HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-12-20, Page 9• ste ; Th these live On*erioto 'A "1. ti ColeciervAlem -tativOis.floin tlis executives ot iitions tom a at DitdE ep 004 ' d the gntarle Dop.rt1neflt Of Agricuture Were able TO:trona .0t the Royal "Winter 'AO and Ailed 'eonsider;, *St *Poo Vlendid• eduCatierifil• ett. habits., Both DSva.*,ntentst,....001PbtOsed .A1,040 Or$40*- .ahcl the ‘1;4•41414*" Ot uauVie ;'.tor Market. • 'Vile **bit egghoWing all the grades vie idle- Utdelfile and thalsajne -might be said 01 the bacon and lamb 01:01aYe. At: tentiOn IOW likewise ,drawn to ,the- grow- ing of 'graded beet "and to What is Meant by Red and 'Blue ;quality. Other ;Ibranches 4 the Departments 0e,ellpied ,Preirdinent Vositioris In stratgttic 100a - tions. • ; 21. 0 Jarmer t IrII3g up 40, ,open- n,y One youn tres hae sen cut Waa durIn the_ put two decsdei to be Vin. by the **OW. 131e40 treettaVei jUzt.reaetted. Ole Ante to '1Stontheir: niEdmuni isi*d gioifith,•'014 00,04 lett ltve won% nkt:t on Aut Otuoli wood growth is they have tn the error, int* It yea*Ilier further Interoatioa 'write to the Por0eatrY Bran* .rarllanlant, .",/"Oroittat. The; IPOSeatrY Branch siso -Pttlgtelles s bulletin on 9he NVfadlate" w1ich,14 sent on a Winter Pair Winners • Winners in the 4iitricOltaral fteeletir ow at. the Guelph Winter Pair were** !Oleos : 1st, Teeawater Soeletas . 452 *an* Paris SocietY, 3rd, Car, ttek sooietY; 448 'Polntal rd Carrick ciett 440 points; 4th. 4.111ston Soelety, 405. points; 5th, Owen Sound Sbo1etY4 431 points; 6th tplesing ..Soelety; 431 a`Olnteati *Ith, .LOn.elten TOWIlatdP 130010.Y, 420 ponts Bth,ltarkham Sixliety, 427 pejnts; 0th, Wellington Comity 'Society, 425 points', . 10th, Camden; Society, Other contributing Soclettes were s fol- a*e; Scott SOCieta, Smith ''Huron So- ciety,. Brook ei *ma AlVirattni* Society, The 'Olitarb;) Agrici.ilturaI 0;11Q; (IX- reel County SoCiety, 'Cookatown Sbciety, Tait, enipbaslzed. the iultlintsPoe of P,3, It1ehmon4L-Bil1-Bedietye-Nortg' Middlesex tine iroprovetnent_and had on disnifq 2eziety,s171os Society.* MooreAt.*Lpeeirity, '" slvild7.tro* ,POr4m4:1?"'11„64„k4f1.17t5S,Per, .'"..6746relf7ind. ilassn where experimenter- work ifs' being con-.. • ducted. - .7'he:IrtnirOVed-•'stratina of several 'Mtge Crops g.sses Were rii.e6Wise pre.tented for the l'or ten yeas:s the Field Husbandry . , 1 Division. at Ottawa has been conducting '--estperlutents.awitta4hensiling..7a4---a-ri 10.44i7".n't ef. c 113 crops. Late fall and early winter is the ideal stages of maturity andunder different time for *irking In the hnsla as the 'conditions have been successfully ensil- ground is dry and frozen,.and there is ed In eaPetimental silos.. Over Vero ittro-show-to-interrenr:Wib--tlio-work: bundredatests-have- been made-.- --Of the Many farMera who have been burning 'Tons tested, corn is without doubt the coal and sing the woods will be turn- ing bv1'at Tea Inieh for ;their fuel be- a'ise Of -the depression... In cutting 'a ' bush the esvnee should think -a -die u nrelnore•than. in Most other 'farm oper- ations, as cuttings done now nnty affect.‘silagl. Red '41over is an excellent silage the baels'59 to lot) years hence, - In all crop but alfalfa is. father difficult to en - ashes that have not been heavily pas- sile and should be used for hay where „ -Lured there are trees whose removal -passible. SuckWheat, cut In full bloom., ' would benefit the, remaining Stand. These trees will Make excellent firewood. In most -of, the buShes• selection cutting should be practised, Which is eating trees here and there through the bush. In this way the bush la neverlrolten as t tinfe. • best for angling. Sunflowers are re- comnlended 011 heavy clay soils and in cool climates *here cern does not do a . fettlf&-tif -Wee -Stral-perts,-- or , oats, peas and vetches make very good • JnteresticI In V*ttit and and In OrnaMeat*.t ItoetAeulttn tUe,advantaste Or, , Ns' 0p0Ortlinitl. • T,400 sewoIee** even** othet than room.1s44 boait4 Whielt will cost, 114e pet In addition to 1,4* 0 0, A.