HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-11-29, Page 2▪ ••••-•,4,.
1 appaaran* 44 0.1
' 00041310 t ppoon.ts . ww, n
. „
.riogioukd every Thnrsdar at The 44444 our remark* ,went' fOrth0 and. 0
• ' 00derlell, . '8U0Sorintion.
. !ma loose ierao.ea, a2.00 Dery that. our . livre71e •attitUile, : and the attitude
p'�ar in
Tkilthet *104020 Per Year tit adVance • ti - ' , • - , . . -
' ,eideante (in *marl $254; .0t -Mast Panadiene towards ' Chicago
s a weenie
'-'20th, .olds. and new ***ow - 44014 be , ,..,
-Oren . "When 'ellaaiter OI, ' Iteletneell is ,. *J.. • 'otbrie.S. 01 bantbtokY 0, Otani ' POI; '
•lateeeted.‘ •CANCELLATIONS -,-We. line -:•„jeree, 'oe ,sx4itayar.,,reninpian*. to, de
'that: Meat of our -sUbseriberS prefer rot. ' ... ,1 , ' ' 4 sr
tee shsiVe their sohyldptiens .interittPted :111r4dilSt. xov' Klaili 'with Whieh. tile -World.
, . .•
.Case theY•Jital to i'eMit before, ealgraehati WA regeleti. for these Many yeare
. . ip
. .
UOL While PAW:J.00ns "PM not 001 mean little or nothing in the Itte of the
oirried in arrears over an Wended per..
. , .
10d, Set,. itelleat we are .notified"0 caned, ItAret,g0: Ptizen, He pursues, his even
x, wits
vtoblb17 "OV'erY0.0e opa
e',/nY,Aterle$ singe 4.04 War.
toe., veriOxie get* Irlf.t.lr'lanit4 the
0, re. OtIon: tretn, Moat p1 them J1e
X� 1101 MY X #441.11 ate 3e4t at. aiout4 average one' leaireaone thring, 'that
:spying la a, pretty tura)* $ort of a thin
Oeoengaged in.'etten if it ia,en
tial, part of war.
Mot of at*, ,toe. are trifle Om,
*nye*, ratan/4g events to ahow that
the' tiP1' waa Very cievei seri, at neree
and *PS 'ellen* 0:n400d of dilllarda.-Or
if net so, then cruel perlone, quite out-.
Side the Pale 4 deeent societY. "
It is a Wonderful change 'to. read the
terY "X tVas 4 '8P4" wnlohis to be
eight' O'claCk. Omit at,
154 tat PM, "Wu. BrOWn has •dleellitrir,t
her help." fia),'"ilits diachare'ed her
seven' t ier Plaido:' .. k
lee I assume the subsCiber wanes tne eer., way,. pretected TV a Very eineient police ,.„,_ ,t ,,,,,,,, • • f ..,...:e
le;.ed,gis0-14Vrtered tetAnt,er.,°n2ESonsUey°09.41:4 force. taking ‘..advantage• of • the maw groHvvticity!,°:, Saill aulle'"4424 4u1174,- illwrbtunove7-
' , , I ‘blitillirent and enerfiet1PeoPle for -PMe Do not say
. .. "Thli .nieriely, tor your.
de.r or cheque payable t Pal' in Gode*i great aeoiel Orgonlitatlons Pu,llt. „OP. bY anj ed, Or .illrnntied
tieh , . •
tiltIRSDAYNOV29th 1934 i benefit, educates his children. In scbools self." Say; "Titlit.money Is foe yon,"
„ .
•1 which are Without ,superiors anywhere' Do not sI 4'arlte. three *IV divlOtt
7-----,,,_mAL...,... I and generally ceridUete hinthelf like the "nal' between theingelveal'. 00.3r,
, THE BANK OF MONTREAL kinimal peraan in any coo tommunItyl "alarm; thereeelver‘ when , refereng . to
Beim. a vast eity there Ift flat 11 MOO. than tWOft '
• Once trim the Bank ef Montreal Puts - ` -' .--7- w' --itra""7.'' Do 1 use luxurious pertalrd' ngto
• out its annual statement, showing a v. ice and paverty and deth y and
onest 1 110 cCitt '
luxury, with luxuriant, exc ly ter,.
strength of which Canadiano may well greed and. avarlee and cowardice, but i tile, or almildent, '
• be proud. •1 these things affect .the ordinary citizen ' Wants` often' mispeol manses
There Is ebinething particularly Cana- ani- Derision; pronourite de-rieheun, 1 as
v as they do the average citizen any.
where. '•
dian about the great, financial ineitution_t_ in lt, Derisive; pronoence de-ri-slve
which has stood a bulwark in good times:
, -These things we have always known,.nrat 1 as •in
• . of course, but we are glad to be remind- Record (noun and Verb). Accent noun
steady con
and in bad, symbolizing the - . . .
