HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-25, Page 2ttbe ,CiOet4;
IttiradaY it The-
BUblieriptlett Price -v.
4, (it* BritatiO $2.00 per
VO. (1tt 10,0101 42,00)1,
hoo•Per year in athreatee.
• 111 014 and new sboUbe
• ,
n• thange. of addrawk is
'CAcTION8We flLd
t Of Otir.SUIScribere Prefer not
to Ve their ,',SulPsOintions, interrupted
;In Oat* they fell to *nit before expir*
tion. • While 14)g:int/Qua Will net be
* tainted, AA stags over an extended pers
jod, ,yet 4 =leas wet are notified to tailed,
we eau*, the subsctiber wisher. the ser-
continued, alls1411,wit/4101s$ 'should
.be made by registered letter; money or-
der or ehegite Payable at "parin Godes
TH. :tnisDAY, OCT. 2501, 1934
rrobably most people heaved a sigh,
-of relief and contentment when word
i was 'finally flashed
rrived through • that the
British? flyers had aat Melbourne,
Australia, and had won the greatest air
race ever staged.
Internationalists will say that it as ab-
surd to be pleased at a, national sweets,
that the advance ot mankind is of in-
finitely more importance than is the
Success of a particular branch of the
race.. Sal of which may be true but .does
. ,
not strike any respon.sive chord in the , •
hearts of ITIost people. Normal men, and The -beret and armband are the ac...
, heir own to come first. septed badges of the men of the calla
women wantt-
,Alter that it is easy to sit back and ad- • dian Corps. It is to be hoped that an
r:sb.thett, ats.rnanan5t,_ beefforsht o_orfthileot_haeir_dfeltl- Billet nclebrn anefirceo_rtvtay_o ses:rviurecet;_h!mmiefror„.:he
08tri „Lu 4,04_114% ticcmt,, fills tjyUie
be -iitmr sPuts. Mans -111P' 13 -111 -1 -t -i -T4 would 14.be-1---beevr-etlits;tter than -;11r -..•habe"vingtr:earn
ithiiere-s. - Onyx:W(1r- Obatse:ef-ten-the311"Pellea-as. APparelr- tavo
_ _.
human. .
* * * p's, 9ne 1. Sauerkraut; au appears
Just why one particular, sporting event
'twice. Savannah. Observe the two n's
. ,
I • _gstps_she .attention of people more than4 Premier Hepburn says he .is all for lo -1
•----. yzespreferred to pie.
Annihilate; two ns and two Is Ana -
other is hard to say. In this air race cal option. Eh told a • delegation that 1,,,..
there tvas no "build-up" such as Tex. he would refine to renew licences in
,i_ Synonyms •-• .
Rickard used to draw- the interest of the communities votirig dry. It is probable
Holy, hallowed, 'divine, sacred, saintlY,
crowds Co his boxing.,matches. It was a that a , good many commities now vet blessed, consecrated
rsillerely sporting eVent, so far as can be would give dry majorities if the tone of
what a rapacious ,
Understand, -csinPreliend, apprehendqueen told them and,
perceive, conceive.: - •the Ameriean government Old Jones
...ititlPd from this distance, and the whole she weekly press indicates anything.
. Exact, precise; corredtU
; accurate, n- ahnost .the sank thing,
livid svas instantly- interested. That the • * ,, * • * ._
, British- wors-sailestsant,- -whether It _ •
The positiotr of Assessor and tax col
,.- 7. contrort (noun), consolation solace- - onv -iteedwaghifferee ponint. *-
t Where-
' should be or not. • lector calls for a man with accounting , Science,. art, knowledge. -1 '' -Worlditliii-filldeL
_ fror- e-swo-,„ its marks"--att-44tofOr
icstt, vernetitixt
,..raisshmr liberty -- international la.w_had, ',beconteT.p.:-....ce.
xperience land ,a-sgeed-,-gelleral--stilow;
oneevelatioWhibs- privateers- still :climbed the long
ap- Accuse, leave authority, anthorization. .
rn Of the advance made in
ledge of business
-, .. * any • other
aeronautics in the past few years. The poititment Ls made it will requhe long ....- \ .
