HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-11, Page 71V& ifld zon
f�r e us
(purntoho the OntAcrlo: iiep•mtront AciitIcuitutei
'riot* w.flit'stde
.2n.itOot*i 4 Wire Petite
-thuetrAhe Adviee-4--014* 4h0.:.',:,..)40.!......V.'*de_seed,
ot the if*, tegO0
IOWA" to get rid of htirmtai Atteetbt .0•14
inseets., Plis, 09 *iisbt; 'go* ..Pct*'
0014 110$0, raan0aInta, i:44. it 14444
be 'kePt hr Mind 'that It. is ell•tMetlY
horm.ful to any type of wit* lento' 70h10
MOS at a comparatively '10W teMPer*e",
tun and the heat XV)* ttl• .12Vnlic
, weeds . often .ettilielent .•Coreb the
protective Coating and' will 'prribably
141'lerten '07 • 20`VeraI. Iteasons the: *tett*
• life of the Mice...
*. Weal* 04 .
Pasture conditkats have been weeder -
roily improved since the lieavit rains. or
September, according to reports from
rosAY eeetions of Ontario, and! cattle
should go hitt) *inter rallitter-TE-froo'ir
condition WS ati. result, 1Pill 'zip•
alfa ftelds and pasture .f are all showing
IC splendid growth. In many coutitiea.the
corn ertip 'le 'the best In many 3/ears Mil
corn cribs will be wellefilled.
. County has experienced some ;difficulty
with rot 'in 'pete,toes owing to the lahlitr.
dance ol moisture, a.nd fariners are liar -
0440.ea of .09444 In the export *eve
kets and a ,titutr. in the doineatie Market.:
Te Marketing Of letaia , ;001* 133
the , lett three or font yew* iti• heeter at-
tended 44 oeilous .0101evatie; inct e,001./
**threw it)* pritea Itrowers, , bit' ha
at least taught the value of producing'
hieli grade product, ' 1,1m‘ 1404 129,410,4!
most always sold at *" nrtOtahle Prtee,
While le* grade seed has been
able Or sold at 'a ?Aft to the gzoiVek.,,, It
.should be/ the'Pritetiee *.very grower to
OaAr. seecti3Onit 'froth clean fields, so that
'„it May be oleterted to rade
Marketing* Ovule •
'The time to .prepare geese tor market 4_
Ca.istor, Castor centre
15 when the- wether turns cold In theOxf''''""5"ga`v
1131,--41). er,Shatacirtileit-4e!--141.10n-ofi-pas--
ture ad i•.hese selected for Ilarket 76th Annual Fair
shoto •Plactll in small: Penned 04-1 .
closures.. provided with plenty of
;You,' tiVe ,r0410014 Vuzzing
X10).40*:-. * your ears,... are getting.
buxt of hearing, and: fear ,Catarrit-
, al • Deafier*S« to Yettr 01.14,
in14 get. 1 oathee Of.ParMint 4-
at.rength)..: and add to Pint'
of .hot water and A ;Ittle gran:014; .
•ed;:ausat«. '1"0„ke 'tabiesPe9ntni
- four tintee * day. •
,This Will often bting quick relief;
troin the distrmsilig he*4, noises. •
Clogged ltOstrAls ahottld e
'breathing become easy r Mut the
Immix OOP dropping into • the
throat. It etaf to Prepare., costa
little and pleasant to take. AnY-
One. Who has Catarrhal trouble ef
the OM is hard of hearing or has
head noises should give this pre-
scription trtal.
-Pleasant, Perth Co., .S Oct. 20
PrOntenac Co.. near Kingston Oct, 3
Nov, 1
Oct, 24
'Id. Anton :Or hOOtelfOlit
Art Pliott C.41110* Weliter on
' Cla% 11,106.41E. LiTingetOne. Bab
Iteket., . bonnet and 4 i*Ot" initA 14LT(Ast
J. .41004, WO (Vittters*•;' white,
re**. Tahle ..ventrOPItTe, CV-14:1red* Sweet ,la the °Sodlee:4111tY' 0(114e:::;1.utt 'tell* •
lArezic.-414k ,,,z,41,itturstgeoty Moo*,
holOwO4("1404 00000.414)vderi 'U• 1411' ClitiStianat4 the .11Oti•e Prayer;
1,1?4040114, 0*W* 10**.,1.11°d* Wet)1 * $tUnit Within lts')watts,
' *14:11010.:_14-,4444000.:1-. -
OtiOdott.. cheitte' einhoultred-4404. 4,n014.1.N, Lord, art presnt tbr,
Dorrild. Wier. Afghan, erOeltet, ea,
let ,Livjnptorte, Mrs. Donald FOWler„ ' Within , these walla May pettepNioettno;
T,Itinet set, , three picee '208. Donald May oUr hearts in one agree;
Ifovier, Jas. Curtains, blunt 'Where "brethren meet Ohcist is
finisheti. Donald rp!Aer, found,
Livingitone, Bath ttinamed7-M. may nimee and eebeerd ever, be.
