HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-11-29, Page 8,0
Itfinddieten..h the
Rya Hark of Canada, *tr, nt
friends are consratUlatinc hint :--started Up *gai th a oup1e
eVcry sucepts in` 'his, ',190t$ On the. ilY •Co
fiscilx6,* ItEMEW•-•*-
oiut., .04.3bi itas;,,ahuouttoecl,
414, he will! rot 004, cattliditie or Mr'. *veld. t ,
:eigetion owl' •,titituselOilltioe' for tItt."1111t" .)v".• ''‘71,40'. • urt°1° S.
4erning year. 'Private rosonS are given ttle,Y 'thl0 )44*, 0 hig:. .41
Or Ids withdraW4 from the .e.UP4v flew at 11.1W•11h1W.'lle 10$ • getting
Olon; seorc.poke has served tWo years, ke 49/31 '"•)e tellet140.* )1° knneke4
away Od it eame at Win attain.
lt4° ,,t,°?vtl* '44*Inuft4of ti* nr° ' o•Plnim, la' 000
corMittee,..41-45. 'th# tbe We% Wait' anri4Yi4 at being fp*,
700* Homor
ed Into 7thinitint„this, .1041 and *Anted
A en,,,tthd, fm. the eveigna take' it out'onAirle. 434*
417-No-vetu—bc--;* (1,.tii_e, bee new
the purpose of -dkcessing )(inlet ,hOckey, `"`"' bs' ""m 7714 i4u4"'
...Very few attended and nothing tzajks, $10ttirroirb
done. Ex4tayor E. R. Wigle Is. Iriliking' itp,stro., ts, ed pile met
another attempt to get those:thtereetetI with a slighteceitient while :returning
'together net TuesdaY, Deeensber 4th, Goderich Oet 'fttUrdaY 't,Vening at
when it is 'hoped that 4 good attendance about 10 paa.;,,,,,(10*lakt.„40w#1•:ibe salt.
will lmake It posmbie to make ,pans for ford ffju theiekiiviv.$ agir *43:440:inped by
the winter.. * I, a lighter, mode on Ahe?:'laticairrti ,itist be -
fore entering itiOltfo4-7,1*.other
.George Spatton, ALP., member of kr_.
driven by .1.4RYinv4gelborne:/arirter, lost
cwe wheels iinertlieffirrn.Salo.car Went
'North Baron, has begun his pIupect
' trig- campaign; -bY-li*dm-g theettn_g In foot ditch. ,14'nhe',Wria hurt althorigh it
Gorria., where. he addreSsed Oreeadedo:. iiifireyp,110440.:',.pyiret+se'riottsly.
house. He spoke quite .briefly On pollee were ,-,iiottfled, 7iind , a, ettletnent
Tariffs. He made- a strong appeal to arranged on Vie-40ot. Nb-c.harges were
• the young' people to study facts and laid.
Awesand_Arot_inke. things- just -for-. * t •
granted. He said he had net been \ and GODERICII BRIDGE CLUB
as not in :attar of the increased ...A•t_the-Weekll elliplicate,bridge-tour
— 116,•-611*--,ijr:----'•. • n.
. ,,. -.'am.ent, held Monday evening' • the folloW-
1 i
VAAM-1ARilf.11)GES— - - -ing-Werte• winnern--- '''--"“--- --- -
A Ooderici's motorist almost ran ave. r 'ior and AIL r. A Eastnunt:Idusammi--;
North arid Siiilth-ist, Mr. J. 11, . y
(21; Partridge near the edge Of the Sena- t
toga- swamp on Sunday2nd. Mrs, E. L. I/eon-anti IVrisa Evelyn
.---The-Thepretty D, plus 81,6; . . .
little grey- chap walked out onto theean3rd, MrsDDMooney. . i. ,
road in front of the ear. and deand MrPkCarey, plus a
clined to I
'hurry out i East and Weste-lst, Mrs. L D. East, I
brought to °t the sva•v• The ear lym , man and IViiss 'Olaclys SaUlts,
2nd Mr. ' 10
Our many 404..4.1*.0.0sto'ne in and look around. We wonldglad to put away any gift for yii
Crowded Court ,For. tho itit* disphatgest _for 14tk
IA have o Y,ar, tlek furt
seerell thee for bete.,
14,44 iterton Was
eusecl of ed VP In
9th by 0*
.11thancrt"Atatiithe•104:**:0:11): Mit that whlle 'th
had `'eirtre.eted' *tout SOO trout his
• eleiheA Wilith. Ile. thought. *a. s• $1400ut:
I'inmWinlent. As Solt Itees nOtF
• .44710104e*eut, tau:. gjoyewerthedetrhoofh stb," *tatter wt*
• etuie *Web mowed .eutec• tityr000,thy-
was • that Of -Albert cbtpenee nctoiert,
vihP'APPeare4: in court' vrAth '44 arm sitt
Just ,what hal4Petit4 totr,him I
18 not made Clear in 'court but it WO
lathered that he was titlitio.a.horao near!
