HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-25, Page 1Ptieet: 2 * year in Carta e sea- ee et cOmirooll Reftegs On TO DRY 'UP HURON New Well Brought Their A oiniment'he 'Rimhtb Prenaer lagetallal in a 'reported speech Use Wednesday :Decie.�nR, J. Walker' as New Tat Collector,. then Change Ihnir Minas; Deadlock Littler-A0$00.1*in-Retbschi • Status of Ccillegistte-Coustnit. the town coiMolito alepitint a seccessair to Howard Robertson ie. the _position of Tax (Collector and, Aesessor, Appaterala the ceraintteee of tae. whole .on the evening & October 18th olems1§1../ed:the naie COMMittee to recom- , Mend the. appoilatinenfaof _R. 4; Water, which they did, 'When the qaestion. of approving the report of that Committee came up in council it was evident tbat -Oahe -ef the acentibillets- 'hart' hgid --- Coma Hambeee rose. and entouneett that lie could, not approve the appoint- ment of Mi. Walk.er. He remarked that Fred. Weir had been hi* choice ancl that' he had not had-a--ehanee40-vote4oreil1a mart on ' tae -second ballot. lee matu- tained that the neeteod by *hi* they had arrived at their,' deciiien was ieregu- late and that while the members had all agreed to it II orclei to arrival at some sort of finality he was now not satitified. He wanted to vete for bis second choice. He moved that the committee 11.,eport be not accepted but that Jape a nuckins, "one of our oolleaguee" be appointed to etheapasitiene- ' e - A lengthy ariseuseion ',remitted. -4-a-oun. • Seabrooke thought that If the proceed- ings of the previous: evening had been illegal, the' question. should 'be referred back to the conahittee to do the thing Celine Huckins. sonoolleect that he did (Continued on page 5) " WANTED • . WANTED.--Aaaexperienced gee to do " general housework. -Apply at STAR OFFICE. a ' • WOMEN -W. AN.72T. Tor -iii ' home Sewi hro 1111g. ON'41"Ef necessary s e . tOleIPANY De Itrti° PTECK'WEAR Dept . 258, Toronto 8. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of ' 800 familees. Write immediately etaegeeliffeaH-DEPaa--ONJ-41-SA, Zifpri treat Canada, • Volt tauebee heater's and '"; a number Of stove lanes. 'Electric heater. jAPply at, STAR OFFICE. FOR SALE -Coal annex ,with water. front. Apply 60. W. WORSELL, Keays St. THE '0.cARtir Cp.). Fire, Accident and Motor Car. INSURANCE °Meta Masonic Temple, eVectt Ste Goderich„ Phone 234 InEaSON' MU' Ker. P.Ot ,locx ago 'said "that he was not %Ping' to allow 07IPTP11t9, eliOat# tO Ffre Doparttutor trio Out the vet Zateltele,'4114 In 'Order to 41'0' ettit, hisgeeeLeeeee rate, a_ le threat he now praceede ta, eibirew :the a'",71 -g !WV, l'f•UrUM; .1**e trAto4; that"he Mearit ,evitat he •tnityr,-4,lot Mare Water x{4 tuod, ge,0 Vilat ha* happeneo-, Not4, . more qedian supply. , withstanding, the fact that nu* voted itself. dry, throe& the (LTA. acteal Op- The new well at the power house tam metleed In 1914, by ,Over sixty per 'tante ill" Wednesday evening alai to eeree ethd On three successite voting's celenre,te the ote the fire department • etnaCe_htea, 0! ee.Y.ankra eeted-out their . apparatus to -see- bow: :the six Per -cent, eaVartteasev. 