. , on first syllable, verb on, last syllable.
nervatism or Canadians and, Canadian, ' ' . -
1 If Chicago objects to being held up as! (Incarcerate. Pronounee inskar-Aer-at;
' banking for more than a century.
an example Of what a city ought ta f 4rat a ae ifs ear, second a as in ate, ac -
There has never been any question of not tent second syllable.
be, it is to be feared, its Own publicists
its strength. There has never been any
are to blame. Unfavorable news of chi- {
1 raRapi Pronounce ra-bl-ez, a as in
suggestion of impropriety in the use of it Ile as in me, three syllables,
accy;ntastirsnt sy,
its funds, no leaning on the part of its ' cago ahvays beats a Chicago date line.
e Banquet. Pronounce bang-kwet, a as
. great heads towards the bizarre Or the
• Demoniacal. Pronounce de -mo -r. ni-a ••
... • ,,,, 4,
- handling tile easteamountssof- money ens-, _ 4
- NO one will object • to the saving al -1 kal, 0 as in me, o as in no, i as in might,
trusted to its .keeping._ It takes reek ready -effected in relief outlay.' It es not 'lint te as l'n ask Unstressed, seeoicl a as
' alongside the Bank of England for sane, certain whether the lower expenditure in at tmstressed, principal accent on
solid finance and respect for tlie best
, _ A . LS due to better weather
77,-; ;•:.:1Tt11:4'1.3?1--41g-*t,..7=t.:Te--ls1-d-i-tie1iein-ilyasnessr-but-thrirop—*1"
Por longt bena worldwide tervilninTellett—
sion is that. both have something to' do 1 Evenness. Observe the two n's. In -
power, carrying the mune of Canada to . with it. . • - vaslon: s, though pronounced
the far corners Of the earth. During , „ ,, ,5 . 1 Isinglass: one g -,-three ,st,-theagh mere
the early daysof Canfederation it evas_of.
. •
Is._proneenced as e Peel (to strip or
The- gekise feetpilrallien --of the county - '
great-. astistance ' to the neW • nation. tea r off ) .. -Peal (to give put a. lond
must think the %vied is .all against it: sound, *as of bells). Xsthmus. Observe
'When the time came to stretch a band '.ese days Some hundreds
of steel across the country to tie the thof geese the i ths though pronouneed is -mus,
have. been slain to meet the demands of Yacht, though pronounced yet, 0 as .in
great west firmly to the rest of Canada, the fowl supper enthusiasts. No
its directors were among the first to.
knows rust how many tons of succulent! , Synonym!!
come to the aid of the C.P.R. and its i
dark meat have been served up but there , Adjacent, adjoining, abutting, near,
, facilities were ' of real importance 'in
WAS enough to give a lot of big and little next4 neighboring, beside, close.
Exceptional, extraordinary, rare,
tar-,-ignistr c•mmon, infrequent.
Sufficient,- enough, adequate. -
completing . that -great project. , 0 .
During-thesevar,-itewas-res,pensible tor boys a pain un. er the vest. ..
te e '2' 41
the bulk •of Canadian Government lin.: • •
fipeing, other than Victory loans, and The whole of Ontario is enjoying an , Break, , butte smath, split, sunder,
the knowledge of the btuziness gained unusual deghue. shatter, sever, crack, crush, rend.
,after many years of practice was of in- •Many jails are nearly empty and one *0. Rest (verb), relax, repose, restore, re_
estimable value to "Ottawa.