•C 104 the **Owl, - Mental' station*: theto,'Will .be & number 01 7..taltstsadint.'speakerc *we oI the *uleet* ta tte*Ni*Alt„ ,with include,;"Hcw 1tan't4 41,144" 48311s and *130110" "Soli PP004*,",L ;44voivicit losects so.4.140. thodoi contto,--otitaset.ot Puults, Xiture and Method of Cintrol,!" 'Plant Nutrients, 'Their We* and. Streets,' ‘..Irorao, Osvunds," "Plant Nutrltlon," .d titalo* 01.,Hortioultural Pro- ducts," •"I'he "Mite or the Honey See in 49#101•Utttre,-"• 4:Pt Cement," 'In 140404, there Will be Mere 'Oneetalixed lecteA*0 tor the different OOP*, ;Under bii(00,04 !!rriiit' growing," "Vegetante 'growing" and "Ornamental HorticOittire,"- 114y 'Market, Reglad In the, eastern part Of the province the demandfor hay la SOW at Prellent as dealers bought rather 'extensively earlier. In the season. There • have been a few ehiPmente to New York state recentlY- aae large part of the 1934 trop ot Market hay is still•la growers' hands in the Ot- tawa valley .and the St. Lawrence Mtn - ties, and consists mainly of timothy and timethY-clover, mixed. Prices being paid drawers range from $19 to $12 per ton. Prices to the growers for timothy, in . Northern Ontario, range from $11 to szli per ton with a steady demand in the towns and cities. There Is practically no surplus Pf market_htty in Central Ontario.Akta,:yeasr aikt theriliEWAn e • from $10 to 818.B0 per ton, and $6.00 for oat ;straw. " In Southwestern Ontario alfalfa has been the principal hay in supply this year. There is also a fairquaaatity tkIrthY and f411,10tY.11-111w_m_12Ets1,---14.1k-1 tle clover hay 13 'available -in this part of I the province. The demand for 'MU is only fair at Presene as live stock is still on .pasture, in many localities owing to the open weather. Prices to growers are; lower than during September, rangingt from $14 to $116 per ton for timothy No.! 1, Local markets such as 'Toronto; are expected to require the available supply Sirovera!are_heing-pai $5.50 to $7.50 for oat straw and $7 to $3 for wheat straw. yields. 7 or 8 tons per.aCre of fairly good 'allege. ExPeriments are being eontin- !need With 'these and other crops. O.A.C. Short Courses Special attention is directed, to the • 1,1 ell tpus Corea, 'Conottpattori. o to *lath% irotii FOusl*stie letter:. "SaMethlur late eleven or .twelve 3T,E4s, *go* 1 (*tan estitW, Kellogg'slktie'BRAN4 When, X 0t140, it was called simply itelloWs Bran, and I . believe it was one of the Brat pre& nets of the kind on the market, I ,."Bly friend* often latipit at 'MY famines* for Ar.toilaiust. It gives eueii a (isms*4.,aste in the mouth, and 1 do, stot feel satisfied until I bwite had twl7'4Usiellaalkt. , s, "If the Vslloce itrompafiy should ever shop imanafatturiatt here is "Me who 'would be greotw tlisaPPointe_ ,Amy Person (address famished tallow' request). Seieude slklre that, MI-11itati pro- vides lattle to exercise the intes- tines, and vitamin 13 to further aid regtfherity. Also iron for the blood. Tire 4.4brillt" in AtaraftiVN is much Ike that of leafy vegetables. How melt ;safer than taking patent tnedielnes-often harmful. Just -eat two tablespoonfuls daily for most types of constipation. For serious vases, try it three times daily. If :not relieved this way, see your .doctor Sold in 1.4 red-and-greenpack.. age. At all grocers. Made by 'Kellogg in London, Ontario, 411110t USW t tion o Juititt„,„,, rittr*, et, pr. r ie Ment 5,410 lir ,ItegiStry 0 e .451 01. , 3740141.0" t". 41 34: Countl 1)4opert0,4-;. .. .gg Doninti . 4" 3,,ORe Xnsuiane, Us, T4bt an Telephone ; 1'6 2' )00044 •s a'. • •s 1.'03.4 10; 14,10oellaneons' ,..134 Trinster ' "to COnntV , Home mink Account 9,30400 Audit ...... ..... 110 25 -Porn, Borer Inspector.. 142 10 Taxes returned to 4'3408 80 $107,066 '0 eVnu. 1,80:011 8 it71.4 GCGastflftsralft 111011WAYS 'Rebate. * Sundry Ree ... . ...... 