Livingstone, Pair Pillow eases, erabrold- R. za,.
ered-41tMea SherWOod;*. Livingstone,•
Pair' Pillow case*, "other' hand Work... -
George Alton, Livingstone. Tatting
LiVingstone, Milk Donald Fowler.
Pfllet croehet,--,Yantes Sherwood, lk.f.1.41V-
ingstorld, PariAy knittirg, ' in cotton -
Dr, 40M titrieve, LiVingatone. La-
dies' work. Vilered, ten pieces -Mrs.
'Donald Fowler, M. Livingstone, Bed -
1-lelP Us Wrealciten"thaEat, ''PrVer is, the
Christian's vital breath. the Christian's
native air, his Walthword at ,the Wes
Of death; he enters heaven wi rayer."
Amen. James Mo ornery.
room set. 5 pleces--4C. Livingstone, Jas.' '
sberato.,d. Fahey purse, 1.14nd.natde_ teraS3ciSt. itEioSSON FOR -OCT, 21, 1934
_ Cisrletbin PraYee.1
James sherwood, ivr, Livingstone. LaMP
shade, hand -made M. Livingstone,
die. Sheet, fancy, colored border, hand-
made -M. Livingstone. Best apron,
made from :lour sack -T. J. Salkeld. Art
Taken atter nteali.•,!* *
(nisastith Magnesia) overt-010es 01W exeeS4
01 field in the .titoinach* permitting eompiett.
comfortai)le . need tOosufter
the d fat ressing conaeittleneea of ''Aept Otontachl,
Nor is a habit,formIng Laxative iltvirehle
Bituroted Magnesia ,ht the 'Proteetiye *11414
needed. , , Get a Paeitage at Your -1.1caglilselP
In Powder fern), or rablett
• ,
BISMUTH I MAG ESIA 3;*:::::;: •
It's .4 Protective ttfeatnsiiser.
•'NOT ir Laxative
L n Passage -Mathew $1:5.15.
IdelirTestatintlefill-12112:7 closing Of city religious activities. Over
oe We set. in the first verse of this lesson , at Riverdale Park. Toronto, almost eitery
and grit and kept clean,: They should' bet ' , - - .
Well Attended Flliott, Colored luncheon set, •5 Pieces, sdoisoncipltiesndofa Clhi:iisngt pray. who
nu doemasYt as 1, it has be n proved by the Yon Street
that it is taken for .granted that all the '
1 Sunday during the past nineteen years
Mission that summertime is salvatiOn.
)-Mrs.-Mrs. Donald Fowler, Jame.s Sher -
fed heavily on whele cern, the .beet me, 1 . breathe as a living Christian who does time. Many a soul has been mon for
wood. Cross stitch -Ms. J. Brodie, T.
ditun for the fattening *of geese,' and I (Continued from page 6) ' , ,I. Salkeld. not pray. Ai soon as ever Pttul was I Christ and man a b k..slid
er brought
about twb weeks' heavy feeding should ' back to the mercy: seat on a summer
onions -Find Barker, Andrew Schmidt. 4 Judge-misi Jean Lyons.. converted it was said . of him 'sbehold he 1
I .
fit them for market. Twenty-four hours ape gallon. Multiplier onios-Andrew . prayeth."
