HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-12-13, Page 26
• • 6.1,
1001141404 „Wry, Thurede.Y..xt ;Itto
Oodertelt, litthorlyitioia
'Osinadst and' Ortat Britain OAS MP
4eseit M. advance (In *MOS 00):
Vadtted *Wee $2.00 /Per SE' in stivithee,,
.3oth old" 9,u4 uew'isthtassei hoiild be
than 'wh*u. thatige or address' 1*, re.
toasted. CIANCX1,41.ATIONS.-Vite And
Wit o one sulsterlhers. Otter, not
o AO* their suneeriptiOna Interrupted
ale they ISO to remit before Opine.
OW While Sithectintlen$ will not be
earried in allakere Veer an extended per-
'yet, Unlartg We litre notified to towel,
w. •Ist=110 the subscriber wiihee the or*
„, sloe continued, RIOISITTANCES should
Vie mule by registered letter, money, or-
der or ehisque payable at. Per In OOdes
THUlt$PAN„ rDEC. 1.3tii, 1934
' Inane** soMewhat akin wsavages, always .1°L*
(Radiate. • Prpnotmcefirst a- iss
- Institute. horin eid
s. not as in add, '
This cornea as a sort of anticlimax to It is not for us to Judge, ProbablY, the
the Various charges and counter charges iniluences ot,„traditional quarrels, old In.
levelled In quiet ways against the Colle- dignities, ancient persecutions and pros -
slate and its teadhers all summer, run-- ent-day tyrannies' overjarial minorities
(Ong concurrehtly with the attempt of
the Council to reduce salaries there. "
Mr. Husbarid, the inspector, is rated
very highly by his superiors in the De-
partment and his considered judgment
oeght to carry weight.
pretient difficult time for a21,
secondary' seheel 3/Iiitiy` students
are -attending who would normally ,be
On another page we print the
Of .„ kiln g 0,1
teSinie '11t. oni *Melt re
!COMO SiCeePted. AS *OS , 0
like indlvidttalai tend to Pilo* an e
attiOek .,The extfirt1)1,1 ot reteirtOt to the
ela one. Of the *14 •Whigh eettld
be.' Ornitl.' . ,.
:'The trouhles of the.. Central **tiro*Litt.',_.'11).°‘„ u)4 Sqg i., , ',Oolkt for air'
peoples, are soinethhis •iiistli hard .007-7,0.i.me' r. ""1.: v.' 'own (Pmitlettoo
vaimkiftanA to. 14144.11*nd. toi rowtoiC: •": • ''' *1 laid 444 -1"‘"k' .(19**!
out a taw slays ago'hy One who 'had liv#1/ 1?0, net, Sy, !Valera have *the elan,
VI widely among "fOreigners" in iitiat,teU14e. w'ke.°Igell; " "4*
en gone. ter* ,, Omle .e4,,e - •
t Ontario and in tile *Net, they, pteyes..1.= l!et "17" .4
°A 01* aviathtfallges to be tine, 'nee. ' gesneet5',, ,,4$.., "He viroket ids ltep,
able, intelligent and induetrion$ 'PeoPle,... Do not say, "They:have.x. ateeds four
They are frequently adept 0,t sport,- ehildren4"' Elers *hiaIre rearedfour ,ehil-
400' high in school work andtake re(-d",,,,,,Ilt" 41.14, lie4 40u,„10,4°.ffs,'".. , ,,,,,,,,,,
IPrOtainant' place' in *the 'Colliatry Where‘ I 'a' 11!)m salft "AV4 ' 44°11111 is awfully "*" ^ IL"' "
'ever they hi" sko e*rtUnity. Yet in' Ilecri':44. 844t' "4 very Prettor'"
their own einintries tit - tif ' sar'"11°4 Mall bilinle it 9441"
, eY appear to be i You, wtsh." t501,, "Voir maY blame me
tor's uneolleited report on the Collegiate thirsting for the blood of their neigh- f .1 I'V.rds (nkP litisPr*aaaneell
Satire. Pronounce sat-ir, a as in sat,
1 as in tire, accent first syllable. *
'Des Moir.ms (rowa). Pronounce des
moin, e as in her, ol as in coin, accent
last syllable.- .