4 REC12111115 Dept, alshwaya. eabsidy 1933 45,525 67 county gighways, unemploy- ment relief 16,221 ri 1 Bank Loans 00,000 00 Bank Lova, carryover Jan. 1. 54,000 00 . $229,166 11 DISISTASEMENTS PaymentPay Lists" *I 24,24: poot Vouthers Demand Loan Interest ... 2,133 13 Loans Retired 54,000 00 County Council Committe Reports For Sprains and Bruises. -There is nothing better for sprains and contus- ions than Dr. Thomas' 'F,clectric 011. It will reduce the swelling that follows a - sprain, wM cool the Inflamed flesh and draw the pain. It wM take the ache out of a brutse by counteracting the in- flammation. A trial will convince an who doubt its power. • Alt:RIVAL OF THE. 19.35..SPARTON' New ridio features found only in the 1935 SPARTONS will, thrill. you. New values featuring “Radio's., Richest Voice". . Smart new cahinets ; ; ; unex- celled performance; "The* Travelair" Hoe IS a magnificent 6 -tube .super- heterodyne set. Gets the mat stations of the world as well as your favorite Domestic Stations. Truly an all -world radio. Among the many features are ViSo,Glit Tuning -Full Automatic Volume Control -Class A Amplifica- -.tion and -many other features you 4b1043104 See* to1Parlant All' Spurts' Sets Use genuine standard nadietron tubes shielded with stamped shields 231150 and tvcesiintended bx practically all oality,set and . tulle inanufactutets. tear • ' • • t 1". * • 17:217 MODEL No. 467-B ,,,stosaut, aea,4t „ • No. 467A "The Corsican", -41tivis,amielloproportioned-table.modellor the:livingr room where space is at a premiunt. An unusually 4„sensitive 6 -tube superheterodyne radio that brings in iOteign and domestic programs with great volume and faithful response. *865° erfr• hefDr, such wondequi values. 4%) OTHER *SPARTON MODELS FROM $4995 • ,$24900 in All VerY Me , , - ' !if drirr 4 iittVitili sU 014 C'rnia it) av$6and- New N QUfl FO THE o D. 0111t113114:41$ WEEK -ENI): Ong Oeoeiriber ,at toAnd ineludini Oeeatireaer 45. aeettian JIM% ta. 120* tts,stioation 11C4 1tv than rsi ht. Vitconesutir, i)cceinher 20, 1934. 'NOV V14046 141,4*.iit.Nsoi 0004gong Xligen*itr t And January 1. Return limit to Leave dearnuniori no laiert than, inid01044 Wed- nesday, 4anual7 2, 1935 • , .46.1•01.011. , FARE AND A. TIMM $01$ THE ROUND (3' ood- going Thuratl*t; Deus MY, to TiteittleY, gin, a's, ineitishrot, geed" to return, lemmig ttatlatit not later than Midnight, Tntireday, January 10 103$ • Veltets and 40101063 information from. PAY agent., CANADIAN, sequenee 01 God'* Uwe to them and will be seen in the keeping of Ills command* •thents. All love in tile heart is a creation; and whom God loves, in them 1.10 creates love to HIM. There is always an Main- I ition to love those who we believe love us. If ,yoti believe Ciod loves you, it is a sure effect that you will try to love Him: it is a part of the ordinary constitution of our nature. It le so wonderful a In Him come* victory oVer the world.. the flesh, 'ant,* deV11.- . (COndensed from The , Sermon .1,11blel,.• WORM NUSSIONS Why 1 Am Goias", Back i,p_lakar Field - To :Weal China • By Rev. 4.1:p. Endie'otirntl— — - am going battle to China ISecause have seen a pietare of great need. 'Wheat I first came homer on furlough, my zeal- ous uncle, Chart Fendicota•urged meta* , tbing thatUiO great Uocts o go otit to Saskatehewan and meet Witte, To ,t1-14 Warden and Members3108f0,815 04! love a poor miserable sinner that *when- ' ever it is really brought home to the through winnioeg a friend renlarked. the fall Preeleateries. On my • 1 heart and conscience it awakens !lhea- 'Amon County Council. , ' The close of the year denotes the close i venly affections, Many have a general Youre going to Southern Saskatchewars of '." ' 'y my first year as treasurer -of thia sense of the love of God, btit they. can- to ialk missions?Youll be Ricklf eounty. / 'anr liaPpy to say that the" not believe that He, personally, -lives- they