HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-11-29, Page 6} 141400141$8 gars tt w en: ar -0440 is 46 ...4
{ 9` t
r 'fir` het
.. :lace o� 'fbio Br1tI�&x' r+�tatii'el'a .who;. tour :. ' tliltu f ts�: the baby.. nl' � It
yp d
s; s: . b e 40'.11. art
� U tier h maser ��+ ��
' tt ai . the . ou_l �`..
�>�da rcce�atly, � � due � � i tr . �. t$1....t � � � .�1�hough xio longer.in' "Canada th>
n ,, o 0
• stc� . Curr dia . so .: xi .iia. - • • rn _ at historic ria e' ; tree ,. :
t1x�t •rte w�uucl : rent- � � care a -,nn e . oto , . � app! t +�a �,xarr: Korth
m. � t
_ �e ra el
, tett
on 1 �.. a� . d
dePend lit)! ,. d t 1Ie ,
he etattltl not ..with'
aa.� � C� 1'�
" lot
t r
. ; the. Dominion, This 03 .earold
t. ceIsat
l is If h .
aw aft �
If clothes arc "opt, , properly pr+e cd4 whiff+ h, still beriit'as , fruit .anuttt.,�all s
be have, Y, i
Ott bacon whish is dependsr l ► X. v
f f a d .located at' !~'ort , V ncouv. r t e.
• i they ;ill gain ranch. n use ulness . � a , +� n It
sot bin able to iincJl it. ft is not ot►n«, t. o#::'V'sat i „.
a 'l_ r
Even -clothes whteih look as 8 .. e�ntfta�. .where ft �vrrs
. � o appearance.;t.
i1 b bacon which
:s n1.
good.buy dc �' �,
. tCrit . i �.��� byo e.
�'' ri take on a e in . Wheel* Of the.
if thoY are beyond .wee , na
tor ad ' art' Ba' om a1who :
;'�;. just :perfect and will 1 ally, ,uy� . e s y' C.. � �y �weke!
r.ew lease of ,life, when cleaned and la .r e
tete e. brand froth the same store- and ,� Yf
th rulers of Old C1re nand the�reY
ah t
sed. Frequently 1t pays .to. hevF his sir u P
°.. p boo t. reser to the tt"eaty of
• � t nextono it leo ase r»
�.i� � � it �
d earners but ate° Haire teas . vrhich f yoe theboundary b t e
: 4 ane i)t a eX lr d tth ary ct i�!.. an
itnot pleasant :trite � � �
. � ilii reed that LA . :. �a n e g �. _ ,
1y V4p,
. •Birt #s all that is rr aired. 'Tailors have !goat. Britain, and •�thc� United States
t keeping u Iities. We �#
men. i k op a 0• i s
, at the � th pa a le,.. Fort •'�axxcou►vef
, :, a trick or ytwo which, n►ay et use to
bhy it in small quantities and even then r was the princiipal t" acihe •depot in
v us at home: They use a double •thick. r „ ,
It ' xt aI~>rat keep properly forthe Canada and dish ributin centre of
does ot � & p p p lav t � , t . �'
it.One of the , ness-of unbleached cotton for a pressing this 'Canadian cortnpany. The Fort
, few days required of e
cloth end instead of dampening the was 'built in 1824 Later on, antic! a-
• first requisites of good bacon is that it p
cotton itself, they lay it in position and ting the result of the ` `1848 treaty,
should be kept in good condition. I don't
know of anything much more unpleasant then go over it with a , wet sponge pre- the Hudson's Bay Company decided
' to move ; to unequivocally . British
than to yet a bite of rancid bacon•l ferably, but failing a -sponge any 'cloth
territory and selected �Camosan • the
Wit>ether the packers do snot get the Will To press silks or crones it is Indian mare for the' territory, on the
right kind of hogs or whether they are sometimes better to run a damp, cloth southermost• end of Vancouver is-.
ink wrong methods in cr rY►g is beyond over the ironing sheet than to dampen land. It is the site of the.+city of
to know. All I know is that from the material itself.* A very hot iron Victoria, but Camosan was. chosen,
the - customer's standpoint , the bacon we will ruin rayon materials, as many of us , not' with a view to becoming a city,
have learned by bitter experience. i but Its sv favourable spot on which to
get f23 not what it,should be. Bacon is erecta fort, This was done in 1$43.,
one of the must useful of foods and'can; POW POURRI Shortly afterwards the online of Fort
be one of the most appetising and the; When making dressing ter Chicken, Camosan was changed to Victoria .in
market could be increased _it we could. substitute currants for onion, by way of honour of the late' Queen Victoria.
iThe story of the planting of the
be sure of a good product. Tins sum- i a change. "Try,,,„the atett....eg• ,_. a � awwI'°; ,d ,' ay
anis ..took . ti—motor•°' 'i` geNifl ught white through'your pumpkin' pie. .Bake den, gland, a f'ar`ewell-717.1nner was
bacon .in several towns and small vi1- your bread -pudding in a pan of water ,given to Captaib' Simpson and a
!ages and -each time we got good bacon. at 325 degrees and it will not fall. number of other officers of the Hud!