Word Study . so under carefully ,devised rules and
billows of the Western, Ocean, they did
winning plant, a huge Comet of purely 464 geeinsive • training, with the possf-
"Use a word three times and it is Were eXPeetC4 be rellOW thOie rules,„
EritialCmake, travelled_ at an averags tow ,„,,,,
, per hour, , "
wet gnot/ter Plan will have to be • yourns,s,Ler
Let us increaseLur, day vlival
oc.abUorlatiRational navies were a fact; The ex -
speed of more than 171miles pleked net year.ateqUer =de' provision for their crea-
Counting the stops Which were g pert of
for this 'lesson: ' tion and Proper maintenance me
• c Wet it =et have travelled at Moro
Citizens of Goderich •ant dist4ct wile PriitT/VE; sly; secret; stealthy: "The Personell were trained A,nd on an. antis -
than 225 miles per hour while in. the stir.
, be mthan jAeased at the assure, 41aP's furtiyes.gatkeee made her feel un-' ,orized sehedule of pay and While prize
--Often it covered more distance.thantluit ihecomfortable." money' Was -still distributed as it 1st to cross the Atlantic th, a sinigle given hY Hon. Dr. Faulkner that
LINEAGE:" ancestral line; race; fam- das", the ebelnY hoi to be a recogniied
status of Aleiandra l'itfarine arid General enemy, one against which the state had
hop. While engine trouble_develoyied, "He can trace his lhiestge -to
only one one engine functioang for 'the utif HosPlty_ztal flees"- tralninin giisoMi for LUrocz ward_ Vi of England."
Nelson represe d the" cro n and
. declared war in a legal manner.
. three thousand miles, it did not stop the PERUSAL; act el reading carefnitY. '
flight. In additrOti, most of the twenty- Theadvantage's tit the .eouullunitY eurs
one planes *hicks started Wilt linishseveh reto454 .-9.9der$1011 Of ,being, able4 to „de»
velop Mines from local girls is •,aPpar•
if they take their own time once they
.P412y71. that the race has been won and
lorit. .
00'11. „Mitts. 1044
nothing nevr mider the sun
t.;ike all' ancient. WaYinipsk
strletlY true* tatit.the ,tinderly
.lione 4 thee tittalitie4
10.0 siima epe4tial but :their ',Pug
are '*krn llenina
everninents $itelt OS are, gitieitlYres
the. topinost .tnnir; The. Vatt, nat$ority Of
nien whom fate thrli* i4to isnki
of the,. ,iniera are prdinall Oth(iiit;
speelal qualities„, }Po that,. ,eXperiene
Is the only Subsiit*for geniW From
It grow all the lihilieak" Daeltinit exPers
tell" a 'n181i 'Pr": - not say' Sone P1antt4t."
for Patiellee• Pa"de*•434the fl*n _ Sliatt Mary Is a good (talented, or an
Withoitt experience. thebld e$1047vrell itecoMPlialled) Pianist."
with the other qualities if he is. to gals Do net say; "Itere P'0113 hut thre
ern well. s' books on the shelf,'" SAY't "There are
WithoUt any Or these clutrecterlsties, but five boob oh; the Shelf."
Do not say, "Th*e balloon bUsted (or
how can he hope to be useful?
bunted)," ..`"rtte 'blows burst,"
The fault of ManY of our Petty rulers
Is that they lack them, all. Words Often Mispronounced
i» iotOW/ -1r.e gal0 the niOzter t�
YOU Ind s• Soy, '10 .Y0,4 and .ine,",*
*az hininCtO
".'#0; ;Wein* reaolVed tor' deterininedI
to ..00:" '
Po not U1 ie would ivOt'•aPeale:Le
me,.11a theligh T. cared .".. Say,' '44 if,
Fora* Day is almost here and with it
comes a chance to render that little help
which in the aggregate means euth
big help to men, some of wboin wilt for-
ever be, unable to do for themselves
what they wOuld. have done had. not a
sense of patriotism called them overseas,
'Soften, Pronounce sof-n; as in dog,
not as in of. •
Defamation. Prot:10We def -a -ma -
shun, e as in met, first a unkreesed,
second a as in may,. principal accent on
,third syllable,
Quaint Vronotnice kViam, a as in 'eh;
not as in Saw.