, • Sunday afternoon with the blazing sun
vesting the „crop 'with all posaible 'haste, -before lkilling geese shotild be starved, Schmidt, Thos. Anderson: One quart VINE ARTS ' its benediction on the (los 1 • ot ,
• From Frontemic comee . the ' t 04 but given plenty of water, etre 'should Pickling onions -Dr. Zehn Grieve, Mrs. Faintin.g in oil, landscape-eM. Living-, tells his
t_ di.L.sciples that theiy.... ,shall not Jesus creep not name anyone when he
carrying as passengers a ,staheart band
„..,,,JfiffEetiplivlia...emtwevag ,t-g-,-b2vttott,„,agao.n4ggc.4h_t,Aksm,,!oav-r:Aesaad5khswDgsojaovLlv'aw-twe'Av"--Yrtv-oc'r'e';'"wogr''w'vk2t6e'a"th'df'*'mfa'iliiPlgr'ingrs;148rOhrpt.'er-!27tPlr3"CSgri.sy•_t1;'VeYt't.he lbe.915-s?Ms;Ventr..1:h124}ancelis. ' lei=neli7",prdObjecWItedked;;ZfOlt
methods being ieCommended; for the 'Barker; George It. "Rtitiedge. Six ears water . color, lendscapo-W Livingstone,
the Same _extent lazt_Year..._ thus indi-
reason that the leathirs, are "partteu. tit1510- ebrn-Andrew Schmidt, Dr, john. Airs, W. Rutherford. Painting, water and pharisees. He tells his disciples first 1 of the motor ' thejt",,,,,1 message has
ler-Meal Its "a lyear -ego. -
eating that the feed problem Ls -not as'
laxly valuable, bringing as much as 60
: ILL. •Carter.
Grieve. Pumpkin -Mrs. J., Brodie, mrs. `,--wior, animal study -m. Livingstone, Dr. where and how they etre not to pray. been proclaimed at ti needs of a sin -
winter squash for John Grieve. Paintingo in oil, flowers- Those whom they were not to imitate sick D 1
-- dert4 per pound. The tressed oirdarried to the throne of
table -Or. John 'leve; Art Culbert. /Dr. John Grieve, Mrs. W. Retherford. ehose tile most public places in- which- . - "P e c
,...,.. 6 '',....,---.- • . . .,..,...-,1,,-..-....--e-• - ----7,-7-77,-.24,-,:a.,---,-,...,,,,„-e-ehetild,..4ie,•-•xubbed...over,,with .-.- si-- -damp, 0.1*...tuni.. ,the_r squash for tablam Al- 1] ti Fine Ares' , 6 pieces -M. Liv-
• . . • _ ... _ _______ .._._ , . _ ___ • . _ •
grace by The -veteran Superintendent of
O. A.. C. -Team Third ..
the mission, John C. Davis.
' cloth and zlet aside to cool. The twelve- toee• Mrs. N. L. t arter. Two watermel-, in t r eve. a nt ng on
, . to pray. Their motive in thts choice was
recent Sunday -afternoon - as -
101 The dairy cdttle.1 judging teara_ of the bird box makes a desirable ma t
, 'Ontafio Agricultural' College placed- ewe: - - • - - - ' -- - - - ,F,IV• •,P?"2k."... ...eli_ .!.771.17,1;•!F.1.1er,4 3...6,t211,,• • ce...9. .g...„,13eltee
; wage. One peck „potatoes, early, white, „ciona„..er,.. „ J.. _sankeidc _Di,,_ John_oatiev.e. noit of the _highest, __It _ was that they , ‘ During,,,,i,
Poster, advertisin: Canadian product- hundreds of visitors to the 'park ' banked
third; only five points behiard the win. • _ . : named -Mrs. IC L. Carter, George K. James Henry, Bert Treleaven. Collec- m ght receive ,
the praise of niin rather
the fence railing, they followeci with rape
ners, among the 16 teams competing in Canadian wool /Weiland . 1 Rutledge. Cele peck potatoes, late, tion Basketry, Reed Worl.--4. .Leish... than to have an •audience with God.
attention the open air service, jointty; in
'the Interecollegrate •iiidgirig -competition . - white, named --,Mel: Culbert,- T., J. Sal- man, Dr. Item Grieve, _Best colle'ction They were not to use vain repitition,
sane of the most encouraging factors M.
thinking therby to be heard for.
•t the the Wiftterleo Dairy Congress. , Corn- in' so- far as Canadian *wools are con- were many in the park congregation who
keld . One peck potatoes late red nam- of Relics or . Curios -Mel Culbert, ,. oyeios7-Perchance'there
ell IniiversitycwaS' first - ' and Tennessee i ternee is -the increasing use of Canadian -Dr, John Grieve, M
..ed Mel. Ctilbert. TW ' b .11 ' 1
or s . uNn c Le!. ccaer :sr; Livingstone, much speaking as in the case of Baars
seldom finci it •In there hearts to attend
• 1 wools by , Canadian manufacturers. Two heads cauliflOwer-Mrs. Judges -Ms. Jean Williams, Mrss E. from morning even until noon, saying,
• 'priests, who ecalled on the name Of Baal
seeemd,- •
divine worehni . within the walle_cr„..a,
......, _ mte-_0,kttario---tearn--conSiste'd...0f.A,„„,a ....w.eu2vazia...waiiiv....ivii,eitivi_.&.6.6.pe.,..iii___..ti.r.._ ..wis ....itio.iii.........6.6c.n..ge_ K...iil-i...it• .i.Z.
