HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-25, Page 74 WhOit),Xt* bat 2401. ura
Rum ser
an n ormatzon,
tor .Che Busy
(unit ebed * the oetstie )tputmaat
the W04310;464 tg. 'Whe*t * 4143,
a , ' Oanada Wee insthe eighth`Peeltton With,
• ' ". 28$0110,00 lelehelet 'being elteeeded'sW
' • '044iat (llinie. the VOW *la" $ri,
'tish radis,**Ace. 'ow nanctlit Jo:exte
tine." .1Set 'the export Of 11410114. In 1033*
iithe Dendtden, led else Otitis
(44,114'In.dreseed peultee 'depends., M..
Meet entirelY Wen '•the *40er• in *Thiel),
* bird:4)0 .lbeest ted Or SSnialsed let pre-
.' ihsratien for Market, 4.1311cfe4.'is a term,
4pp/tea to birds *WO *lore .4**4 /44110'
ed through feeding in crate O or penio*
ration -Of fhielY gr9uiv4 Vats and
Vocos bac*. *see the pro.
portion end Slaw of edible ifiateilia.
SdYheitne 'Wore relabel.
• The seybeen gives every intlicUtion, /if
• 'beedniing Sidifition 'US thetkld
crops' of Ontario, its posSibilitles are
4 'Sine -lsetreelY InVeitigatek lii Other 'Prete
vinces too, but prodnetiOn at present is
limited almost entirely 4tb this provlitce,
The acreage has gro*n. fiteit
1929 to, 16,000 at present; -which Indi-
catea the increaaing intereet 'in The soy-
bean as a field er0p. l'rerod
aeitt, ue-
- tion Isc'hielly for seed, which'heing ex- These rites had been observed and the WORLD MISSIONS
ositsaseor-Zie Otstil&IffigiseleaVessa,, Nt§olkaasexagellonOvMenestaiiisieliteastaffia,
!fliee chaMPlenalipie :Singlet end elene
bIS'ere, t OffielelkY • rboolPts "4. Olet.ti*
Petitione SanCtioned by the Peneinion
tienaelie Heeeltehee ritasere 1000e.iatioeS,,
71er are held, 'ander the SIASnke.e. of the.
Baal Whlte*, retr hself 'and 'IVA $
C924.10404 by a, SPecial „Committee •
The; Open, SingleS „antrOlAoPStliP
for the Dlamond co* Horseshoe
td.. tre01*, With, !Dui .tioney priSs:
%he sChaMpleee Doubles. is fat the T., A,
:inallele bf.P.T'S Challenge to4w 4r4
'SO, Money Prieea.
In addition there are class /3, ghles
and Doubles, open to, noneWilthel'elii
either champlen Or el*B divielonS.
Trophiee are Bela for .one year endstes
ruiesof the iii4on o C7Onedle
Awe Mater' ciatibn. -gcsitte.
petitionse the shOes to conform•With
'specifications in. .rule 8. 'Satin 'the
horseshoe contests must be in the hands ,
of the Manager, Royal Whiter Fairs 211 1
Bay *St., Vorblito, on' Novestdser
0041. O'S. AMMO!'
seiSh9.11Stla "eiestr woe*
VIA op*. :111$0
SRAM 'RV tiitt
0111051 WOO
By Rai Gross'.
. SurdafweAof.toelort"°Q4
come. 110.1.y lti-Cadie;
t • • Let height. heer4 ,
Pit,01 the 40kt:04.14'0i ,OUr• •
ROVAVO fiixt 0104. tottah';
Otir • skrehte *344 too r,erove
'.'s%)iel kindle nur breasta;thei .11,Sittes
O neveredenng love,
theretee, OM" Ilearta;'
Onr: Mlnda fee* bondage, fieo
Then we shall, knOW and praise and love
The 14*ther, soul,. and Th04 AMO.
"RAW% :Bert.
• Putting .Bees Away for Whiter
Bees that are to be wintered in cellar • •(
' or -dug-out should be carried in Juni*.
diately after the last good cleansing•
flight they are likely to get,. At the '
Central Experimental Farm this is us-
• A ow out so Novo 111X
SPEED Ot1 DISTANCE °Fact:L*1ff..