Melodiotts. Pronounce me -10 -d1 -us,
as in rne, as in no. 1 as it, aecent sec-
ond syllable, and dot me -lo -jus.
‘Cansoutiage. Pronounce ka-.moo-flazis
first a ai rn ask, oo at in boot, tecorid, a -
as in ah, principal' accent on last syl-
lable. •
Deluge. Pronounce del-uj, as in
JNP'ra WO.
00411 of treliont
When the 'English taVeaking world
_ , • „ • ,
1805,-Ilattle or 'rt'attigiar, 'tinct Plot-
tbin.ks ttes eta and ef oes$ warfare it
thinks Or Ne1e0n, Xtf dOUJotttil even EDITCi
the Ameektine 'think, more highly* of any,
ot *it: own tea, dogs then, the) ' do of
this Ideal, sailor. •
Be Was never defeated., Be rose troM
conipe,r,atively htunhle Position in life,
that 'or SOSI a poor Urate in Norfolk*
to rule the 'Waves more'coniPletely than
Iad any man before or since. His Car,
eer was full, of =Mame and action front
the day when as a twelve year-old pink .
-cheeked boy be /climbed to the deck of
his first Sh1P, to that fateful day when,
with his beloved 'sa•ilors• gathered About
brea.thed. 1113 last On tile deck of
the old Victory, the Mill:401p of a. dYIng made over them as has i;een, made over
battle still echoing in hisears, . and the Dionne quintuplets, tliere would be
knew that he bad won the greatest naval lees talk about birth qontrol and less
victory of all time, ) hugging of dogs by pociety dames, says '
the Che,sley Enterprise. • •
the heXO$ Of nflklVd
They,buitekt Ifeldion *4- Paill'a and
bulit a monunient his inesnory 14the
hoist' of London roake isendiAtIrk
for '.0anssliart and Atiatralien. and all ,
jeropire soldiers eentttry afterward,
, ,itts,t•
• sivows Atzo
(Iraxioirev 'row
,who Aver wage workers In a 'hig
United States Industry is 410405 a NVeelc,
And. still they need a high tarlit to shut
out the products of "cheap foreign,
labor." "
MORE imuts
(Listowel Banner) •
If all tb.0 babies had inuCh fuss,
Be Was stanething more than a naval
fighter. He *as the ffrst of . the Mod-
erns. Prior to tittle, • evely man's , THE isnom
navy was sontething of a pirittical. or-
ganization. Drake and Hawkins and (Kineardhie Review RepOrter)
It might be well to do a little think -
Grenville, Frobisher and even the later
Jean E'Sic.11,.! 4Rtrls#11, Int about the Eltiewater Thghway
'sjorosssfactentarsr skiir isfothing-rharlfeelVdraffegteViftLnYffil
since the delegation last slating. ,,new
citizen, were 'au freebooters and tetter
government is now in office* and .the
of -marque men as much as they were
naval officers, Such was the custom of claims of thp road should be presented
tbeirstimesr-!--It-no,--war--offereds-therf-xlcor-b1--ortfler-tba.t-1t-4e21-49-giverk. 'ROW'
mada...ar_war_of___their___ewn_and_rearaeol_sideratien in the highways plans ,for
the ,.,terits!-Pteltinig pro; dicarnt,
(rem any likely victim Who Crossed their * from,-WoriesIraiways-pull-a-grinv----1:k;w1-
for Your
+ The lightest filo*
of thii superbly finer
powder gives the -ef-
fect of natural perfec.
tion Let your skin
benefit by Melba Bou-,
quet, the final dingi.pg,
touch to emphasize
sheer loveliness.
on for houtrs.