Y ehureh. "Jesus Saves" was the message
egere. 'Elliott ". - - ---• ---- - •-e- - .. , _ .... ..._ .. , _. • .
twely consigned for' 'official grading Fred Barker. Six parsnios-Fred Bark- •
.-0' Beet -hear US."- 'rait- repititidas the
flaunted by a placarted ClosPel motor.
McTaggart„ .4oine R. 'I'. Jefferson, Mal- i
ton:. -.T.*A. Ditirmypie, SmithVMe. and W.: fro_
m producers' shtpments, •or whether er, -Andrew Sehmidt. `‘Collection of gar- ,li&ECTALS - were, for "Were was no voice, nor
that anewered." i . ngs • -:nt "Jesus Saves" was the message flung out
A. Pfitir,-Weodste'ck,,O31"fOuttheeear An- graded by wool brokers, are in steady : (len vegetables -,Mrs. N. L. Carter, Feed
. _ .eriumphafigtly and with an exuberance of
George--E.:Raithby. or the Atilinal Hug- ' .
ments. There are stile some lots of woel I Best halter -broken colt by child at- donned- was the-ntaking a mere-lipfttbor,
ent of the Mission. "Jesus Save.s" was luadneh; ofTheany_follozinfiy litanoldedis nT an e.xit.
, dellts---1•Thex-- were -ceaebed ---137----reL cieWa.1. 'rid- itie AmmetTiate-TTnili" ':' ieq______i_Barher; -Wilfred -Drennan: - ---! ----- 'School Children--Divisiori fault that Jesus here reproved and t on -
Christian gladness by the Stipeekerid- 111/4-- - - - le- a4c
"re 1, jud.ge-b. -C. "McMoran, tucknow. • .
The tetun termed second In Holstein Over from low -Price years. These will. Spies -Lorne Woods, ' James Stirling. g ' g ' woman. who eorisecrutes her song -gift demonstrates only the 70 nibn finesse
bandry ',Department. • • , •
in farmers', _hantle-lea-Vii.- been held - - FRUITS-- , • -tending sehoole:--Bernaderie . Altole Bea- of the duty of prayer," the service of the
the message sung by the soloists -one a
Judging, fourth in Jerseys, siirth In Ayr- Balciwins----4ames Stirling, Lorne pur- to the service of the mission., and the For- persons learning the game -count
eon Feagan. Best tall fed _and exhibited 'tongue' for that of the -soul. In the days
likely be marketed ,he 1934, if present by school 'child -George VNbster. Phyl- In the Boot of he writes: the tricks when -you pick up your hand.
Brown Swiss. InclividuaIlse Mr. Vim- . p ion -conditions :have intre • d hbme Stirling, 'Lorne Woode. Talnaan Sweet-, , through the ministry of `the Yon ge St. don't be afraid to make a flnesse or lose
shires', *ninth lit'Cinernseine -mid trnith in :
other -a young man. who testifies that,
Prices are intained. • In addition, de- - 'King of Tompkins County -James
by child_ at school ---Annie Taylor, willa House of God, and be more ready to hear
lis Blake. Best lamb fed and exhibited "Keep thy Riot 'when thou goest to the
Taggart 'we's fourth ta the whole com- i spinning and Ng:- • ,
Lorne 'Woods James Stirling; Canada Irvine. Best pair , rabbits under, 6 v • ! Mission he experienced the joy of hav- a trick or two trying to set up a suit:
' vn'i Y._, ' textile •• handicrafts, relieying the Cana- 'of weed seeds, named -Jack Alton, Phyl- I ,. Expert players have frequently had eight
Jefferson waseelfth in juagying an lire. ells clian market of front five to six million .1 And the Multitude hungrily following solid trieks on _a contract to make nine
=vulg. as well as --other Red --James Stirling. Lorne Woods.