S. S. LESSOIV,F0111. NOV. 4tIt, 1934
Lesp:A*341o...*Chtistian Ckrewti,
144:70cus Pearace--.141te 2;41,842; Peter
Golden Text ---11 Peter 3:18.
In these Verses from St. -Luke's gospel
-We are told of the first Sourney Jetals
took into the world outside his own little
town to'Which he had been brought from
Eept. The jeuiney to Jerusalem was
an epochal one. It was a long way for
7,14.)C4tenkt. Par4C-herbal Onto*
Meet known :througheUt the
Nliserld. for** seething and healing
Xt"guicUlY atoptpain
and irritatiO0 and-allayisine
tlanratttou. U*0,01*
equally as 'good for !extra*.
• uleers, and piles auk Or. Th.
,dtaY ralthgps much a
ouvrtli, tettlds, -outs,
bruiSleS. cold Sere*.
A somplei, fieeand
• • post paid will 1*
sent on appile*
Una t� Zam
Buis CO..
41',!•••' Ave, Verdun,
„Iguttlek.vi:,w,.'hthei et eel 14:::11 . .
It Thls4
inet time ; .0*#* ussd :. ' ' : ::::' - . . • .
) • • • .
it for buts, bruits**. ,•• .
chapped hands, akin teetle .
• blite and siseaMeihilee and.
it bail always stvvo 'greet
abilliiikil, al:VI:: Pain lbne•alMtuf Pe"raltcnnadsi
beliPtinie°111atMl°4intht:t' en l*thrutregetilst.te
neither be barren nor unfruitful in the
knowledge of our ford Jesus Christ,"
These blessings are in :store, but only
for those who manifest a desire to re-
ceive them. This desire shall constant-
ly . grow stronger until as Peter says.
"you shall neither bo barren nor un-
fruitful in the kneiViedge of our Lord
a boy to go on his Arst outing -seventy Jesus Christ." This knowledge is love
miles. But he would have the eompany and so the path which begins in faith
of many others �t his own age, as well shines' more and more unto the perfect
as adults,Jar at twelve years of age all day,
males were required to attended on the (Condensed from The Exposit
ordinanees of religion, in the temple. Bible)
high -commercial vaTe. The industriallber:
uses for which the so bean' can be utiliz- i ..
ed are numerous, The -seed alse basThe last MO weeks in October IS
considerable value on the farm for live- ,
best time to clean up the garden to
:. -2.2"="lac-r7radq-iinitif_231.110t-Ilhr-gabvstrt-sfori`e-e-t:Iniestationco-o-The- fie
-- --plant •fteelf-- possesses --a--.-hlAlY -nutritive rthelit tideless ,osnirig sell feiS;eesz. s
• - °value loriodderoskt-is-quite -possible -that ---wee-aii7---f-meii• Italic iiii.a-mth-er-ifia
eta' production increases the crop maV
---1. after being raked up,- and then Igo
find its, greatest use - on the farm rather ing- or dig • ging the soil -deeply. F
-- ---than-hvindustry.
y'oui think this idea is practical,' Write Baty ()roman care of this newseoPes
• ; tatftst• if vie„vm.z , ••-
the case, if of a traitor nature, 'Web Os close of the first day it was discovere
that Jesus was not of the company. grades, Values are extremely low,- a business Of a. district council. When a MacGillivray of Shanghai, Clihni, the
fact that is influencing the price of cal -
the ored Canadian apples. ' . -• assault and battery of wh:cli numerous Diligent search among kinsfolk and ac- ,
Dear Friend:
following extracts are taken:
bre--stiarkets-s-Trie-rotift-s-liii:re-lr"u Vdet —utes, wag tried ii---S--F-tnecliately by
‘,. uaintances did not reveal his presence
Cur • executive secretary has asked 4rne
re- Ontario Bartletts have met an unfav- examples are to be found in th:,.4,3Miany- q
eeuse. 1 in eXeellent -ePirdition, but auftertillastelY JUry; PriSoneeS held -for -more heinous
o write the Link this quarter. may
---eeeta --many-Of-them -aresveryssmall this -tea- -crimes-were. committed "to la -or-wer
elices: not been as good as if they had been Other functions, of the justices of When questioned why he had treated dance as co-workers "with us. We have
many old and tried' friends of- our So -
110. son, with the result that the market bee allowed out on bail until:the ,Ass
e replied, "How is ft that ye
ososehis'esparente-Tetraee4 thefts -step&
erusalerre-- There they foundolaimoa
• last in the temple Prosecuting his Studies_
at . the -feet of the doctors of learntiii:
little-Tebirisp•revieake as we-
re sgoing-tiestake you .Into our coati,
, • •
Horse -Shoe Melling -VIraMPionahipo
• Horseshoe pitching, the typical old Proper Ratkm Needed •
farm snort, has lost none of its grip on
A hen may lay a few eggs early in the
rural Ontario and information from local
• springs-SI:mut receiving Much feed or
clubs reaching the Royal Winter Faits attention or she may laY•at the end of
arbors, and trellises should be brushed,
with a corn broom.
