HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-12-06, Page 8NnY,p'Nr.l • roe 0.4,1 •.. lr. +i u e Monteith lam• Win. e cd 'fes the Pa' ten +dRya in the Dile aklre. Coit`nty' Tres4Urer owl4 to tile 1 et Mr. A, • , Emkine.:'The 'latter Ong and h# hc>drltlr, and w able 14 ap! for the 'lash Beton of ,thecourt weouiell.' FLEORATE GCl/DEQ WFI DT$ 'Bel*tiVes of tr. ont3 UP. Anderson gathered at their hotne ph e r' p i atre t.to celebrate to a quiet w'say. their golden Wedding niVe on Manday .44ioVeMlitr nth; 'tor :d Mr.,..,Andersairt acid his tI al,,, able to tam p ' ►e ce tldn ice than lieb $ been taken en to the' Goderleb.141tar' where' his= Condition. luta begs serious. Y6IT P* IU 'TO tutowN ,scllooL A great deal is being said by the to achers ot, Victoria, and Central ,school staffs of their trip to Toronto on Nov; 22nd to visit a school, thus ,damply ng with the decision made 'at the Te9iehere' Convention in October, Atter Winding the morning at Brown's. oehool, Avenue Road,. about forW parfkok! of dinner served alit- Eston'a, College Street. rn the afternoon. a number Mended the b Northern Vor.ational School. All report' •:. ... . -a Moet .1? fitable. tr'.ipc . n GODERI'GH MAN IN i1O$TIH Press despatch lrosn- rCaiin'; ,in Northern Ontarrio, started on Monday that an old man, claiming to be from many Iine on is ...:tan ft,or your approval. onle in and look around. You are n e toAlook as to b AF eh• . oft' thele riur*bexs , was '• .he My encored and re•+ . epond41 t4, ,icy the' differ ,t,,ar st $0 he4ordn ,of v .x aingli• t, a bS x�.. J. Lane y,; the' Ila birduyg t, tti.yei$ :611)044. THE $IfE IN Cn'. 30110Y; D. 10th, . at $ it4m., Rev. ili SoWerto. roB.a of d4np; will lye an uldre4a lilustmated with lantern .Views: on, The Bible bin the Y�utlsort. 'The address }' ill be ' .given in. St,•George's parch hall' and will be under the auspf- es of the local -braan , of the Upper : *nada Bible Bible Societr. • There •wflj' also he aI nlnnber ill local' talent. An • oltering for, the; funds of the mtble 80- ciety'will be taken. 4 •cordial:.invitation • to• attend dila meeting ,i4,; emended to all 'citizen*, you (a>nd old... , ' y; . Bowen will be at St. George's Church' on :.Sunday: morning, at Saltford 'rSunday 4 . the . afterr .. and, at Vletorla St. Vnl d church ih the' even- ing.• NORTH ST. Y it'. S. • MEETING • The regular, ,-,,,OhriStian, Fellowship meeting of the. Y P. Society was , con- vened by Mrs., C. M. Robertson. Mise "Alma > Lowell presided over the meeting." After the; opening hymn, the minutes were -read by. Dara Atkinson; a very dew llghtful, piano duet wasrendered. by Mis- iieS• �' d In "$ .,,• ,....1,,'„,...4. t•„••%,.‘,.',,,'..-• ve ' ; , ibroo • . read e script re --I son, after which _Marion' Snell gave a, , reading, "The Other Wise Man,” which I' ,was much enjoyed` by all. • Marjorie Henderson gave 'a very' -Interesting topic, 4°1',1 for°" v ... ppinis'^'°''Thirsituti ; givartet ._consist ,,. ,,;,Mem.,. lie Manna, 'litalpkr -Henderson, Charles 'Bark- er and Carlton Worsen, 'rendered a sel- ection, -which was very 'much err joyed. 