In sub -divided Europe, but we can at Pete. Pronounce the same as fate,
least. be thankful that fate or our fore, * It'Poicrisy, Prenotreee hi-Poik-risfsi,
ell rs as
fathers' have placed us in Canada' in it, 0 as in of, accent second
alone,aide a nation . which. while in, : Plague. Pronounce, plag,. a as in play.
-bigger than we, shows little .tendencyisto ,
Words Often Nisi:yelled
demonstrate its superior strength, at our' ,
s.i...-- ..,-,..4...-44
.. ...... ()fis
Jam (is) press .cloeely; -also a thick
expense, ' rserve),. ..lninb (an upright piece
nin'The'aideof adoolleallrige
• two rea, Pass-- (mescaline). Passee
out in the world ea'rnintheir livin
The lake shipping' season is technis ) (feminine). Beneficence; four es, ,one 1.
g .g. ft
Ls probably true that some* of them are cally over but boats continue to ply the APPeosPriete, Observe the three p's and
the 1 net _.appropriate. _
• difficult to handle as young men find it cold and death s_trewn_watems
enlEIY..-harcr:Dslaiturwthe-11)11-4-q-e-14. ,,the•-.8e4604VIL111.-00113P111.11A5, tlargtf
" -
seems desirable. • ually both come out all right but even'', past. • • •
Teachers need forbearance Ond, un- •now and then a disaster happens sualsi Behavior, bearing, breeding, deme,an-
--derstandings-in-- handling students- Who s
botn lose,• 'The vane of- the-nost_ - or„...cloertnient, condtict, mariners_
Bazquet, feast, festival „festivity, re-
muAt4otepitietttre. ,votinit0 theozi:' peceno0bAthsit 41..74*,
ee.eleetion of Vie* tatirletott."'
tomer" 0%100, hay, at the lieut. ot the
Peil•tor*Aoard. ",ot, Ecluoatkio, A vetetan
Of the **NW Mx. 1.4Ureiton's.
merit # remarkable An an, era whets' rtil-c
Ors, monicipaVand 'others/10R hats hew
vttIng badly bumped, and when 'etitiel-'
tinned. affairs .iiemersily been atab.
jeet to 040
X more remarkable features, heWever,,
was Wick:led by Mr., Paltristonli kacllq
epeech. .on election night. "1 was too
busy caMPotgb#W fcm 1121040;010 M11 -
ton ," he stated," to, Utt AL linger or sly
a word to hAuence your decision." • ,
Is stated that Mr. laturiston had no
organisation . Whatever, published . no
card, .did not canvass a single eleetorc
and on election day visited the polite on-
ly to vote. To head the list of elected
ro.embers after' that sort of campaign is
a rather unusual achievements
Mr. Lauristort had been nominated
not merely for board of edueation but
for mayor of Ofathant; but, in ;spite of
• etrozig urgings to seek the higher aloe,
returned to' the board for at least an-,
_and_graduate of bur_CentrasSchoel fifst
entered municipal' life in Chatham some
25 years ago when ho received, an
clamation for the ,board of edueation:
After two years .he was. aPPoInted to the •
nubile, library board,- serving eight. years
.2etirentent,...rent.„ that body he
his two years there was largely• Instru
mental in introducing the eity manager
• system of government in `Chatheins.
Itfter es -Year -or 4-....1.-Wa&
initialled white linen hail
etas ed hems, all
hemstitched hems; nitials,
So many uses -such acceptable,
'We Oft, 'attractive , hit and
Miss pattetns with contfastinj
color borders, size , inches by
54 inches. Each ... .$2.25
50 Dozen, Usual value of
heavy real silk and silk and ray -
9n fabric. Selection of patterns
s and colors to please every man
or boy,' Special 3 for $1 or each 35c
White. flannelette Night gowns,
well made and nicely trimmed
n wIth, long sleeves. Boxed
m y. ". ..
AND PANTIES $1 per garknent.
Panties have...elastic a. waist and.,
......-Mabest_kneei-in„ pink .-or,,..whitg„•
Thr e-firl r We' a V e :81t*
med. and large garments
--at.. -
Penman's heavy 100 per .cent.
pure. wool rib shirts and draw-
-ers, sizes -36 to 44. Special_ each,
look on an apparently hostile world and son's shipping business is highly prob- Sincere, • straightforward, ' trait -Ail- , to the goard of education, finishing as
wonder just what niche in. life is Pos.
sible for them.