ISO hObta when a btotercypie passed; the
iolse frent *kW:eh -tatised-the' horse
bolt, .411rOwing the Youth, heavily and,
breaking his arm • •
Something went wrong with. the pre-
oentation Of the east which was against,
the rider of the, bike, Albert Lealbold, andt
st george's rector)' was the Scene of
a very quiet. but pretty wedding last Sat.
rurday evening, November 23rd, when
IDbils May Hanley, daughter of Mrs
rY Hanley beeanie the of -Frank i',;/Ite and at their inability to clear Up thorpleatieel 'guilty to ',laving left the sone
Young, sen er Au% fold ivirs. Benjamin *interference 'Which renders ' of an aecident and paid. 425 and costs bl'"
Young. Yen. Archdeaeon
riiiiii-WifirrM,ed riohy
Radio Fines cases 14°i'
• ...• " .. ,... . eviclele.• utiotittioogh, ,ot :393 .ehne04,111
. ' ;Week London, .Was Plate 4, Up In. Ifowi-1
of .the peoPie.11,0th at„..thejnictut*444WeemorgktlYi*opet • • '14'/t/ifti,•!ttlietJ.
How -
• (Continued froom page i) ' and With Stealing a arriSt watch and ./8,
. .„„ re, ,. .4
l'OiCtrOVMShij., r-- charged -with var0i*
.: government 1 in cflarglrig a fee ' for the *Re' Olelicled ktillty and Was responded one I, '
_ „ - ..
operation of a Anaehine - -without- .gii!in4 Week- feift' t . - T• - 1
something4n: return in the wy of sail Isaac •liapsoro of Ifuliett'. ToWnelliP, '
*at* Water for the Lluiet-
itutS Cake, lle
0 154 and*4$0 bettlea'
$1101ING MOM '
-..rahnoilve or Colgate's, 25o
Ask to see our Lather Ilrush-4ust
- In for Ohristnian.- '
Vhsibele 00*Y and ItolVer rills
Castoria __Joe
Tablets fee 06144.
ii0VOXICC.,44.-4..teNit—batirt,t4te-trie4ctg----Of. -' COCkblirtrgiVa, aii-'-ol'xiis-61- fee tliettia- .
1 the young couple. Miss Viola Sproule pertinent of Marine and Fisheries pro. 'Collegiate' ‘Lit, is
, attenclet_the bride while_Robert.Jarae&-tested-the-Comments of -the -ex -i- nayor- , k
was groomsman. Atter the 'ceremony, a claiming that the fee was charged main-
bqUet Juncheoti Was served , ' Go Entertainmerit
, - -gay y at •O measure for the national welfare, ' . • „
party of .about 26 guests at the -home. of it being considered necessary .that a, re-
the bride's mother. Mr. and IVirs. cord of all sets be kept. The -fee was Splendid., Debate , Amusing ,tslity'
Young intend to reside in Goderkh, largely to pay the cost of this q
hint He eteppzd daintily back into the'
s. A. Sturdy and Miss Etta
Don't, forget the liability yob
incur through the. operation ef
• your ear. Ilfalie yourself safe
by insuring' with
Low Rates, High Security
Phone 296
John William Bourne died- at his home Johanna Hill roees. The couPlo were the .balance from proseeuting 031111E4.. It was intended that the shields and
Satins, Phis 214: 3rd, -Mrs; W. Satin- 'A quiet but 'Ihteroting weddfrrg was n
_The magistrate, • re Or .
nderstood there was some
3$0, 60e and $1;00
le and °tee 0414
ViraadkarY's ,1,141.11fautfpc
' Wave) Olt 400
GILIATTE 40e RAZOR-Por.bayor
liBesuots.N:e,ferw:rio :0:0'74; it en_ saits;,.._.giant,
. 10e ...114i bottle .6
It- 40e- sod. Oso _ -
ders and Mrs. .11. &hyalite, Plus 2. trouble in The second of, the sea.serr's Literary
g -that ,
solemnized. at tile North street UtIttetlE the local redid situation&
Another' . game wi_l_l_ho_pg14,,,,na.%. t_mon„.........chardt--parsionage,p-on --Saturcloy;---Nov• Flow -Mr. MadEWan to- Prooeed.