'leer nentia__ en,i_ati.peessuee *law be eaffeceed. e• elehta- per cent ,ary, he Pala nnw -"w The eleatare was the Scene of the test arbitrary way established twelve saloons and everyone,. Moluding thief Beacom.. (eet beverage rooms), al. this Calmar. Ottr-aaeople never expected that any 00Verninent-ava1etaibraealoa late 'their Caen laWaseed at theashene time tres to over -ride an: Act passed by the people, but this is what the Hepburn Is quite pleasedPressure was main- tained at toe pounds per .square' inch Wilielatar1neSeff on hydrant andeno auxiliary' pumper working. WitIl the gas pumper the pressure was stepped up to 200 pounds: while two chaVaMnente---11*- --donee- Theeenusee-b* ofataisee gave proportionate -power at.185:potuate, The new well has been under con- -structioii" all simmei, Clayton Looby of Dublin having the contract. •eie finish- ed his partacif the job some weeks ago and the kaal hydroacrew _finished the, Part requiring the connecting of pipes and the disconnecting of the "old well. They did a good jab too. The new wells are double as a protec- tion against „fire. If, one goes out of commission, the oder -may be hooked on at once. They do not ensure more or better water as the flow to the tovtie Is controlled by the size of the pipe corning " tip from' the harbor works. y 4o. easure. la sere source of euppea been made that some of the et:ouncils as Wfl teleatettatre lacitrieenibera faVore these- saloons 'but in no case was a countil authorized by the .people to ask for them. One eolincil at least is now sotry they approved - a :them, -andel•taap- Piers that other aterecils gave their ape proval without even, recerding -the mat- ter' en theminutes, so that thetqrail of the liquor trades -.paid propagandist easily traced as behind it all. The people ofHuron are asking no favors of lefrAiepliurn, but- they want him to keep hisabands off their, Dominion, dry Mea- sure (C.T.A.) until it has been repealed by . the -Proper ,legal method.' Why has _Hepburn given-auteorities fOrabe crage •eSenns in Huron- and Perth and .none in Peel, 'although the three coun- ties .are under the same law? Perhaps the local menibers at these counties niay want to answer that question. . As .a member of a deputation that went 'be- fore the Premier on Oct. 20th, I told him that -it was neither "good cricket or good politics" to .issue auth.orities in our dry, totmetes and 1 find there ,are a great' many people of the same° opinion. Huron County p.$ ne intention of aliow- ing thee saloons ta continue and they are littpleg 4ee0; ethee aourates will also -adeptelheeeCotent. 'ytatoeal---Option- measure (C.T.A.)- whieli eanebe done by e major- ity vote and which has the distinct ad- vantage over aftmietPal . Local Option, because of the larger dry territoey ae- cure. A T. COOPER. Clintma October 24th. No..ortooler.wwwwes Huron Ledge No, 62,e 1.0.0.F., tern meet on Monday night for the inetalla- tion of officers. 'Atl members and visit- ing brethren are requested to attend. ITEM NOTICE BE your own boss and make substan- tial profits'. Work and succeed. No 'riskl write for details and cata- logue. 'Leta • FAMILEX PRODUea OCIVLEANY, 570 Se. Cletient Ste Mon- treal, P. Q. CRAIGIE Insurance and Rol Estate 'DOMINION-,—PROYIN.CIALMW '- MUNICIPAL BONDS * Phone 24 Tenders for renting the Tewn Skating Rink for the coining winter season, will be received by the Town up to 8 o'cloek pert. on Thursday, November lst, 1934. The highest or any tender not ems - eerily accepted. L: L. KNOX, Town Cleric, ' oder-tele VOTIOE, , The public is hereby notated thatthe lawnstila., fCelboapeeeeljeepterelease at lie-iidiourried County 'Tax Sale, all pro- perties in the Township of 'Colborne that fail to produce the full amount of taaes and costs at the said Sale. (13gd.) A. 3. GOLDTHORPE, Peeve or Colborne. VIETVE OF A 1;11A.EUAN'Il issued under the hand of the Warden of the ti,ourity of Huron mkt having the seat of the said Corperatitat attached thereto, ballet; date of the llith day ,of July, 1934, and to 'rife directed, Conunending zrie to levy upon,the lands hereunder erunneiatid f6i the arreant of taxeS respectively due thereon together