HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-11, Page 5�xu . 11 *s** 1 `' res1414, .#tf . buck inh.at ,. i *raexi ;;a1 the. day 'in tits rection at pu.nt. fir,' t't Mr'& Spencer; stn. 4uld o u then Nett Sunday With 'Whet' lit , Mr. and Mb's. Wm, • bert0A.. • , . We art giact tp ,See, 'LMsster garold . Ribbert,able to be Out at I* r •1Kid- lhother's< fora fefv .days,;' . Mr, NNIthi. J Andrew, • 0t Goderich Is assisting his son, Mr. Amos ..may In -. he .fedi word, at present... Miss Margaret Jackson, -.4f Toronto, spent ,theThanksgiving'holiday at the home of her brother,;' :Mr, Jas. Jaclyn... Mr. and . Wm. Strauser, of Seb- �. ringville, were guests of Mrs, R. D. Munro 'on sday of this week. Mr. and Mrs, Cleo. Bean and . sobs, ?vali ""and -Maurice, motored to° Toronto' to spend the week=end holiday with r- latives in that city. crus ill with typhoid fever 09401 Pita, Little whip Bogie, 'three+yeare alai ehihi of Mx,. andG'Mra. Harold: lite. was give,: ,n serum s�•>I��`e:'a'ution, stRsinYG inr ut+ue' p.ra sis ' ou. Mohday. 4y;, DP. Wei : at}d sakes.' °4t let re . she ofy, ,w �•�. �..,. �.r_. �.. .,I •'Mr, and, < Mrs. ' °itters014 and 000 - tem, of "r'o gnto, spelt Tbank g*vhng at, tae; bomit 01" Dry, 8 C; 'Weir. ` Miss Martha • rat is ° eat . for ratters= . a nine' time with V a, Wer. • Annixez sa ';services at KiwiUnited church` W well ,,,trended, Kiev,. l'.' 'M Camas of London, gave tiro a*cellent , addresse& and Choir was. assisted. by P. ,Mcltwalrl of c�arloW, and . Cottle, 'more 011.Whi hi h,j xentileredf' good music. The st,I s by Mot Cuttlemere were enjoyed h > , Miss Helen Murr4l and friends, of Toronto, were guests over the week -end of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Roberton. - The mot thl�imeetim of the Women's Institute' .'was *held, in 'the hall on Tues- day of this week When. Mrs. Gordon Bissett gave a splendid paper on "Not- able 'Women : '0!spanada . '1' fisc Edythe Stoltz rendered solo., Just at the opening of the meeting while Mrs. R. 3. Phillips was coming on the platform to play' the 'plants Totetlie zipening .ode, Mrs. Mortimore ascended the, platform. from the front and played a few bars of the Wedding March. as a welcome to Mrs. Phillips, ' ho, was married sinceothef Sep - Mrs re Tae t4 Mr. and Mrs. Win• Mayhew and son, Leslie, of 'i`iiamesville, visited with the lady's brothers, ,Messrs. C. M. and . Wm. Straughan, over Sunday, The Caroline Jubilee Singers are ex- pected' to give a concert in the Forrest- ers' Hall on Saturday evening, October 13th, Mr. and Mrs. Ejenkins and son, of and Miss M. Jenkins, of Clinton, visited relatives herelast Sabbath. • Several from here attended the fun- eral of the late Rev. Wrn. Conway, of _-.:Woodstoek:.'.s Internunit"'wrill"'at St:Rt'7args 1 on Wednesday. 7Vlr * Fred Adams, who has been in this section for the past couple of months, returned to his home in Toronto the first of this week. Miss Eleanor . Wilson, who was a cons - palter in the Huron Co. Achievement_, Day held at Seaforth last Saturday, was successful In winning , several _prizes on, - canned vegetables, patchwork quilt, etc. Thi +••'n little sons of Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Merriman are with their grandfath- er, Mr. D. Bockhart, as Mrs. Merriman G. C. I. EXECUTIVE MEETS HaUowerem ' Part -- First _Social 'vett: Three' "Lits" Arranged The Executive held their first meeting, Tuesday, October 2nd. 1 ffss•'MS'N.S tighton and Mr. D. I. Hill were selected to represent the staff on the Executive. Miss Tean'R.obertson, Albert Baker and Keith Gray were chosen as journal edi- tors. , The first social event will be a Hallow- e'en Party on October 26th. There will be three `Zits" on November 9th, 23rd staff ,Decerriber 7th, respectively. r } MEATS FOR CA!5H7 . Young Steer and . Heifer .BEEF Round Steak • . 14c Sirloin Steak . , 17c Wing Steaks . 