Parents and the public. too, need th
same understanding and forbearance
with teachers who are having an inius-
conditions which seem to be beyond the
• honest, candid, artless aboveboard. •• chairman in 1928. '
lematical. . „ ,,,, Defeat, conquer, variquish, beat, whiP„ At the conclusion of that term, Mr.
0 0 . * 0 ' • overcome. Lauriston armetinced hlis retirement--
etically all papers urge the neces- p Harmony, accord, accOrdance, - con- permanent, as • he believed -from muni-
cipal life. Within a year,however, he
was back in harness and as noted has
ASA been re-eleeted for a third torisectr-.
sity of overcoming the annual C. N. R.
deficits. Several schemes have been put
that the best scheme of all is to bring
cord, concurrence, conformity, symme-
NegIeet, negligence. earelessriesk heed -
Word 08_.I.,
^back the wellsknoUrn prceperity to the
world at large. None' of the schernit a well" ttirees "d it 18
yours." Let us increase our vocabulary
by mastering one word each day, Words
moneya permanent cure without plenty o
money rolling about. 13,Ig crope at good for this lesson:. ••
prices would do await with most of the ,esAurAsy: a product at imagination.
chants . of Ooderieh tell their patrons-,
deficits an -nothing else 4"will ever bc Is not tills sothething 'more than fan -
through the columns of the local press•
so ctive. ,tasy.'".--Shakespeare.
lust whit they have to Offer in the ly- * • *• AVARICIOUS; greedy , of, gain. "Ire
of .Christmai merchandise.
There Is no gainsaying the tfaet that
It is varied, ,beautiful a,nd plentiful.
•'While it would be possible to sec tallier
stocks in the great stores of the cities
and high priced luxury axteeies, it is
,doubttsil if any of them offer any better
values or ge.ods more suitable for people
• to wear and to use than do the local
stores. Bargain basetii5nts in „ the huge
emporiums often -offer something excep-
tional but at the same time, /they offer
inferior articles on the Same emmters
It be' only common sense that those
who live in a sinah town and who ex-
pect their neighbors* trade, Must. in turn
trade with their neighbors, All prosper
or &Om- together. rat too much buy-
ing At clone tray teem home when
equally attractive articles eatt be pre-
cured here. An article is ,not necessar-
ily. better beeause it comes from Ihr-
:_insto_srlsondori or Stratford.
ha di
-174 s
told, some 22 years in municipal .service
• control temporarily, of anyone. in Chathant
Mr. Lauriston's new novel., Inglorious
Milton," which of late has received.
much of his atteritiort has its scene -in
Western Ontario. and touches the Huron
shore pretty ekisely. • •
This • is the week in • which the mer -
Those plaas have lovely mere n se
on -display -but if a tursory' search is
made_letally the same Or similar articles
will be found here.
• %There pose,ible, buy at home and help
yoursee by helping your neighbOrito
The of Nations appeare to
have Plimett a feather in its cap and
tO have the .right to croW if it
YUgo•alavia, beflirig • inwardly for
.-weekeiover what shiLootadered, thq
friendly action ot liurigarY in harboring
terrorists who plotted and finally sue-
teeded 'in bringing atOit the death of
King Alexander,istight In het rage to
ilutifily. fly ejecting.. RM.
orlon ,nationats from her borders and
by cliallenging the Hungarian army t
'tette on laml •,fight" she very neer
preeipitated fiat elass svar.
Hinagary, fortatately, Was in no mood
to tight or 'mat had eheck by her
r1eud flay
gat '...geote,Ateepaciatte_neacerrialtere. in
the Vague gatien$ to get-tb work
and they 4inally evolved a plan whereby
the 'honer' of 3/ago.,,Slagia, sem appeased
.1ted the triende tetrOrisui lfungarY
Were thaSterted. •
Tlittlirarletted-thernetiVes-att satisfied
, and the trauble ended, Untit the next
time at, at '
'PAO: is-thatr.the -.League Of lite.,
tttr.t.'hr the fiat:Met. 1).001e the lb&
lialedtairk -bet,Wetai.tro
es l'hey arena firt,t time' pbatere,
entmtry *hith routillise 2,$00.041
can he 'closed. a* riesligihle.