__ _ . • • , months -Harold Elliott. Best -collection
Gelden Russet -T. J. Salkeld, pis Blake, Mary Feegan. Largest and not rash with - thy mouth; and let
and ninth in Ayishires. Dalrymple was pounds 'of Wool per annam. Anderson. Wagner -Thomas Anderson, best collection of girls' sewing, under 14 thine heart be hasty to utter anything I
dimple service were fed liberally with and have gone down perhaps louver five
1.1°t ' in been b
Ontario --"James Stirling, Lorne Woods.
third in Ayrshire judging. •Lorne 'Woods. Russet -James Stirling, 'years -Margaret Salkeld. Best sewing
- - before G•od: for God is In heaven,
portions of the Scripture. Chapters from
Lorne Wciods. Rhode Island Greening- by girl under 15 years -Mary Salkeld, thou upon earth: therefore let thy words!
the Cloeperl of St. John were recited from
- • When to' Apply Lined . Fred Market, .Jas. Stirling. Cranberry .
Dorine Ireine. - Best dressed doll by girl be few (5:1,2)." The same thing is found i
memory by two young women, who re -
A test of the still thould be made to Piplein-James , Stirling. Loilie Woods. In Hosea 14:2, when the prophet exhorts!
ceived as en award a Bible and a crisp
under '14 years -Margaret Salkeld, Iris,
14 years -Winnie Swan, 'Margaret Sal- Israel to return with the Lord their `God :
new dollar bill. But one instinctively
make sure that it requires lime. If the •Mantotli Red-H.yarries Stirling, Lorne Rivett. Best icentrepiece by girl. under
Woods. Mann .---Iii:mes Stirling, Lorne take
e , awwitahyyoaurlmwtgohrtyds aaincildsayrecu:itove hi:. ,
* 'MIDDLE AGE c• the question 'when to apply lime might smiling; experience.d in committhig to memory
. •-
soil provee to be atitl-then the answer Ur felt that the greeter reward had been
Woods. Stark -Lorne Woods, James keld. 'Beet collection of wild flowers, and graciously; so we will render the calves
Ben Davis -James Stirling, Masts -Myth Rutherford, ' Lorraine .
. ........ I bet .pattietilarly of benefit to legnmes... winter, five of each -Lorne Woods-tas. Harry -Fenton. 'Best woodwork by boy to be few, considerate, and well -weighed
(fruit) of our lips." Theee words were !
a worker, freely punctuated with the N 4 K 8.
be "when you have time." Lime is for,, Lorne *Woods. :pewaukee-Lorne Woods, Dreraliere. 'Best map of Canada by these precious Passagee 'of Scripture. A 6 in n 7 el .
1 the benefit of aII-*rops in the rotation. ; Zamea stirting. Pour named varieties, , dialogue between the Superintendent and
child tinder 14 years-Doeis Wilkinspn,
-Clayton Alton, ',William Ffumphrey, ed for much .,, 105. 4 2
. w
Wilfred Drennan. ft ibston Pippin,- Hareld mmnpluty. Best bird house- the i
s • ; ,..‘, 9 7.
1 sites egetable Gm_ . The best time Is litissibly just before Stirling. Wolfe • River -James Stirling, recitation of verses from the Word of 01(4 6 5. E , r J 9 7 4,2
1 Pinkh
sowing a grain crop that is seeded 'down
Agnes Led -nor. speaking "for your Father knoweth what '
Ye 'ask God, presented to the outdOcr congrecn-* 4. K 8! . 4 J•LO 9 2
•,____ • ounce Pippin -Lorne Woods. W'ealthy- 1 things ye have need of, before
him." Therefore there is no occasion for tion the meaning of the Gospel and the
• T(eIrsd. 91'1` Zeltallfir41.*Ot with alfalfa or clovers. ' Liming haul Lorne 'Woods, James Stirling. Twenty -
James -Stirling, Lorne Woods. Five sum- So far is God frqrn being wrought upon ,
made bY the Superintendeht to those who pass:, ,,A KAIL. 8 5 3.
Plss 1 Diam )nd
is a1 ess-Rithard Johnston, - Lorne Woods. vain repititions. But it does. not follow !
that there is nO* meed for prayer. The '
vice concluded with the distribution of
plowed for fall wheat which is to power Of God unto salvation. The ser-
ILIDIA E,. PINKNAM'S seeded with clerver in the spring "c : T. J. Salkeld, Wilfred Drennan,. Duch-
! Scriptures arid tracts, and as members
Lirne is not a 'fertilizer, but simply men- I helm 'Pippin --James Stirling, Lorne God we pray to, Jesus tells us, is our
cf the congregation crowded about the EAST -DEALER.
'VEGETABLE 'COMPOIND ccrovenient and satisfactory practice. Holland Pippin --Andrew Schmidt. Blen-
taalizes tele acidity of the soil and should., Woods. Crab apple -George Alton., Father and as children lay their case .