, • stitution for the care of female deline fres . Invigorate. ,
In 1930 it look a great loss of appar- csients is to he closed for lack of pat- • ESI:dn
laenaotrpterlipn, atis, wer, solution, defini-
ent seduces and stillof tons. This is an admirable state of af-
' came out the
Inuelcaete of the depression Unscathed. fairs, Particularly .in the midst ef a dee . _ ..,,• Word gfpdy
'Ibday les pieta are again on the up -
Premien whfeh is still melting itself felt "tree 44 word tt;ree_tImg§ and it is
throughout the lapd, . nett's." Let us Increase our vocabulary
ward trend, alley/fps a total of more by mastering one word each day, Words
than $759,0•00,000. -• a 4 e• '• e for this lesson:
rt is a reflection of the slow but cer- „ A man was fined for edealing' one of 1 MURAL; of or pertaining to a wall ;
tahr improvement in the general 'bust- the ctulotts formations known Its kettles , being on, hi, or against a wall. "The
ncW 4-111r-ceitritry-and-an augury of 1 walen appear from time to , time .uiiura
r-decofiitrons were beautiful."
better times in the?' not far distant ' throtigh the* ithale at tettie Point. / '12:RMAGAINT; b°18tereue; 'quarrel-
onzid Pcia J•116 eheivee of the ,Ooderich
IWO 14bradr. *
It was written in 1931.. by a:Belgian
V/01218.11, Martha Cnockaert, who on her
marriage to -an tng11811, 4.PlY Offieer,
can* Mrs, McKenna,
It bears all the stamps of authentleity,
carrying a foreword by the Right Rem,
Winston Churehill, who while a minister
of the crown, sent to ,Mrs. McKenna the
pereonsd thanks of the King for her
truly „remarkable work on behalf of the
,Allies while a member of the British
Secret Service:
It is a simple, :unadorned tele and,
possibly .for that reason as well as ' for
the exploit,s which it deals with, is In-
tensely interesting.
br han nzamr, of ottr.QWfl
war ,nkeant, her itheration,, When
Oe.inet the 0:144-39fino *as to be,her ?les -
*...good. *t�ry one weI worth
read*: 10: tinga true; 'It laelta the
Ortifiethl detaila s of, llianif., ea*
stories' bet is all.the.better.'far
*Int OPS*Sti , IS linVIC,
tainlboc RefOrMier)
"Pe6P10 Who doubt the :efficacy of ad -
vertthing, 'might venteMberiu enggesta
"The Oklahoma Publisher, "that there
Are twel10.41*' niofiritaini ;hi Celoiiiiii; -
that are higher than Pike's Peak. Can
any reader name elle of them, without
consulting en atlas? We can't, pike's
Peak has been given .publicity .and
Vent,' of it, so it gets the business, and
the. other mountains *last sit around and
complain time business Is Ptmit," '
(?filverton Sun)
Perhaps one of the very best invest,
ments the 'United State i has ie the
woman or good family and unusual in- of the War the latter nation owed the.
telligence, who4 was, living in the village United States $4,277,000,000, Since that
of Vestroosebeke when •tbe war broke -ffate-ate-,;1104 paid her cfeditor-44,00,-
out. she tells of the first news which 000,000 and at the present time owes her
her people received of the breaking, out Just abeut pieo.,,00a,oeo more than at the
siiiiisaseinsple_littlesetory-atsillage etreitheginningeesett: iliats•tateesefr08'r
and of the reactions of the people to a debt liquidating how long will it be be-
fore John Bull escapes from Uncle Sam's
world- shaking event. •
The refugees start coming thrcugtithn
• village, pitifui people_Whese pitiful mis.7
• adventures wring tht heart , Then the
. .
"gray horde" of eelerinan soldiery, flush-
ed 'With victory and drunk with the doc-
trine of the Invicibility of the Germ=
Army. She tells of their swaggering in-
solence and 'of their boorish, overhearing
nmnners at first and of the cruelties
width they practiced vveten they were
perfectly sure of themselves.
possibility of, anythin0 ,else.
When the war settled doWn to one of
attrition. the first hard, barrack' room
attitude Of the men began :tog soften.
They were not ctitite so sure of the vice
tory, at letust they 'could not understand
why i was so long delayed. Then too,
they began to MiX somewhat with the
people - and to discover that they were
quite human a,nd many casei, like -
a le, an. tar from their own homes they
began to take on more human airs, doing
little. acts of kindness for the 'people
among Whom they Were settled.
. This did not apply to the higher com-
fier laUte -thirrafta-i-oldierY.
