HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-12-27, Page 8,
11..*1 •• ,
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PU4rn *i ti Oteriter htitt
: irt toth*ii. with An
1;44,0 ot the 14tie •ofl
111/c°4.,,Ktor ,#1411011)‘'the ilats
there s4.* ,10.1ulettur.por,
;roc.*** luZiter '40411 *is- enlOi,
ittt.4.44)4V, 4-4zI*41,
- *Toy :ascii/101w ,94'.
„ -t yo poo,
MVO, 0111.1r...f400117
4,4 tbit, Stoke, Clitss 42‘. ,
,ehsteit,,ltiet, at. the
° ',06o4p„Britatnitift ..
,, and Plain tor.'a, ;
' _I% :, ;It .1* .twetity4ve
-since the eisto VI* lir*t
• ,.,4uiriunr4ti, Atter mports by .the *tort-
, No and 4reasUrer, thit 'electien of , otti- •
. /ree 4N)ittitiettil with the. tollowing .
, nnult*: ,.Preldent4 • °Ittise, ,O., IN,ort4;,
.1,44**e*iikuto Mr,. 8. '4:144)Ms Treistirer,
' • , * J. lAinttti:. Seeretart 3,,,fot,,r,,LWAti,
-----,,,- -t----7t.,--•.-----------.02; ,. itn g -, r*. Geo. ', "to er,„ , 4$
-----'-'-'Pl'-UF:TVr=---"-X,$'-'-"ltl . ;-.X/re
Itiverist moo AI* #0010tx,4* bo!,
bit al, riositiout osodithwe
lte Emu** Arthur Okesist ineatinprai
' r
tit Olt '$00t14r* M14111k *um
,4'bon1/41.1*ott 1)4104-4,N014
.,, L* IA `‘.' i , 1 A - • ' .flxa1 es
'.0 , r A1,4, pt„bit, ,,, ,Ae', P0*.i.t.t*•° - ii,
.. g 4 .
*titiu' „ual.:01,!40.0,, on: ''''' • 'Y'. At tAiii•Ice4 04'.:ii
cl.-' ivith* blirwm**pia.44 ;Nett wiileit Mau.
merVIfle aiut• uts.. tilt*" 1,00 ',Oet$OXi: itoxiobiktImku„ Ager 'A, J.
ad ,tv v40, moo, eni,A*,, 'no sseretorto .neW J-03tiottVige:414 thei
, • ' .teslation atriga. ,i.
'.au4 .trelt*Urera rePOriA Were then 4'64.4-$0014i101:0,0Veritirient. 001 hit0,,OffeCt ' On114144 ,),t411,4ar'VtIll tie* ,it To* •
got sKopto iktutlho #00"too prayer at -the 1,1r4 or,ltta lieu' andlhe eoriimIf'4).0,144,,,,,w'
for the'Qfferhig, wilt . 'Ikea ,,h),,r, , AO:a JO eweifir fOrtetiou.: :Nest,- yeetf4t '4_,_,•- Ma ,t43301. ttltt, a Toruni3O.-0Pat**be
flume,' .
• , .., .- ' , . ' ° ' ' 0004 *Pivot': v*44 iiii. 0#4' 40., -Oink 9,,910t014 11,461140 ilsit4 IiLI 1nOth .Mrs.
W. '0, •14i4wWIVOSIdeinio, tt):41 Init-*04il*,7,Itork -00'04*d:boot, one 1st R. .01.0,P;,1 A;,
' o'lc. objoige At the bitottie0 for the the *WOOS clerks $4 4P4kiti*Ot10-4 with . .,,,,,4;74ib' 14;:f4".!_t:9°14111,- 4.°tUrilk:, ect, 1°*.et'
llweting, • Mtit, tortith .,,i'verteci. '44,i Ithi , tlift oamty clerltr.''*glatrates *IA:reeves '-'"mor„...40°Y. gvePw* to $1)001.,,T40.':Nciht.0.11,
visiting tor the paet• months. .. ,', , sWilt 'he .tolpOvieroef: tO take ' declarat .°Z441-°' • * '' - ,i
*nee **porta :Of the :year% wort were ' atom rerAtdring =some 'Iniii0f4tittp,behog:a. 4.'44°444 1114401,4:i*, 4.-, -0:. 00hivo• over!