dont ask you for sconethinaIt .. year 1934 Alas been extremely . good from them; and yet till this is done nothing was expecting a °wiry disheartening . , , e „a financial standpoint. : is done. You will, not love ,Cloci until timeButstrange to saythe ffect - I was Just the opposite, I was thrilled by the Year with some miegiving, having no , In June I submitted the estimates for You are quite sure that God apecially and individually loves. you. people I met. / was rejoiced to Mee the heroism and quiet dignity of 'the toncrete_ preapelent to At tt4 follow. ha• time jt. was_oilr:ailn toIviiii.i. ,_11_07.ivit1Item_ . * a • what -good will and love tenni dp, in !,e - "Back to His dear, loving rms would' I over in the general account of $40,000. When 1 rememberthat'SestIS levee- Mr -selenttrilirc communications. "QC- ggla4-• - ' As it torne out $5,000 of unpaid ac- . And how are we to know that we love . For several clays we drove through' t counts Of 1933 came in that were not God; 13v loving what wus tGodlcor a,a.une- eaten - -by grasthtivers. Yet r felt nda country that had been dried ouan* - listed _as -current--liabilities. This - made -thatais, byptttum_ each. as Hur-on with iss great salt depos- ' an actual carry over of\ $45,000. I am with His will; by giving Him .our hearts. like Up- fa con,gratulatingathe people because , Its. However,' about three or four times happy- to state that this will be corn- by loving what He commands is accept- they lived in a "co-.eamett christisn - as much salt appears to be required as pletely wiped out at the end of the year. "ed by Him as love for Himself. • c.ountry," Everywhere I heard of cans.: the calchun, and as it is the common I further predict a surplus in this ac- -_t-content-of.:_caltium„...chlorisie_tisai 0 ..O.11.13t....O.LAP.ProatimatelY. $.100.-This....ac.This is the victory that overcometh loads of supplies coming from helPlia alS - the- -world-even-our faith."' --Paith-is-the-oommunitles-throngliont- Canada- -.Aire— --- - - causes ears to rust, at times, its success count wril be $5,000 better off than a is not ;assured to my mind. '' . , year ago. _ living principle by which the soul drinks where did I see then and women on the ‹,. • .. ' in life frau the heavenly fountain of readsides in the last agonies of starva- Many applications were received for i The reason for this situation is due life. ' 'tam. or methera -offering to sell their 1 . snow fence, but since no extra grant was partly to . the efforts, of the clerk and III • If ith t little children ao that they might keep available on material purchases, it was myself. The clerk installed a new me- d00 1 , , body .and soul together for a little ions- wttness on earth. He would not so for - decided to buy none this year So that as; thod ef accounting for high and con••• that hould not er. China, in her need, has *owe- n that d as there s 'Much labor as possible could be employ -1 tinuation schools at made a . materialsake mankin '1 k neighbor., Gitrkstianitve to IlIe* means be a single eye 2faith to looup to ed. There exists a great need for snow' reduction `'in the amounts payable by the Him among ell tae nations, that there that I must search out for my own lite fences, and the planting of evergreen county. I stated in June that I -could save my salary in Interest. The savings - In interest will be $2,000. I gathered up heart, from, which prayer, and thanks- insiglit of Jesus behind the words, "And Jail accounts -of 1932 and 1933°, that had giving and praise should mount to heaa all ye are brethren." • . \ Wh th h 1 Id ti The multitudes of China fascinate me. (Continued from page 8) hedges for this purpose should be tried out.