Mdsfle CnocinteaLia quite 4air to them,
future. These re a great being
e of freedom from crime. i me; scolcung.. "She was a terraagant Painting a rather new kind of picture of
When that tims comes, the 0111 Bank only one otherplace in the World* al NV I
1 dicuriosity, there "
people, driven by an idea to cruelty but
of - --
Montreal will doubtless be foeI foetid iii eeclikeiliaaa where they are foun, d.'
YLEMEDIA14; affording remedy: S.Plehe essentially decent fellows at heart. This
in the van, leading the way he ratiOnal They belong to all the people and not to: president has suggested a remedial applied to a particular extent to the doc-
finanting of new projects to the eltimate, a few individuals. It is well to ,discour-1 STRINGENT; strict in requirementh;
mod. of the counity. 7 I age taking them -away. restrictive. "Tt . was a stringent, code of
. ' * * * ' * proeedure."
SANCTIMONIOUS; making:a show of
-EXAdGERATIONS, This apnears t,o _be , a controversial , ecinctity, "Ile was a. sanothnonlous
. ........* . year in politicst Clocierleh Township
-Lk' h -I rite." '
• , .. -
, t We havt been. gently reproved on twe
- to have a oonteSt for 'reeve for the ihat ttECOND/TE: hidden from the men-
.„-,-Oectisions-of :late '-for. references to- Chi- time in four Yeard , MurdOoki Mathad, 11,T tat vieivahstrii.set•-obscure. "Recondite-
. I, Up in Ashileld, also lilt a fight ' On his causes of things.'
cago in th6se columns, .
hands. It ,. will lit interesting to lee
Both reproofs extinct from readere, la
what hg ons in Colborne at the end of BROTHERS UNDER THE SKEIN, '
the so-called "Windy CRY." both ItVere
oecasiOned primarily bY a reference to! the year. Albert Ooldthdrpe may have Jeek London was once addressed on a
train by a &winner who eaid:. "X repre-_
a battle on his hands too .if his neigh -
the reported daniage datie ti the den,.
bor's experience is any eriterlon.
tut. y of •Progrest buildiegs. and grounds'
t exi the last night of the fair- 11°011_4 - . ,-,° ° * 0 .
itustect -that these "attacks" are the re-; Samuel Insuirs discharge was praeti-
suit of Jealousy on the part of the world eally a foregone condlesion. His erinte
rxt the success .of the 'fair. • I was the mistake of attempting a, really
tors in the hospital Where- the young
Belgian volunteered to mist in the ore
of the wounded. The doctors, drawn
from civilian life as were those of the
(Hanover Post)
. •
A radio inspector dropped into town
the other day -he `has apparently been
dropping in on znany other towns and
ditteicts-suramonsed some Jet residents
into court for not having a radio license
and scared about 76 others into getting`
Iswelled by the contribution of the large
sum of about' $200' -Jess than 0,*drop 10
the bucket te them -and the towps-
people are still demanding an answer to
the question: Why should the govern-
ment charge us $2 a year without giving
us something in return? As far as this
district is e„oricerned, the 'Radio Commis-
- Om. might -just as Well be oPerating in
East -Africa:- Hardly anyhode here can
"get" their broadcasts, 'and possibly they
'wouldn't like them as well as those of
privately -owned stations if they could
"hrnig them in." Of course, we should
render unto Caesar the things thateare
Octeeat's,-13ut-Caesar --should ebe' reason-
able in the demands he lays upon his
.(Wie,rton Canadian Echo)
In this fight that is going on amongst
the Tory party caused by the Price
Spread Investigation, my sympathies are -
TITURSDAY, NOV. poi isit$t
Lo rine
Face Powder
lgendetilio enhance
natural skin tones -
Flesh, White, Rachel
Smooth in texture,
- fine in color, delight.
ful in fragrance, gla-
Lov'me Face Powder.
, above all others, will make your
face appear at its best. Ineompar,.
ably finer, a clinging, all -day
powder thia' t gives perfection to
any ,type of .skin.