Delicately scented
with, the inimitable
Oququet reasrance,
Brunette flesh
Dark Rachel
Peach White
send -ii; se -slams
• . lasibo Indelible .• 550
Melba Rouge, Natural Tante • 550
Milverton Sun)- sure is great to park my heels up on the
that when I'm through the meals, it
path- none other ,offered,. the golden
game,. the onlY - authority .they needed' .
galleorle of Spain Were always faiP
The introductien of the Strawblowers 'my easy chair. Instead Of starting in
stovesandLrest- them there -and sink Into
being success.. "Bring home your dou-
your loot of Spanish towns. They con- to, &noose, X- gran with Joy the weekly
on threshing separators has in recent
bloom," and your piee'es-eight and
years *vaStly fttsreased. the number of news, and drats
barn fires -so many in fact the,t thresh- and fix niy specks so I can tee. *
the lamp up close to
stitute, your aothority," was, in effeet,
Ing has become a serious problem, Mars, - 1 like to find how brother Si is doing
in straw mows have frequentlis sem a , on his ferns at Spry and how my Sart
ball '!of fire coming from.' the blower and cousin Hill ii,nutkiiig_eitt at Adainsillte:
have ha.e1 c 1
diffi u
not v: h
c sal- ow they're-ihring- *up the desk, If
d out when they're skiparig stock
ty in. making_their Y I lin
been discovered though•it is supposed to:i tearn what's going' on in town, and if
be the--reault-of'frietiOn--. it is llopedl
that scientists may asceitain the cause , been married out Our way, and when
of this *menace „with the hope of its our church 'puts on their play.. I see
elimination.• ,what bargains there's for sale on Thurs-
days when 'I getthe mail. -
-I, get a daily paper, tots but 'glance
"ile made a- peruse, of many biogra. government, of Great Britain. He fought
phies.".. ss • ,I. . . ti r , ' ,,,. WAh natienal resources against s,- foe
eqUally: well 4iiipped., ';iset• be possessed
• ,,,,, CONJEOTURALs Pertaining to a sur. the daring and the derisive disregard
-Ir18 w' Mite orgies*. "it was to, Mere cenifte- for convention and for traditiors which
ent,. 'The advantage to the g
ituroll to also apparent mkt it would
. . tural opinion." * ' , ' • ----- - niarked the old sea fighters of England
have been unforttinete lla-the" taint
'the thne wits Cut from nearly seveni .011..1 I) gen 4000. URGENCY; state of callihg for im- and for whieb he is beloved even in
mediate attention. This is a matter of
. .
1.1A.SIITUATE; to accustont. HA mind. American naval' schools today.
His career led him into the
form, and for whore cenditions have cer-
days, the best previous record, to less ' 'Y
* * * * Arctic I who have thanY tkonestic duties to per- i news.
formance. It is apparent that the time 1
has come ben a tranelantic schedule have the Service, 011 Reinenthrance Day long habituated to a Certain set of ob. - . , th tainly not been easier in. reeent years.1
Many cities were unable to arrange to urgencY:. seas anti into the W waters of the
than three days, a truly remarkable per- •
pkri be inapped out with the probalillityi at 11 o'cleek in the Moiling and halm Jeets 111, semeiblY becomes fond of seeing
thein ,' -Cioldsmitla. ,
put it over to the afternoon. a its a
that it Will prove i reasonably aide and . .
splendid , thing that the churches' of
,reliable method of travel. .
godericlt are willing to pas- tpone ' Morns . LAGGING NATURE
.'ilie it:•orld has advanded at ill aators.
ing servke in order that the One sPeeial, ..mseman (to 4tr,tist):. eAs / wanted
ishing speed since the days of the bent-
boo crates which our airmen used m air hour shalt dee the ceregiOnY as usaal tbrough the woodS X beheld a glOrfous
forays a6ainst the_ ootuttns Iry 1914. it and that al) may .have a 'chance to at-' Itinissets-tlamWtg, gorgeous -coWlf.„:
• (Barrie Examiner) , •
at it is all do, 'cause I don't care to
In thii issue of The Examiner rA•tich.1 cisPeLde, nioryfintilnedinghlhorwea
speoe is given to reporting the ,annual and who brought in that winning run.