• The number of Claims* for damages on hl• be il lt h the implication of the shnple and direct not been sent in to the . Department at • • • account of accidents on roads aPPears to be increasing, though few haVe beenToronto. The county should receive ing away from Him to enwrap itself in I think they tnust be like the multitudee " paid by the Ipsurance Company. One over $300 rebate on these accounts. Abraham to be the father of them that on which Jesus looked with compassion. When I was asked to considar taking- , its own natural darkness, He called fatal accident Demwe can report such•a favorable balance •th - ' - f .ages should sbrliig . 0 the oastotaite -of a- difriaolt b-/ansplei,ors_ , ure& A number or , These are concrete cridence AS to w , hy , . rhureh In a Canadian city, the thought in this account. , believe. and promised that from Him. in e ear were o a blessed. it's that came to my mind was, "..In this city ' Several changes have been instituted through faith in whom all the nations has been incapacitated since July on ac- that are working to advantage but thethere are over two 'oundred church -eV. oci d df itlshould cotint of being -thrown from his motor, extent will show more clearly anather- i God or ain that a 1 hover- Then came the picture of the miles and Ing should-receive-morearecognitiona andamentsa that will show,a reduction in the ure. o . . „ . , f the earth e,a1 14 fruits, of . the seen from my attic elauly in the ir,p at greY-ttied .roofs which cats be aome the world When man had given miles c't cycle. It would appear that safe driv- year. I might report several depart- hims,elf UD tO the, .worship of the creat - awarding certificates to aall having a: port wM define these more clearly. - In the li 'it f f ith I the heart of beneath them . ItIhnuhg:th -ofini"ithe("tretTri'littilllitfl:70r' ugarglid-rtg- It. ,--.4T- 111. England .e-trialils..*Ing-given of , cost oi administration. but the year's re- , flesh and its lusts. OM "said I will light the vehicles indieated the type of driver,: ent time, the pensions for the inmates 1 b h gas ° I a In e , s_ My mind reverted to the meqsage that pet eviirile heart, and It is n prarti-n1 certain number of years of safe driving I have a few proposed changes that I to their credit, If Signs or cards ,ont wish. this 'eouncil to ratify. At the pres- A iria Dm. Fath s still the light of the there would be a big incentive to the of the House of Refuge are „received as pr nc ue. . 1th throughpof, the history of the chnurch. we , t;houngdhtftuh.a.,t. come to .Jonah. "And ssio.: .1 lot I have • reckless and discourteous to -drive sane- i revanue or the general actount. These ry n e , worwe iolvr. pity on Nineveh. that grelt city: wher;- in are more than six -Yore thouslInd this. under one shape or other, has, ever - persons that ca,nnot dis.zeth betwecss ly. are actually a revenue of the Rouse of • it shouter be realized that in the effort Refuge. 1 propose to deposit- these •eaun t main prinnac p %tan, sPrangti o the I 1 i 1 d * 1 ' f ' 1 am their right hand and that- leftr of kegping expenditures low during the . cheques in the home account. With all past few year, that a • great deal of revenue of the home being credited to even grfaPilh. ' gm m us c on., have made many Chinese friend)... They going baeic to China because; r. equipment has been wearing out, so that HZ own account and all expenditures _ The yietery of Faith. write and tell me they wan', me to ."0.fir. it will be necessary within a short time made from that account. *e will be in a, ,. ; back. r . think they are sincere vs -her„ : they MY' they war% my to make replacements. Moreover, new position to make a much dearer state- .