If your dealer cannot• sup-
ply yent send us his namePARFUMERIE MELBA OF CANADA, LTD....TORONTO
tit '
steel -624%4
countries that take just pride in their
detente:less-frontiers and ln stlee,- invalu-
able sresult,attaitted through 106 yesee„ of
mutual friendship eud, goodwill, trade
and commerce:
• People on both sides of this historic
Niagara border have their grim relics of
warfare that nourished in a day long
past. The bloody deeds conunitted
make a crimson chapter in local history,
that is glorified only with age, leaving
crumpled walls and ramparts along this
fien ler 10 reflect most clearly the utter
folly. of future' armament.
on its good work history is not likely to-
repeat itself,
Bachelor: -"How many times did
you ask your wife to mary you be-
fore she consented?" Marled Man:
"Once too often."
"It's scandaleous to charge us $10'
for towing the car only three or four
•miles." protested the motorist. "Nev-
er mind, dear," replied wifey• "he is
ea en ingsks_son,!-?'
Ng, a big friendly river has stood
between twci nations for a full century.
It has proven vastly more adequate
I. thin all the fortresses mai ever built,
though, they -be bristling with cannon
and flashing steel.
leaving-- the ;old- efiagara to 'carry
on the side of R. B. Bennett.
Allies,' liked her and helped her, in every eertainlY
a'raember of a- While the lVfirtisterof Trade and ceme
way to bear the Wale of
nterce has caught the sympathas of the
race which was • under the heel of the
J ordinary Irian. en -the street; in so doing
military. • •
he has ptdled a, feet me on hieslea
She beetune a' spy quite.naturany-----
tho Prime -Minister, ythlom he has put in
Many of the population were doing
wrong; with the great bulk of the elect-
' what -they could to assist the Allies and
ors, and I consider has played a low
-sate tirdiffiliy,- Whig A true patriot, ace
clown dirty trick on , the. Prime
eer in. the Secret Service -that !the trans-
Oepted the suggestion of an English oftl-
Between Irian and man, 116 matter
sent a wcollen mill. My line is yarns." mit what news she could pick up' to eer-
'it what kudoi.he gets out of the investiga-
gen"Wialeslise"u.th65or-.-r"v'lliiel- respOnded the tails goebetweens who would get
• tion now going on, he can't loble the
THOUGHTFULNESS through the Gentian lines.
• Her P°eIti°i/' hi the h°Pital. naturallY Ito; etinihe part he has played. And' be will
* *. * er squate hi the eye and be proud
king lust betire dePres- diamonds t gave het OPpOrtunities to learn -of troop
eertah1137 he the means of giving R. B.
If so, the ,tealousy was on the part of ,,Vast under,ta a e opera/ movements d oncentrations and ink., rittmett, the vent laud of a licking
. "Is Your wife going to wear her
Lowell Thomas and not oi this papa or skin was due. Alined all nien the "Of courSel We can't ail' thiurngs past:: t;11:eerlientinen17:datwhitItt
reader whezt election tixne comes round.
(1! tweet* in Canada. As a matter of..saine mistakes in their particular ,littie music, andwi ought -to- try to make that while 4ob 'Was ta, king advantage Of E. A. D.
(Brussels Post)
fact, it is doubtful if anyone In Canada, fields. If. he had not become pat:itchy grand on'era interettirig even for those her assoelation with an enemy.; many of
whoni were very kind 4) her, sh Was
to for as we have -been 01way• to a reof his' 4 • -
ble. oceasion it buildhag
veer thought of being jeA1011a There .1s I and run away, he would probably have; who go 'Merely to look on!"
carrying her life in her liard.s. She
1 - • - *
knew that. the penalty of discp ery was
• never attempted anything comptaiwe fortunes by noWe I ONE. OR 'TOTIIElt
to the eentUrY of Progress. 'On the' • :s• . Priend-J'Ar. Professor, I hear 'your
other hand. we have seen Many editorial, A Sault Ste. Marie paper announces *ire 11" had twins. Boys orgiri5/.'
and news references of the most hatter- {,that there are 165,626 people in Ontario Atent Mined Professor-eWell,
• , e one ari
Mg kind made by Canadians who visited who earl neither. read• -nor write. That lieVit at boy d olle a girt• notit may -be the othir way round,"
the.,..fair. Without exception they Werie 4SeelitS bard et) believe. We should like * ,* )0 * •
srelVited. ant,- deeply inipressed With to kneat what elms of people' makes up `tIEE ArSt 11+1 itgAItS
their visitg, 1 the number and partieularly where their Aniefiefin Tourist (to can" n .t.totth.
