HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-01-10, Page 1V.0.4 of Maitt'' PAWN' ' r ree, 041 :Fight • Licipming: 1,0atiae" tight eeette election night 'titn , , , , it, was 'Wee bendsieraetiee night. • yirlipx*ipship' ., Seonteeltecoput Tho, 1448,,..4021.44 That.... theIT'' N'tt 464. for 9Ifir.410; . leacipr, ,Ine,.,INOiri#, had '10.eete ejected tiMe, daWa kite the .street•S and Sterte IntRON, ,COUNTY' COVNOXL, 1935 . a eitebiagifti, viliu .ttiq ,varaded,.. , „e • A84040/40- ..,,. Murdock autho,on, street., illang-,some og thefr.be,st, 0414 ',nu* sh'orwood;7, .: beta . On the street corners, ,olthotel, 33.4164,00Aii.:4,rowin. yrfttio0: a leader. theta was, at 'WM* ,T3001134&e:,‘It. 4, p9rirm'in, 'cutvros—oo.oto. H. Eatott, vor000trz.ctioge •vliii„n; - '4:itltr0•-•alio* liorde, r.''' ' • '' • .00bErtz94. TP.--mvainot Itiacko- . „ Iciovaigacal-4. J. .Moser, R. E. "Tufner. , , reRegr-eefenry A. Keys, Oliver • Hems e. more entlettelasne than, Music. Then they eeenineneed 1 a- tetrad Of thehomes• of Ott victory:me candidates, UessTS.•'criigle,Moser, ,Htiekine,' an all the. rest came /Or :scene a the musical acclaim and at manye of NI • ter2" tr e c . niffite ',AftXr-W,' J. Jones. HO'Vete0K—J. BeYeee, rioinas 'Mabel!. • -7111)DJE-TT-----7-11-erbert Moiridge. eleceteteiLaP-LeTohn Eckert. -affORtieleifre---EhitorreVardiffeeeeee---- SEAPORTH—W. W. Crosier, STIANLETY-.--eL Ms Hanley. Sweitzere Chester Xiislehientelr .....113101E111RitelefiTHeAVieltreeeser'ileilealdl•:--' tonieS they vore. tivp Onatioas. QUite a httle sun). MOney ,was, handed out °Vie leo TURNIEER,, Ittirr-4;teland Grain, UrSHORNE—IGeorge Wescott, WAWANOSH W.—W. 3. 'Stem/MI. IMA.WANOSH E.—Peter Seat, WINGleAfiVI-er. L. 'Davidson. • t Ten new faces will appear on the. Huron Caunty ;Council when it meet." in seseion here on 'Tuesday, January, 22nd. This is mbee than one-third, of the old " membership which' fell by the way Or • retired from the political arena. . The new men are Thos. ,Pryde of Exe *ter, J. J: Moser of G-oderIch, Geo. Fea- (COntinued on page '5). P` - A Mitch keener intereet he municipal Aiffairs restated IA ,largehr itiereseid Vote at, thie:yeer'S ettlnleipal eleCtiOne Ort. Menday, " January 7th, when 00flee *it tuened'out and elected it. new Melte In the Pereett of J. J. UOSer Allft ,r041`,' neW icOmesillor,s or aye if ex -Mayor Les IS counted is new men. 4APparenbly• the voters Were not elOtiee fled with the conduct of aiettirs last year as they placed W. J.: taker, an enitreilt Ully divided lttip ardonget themeelves and it added to the Cheerfulness Of the evening, esPeciallY atter they had •beenseegaled'eeethetoffe areciandwichies at Band Master ,Huek- lifts home on -.*131. Pataiele street. A---"egoOdetinte was -had -by Arr.-od-,thls party vateci it the best bind practice of the last tWelve months. • Less than Half the Number of Recipients" of Help Compared W4th Last Winter. Wood Lot • Work Siaketl... ' Officer Chas. Kidd made his first, report to the Welfare -Board, on Tuesday evening, Jantiary 8th, and an- neimeed that. the Board was now caring for 22 familleacontaining 89 dependent.; • and the there were ha addition three LOST -4 single men. This makes a total of 114 L 0—Gold-rimmed glasses betweenon ieeete church and the Square or, eel the Square. Pinder please leave atThtb ! is is lest mx ' half the numbefj Male OFFICE. eared foe at this time last year and is fountain pen post office said to refiezt the generally better tirneS '11-4 On MOndaY. January 7th. Pinder and more *Pen 'winter. please leave at Orri9E, and re- - many donation* treert lettficals