„ it is acknowledged by eveiyboda that As 'I turn mv stens toward dhina r_ I demandsj have arisen that cannot be I ment; of the operation of the Home. the world is a place of conflict:, but it is , have a sense of Welty te my cemrades postponed indefinitely. With the coun-' Certain charges' such as telephones and not felt by everybody that there Is an: who died in France and- Flanders. The ty being relieved of the share of future stationery will be charged to the depart- inestimable advantage in 'this: thro the , voice of John McCrae still calla to AU provinCial highway costs, it ehould, bel ment using same and not all under one conditions of human 'life ahould be those ' who would keep allie the flame of idea- posdble to give more attention to._ the erottla i'llia will define the cost of the of conflict. And yet, if we reflect. we 1 Ham in a world of greed and hatea. requirements of the county roads. :departments much more dearly. I shell not. I think..murmur that our lot! "Take up our quarrei with the fo• . .- In conclusion, I wish to thank all the' have disaussed these changes with Mr: ehould be cast in a world where there is ' If ye break faith. we shall not sieep."- members of the cotmell and the road Gibbs, the auditor, and have received every need for' the petting forth. of our; 'We know now that 'the foe" Is the ; committee., fax their assistance and o- hia approval. 1 anergies; for surely it is by the stimtf- l' spirit of greed and selfishness, the waif :•' c - ! I would like to ta ce this opportunity lining influences of . various s oppositions i to exploit the weak. and grind the face 1 . operation in carrying out the work. Respectfully submitted, of recognizing the assistance of the that our powers will ripen and developthe spirit ' whiqi begets wars can bee . ! County Engineer,' clerk during the year. Mr. Roberts gave, The trouble Is we Mistake the nature of of the poor. We can see clearly thar Goderich, December , 1934. . me much of his time during the year. the conflict. The world, we say. la a found under the proud flags of all the; 5- 1 THE GAOLER'S- REPORT This time was given ; mostly at the close great arena of contest, It is true, andl powers. In China we are in the front 1 of his day's work or on Saturday after- there are many loes. There is poverty,1 line trenches of the struggle against ex-- ... Goderich, Onte I noons. The reason the Highway cheques there is ignorance, there is obscurity.' pleitation and aggrandizement. Mr workmen met with accidents, and- some rmall payments have been made on this account. The traffic officer. N. Lever. • December , 4th, 1934- were issued so promptly was entirely there Is weakness. The apostle tells un: endham, of the International Miss! mars' . , The Warden and Members of due to his asststance. ; none of these constitute the real foe. Council, has said recently: "The risco! Huron County Council. • I also wish td pay tribute to the The true enemy la not in the world, nor communism is a powerful reminder that , Gentlemen : -I beg to submit for your warden, Mr. Elliott. He has done his re the thines that are in the w•Irld but, unless • Christianity • can succeed he information the following report for the work faithfuriy and well. He was ever rather that o 18 In the world within the bridging the wide chasm between the, past six months. I ewilling to arrange his time to suit our , heart, And 'the only thine that can E mentality of the priailegeti and seratna , There have been sixty-five Prisoners convenience. I also Wish to thank the secure viatory there is f -,°h Faithand the mentality of those -the ma16r- committed, as follows: einb L. C. A , Theft Breaking and. Entering Traffic Act Vagrant False Pretences Indecent Assault -Fraud -Insane Disorderly . Conduct Rape Inland Revenue Act 15 . 14' 9- 7 6 3 !UR and when we have •thus become' seem to be a supiame conviction of the . 3 reading, as of old time it came by hear- ' facing his ratepayers. on the work of the 2 familiar with Christ. have learned to Chureit's Master. in returning to China 2' county in 1934. i 2 A. H. EnsicfNE. - love Him ahd to know that He not only I feel that I am giving evidence of this Respectfully subsnitted. 