larger: English -pears; -are
fill, tee well as English
peace -sitting - in -quarter sessions were to them so h
clety_ in_ all parts of • the world and we
appoint constables, path. made -113* grant 'ought me?' -vast Ye not that I muss bes-
licenses to tavern keepers, set the tax
l'ioneer Government iate; grant lieenees to c • lergymen to per turned with them and resumed his place ,We cor a y
• re__ rejoice we have many new. friends.
about my Pather's business?"
• di 11welcome our new friends
and subscribers and hope, for many
form the marriage beremony, pass sic- 'n the home. ,It is written of these years
In Western': Ontario
, counts and appoint town officers inithose of subjection to parental authority thus: . more. We know that one by one"
"And Jesus lecreased in wisdom a,nd 1 many are "Crossing the River," entering
stature, ' and in favor with God and 1
point to a higher leeel of attainment Intereing------------ icatiust s
the season when feed may be picked up,
• , --- -- - and- 'keener. interesi---inport--than-1--
i and the part it has taken • and is taking
I _ s: --A good mash is import • ever alaesboy _Jesus may haVe learned as ,
-Royal winter --Fair, - -November -28=29.f o - partment of Public Records and Arcla- I in' the-Clerist Program in China:
t tne liens are to' lay, and „it shiuld lse child or boy in the _house ofhis mother, . ss,
i ives, by - Colonel Alexander ' Fraser, what is he Christiap Lsterature So-
LL.D is just off the press. This year
townships where town meetings had not into the Eternal and enjoying fuller life
been held.' • • and serviee.
• • in • the fields, but the hen- has nOst yett sued by Department in - Canon _Farrar in his Life of Chrtst. has:
For .the Sake of our new friends we
been de that will lay without 'Wet
rinise'd Toronto • the folltiwingsto say of the silent tuire-' are going to take a -little spa-ee and tell
xnost old players can recall. Again the
_• - - - ochantpionships sof__Canada are to be des
The National 'Parks Service of the
Department of the Interior, Ottawa, has
just !sated the regulations regarding
Migratory Birds for the current year.
A r summary of the regulations as they
ariply. to Ontario follows:
Ducks Geese, Brant, Rails. Coots and
Wilson's or
In that part ofrOntario lying north
and west of the French and Mattawa
Rivers and also including all Georgian
Bay waters' September 1 to December
'OgIZIPZINOYVT; iSTORRig&Ver".5Worttta- Vt,r44,ZigAr. 0.41,2eld
- In that, part_ of Ontario lying south o
the French and- Mattawa Rivers (but
not including any portion of the Geor-
gat Say waters): September 15 to Dec-
-propersretibn-during:thesfall and -whiter corded years of Jesus' life• "But what- you something,osOnOt eur orgen n
• cided during the -last four --days days of the' month abrstitseThe twenty-second report of the pe-
• .
or in the school Of the synagogue, we
before the birds all the time. If any
Szoo $2.50 $3.00
$1.50 $1.75 $2.00
Elreakfal Iwo - •• - 35e ig
Luncheon- 50c end 60p,
Dimly/ • • Iii&o-115
TOIRONTO of Canada's basic industry, to link the from Lake Erie to the Georgian Bay.