With. eeste, =Aide as hereby, *leen thatIn aocordttlace with Ilia essessnimit Act 1 shall prodded to tell by publit auction the said lands or so mach thereof as may be stitacient for the payment of the tote* thereon 'unless the 'Stara& sootier paid, The 'Itale will commence at the Court :Meat, �oderlch ott Wede nesday, November 7th,1034, at the hour of 2 ii'elock in tile iifterrtoon.. • . A. H..M218:ME, (loderieh,'July 21tt, 1134. - 'Treilailter, Huron Connty. ToWINTatilP OP )WilitiiiiLD Owner ) and bescoption . TAOS Coete Total 4'; A. ancl.kt. balten Lot 12, un„„..,„......: . . . : ...... ... ... . .. ..,.. ;347,68 .. $ 942 ;367.61 eeerb Saga, Reath Lle..,'it, Pete Albert, , ' 18,26 , LW) 1996, ..,. . TOwzontiO OP cOmoitistE ' ._ . Itiiiiieck'litates1,1t.:14-.114i bon.:44,74415...,..t„,,,;;=.-.., :--18.73-la 11.48 i,l,. 1.4. ItrioX, Lift 25-31 and 70.74 IC Park 30.78 2.00 3170 .' .'43os. Kidd, M. Park, plan 114. . ' •/.42 I.`25 $.8/ ., ' eerie' lane, its. Vark, Plan 1142 7.62 '125 ,ti.81 lleae. ICOviack. tot, Lot, 114 URA, ...... ....:......-...). ...... 124.00 416 12544 ' (Keen Meatiest, Pt, root 8,, .Cati. 9, 15.11,..—...... ..... ...... gem 3.53. • .g0„43. Dan Schwan* ikitir.1.041„ Maitland doti.%•.•.......,:........„. 24549 t SAO -254.09 /its. A. 4atnitson," IYisin• ' 11, 49,-4404,7,„,..—,....,,,,7,0, 30,10.- 4.00 " 32.11 .w. Proudfoot, Pe. 131k, A,-35.37, 44.86... ..... ,...,31,04) .. 2.63, 3340 .1h1tish 'ftifortictite-40 tfthist, Pt* 41.14 140,,w.-...-,,,,,,,„...„...., -ascot- -itut-' l*fild 109V1t0111P oo Mvatou 'Illtio Water Oolf Ctirse 1043° • , 5.5* 1'03.43 WltflW otr vra wototoon (t. Augustine, Pt, ttlt 13, Donstarasi ,41,63440 ' Adjoitthed ta *111be tteld Wecinetoft Stbsreiribet Oat, iatt ib$4.104.1 All IOts • A, 'Trelefuters Otitte, 004erfch# ot*ty tat, 1034., a°04110111e4 In The Ontario 04titette, Angeogi,fat OA OW). In any circumstances. The 'noise of the pumper working on the Square during the test brought many citizens to the downtown section. Pe U. C. Manager, Jno. Kelly expressed himself as satisfied with the well and hopes that the further faeilities advised by engineers will be forthcoming in due course. Turnbull's Underwear for children and ladies in Vests, Bloomers, Panties and Combinations. , Buy Turnbull's' for quae lity. Sold for Goderich and vicinity at SCHAEFER'S. • Stet leeet Welthee Meta than, the Next Beet e. altherepapers hiave beere bOaattng•QZ the alze of Vegeatatie$ graWn in thek thee triets. it:ilk/40e reported a beet,'Weighing Seven potmds. . if they hid pow What _Huroii. could do they Weald ave said ilothirig. The beet el*MWii -14 Otir ,14/1/iovr for the past Week and gtown by Abner Morrie of the Nile was :Weighed arta lotuid to tip the scales at 13 pounds, 2' ounces, and this was after Wine ht the ,atin 'in the wine dow for severaldays. Several oatecee must have dried out ef it in the mean - thee. It is la curious affair, of co:n*1%e., being a combination of 34 separate beet a all grown_ together. The result is one beet, heivetier, With 0W -611i -teat SYSteni. any ainbitimui counties think they can "beet"' this, let thern tree It is tin ordinary garden beet and riot _ any unusual variety. The regular meeting of the Women's Iratitate will be held in MacKay Hale on Thursday, Nov. let, at 3 p.m. A re- port of the convention will be given. The roll 11 will be an Community Needs." Mrs. E. Beattie will give the current events and Mrs. A. D. McLean will demonstrate now to make butter tarts. The hostesses are Mrs. A. D. McLean, Mrs. B. Price, Mrs. M. Mc- Donald, Mrs. W. Sanderson and Mrs. J. Robertson. