HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-11, Page 2Pibfli every Th kh. 8ub.cr1pt1on Pr Greet arlt&ln$#.00 per -year in adVante (in 'Aressere . 'United .8tiet4e. Plogte Per YeAr n letranee.' Roth. Old,and •neW addrestee :04i0014 be • n When dung* of *Oren „is re*, quested. CAN(=WeTION8-**We find' 'that ;MOO' •.:0Ur:subacribera 'peeler 120t. "IWO' 'their ' •Sehecriptiana Interrupted In PAO thee fon to remit before •eXpfra, tion. WI11e subectiptions will not be carrkdln Wears over an extended pec,, $00, Yet/ UPleatt we are BetiBed to cancel; We Warne the inbsciber wishes the iet, vice continued, REMITTANCES 00014, be made by `registered letter, money or. der or cheque payable par in Oode- ricli. ilipswemao,o.eouoo•amwwroes..., .• Txx mewl' puiLDING•. It • is a matter of common knowledge that the louliding trades and all aftillet- cd industries 'have suffered more acutely before the Present grounds were Pur- im:11 the effects of the, depression than chased. The crowd was 'a bi one a d ve-sirmr-ony others. Any movement-I— all certainly enjoyed the entertainment designed to promote eonstruction is! The kids .are still. waiting to see the worthy of consideration. 'i herbseller "wrestle that bear to a n.. Such a movement is being sponsored, teh.„ Our sympathies were with the by a group in Toronto who are circular- bear. • ising all publications asking support of • * * * their proposal that the Ontario Govern -I It is said that potatoes were never so merit exempt new building trom taxationi large as Lia— th m year on e average. Par - ''for a period of ten yearst eA lairn C °el; mers who --have been raising them for that such a may° on, the part of the ' many years state that they never saw Government would induce many firms them so big. No explanat4on. is forth - lie often wonder jea "Whot eople d� with tlit311100, OWt . e Ales olMouti/y the"' dont Want and have IRO COneeleable use or bablY irAvit of thein p1n the.look .soc mtibuiells eloady•-:41attrin!.41lA iv,eritO'itttlee ‘, * Thoee• WhO st*Yed eretinit the loud 4peitkera At home to baton to the hal/ game 00 Thanksgivirg 'inissed the beSt r*Otng Of the liar et the Park, The bores were, out, to de their beat fer the finer Meet ef the seeSen And they Font On it great daY. 'The fine warm ,stkusione and fresh 'breeze helped to testi a 'splen- did mee even better. or * * • Dungannon bad great day for th With renewal of Re lair. Old timers re called the early fairs on the main stree and individuals who have buildin, fam , '"X="- triVat2MatiaM not SO, lie /Mit* 700 and I to . SW, ,40 we,pte,yo, 1014, Inc to not eox44e* hlealLre' (te4teetiel), ,Witlt httzititt •(-(0, *Mtultet *ea)* 1)0 not say, *ph entith hispPellest"In Yesterday." Say, 0ft*, *VIM Chenryed to pall yesterday.'!. • l:ee not say,. "Us girls are going." "We girls aye - • ,00 net sity, "I gm apt to be lat,e," Say "We girl* Are oar not fay, "Outside of a cold, he 11 all 'rights" $0, "Aside from a cold, he is ail right." Ward* Often AlrierProimuleat Java. Pronounce la-vk first a as in Ah, second a as in ask unstressed, accent first , Paraffin; Pronounce par,a-fln, first • a as in at, second a as in at unstressed, i as in in, aic-e-nt first syllable. Ravenous. Pronounce rav-en-us, a as In have, Accent first syllable. Cantalentpe.'Preferred pronunciation of last syllable is loop. „ Bacteria. Pronounce bak-te-ri-a, first a as back, ie as in tea, i as in it, final a as in ask ; unstressed, accent second syllable. Rancor. Pronounce rang -ker. Worth; Often Misspelled Lorgnette. Dbserve.the g and the two - - -- - --• ------ ually--dry--alt the rains not over pien- f ur-v°vIe It is not certain that Toronto could, ; tiful during the summer. ' Citizens have kies (plural). i These kysInguiaspellings a;..e, pre-- . legally, exempt new buildings from tax- feed to whisiey and Whiikeys. Maea- ' seen the large specimens which have a'tion, . Probably someone would arise dam; macadamize. Observe the three been on view in the Star window, sub- "__Antwaff.;_ once. ties__________ . . . ,...v ..._ ...