Contract Bridge
(By Phil. Carey)
This being the twelfth of a sales of
articles appea.ring on Bridge, it would
perhaps be fitting to deal for a shert
Thelifeie*M4g$141re,,ientilii&V*Yet avAlimg
namely the play of a. hand. For the
benefit of readers who may be following
these articles,' I would like to state that
Bidding is very important, but $t can be ,
learned and -it Ls surprising the number
"of peo-Pre Tfh-.5 -ercceir-at•th-N partletilur -
phase of the game, 'but the real expert
is the persoa who tnakes the most out
of tol.i_hand. would venture to, 61IY -
that one or two expert players playing
duplicate would make- an average of 1
trick more than anyohe else on the same
han-ds. Endplays,- squeezes, -coups, are -
some of the terms used, and it is almost
uncanny the way some contracts are
/At these &mita/Wad periods
,sa wouran need* * medicine
she, ain depend ow. Thee
why so man take ibycEit E.
tricks on the off chance of making their
contract. Don't be afraid of being set
if there is, the faintept chance of fulfil-
-ling the bid and don't try for extra tricks
if you are going to jeopardize your co -
ee A 6.
go •
elesiMpeemilsoliMinfteximomM1111111 . and their requests before our earthly i
platform of the Gospel car there were NORTH -SOUTH -VULNERABLE.
ing the preparation air a Seed bed to be- , fall, five of each -Lorne Woods, James father, therefore it becomes his children
! Anglo-SaiOn:-Aerio sought the 'Bible 14-I
be thoroughly worked into the soil dur- Lorne Woods. Three named varieties, , those of .. other nationalities than the _The bidding :
' come .efticient. It "is -poor business to ' Stirling. Three named varieties pears-- il tO seek his presence and his help.
° their own native tongue. An appeal was F as pass ,- W. 11.
_ E. s.
'FIS. -Hydro Store . ferm land that Is lacking in lime and Th,er
strongly acid hi reaction. The prochic- -' :Pears, nun:zed-James Stirlini
: Five fall oe.ars. named -Andrew by the length or the language of your
prayers, that the niost powerful inter -
know not Christ as a personal Saviour. pass
, As has been frequently experienced dur- 1 Heart 1 Spade" 3 ClAbs
„ 6 Hearts
becomes acid. Correeting this condition' pears. named -Lorne Woods, Thos. An- cessions, St.. Paul tells us are those which
are made vvith grOanings that cannot be '
ng the open-air services held on street, Pass pass
Pass. 5 Hearts Pass
tive power of the Boll Is reduced when it; Edizradt, James Stirling. Five winter 3 Hearts Pass 4 N T
with the use of ground limestone in- I derson. -Orie mimed variety plums- uttered (Romans 8:26.
earners neighboring with the mission
creases ,the efficiency of the manures . Lorne Woods, Collection of grapes -T, Jesus tells his disciples that both
Sunday evenings, men and wemen also The' bidding was perhapi a little owl;
Quick, Clean, EcinicHnical and fertilizers applied and therefore ' J. Salke1d. Lorne Durnin. those who pray in public places. using
have made a .definite decision for Christ naitic. 31V:PL oes:ned with'. a FM all
of crop producticm. .
contributes to the cutting down of costs.,
i Collection. of Phloxes, Drunknondi-
pray, realizing only the presence of God.
vain repititions and those who really
have proved that summertim
onge, Street Mission pen -air Services
also spade, whieh declarer won in the cloaed
novv led to he ace in Dummy. West
hand' with the ase A small Heart %Nei
at the Riverdale Park service Yes, the
I Dr, John Grieve, Mrs. W. H. Trembly. will have their reward. The former did
It .. Branch Plowing 'Matches dropping .the 10. The 6 of Hearts' W15
1' 1 I Calection of marigold -Fred Barker, T. it to be seen of men: The "well-done"
be salvation thne-a, season eforar may
Branch Place of men was their chief concern. But
• ... retalued from Dummy, East playing
Date kj,_saikeiti_Geianiu
e a
, Ontario, N., Sanford Oct. 15j bloom -Fred Barker, Richard Johnston.
Leeds Co., Seeley's Buy. . . Oct. 16 : Foliage, plant --Dr. John Grieve, Mel
Culbert. Cattua, three varieties, named
Muskoka• District; 'Bratebridge .... Oct. 16 I
-Fred 'Barker. Table bouquet -T. J.