15c Porter House Steaks. , ... • 1hc' Hamburg Steak . , , 10c or 2 lbs. for 15c Lean Pot Roast 9e Shoulder Roast • 12c Rib Boil 2 lbs, for 15c Extra Special.. SPRING LAMB Breast to stew or bake, lb.. 9c Legs lb, 17c Shoulder Roast lb. 14c Front Quarter, lb. . (rolled free) Lamb -Chops lb. ' 15c off shoulder Rib or 'Loin Chops lb. 2 lbs for 35c Chace "Potatoes ..'.....:.... 50c bag Combination Specials 1-2 lb. Pork Sausage 1 1 lb. Pork Sausuge) �OC 1• lb. Liver for - (CAL 1 tin Tomato Juicel SANITARY MEAT MARKET Phone ••185. THOS. LEGG. Hamilton Street. � mom �' .. GOD+ S�1 Other Raz, te, 'THE R. L SE RED . RING AZOZ:w THE mt REE. FEATuats 1 6 A,u3onn:alM�+sr 'ctr:-inito>rxir,g of httado. ° 2.--KoroMeter Adautat- .anent...).—Magnetic pi4Fk up, _ • 2 Models MadeY. W $1,75 . Model B. 8, $2 50 • Ifo att>factl!Vt asea A real Ertgllsil urod.uc+r—' Mae* for 2 c Tom o> Ole 'Foca PBELL .22 The Square GQDEaVC t ' sono" 90 Council . Listeiis To More HydroCharges (Continued_ from page 1) Oat his door,was heard next.. He was in no mood to starrd more of the nuisance and after his recital of the ,facts it ap- peared that no one blamed him xery much for feeling annoyed. All sorts of filth- and rubbish has beep dumped close enough to ruin the air about and the water in his well: ` A sample of this was • supplied and was nauseating. The to efil e Th i c` rorn s�e�d� t� - ve ccminittee would do something about it. Mr Sh d would take action over the matter if not attended to. '-iii--for 'building permits were' received from M. W. Howell, W, J. Jtphnston,-Jas. C. Carrie, Mrs. J. Giou- sher, E. Buchanan, O. E. Fleming, Wm. Farr and M. Kennedy. These all cov- ejd small . repairs to buildings. The Board of .Trade wrote asking that the council give consideration to the suggestion of an . Old _Boys' Re -union week in 1935 It, was_ refexr_ d to the. special committee. The Goderich Salt , Co. wrote regard- ing the flooring in the shed used by them on the wharf. The Boor, it was 1 "s a e pub c works ear own left vowing that he claimed; had broken hi places. The council was advised that this matter had 'already been fixed. An' official notice was read -fro;lrt the __Liquor Control Board regarding the new closing hours of beverage rooms. The city clerk of Sarnia forwarded a motion of 'that 'body risking that all relief in the Province be cared for through a' new income tax to be levied by the province. It was handed, over to the finance com- mittee. The fire department requested boots and coats for the men. The committee will .consider it. , The tax collector reported that taxes to the amount of $10,454.18 had been collected since date of last report, Como. Harkins"' and Seab ooke were e fnuc'b" ' agitated over the fact that the special bylav� by means of 'which the assessment of the Goderich Elevatof Company had been fixed at $100,000 'had not been renewed, They felt that great negligence had been shown by someone and that ..the town's interests were not being looked after. It took some minutes to explain. that the bylaw was an advantage to the Com, pany and not to the' town and that the loser, if any, by the neglect, was " the Company. 'iiie 'matter of printing -of. -the- vvot lists was left to ,the finance committed with power to act. The 'meeting adjourned to meet again at 11 p.m. on Tuesday to consider the eat ers convne MacKay '> ►Li '4, .' M. , Corili rb , do- ts Mario omoluttono Atltead. The 'Teaehem, Institute ;of East and! West Huron . held 14 Joint .of In ;M'steKay f afl '00derich, on1i ►. October 5th. About 250 teachers ere present: The West ' Huron president, Mr. ; M Keeler' of Dashwood* 'pressided. in the morning and Mr. 11 M. Shackle- ton of Mount rorest, in the, afternoon, The, morning' session, was opened by Rev. W. F. Lane, ''with Scripture reading. and prayer, Tn the absence Of Mayor C. C. Lee through illness, Reeve B. C. Munnings, o' behalf of