4,8 this wos the anntiat Ineitinfr...of the In connection aiith the ,neltt apPlifiatIOna, Mtr'' /;)°44(.1 Hunlei c't linrCOVY WAS a'
each 00inintttile, Whiell-*Otft ims oared for by
., mg& erlie ePenAing the Christ -
430.14)1,Y. COutuittee:-Mr* "ROL this Iraiunttitirs eeting was to -the " filas‘ 4°,4°4 *it -11 friends rgt WO040044'
1.1bbnatOn. 'Rev. er"' haven't tile time. Qr most rePOrt. al,lowed that our allocation tor ,sk pose -'of 14P' akit Issi4oss' 444 'St- Viontits
elar..d* tneetlftlf With PrOorti ten frailty!tIrOW400,Catt/h me in 13',Jo. Lora girle Tee% !)f Age lutiount.' whikit 'Asa' 4(461-n4%044 tuid bo: 40hitekl-'hr
'0,11t in that it
' 110 which**test; Served * daint
,y that -M•i*O' Viirking ea to
' • • niellberz% 1011* vit#h
• Well to the taak .t vhIch the .1 " taee' telrectttai o' hI
ty was. tRan.., • xlee •n Welcome ancl eit,a-re„.iltoss wig004. thetorb ytealf., . • , and Afra.. „ R. Cotvl.trg
• Y.
VOONCIL. NOPNINATIONS suPot1"10. • - Street, have gone, to Chicago ter 'th
' • . aVraYi T VOI.eittde With two Welt it‘nown ••Thig rrPort- *hood that' 74 visit* 1-140 AcOsT Bovnian 411,1110 Into Clocl-erSeh*
tpAnOt .07•. get, tetigh with the men 10) dotte:‘,44 yOuntelf," , 1411°Vitar• rei)ett etiowei
Pros Scsratary • it Johnston; had devoted great deal of time and •
onj lfl an•intkroting fable of ernment` %re .deeerVeth -Nand 4*Ii-rd*"Wen wdll 4g4P4414,1*2Vtvetrti*..taT.3,01440',ZO.VW4010140104.7•"110#04,
ti4iter The Star, ' . • airoolides-We et jut the kind ofitev- hee4 Made thirinlrb.pe year, tr#14.111".1110 .4eft,,,Bitratford,„.14L 1140
•• turas ,Se41$0n.
a Or r A i• • •
414 gareD uedelitt, 4plinvbon„,
ha; ; idble 'to drilla from the eitItift around 'a .igYegkVtli. -141*. M. Piect.-'
the in6en, • * Wght, and - Let- ma ‘114ve'• * teal line -lip of new inpn lettere had -hem' Written deriii the year tOr;tale,le orwinglo -therblhalarti.* • ditt, 4-11*ke Street. ,Dainin; c4Atou: Enunto,„
.140•IntOss Prefers- SirstMl. House. ,
„,„," rrIncess ttailr and her..
'12Ortf'gll'ea'airChe4t4theici RoUse and
uVeryone in the World WO ahant next Monday 'nightt * for the Circle.
vollAtne, ,Of teattl WO bound to (signed) . . n, One package' of ***
outs is go rig rIfdiniirifieretary--,31rs.
*th Ite4triz/l• 4*' 41/1.411 'v°1ce S Bays Seaforth havethe0214d!liTlinbednigers nuta gttlazine' be"le tak-
We : 8 e
owerarun• - •
*as felt that socii an Yours for s,, better council in 1035; Literature BeeretirP-Miti 74, Mcflev-
•tetitiort,----430t, timerdrer-on, ,IXTtraDAff,:rirgi nur--ATI-15-14,1;,,1147 Petrt*
, , *.
milfto no ditforenee--'--V11 JUpt listen" SO,
, . „
4 the hour rattle -there wm-Alato
........ .**,,.