24th at 12 30 When R
united mittrifitfe GliVe Marion; ai--u-g11-1 tian to pail/1g the. iwo-dollar fine, the the , pre. sident,' Miss Helen Riaset„ ably, _
, ev. Lane ,,,,,vitaiir_sproie also oftere4,sorne .objeol Ode, InstitUte under tbe jeadenhip„,
Lauder- -ITWi
gymnastics. Tilde • were Plait ' Bisset,
I A .._, ____.;
Audrey Sint's, I'Vturray ifitthehaid, Vat
, .
iViurdoch. and , Bill McGinnis.
' ..a., play, 'Double dressed, eernpleted
1, the prograM. 1, The,Cast Was.,.citeli ch4,seu
. _,., ••
and- Ktitifffect their lirtei Witfit iiiie assitte,
once, bringing . rounds of apnrouse tioni
TI-Is-..--.11aving f;,1414k,!tlitY` 4,it deciding
*Itch of twOltifelY 'girls he will accept.
Fita- dffietilties-hierease, Wiiem.lie propos-
ed to . both And some very arunoine situ -
'ottani '_develoP,, - ' ' '
, . . ,
' • Doug: JohtiSten' was ' the conceited
. . .; :
youtit. Joe ;Penner; • Don Lane the eaut-
ious bachelor, 'Mel Trenton; Jerry Saun-
ders and Roberta' -Johnston, . the two vie-
' of Joe Vertnerls---eithrms,, honied re-
•rpec:tlyely Edith Thompson and Mary
Poe, while-Edithla -dignified Mother Was
handled *bY. Agnes' cartspbell, '
., A feature „always much 'enjoyed was
the "Journal," ts record of school
orisl ',filtered :edited '•and read" by Oart
40hertson., This brought ,Many laughs
. ,
ter of mr. and Mrs. Noble Young, and „minimum pu
Clarence J. A. MacDonald, Eon of Nfra., ss. e a e arno
ibl rtd the unt re maIntained theiliigh standard for whit.oa
commended by' the Department courisel. body has become noted 'over the
Ma°D°1,1aid, Lucknow? the hr-Ide, but he cliangict his Mind quick's!: when Ye:4°1,4 • „
I was attired in a brown ensemble snit, -the ,thagistrate remarked, "All 'rigid.'
'The AssemblY,Rotert on. the adrd ilcor
riVe daYs in Jz,411.4 Sproule offered $1.75°44'ideCI. f°i* the •e -vent' which n'°ic
I 3011N W. BOvallT,JE' • -and matching accessories. She carried ,and :when that was declined. borrowed 'place on .14YItlaY neveilIngl Nov 23rtt''
Nelson St., Ooderich, on Sunday, Unattended. te'. the cerembrty, tuna Horace sividge got ofr en sva.s prizes wlitclrivere-vair-Flir
170eniber4Iiith In 77th of
lifav* *tit got In a new stock Of
.Fincy WOrk---Stampeil Cashions,
!Abair Caisel, Bk. •
Stirospot Piecre* 110 up.
Silks and Embroidery Threads,
„. 2 for ite. tf •
Now the 'time to 'get buoy on a
Smith's /Mood Gift Store
East Street Coderieh
, year, tqr a e eoR Was served at the home ofthi, demonstrated that 'h had just time to at the County Sports meet ohogid be d1 -
Illness,' Deceased had been it resi. bride, the eciuple leaving. town fr,;art. Walkerton the day he was trg:alteds- Tilts was f°tultV-to. "lnIP°a"
ing here -fretil ivittIrra with his par. , trip to iirebee. On' their return theY had a radio licence in his. old place
dent .of the town for mmiy, years,. awn., alf;'rwards ••an the train, tor a wedding caned on by the radio inspector arid that .rstivbeied eattseihveer;l4,1‘;0(1,:l!en't have not yet arl
exits while still a small. bo. was 'will live in Gederich, wher the, bride- of ti,stdonos„ • rt, is not easy to single mit the, otit..,_-4
deeeaSed WM some 35 years ago, .r Office,
iloeent fge the dare but fines were pad Fauber of excellent ones, but the .debate
-returning to Ooderich soon after' th
war. • One son, Irtigh Bourne, of (lode-
; married to :Mary • Anne:Ames._ wha-pre-„groont-ia-erigaged In-tteignal,VFintine‘ :,--/etriCICTStowe also proved heis5If andlOICIteal On-tho Program funontr•se
, soirie yeriri"he flied in Sault Ste,,
•••4v,Wm.• Abel*: .tOattv-Warabold,, Mrs. ,Math-1-ithe tni$10, i*eanlved 'that rawe critele
Harold •Heiggarth, Oeo, Schaefer, 1•4 clue .to wealth, than ta lpoverty," called
rich, uitivricw wm, sproni,e; jaz, 11134,.,Bele 1r -oral' flithr$I--,--1-,-SS/Ons of genuine admiration
ses. dsiughter died sOme
Years ago. Mr, Bourne VAS a themberof
the Orange Order. The funeral, co'il,r
dilated W. Craik was hebir
from .the funeral Parlor* ot_....,.'Pr011eY1
tiros.' on; Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 2I3t,
to Maitland teree4iy. %The Pall-bearers
were Manson Iteid, Jim llowrie,
ing-mainialf and Oinis. -Ruffle.