• Wvite or Folder • •-•
? It is an interdenominatienul
one of the necessary elements required .,• know that his: best teaohing was derived eletYs,
the Depattment ha ls printed the minutes society within the missionary body, the
or, the making of eggs is absent, oro from immediate insight into "His Fath -
T ' --- ,,. - -- of the General Court Of Quarter Sessionsservant of all publtshing Christian
Sun -
duction is impaired. - Pullets require .4 er's will. 't - the depths of hiS inmost
of the Peace for the : London District books. magazines, tracts, pictures, Sun -
little different *Mash .thim the old lie
from lioo to 1818, It is to be regretted conecious dice that voite of God, '
day School material story books for the
- and it is a Mistake to house them to- which 'spa to the father of 9Sn' r,ape as I, • '
, that three years of, the Minutes, from ybung, books for 'the. use -of pre, acners.
gether ands.have them feed . from the he walked in the cool evening under the
same hopper.- Home-grown feeds with palms of Paradise, commune -more , ete•
• • '1809 to 1813; have not been preserved, a • „
fact which once . more illustrates the The Christan' fiterature Spoiety was
the adifition of some purchased Colleen- • plainly, by far ---with_ him, He heard it '
nee essity which exists for carefully pre- founded about forty-seven years ago by
trates me,y be mixed, or a commercial in every sound of nature, in every inter
Dr. Alexander Williamson. Just a one-
'min our intj,ortant state records
mash may be- purchased that will supply The importance of these Minutes to
the necessary ingredients to the bird.
students of Canadia.n history may be
Chickens will pay dividends if properly realized When it le seen: that the quarter
session* were the Smallest unit of Muni:
cipal government in pioneer, Ontario,
Royal Winter Fair with the exception 4of the town meetings
The Royal Winter Fair is being 'held which had little real power. The Lon -
November 21st to 29th, at the Royal don District n 1800 stretched from the
Coliseum and Winter Fair buildings, township of Rainham in Halidmand
Toronto. Its objects are the promotion County tol Aldborough in Elgin, and
nine provinces in conunon interestnO Thus the early municipal government of
' I
"ID set high national standards for arm a very large -part of Ontario is covered.
1 prodicts. The Royal Shows for horses, As the quarter sessitas were a, court,
_ 1 cmitdlep,etthesteoc,isirnuei,t inogosw,erscats,e porfitrye'i,d . tjhe Mury pinruetestmcontisain ttaccounnd trtsial:f before
ydio Store', i gr
Ins l dpetty Juries11 the
: g a are large an specialind shows as we as e ordinary
- a for each. The assembly of so much ex- true bill was found by the grand JurY
cellence under one roof gives the Royal
distinctiveness not matated anywhere , ....,
Quick, Clean, Economical
See the display of various
styles and makes at
The Hydro Store
Use Hyatt) bulbs for light.
ing. They are guarn-
Britieh Apple Market OF FOOD, AND 140
Mr. Andrew Fulton, overseas fruit re- -
preSentativ, reports that since arriving.
In England a -few weeks ago, he has
found the ,,principal marketr all heavily
loaded with cheap English apples, with
the result that ordinary quality cans--
dian apples are making comparatively,
low prices. On the othr-nand-,-on
dessert apples of outstanding quality
and color are meeting a good demand in
lago_w.._LlverPonand •:..th.e south. of
England. While seeing no hope for
cooking apples or any, variety short of
color makbag' satisfactory prices before
the New Year, Mr. Fulton is favorably
impressed with the immediate prospects
for red dessert apples, providing that
values' ranging frOrn. 22 to 24 shillings
are sufficiently remunerative to the
shippers 'as he cannot see higher prices-
Mr. Durigan Finds Relief in
Kllogg's ALLaiitiag
in sight for a whfle. fl other
shiers can 'make- Sales hi Ontario for
Such varieties as Snows, Scarlets and
McIntosh, at about $2.50 to $4.00 a bar -
Tel f.o.b. car, then it looks like good
business to sell locally.
He advises Ontario shippers to place
ench varieties. as- Baldwins, -Clamps, Berr
words, if
People who sleep with their months
open are 'the ones who snore, so it fol-
lows that the way to avoid snoring is to
sleep with the mouth closed, making use
of the nose for breathing.
It has been said •that more than one
person in ten is a .chronic snorer. , By
Ma -mearr-that-niore-orleas-regular
ly, for at least part of ;S.' h night, they
open their mouths to breathe and in
•dulge themselves In producing these
Vibrating sounds-wit/oh we call snores.