When we came -back"to -the city we- had SA fD�VirY�Ctir SPR AD son's Bay Company, who -were -ready.
were .ready
the same luck of getting the too frequent Ito set sail for the Hudson's Bay past
i-3 cup butter, 3 eggs slightly beaten ort Vancouver. A .les were be-.
.� # r ads of or h'�syo-n..._7Cet L buy thG•best-- r-tili5'"`fiuigar. 3 teaspoons mustard. i tea- tag serve for tCesser . •'
• brands of recognised packers froze `tete Captain
Q ` tl%e
'spoon salt, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 scant ladies seated next to Captain Siinp
best stores _ _ :. _ ., . �_,:1.-�up-vinegaar..1. - sup Intik, �1-- m.; lb -grated ..stzn.... n: cutting.=.. -alL srlaple ,.•,-dropped
-li)1 i = it 'i•[ieti P irir'A1TT 11iQTitl R a the seed's tato Captain Simpson's
cheese, 1 tin of pimento. Mix dry in pocket, telling hurt, to plant them
The old saying that the expectant p when he - reached his destination,
� s geed#ants and rub. to -s1' smooth... paste with perhaps _ grow.
-mother should she
for r je is not Judi- the Qmilk. Put. pimentos, peppers, .and . and erha s they would row. Up -
fled that s=.he eat large quantities of cheese through the food chopper. Mtk 'on the arrival of the
food, The ' amount may be 'increased g party ' at the
all ingredients ani eek in the double foot, the factor, Dr. . McLoughlin, in -
alightly but the quality should' be chant- boiler until ° thick and smooth, stirring s steed ,tlimmediatel eels shouldnhis
ed considerably. it is very necessary constantly. i planted y, g
that materials required for building ' own gardener to look after them. The
Wines should be supplied. as Nature Zs s SPANiSU LIVER 1 seeds Were planted in small boxes
notoriously kind to the young and if, the Brown sliced liver in bacon fat, addhlg and kept where they could net be
*required , minerals are not available the 1 finely chopped onion if desired. _ Cover touched' by anyone. After several
with boiling water, season with salt and Wears the tree bore its first fruit.
bones sial teeth ref the mother are rob- ,prop, one apple. This ap le, when
to 13 he -deficlenc pepper and simmer.• closely vera lar ;.� . .
y -7-Calcium ei'A An hour. Remove the liver to a platter 11* ma's plc%ed by ti.,..met oughlin,
Ohne) Is •most necessary and the easiest who carefully cut it into 17 slices,
arid thicken the. gravywith Aur.
• tfl�..li ih: a ..nabbed- -�,palace. to get t-lt#s is !ii milk: A'qu�rt hcook-h Penson seated at the
one for: -each
to a paste with. cold water. Pour over table.Next year the tree bore 26
milk should be taken' _:gash day, an the liver and serve. This may be apples, and has-been bearing ever
'plenty of •- crooked and fresh vegetables: since. -
A certain amount 'of cereal and brown ed in the oven if convenient. -
bread which contains the entire grater: is *E �� ,_
advisable, as the outside layers are rich
in minerals and adst to the roughage. in Mrs. Barkley, of Dungannon, Ls visit- . Contract Bridge
id;.ffshiofed doctors, said there_are, g her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
still too many abroad in the land. 'tell Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell visited , • (By Phi!. Carey)
their patients to eat !good nourishing on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rad -
food' bat they dssr. riot tell the women i ford, of Blyth. HONOR TEWESr
just what they should eat. Most women } Mm' J. D. Elsley and Miss Lois spent; ,
do not know this arid eat the wrong ', a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Under different systems you will find
foods as those who have had consider- Mrs. J. E. _Ellis._ 1 various ways of counting -up your honor
able trouble with their teeth, after The WestfIeIt - Sunday_ School -intend- strength. Under ane system for exam-
preg toI i ig utheir Christmas concert on ple, you count four points ;for an ace,
riaticY Can testify. ►Cod-liver ell should ` three' for a King, two for a 'Queen aria
be taken 'daily' and exercise -in -the -sun, december '19th.