publeie "c•eives' &Ward. ' bodies were mated, to the meeting, 'WANTED - among them being the foliewing: Ah meek Chapter,I.O.b.E., $25; Victoria H posnixoN. WAN ci le ad and S. Club, $10; Liorts Club, $40; Sal,. -•• „Teactical entiee 'wishes. Invalid '- nursing or houzeiceeping. Able to take vation Army from Christmas -cheer Pots, full charge. .2VIederate wages. Apply to $11.01; Lions Club„Pluistmas Cheer, MRS. leieeMAS H. CLARK, Hayfield. $45.75; Women's Institute, $15. and WOMEN WANsuele—To sew for us at Canadian Legion $50. " home. Sewing- machine necessary.] Thursday morning was the date set No selling. ON T ARIO NECKWEAR for the start of relief work in the town COMPANY De t 258 votes, and left the perennial candle date; Chaslitimber, at .home. ' It is generally .ccrramented on' the reets-thateitewouldebtreliffieteltetteetre tymore representative or more promising council_ ,Ortiong ehe eecieleerte, pepety Ree&terrner ana.-Court. eitickins are generally looked Upon as tt2Wiee learn' ot last year's men and the balance; by e -of experienie, b11ity i'end-11 cial interest in the comuttinite are fully expected to, give excellent-serVite to the tow, xi. It is apparent that •the interest •wa$ greater than .1aet year as considerably more eotes were east. It is not easy to Make an exact ootriParison bUt last year • the •teavieet vote' was polled for the two •candidate's for the reeveship, the same two candidates as this year, namely, 'Messrs. Moser and Mannings. , The Vote Last year their total vote was 1122 while this ,year the vote for the Imo totalled 1434, an apparent 1nel-ease in voters a -• This would seem to indicate that at ! least that many more people turned out to vote. • The- Organ Company bylaw vote, of 885 for and against, does not indicate .80 mugh, as only ratepayers had the 1-r • ' ight, to vote here. tast year Coun. Sproule headed tete pall,with a UAW ofr623.votes 'tet againet Oeuri. Baker's vote thiti year of 823. • STRAYED QTRAYED.—To thee farm of the un- • dersigned, two Yung cattle. • Owner masr have same ,oy proving pro- - percy arta .paying ,expenses. Actout same tune the undersigned lost three • • head es young -emcee, anyone knowing of their whereabouts please communicate evithe:HVGHseSISWAftile----Corrot-- 4; Aslefield. Phone Dungatmon 4 r 8. AnTicLgs FOR SALE VOR SALE.-eNew .outteree-with -auto S ett t and •Ciumes—reasonable ternts. Address GEORGE eeet. IRELAND, R. R. No. 2, /Lambeth; • wood lot near Atiburn, 22 tnen Having been selectect for the work. This was, announced .on Wednesday, morning atter, ,the 'Welfare 4Board meeting. It takes' care of practically all married men an I ,rellef. • , Little change In' Wood cutting effl- ulatione Le noted from last year, the -wood -being---ctit and Siw d be frig of the Huron County Co*nen • wel he'd in the county into the town, whele it will be piled in the yard back of the town hall and sole to eitezens. The praceeds from the sale f 'will be- used to reduce the cost of'rellef.1 It is expected to be a profitable venture as it was „last year. This year no trucks will be allowed to Diseelier 41enseeieTlilir the. .`,1*S-otviethetiloefliGt 6.°df01;:eicsitti,l',4t°efidthoen. PiVt°61441)dtt and wirs: tlu9r3n1.5no'lotidfnac4srts,11:Cen from the stltepleti M leaky' 4 r. at the Mutilcipal,tleetion 9 the 7th '(tay of ,4411P4r3t) sof the several DeputpRe. Gdeh. vokoolie, vorbr caused Jh J. MOSER (elected) , ...... , B, C. Munnings.. • ..... 