. bot Leonard. virs h front JO T Casten
,iitsa claire .11,1n44,04attit snes. r"gaultai Geo., Mathiesen, W. 4; YtuoharAan,, .Rev: 0%40, LaPe .R4 Dr' Jas. 011451V.M.
day Irti . London. ' •, i. jno., iv, ori inut,4. t. coie , .. i actieted esde.lbOadtgeei;yoafi,thtivir by the
aftrin,a,.. ,
,.. _ „...
Mrs. J. R. Wheeler is ViStting rel ives' Great sYMPattar' was eiPresSett I° all
ini,41747Orolivuntouatuthis Rewelectts visuing .wiat he of these, all Or Whr,un are'Vahly'regpect. We. OniPOSed onvIlIcired Arlderseri and
i ed citizens, and ,,many expreaslos of kt„, Bern Ce Hogarth, WI -41e Margaret **,
son, Richard Rem; c anoviii 04,vad.,, noyance at the whole procedure' were *Ilan and DovO aOrtort aPheld-iihe
- • • Sara thirties, II., ge 0. 'wh�. wl,tii
mr, arid
mr4t. oi,vde ewer, or un eoressed„sffer the sitting_ i...hegative. -Judge- Costello, in-aWardirtua
, dell, eitlied on relaVves in townthis . ' .. Titinlo COO . ' , ' hVerrd• 4tpesx7, ..11°;:tcsnIsrdil't'ere' indettedes bt1;41„ttsi' leirri
week. , . , , ' .. . , . The ttatte eine resuithis , from thotov,t4th were no,t nearly So well .C.Oridtteted
.. Mgt -Edith __Haa, e.: imforth:, -was- a 'tellision-of-Slii,isift-thaLlarddIetO'nst earl- tirld .in ,whlch' poittts were not So 'ably
guest . over . the • W1.'0' ea... . f xis. W. P. and that drIverr by Roes cardift, son Of " brought out,
Lane, lslorth street, , , Reeve 'clirdiff of 1Vrerris,Townsii1t3.i..dral- --A :tan ditinee by OladY$ GrasSiek and
lkdir. and Mrs. J», Snydel 'end ,deugrtter, geethrottgh tWo haurs. at.- the ..beginribig,,. Ale 01104 and' a dance in. codirine 'In,
icatherine, are 'visiting ,v1o.t.ivt4 in Ter- or collet and resulted lit the conviction, Willett. -eiglitqirls-•perticipated .Wer both:
, onto thIS 'W‘ek, They WillattOtItt theand not; of the Youthful °tender, ltoas nnich* 'aPPrtiutled. .U0' girla 103re'drawn
Aiwa -Whitii-loitir, and Mr. $nycer. will Cardfir, Who pfeededi guilty', to drivingfrom Miss Lan e% 'clasii..- Those Selected
*also be in attendance at t14 Daixymon'Ys Without a. motor perirlit. A• teeond Were r-- Agnek • ,erliornlot* _ Ruth: lquiney..
ConVentien, -.While iU the city, • , Charge or reekleas driving **114 41(.)ittelSteri A3111* Whittei10 Grace MeDonalel, BettY,
, _ _
, ,
. .
and it and a charge preferred atrAinat, Whitten, Itatherliie, Tyndall, 'ttutli .shep.. '
Maple- Leal Chai)ter the-the.lir on the saine count were beth pat'd, Rad:with Robertson,
' - disMissed by Magistrate •Makins to alloW OAre boys on the,Parallel.barS proved
Donatesliesp. "Ward the, whole matter to ,lite. dtspesed• Of In that. real talent .otitte hi the sehoo, itt'
, civil
It may seem early,but: Chilaim'ait' is only,.