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE A DMINISTRATRIX'S 8A L E 01' 4-*- LAND. The administratrix f the" estate of CharlesA. Walters will sell by public auction at the premises of the late Charles A. Welters, namely part of lot number .232 ah Park St; in the Town of Goderiche on Saturday, Oeteber 27th, at 1.30 o'elock in the afternoon. • Firstly. -Part of Lot number 232 in the Town of Godetioh, being more pate ticulatly described as follows: CoM- mericing at a point twelve feet east from theitorthravest, angle of saJathene south parallel with the western boun- dary- of Said let to the south boundary thereof, therm east along that said south boundary thereof to a point thir- ty-theee feet west from the 80th -east - Said- rat ,7* theileie with the eastern- botindary of -said, lot to the northern boundary to -the place of beginning. Stecradly.-The following goods and chattels: One 'Whippet sedan, and sev- erdl auto tires, one set of 'double' •har- nee% one set of single lines, new, one part set single harness, one grind stone, one lawn Mower, one cream 'separator, one scythe and smith, etvo buggy poles. onepaddle, a lot Of useful tools Includ- ing dies, pipe wretches, eta, one mov- ing )acke -chitinsr -oneaset-- -Stove (tracks., carpenter's vice, one lantern, alltures and old fashioned Mirrors. one good ex- teneion ladder, a trumber of house dooYs and • 'window sash, one knitting machine, One blow torch; one km bed and springs four upholsteredChairs; one foot 'warm- er, one, milk tan, one wire clothes bas- ltet, cobbler's ,outtit, one robe, one wai- n* table, one saw cart, one Quebec range and pipes, and, nutrietttus other artleles TEEMS -0n the Teal estate -TN ProPettl' witl be sold subject to a teServe bid. 'Ten per tent, cash is to be paid at the time .of the sate, and the balance within tidily, daYs. • It 1497-01 ibotts and chattels - Cash it the time of the sare- F�r further particulars apply. to MESSES. ITAYS and EAYS. 'Hamilton Ooderkhr Solkitors for the Achninistratria ' herein. Or to MR& rtuAgertt A, ?tants,. 0. R. No. 5, Ooderith, ts M1geate. 0•11NDi1Y ite Botts, AUCtlatieers, G0�erkh iXitatki. Only Four Cases To Be Disposed of—Three Youtt Accused of Taking Tires Se enced'. Less than an hour was needed to handle cases in Magistrate's collet on Tbuesda,y of- We' week in contrast to the all day session of lest week. • - -Geo. Hutelabis, -a mechanteeeMproyed In a ' local garage„ --was fined $10 ., and costs' for dritinvithout a driver's license. N. Townsend, la Mitehell and D. Campbell, the three. Grey Township youths charged fast week with having stolen tires,. tubes and in one case a, grindstone, end to which they pleaded ' guilty, were up for their hearing. Magistrate Matins remarked that he, did not wish to be harsh on, their Ikea offence, espeeialty as it was apparent that ' all Were riarinally decent young , men of respectable families. .Howe'vera the miblic had a right .to protection' against such action. Suspended sen- tence was handed - outeeto all but they must pay the costs. Jack McNabb, Reeve of Grey Township, wrote regard- ing the ease of young 'Mitchell, giving exceltent reference and asking for what leniency the attire was able to dispense. - All three were prohibited from driving cars for 'two years. If caught driving within that time, they are to be senten- ced on the present charge. Townsend and Mitchell paid their fines but Campbell. was unable- to raise the amount of his ancrWill have to serve 30 days In jail instead. Costs In all eases were heavy oaring to the distance from Grey Township teed the amotint of trouble police and,evitnessee had to go to to get the ease‘cleanect up. Servfce in Ai- Morning on Re- membrance