' silenee,-only One sold ; Woinafi
t - • ' ... sietiamod Nioce' at the •triP of her voice.
‘, ,,••, - ' '. * .44,tribe v0,4441041. exists • itt our
' 4oniaei,P)i affairs, During the: ,year , att.,.
. „teeeto py to eaell, other-. ')ere' going
-,...-- -•,-..,,'7lk,ichrtetetit alutigill'ext` ytarr Out'
• " ' ,„ witen" Minitilion night cenn;a, they say
wilt' he plenty them without
moi7 glAztt ,,,r . Teo too tired tonight anti
moved- a 'tonere-in
Street, off .,Varit. PPG, Whieli
' Queen..Mary bought .for them, It Is
the desire of tit* Princess
• ' cheer... 13 inernbers Of the Oh"-
London, ere-spencling ;the' ohristhlas 'daughter,* 'virginiai_ -6,shn-tia;°-' IV/We.% -44' PitUZ *.gember-*rtif, was :J.jiwelQhf.YemittOtit
•is a guest at the home' of her 'father,
'Wise :Nerlhe 11.1t., of Termite, Ruth Bunt, of; breTrarolihrg,. u!ere horn,*°4-"extuintii,t40.10shil*iro-
at itziarji
Pending the 'Ontiglanas,. season her at 14401c1*- •
In'othet. Mrs.. „ •pue.47*Ittr..
tit Donald at Iirtteelield; •••$,.*:04
1/7451...-'. A/1aq 41°11113"/Prki'44.': VO;r0fitCc'irt 141ritr InOtW'Slar-"Wlhe -0.1Tris7t1W . 40111,t
guest wIth, her parents. and Mrs. 'holiday „Were,;i, W?:-, C. plot 4044, '',.'40411tiqA'
4.04nstbn,' Mitigate Bt. . •rti#d, Warren, of ,,BrOtiltl*T' Y",;. • ..0•War •
--ivremrs• -- • cl--04.114,--tr-int... etTref*
' gfrdigt$' Evelyn Clark' or cle r a
vacation at -their home here. . T17,1orext0 end ' Esthot er Hunt,. Of Oronto; c,9111str19,, .
Mr. DunloP. WeaLstri4t.
Relatives Live, Acilive in Pub- 3'" wit- -mw's. ' . •
. . , ii „,, ,,
. -the- cheistoaa holiday Were the follow-niemheari4 ,• the let .zi .towee, Ohrilttia,
Eipent Christmat Alth her sister, M. Vir
campaign Pund---Mrs. W,
Ms Marion Morney, of Toronto ' Optit, " a •o '
Aniong the vlsitori notice --------------- r arict 18,82,--101,.,, ,*31170.,, beolatie.
„ otil.utp4. .the,uorastrIt at that time •
, • - .,- - ----.---, -------,,
lis MO -ft ' ' - ' ' tinders. The Circle! have, contributed'
,, I to this fqnd tor the year $25,)14. ,,,.. , • .
Seaforth, Dec. 254--iLletit.Col. „ttobert .
,-• G. ilitacEwart and Mr. MacEwan. 1 Mr, WM. Lutriby, -of Chatham. :lie joihed the', Victoria treet,'.
i Treasurer --Miss Donna Bell. 'This *, , aVIlss Betty Caoapbell, of Toronto, is . a*, and. Mrs. Alan lvfoore anti little Chinch In, each:rich, **hlh Wier.