meeting of the Siincoe County Women's The war in tbaraguay, and -such, does
Institutes, whose motto is For Home: not concern: me half as much as things
and Country." This space gladlY I that happen here in Bruce, and reading
given beeause we have a very high ail: 41 matter' that's of wie. Them "NaziS and
preciattoxi-Of The work *being. dale -by, those Hitlerites, and all their squabbles
this public-spirited band of women.1 and their fights, and ntws from Fas-
The record of achieveinent as set out sln1 cists off in, Rome, aren't half as good as
the district reports is one of which the those At home. -
ladles have good. reason to be proud., It The daily paper eannot cease 'cause
Js all the more praiseworthy When One John wmild never give me peace, and
considers that _many of the_branches1 _ Sue_ would raise ar rage miles!. sh
have but small inembership and are, had the funny -page: but older folks Will
largely composed of busy fasni women always choose to learn about' the local
-Mint light effects, nature' in all her mag
is too rt tar advanes from the) days .0t ,e11-°.
, , , . * * * gt ' nifieent' ari*-0. And / . thought it was
Alcock and 'Mown when they made the like looking at one of your paintingsi"
npt tramatiauge efasing in late, Slumbers of newspapers appear to feel
: ,res Madam. nature" Is
r the next generation, safe air txa. -t th -it It , lie •
that ey are comb ting a Wiett On L. oatobing np,or
'MI lit -500 miles per bour _will be a corn- part of ex -service MOti that Ronan-
-.11,-,,-- . .
• .
Main.paaiisfl Serviee thihs have contesti for efficiency
taking of Calvi and an urn' at Teneriffe.
prizes, but we doubt it any can exceed
saw fighting las the raw and not achievements Of the Women's Insti-
Plth stArd-r(toro. Wen 'without the
eye and minus the arm he was still a
sailor. The, loss of the arm was. the
cause of „his winning one of his greatest
Victories. At COperdiagen, where he
was Beeond-in-coMma,nd, _ the signal
went, up to -withdraw. Placing his tele-
ecoPe to -his blind eye, he annotmced
that be COald„ not see the. signal, and
ordered his ships to attack,
His 10,4k or an artn, dirnot prevent his
'Whining SOniethirig even mare dear to
a "tailor, the heart of the most beautiful
woman' of ble,_ time. tady
(Listowel Standard).
When Mareh goes out like lion it is
tutes all thhigts considered. Reports of .
one ,of the sure signs of spring. The
-what the four districts have done during hard winter tnen. is past the storm Is
the past year are well worth reading and
We hope the men particularly win take
time---to-read:-them: 11aVinr-done-
the latt final slam. So, in the financial
and. cattiniersial world, now they are
talking of/ ending :the -itioratmium, it
few will 'deny that members or the tn.:. earc,be taken es' IS 'sign -that better tithes
stitUtes "haVe all been active lii rijakitg, are coming amt the real hard bitter Win -
this World a ninth better place in which ter 01 hard °rites 113 drawing to a clo'se'
to live.", •
-As- values of Rrodutts rise, -a bette
wages, promised by our admin_ istrative.
bodies so earnestly, become in. imagina-
tion a possibility, as all This happens
apparent values of properties rise; then
comes the last worst storm of bailiffs'
seizures and forced sales. The mora-
torium has lasted a long time, It was
an easy law to pass, for in seizure and
sale, the mortgagee would have taken
his share of -the-depression in earnest.
It was_ nost very necessary law, for so
-far.--its- farm- mortgages_stere. sOneerned_ _
.payments on capital and interest ac-
count both alike Offen- faillne-W-inater-
ialize, and where you Can't collect, why
you are not going to. 'At the present
time, however, there are improved prices
in many lines for those who have_ got the
products to sell. It looks once again as
if one day farms will .be worth ,some-
things So early the pres.sura begins to
remove the moratorium. All of this
hasn't happened as yet, but talking
about it is one of the signs of the return
of better times, -the sign of the march
Yotmg Wife: "I want some lamb,
Butcher: "Yes, ma'am' which part?"'