All snoring is noisy. Apparently men
are the chief offenders: at any rate, as
snorers they make the greater amount
of noise. Among those conditions which
favor sleep is quiet_ Therefore whether
he be in the home or in. the pullman
car, the snorer is a disturber of the sleep
space of solitary thought. His human
life was 'an ephod on which was in-
scribed the one word God."Thecalm,
untroubled seclusion of the happy valley
in wItTch Ifs horde was situted, Witt
its green fields and glorious scenery, was
eminently conducive to a life of spiritual tist Mssion' took up the torch. It was
communion: and we know how from its . always a flaming torch in his hands. In
ever incident he drew feed for morel 1899 Dr. Donald Macciillivray, owing
illtuAration and spiritual thotight, in his ' largely to Dr. Richard's influence,
public niinistry. caught the vision, and the Canadian
Church lighted another torch. ' re -
We must never lose sight of the fact member the rooms they occupied in 1899
that it was in these years that he 'be- e -two small rooms over a book shop in
gan to do' long before he 'began toi a crowded Chinese street with ceilings
teah."rhey were the years of a sinless' ro low you 'could only just stand up -
childhood. sinless boyhood,. a siotless right and statraresembling a steep lade
of otliers eifeh dees not 'a -
youth,. a sinless manhood. spent in that; der. no well -lighted offices or arm -chairs
himself with the noise he produces,
humility, toil, obscuritf, submissicm. con -1 or stenographers or telephones, just
Babies snore, but after child -hood,
men fired with a vision and a determin-
tentment, prayer, to make them an
there are few snorers under thirty years
eternal example" to all our race as to ation CO forge ahead carrying aloft the
of age. It la after thirty that sinning
how we °tight to live. 'Take notiee flainng torchei of Light and Truth.
becomes a habt. The cause underly -
ere,' shys the saintly Franciscan monk. Others joined them. Ineluding Chinese
-Ing the habit does no 110inthe subcon:
Bonaventura,, that his doing nothing writers ...What was the Vision these
selous mind, but in the open mouth.
wonderful was in itself a kind of won- men and women saw that caused there
There are several reasons why our
der. Far his Whole life is a . mystery: to dedicate thir talents and lives to the
mouths open when we sleep. It- corn -
man show but a man with a vision of
the needs of his day and a still larger'
vision of coming needs.
Dr. Wititameononed, in 1890 turd Dr,
Timothy Richard of the English Bap -
Eider filicks
North of fiii Qub-e," cochrane.
nipeg line of the Canadian National
Railways: September 1 to December 15.
• Wendeocit
September 15 to November 30.
Closed Seasons
There is a closed seaeon throughout
the year on Wood Ducks, Swans, Cranes.
Curlew, =lets, Godwits, ppland Plover,
Black -bellied and Golden 'Plover, Grea-
ter and Lesser .Yllowelegs, Avocets, Do-
wtchers, Knots, dystercatchers, Mara-
ropes,oStilts, Surf -lairds, Turnstones and
ail the shore birds not provided with an
()en Sifaion in above 'echedule.- • ---s„
- There Li a closed Season throughout
the, year on the following , non -game
birds: ,
Auks. Auklets, Bitterns, Fulmari, Gan-
nets, Grebes, Guillemots, Herons,
Shearwaters and Terns: and there is a
closed` -eeason thronghcrut the year on-
Jaegers, Loona, Murres, Petrels, Puffins,
the following insectivorous birds: Bobo-
links, Catbirds, Chickadees, Cuckoos.
mingbirds. Kinglets, Martins, Meadow.'
Flickers, Flycatchers, Grosbeaks, Hum -
larks, Nighthawks or , Bull -bats. Nut-
hatches, Orioles, Robins, Shrikes, Swal-
lows,_ Rwifts., Tanagere„ Titmice, Thruh-
es. Vireos, Warblers, Waxwings, Whip -
Poor -wills, Woodpeckers. and Wrens. and
all other perching birds which feed en-
tirely on. chiefly on insects.
No person shall kill, hunt. captere.