„__. ,Ito would be .willing to aceept_the,__pos.,_mitted_bss. mtg... -Howili-e-. ---vci. -daiitelone ability of high court -costs in -order tor Albert Goldthorpe, H. Salkeld, and .0iii: prove such a law ultra vires. It would ' erg, and all say that larger ones were In be certain to step on .sorneones' toes. n the crop, those shown being the iiverage. is a radical departure from age old wee- As Iiiir,Goldthorpe explained, "Yon don't _ _ 7 lice.1 i‘ have to put/ them in a pail. You just nii possibilities are not apparent at a tois them onto_the iyagoia,"_*...,possiblY glance-ind-it-would seem likely" that the some of our farming exports know why prospect of tax exemption would encottr- J the extra growth. Do potathes, too, have age Speculative building. Any inan glands Which control their size? ' would be glad to putOhase a• house or op- I _, . .._ —_ „ Ike building on which 44e would not 0ne Entry Allowed have to pay taXes, The .saving thus ef.! ,. .fected would increase his yield so mark- for Spencer Trophy edly nut it cotild be considered in the i light of a bargain, I Other Team, Will Play or Other On the other hand any action to have ti Bridge Prizes in W.O.B.A. it declared tiltnt vires would promptly cancel most of- the advantage. i' Last Year's Officer Re -Elected If confirrned*by a higher court, it is 1 probable that arreal impetus would he; At a. meeting of Western Ontario given to construction of all classes of Confidence, . credence, faith, belief, trust, reliance, assurance. Acumen, acuteness, keenness, &sight, Idiscernment, penetration, sagacity. Bank, brink," brim, borders'beach, rim, edge, rnarglic --Cout;-Slibre:- Economy, saving, thrift, frugality, mis. erlieess, parsimony, stinginess. , Adapt, apply; adjust, arrange, eon- forms-fit-,---set-right, -eiut' irf place. - Gessips , chat, chatter, tattle, prattle, babble,' palaver. I. - Word Stu* "Use _It word three times -and yoit- is urs." Lot us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. Words foe this lesson: ,•,, IMliERATI'VENESS: quality Of' being cowrie:Wine or authoritative. "There could be no question as to the impera- tiveness -of his commend." memory of _his - life was effaced." P;PPACE; to 2;clut, or erase. "All INSUFFERABLE ; incaptble of being suffered or endured. "What could atone for these insufferable wrongs?" Bridge Association held in the Hotel ,... 1 Lendon last week it was decided to limit building* 'iiilb a resultant increase 'I the member tons to one tetun each in employment which could.. not fail to be Contests for the Spencer Trophy emblem- benefleial at the eresent Vane, , . atic of the Championship of Western e....-.................-44.---------• Ontario, . CALL TO NATIONAL SERVICE Last winter as many teams Could be entered as the varkms clubs wished. The The Prime Minister in his radio ad-, result was that while the Goderiett team dives !mit London referred most appro-; of Carey, Patareon. Beacom and 'Taylor priately to the success that attended the: was high team, the trophy waa won by . gigantic Conversion Loan Which wat,411,oridon. . ..,, ilos/ted by the tritish dovernment in, A seeondary series . will be played in 1eS2. The British people converted the which all teams may enter. Some new .enerrious sum of more than nine billion ! , form of trophy or prizes will be arranged • Tor these competitors. dollars of Wer Loan Bonds. Not only ! Last year's officers were all ' re-elected. did they convert their holdings and en- 1 . and entries were received /rem 'all towns able the country td..... save ____inIllio,.._eq of i formerly tdaying. - It is expected that pounds k year in