1 3rd., • ' - _ • ,, ' _ _ Oenee time tetter ratinng for the night, • Mrs. .;ticteCed* WO -ened by a nois ef etrangilhitlett C ;ctrom the romn _, te 'Wneele steete C te Eileen aged and JOYeei aged 4, Were sleeping% titiedOleile hersetf tinitletllY she Pin lu- te; the netent to ,11,nd '00.4 suffering from .003,eitiffiete of 00111 'IU Which was gen- erg theatighinet the ')eteUee. One of the children Aii&S. IYInit ',Ont .the floor whi/e f • .. . Moser'S InajOrity, 303. • COUNCILLORS (First Six fleeted) ...ame.smtet ..and Mrs...tWeaabe-, who were not theeneeteee as *oily *fleeted, Carried thel children(' otetidde,,,and the cool air soon reVlied them. tt4d,aViteeeMcCebeeetot Wakened When- it is possible that. !sezioite consequence, would have re- tedeee-e- — W. J. BAKER...., 823 J. W. CRAIGIE 76 1 J, E. HIJCKINIS 761 E. E. BINGHAM 746 E. ID. BROWN 682 .C, C. LEE G. P. Gould 5 9 1 530 A. Malpass • 336 139' GODERICH ORGAN CO. BYLAW Jcir :-.-.-: . . Against . . • 365 • Rejected,, 38. Ma jority -tor, 1 55.- s• • For iteeve 1 2,f3 4 6 • 47 100 104 62 89 26 9 32 65 57 10 44 41 5 2 '4 4 • For Councillors 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 82 90 30 63 41 90 • 35 63 86 27 62 36 80 • 47,102 88 43 T5 31 82 38 68 72 21 55 39 86 35 52 99- '17 46 41 68 24 45 60 11 40 28 58 .... 28 53 43 13 43 28 50 33 50 40 11 41- 10 36 15 39 40 12 36 16 48 . 21 41 31 )18 44 14 42 • 14 23 26 21 '29 8 24 •. . . 2 1 3 2 7 Goderich Organ Factory Bylaw 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 27 38 60 16 34 27 51 • 25 52 47 21 41 16 50 ... 2 6 3 e 1 3 36 .Albert Goldt441'3)e Defeated for e.. J. Weser R. e+-"NOne New Face in jecatedMunnthgs Council --N4* Reeve Is Well Thought • .4, A statement, ef the. -results of • the W• J. Baker • minticipal electiOns held 'Monday, the j' W' 'Cra/gle • J. E. Buckine seventh darof January, 1965, as follows: , F. E. Bingham ' „REEVE.- E. D. Brown eel:tette Ceel'reasiTra 56 •;59 112 59 '286-:* Or: P. . Name '• 1 2 .3 4 Total C. Lee......... A. J. "Goldthereie 73 47 77 39 236 A. Malpass " t)OUNCIL - .H. Humber W, Bell 1 -2 3 4 Total T• Name ,Coiclough • *Jno. Pithlado, ;Jr. 107 54 96 45 302 Rejected - *bide/yet Tyttedall 65 67 112 51 295 Vag, Ctd.ghtgrie, Jr. 50 52 96 79 277 Nlsonavt-44arty 43 50 91 35 219 Harpy A. eMettreath 28 63 .60 47 198, :Tcr Wan= ..4rfarth • 26 29 '71 26 152 Against (*) lhdleates elected-, ert Goldthorpe, the so-called Laird Date.0,1*,,Aoneunced. R�pe to Have it in Town 11,1I, • NO Clinch), RiPert PreParations are under two.tY 'fa''''ealt a mass mcetittg. et 1.10114,oWiler,$.414 era to be helde.tee .1110 -toWn hall some evelting neet',eVeeit *te• go theroUghlir in to the- 1001 4tUation, to make .repre- eentatielie to the new- town cannon, to decide how best. to- APProaCh the DOM" inkm Goveetunerit and to appoint a re- Prezentative conunittee. This is the first nsove PeSghlo since the Chriettnas sesesen, as -Mast people yeeeeeeeesiezes„..4*;,..e.e--e=reeee;eeeet. The A,. It Clineher report ha e net 'yet been received in Goderlth but Mr. D. E. Holmes understande that it has been egeltecleineOttawa-end-thet-tettorrenay— be expected there. It is, toped that out.. of the Meeting wilfoome a Radici Stela „ whieiteeVilrbdeable—arexp-lhe""feel- ings of the tacit° us6rStend to have any and all -sources of ireerference cleaned • up. - seeiVxeeeexaete date of the meeting will be - -announced later as. soon as it is known .When the town hall 'will not be In tele. The decision of the government tee do away„ with the annual lisense fee, a matter' which,it is expected will beeekla- nounced, oftletally eoon, puts a &Meant face on the question and makes it pos., &lige lthat the clearing up of local dif- ficulties, will be made easier. TO, HEAR RADIO TALK 39 46 