. . 4.4
the reirettee nitute- -fir these tOlunmsi placolof birth. Oft hand, .We ,0011d1hot west In' dian-"lithite mark glad' to see
was the result of remarks made by; name anyone, under eteetity year$ a red Mtn. 'Whitt mart' hopes big' chief
itoWell ' •Tlibillai 111‘ 103 broadcast. the„ age, who is, Mate illiterate, People WA' is feeling- tot) hole :this monling-**
,,„ .. , .
evening after the 'Century of Progress, , and Mised in crittariO'ean hardly 'escaP11.14 . Indlait (eallIng)-,-"IlaY,, Jake. emu°
thned. His retriarks Were . ariParentilt; an education of some sort unless Men.: hole-- And ' lt5ten, to *ttill boo, Re'
thhundred thousand , people got out "%nth 110 eat
wher and goOd 'fortAino
CtOrtillit, It tilt stated. that a creovd,of ' 4: * is' *
. Of control and did 0116ti210tit dlniatt tO: vrt the lakeS there it a, tendency to for., , ot her house swed 04 gm faueled
the buildings and groUnds, the bripre4.1 get that * considerable portionof. MI that the pakihttr Was slacking (at' the job.
elori being 10114 that they wanted to takei p mit * 'engaged 111, ii. 4114 4hatatdoits 6tiainter.„ are you Working? ebe shout.
et---learit- -part-a tlit piao 'home- rot Akti%t Oteitpition.', ,It is -Onli 'Whin i'..tiatiiedY 'tit' at ilitt, foot of the stilts,
verit9 - - , *such as the 4004 a the Ytints Oron15, **Vies, ma'am," itatile" the 'itar,
.1*-6tory vildio.„4-010,t ot*Iti‘t rOnsti-antt --ifieWa -a loved •Onts. is -long, delayedi, : !I -411fil-beltr'lleittw"-`
the rest of tlte 'world fhb:its ot Ns] that one realites Jhat the shadow a,' "Well, do yet think rret` Pi4ttint IA °I Ituartired iiii 'ali -old factory. Iter advice tohillihk, '
* • *
DIDN'T .W01111( 'ft/AT WO
A woman ha,ving the upper roans,
Is with Joy sonietimes that 'headline
death tdanstigiihe csgsladline
ytelk her-thtrv. atoodunlia,n_eewriters feature some stories, fn. the
lid'''. dst bf much that traaelts of tragedy
t gh,siltyirtthe de
e,rarnvice s:in - aSt1of
113 dee
jandds.ahfear, in:
it 'bpleasant tee record
this 'aay and age,
and secret ,waYs. ' . PartkularlY, such deeds as the4 of cap-'
.1Ier exploits weretarried out/ With tiun. wAtter /unison; .
enite6wVesitiofes, agtirectatdet*eurnilntilnoantis°ctio'neSenilt6rast6ilt earnot4iltnil, ° of fl
goufli4 tterarrwilllere, Sthafternir' ttlihee
at l
the station sof Routers , to'witich townt .1/4,,,tieeiehonso had , ..oeeit washol away
she and all or'ilie populatiOn of the V11. clung fo the -wheel, 'rind after the wheel!
Ittoagwe extol' ,isWoestirtroositteskheort, 7aheretanrceernteadiIce,
.,itseea was i)rotteu, ;en.bilte.4 1 mass 01
clutching what reairiedof
-- the 1
from the salient at Itpres, tritish air -It btkerbig. gear v.altei .110' eeeopate teeta I
tint:1:1%600in: over and desttoyed the iiitallei only odom.----
the, atatitat, tbus,hammaroji2514uklad....14,1 jaiontitatozivgarth.ploilftuithltev.Stlarrothva hat
the Giriiialle. , s.; ' . ., tartly into an U011,41d Port!
$he learned', of the first, gas otienstrel Isla wood& bis- orew, 1610104 That blitend tried to tenelnte thestetitisli that it for lulutwo ivotild ha,Ve 'Perislibd; tall.
was about to happen.' they would not; him. the bravest titan la the World)'
' ", I there it nothing of the, quItter about
the ottern'at blMsloti 51110h hid 146'14'. Man Who, Alinet1 frettni AtePt Ot. 'his'
'iseetbeAris *Tied 'together' tor i ,greatf.