.1adoing that thlit/week as*
ticet Of' attenattv at4 tom
re *Wit Is not, to.,
0 •
The session of the county council just
closed was a quiet one with nothing even
remotely resembling a scrap, Quite a
lot of work was accomplished but news-
paper *mamas were „necessarily color-
less. The, question is -whether the mem-
bers should not be enouraged to etage
a little fracas now and then, or permit-
ted t� carry on in a dull and useful way.
'The entertainment of the.people is im-
portant even if the saving of nioney and
the rational transaction of business is
the prime "duty. of the members..
* *
Christmas stock in the stores ,are at.
their best and now is the time to shop
Some one asked, 41. am in the cheer-
ing -up businees?" Pliad; the business•'s
watched-with-avaticious-eyei while thessnaz-4-veromdans-
inan counted the money." •
DILEMMA: a .vexe.tions ,predicament;
filflicult choice or position. Irps ;yds -
:takes placed me in a dilemma."
INPIllipeIBLE; firm In , will 'or pur-
pose; resolute:, deterrnmed,- "A man of
:upright and inflexible teniper can over-
come all private- fear." --.Addison.
impuLorser; ifelding t� the 'wishes'
humor:, or appetites of those tinder one's
care. "They are indulgent parents."
(1.41TERALLYs With close adherence to
words; word by word. "So wild and
ungovernable a poet cannot be translat-
ed literally." --Dryden.
Miller's Worm Powders are , not sur-
passed- by any other preparation as a
'vermifuge 'or worm destroyer. Indeed,
and get the best Fhoice. Uterthe wild there afew preparations that have there
Merit • that, it has to . recommend it.
rush makes it impossible to choose ,just others aware of its excellence, seek Ike
the thing one wants4 a stores were ald at the first indication, of the pres-
neVer more attractive . and the , choke cnte cif worms in their children, know -
never more difficult • to make on account Ing
at tib hat ti8 all11)srfi ectilYmmterudtwemtan4
' d.
of the wide variety of new things, erieh
talseti:gnreelief. w give
or two-piece underwear foi.inerf„.
71 1Werino„, sizes 36 to 42, per,
suit. ..,. - • - . • $1;95
Genuine silk crepe and sheer silk
chiffon, Mercury and many other.
favorite makes, all the fashion-
able grey and beige offff tones,
8Y2 to 10, $1,00
All are of fine all wool, full
shaped and snug fitting from top,
'to toe, smart patterns, in • blue,
brown, grey, maroon, black and
• white, sizes 10 to 12. Many are
regular $1.00 quality. Pai..r..50c,
Fashionable long, pull -on styles,
wool lined,,,Magism„,
r sizes 5'4 to 71/2. Pair. •
• • , • • • . . • • • • • • .
. .
1\tely_and,_exceptional values for
ftihnsr7ftthristrais selling:
•6ft. 9 ins. x 9 ft • $22.00
...... .$29.00
ft x 12 ft. .-.-•-. ....
Made of best quality English py• .
jama. flannel, full size and splend-
idly finished, sizes 15 to 1714,
• • : 4-- -
lovelier than the last. "Howeeer, a*cer-
tain amount of shopping is '4 part of
every mares and every woMan'S Chests,
mas and the sooner it is done the bet-
* 0
The accident to the two; men,. A. W.
;Orleve and 41. E.. Booth, at the, Ultras
Road erossing of the O. N. R. Was a verYi
sad affair and goes to illustrate the fact
'that too much caution cannot, be taken
when driving, esPetielly when the roads
are icy as at presents There Os plenty[
of chine to see the railroad!' on. 'both I
'sides of the, crossing where the 'accident
-oceurred, but eentrel -of--the cat leate-dif..
•ficult on the ice.' Were normally ,caU.
tioue driver* slip at times and on Slip le
all that is needed, " The moral is tO sleaV
up at crossings ,at all times.