Young Wife: "Oh, the part you eat
mince sauce with." . •
monplace, brittee Day tat, telebrated on, ,,ircsodaY as
% usually done when a national holiday - (Hanover Post)
• * Trx an Ontark ourt the other day;
IN ORDE.Ft TO GOVEM41 rafts Im- a Sunday. -- !slitists---who-thin rf --10111in---yetti--tethq—sent,----rk
oils aro very ?Iluch In does totion, for 06,11114.eis of clotli-didti't het say What Aritbiutsisdor ak the court or ,the Xing. of
t ..0 Vas , 0- le-- o .0 'the magistrate was surprised' to learn
that. a man Who figured in -in accident
_ brance Day is the %oat eolitun of all t*tgor and material he Wanted?" ' • •'"
Nstpleli, dta tot , deter Win. Many 'are . was 'quite hard of hearing. He said we
...........10......Order .„0....0.e...e.r..P._...e.11!....us‘ • .140,..1.0.....tke-citlient-3.vho....svere-soldiertis... Small nor" 9I don't think it matters,
A-14-014.-ii-,*.-the_,P4,111qrs .. *high. ..,11e7 .couid,.! .expeos_tisslave nutuy., Atoeiclen18.40
'trait 'experleilet coolness, clear vis- Theitos , wily; 00,4, ossibie day seia-WhiCh 131r. i''Tvlu1"*-tleia-l'5t'Isttr',IPerir''s'- : 'cOble out ,' of thatliaison, the :Inee'' long as we band our licellies to 4a'eivry-
ion ptience, setenity."--.',GutatelMO .
. ,v40,4rero. to observe it,. that is NOvember llthl dainrillig, of 'Welt is that Which blames body Who. has the Money to pay or
tadY HainlIten ee. the bletblAtArt et :the thern,, whether they are physieally fit •t&
-And the greatest of these Is expee. No ex -service Man ivho Understands the} • DOES. IT' WORK ROTK walA t
cruelties Odell Nelson' practised , on the drive• a, ear or not. The cadi Said be
nature of the, day would &esti At ' hay- • , ,'
. ... . -all - • -"'- have n .--14- • " Xeapolitani-"Wisent_bereStered*, : the-Iting ut*,,,tmeeintaditivert up driving. is„ .0,44, . iiien.
SAmor Ferrero might have Said "In in g it Made WO 11 day Of reVel-,*-eS el- l'-* °.* I ' . na. 'et) u84ente melt'
Ihe41Y hot?"of *Wes', to hit throne • ' It 18 .Ptc4bie he fsitind, his eyesight failing. There is
order to govera tvell." 5taillr PeOPle sire ways loaPpens 1,o other liolidaYst wheat : "Nl,
40. Some eV with" 'anotlier oun
etI tin* r 84).tri the l*t'ur*-8 that no one :knows the eXact truth of a oat detti . 0 trut4 iti tam tothatis.
Entrusted with the authcrity,kwhich per - they are tarried over a _yg num '; find Mine . the intitAir buta blot was 'left on -rt par. '-
.4ti English. transport ' cOmpany Which
, lams theM to IMP,* :their will -ori others the publie Will understand. iiist• what there- With some other *rip
- , liw5 S.500 Vuses, 1.500- tramears, 'et trel.*
'Nei** *0,1 the brain. of the Matrix- ley buses•and 50o Green ills coathes on)
_but the ?volts do not net 6.ssarily • coissti- *Remembrance Day stands tor:
v, , a 4 . . - t-whichltirititinsielde road:- •gives--iterlrive.rs an ihtertilvel
tute good goVerninent, - - • . -- - * --* 0, rx '
SMItidit, A4.0110..4 ION. Witt tulles to keep ktnbitiottS tortioners from ttAtttng and forces :them to Pass severe
The prbeats eatential in one 'Who at -i. Ideilital men were not entirely in hes i . *roi.uo.,,, "vote, , .why dsts you his
Iverld* leittlerSVP., When he "destroYeti, testS. AS a reStilt: Only mbOut 25 Per
tains a, petition of powereven thoughi ceed,With tlie lion. i:iir, ,,,Faullener in littit yout „little 'aistert,.. —
fhb: Pteiteh at A.Viiiitir, he titstroYed the tent, oi the men, ,accepted for training
' it be a 'minor position In a minor torn' icemoklite tegarCllng the- 1110,411r10011011 of , Vitilliet ' **Well, Initnia,. 'We Vert 41$41 I .