'The:meeting was •-then-. broug ht to a close by the singing of a hymn and re- peating of the Benediction. camp of a lumber, company. Inquiries' elicited the information that he had ecme from V:sfcouVer py -the usual hitch hieing :methods. No one locally' can be found who 'la willing to hated guess at to who ae is and no dire reports. knowing of ai yotia who • is duehere: Provincial • Constable Percy. :McCoy, In crick-- weir 841.- tQ bei =bei► d- eu, hid to his capacity ,as game ar •de , ,� �.-..__..�,...�..,.�.�._..,,..w,.- ,. �._:: " kV. "had" been'"ioiull'd""41`1hho' : abs' ndot3 d .,.,.......9..n...:_ 4 ct f h t i o � rs guns; u 9 one .was found dead •near Yarns, shot and not picked: _tip by the hunter.. Up .-.---••-•. in Waest Wawau eo_sh another "ras z e p•. d. rt .Automobile Insurance seeeLwounded.- Don't, forget the liabiility you l McCoy trailed this "one but failed to, -lo. cate it. It is supposed to haVee crawled away to die. 'There is a stiff penalty fou hunting deer in Huron and . one which is likely t'to be enforced u the guilty are" aught, incur through the operation of Your 'car'.. Make yourself safe by insuring, with Low Rotes. High Security P. WOOLLCOMBE Phone 206 _ AN U'A MEE. + ' .._.._.� ,..-1 The Sunday School executive of North St. United church .inet its the' basement of the church on Monday evening, Dec. Safely in the • past . year ,many people lost their lives and thousand o doflirsj worth of prdrperty went up in smoke because of the high- . ly -dangerous` practice •of borne- dry cleaning Play • safe ---Bring: your cleaning • We- lave --a ritee- aortment Radio Bonyches and -Foot Stools ols in, assorted. coverings. • Also 0T7OMA0TS suitable: • for Tneetilelioiint. ; We make tlu.Om light size,, for your • None :' 3rd',Election of omcers was one Of, the items of business and resulted as follows: $uperintendeflt, C. M, Robertson; assts- taa3 t, }' Kershaw: •secretary, E West brook; ,treasurer, Geo. Johnston; prin- atysuperintendent,ssIoseAitken1 tempprancesht., Hpepn; Missionary cafranittee, ;J. Snyder, . S. Pridaram and were 'discussed during the meeting. Q.ODERICII BRIDGE CLUB '` At -the weekly bridge tournament 11e1d +ev r §toUp'aaing°� p1►!er , rs, . North: and SoutIi --lst,Mr. Nobt.. John - r, W. wa x,,, Stan -sinl M 1`T, 0: Lana y, plus 19 2nd, Mr. .and Mrs: Jai. Hume, Miss B. I D. Easttnan (tied)_ Hunter and -Mr. C, plus 33.-.14. 3rd, Mrs. W. Saunders and Mrs. X. D; Eastman, minus 2. East and West ---1st. Mrs. N. C. Lana- yzay and Mrs. E. T., Dean, plus`',15. 2n 1 —Miss B. Dean and Mr, E. L Dean, plc 11, 3rd—Mr. T. R. Fattteron end Mr Car -V4,441.0 Another game will be held next Mo day evening. - MEETING OF KNOX LADIES' AU$ The regular monthly meeting of the BABY SES T , t3• .: : rr, 1ERrt AALC5GA1Purtie Sia. $140 SPEC,IAE, PRICES UNT04,,A10114, B • ^v9 OHRISP'MAS •µ. ' CREAM 'OND'S. C •2 COLGATE'S TOOTH. • PASTS, .2 ,fqr $0e CI�AN ' 4 EUI CH1 SAL SS,6c R BABY'S•OW'N' TAB. LETS, 22c 'CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, 22e. 'Ir:`..ARI)LEY'S 'SHAVING .sir 'suo LEATHER BRUSHES 50e • to $5;00 TOILET WATERS ROUBIGAN'IwS, .. HijimuT's TARD- Dors -PLAYING CAt9%CBRISTM4tAS SPECIAL 39c. HOUBIGANT'S .PACE • POWDER,'UI.LQ UBS PL E ALL S HADD S 59c • COMPAC'T'S: , ... 