In, the'` middle of the day in winter. as Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell visit- one for a Jack. Your must have a count
that .is the only, time that the rays of ed on :Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. Olen} of so many to._ open and a certain• num
the .sun will • be of benefit in supplying Raithby, of Morris Township. ber is required for positive or negative
vitamin D. Iodine is necessary as a lackMr. and Mrs. R. Vincent arid Mrs. R. responses. Another system counts • an
of it aaf rets the thyroid gland and may. Buchanan were CiVerich visitors, on Ace Queen as 1% tris ks, .a King, .Jack,
.catise cretinism. Iodised salt_ will asap -1
II Wednesday.. r ten, aa. i tricks. and so on, while still
ply' Ibis half 11 there i any Suspicion of s Mr. and Mrs. James N1'MIil1 ei terta#ti- another counts, the • losing tricks.. We In.
s ed a number of their friends on Satin- Qoderich adhere strictly to quick tricks;
:goitre carisult your doctor before using��
it, -' A doctor should be consul tl rgme' wedding casion being their twentieth- there being only eight in the 53: ca
diately. anniversary. dealt. Aces ' are one. guarded Kings are
ease. dist of them Rev. Elliott,of Exeter. had charge of '� while King; queens of the same alrit �"
charge a :lett rate- and -the mother 'nfght; are axle, and positive responses or epee-
say 'i'B �ave the benefit of the extra the service on .Sunday, sus the pastor;
Rev. Dr. Mortimore..had missionary _ser., .ins bids, must not be given without the
.V be
.. ���. leu
8ererA1 honor4 kava a been '+ erase:
U/1011 Ja i tk4 040 oy '000d In Nisbet!- 4.
tin uisi ed. V1 toria ,student . who, .l ate
tending the IlOY01..lecliniVal
Oollege ,of
till la VrilvereitY, N �has been re-
volted that �� �lf�bet as been `aeXd
e the
t• olY •�:
d a o c ar b.
Dr. � rase s h . s . f
zih stip � .
o>xf eran U r two yeaml, or en,-,
er i,
cod, p�+ndcercy studies.
,6' r
Ke a tial, With' another student for'
the. ' i11iaCm Darr prize- of le :sounds'
value ;ire books,; !hesebeaks will prove
of great eseistaliee its the pursuit of •his
a $
h t a
1 bait »
ins ►ddltion to the above iecht►latiolxlt�►,
won a third valu at' 201�dil eat
Year, ,fOr In
1933, leer 1 the W
e e'
. *evolve '.
lei 0� 1!'�►in�',.'lRiti7, �t �Il" 'srswltd,-
�,�•,;"W� aawsii�dest ,�Rr e5'�ilGt�'e .
chem try for and -yam students Niebet
he` . of Fret:, J.
h ' el "R+c� klamd " , • n.
. �'� ,ft#aae
Road, #sa „+j y.`
� �� R Ty �� �f��la
NQ1' .
. lr w l "
*tithe l�
ested .the . above
for a.
1, tMt',� 'N�bet % e bixi, 'of the
f nt '~
. e
r x
,, 'ice ey"a ,t~udl �!ew
or Mr. PMI ;Atm*,
. o . to
.� . f .t±nwan, Mr, �.Yialtet,
,senior,. fo er '`048 ee'll'PJeYedc 1.1-1
C anadiaan Bark or Gornmercce 'here.. 'A'he`'
r-yoatfg 'mall ''whose success 1r "' n." pr,
nouneed In a trniversit of . w t
University t��:.
standing, was, born 1n G __. e ie
cod x hi wnc
TRURO" 0 2fttb. ,i•OZ.
.bops YON
let's the eo h 'that; atickss; the euai b. tit hangs on,
that . dada e. *
to e �rtd
o it
a .ew t
ovw 'do
: i tt o. hw6
t s
1. ; cou &fin thee, li .. ,
t » 1•.,
the, nerve .&n't1 Atoll � �' y
d • .�
'Malt +� got,�, `.bottle Of ` Pr, "�o � X_ .
ut.g.t ,
5.-xu; and pee' how . t iekly it' will relievrl `tb ,eoagk-
y -
Mtlt condition.
. It loosens she:- ga?nri, carrying �'hq>• . S`.
irritated b nes stron .liens' tl a .bronchial:. prgtuii
ra. .
t,- s. AO snore'11;44.:0°100
nn<i^ when tHx� x�' dote t1�Q t
With, thq..lr�etating c . ug#.: , • . y `; •
lH"u� s�alc� at;ail; drng� acid gesar'�r'sel aAta .
.F an make •
a +�sat
spent the-.• 'Teadher, �' w
>?� first Sew. berg,
tt yea
es �� i?
,,, . rence
with the woxo' gr esenle' isola 1'aher beiU , � ..tcga,ved , �w�y " b tiro,
bank,,., i�ittlo�c.Willie; `"� can! Father'. stop- ,
- ped staving and gruesome'wh;skerst
l �>a: .roiessoor' tied 4::1,...
beck Ca
titemt , ,Test 1 the difference w ..