leet hOlSe 1,t0bieoh' hika 'a *oil& iloth' ever paSs the tests .which , are netom,4*
munity, is .experlenee.' CoolnesS ittntallY 40. iro,bereuusa ,ts tot tue ontv 41** 10,. Adalti and lgve, and instead ' -of %ion* ',11.16- .0Orile4it alat**Vr-fogctilsd :betoke A:410Y take eontrel of the 'lima ,., VA
'lne3 eft4r -110,7rOz isseourfaeted .-leont-eins's.--7-While stel__,., „LPtt,),••1111.6-14th---ttie-4P014'-.•Pe."•*te,.-14 -the-ra'tt.,tit-the..„4*,,,but.,,thi0-to.&
, this -iittautioit-AN„.testoteit-itt-ov-e-
, port that„, ,pareft,ff driving 'Plar3 ii, large
milts of Illeat, ' and intolerenee., ; , there is reawiable protection /*sink • s4i. lith°4'-"
?4.1“iiii**14.1, on filthat*t'*wi'hidttelrtetiallia' 011ektilittltilittliakir-e vete in,the prevention of ateldents and,
AC/ear vision 15' granted OnlY tO tilly4 tuberculetils if the Milk supply, it settle,.
has power to set. llis viston. U., ed. Writ tested llerdl and if 'the hand-,' , , Slitttat 040011 ln the east. Struggle 'brilliantly as le 41044, 'suite sto beemoing or the vote
ific4 by exPerience. ' tt is more in.i 114 ot, thefllitig la perfectly okin,,,,_, Tho old moan iits riaittt toehg the .05(11dnilLbeteit:oittter*,1;0101' teoltrelra r:tet:tiril*Iiithhe 120 people have belt* lanai', in, ,fteemenss,
In .which the trampott' toinps.Arg. ireh4
stAAetlye , that . etnee1t;t4i, Ile knowa',.tiesiliness in handling is-nq protettion• void tja hh Imilt, voitio, 111* sq,4,11,4 141,.
lith Wilit6445 ILIIda Were InVolVed. 'lot in no CASO has
that a,tivon.set of attlo‘ will Prodneei against other terms, igtuiltv in the ,41.41t, itriait , .01 toot ..biiiilisi . totdorfo *itii, t6t' * '
ltelion "WO tO.0.0e,stilt•-linire tertian t, one of tile boartts Arivet$ ii,ten. .orsitra,,,
tast.-1 by Willett that retult le aribiltdatintaY be 'Mfetted, with. 011401Ant Atvet 1 • Itedikka, *,1* qua Iolir w 0 tt t:lyl:tr*elts,'"%‘paleomintilg'1:11oi i'a°rvantati.,1`:'"iltit'ene4)turontiecttio°21t**.yltituat tliftilit:46dLITati '
4 ve'rtain. result,. even- Cough the ttos, mai-iteelt„`. ii. herd clear of tuberctil*s 1 intiikac : , - , ,
wrtew_lazatipe&„„,xello-Let....tibeet*ItY.,,IterinteatilieLlbiwita„:„Well..10LItitherAllitSPAI i *ke* ktdsh4.,)h,OtOrb$,I,,L., ,
..,...„.,...,„,-,...„„,-...„.„„.."..., ....„-: , ...,..!...........s.,,,,,,...., -..4,..,-;,,,,,,,....I.,,,.,,,,, -ithist,ot'..4.-Aest...,„were.....asiplitd,,,,tow,_Oritatio.
,go,,,,! ,,i -*id Ihe . "Ilituarit „iiihe
be 'Iorcrieti 'tot out of `the 'harbor of , there would be 'Masse blintiredS *he
. On.tdk., :,t4t.i.h0,1,1,44, 004t.ott.. ..'t4'.e.. 4116..t.POst., •b, ettiVel.::010...t.iOut,64,. ,._ ,_-.