Diy—Dance stnd Nei:JaveN� Fzrs1 For. Nurses' Sehool J10it. Dr. Filadkner 'Amerce 'Lions Club Trmitong:centre $ot to Be '.Dist*rliedfsilrore thgen.' .traligation. Of Provinetal Audi- ority,..Says "Elbow Grease Could Elinsinate Paiteurization. ____.... . ."YoU need not have any feture fears as to the status of tele nurses' training scaool in Goderich as fir as I am con. cerned," stated the Hon. Dr. J. . A. Faulkner, Minister of. Public Health in the Ontario Government, speaking to a gathering of the Lions Chin and inany other. eitieeiii:Inathealiotel -Bedford on Friday, October leth, '('There has been. too great a tendency towards centralization of power in Tor- ontoe-Asalong asetan ea- 'minister --of -the- I'll be glitd-to-comaato-theepeepl and there will he a decentralleaticat of power as far as •/ am able to bring it about." • . Both statements .wetaigreeted with ap- plause as Mr. eel, IL-Robertion,'Who-in- troduced the speaker, lead referred to the fact that there had been 'objection- able and unwarranted h terference from outside sources in' local i1TaIrs of muni- cipalities. He was speaking with parti- cular reference to the hospital end the proposal to remove it. from the list of training schools in the Province. - -"When tie group -of -women and men, ,wheeafe esually found in most coo= -etas, and whe- hafee, Pessibly, It adder vision than most, get together .and by dint of hard work and great sacrifices' establish a hospital we feel that they shoitid be encouraged. We feel that there is , a degree of super -regulation from outside which is u eces.sary. We are proud of .,our hese al and, af- it is note as elaborately equipped as are- Some of the city enstitutions, we consider that it is still a credit to the community and well ' Mete to fimeticiri as a training school." There -was little doubt that the major- ity of thaseapresent felt the same way about the matter and Dr. Faulkner's assurance that the ihstitution would not be disturbed was welconie tews to all. At the instance of Chief Lion A. L. Cole, the gathering sang "Oh Canada," after which grace was Raid b Mayor C C. Leewelcomed the distin- guished visitors to *Goderich in a brief address. Cameron Geddes, native 0!, Lucknow, and nationally famous, was present en route through Goderich. Be was asked to sing for the gathering, which he did, rendering "Without a Song," in his mag- nificent voice, to the` pleasure of all. He Yellowed with other selections during the. course of the meal' and was afterward heartily, thanked for his generosity. Hon. Dr. Faulkner congratulated `the Lionr on their crippled children's work. In his opinion there wee no finer work hey could be doing. He considered the various causes bf crippling in children.. Rickets, one of the ihost potent sources of trouble for ale young, he felt could be. entirely eliminated from a town like Goderleh witheats -many-doctors-al viously abreast of the times in their pro- fessions. It is a condition easily cured n its earlier stages by sunlight and pro- pere diet, All local veterans have been invited to 0 attend the Legion card party and draw at the Oddfellowte l'emple on Friday evening, Noventber 9th, This armaal affair has always beert 't enjoyed greatly by the men and the a usual full turnout le anticipated. o The granting by the town council 0!t the privilege of halding a str:et collec- tion on Poppy -Day, November 10th, has speeded- up aa.E-e-getnetnts for ibis event. lal, The Boy &oats of both local cream have 1 beeri 'asked to undertake the task of making the appeal and it is expected , that the usual generoue response will result. , . Arterigaments for the chutch gerVice