..„,. pat for twenty -M.* ifour.s. let *vs 'take
thutok selt414.0, the 110t010 the' 111.1t1104 bir our- hats to a, brave , an, 'qaPtiktril
1°60cith:tii.- tO6Y 't'bUititS!'15.A4ertiViivid''bbil°tIvtall'Inotrwlittlf:, it' le b.yirut,i
.--, Waiter',$tattiMit, one Of. ba.a‘ daightii
no. that it was not dOubtid at the' &oh, ill oft_ Qt mot tortil 10014, with a haramerto*
, tit over - the iii,vers,-,,,antt, Abe.. -
. 15 ttiok,vs—. *eat' itit on the 'takes. . *
aro how Intornint by two peoPle Odin Setre ek
OW* it#4.it tit* iatnititr *tepPitit * a t Set
, Who ' wire -there, that alnliOat nothltig-,101* " 4M 13*. flitr UtOtOrtst IOW **Ottlifnel herielrandtheree wilt thiSIMAtit the sleepy When * PPlite4 t eliternele. 'All 'of the She
haPpetted eff A disetOtable 4
'nanife. lovitet
• 506 students, *posts, 4111,41., try - • the rosa 01- the W.! men stepped 'out on the, etAid in tont a Wife tatitig. Acii. the Wounded on both
(1 rr*nm reit Ports. 'inter* 40 'her, *td forced het to: stop aides in the hospitat.
ht dIt. it :being Halloween * a- dear PietUre ihat hapPen.1 have 1', dditiet" ehe asked blab?' Finally She Was taught, tried mut
wtv.roalit to, -aiveat ;tented lea deaths SThesSterYstother .tt
readi CA- ititelf4SV
o do Unto to the l'ietteetS 01 502
thing rather disetedltahle,1*Ppened '144n1 tra-141111* *abed tittle 0. *1 151165 *U splendidlY -*Otte% The cold, lied.,
t oub subtitled.- litot m
rots. We do not *believe tliati, 144**" 311"ttl the' 11M4* 4t'11* fared thilftiq tribunal. :the hearttees
4,413*,,00,44 tit,J111$ tiOtebOOk. 'Wittiest**. '41;01'40*i:it Of lent Ivaitiririti
sti, votsor tooi "th*V MI* an boor' echoed the fair ntotahltY. the 111* ImPrh4
saototiet!.Why 1 botimbtot p!tit thent,'all ire told with
. e
.,*: AA,
• tre is Wit ,itt the
nOntber of
hits 'f61- 440ns
being 10 tha
ffalo IMAiriet
, • •
Ot the(
ttm*t- tioltht A**
**der hetween
titittea 51102.114 1* ke
no question that
*Welt. Ivoittlet be
ant .t
t*0h-*4oiM 11
lifted 8tates tf
airports' at eta.
PttrObite,t4 Ole
t rittffalo,
is of the
Lti6n should be
reason that the
the United '
It is. 'there 15
OAP mod
ot tost.,
• system of Uric Acid relieving
Rheumatism and Sciatica
J. A. CAMPBELL, Drat -gist.
pure, wholesome,
and economical table
Syrup. Children love
its delicious flavor.
'Those Nasty Little Pimples,
" Prove Very Embarrassing
.What is necessary for all those'
who tirelroubled with pimples, and ...„
other 'facial blemishes, and who, ,
wish to have a clean, clear and i'
healthy complexion is to put their
blood into a good tondition by
banishing the blood impurities from.
the. system. • ` -
13urdoek Blood Bitters is itli0.
remedy you need tee do this; not ,a.
=r --and untried one, but one thatt
luts been, on the market for the
past 56 years; atremedy that drives
out the impurities it the blood,Iind
leaves the compleziou eloar,, smooth,
. and healthy.
potio hig Home St ry by burning -the
ctiebrated roothills coal .ft,orn the Foothills' in
Albtrt,sw By using thio -coal you give employ.
-mottit-at et -Mk the • --L'Aftiftp
&SUS, This coal is of hara grocturo and rdoes'
not iatk like Pocahontas', theittaie, ITS fret :frorn'
'Oat is itery high in.heat units,
Wt carry a fall line of AniltrOatig Coal,
Alberta, Pocahontas -gni 1 Colo. ,
11104:10)ace„, PlatOtilotatto, Reath*, riSlantithing
• *ad Elottie W.iting, glint u* Zall-
All *ork antimoitorial jaas*nowl,
, t .