fraY4, Pt11748te and report WaS very encouraging and *showed
• It4r. and Um. 13, campbeii, St.l. 4iss, Anna Safford, of Ititehener. , gficeS•W the different :OP*
$ettiVali lesident for 40 years or more, the Circle that their efforts have not
- enjoying the vacation. with her. parent's,' son ot Stratford, known 44 iti.00r44.• Stre4t Unite& CiUtICh.,
11KM-tr. thei Jertes are .11"01* died this afternoon from a sudden' acutei
Norman Cralk 'of Albert College,1 Ciert d
,te"' arid to •:the Meeting ends up as
„ .cittl, with -an almost complete) at the honie Of hIV,dalighter,„'Mrs„ IF) the missionary work of our.. church,
heart attack while 'Spending Christmas*" the Circle will have sent $890 to heliu
been in• vain. By the end or the -*year
*betutee itt the Ve .1T men wham) trebling MaeCielland, In Toronte+:. which speaks -,•,)f- the Circle and its'
it hest Ife, was a eon of' tie late Nit, 'A Hays, members. R • •
tor, '61%41100-1)g the town*s AffeiN wiz., of detiorieh, itn4 was porn seventy eeex.etaiy_use octiatife-; kraist. T74,71$
• . pare* the, oast tesv weors X haveheen .years age, . ii -e- was la, member of tile
itport included .the interesting pointas in
, ,1rMatetilk-aoked-ir I -intended•-t0 -NM firm *at U437'S and Lett ' • ,, 1 each meeting during the \year, and also
- latabl,thiS year. / tha.vo .0.0unteted 'with. On StuidaY, 41.47kosedlY In good heal._til. the work of the 'Circle and what 16 )14-.5
, t ikhOut, surseltP" and at Oliet the ,c401, Hays, accompanied by. his v,vtie, his attcomplished during the year,
.:-..rt ., t!, or ,.,T osight offelitria custom -I for 'Tioronto tO Spend the 11011day season i.-- -
, tart. , *I'M too pirift Or 41tri only son Move and his daughter Mai -y, 106 ur,s, w. a, lwatowan, ,president, then
thanked the Circle for their loyal'. sup -
1 with Mrs. Mao9lellatiti, Wife Of a tormi- pert during the yea. r and trusted Wa
Mien tank brarteh manager in thut city.
CoL Trays went 'overseas, as, a major -in* president. ' ilex closing-, Worth'. Were- a . •
_ Wohld be just as. loyal to the ineomiagi
tile .101st 0,..,..t....:-0.-reginte.nt- and -ivas-beautitua
Promoted tO the rank of colonel. He ' ups•s avrary moray aPti Miss Gertrude*
was an activ`it Liberal,. in pOiltiee; a :Raja 'owes -411g,, 0:Silent 'Night,- 'if,. otf, :
member ir',If the Toretbyterian-thureh, and
A Member' Of the -11,/monio order! , Atts. Di j,, 7,,,,,the ' t.h-en took oherge .0t1 ,
ru e., umby, of TN -Onto, . ---
-. lieviJieIS 'exklOying the ',holidays itlth -Miss Aileen ottrien, Stratford.
eri_ ,
,orentS, neV. P. w. evd yfre, creak. Mis$ 14Iltas, A/aeVicar,. Weiland. •
au., nikations of ,th6 ohlireh,' altoli ite, 18-174'
leader; *10erititen444 Of thit,,,Aluntfay
- .
Mr. 0:illian* 'Webster; of London, is a Miss Isobel Mathieson, Welland. . a- niertther : of .thi•Oessien. .Affer a short
Sete3oi and Was; at the tiitte ortia death, , , 4
- ' holiday visitor ,at the bottle otA114 par- .;yrrs._-rred ‘Leelde,- -of I.Jondon;,,, , service it :his late: res14%nee-,.., flew.