in 'Vittoria street United chureh on the Stinday prior to Iternentlitatice DaY have been ,completed. Rea P. W. Craik will Ipreach the sermon. Invitations are being sent out,to nuin- bers of district celebrities to attend the Rentembrance Day cerviee in Court Itottee,'"park at 10.30 o'clock on. the morning of NoveMber lith. Clood wea. ther is hoped for but the, Ser3riee la go ,forke..rii, ht. any eventi tmlessAu4hope. less weather prevails. Otizeis generally are expected to attend in large nurnbers. Mr. *m. Mood; secretary of the (lode; rich bnirneh.of the Cahladiala Legion, is busy tor:sit:0th* details of the malty activities with Ivitieh Veterans mirk tilts period of t the year. Tuberculosis, for long 'considered in- . urable, was, he felt, being mastered. There was now no case which could not be brought back to health with proper reatment. Practically all T.B. in chil- dren is -due to infected milk, he stated, nd it was possible to eliminate 100% f bovine tubereulosie by proper pas- eurization. However, he felt that if the arm wives who handled the milk wooed se more lbow gnaw" and' more soap nd water it would be possible to de- lver pure milk to Our dome without pas- teurization. "The' country is becoming niachine-mad," he reinarked. He also expressed the belief that in- fantile paralysis could be •contioned an early dfagnosis were made and if •serlitti, Which can be .supplied from the government labatory, were administered promptly. Referring to injuries at ehildbirth, he tirged the medical men present to strive tor better co-operation from expectant mothers in order that, they,seettre the best and earliest care. 'He -presented some interesteng figures with regard to the findiags of taeacerne 411,_.1 .6,4 Lietatenant GOVertide, De. Herbert Bruce, had been investigating- conditions in Toronto. amazing proportioh of honks were without proper smiltetion and a htirge proportion of these homes were occutiled by people of Vaikadlary t?r British. birth; ' • suggeated that when they had the crippled .thildren well cared torshodld inter* themse1vea. In the tittestrott a wont/it. "Take Mile POOr home," lie advatd, 'land interest yoUressiveS In it, Zdueate the petple ht tlu ute a tow and %tater. tllttfalL41,4tatOtal&S.,"..tt,4*na;:andaavorat and Z leave thaatiggestiaft "nth you. It not '00001ble to raise good Citizens in SOME, Of the houses *Which ate te• be .rotind In our toni And ditlea. iSterOngi * Tee oij thkr, hat elmost He. Reward given for Info. metion or for returning the eet. 301/4 onoritz,,tt, 11. No. 1, Port Al. Vert • or 6 Rtilden .Coboarg St. Altlt mita. end btacic ebek betitretei tide Old the 0410104 Walters. "inder Olestaa nsttty' It Ito, 4, Ooderle It 40 tio* t sTuottost nitsr }pot* 11016111'0i* Patity on Priday---Ctstpmet, ' Games and Everything „Friday' night's prom. at the .Collegiate Institttfevill take the forret of a Hallo- we'ele parte, With cosaMiee, and eery - thing. . It is planned to ifold games =do -11--the atithorlties' tigree.'"dattehigi although the latter is not aSsurecl. It has alWaYs beert frowned on 0,t the local school al- though nearly universal elsewhere. The affair will take place in the auditorium -on: the -third tow-- and will be under .the management of the Liter- ary Society, of which lAiss Helen Bissett Is president,' Prizes will be gtven tor the best btostutnes and a keen competition has developed' for these. The party starts at_ eight-o'clock....