31 29 38 30 28 18 28 27 ' li 10. el 12 109 1O4,6� 17-423 - .1.08 021t,:(35 59-701 63 81 Se 95-761 tee 96 57 93_746 Governotkeeleneral to Speak On. Frith**. '115 92 51 58 682 ' •,, e- Scout a to Listen ' • 107 79 66 53-691 l' His gitellency, ford Deastroiough, is 74 74 42 54-530 scheduled to speak over the radii" on 27 36 32 47-371. Friday evening, eann 1,„ 23 h, otte the. le B.01,03, eSajollsetoulTItstAreunin;:,,t ctien of . ?fie di. Mr A Dowker are *rren to hear • his address while inott1,11 e01 41,•,gke public lkfiletry bulkling: A it will be : 'sit p there *allot' the- boys inVit-, ed to and listen In. The talk ,is in conneotion with the current cam-, T flatten' -UP-Weise- funds. 1 . 10 11 12 62 51 48 27 13 36 8 2 .2,, . This would ,Make it- appear that a of ColbOrne and the man who has lent Jury Verdict of KNOX CHOIR CONCERT large number of "plunipers': were ;cast more color pan any other to the, Huron' A 'd ' t I 'D ath S.pecial Musical Evening with Cameron i, u, me. aezeat in Monday's The -vote in favor of the Organ Come eleetion his township at the hands Of that the voters, when they take the!, only- 50 evotes separated the teve but trouble to investigate am tter- a cline the•y' ivereplenty. capable of. understanding any question,' EX: -Reeve Goldthorpe's often expressed current I I . • inanets--Journals, wish for the 'time to rest and look after every4here to the contrary netWithe farm' will now be gratified. He re- heard as ,to the wisdom of extendingl-whieli- the assessment of Colborne' has municipal aid to any industry, it WaS seeadilly teclined while the tax rate also seen that this was not a ease which lowerect•trem 4 mille to 2te, mills. f, eame into that category. Here the aid eee- tree county council during Ahat, was given long since and the bylaw was thrt tet'i m the reatest upheaval in the history of the county with the trea- surer ifidicted for huge shortages in hisl etetenn4s. Reeve Goldthorpe was chair-, nefin the committee of the council en -11 a Wel -of 380 Voteetel tits vvith the clearing up of the situ- This-- year he was tied Ath J. ft& second plat* eilth 761 vetet C.ra4gleT, atitm and his stiffest opponents adlnit' Wi that -he did this fearlessly His la standing.• Wtrile mani etitielsins 'Wei& th'es aft#r 'four years as reeve during' shnnlY a anatthr of extending a note a e g _ which the rneker was not able to Meet. The inerease frt Coun. Huckin% vote is interesthtg. Last year he just got in- to c tk thcapable ror tile p ns J. A. e are not knoi.Vn. Mattawan at. mayor, the eititeree The cnly change in the Colborne tOWflhip ouncil is the addition of Nel- I fairs with some oldeproblems cleared up zon leeeLarty to. its number, All other' to town. • participate in the hauling of the 'wood look formeard to a geed year In af-I Tue.eday night's •meeting revealed the* and serne new legislatiOn ite protpect, fact that 'a new clia.irman will be ap- I • New Clerk% Office „ P pointed for the Board in place of Chas Oeuneil Chattbers, COUrt ,Ilottse, Gode- um er. 'Relief Officer Kidd was .given 11 is believed, from the tortiereatiOne Feagan is a quiet, unassuming but' at 2 O'clock on the afternoon oft 1)8nn-13°13 to earn' on engineering TI.teotto, -Janda* 22hde11/35." - • reireek"teetere it would not intelifere with ALI clerk%• tertilleette.s af election tenders, .aoutit, nOtices 01dePutation, or ttepeications and other ed that it would be possible t�hold two important budOess reqUiring .attention at this cl more terilight musitai recitals at Which the aeeniesion fee would be old clothes. Clerk not Wee than thonday pre- vious to