1 WA% but as now, a living object of our truth in a practical and realistic way. I• love we will come more and more to set Both the government in -China, and Treasurer, Huron Co,Inty t - 1 Chinese, society in general, welcome ail ' the agencies of education that inspire A true' Christian is one who lives a i the youth. with. those ideals which will double life; the ordinary life which w create a co-operative society. In the men live and an inner, secret life whir:117 "-tic is fild with dririsi:' iii, ifitid. 'big life is ti f 1., d : there-4s-epportunitrt0 "hike a contrIbil-4 that lies before trie I reel that t v f county c or e brings victory and trot, life for "He that ity-who are eontinually menaced be In- \ co-operation, also the various county hath the son hath life." aveurity-and want, it cannot hope to he- athers. All have been willing to co - come a world religion." The means of gaining this faith are operate for better service and have ever principally three: reading the scrip- 'That the Gospel has a special m.ssaof hope and assurance to the depresseti g-, been courteous to any requests. in cone tures, prayer, and a partaking of qtr. elusion, think that no member of this County Counell need haveaol' fear of Lords supperFaith' will come by and disinherited peeple of the world did '. ' •••••••••••••••....... 65 1 We have at present in custody five Sunday Afternoon Iprimness. -ofadally-ration-Peraprisonerealie. J _By ISAMU, HAMILTON_ Your 'obedient servaiit, - Goderich, Ont. ' , the scene, so to speak, of his 'greatee( . ' JAS. B. REYNOLDS., — .... -.......... , the depressed find disinherited people of - ' joys and sorrows. and Christ in the : the world. . . gaoler. Be strong in the Lord. "and in the power sharer of both. He is the Tread, and , ,,, (Prom the church Record and Nits - TREASURER'S REPORT °of his might . each true believer one of His merobera. sionary Review - • , p an el tti d expendit s, general Fight the good fight with all thy might: He la the Vine, and we are His britches* Rec Run the straight race through God's g. y xi 1 . account, January 1st to November 30th, we are strong, health and fruitful: and .. our aUettions on things above. 1934; mgcmpts ,Tjx,xra'"".coileeted . Licenses Sehools Registry Ofiace Old Age Pensions .. Administralion of justice Magistrate's Fines titierest on Children's Shelter • Redemptlett Of Lands . Division Omirt Sundry Reveritie good grace, only by deriving nsap and noLs Christthe Wei urishment Lift up thine eytind eek iris the . $ 13,253 go, c am, care aside; upon. thy Guide of the believing. soul and through faitn ay 4 the oftlee even morning. And so would you be if you had to kiss low wivep$ood- • c 1 ' es: sfate,. from Vine. uts ' i e. 544 50 Lean. arid His mercy will provide. 429 MI Paint not, not fear; His arms are near. 31/ 37i He changeth not, and thou art dear; • 7,167 10 Only believe. and thou shalt see 1,037 70 That Christ is all In all to the. ,25,1 ,00 . ._ . . _ . . J. G. II, Monpell., ' t riAvitt, ' 1 ' 000°1 Give Us courage, our Father, so that „ , 347: 2291 il °71te lifAtrien ill 85 08 i e. . 1 may not grow weary in thebattles ' t130,113 „ „ ...... ,,,,.. 70, 001 lesson Patissgt-11 Sohn 5: 1-11 trotpitals, municipalitioi000 s acet. 1,843 ii Lessen Teserests eta Christ,**, tank Carrpotiver from 1933 .. 45,000 001 Golden Text..4 John 5:1, All ", $140 / ..rtth chapter di'llUSe3 Love, raith' dory. ,PetwriVnts, . vi402 118 . . 1'Tlit4 am of God ohipw,hat It Is none 0,.......- -4 10,940 noi but We leNed Mitt IttitOt.'v Io,,i , Iho lovoot 411 who love clod Is a on - ,i, to • a . NO MOO BMW'S Attacks - No More Sick Headaches MILBURN'S LAXA.LIVER PILLS' Constipation should never allow ed to continua, A. free motion of filo bowels daily ShOUlti be the rule of everydne, as it is of supremo inn portonue to tile+ J. your bowels regulated,.' by nuing ta,sa.Liver and you will have no bilionwattoWk3rt no niek headaehea, no eoated.tongnes, , • or many of the troubles arlaing from the otoott= attott of tho 11'. or or ttowels. They 40 .not zripe wealken 'or sielten. Pot up',,,cittly bt 1.11e'T". Aiiiburn On4.7k. • .1, • fr