-...Numberaz.,...st, after parties have been arranged, espe- cially for vititoratti town. • thanka,te the -ditiltignithed- visitor; cou- pled the nanteCatneren-Geddet,--who had so generbitily entertained the gath- ering. S. D. Croft, in seconding the ma tion, added the fencitations of the Board of Trade to Dr. Faulkner. • 13a Bernard MaGhl-e-, deputy minister of hospitals, "Portiere, who etocompaniea Dr, Faulkner, spoke •briefly in response to a request of Chief Lion Cole. A pleasing feature of the event was the first • appearance of "Charley" Robert- , son, 1101.1.,,A. .ot litron-Bruee, lance his illness which otruek him down some months age, lie was Warmly welcomed by' thee° preaent ali of iviloin were ob- ateinlyealeasted to eseeealmeout The meeting Closed, wita ehe singing of the Nationala Anthem, H. Livens of Knox Presbyterian ' church, 'being the pianist and the accompanist for Mr. Geddes in his songs. Will Put on Special Entertain-- makin Theatre—Hope to Rau* Fatia-delt-40-Dishibetitt Among Members. ° *A project Which is meeting with the hearty approval of all who have so far been approached is under way to pro - mane financial reeompense to the men and boys of the ,band of the Gode- rich. Musical Society. These players have provided music for a wide anxiety of .public affairs all sum- mer, including the regular band concerts in the park. In order to be able to re- pay them in some small measure, thE Musical Society is sponsoring the hold- ing of a draw andemosical entertain- ment in the Capital Theatre on Wed- nesday, November 28th. Mr. IL J. Sutherland is generously ar- ranging for the showing of a epecial picture and in addition an entertain- ment will be given. The prizes will start with a ton of hard coal and others equally desirable will be provided. The Musical Society wishes it parti- cularly understood that all of the pro- ceeds will go directly to the members of the band. Tbeir number Is coneiderable an t will be apparent that even a large slim when divided (up will not mean any large amouot for any one man or4 boy. AMONG Tlik Services, at Knox Presbytarian church on Sunday, October 28th, will be con- ducted by' the pastor, Rev, D. J. Lane, as foliates: a 1 am., Divine worship, subject, "A Great Search and a Great Find ;" 3 pare, Sunday School and Bible blames; 7 p.m., subject, "Once Christ was Disgusted. With What?" Services at. „ yietoria, street- United church on Sunday, Oetaber 28th, will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Creek, as followe: 11 am., divine wor- ship, Commotion service will be obserai ed: 3 on,. Sunday School', 7 p,m , Rev. Dr. J. IL Barnett will mooch, subject, "Standing on the Lord's Side." Servtees at North Street United church on Sunday, October 28th, will be conducted by the motor, Rev. W. P. Lane, as 'fellows': 10 a.m., in' a Club; 11 a.m., Divine worthip, subject, "Life's Entanglemarite;" 3 part., Stmday School: 7 'pen., subject, "Poolith Beading." /ReserVe Nov. 15th for a fowl supper at North St. United church. ' Don't forget the Keno at MacKay Hall, • on Tuesday, October 30th, under the auspices of the young ladles of St, Peter's ehtireb. ,,,15 prizes. 15 teeniest. Anydne esti plaP. Admission 25e. Max. Min, Max., 1933' 1934 f& 43. 68 42 11:vo 53 44 52 31 494j 44)43 51 4* 54$ 43 3$ 83 44 3$ 33 Delegation in Toronto to Ad- vance Claims of Roada-4lope to_ilave Balance -Taken Over This Year. tacit section of a delegation from elle Eluewater HighWay Aesociation whleh _ . A will interview Hon. T. B. McQueeten. Minister of Highways, at Toronto on Thursday afternoon of this week. Messrs, Willis Fraser and a.' le Par- sons, who are at present, in Toronto for the. funeral of the late Reg. Prldlicust. -.44/11 'ae attend as will Nir. Nelson Hill, S. D. Croft and a -number meta. Representatives ' will be present' from Southampton, Wiattcin, For- est