50c, to '$•5: 0 FOUNTAIN PENS. $1..50 -to $10.00' WILLIAMS' SET MR MEN, 60c' * d '041), 18OCIE'1 :: STATIONERY IN, BOXES,,: 20c "Hdlg- Bible Rook , Divine" and "Break Thou the Bread of Life." Services at - x, -Presbyterian• church, on Sl iday, P eember 9th rill .be con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. DA J. _Lane, Baa follows: 11 a.ru., divine • Worship, subject, "Three 'I"elling contrasts;" ' 3. Sunday School and Bible, Classes; 7• p.m., public worship, subject, "The -Thinking 'Mind and the iteierentt Heart," ,rev, 'F W, :grail{ attended Presbytery on • ,Tuesday at Centralia :United ..church. ,Mr, and Mrs, 'Thos. Mitchell eche_ ens, joying the beautiful weather at Sara- sota., Florida. , . ladies' Aid Society -,of ‘ Knox church ,Trus ' Mr: J. `ye and ,Aar. Fred Walker. of I• held on , the. afternoon• of Friday, N!. Maysville, ted relatives in town over 30th, at which there was a 'gopd1 r pit- tihe.• weals -endo �. - • ' tendaanee . M members. In the absence lir. Ea� Saikerd, `Montreal• St„' lias of the •president, 1Vzra.- A. D. McLean,, the sold the •homesteadL Ma,pie grove Perm, carr was ocpied by Mrs. . -C.- Durr- 'on the' Blue Water highway- to Mr. lop, 1st vice president, who also , con- , fi'arry Clem ts. ducted the devoti tl exercises, in wfdeb 7u ' _ ; • tMiss Itis►, , C3arrick nand .her .trrather, the scripture lesson read by Mrs. A t J`a' in beth {i!'' tewrr, Higginson and Mrs. J. 1). Wilson led in • ' - a are visiting their elder brothers in Houston, Texas prayer. Group No. ;4 of which •Mris 1- 1 . Wallace_ Black, 01 town, has re- oirvin `young-- ir, ermr -then _-mak.,._,_ -.. --_ charge o>' the prostata, and a very en -1 gently rete frop4, s tuts weeks :11 tertaining period was �anjoye by the and.. Arose* with relaatiirFcis at Wingham, Blnevale member!.. Mre. Gitlin Young, and Mrs • .. ' .1�Vir. , al�fi 11¢�• s. t AaroTd Cooper, oi, rie- Snyder were heard to muck advantaage ” trait ware wi els-�bnd guests at the boogie in a piano , duet, while li aster Hobert r of �tlie' forir�ieik's "• enta, Mi'. mid 1 5. A. Bisset gave much promise of a, coming lam, , d: a%oo 1:Iamilto a6it • We _ ere _ fortunate In Izqing front a. latiO ntnnufatture t who was : aver g ., stoc1 ed ort cloths.. So Misses'°. old • 1 TadiCS floats at a special -price. We pass the saving ' on to you., I3r t New• Coats made to out specifications, just in :this week. Cloth is fust .qui- Treebark, 'sack ! of rrown.«ib furs, 14 ;uslrlt, Seal ,• Sable 'and. Mayer.~ CHIS LINED SAA ' (uarrnt ed . Sizes 14 4o . .,, h • Mrs.' W. Br',praham� `'Ncwgitte St.,. -left Wednesday. minting' for Tampa, Florida,. where' site will emend; the winter Months., f She, will visit, a few .days in 'Toronto E` 'sigh relatives:.: • . • f= ..-.Mrs. 0. E-Xiiepk- 1ias-- repeived- word -0P• the death at her sister, ,Tits,, • Wm.. Lasham, in Lei's Angeles, California. The remains , will be brought here for burial next, week. , - _, 1 Miss Retta E. Clark, da` ,gbter -of • Dr.' W. 1~'. Clark, Canadian nurse who is low+ I cared in Toledo, Ohio, fa on the, program 1,--ot---•the Ohio -State ----Nurses' Assoefation [This Convention will be held in the City i of Columbus,: the 'capital of Ohio; on. ! December 12th, ,1934. ' I AlV10.NG„,Tiii& CIIURetIES , 'Salvation army Sunday servie'es in charge of tient. Strachan., at' 11 Ban, fnd' 7 p.m. r. , • The December Meeting Of the Evening I Alixiliary of R'drth street United chU1 ch • f will be held en Tuesday„ December 11th, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mis Murdoch, • Cambria .Road. and ' Broek St. Services " at: North Street 'united ehitrch on ,Sunday, December 9th, will be eotid>zcted by the pastor, Rev. .