Injure, take or - molest any migratory
game birdsduring the closed season:
and no person shall sell, expose for sale
offer for sale, buy. trade or- traffic Lr
any migratory game bird at any time
The taking of the nests Or eggs of
migratory game, miratory insectivorous
and migratory non -game birds is prohi-
The killirg. huntnts. capturing. Lak-
ing or molesting of migratory insectivor-
ous and migratory non -game birds, their
nests or eggs is prohibited
The poesessien of rnivratory game.
birds killed during the open Reason is
Rowed in Ontario until Ma, n 31 rt-
Here is his enthusiastic letter.:
"Am 70 years of age, and for 410
of theseyears there never •was
meek but what Iluid to tatke $4
consome kind of cathartic.
91 took 'everything, but gained'
stailf temporary relief. Until last
tiring my daughterwho is a nurse
an a hspital, brought me• Some
Kellogg's ALL, -BRAN.
"At the end of the week, I knew
I WI Bomething that was it, and I
kept on taking it. I haven't taken
' a cathartic since. I can eat meat
any time, as often as I like, or any
other kind of food,. and no Condi-
ptin."—Mr, L. M. Durigan (ad-
dress famished upon *quest).
Laboratory tests show Kellogg's
ALLIBRAN provides "bulk" to ex-
ercise the !intestines, and vitamin B
• David, Greenings and Starks, with
7. „to hell) rallede. tone. Also iron •for
the blood.
cold storage until they are required after like that oflettuce. Inside the body,
Tfie "bulk" in ALL-BitAisi is much
shredded • oil paper arid plate them in
the New, year ' There is no doubt that it forma a soft mass. Gently, it
clearivmuch safer than patent med.
out the intestirlal wastes.
ualf go be
ote „sise ityinaPmPaletarell
k6 good v-algt*Hiti-es before 1
the tt,660 16 fiished. intesueirtiaTilwrostaumbeleieiipto.onwfuiltsh dcftAiellyi
The 'English apple. crop 6 the largest meat in serious cases: If' not re -
In many ,year, the quality is generally Iieved this way, sea yetAridoetor.
ket hag more than ite Share of inferred* h Pra
very good, ' Sold (n the ;red-andgreeri pack-
thiaUgCtically every Mar-
ae. At all grocers. Made by
EvERyB;cly Tc)'EE I
PICX?E "14EPLY. X 14A0
Jr V1 41
monly occurs when we fall asleep sitting
M a chair, or when we lie on our backs
ID -bed. In such cases, the muscles
which support and hold up the lower
Jaw relax, and the mouth falls open.
The most common cause of snoring.
hoWever, is some abnormal condition of
the nose, which more or less' blocks the
free flow of air in and out. While
asleep' secretions -collect- in the nose..
particularly if the nose is congested Or
blocked, which during the day would 'be
expelled, and so,. first of all, there is a
wheezing as the air is forced through
the secretions, and later the mouth
opens and snoring' fllows. Shoring is
more common in winter, because ID
winter there are more colds and other
infections of the nose and throat.
'The remedy lies, first of all, In having'
the !Tose and throat put a -healthy
conditions, obstructions removed and
infection treated. In young children,
this generally means the removal of
adenoids and tonsils. Those who snore
should not sleep lying on their baelts.
TIMM' Who imored tor years pave
developed a habit which takes time to
correct, even after the Underlying cause
hiss been removed. It is not only for
the sake of others that snores should be
ccntrolled, but also to secure better rest
for the snorer.
Recegnized hs a leading -peciiic for
the destruction of wort -A. Mother
OraveX Worm Exterminate has orbited
a boon to suffering childr i everywhere.
1-1E1P Mart EVEN YOU' 111 ilk
APR YOU 0006ANyTt-ii
irmtp OF COUOSE1. 4, ii -I
1:2 ,'''' ' 11' DOW I KISS
NY WIFE . , ,41,Y.e.