, •,..,
'.-'-' --ents,,_ Mr. and: Au's:: Wm, Webster, Bast ` ' u" • - ' allhere,his widow hatt long been.an Irmo,
. va-
&ass' lc Hunter, R.N., of gitohen ''-'-- ' - ' on Saturday afternoon ktY ; P. .: -
lid, the funeral service .1;14. -*: cndjicted
spent the Christmas holiday with he; :Said to he a reetPle -Aspirant. for the Craik lir victoria, stre4t United chinth,
..t.rents; Mr.„, and Mrs.. J. Hunter, Market 14'11°1'83" '°I. Greater ..1"116er * or,..whion,_$/i`r, gral.kr la -Doter. , Thiee
street, .. . _ . , thilsttr os. rfr.orinremingvirindl.ctis,vittraheatnettfauisoet ofut-vriagridteliriinr.thuSet issioefro1c.ile!'4,1040Ceris ,0:7,60::
Miss latharine Stile,. 444 Torontoj is
i04044 the ohristinee haida3,,, ith a summer borne co the old AttrIli Pro,. We give in Jane,'" "Wake 'flora to he
her mother? rAttre. C. sale, st:. George's .perty' across the maitiana'river, and who 004i." and "There'll' g kountaW!*:Mr--
., . ..lases/:,7114.2tLex-".;----me,--- ,ev-iee-r:,0'; '.:4,irestern-u,n- i;,,fte W.41-4 eaikiti;:daWritO-ta'fo;:GVIdeerir4164S3rora,Ict`I4"it.it7tatii: Cchraaplitetrl'hr,e,yete.1414,111;13ilelfia,t;Vej2b-rtIG!13fraSuirtat tiZet''
bozoo a his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. aZ.10.
versitY, Is spending the vacation at 'the B°Thisrder isc.',I.s.atlesi,at
allc''sorprising to God' 0- , f,Tch°a(iverigrthetp.titnhajere:rtiill,"11_ e4,c1 tititr.f.°,7` :te"'*
, Ataovizar. , ,
. , •
- - rilh people *here the ability of la, r. crowd' of friends 41 d ,tilg. rjratioh .„1044,
I ''-ivirs: Alex. rowlie has left for Toled. o, riming 1'5 ii:tlewn t° !di- Ills beultil Mils tho, di*. liv,a$ 'Ili attendlitree a* the ,per..... * °
Atwayo'41-ettveis itatemttd mojulto.* 4,1,te iiltItsouctIott a the. °filter& ter the
AtY welfare, he was •Otiember of' the. 1541.1 coming Ytiar#' at '1141074:
legiato Institute .board for' nuniber 4;7 preeident„, /toe gra
'nn on' 'So"' °4)°:". fit •Se*t°rtit; Chari" cliPtoti, uto mat/ viee.a -
and Hector of WindSor. and 00N011.
$'40,r's- • • President, Mrs,' $obt, Bisset, Carotaln*
BesideSt his\ialfe, he Is survived kr Mrs. A, Straiten; vice-president, Ws. A.
-on0 tirother; Itettor, itl goderieh,
and arm Sister, Miss .131rdle Ittiitso also or
tletierldh. -
• ers„ LattloNVOY,.. captain.
-Urrs,'Alnalle; iviceopreondent *Mrs.. linme.
captain, Ura, secretary,
Gertrude' Iraist; etates,--secretary, Missl
zg*OV-itatl tree:0er, G.
°wan; 'financial tette**, akgrs, H.
1, One sOn, ;f$10.010/1, was during ohiom, witit 1/4141E44 toe,. Wm, tisset,
I: the wir while tr.sittblit "IOC* in Mia, BlirrOwit.*Miii.. Marriott:- literattire
'rex"' * *kid 'llbra* tletretart °bat. tilackt
• , •
StiPP17.' H. Mrs. *Ctec.,,,,
. .
tes. o eri
You money. st:
Th. aod.ach star, ....SU*
• * • • • • • COO
• * *
• * • * lb 4 • • • **4* * •
4 * • * IN • • •
- • _it,
. - .