% P. Lane, as, follow' 4* a.m.,,k Men's 'Club; °11 a.m., worship ,service. subject, "Walk-, Ing in tbo r, Light;;' 3' , pm., Sunday ;;,.School;*bite Gift service. 1ir' pni., public Worship, subject "Life's. Loyal. i., ties." ' to Metlied14 Church; Maclay Hall.. i >Services ' Suhday, ,Dec. '9th; ,' 2 p.m., B',bie ,School; '1 .p.m',, E'vangeliatic; ` t • Thursday at • 1.30 p.m. cottage prayer i meeting. Rev. P. It Smith, of IlamUU-' til„ , t 'g11. 4,, i`'a1 De ., . ig_ ildue,- ► ,, a 11. Service at 1.30 pan. Ail wet= Penman Baim promotes daintIuess,. charm -and beauty. :MVfagical in:ilts effect or . the skin. There is nothing like ft for creating and preserving a lovely coni- 'plexian. °doling, caressing, it- soothes and relieves all roughness caused �•,bY weather, conditions. • +Delicately fragrari it enhances the most finished appear- ance. ‘ iiViakes the' skin rose -leaf in ter. Cure,_ -fitly .-s--peerless toilet requi'sit for: every' discerning _woman-, Every "Far advanced" case of ` tuber • culosis was an "early case" once Every discovery--,means--early-teeovery = Christ-. Inas Seal thutds •help',,fhrd`the 'early' case. • °It' people who buy Christmas Seals. would follow their ;'money,thiou6 tp,. - what it, accomplishes, they, Would'xegard it as an 'investment rather t1Tg 1 a • gift. a,RV' Bran Milk. 2 tins.►-*-ni.r •►, s,. s.r��i'i fY) HATS .:IN 'VELVET`AND FELT Velvets Felts and Stitched, small tight fitting models, in fact one of the smartest hat - collections we have ever placed on• sale. Regular • $3.50 for Regular $5,75 __ ,fox $2.89 CLEANED CI lrtllNTS, 2 tin. LEMON » ` iiiiNOE PEEL " PANG BLEAT!HED SULTANA RAISINS, tb - LOU umtspzo i[i`j'rH•' SEEDS,, 2 LW: clIERRIES,. L b GLAATE PI1 EAPPtE; Vi Lb. i EUBB RAISINS, Pkg., 15e SII14I.Y.Fii A 'ONDS, 1.b. ' C '.a SRELfIT MI) WALNUTS ' ` 4� RTE.., .dx.LAR.GE .1, OI n t. .. e 'pi$e Oot4 Hope dish Evangelical Lutheran."' Mission acids i taleru e worship on .Sunday, next, Dr tuber 9th, at 11 a.m.;.. h 'Mackay That. Tilos ser.- NIFe, wilt r he - conduc€ed,by' the -,pastor,: yerr • C. d1 ter. Subject. "Dies Aprroel,, ttc a rr The, P That Zs Seybnd, .Ail Human riticst" (Luke 21:28;86). Setvlett at the Ra:ptist .church ntt uday,: 'Weetiaber lhli; -*Ur 'osaitiatitt cl b Y Pastor W. • Bnna follows :1 1 a , RAO $trail; 11 am., tooth: y,,y$•eiti'*ic: t. " .11i:e Problem cert' t1na�- ` d, t T yt{:,,'" Villa., Ee Met tauty. siibjett, ,,A P' tittold.r'.Stiblitt ti A* r* Idle":"' • , .00d itt'Mid "a!i`i viee'�,, km*: It u at V t th ettttt "'tilted +Coat "I"IttrK1or, bettrAbei *in i, • by%it, Itet6 'lt's►l, r arii: IX' am ,,Initahip t+% Ibirasifo,stroat iti sway« `ihonsands of''ktddies now hay. fog htnirrs of •ffith "elating- - nista'".-. Made ItitI curd- . i,o,,,d, rdccarstcd «tr orange, brut 1 ; and white. 'Cont,«etc play fte- �aahone. +tach reghterr,H • 3t posit • atkaittet, 28 pt+ itiso+ ritndUay. arra. i' alar s HAMS!.11,04* x e . U ' ths bre na tet ,yam wait it the. same time i , kf f raa�__.+t . welt Bir a 4 nitticknor '4,14AW witi 44itti*. wile dalittl tom' f . i yp� 1 . aaltrw w► rtes �a•-�...,xW r r''#('W Lac