debt service charitek Other centres 'Mil ask for admission tol but they did it With a protaptitude and. the assOciation as this is the largest, and admiration throughout the world. The first of tht Winter Meetings will ti :. on erithusiasin which commanded -respn -badge organization in -Canidc ° ft is significant that the success of the take place in Hotel tendon, on W'ednes- British Conversion Loan, and the reduc» deY evening, 00t0ber lath. Other meet - tion in interest rates which. came with Ings will be arrange° then, although the It . eoineitied ,wfili the ,begionfog. of the the winter's schethile his not ' yet ..,bee_n ° economic recovery which the Mother 4, Ilia men te3. • 011Icers re-elected were: President, 0 'Coitntry has enjoyed during the last two Dr, A. H. Sklimer, Lenclott: Vice. -Pro.. .ithit's. - ' Phil. Carey, Goderich: See; Vite-Pres., - Cava 1 al "s eXTI le r . - age and renewed hope amongst all na- N. tidy, \London. tions. We in Canada have been YCryf suecessful in previous Conversien Loan' TOPEKA MAN SEEKS NEWS campaigns. Had the1 t4ait hot been T. C. Mueller. of TOpelca, came to Town a success our business,recovery from the Looking pp Records Al9ik.,,..,,B1404Poktte "j1P'Peint44 Onst4 0! Prefleil. FtepOlie." ' TII� X,4ittie- POC*10r* hOne. was always *HO With .th**?,tTli tr,111, 0440.100r, AO' Writings and he waalialniost. Inver,. 011Y referred to I* his teat .nanie and. not 4 topalli4. as Is ostantso now. ; 4tmanaa was etill under the so* P/M thoroughly beaten mali, Xnglish frigate tcic blin to 8t. Helena *here he'Angered,• cinertilatie. , • IOW ra0043e eyes esit Ovefe -to the north fro,111- Wlientee he hoped Weald, Colne Wear. IrOM 0440 ..ne .04'1'14 *tow,. thetnano., hie ',?ranee, Wee de4d',04) hundred '0440' ITC)FtS SAY „ flignice . the. ker and dislike Which Napoleon,- mottled in the nand* of all ./Iiirene.' of hie etlY. He 'he'd been ht at. THOSE. NE* PICTURES' , Heeartlenierv;heeelthe only matter .71,0totetwwass'a Orprrated o tiZe• p ,pe 7wS, ordho' , IMO everione .reMeMbered that he had .:iv4„.0 t o 01;00 40$3,47,0roetmoor or been,Inzilmoteie toh:t efrubitilltadt7 tbsioottAheatid. oaterk, rei4.1.0100, ;the and Helena would be a mem eeenre ;mon ;ehoenttotra,t0. )107' t:140010cooptiee of oiffutyending„ to the so it was net Weilto toss ids male Oda. ". PUblie.. • And we notice"' that they in. variably choose the .latter. Ate it happened, there was .tio need to Kora. ihe-roist-Y-eYedr-Peevishrsolitary watcher on the cliffs of the remote southern tele ,was no longer the little black eagle whose pinions had carried him on the' most , grandiose night ever 2nade by in, ie waa no longer a fig- ure to create apprehension in the minds of „Emperors and statesmen, he had been when he ended the French Revo- lution with a 'whiff of grape -shot" anti had himself' made First Consul f .the French Republic. - • The' Revolution ended in a bath Pro d -deluge-thin-rhia-eVer been known as Napoleon, his ego intlamed,by hither- to undreamed of Possibilities, mastered a situation whieh, While he had not ereated it- Was, made to -order -for -the • ITIOn.,..012, the w1)te barger., .EMIl Ludwig tells of his insistence on tanstitutional guarantees and formulae 11 his acceptance 0 the COnsulship. In those early days he was ,anxious for.. the preservatiOn of appearances in order that no-man-should-be-able-toTanestion his constitutionaPriiiht to ride. • Later, after he had 'humbled most of the old armie&. and rulers of the western worldiAte-tossed authority to -tlii-four winds. He, like. Lotlis IV.beeame 'the State, and he seized the Imperial Crown. from the hands of ihe'Lliorrilled- Pope and -ple./ced 18 011 bis own head to 'make himself Ennietor of the French. That was a long Journey from the lit- tle Corsican town of Ajaccio where, he had been born of 'comparatively humble parents. The