the mayor' and the people of Ooderich, extended a heaity 'welcome to the teaehers. -Ha 1 commended them on. their noble 'calling and hoped that the convention would lie inspiring and beneficial. matter of the.Collegiate Institute and Dr. J. M. Field gav the librarians report for East Huron find Mr. J. E. Its proposed reduction in status. II . Smith of Goderich for West Huron, In -was assumed that Couns Humber, the West Huron sixty-two (books had been sponsor of this motion, would then be home. After some discussion it was left as understood that the meeting would not take place unless a full turnout o1 members. of . thecouncil was resent._ Committee Reports Among other things the finance comp mittee reported that they had examined the statenient of the receipts and ex. pendltures•-of--Otho-.. Park-•-House--from -Ito date of purchase until December 30th, 933T -and -that--their-.-recommends that- it be received and filed. They recommended that $200 be paid to the Library Board on their grant and that the request of the Goderich Salt Co. that remittances on the town grant for power be paid direct be acceded to. It was reported that a joint meeting -of the Tawnsh1 of`" Ashfield; the Town of .Kincardine and the Town of °ode• Bich, .had been field in Goderich and that it bad been - decided unanimously -to- convert all .of -the present holdings Oi Victory Bands amounting to $135,000, ?art of the sinking fund to care for iaturittes of the Qntario West Shells Railway,, into 'the new 311 Dominion Government there wash h but at the same ' circulated in the year. At this juncture some 'announcements Were tirade by the secretaries. , Mr: Z. C. Beacom ex Paine to cl explained the teachers to be taken' later. Dr. J.4.M. Field re- , quested his teachers to write him in regard to' tiny new educational ideas they saw on their visit to other schools. -- The_ president. --in - a capable manner,- -gave anner -gave a fine address on "The -'Phe Importance«--. of .Educations.. I ie . emphs4slzesi arttc ter building and not just learning the ordinary subjects. Human development was essential. There should be equal opportunities for all. In rural areas this could be best advanced by consoli- dated schools. There should be a bal- anced education, physical, mental and_ Moral. In his final remarks he said, If we want world peace we must teach children to respect and honor one an- other," M r:. H. _ C.- Beacom introduced .Prof. G. M. 'Cornish of the Ontario College 6t.j Education, who_ gave the teachers a very instructive address on the teaching ! of geography. Throughout his discourse I refunding bonds maturing mac humor in 11]49. If impossible to get the 1943 time he pointed out some ways of defer- issue 'it was decided td accept the 21,, 'Per cent. issue of 1939: McLeod, Young and Weir was to handle the i§sue. The special committee 'decided to re- commend that a tax .be placed • on out-' side photographers for the protection of Mr Trussler, a protection . the latter had asked some time ago, There was once a wealthy recluse who kept his fortune in ten thousand dollar bills, but when he married his wife changed _all_ that. .. • Requisite en. the Farm.—Every farmer and stock -raiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrfc Oil on hand, not eely as a ready remedy for ills in the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of •gnat potency. As a substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattle affe-tett by colic it far -surpasses anything that can be administered., tive teaching in geography and oth subjects. He thought there' was too much logic in these lessons and not enough Interest to arouse children to think and get new ideas. He believed in teaching by topics and by so doles +'ould bring in the less interesting, but these must be carefully arranged. Mr. Mervin Stephens gave a demon- stration lesson on "Picture