•• •
' veith her husbaud, whose beat is whiter., Potted to ha been lin vin -
Ohio, where she wiu spend ate winter not been 'of the best lately but it is re- vim tittt.vivink affe:Iiil 1,47/,,,,Itt,140,44,4r,
ing, there.. • ••••
*lag of London, speztt t _
the week-Ond at the home of her par-
Te pro . g, and When Pssie and One ,-brot.her, Att.;
is contrtletelY iihnfelf 16 is t.ecognIsed area, When, tritannia Gocletio
hat he would rnake a very ?Linable clvie The , panbearerti were Mesors. Bre:
anci k 17*
eats, too. H. L. .atintem„ LOdhl people, ceirlinenthW on the news Pitzti,:herni.er,eLit'Alot .:.0-sTzt•bcoehtbodr::.
ow, Sr„ 'Canteen' It „
trelfalr.Atar:tiet„*s:n. p.a.ttso-n• anti- n-anz- W•orunittitokinnwilisellhiacgc-:ertrs:tnbrininottg;nthae,
-lNrth Street ady's -*reran, Ur, and_ Mrs, Hera, - • Reldents Goderith" and diettitt. '-
Mir, and Mrs. IL mote: and "On, • • rlora orOvei: *lie of C. -.
ter, AIM, are itisit11111 **the home of the ti°11* • * a V-RNEST, ozolritt
°dente fizens iwbre ot odtked to, learn or or* 444.1x
11.vef, azid Mr. and Mrs. P.. Binvra, t 'fol. daytool!.
tiVea at.'"ehorndate..-
MARY Mitses Alargaret Strang of 'Toronto, 11°!Ilirig °CCU"
nt that Christmas iloliday with rela-
aye ule
- nthc otvituit4er lett, t
a to Mar the on
heart attack; „Deceased" 4114* Oir‘.
est Groves, fthel TOWilltittil
hvr u3rd Year Which ,.Ook jounTr
a:teeter; vireloOlne and NtelfaM teas 'shall be a real bonne :and not a mere
and Opiee Strang, of Cluelph enjoyed JCYnletit of
the Day. Chiltfrea Member and Werke** Of St. fiatits%
VVititinel setretary; •
Mrs, Wm, .shotor-place. eXcettlion Chilstniaa ati; herbs!' with ,filek" *kr, FI I- New' TOY*, ' .444 Atuthi ea* id-
biltt; pianists, litrs. P. Miller, lira. Ooltieborotigit;" she slthi 'recently, PI 1v110 OtraoM% • . . the different organization* of
hitro lived 1. is a idiovr-place ail my life rittisses: °rat and copper, or Christmas. was observed 'very quietly WO at thne --or death, /a,.
jas;;; sorfri, tomer 14,esionti theti 0,011.3 nireitwitnintifittacrbeloth. just rarmirtItelelesre !ort Elgin, are spennuti the Christmas in -Coderich with family reuniens" and dr,,oVee onioYed. this *vow- ,
tc4k or 1.11",-t-mt""*., And- Paid Mar.)ti lt *10wri. altia,vs :envied the' "Qiida" their *rents,• ,mr. and the usual-dinneis niaritIng the e.ve#L.', 4 .t° 14011404 iktkinti't what* both '
fitting tribute to,' Mrs. 'W. O. MatiNVan prinen 1,,,frai-4 the, obaineaa of his IVirs.-A. Cooper„, liarniltort,,St.. A number of people :went , et were born. on,bundliy 0144.4000; lour
President the101su.,
4 short .servi9e at the regtuitoto‘,$* *
• retiringPree14.ntl-and only-ned, hatliclor' iiti:ar tore at . Xork House. *Ad M`re•, -treGotion ttrid rain- centres to spend* the 1,a3rairiOn
the inenlbers wOuld continue to give the
• . 1 , .tiolt. `vtere tihristinas 'visitors 't,tve. • era' PreeeOect
. 14-, pport they ...have " • - --c 12,07::4
AN't ANIMAL 811,114111.,Altr. at the hozne,-of ' rstle • **e .atttnact Ohlit.41-4tbtro-aiitrat>,
t yterial metitmg' at Clinton' thin. Ota holies Motor ride trem.