interval had seen him, undersiz, ed, diffident, shnnning companionship in the military school of St. Cyr, had watched him quell a dispirited fragment the old revolutionaries, had seen hint epel invaders oi the soli of 'his adopted • ry, stride to the, head of the arm', cid it into hero,-.WorShipping mach, e with which he rifted Old Iraditi6iis qianoyer Post) T eat gauche but Most poWerful throne Didiin -1510es ,14.4astett, Analkst he he birth and keeping alive of the the world, quintupietsc%in Ontario" has at-. traded world-wide attention, and hag Only England stood, against hint in .01 resulted in ilium', stories dealing - with I held the narrow and the bread:seas and twins who were born in different totm- e Western world. Her oaken frfgates one of them refers to utiusPal births' Napoleon twisted in vain in clutch trieS, one of them, in the Isle of Scapa 11 la' anger he issued powerless detries. pital in Stornoway. case w In and the other several hours later at hos- Which* vies, finally, to throttle him. aiainst the "nation of traders," as he teported of twins born on train, one in W8 once called thetn even after they had whip- Canada and the other in the 'United ped his best generals in §Pain and had ent; them scurrying back to the other tia or t. Pyre ; had threatened Is strongest seaports and finally had lirninated France as, a factor on the water. • of MIMAN35( Verb): to direet and man- age with. frugality. "He husbanded his in to resources to the very best of his ability." LAflYRINTjI an inextricable orbe- wildering state of things; e maze. -"We were confronted by a labyrinth of facto and fieures." FIVNEULTUCCS; 'agitated with con- flicting passions; disturbed.1 "He was aware of a tumultuous rush"' Of emotion." SERVES IUM RIGHT • "I hear Roivley is getting married next week." "Gomil 1 never liked the fellow." 8 Si • NO JUNK AT OUR HOUSE' Caller: "What, no actiC? How can you get along without one to store your junk in?" •; ,t 4 .40 (Canadian Zeho), Dominion . Government. engineers Are Meeting in. Ottawa to consider.what niaY be done about present dangerously low water conditicate along the St Lawrence. This is a real probleM, and,unless solved Canada's main seaport and her whole system of interior navigation:° may be seriously threatened. FUNN.Y4 POTATOES IN WIARTON We might yet be able to start a freak !air -we had a fumy twisted carrot bronght in to us, a huge radish which looked as if a package of seeds hid grown. -togetherr anti this morning Post., master' Allan- brings" us in Ilve-tomatoe in a cluster, which 'weighs 4% lbs. and. he tells Us that there was another one taken from the same cluster, • N. R. A. CHIEF GOES • (Norfolk Observer) The great Hugh S. -Johnson, NRA ad- ministrator, has ,fallen. Ilis resignation is in the hands of President Roosevelt, -who -has -accepteduit. Thus the out- standing figure of the extreme ,recovery program' in the United States disappears Just when the NRA. la reaching -its cra: ciai telsting-time.' In hia ,whirlwind cam- paign for the New _Deal, Jolmson had antagonized both Labor and" Capitol, with the result 02E4 he became extreM, ly unpopular in Mania parts of the coun- try. It maY be that President Roosevelt will achieve greater success in his pro- gram without the aid of Hugh Johnson. Cert./lily It appears that new tactics must replace the old if the NRA is to gain the confidence of the mass 431 American people. ' UNUSUAL BIRTHS a Soothing Melba Lotion protects lovely skins from sun and winds as nothing else can do. A few dropNinstantly softens be- cause it restores needed moisture to dry skins—yet it is net greasy. Thousands say it is matchless for face neck, hands and arms.. And a perfect powder base. Melba Lipstick, indelible - - - 550 'Melba Rousso, Natural Tones ' 550 .,„NlagetkrfantgiRti.,tntatrOznzz,-,,,, If your dealer