the meeting of the Council. Dated ateGOderich this 3rd day of Jactizary, 1935. J' E M. ReeD . RTS, County 'Clerk. lerOnCE tio TO 11014THRS, FANI;-71;RATe- PERS. X te're obtgettd a course in taxidermy el_tedittingeettefttreeeand-ehlteeetteee a license etty X. tin .now prepared 10 tan 'all 'kinds of small pelts up to the sise of door volt YoU can have your fox pelts made into lovely neck, piece. - Best of- materialObtainable used In to. .04* 'Deerfield .Rd., ttotterich, 'TIM O. r CAREco,, Fiii,itementanalviot4-64. INSMANCt mg.;1116 Tfrose,- Wo.rt 1st, latkierlek rhprie t34 NELt4tON IkILL, 74ter, —NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Ite CREDITORSotiee 18 hereby given to all persons having any claim' against the estate of John IX. Millian, late of , the Town Of Goderich, sveho died on of about thel9th day of December, A. D. 1934, to send the same to the undersigned on or be- fore JaimAii • r a date the Executore °Of tfte Staid estate',,shall proceed 10 make distribu- tion thereof, 'having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated this 4th day of January, A. D. 1935.. 1-14178 and ItAlte. 4God' Mai, Ontario, SOlkitors for the Extra° herein.. 1 Port WALE OR TO 'RENT ,.......44...„.........,.....-...... ...., TO RENT. -./The' east, side, of cleuble 'a- house situate on E ' ItAltlI and - Wore; ;uve 'tt'' APP" aotteticx Ilaffillten Dt., around the Town gefielleibateenesOf the first Matters to be taken up by the new body will be the provision of' decent quarters fOr the town clerk, Le_Le Knew. The auditors strongly recomMended this In the interests of ..ejneierity and it, ie Probable. that it will be done. ,AS for further peoposals it Will be necessary to await the inaugural aaress the 'tor . . mayor. The :Round Robin Totunardent of the' Bachnititon Club wUl .t4k0 eat Tuesday, January 10th; 41 8 penand eve/7 ,seeond Tuesday tolght thengtet All members are urged to attend.' ELIE&IFORS' CARDS Or" 3VANKS'.' To THE ELECTORS Otatigatili, • Th18 is td :express my Ala**, and hearty, thanke-, for the iteletidid gave me on Monday, t 4ppr' as a token of your confide X wish 'to assure you that at Your Reeve trk 1935,„ a* in eiee be towards improving the Pool TOwn and County to the best 'YOUrti 6ALE..-ippult%. Skim? on 0111:o . • Water:- Itiglivi: `inside Joan 1101,4 tadlo 11114 trielitlemen: lta. rithe strile • or tentr; With ,rdwelling pnpartutilty of'',, Ihol0.0), fon bottomeht vaiterdwelling, gentrou,s, ... Poultry houses, wrtiOnt.fer•ttld layers, siso and Of eSe four 'hettibtitoets frier ,breeder it& will 114 . "itItibg. W. A ,t" OW' *Ott I litiol' ftoderich.Aint,..tft t..- - - ' ..,... . ... - releirittecily competent meet who is ex4 pecied to give his municipality good cc' en a e In Case of Car Crash VVhich Cost Life of Jno. E. Booth. Barn Obscured View. Recommend Signal. A verdict of aecidental death was fee turned by an inquest jury last Friday afternoon when inquiry was made into circumstances surrounding the death of John E. Booth, -Bell Telephone em- ployee, killed in a level crossing acci- dent on the Huron road, just outside tfie town limits. on Deeember 8th last. The jury found that a barn on the south side of the highway. near the track and ob- scuring the view of an approaching train from the east. was a. contributing factor and also recommended the instal- lation of automatic warning signals at the crossing. Coroner Dr. Dwyer of Zurich presided. The evidence of A. W. Grieves, driver of -the ill-fated car, was taken from his cot in Alexandra heseettle the tomner, jury and lawyers. going to the institu- , tioh. Grieves