°Mtrs'''R*14/4"-__, t Wits' *P1*)„ ,.1114144 416•It"ej 441. 51'17/541.-e #/elit* , 'at ildhlg itth utu ion at loottotlikteay denta_ateurred-to 0 4
11--alut *heti ofeoliiiiit •
taw, _ „.„ sh4et. and, soeciai Irmo irovided gathered to ptribute to i vivouvagetA
th6 - Neariv viand ;Joao of II 10 vote d 01,4 tr,ia , nleirt--------------------------------d res 0440
1et 096,
Wiry! - - -EditiWiontort; Ofttario, Thai. the day and the afternoon Saw the lived the greatet part of her ' roc
1,84.4. u ipxoox twiny, tosented to *dies aniznatlesorvet,...,tik 'Which Meets at relit* 4inet doilege. ina11 children out on the streets with 11 number offliat* Mr. sxa4 latta. „
ononne' n her ointe teettt*0 iztaud Nittlon.*1 Park. •14 zetref----W Dona/deco- P„ their bright new toys, the iiifts or 450,11‘ tour owned * rim ctkirr
the, Plower hind.
. . Thie ream**, the first animal sane- tiehwyer tind familia, of Xellee Cornert„ tlatiao eleighk, 'states and toboggan's lIuron toad, later movihat to
t11411, te4 bot-FOatablished br aft -Cana- en) - —
unnn was aunt and bit tatrting dit.n. vorom t neoirt t Or th are 637 ng the Chris at .vatatidri at were In attire use, owki to theon tioUth streetAL va,tohfl
e ealsontog
, , o en m „n ,
eleeed with the torsi* Prayer. Interior, ha* teen in tliotenee strice the twine of tbeh* Parents; Mr. and Mrs. freak neW but at hone tethers of the town, tau eb;oroi thaw vow, ,
. - ,
1904 *lad was Originally created .for LA. Vietorra street. groaned n1(1 slept, tfying to recover from attendance at the to:tow oingoi
• •
MA_ tiVS6 GUNNERS III4;Alfte Ur- Oot motorul on a meat of urke which in mot. lid 1/, Anna oonowbost sit* iiirsios,
n lstiT tna Dominion 0ov-
emanation of elk or -wit * e ° ' t
' itunsent ou'rehased, the,rablo iterd ChriS"t's Das,P to Detroit to spend taxed the pilreritel eapaplitiert. to the utm aaidatod by the, you. Awn...dolma
ltemokehie New %Veto**, nrita004* , buffalo nulohoting 114 tik • tTir hohclaYa With the latter's brother moat •
: militt ia ttirooashaaa „sit ,w4,140, isiund- riot vtis uttaim is 41.0"e aith Scott littritaux. • , iv*, A: 10. 11. *RN** , 'Itt the 'store* 8. better , than, ,ueuit O. . . :
, 4,4re low
loan *4anchina gunner. . , ,z...... their_roantion.,:_,--- .-. • --
Von sir lob In *ear *0101 make -every. wilikwrighg, wit* made reitill, for yjytti_00,04; J13444438„4,400,40ctviv, Itter_with_tho-evere-iiiii—or 16-4;14- tri , 04
-.7,-A-1*, *V1011,1110-WilelinViii`dilit- . in la0C' when Ake -Ind/lido weft: 11404- -Ot ObOrlottatown, Pkett, Are Vend. laiter ,tentris iviztre tilt ,totte ttirto, *toot '40ert wbonte,
L 0 nocvior Utah: ah- ovilhut4' twritt," Meted. to auttolo Park. 46- anirtialef,ing the etzrlatiaas hondsos sit the ;uoroe. 1,09 is repotted, 0 toisms4oforos4 to bothtr
for the trot ehipktierits of theze MO. hat been in betrolt for a few weeks. thriettnas tirade melre promise orketter George, at Itprt
litiTin has rtmintabh1 new *ea* Matt 01101, Xhirfal0 National. Park, at atirtee lutrittetet It0d18* ildtOn motto, tratnew $er the kondng Y‘e4kr. thltitla in tit* *tut, „.