cannot suRolyyou, send us his name of present conditions is rather well de- WELL DRESSED CHILDREN served. Selfishness can function in — • 4 . peaCetime as well as.in wartime, appar- Victoria &nod Students Complintented By ihnieetor. Routine lefeeting ently lir some ways, better, . — WHAT CORN? , . --(Belleville Canadian) , •_ The regular meeting of the Public- -Just what Sc_hool Board which was held on Monday is corn? REDEEMING "FEATURE "How's your new boarding house?" t - "The rooms are just tolerable, the food W 4 • Ile gath• ered an army on the channel oast and started 10 tit build 4the ships th 1w111cir-to--4tilem over the - ikon_ of shining sea which had been he safeguariiof the island ever 'since illiam of Normally had .last trossed 11 States. In anOther case it is reported the -first of -•a set of ;twins arrived, very ate -4n-4916 and -the -second one early in 1916. An English boy once found that he had to atay in school a year longer than his twin brother, wlio was entered on the toll as being a month older. One was born on March 31 and the other on April I. ps SimPlY great," low point in February, 1933, wiiuld un- . -- ilaitaedly„ bee ' been retarded. The I no. 0. Mueller. a banker of Topeka. Prline---witiltterimitited -out thatapar Rousiti, who livei 4t 1011 -Van Zuren VI from the fact that there is no better ill- street in that City, mese up tO tioderith vestin'ent for Canadians, than Dominion, from Chicago last %Telt tO enquire after et Canada bonds, holders of Victory' Eelhe ei his /sluilY. , . romt who convert them as wen m new s It. appears- that his grandfather, by investorswill render a nat1ema,.1 service' nalne Cie°' 'Tungreeia, u.ved here 81:4Ut ' at this flint. , olanwel 1b59-60.1dr. Jungreen afterwards aumged • hie naine to Youngreen, and at an Uhl' „m2e worthY,pasitioti that our tharac-1 known date left to reside in the United ter and flnancial integrity have gaiitttli states, °tie daughter toulsebetimes, for us in the eyes of the world will be1 Mr. ?dueller's mother. She appears 'to _ _ . . maintained by a ptorineot and enthuslis-Ihave been Waned lifter Iter mother who tic response to the pment ittfundingi Was total Jubliteet4 ' Lean campaign. We Inust duplicate in! 11 SnY of the older miciente ot town Canada the Magniticerit athievement of , Ow reinember, t,ie ,„ht farailyOr tell arty - the Oritish people', We ctn. We Will. ' e It` moveIfllttts r * t here, Ur. Mueller would be glad tt,. the intortnition, The family Were a ibe tuthotmarmab. . REAL CASTTROPHE "Bet Steak rve hid for years' said the Ellili iteMber., "04*--de*r. esh, dearl"-tried the Wait- er, wringing his hands, you must have eaten the seeretallq.4" ' SENSII1Vg vo m;_sti were seated together in a crowded street ear, One of them net-. iced the other had his eyes auto. "Whatatuttatters 11111," he asked, "fee1,1 Ing ill?" "rna all rightsanswerett lily, hate te tee ladies standing" • rith has so fax irds.sed & Ailing,' foet With tnt` relnIt- '141 fl�*r gas Aft Oki batitIlita tilt it - ltrnitnt Init .44. 'SOT %nit bell. lier4luteit„ It take* 1 frOst for thit. - ' .1Verid,-dlieries-„Itirde -is 'a -time -1St holta eiky„ tisorfititki, eokeli year. LOS Wale IS tki0O th0 tint - bit the days ahem the ioud.SPeakere ate *tot)Ong th*la t!'t 11* ratept, %1'1*te tmoht iFibre:tifte ilarvest .."rhe.tervesting of. Alm lor__Ilbr.e been completed lkt the Octitt*1 titperi- Mental lostra. The yield. or both era* and seed Li" tamer itsh Aka tam with *Atkins years— _lt_fironld, **Pear thatthe.), hot, drY, atirtustec bee been teroty reportsilis * such relatively low yields A sot* al t,ht straW destleant1/41 it WIC *PrettAt on '4,h6 40,4 me - lot dew rettinit and at the end of eptoottiite,- three -*eke 'thet time the retted strew will 10 iiiekett uti'o tarried 10 110 flex utthed: hick. led and baled fOr, erket, • *oaten t of WO *mutt tut= 10 tteoenpte*kst Tonesthe .ekta and makes It vilit Its teeture. -OolAi*, refreshing, delightful to Noe loom a vestige of StiehtekeSet tfttalitiOdet fOt" bald* Ate, **(1., 04 * hair fixative. 