Study." which was well done and interesting to all. He had a class of eight girls from the second book who answered his quej- tions well. At this time Miss Margaret Pentland rendered ewe solos in fine style. A detailed Outline of the summer course on "New Methods in Health Teaching" was given by Miss M. E. Fi- lis. Su esti fnwen on ate Ccleanliness, how to handle cextain', kind of children, and finally the best ways to re 1 1 r 11111111111111111111111111 Watch the 4 IN 1 SPECIAL 1 LANCASTER BROS., LIMITED, "` taneaste'r >111 'g; 'forontto' Please enter my order for . ..... ENGINEER TO INSPECT DISCOVERIES! for or your windows duringLbs • taii. cMeauin season, we.would '-like to show you the many new lines of Tuscan: Net and' coarse Cotton Net -Curtains Fancy Marquisette and cotton .. Nets by the yard .. - and 50 -Inch Sn-fast Silk Drams; in cotors. English- Cretonnes and Chiiitz in attractive Patterns. 4 i Phone 86 Hibbert The Cash Store create good health habits. Posters were exhibited to show how children repro- duced the thought of the lesson by drawings. In health work the Idea was to create a spirit in the child that would -make- him happy and interested in being healthy. Afternoon Session The afternoon session was opened by the president of East Huron. In .his ad - : dress he referred to the wonderful in- fluence of the teacher. Though his re- : marks were few they were very much to e point:- , Mr. A. R. Dodds gave an interesting report of the meeting of the Ontario , Education Association 'held in Toronto at Easter. In a pleasing manner miss' V Fraser talked for a few minutes on singing t She advised the tonic, sol,• fa, because ycu could get ,pitch and encourage thu monotone. In tone produetlon It wa I necessary to eget a clear, sweet voice The'' three gongs which were then sung unaccompanied by fourteen of the Clin- ton public school children under the guidance of Miss Fraser, were much ap, predated. They certainly did credit to themselves and to their instructor. Prof. 0 M. Cornish continued from his morning address by citing. method'. of teaching a lessen., First, "dictation methods nct of much value S S'concl "book method"—requires some thought —a little better than first. Third, "question and answer met od:" this school and Miss Wtnnifred Rae, Bel - grave; Miss M; Ingles, Belgrave ; Mise Pauline Robinson. 's • Auditors -.Miss. Curtes, Clinton ; Miss V. Fraser,- Clinton. Delegate to 0.E:A.—Mr. P., Moffatt. Seaforth. fl1 Ittcsolut .cis . The following resolutions were adopted and carried: 1. Be it resolved, that there be pro- vision made in our Normal Schools for additional training in the work of rural schools, _ - -- 2. Be it resolved, that there be more questions of the objective type which can be answered in shorter time but serving the same testing purposes as tai longer essay types. After the inspectors' remarks with r•- gard to the new register and atter;:;- ance reports, etc.. once again a succe,-a- ful convention was• brought to a close e, the singing of the National Anthem. R. STONEHOUSE: Sec'y, West GEO. Jest iseatSON, Sec'y, East Hur: t • TEACHING OF AGRICULTURE IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS ' Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of A t- i rat ulttire, is reported to have told the Young Men's .Canadian Q,jtib, that he t; using to have scientific agriculture tatteh I 1-1 the r,hc;ols of this province. In other words, he will have that subject adds,' to the curriculum of Ontario Schools, He essays to ha 'e • 11.11111111111111111111111111111111111111.1.1.. • To gather information for spotting diamond drill holes, and to get a general picture of sur- face enrichment, A. Carr Barris, Consulting Engineer for L. B. United, is now on the Matache- wan property. Mi. Harris will supervise the .sampling of trenches to' determine widths and lengths of the latest finds. Mr. Harris, in