Rtissell Co., Russell.... - Oet 161 Salkeld, Thomas Blake. Basket of An -
Zit' Nations Indian, Obsvitsicen Oct. 16 i
1 nuals--Pred 'Barker, Mrs:- W. It Trem-
"Victoria Co., Ornemee ... Oct. 16 '
I bly. Collection of Asters -T. J, Sal -
Brant Co., Sour Spring Md., ° ! keld, Fred Barker. Colleetion of Dab -
Brantford Oct. 17 i lias-Fred Barker, Bert Treleaven. Col -
,Bruce S., Walkerton Oct,. 17 kction of Gladioli -T. J. Salkeld, Fred
iDundas West, Mountain. Oct. 17 ! Barker. Collection of House Plants, five
ll'gremont TO., Holstein Oct. 17 r varieties -Fred Berker. Tuberous Be-
gonia, In bloom -Fred Barker, Collec- 1
Lambton Co., Inwood Oct. 17
oct. 17 i tion of Zinnias -W. A. Culbert, Mrs. W.
Logan, Perth Co.
H. Trembly. C011ection of Stocis-Fred
llorrrranby Tp., Ayton. bet. 17 1
Oct.” ! Barker, Dr. John Grieve. Ten varieties
Ontario 8., TP, V. Whitby - ..,b 1' ' rut flowers, nanted-Fred Barker, Dr. J.
Orillia,' Simcoe Co. . Ga. 17, Grieve. Table deCoration-prect Barker,
Puslineh, Wellington Co. 'Oct. 17 !,Mrs. W. H. Trembly. Special -Best
lianti CO..._Welland _ ..... _. Oct. 17_a_colleckloh_nt Cutilowera, Annuals, prize
Oct. 18 hv Dr. Vokes-,--Sam Alton, W. A:Cul-
Halton Co., Hornby -
„. ilinon, -Brussels . ., , .
pct. 18 bert.
Judg'es-Mrs. Jean 'Williams, Miss E.
Kent CO., -Dover Tp: Oct. 113 '
Elliott. .
'Eastern Counties • LitlfilES' WORK
. Oct. 18 . Quilt, fancy quilting -Dr. John Grieve.
'See the &play a various Oct. 18 Leonard Webster. Quilt, applique -M.
Oct la Livingstone,' Dr.. John Grieve. Quilt,
*Oh% and sseetkes at ,
oct.,19 'Pieced. print -'t J. Salkeld, Art Culbert.
. ,.. Bedspread, fancy -M. Livingstone, Dr.
The Ilydro Store N. Dumfries, Waterloo, Co. .Oct.
Wellesley Tp., Crosshill Oct. zu
4.,,,, John Grieve. Ploor Mat, hooked -M.
Oc-r Livingstone, Dr. Jolin Grieve. Floo'r
GOPERItil Derby Tp., West of Owen; Sound, Oct. 23.: ,/ritli, crothet---Dr. John Orieve. Meed]-
. -
Wentworth,* 'N., W: Plamboro Oct. 23 .pott it wobl-M. Livingstone. Three-
Xorfollt Par_aijneme94.. 24,....1400....4et_tilk..imderwear.'ItandAtuid&z..-
Verth- bo., near Stratford .: Oet., 24 3ames Sherwood. Housedress, smart,
Sttlityan Tp,, Desbote Oet. 24 s, new Idea -Mrs. Archie Patterson, T. J.
Hureil, BrUssel.1 .... . ,. - Oct. 18 Salkeld. Cuff and collar set, Madeiritt,
naldiroand CO.0 Caledionia- Oct. 25 faticY, not crochet -Mrs. Donald Fowler,
.. ..*„. .
'Last year, .engineers engaged by the
altalia.n authorities, completed the gigan-
tic task of draining and laying out the
re-claimed land of the one-tLme Pontine
Students al Italian social history could
tell. one with great accuracy Just how far
and with what result the malignant in-
fluenza of the ill -famed marshes extend-
ed formally.
In the ,past periods. several attempts
have been made to drain this death-
trap without success; althoUgh an off -set
to the poisonous mists and vapors, which
arose from the diitrict, was. found by the
planting of several groves of eucalyptus
Mussolini, ..on coming into power, de-
cided' that if time was allcrwed hira, one
of his major works would be to rid Rome
of the menace of illness and death excer-
cised by the marshes and their malaria -
burdened mists"
Last year the extensive work was com-
pleted to the great satisfaction of Mus-
solini. •
those who in humility and sincerity ap-
proach the throne of grace will zleceive vest:
the Master's commendation.
