the hetet for° a WU*, the odes,* whkh never ,happetais Button pictures klaroallent01 tie.
milt fininst toted his hook., ttithot are iihtleh never toppere. Slug* *tutote tert/ttNsupportlng
toto in the door tett" the liteM 4p„ notvisol lile vith ,cont1rt4 Potty *blot
olio* the* tete 10 nee Whets they geock* provided VI **I tetiNtoi,e4 $4,* ',"11% The
.1e•cine ond nut:* replied the tonter. t.tbtittle* Jot ,4* ott **top* thott 44,7thistir Attnom
• ltetrttioUttet illy ell pot the On illahtettt* to ono a boat street itt bectuse of hit pe
but 'at/ d
•tdg hotel" tootatted the Wootton.• Whe*Oat trot*.
**oh * .strotet. It we esfl bebs the C.(&
• ILAttototoete4
eat bifls and, rot or hkseei*
ittt that each sduli int* owes
0161 ola amount of Pnbile
and anbcthet $11500 On ae
ot such thing* Ili inartgages on
bon"itviftirea, rent fuel, &tokens* it4.
rount, unptild ,institIlmentt 'Ort th
tonritture; etc
totsket * a OW*
or the aefa
• ,Yolut Motinetol to•
141111t e&looniot, ft
helor the (oithtr
peotend, at)t*tesott
rawer teyt
1.04. )tottii** ** pokt
tUtistit *rot *
*n dtoonstrOdenthe
tbt*ls but
The West Wawanosh Council held-thu-
Iast meeting Of the year on Deceniber
13. The minutes of l'ast -nieeting were
read and accepted, on motion' of Coun-
cillors McQuillin and Smyth. lar. Ibarld
Glenn was appointed -sehool attendance
°Mee., ottmotlon of •.Cotmcillors Smyth
and batruide. Phial reading was given
tb(1 -"Orals), Drain" bylawand the "Rea
pair ot the. J. B. Young Drain" bylaw.
Tho Clirvin drain bylaw` was passed an
MOti:On Of CoUncillOrs Gammie and Me -
ail the 3. B. Young drain bylavi
was passed on motion of Councillors
Aitchison and Sinyth. The Reeve and
councillor Smyth were given authority
As he Passed in and out with us
We recognized his worth,
His sterling character proclaimed
His virtues without dearth.
In trouble, aye, a counsellor,
_Cool, wise, mnsellish,--true,- - -
His tounsel, thoughtful, keen. discreet
!Mingled with love all knew.
His hasty greeting on the street,
On earth we'll hear no more
But in our -Patter home on Ig
We'll meet when life is o'er.
W. H. Johnston.
. CAMP •
Scouts of Kent, England this
summer gave free camp holiday -s to
contingents of imenriployed boys of
several •Kentish districts, in° turn. A
nUraher of Canadian Scout groups
have for several years. done like geed
Por the vititer inOnths We are offering a special "artily Wash"' 'est 30e.
Blankets, etc.0 at our regular prites. Fall particulars gladly given by tailing '
Unitary Called for and Delivered.
DresseOliirts and Collars Our Specialty
Mending and Darning Done Free. '
Kone South Street,
to., tidd.,,
vat* en..
be of this
litho itt*
tatlt t
Thousands have said this; thousands hitve negleeteal
the caught. titeinattuit toeferell hum some form.
brenthial trouble tow* of this neglect*
Never neglect * told or 0004- not rid Of Oa
trot* et ono*, by tieing On Vreed,o llorwar
ttyrap* tt* Mats 42t ,the tootbatiem � eo1d ughot---
15*fiehitis, and other troubles of * sinflsr natnre.
tiet bottle from yettr attiggist ot *tier, ,,,Tot,
Nola Iltuti ft toe Ors otoo# yeti **ire*