, .
le canalt4e of tring at the rate wore, left isi tOk latent). riirk to form, . Of Dr. and liirt, T. 'Iliffarrilavr.411010t. ratt- 314 Mom a the citio.ott Monday and 'bearer* wart 3i***tt itk. • '.'7, ,.
ot lailli round* * mittuto lite bitte1t, , the ikliele* -of en additionalherd towsrtosd, the young Itiotit oe stu. yout emu Air what tliklr tot. - wow" „y• imalookt, it ifiimohi a mot,
ditstoottatott t6 *4 liCik4e ,ot, the them ilifee have :foe 'teased 'to 640 dents, .itt the. oteitsietun tomontio . lte iewtr, la 4 motor tote, 10114 :inlet 3.. *ow. voirtbso otio. st
241.4 Oil * . at Ilicarthaghalar. *wording go 0, record, "int-. . , . ,Thitninit uorito, ¶fbronto.. , . , H 4 . 1;tudritto nito4 otorp*bere. . liiikioand
The Imo* , ot Oda tillc,, 4110 ! riA.•*,,,,,...-----t--,--- .
, .4.
: IL '0. rogallat. It lalnartellOulitt " - ' • ' ' ' . ' ' • - - '—
tit* rartitlia"lkearflukore, gun, la COL airt. 44 ovusioctit4ri„ 4,-**,, , 60-tte*,4101. 444dtre the ioii,, ., ' . •
, 44404014titt osatiatViroostibagrLivtill,ktoulttitirtlied.edvottaittrtontivrtilti4h0; • emnt'tillost4:10,414441tititttsi;*k.1,i8,:ifille‘Pittott". ttitl-wrirgit:,::.'4,0**4707,tiehlth:tonoarep%-4,."6"64 notithi:176"Anititaty, '1,00wies8 tlifier.st. ,
• two au. Ot 74 fouinia oat*. ofmtrfikle, «- • *et* 0 suld n *** . . * -
Vot tk, *tit tot, sittiotowet there watt warileh ,itOoiriaaht* *WA karveatod iti ,r-'---44--------,,.-,, ,-,•,,,,,...,,_.,,,- - -. , -:- ,. 0
4,„,440.4, lit..tbko, *tit ot, tit* -Witt 4614-140"-•4141"4"1141‘14"t'ttnny ''
' 1.0410.1011*. tiet Illiat 410 toebit Oitia tow ids 4vnt ' ' - ft** ts *et** et
bolt oikhaitteit, tito tilstisatta the $4,6 lOotsirolm tolok li 01'00 ot ISA00 • '
Vita aktout, VIA itt vi.04 , latial Or 24 A tvialttliaatdca-Ainanti. ,
bit - ' - imin bil,-#:•110.444.44tp too*. :ittAtt'tit )to; Owlet. One ot au bast 'TV IILL
**Ott 10/4% iir44 tot 004 all, : hi***44 101104r Wok Ow 004OteXi, ,
viiii" et* a vrod, st, *44 40. tiro I:tat ' ,e6w4iktkrf. staittA.0601,4elovigivgattt, It . , ,,,n,„. ,4 ikitt,
pokiit ewe,. tor oio twit, , ectroottor; othilleat 1* thi* waat The - , ' '' Itiiiitta.
th.itis. :0..tiketiii440004444411"1114, it likiiii011t4"1* 000444016 144414:11011:1 *AI" t* Ir±:4".1toittit :01147titlillvst votstiNtatbki*4a."171:6001t*::1****2:04:, -'. '164010..a...0..:$4140711"rwleki.:400')!4:11.7001308: Sit
orei that • volookott k* 1**4 * **all ' , .4_,
*Oat *int *ink, it *SA 6* 101.14.
: • soll. It is sorriostatilis **doe tit. Ilaitost
iattallka iftietla sueialitlaamk, mot lo*. , ,
hag Ikelake toe tow* tuAb.
7:41,Arffi:011: A : :k!ti77-14R7' 1:::
, .
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*no hail* Ike* -
.., •• ,r. •
'tams 144
1004* No. -
Oliatt 1.104
„ . 11116
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Its* itambittati,
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