- , 6 '
iEVEOY NIG1411 1))
and as there was power in his actions. esuse of producing Christian literature?
lowing open wason.
so was there power in hi 6 silence, in his Methinks they . set* China in danger .
inactivity, and in his retirement. This eMerging from the old into new, paths;
sovereign master, who was to teach all I they F4w the Chinese Chureh illiterate.
virtues, and to point out the way of life,' the Chinese 5astor . untrained, the
began, noir his youth upby sanctifyinewith bound feet and a
in- his own person- the practice' of the life.. the "Child in the Midst" and heard
wontan heure
Virtuous Ilfe he came •
wndrous, unfathomable and, till then, •Jo -k or 150 ducka in one season
to teachbut i
, n a a voice not only crying. "How shall thee
.,_ hall they oreaeh . without they are The .1,15yGionits,, :4101:a117:Itteto187.e,„Ao„,,,,,,
hear without a preacher" but "How
unheard-of manner' His mere presence
In that home . of his childhOod Must i taught?" and "How an they be taught
have made it a happycone, In any 1 without beoks9" swivel. or maiPhine gunsor battery or
famny circle the gentle influence of one At first the Sosisty eatered chiefly for nnjh111:intedla. larger than 'the
ne use
sr eoroaug
f 1-ttngyieis
loving Soul it sufficient to brisathe the literati. That was inevitable- plane, power -bat, sail boat at:nded
Bag Limits
Ducks 15, Geese 15, Brevt, 15, Rai&
Coots and Oillinules 25 In the -aggre-
gate. Wilesees or •Jack -snipe 25, Wod-
, k B. id not more than 115 Wood
around, it an unspeakable calm: it 'has aJ hardly anyone else soled read And bar -
soothing power1ike the shining of the errs had to be broken downeontacts
sunlight; no jangling discord can long made--Lighthard. to penetrate. But
break in upon its hartnonizing spell"
year passed and the needs af the
11 Peter 1:5-8 Chinese Church beearrie InsOoent. the
Peter •In his, general Epistle in his in- voiee called. "Feed my Sheep" Feed my to consult the reula.tion for detail, of
iroductory words: "Grae.e and peace be seambe's and vair, -Suffer little Chit -
multiplied untoyou through the know- dren to come unto Me" and men and
ledge of God; and of Jesus our Lord, fol- w: men v.ere ready to answer -Here am
lows up what St. Luke said about growth I." •
In the life of Jeus. Jesus is to be, 119
we saw in the first part of today's
eon. out examplein-all•-,thIngs, pertain- The Terror er Asthma comes 14k' •41.
ing 10 this life. Peter tells how groWth thief in the night with its dreadful
ID grace is to be gradual Orie step up- throttling; robbing its vietim of breaths
ward leads to another and another. The It seems beyond the paser of human aid
first rung is faath. • To this is to be ad- to relieve until one trial is made of that
ded "virtue, and to virtue icnowledge: remarkable preparation, Dr. J. D KO -
and to tasi/ledge temperance: and to logg's Asthma Remedy Theh relief
• temperarese patience; and to patience' eonsee With a ronh Life becomes worth .
eople wha icnov. it a1 are in unix)pil.
It isnt bemuse thee .knw it all that
ondlfriess; arid to godliness brotherly living, and. if the remedy be useepr-
ktndness; and to brotherly kindness sistently, the disease is put permanently /an It is bemuse they insist on telli!!g
charity. Por these thirties be in• vOu, to rout.. Take eubstitute. it
end abound,they make you that ye shall
live birds aq decays, night light. and
' shooting from any hor.--dra II or
motor vehicle is forbidden
Persons using blinds or dorao for
hunting migratory aame b1rc1 ari: urged
To be continued`,
the reetrietions upon thismethod of
The shooting of migrat ry 4me bird.;
earlier than sunrise or liter -than nun,et
is prohibited
The penalty • for violo.t.on' of 'he trl,.;-
• ratory- -bird !awe ie 'a -fine -of 'rot titor,e •
than three hundred &Airs and n o +tis
thho qfl t111W: or ii-nri- nnti:rit
term not ex -eeding six months or (>1'.
'floe. and imprisonment
Or. Wood's
Don't Ulame Mother
For the Children's Colds
i• •
De.pite alltho mother ran do the youngetets
rite nut of doors not properly dressed; have too inuell
clothing on; get overhete.1 anti cool riM: too sut
dettiy; g4 Their foot wets Lielt. off the bedclothes, and
do a dozen other -things th. rnothes casteetetevent.
Mothere will fine a few aosen of Dr. "MOWS
N o .!• y Pine Syrup is all that is neeeesary to eheek
the olei before any sereete trouble May develop,
111'" ill Hite it to, it is no plettliant to take.
or^. enle fit all arty, ana 0,e”ea1 stores.
• , ,