Because, we know not *hat to pray DE VALERA JEALOUS OF
for as we ought -Jesus gave to the dis- P ENNETT
ciples a prayer- known to the Christian
• 1
lok. The success of the contact now
hinges on declarer's play The 8 spot
of Hearts has got to ,be finessed. If
West holds the Jerk and wins the trek
the contract can still be made, where is
if there ,are five heiiits In the Mast 4hosrl
and declarer plays the Queen, ttie er;•••
tract will be defeated. It is a two ef
providirg against the ,4;orqt, possible d..,-
Pfantaganet, Pendleton
St. Vindent Meaford
Bruce, N., 'Bruce Tp.
Peel Co., Toronto Gore Tp.
the HAM: -11,1;411- far' -11411t.
Lug. . They are girmiut.."
The two evident results accruing froin.
this major scheme are the tremendous
reductions of the death rate or the citi-
zens resident on .the marsh bOrderS, and
the fine harvest that recently was gather-
ed off the reclaimed land. -According to
a report sent out at the beginning of
September, some 111,630 acres was sown
last spring with cereals and yielded over
seven thousand live hundred tons in
Such recla.maticm figures are badeed
In the nature of a social triumph.
. Prompt Rale from
Don't let. stomach trOubles spoil
the enjoyment and benefit of your
meals. KIRK'S STOMALKA gives
almost instant relief -from Indiges-
tion, Pains after eting, Bloating,
Belching, Heartburn, Dysgepsia. etc.
An 'alkaline remedy in liquid form, it
tones up the stomach tyith amazing
easy to take. Get IRE'S
world as, The Lord's Prayer. He directs
(Belfast Telegraph)
. ,
their eyes upward. God is not only a Mrde Valera is reported to be an-
Father but a Heavenly Father and there-
noyed becatise the British dethe League of Nations haye not supported to
fore rot only willing, but able to help: his claims to office in Connection with
able to do great things for us, more than that body. He has been hoping to be -
we tan ask or think. He is a Father, come either a chairman Of a Commiasion
and so we may come to Him with bold- or president of the As.emblybut none
ness, but a Father in heaven, and there- of these honors hai_eome 1116 way Two
fore we must come with reverence and years ago. with the aid of, British votes,
o hallow His name, he was elected President of Ur, Council
There are six petitions in this prayer. 'Mat apparently did not satisfy him. al-
e '
the first three relating more immediate/ though the Free State is eilv ns :1
-fifty-seven eount ries repre.-ented---irr-ehe-
ly to .God and His hicrior, -the three last
League. On this occasion we learn on
the authRrity of thr Daily Herald that
the Commonwealth honors have been re- $2.00 • $2.50 $3.00 a
served for Mr. Bennett. the Canadiaa-
Premier.• and .the Aea Khan. 0. -ed „55 a
result of being paseed over Mr de Valera
was an annoyed that he refused to attend
the dinner given laat niaht by the United
Kingdom delegation to' the Commen-
wealth delegates becausr he felt that he
ghaatdesbeewnrivsn,luthithneued hhee ftehel hpu-ritehdno
ttby anlv.
thing the British reeresentatives choale
, do? Ile is nOi a simians:ter )1* tho 13*.itish
• WORLD !HURONS.°CominonweaIth, and 'has. frankly declared
stnittn-We pro
Summer time is salvation time despite claim a Republic of Ireland.
the prevailing impression that evengel-
Ism is likely to lose its fervor with the
to our own concerns, both the temporal
and the spiritual., The method of' this
prayer teaches us to seek first the king-
dom of God and his righteousness. and
then to hope and believe that • other
things shall be added.
The conclusion is a form of praise
and thanksgiveness. Praise. As the work
and happiness of heaven: and ell that
would go to heaven hereafter, must be-
gin their heaven now. (Henry's Bible).
-101,,,,,,001.114000m00. ,
04 r
51,50 51.15 5200.
:"7 1 '
Sac and 60e t 4
()miler • • etle. 65c. ti 00
- roitoPeri, #2r
• Wyrio,lo, ;carte, a
Hemorrhoids (Plies)
'Caused By Constipation
There' are few complainta more
' conneon than hemorrhoids, eommonly
called piles, and scarcely any which
cause moro trouble, annoyaneo and
The ohiof values of piles- are ton--
stipation, sttaining at stool, and the
use of drastic purgatives.
A mild laxative will do as mugs
to correct this trouble col anything
else, and this you will flrid Itt
Ifilburn 'e LAxa-Livor Pills. They
---arii .sinalLAugiroo3,9y144,-Icilt‘nand
not .s3ipe, weaken. or sicken.
, POt vp_ouly by The TV
.alburn to., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.