Ms'last communication, states that this work will take but a short time, pending which, diamond drilling can begin -immediately afterwards. It is also arranged the Engineer should map out and locate, the exact geological features on the property. This will more clearly determine 'the possibilities and values of the f ropertly . DRILLING SHOULD REVEAL IMPORTANT CREBODIES—THIS WILL T E N I) TO APPRECIATE'L, B. SHARES. YOU ARE THEREFORE ADVISED TO PURCHASE NOW, BEFORE A MICE ADVANCEMENT. - shares of L. B. United Mines; Limited,. at 25c per share, for which °I enclose my cheque to Plestse rind complete -infbrntatl ; tr ON1Y A VERY LIMITED AMOUNT OF SHARES TO BESILDAT LEACH ,. 0 Bt.ir YOUR ALLOTMENT IMMEDIATELY n { ve ops some work on t e child, but the tea^her ,does too much Fourth and best, "problem method," which will fn- terest the children, and get them to think for themselves. He gave a list of mat- erial suitable in teaching geography Ho, Said it was easy to get but must be of intereet. In conclusion, he thought war would cease when nations understooe one another. Therefore It was the dent of the tea -hers to train girls and bovs t:' ' have a Qvmtiathetic understanding ' hlldren of other lands Mr E. C. Beacom moved a hearty vote of thanks to Prof. 0 M Cornish for his inspiring addre«eq Milts N Coutts crave a paper on men, tal arlth-met', She denim -1st -noel the value ..of this subject in a veru pleasing manner. In her remarks mar.' ougges- were offered as to how this wore mleh' be handled in school so that it meth. be r f value In school life EIecttcn of Officers The Flection of oflieers in West Huron. °e' ►!c•° requited as follow E''redoer,' - Mr' •ricirdon Kidd, Dungan -- non Vfce,president---Miss I. Kirk. Saytield 8 e rretary-treasurer,Mr R st soiree, Of dcrich. elourotocrs----l'1hiss C, Jevt till. Ocderieh: Miss Margaret Patricia, Clinton, 'Mr Arthur Brown, Dungannon. Librarian—Mr. J. E Smith, tiodef i^h. Resolutions Committee ---Mins M, klor-' Exeter; Maas M. -R cute, •Eseter:r Mr - S. Beattie, Zurich: Miss 0 Brien, Zur- ich; •Miss Anderssn, Lueknow: Mr, J Creech, Exeter: Mr E C Beacom, C3ode• rich. Auditors—MS • #j. Anderson. Cloderieh: Mr. S. J. Brown, Ctodorieh. Delegate to O. E. A.._."MLaa 1 Kirit Offteers of Fit Huron motion: • President,= sMr. H. Or'av, Blyth. 'iii---iiresident ;msi a fit. Ament, Sea., forth. f, Secretary-treasurer—Mr. Geo. Jeffer- son, Clinton. Librarian or. J. M. Mid, Goderich, Managing count tea itaffif tai ttsiry given Reil recognition in the 1r- tructioy imparted to our boys and girl; With this view Ontat r ,people --and core Toronto citizens to whom Mr Marsesll especially referred—Will be in a+•cord But 111e face Ls that under the vari Governments that have held the rel;'; at Queen's Park since the days of H*, A 5 Hardy, as Premirr. •and• lion. G� ; t'V R.35 as Minister of Education. ac,,i perhaps longer than that. agriculture and temperan'•e and hygiene have bra••* ori the public c- honl course c 1 study alternate s'rbjc*rt4 Whether, or not M!' Marshall hopes to matte the study agricu,]lture eompuls ry or wider than waw previously regthired. he has nit stated He Is, however• n t lnt1odu^Inc som> thing new In►o the pubic- s. hoots In fa^r, the Government's effort at reform edt'°•afton in this field. appears to hme been restrirted to the cancellation of the tlnan,•lai boobs paid by former Gciv errments to Teronto s'hool inspectors. and their rural- confreressin whose in- 5pretorates a :.(culture to tauirht In Forty, testa/sees this salary reduction Inas a- mounted ,to several hundred dollar 'year. A pesaaar:t naedl'ine for children Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator? at,cl 1► iq ex ‘ellent ter driving worm.; from the system. \ • ow.. rs' the time tO' - PAINT! Pa'ibt Special fpr one week 60c quart .Alt wanted 'eotvrs Blackstone's On'the Broads ay of Coderich