• 44- 41- # 0I
Dr. Datoe, the nOrth country dexter
VO't0 broVit the Dionne "obits" Into
he World, is In New York, Ire was met
by a reginar erowd IA newspaper men
and camera men and was awarded
guard of .motor police Just like at At.
iotio layer. Tie pears .to'have taken
loving chap. !thew was 4u5t otte , oft
ietile note. He asked to be taken to Act
bight ehib. Solna ot the "babies" in
a night club, Sortie of the "bablq" in
blo than thorDionne sisters Bat it Ian%
OW thAt-ewirtlay-va turn iris '
.. . .„
*Ming • to
t not ._eay to .uqt1ettt4n0 .‘0,11
it 1 kins Is asking for in Ms
,raand. tattlier,Infortnatio,
The request sent la 'to tho ie*tt
U any.. oontriv,,,t Is net POlot WO-
sitton" a detailed retort is *Watiteds,
tliti trey eepoitt mid the ,stattifient
Th- aWw said that at"contracts tr
pr011tables ttetieeSilorttilt the
ontesiet bkhtoinettroder ftre 4� 3
spelfi by the t WW1**
the pokit 1*
Alt the 1000
cohaSuSeht AereirAt1t ol
' t ,
Real ts
He sure will like:
This store offers you a
laige selection f,r out
which to. 411005e -Yotir
Christmas Gifts.
'A few 'tiggestioni
°- ,Shiro;
kith ober
out. 'jackets:7
US if try
Shoffi 044'1y/old got the
'best setiotion.
JX, •
40 ..
. t,
.. _ mo,...-:-• .. . r ...\
' ." h,
Every- Cloud has a silver lining
We can't blame a man who leads a
en...an-olsp_ILit has its shiny-side1 dog's life if he grow1s.
Poet: "Should I stop Writing poet-
ry. Editor: "Stop! • „ 'Jove, rus-begitti"
'-,okeLne A
Is •
You will enjoy your Chriarnas Shopping for
Men, young men and boys' at M. ROBINS
-A sOendidselection.Of impOrted
silks,: satin ,;stripes and fancy
cheeks and beautiful 'woven
spots, priced from. .25c to $1.25
Men's all silk and ----wool
Sox, in the season's newest* pat-
terns and colors.' Boxed if de-
sired, priced at. .. „, .39c- to 75c
In black; grey or dark. brown
-and, natural -shades, warmly
ed, only.... ,89e to ,$1.75
An* ideal gift, unlined from....
. $1.19 to $2.75
'An ideal Christmas ...Gift -an
Arrow, .Tooke or Forsyth Shirt,
in all white, blue, grey or tan, or
single stripes, individuallyebox-
01,,, sizes 13,14* 'to 18 at- ...
41.45 to it56
-MEWS' 817.001r-GUYVE
Metes 'warm - ';7**, Gloves, in
camel, dark grey or brown Ilea-
theri' ortIS.r. .750
Tile Most ac'eeptablegift, in silk
broadeloth' or wools, tlie sew
son's newest patterns of 'elieckg
and p1a1dS ,95e. to $1..05_
Men's Pyjamas in broadcloth or
flannelette, with the new elastic
waistband in ilie newest styles,.
priced from. . :41:35 to $2.45
-Suedine :Windbreakers, all
zipper front detachable, in a,
beautiful shade of rusty brown,
priced . $2.95
Men's and boys' Leather, Wind-
breakers and • Coats, in either;
black or brown, boys' priced,'
from.$1,95 to $175
.. co $12.50
Men's Handkerchiefs in plain
white or fancy borders ,in lawn
or pure Irish linen, priced at.
. • 10e, to 35e
Boys' Combination Sets of Ti
.4233.d.„%car-11,9_,mAMA, 6. iictiy,a_vbilg
they last. ......59e
A new shipment . of Men's Caps,
in light and dark' gys �nly 9§e
SUITCASES, And.. 1‘.4111t BAGS
P 'Ackeptable gift 'to the ane
t iiivai; *Idea` firth
$1.45. to $7.50,
See oar" Loin
it will psy you and salt
ristrrt s
• ti
,Men's and Boys' all wool Sweat-
ers in plain shades of royal blue;
wine, green and black, in either'
turtle neck or V-neck, priced
from . ....95c to $1.75
and 'Dressing Gowns -an ideal
t for the man who stays in-
cloors, priced at $3.25 to $13..50
or ohalnyc.Y..
45c tp 65e
'Men's' Belt and 'Due* Sets in
plain black, brown' digrey:, lea-
ther l3elts, nth .our initial on
'Buckle to match, . set complete.
in blue, black, navy, green, ma-
roon or scarlet, just the Coat for
winter sports.-
oys.'„sizes. 14 to 18, St%
Men's sizes ge to 44. 5, $3.75
e XeSirea
ou money to do your Chtistsna
oppng a
V, •