was seriously injured, but leadership. is maldng a nice recovery. ite said he �e conducts a fann impleinent busi- remembered little of the accident, save Zee In Goderich but is still the owner that of the train suddenly looming up in of the old Irani in Colborne and his In - front of him and then craeh. His evi- Nee.sts are still mainly centered there.: Ile has a wide following there and his dence waa, of little value. He did not , see the train or hear its whistle or bell -*tory was predicted by many from tne' until it was too late. Ointment he •announced his candidacy. .1.0 is expdeted to lend strength to the I Train Crew Saw Car Pdunty Council, of which he gets his Eng•ineer James Norwood, of C.Nle first experience later this' month. trairi eve, Diesel car and trailer, said he Nelson MoLarty, too, Is well regarded saw the autoniobile -on the highway 500 „ et a good farmer and possesred of good to 600 feet away. For a time the barn ljudgment Mid able to carry on satisfac- ,torilyinc other Mem- a glimpse of it the auto was only 200 to bets have had- one or more 'years' •orPer" 300 feet from the ing. When e engineer saw a crash was lartninen.t he ience arid their abilities were sufficient- , applied his emergeney brakes. The -ly well known -to win ehe votes of their fellow citizens. right side of his pilot, sten* the right .....„.-----............:-........-, „, ,...... Tear end 'of the- automobile, tossing it up • ..„............ . against the knee. Booth wee thrown out: of the car against as-telephOne pole Invitations have tbeen redeived from end died, a few minutes later. Grieves the secretary ofi the Huron Old Boys' - . remained in the driver's seat, with one Association in Toronto for the armlet OLD BOYS' PARTY. M Home to be held on Friday evenhi, g rebrualY Int next,. A- good time is platted With cards . . track. It was direabled, the engineer alid dancing. The announcement catne ,Ircur the secretary, R. S. dileppard, wlityg --"------ -----'-- — . - tefee that Invitations will be ant tol IfoiOritatte . AM name te sent inte hiS Mee, •weather -1 ,,.... le lair= Old Boy anywhere if filet foc)t Ought in the pedalz He twee re- moved to Jenner's gerviee dation. The tmin came pesa hair 690 feet- dewn th ehlOunt Ave T e }t, it anticipated that the UMW large r of i)resent Ituronitte will jotir- 10 ra the always poPtilar • 10: **it: A tree Jan. 3 . 44e-35 4 4 . 4.4440 r " 5 . 4'i . 39 r;..11'eleeeeleetetree-Vezes, -38 '38 Geddee as Attraction—Well Staged Only very wet and, disagreeable wea- Latta Callus overstayed her welootne thee prevented a large turnaut for the epecial musi:al evening el the Knox Preeeyterlan choir held in 't -he church DO lnursday, Jahuary 3rd. .Caniereri 'Geddes. the widely known arid admired singer of songs was the, ,leeep in mind the "Rummage Sale" I under auspices of St. David's Group. churoltwo,mco:s Guild, in At, George:8 !at the Foots'. • Cress ,Corn. Salve got rid ef her. Ate DUNLOP'S DRUG STORE. 500," euchre and dance, under the auspices of Rebekah Lodge, in Odd- ' fellows' Hall, on Friday, January. 25th. Admission eke seccial attraction of the affaie and those who went enjoyed an unusual musleal event. Mr. Geddes is papular. f rom ceaSt to coast for a voice of *Mud -newer. and -range and he was in excel- , lent vetee for this *event. He rendered .f.veral of his lotttete, knawn selectians 14uch as "Glery Road," and "Without a Song,", in his best Manner. . Mr. Harry Lieens prepared the pro- gram for the choir and a:companied Mr. 