and Sarnia, and it Di hoped from Tither poinTe alem--Fth-e-roufe. - The interview has been- arranged by Wm. Ferguson of Sarnia, seeretary of the Association: in accordance With the decision of the annual meeting held here early in the month. it is planned to put the eleims of the 'road before the new Minister of Highways aa early as possible in order that he may be ..eatie to make the necessary provision to in- clude it in his plane for next year. It is hoped that the Government can be persuaded to take weer the balance of the egad -from atoderielt northataaatitar- Lt. Col. Woodrow of Sarnia, president of the Assoeiation, will heed the dele- gation and will be spokesman. CUT THROUGH FUNERAL A charge of reckless driving has been laid against a tobacco company of Tor- onto, whose traveller 13 alleged to have tut through the funeral cortege of the late Harry Watson, just aa it was enter- ing Maitland c e tn eter y. incensed mourners were responsible for the lay- ing of the charge, they alleging the to- . bacco truck,acomlog ,to Goderich.._ put right across the path of the hearse. The summons was answerable today, but a remand has been asked for as the driVer, Fred Young. Is out on his route and cannot be located. Talk of the Town -Every user praises Cress Corn or .Bunion Salve: Recom- mended by Dunlop's Drug Store. Just ,remember the Arthur Circle bazaar Saturday. October 27th. After- noon tea Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. New Fall and Winter Millinery spe- cially priced for month-end- cleat -since at $1.95. C. A. es S. 'MeKINNON, Square. Rich new browns and dark greys' for fall In Kayser Silk Hose. HuriciFedd of satisfied customers are buying Keyser Hose at SCHAEFER13. Members of th-e c.6.6.p. are asked to remember the 5th anniversary of their lodge to be celebrated by an entertain- ment in MacKay Hall November 16th. The annual meeting- of the Saltford Hospital Auxiliary .will be held on Thursday, Nov. 1st, at the home of Mrs. A. Goldthorpe. Come prepared to .catilt. Come to the sale of home baking and farm produce at McLean pros: store on the Square, on Saturday. November 3rd, from 2 to 5 p.m., in aid of the Goderich Township Hospital Auxiliary. Musicale to be held in St. George's parish' ball on Thursday, November ast, by Wincitoreand local talent, under the auspices et the choir and A.Y.P.A. Of St, °George'schurch. _Admission 35e. ,Group 3 of the E-VeniniAuxlhary o( North street United church is holding a silver tea on Thursday, November 8th, at the home of Mrs. Clifford Webb, Wel- lington street, from 3 to 6 pm. Public cordially invited • A salesman for other goons said to us. "If you cannot sell Eellpee Razor Blades made in Sheffield, England, you cannot sell gold becks." They are the best yoU' can buy. Try one and if you are not sottened we will cheerfully refund your money. Sold only at CAMPBELL'S ritittti MAR. CARD OF THANKS _The famtlY, of the...late Peter ...Spain wish to thank those_ who shoved their kindness to them during their recent bereavement. SOBS BleItlittaa-At Alexandra Hospital. on Thursday, Goober lathto mr. and Ms, James Barrie, OoderIch, a ton. 8117NOEL.-At Alexandra, nos/alto', on ,Thursday, 'Ootetfer 18111,10 Ur, andt Urs,. LeRoy Stingel, Dungannon, a son. IN MEMORIAM ko,t,virt.....rti loving memory of gliza Shonche Olverbeloved wifo of James 01111, who left us November 2nd, 1033, Just otte year ago .today , Waco our great sorrow fell, And hi our heart.4 we mourn. Vhis`.1csitont4,, No /Wetting diOatt,, no night returna,,,,' But that we think ef you; Those left behind *iv deer. Itut not* rotates yob. Utirtittv refeemhe ItttrieMitti (04 IMIStttit