'Wonderfully seethiS and *POW* retcanatatridi4 18* tette stnthotati bt10II litoed **ether ki**ksti*. ,• IN THE ificont PLACE Local Councilor (outside bedroom win- dow of editor of county papse)-....Tve read Aur foul slander of Me hi YOut beistly rag, and I've ealled to %row the charge batk in your teeth." tAitisr (Just tt4mitened).------"Well„ throw it through the bathrooirt '14katiow, old men. l've'left toy teeth ttt there 'QUICK WITTED , Two men, hi* car went post the si /natio Signals and we* doped by a 19h$t*bie. "Ism WM,'" said the driveronlek. witte.d. l'hut 1 haPpinv, to * tiottor, and rin taking 4, patient to the, soyltut irk hurry?' , Tlie dacer, was inspitiaus, -and looked penetratintlyi at the paisenger, nut the letter wet also quitkoifitted, and, took- ing up at the ,constible WhISPertit 1,K130n*e,,aetteanti" ----they let emir -With " There was owe * Wealthy retinae, who kept talus* itt ten thmilianid *Oar bills, but When he nistrkil his Wife thattosi ell that, At any hatter. e ego parts of his vast domains Compelled. to cancel his plans, temporarily; but not before he had scared the English peOPle as they had not been. frightened' since the days of the Spanish Arma4a, Talk to an Englishmen about corn .0.3d evening, October lst, received the report, e will not think of fields of great, tall of the two princiPals. stalks and g golden but of way-, Victoria School has a_totol enrolment Ing wheat and huge elevators. You must 01 351pupils whilethere are 237 speak of "inaize" if you would have him *School. • It was decided to have corrin - understand. .• encement exercises kept separate this ' Talk to a South Africa of -either oorn-r year instead of having i joint affair as or maize and he will fail to get your 'was dene in 1933. ani g. He grows thOSamepn with J. R. Littierfroud, Inspector of the Pro -- its grain -studded cobs, but it is "mea - lies" .to him. ": Coro is art`English word of long stand- ing. Of Old it meant an small, hard granule. "Pepper -corn" is one survival, while "corned" beef is, surprisbagly, an- other. "Corned" meat gets its name from the fact that it was first prepared with coarse grains of salt-"stild-conis." From its general meaning "corn," used alone, came in time to meark_the small graillf3 of the cereal. plants such as bar- ley, wheat, oils, etc.; and finally, hi England and sonie'of the colonies it us,. nay Meant wheat. "Corn" meant the cereals in general at the time' of the colonization of America, and since "In- dian corn" was the- predominant grain crop in the New World it soon irionopo, lized the name. To those who have not dabbled in bot- any the classification of corn, often reaching a height of 'twenty feet, as a grass, is a bit sutprising. It is, how- ever; Just- as truly a grass as the tiny plants that carpet, golf greens, the suc- culent foliage that...covers pastures, the cereals, wheat, oats, rice and the like, or its closer kinsmen. the sugar -canes. Corn is often.ealled a "giant grass." It Is. rather a conservative 'giant, though, beside its Consin, 'bamboo, "the grass. that grOws into tthe sky." 'Bamboo at- a height of 1.25 feet and more. , • ° TWO POINTS OF VIEW (Norfolk Observer) .The recent „ sailboat reCes for the America's Cup emphasized once' again the difference in the British and Amer-, lean attitude towards sport. The American in any sports competition '14; Sites to. Win at all costs, while to the Britisher "the game's the thing" ,and be If he had flikSillY succeeded 111 COM- will not eMploy questionable tootles .to pletimr hia,plans. and had got his army. 