, *in Instinetircly ,avoiti creating the 64.4, and _the _oat,: $atiatetkt *WO. ilt Ot'4.1, n
ttltions'schleh he, lo.tott's wittProduee 'itti4ttitying tttetti Iskeillt is b$psitetuit**,
Tottteti !Ltd.. jetted the Spanish 'fleet '01114 not 4tudify. "
delirsihie resolts. * 1 Con, :While not Oen** :klitWii 0001
Patient* conies trait a knoWledge 114i:have been tettild ',loft,' et -undul*ht *00t4i4aiik 004141 Ito went to the Weet ,Indies "rot A,' •
at, ate the ,dhitAet: Wits * l' sAuttt* Sod: Velsiiit lost ititzlt <it ,thetA.
hot: the/ estee, bolt be :wet' ready' for
the it tor all
ctn, and they for, him, !rho -found
5. to eitept Al
ah Ober at a, pOint_ off the' eoast or
, t in --iiiii-o-itiraltar-i'kii-Oiiii- *ii
ting results are . rug, obtained by too in.‘toderkh this suitimer torthe
Thinix ;Orth ;Chtli frost 44,14,141%ith, nian,Y orattoititiit 1t1. sit 011 do
rte '01 tbe beAttior ons or .the'PrieSent which are *tteve o. hstYs% Oilainated
Js the nad distre for 1iii10:-Itistt MT OW volor vorktri---6A the ,other -bind
are not estnonottont Ationsi'potentintion As ettetillos only tt
the sutoretkite snd ttoi ont. 18 * perked** ele4n, pis*, itioorttor
hklett atter' long *solos!' „litter' the enotinout liwoott,anott
Ode subjett will 1* retOiltiteed PM
milk will be ltandid Oki
ntk pnt
Usti-,---A'Aret,1 woke PP ow
tot *A41 found rerselt tasittate
004 troelt
out his Signal tins wl
"Ili4dayVrigland expect that
man will tiO his duty.' w and
dkL. ven the StOtelirsen who formed
tderlsble pot dt hit t
)A cat
t A t,4
tsta' fuel has been discovered with which
, a ydtt can heat your house more ei-
onomical than with other fuel. It is known as
dist! e ..1 defia, 0
. 401440 gives you more heat Per dollar: A ton of Disco has more bulk
theava, ton of raw coat because it ti triads from more than a ton of raw
teal' Consequently you astually get mikch. more, DIspo and more value
,per tonnage unit, • !
It is ideal for Stoves, ranges and fireplac;s. DIScO, may be Used in
all types. or house heating etntipinent, including furnaces, stoves, riniges and
'fireattes • , ,
We can sum* you, with piece, It bags at 35c per ,bag or 3 bags for
$t 00 Try toO0- in your PTREPLACE and (O� STOVE and I-SEA:kr.40,,
We tarry, r& tun line of Anthracite, Steam and Pecahoritas Coal.
ror IreftSACt *otto„ Timsirtrruini and PioultHUNd; we :can give
.you prompt attention Mid all work fully guaranteed. , •
We have for sale c'heap, one tto, ft Radiant Home Heater With Oven, a
goodas new - • • ,
— - - -, Store; 22--,-:. Ha' AS C
P•bone"1 House 112 sr C.
Hiltelware, Store at the HArbOur.
Does Your Stomach Ever Complain?
B Lo Op
reihftpa, the POO COlumno sll .
human diseases is stomack trouble,
such as dyspepsia orindigestion,
tuid One *Melt causes untold initery
atter every tdenl. '
Thc great, point in getting tia
of *01.1)46 t.ro.obtait.ito,rggt„*§4k
'binding ,litalth and Vigor; and
this Amy be done by ung ..tiamorek
Ittefell Bitterer as •during the post'
'14 years it hawbeen old the niarket,.
kt has brough,t Soy and hope to
'Nonmetals dyspeptics, 110Ping
titem to eat Ilitee,,esittsre noels A
thy without iinffering for it, by
t tip-Vopttomitelr, ad toad*
the Work of tigestion Aodi