20 shopping days aw.44, -
Girls' sizes in all wool, 8 to 14
ark' at
'Misses* and Ladies' All Wool
Robes in the wanted shades„ gice.
ly tailored f.,tod smart ayies.
Silk Moire in Rose, Blue, Green
and ited;, Would make a lovely
ift.and the new price this year is
4.95 each'
an exce lent quality.L:well
fed 0144 poatt-
atintrim and cord girdle. All
izes, 34 to 44. A practital gift
and much applause from the students
*as. idiosyncracies of the • pupils and the
teaellers9were held up in, kindiy way
.fez_theminspection or:Vt.
The audience wits on its Way 'home
• . • , : . • •
soon after '10 o'clock. ,
W'eiraVie itie; aSsortiligrit of.
.fl:aclito Benches
and Foot StOolls
_assOfted .coverings,:alo
; • ,* OTTOMANS •
suitable for iTeedieperrit.:7.Ve
make there, right er- 'yoUr
Farniture. Neer - :E.eaerei Diiteur
in ileimittitiit Nc ve, Qui0efis
Altir to Attist the Blind.
The Alexandra. Marine :and General
Hospital will 80011` he the Possessor of
beautifully eriulppeds children's. Wird, the
gitt, of the IVIROle Etat Chapter of the
0, D. E.
The ward Is being' donated An the
rieMe Of leffret who wait the
flitst regent of the Ohaptei. when it was
formed aett.nal years ago, She will be
remeMbered as Tiny Masson, daughter:
of Otstie Mason.
Vlogi totti one large and one *man;
will Ortuny the ward, whlch wlfl be deo.
In' bine and **Int
*tures and all that
r\OIM to ease. the sp„,a, aftd..,,bod
ma1I jifttt,nta will be provided, The
oot will b6.0tiaktetioo, and Will take
eortaiderahle 1100100 of the tands
Of •the Chapter Which.,have bon Wised
by sarieW local entett***. '
The ootnnintoo 1n hatte, in sdd&ticn
o the ftegenti, MIS* t1ik1ritltelnoltili,t00.
ot Mrz. rod Attu)* as tottilinot,
o. NommodTh. iop1e Lest Cb*ptar osietorsti
luvi saw as.
The accident 'occurred .When. eherrift
Middleton 'wmreturning. frotn. itingstoni
,acciimpartied by trOttitt'y conttabie:
Otindry..- aftei- „having taken., A itontr-
to the petiltenttltrY.
About -a Mileand it quarter West of
Seiforth,' on topping' a slight the the
Sherriff, *who was driving, SAW it car int-
modlately In front ot him on its" wrong
side of the' road. !the ,thetrift attempt.
ed to riVeild-the 'other car by swerving to
the let, 'The Other driver, Who protect
to be young Cardiff, swerrcd to his right
and tis tWo cars met with considerable .
damage to both' cat'S, although foto
ate* none ,Ot Othe Oeteengertf Were in,. ,
jilted. ,, , „ , ' • t ' .
Shertitr UkialktOnk.boktd by the
41104,4 ht* 00610101000. indited Oat tht
tattit lay With out pottof. *the :the
i-4n-/ikrk-ikttity.' tot
., »roee• that the bluitrites oar mutt
to been bin* too twit.'
ease wag Proateettted In in Ole
manner by iiiikind ointei. ictiabutrzo, *Iv'
wasmeowtO, theditti at the last
inornent. while the &tenet -Atm ilt:t '
handaett D. tell Of Bri001610. '
.43evetal-witntatet weri!i• -tailed bY- the
Ikt4mOorbi4,Joit-the OA- Maglatraite Utk.
int 40144 to,40itirtim the we Oat 'al
- 'courts to title . On
while the g.
Velvets Vel,ts and Stitched.
sMall tight fitting .models,
fact one of the' smartest hat
,colilections we have ever placed
on sale. .
Regular .$3.50 „fir
Regular $5,15 -for
Maple Leaf Salm",
Orange Marmalade, 1
Ililcrest Shortening,
Catsup,*oz. bottle
Ilandy Aminonia,
Ginger Snap Cookies,
...Or 4 4 u•
*rice Meat,
New Sultana Raisins, 2 Is.,
Lemon an ange Peel
Sof r
In the past ye many
peopit lost their vesgrid
thousitrids of adtlii r worth