'Geddes in his selections. Several excellent numbers were • sung by the choir and they were assisted by the local trio of Mee. 11, C. Dunlop, Sefiss Ger- • trude 'Heist and Mrs. SaUndera. , the latter also being heard in a solo. testified. The pilot was smashed and the air linee cut. The engineer said he blew hls whistle 'at the whistle -past and again at the crossing. The bell, he said, was ringing constaetly. Conductor George Fulther did not see the approaehing automobile, nor did he . feel the leanatt. Theerstedgelte. • had of t e accident as when his train' :Arne to a halt.- He ran back and assisted in rendering first: aid. He said that all traitt rules- had been observed. Both he and Ails engineer aald the speed of the- train was front 30 to 35 miles an • hour. Parish Hall cn Saturday. Jan: 19th, corn- ; meneing at 10.30. e, given by the Central Horne 'and ,School Club in the erhool on Friday evening, January 25th, at 8 o'clock. Refreshments will be served. Silver collec- tion. • A Bile/are Tournafnent will be held hi the Octdfellows' Hall every Monday night. Cash :prizes will be given for the three higheet scores. Totunement is I open to Oddfellows only. • No entry fee; Please hold the dates Thursday, n4,. 2istfer the annual High Tea of St. George's Church ey'omen's Guild in the Parish Hall, The Goderich Township Hospital Aux- iliary will hold its regular monthly meet- ing at the heme of Mrs. 0. Ginn, Thum- day,*January, 17th. at 230 p.m. The regular °meeting of the Victoria Home and Sehoul Cluis will be helce in the kindergarten roarn. on Thursday. January 47th. at 8 p.m. Election of of- _ . nava will take place and airs. t. t. Knox will be guest speaker, tesides several musical number* by children of the school, Miss Dorothy Craig -of Aube urn, will sing. . The Women's HoaPital Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting on Monday, January 14th, in the Public Library at 4.00, p.m. The • regular meeting of the Knox church. W. M. win be held l'atesday afternoon, •January 22ed, ratite than the 15th owing to the annual meeting of the Presbytetial to be held in Clinton on that date. , The W, C. T. V. will meet at the honte of Strs, A. Walter, Bruce streets, Oh Thursday, January Ilth. at 340 p.m. The members would like to git alt the ladies :WU) are interested to save the coupons of tiurprIse "Soap; Magic! liaking Powder, Oilleit'a Lye and 'Quaker Foods; as these mar be re -deemed and the 1,iotinc3r sent to the Tit veLter's Aid Socie- ty. Wirs.,,,Walter is the superintendent of this departmesit and would be Pleased to get in toutit with ilsOt one Mu) fwtc‘ ing any of ,thista 000ns. CADOF MAUS UM, *0/ It tsa 4tikirt% *AV' In their teeen thatie-voilo tent and WM. The Brindley .boye, Gordon and Al - bete, told a passing the autoitobile 300 feet west of the crossing, when Albert' remarked "there is going to be a sleigh if that fellow doesn't watch out." 'He had scarcely the words out of his mouth when the crash came. Gordon said the &leer of the auttimobile swerved to his left and tried to go around the front of the train in a /est -Initiate effort to avoid the aceident. • Other Witnesses were P., If. Jenner, who helped render- first aid and who called the doctor. Dr. N. C. Jatimon • esid ditooth died of a fractured skull and posaible broken tock. Ile sated • that GM* Itierillyeilitoken "rill, 4;1 lacere Med scalp and Itteerated kidney.. • I It wise given etidence that sileee Lite eteeident, slow -running 'orders of:ten mks an hour had„beett in effect at the omitting in quealori And Would continne tcootruntni.ldillfterd the Itkaalatea Pails)* uttd t1ap/OXIL.16.. akal Otlethan ittrieet ppear A. th inuran, OOM th#Pant.