., �'' se write �,oye•' What's defier nc bot et:n _
Legibly-)' •
,p, , , ... ,,. hair ;dresses and le$culptor'f •� .
Student., , ( e . du�� •-�"�'r'�'etMror,.:: ,A, hair 'dresser curls uip' and dyes
w you at on tri p>er art til make a and bu i •
It will payyou to stock.
� up�at° these Bargain Cash
TMs s is your- chance to save money on Fresh Bes
ur - ristnias Supplies of Fruits, Nuts, and Candy are the - highest in
quality -and the lowest in pricer
At thecae three criticalperiods
at .woman needs a !medcine
shoe causer depend opt. Ticiat•a
why some:: ent taakeLydia E.
' • Pinkti*meget ble Csoim..
r nd. 9out of 100 say, "It
' -sips Lpt isr 1pyou too.
vices pt Exeter on 'Sunday. required number of quick tricks. Play -
fug tricks may be shown later. Contrary
to any title however, there Will .a1'arays.
be the occasional handthat--warrants-
hat warra ntas-Abid without the required tricks.
t • The following hand demonstrates the
inadvisability cot opening light, and I
might. say that dozens,pf suoh hands are
dealt hi the course of a year.
The second estimate of wheat pro-
duction in the Prairie .Provinces for
1034 is two million bushels, lower than
the preliminary estimate of 265 mil-
lion bushels made on ,September llth
Cattle hides used by the leather hi
dust in Canada during 1033.weigh d
63 867, 012 pounds. The cattle hides
were 72 per eet, of Canadian origin.
1teeent Boy Scout awards include
a Medal of Merit presented Rover
aAllan ` Beleness, London, Ont., for
gallantry In resetting a woman from
a burning house.
32 -oz. £rackie Jar,
Plain Olives .,..°°..-.. 3
Just the thing for the Christmas
it. or 1 lb. packages, per lb.,,
'Remember the ctut o% below w .practically tt loon rf lrou,swalio* i Vit.
',vol.* *tint fazrelier framPain. Equally' impp�oartant,. Asptrttr is
errand and get they inetliedd doe.,, safe, liar scientific tests show this:
,tame preatliI*---A.spitiatr: . ; } ; ;As- lain dots not harm the tear#.;P
1'1t'lsallrra tray# found. them 1sp ren Remember these - two pointy,'
-e+emed eaadaeherneurit spa 0 r z cif/
' • ror Acu t . pang; often 4n. a tow And, see that you. g'ef
mierinnte sl , isat tdtia Canada, andall is
►. • in " st.viach in the Ottoi hios it. ,Loalt for the name i 4r
bete. era 4aippirin tablet starts to die.' the form of a cross on ever
.ssilv+t, or radia, iatr ►tet almost the ire trin tablet
ins nt, 4t. Inmos moistu • It b+ .. IRA tin of 12 tablets or a eonotnkel
*'l ` " . hold" of your _pain ` bottle of 21 or 100 at m druggist';
Oro». a►tt• Aseirtf
res a .aa *
MIMter. Note 1U &
U it Nait
ir#!► tell
,t% 10854.
API e0, • r
The bidding:
S. • W. • N.
fess Pass (1) 1 Club ' Pate
*1 l�l•`T; (2) 'Vass (3) 2 Spade bass
3 }'Z'• '(4) Pass (5) ,lam rtiks
(1) ' While the hand eontaix s •0 playing`:
tricks there erre 'only 2 quick tricks.
(2) 1 N.T. •1 rust a' goad heti, 1lee ti k
.are held, therefore 1 ap de_shouitt •
be bi.
f 3) Itoping „Met the final Cgta tritt
y pld in uNal:.
'(41°, A pure - gamble 'OilSouth's pant.
Hearts have never .bei bid .ate South
topes for break itt the Ho suit,'
(4) West :must . 11 he daubs it
viould oureteedrive, berth u t
haft to .4 :ill
In.the play.is t1 'Ep tdee lisle 5 Club
'1 made while $ »" » was defeated2
12 -ox" tltre� ..► .4 ., a:,, • w. » ►�.wa:Mw6
tr .
pkg»� SOAP FL AI ES 29c
D,9a' hard worth l oc .
t• ,
Jai Pirie • kart 2 /gst
Peas, Corn, Tomato
"or Puinpkin 3 hi 5.
2 LBS. )f '•,d.'M MM.v.w1M�f ,WLliii"w.l„ aiw•.gyi r..
.8. Fla Y oua so • ikt
too s Cough, .SYtuP
fie' Deet 014toff thstk Cough