'ensure victory. From the reports of the 01.invatioii_etarted_en-ite4way;--4-18-hith recent---raiese,it =was apparent, that 'the ly probable that it would have Suffered British skipper made, some Mistakes and an even. more complete route than had, that his crew was inferior in scattiest - its Spanish predecessor. rigland ruled 'ship 'to the ifinierican.z'-'At the same time the waves. Her AdnairiiifNelson was the certain -incidents arose which didi not Deer of all naval leaders of all time, cast a favorable light an the sportsman - her ships the 11nest that floated, her mien ship of the ultimate winner. thus creat - the equals' of any who sailed the wren ing''a bitterness which should' not enter seas.1 A new built. armada, maimed with into these inter:battened events., It will. crews who tntest• neeesserilY baVe bCeD beremembered that feelings were arous- 111 ttli.tried for the WOrkjta, hand ()Wing ed over like eircuinstanto in the Bri- t) the short time they Would have had tisli-Araeritan motorboat races on the itt ,rwliith to prepare, would have fallen tsetroft, River a touple of years ago. an easY Prey ,t() fighting teas .of the British spertainetiwilt have restart for tnglish. ' reluetince In eiiterhig future contests for Pail* it . Wks a11Z8t'&r 01 ttio ootrottowith the Milerleats. • ter' that. faatitta **Ion 10 Aba urgent tainly 18 WM114 he a Inittelte to t4.e.n4: TialUes:17 ehewhem, although:he lett gendering further animosity. iSIS Still thundering threats of Vtigtatlee AlttlitSt his one !untouchable fee, e yen.: • WAR, ITESS litArtftg gesnee to be taken at some future time, rele l'rkivrtd# thOtit .1* 1* vat time there iVasn't eh,Y pression. The .poor roll got *Ink and The alliance tit the Ottinanie pOWers., pay. Of .course we don't want War with supplied with English„ or as The modern , ell As herrors. ,We are being taught, version,:hit'ik 'with-...teinsh 'money* was i'ho-w that tolftetelal and Atiantial greed surging upto the point *here he was to ti at ttiit bottom Of every . war, and we . tk,f,,,trei,,,,kalitrAtuniugtifttirowtt Our 4.1b44.1.)Ntirincomn.*e.,4trixtide that the :most 'modern' bettleshipt are 'Wed es -"teat` samples" by whleh WO' ttattieVilliA are aOld to other nations. Tremendous ettotts, useful or uae)tlisi are e *ed Itehill*ke *14 • t‘ A. being mood trio event war *gain, lvttlr ll it teat, mon „ bit ono Its ttortore tint- we are feted, with the. ACC .11i0VtlitC, 110 114k. IliottOrs 00. Rundre'bys bad be*un to *id ot. There 18 dpiataeloo, a thing are tint so need to thet it .tioestil butt the, sense Ow more. There hi hunger, ,whieb• diew, and ,,Witioh denten:u4; SO, when an sittatieate 01 zflItaxMin stkatio 'the .te- ark **tit, loot tett tie helAek" we hi* thireing that the rine* t t *Oita trs itondeninetkon vincial Penny. Bank system was present and briefly addressed the ;board. He re- . marked that there were no better dres- sed children in any school hi Ontario - than those in Victoria Sehool. The balance of the meeting was of a purely routine nature and closed early. Geo. Schaefer was in the chair and others present were Rod Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, John Cutt and Rev. J. H. N. Rubs out all sorts of muscular pains, checks colds, ends skin blem- ishes. Keep's bottle handy. s yatiftitieciahas been discovered with whieh t La t n heat your house more ec- onomical than'with,other fuel. It is known as . . .THE RADIANT -FUEL 131.800 gives yon more heat per dollar. A ton of Disco has more bulk than a ton of raw coal because it is made from more than a ton of raw Coal, consequently you itetually get much more DISCO and more value Per ‘ageItinisidevainift. o'r stoves, ranges and fireplaces. ID/WO May. be Used hi all t3r,pes,of 'house beating. equiPments including .furnaces, stoves, ranges and lirei)WItcdeesian sit/3ply you *1th DtStO 10 bags at '35c per bag .or a bags for $t.00. Try IfitStOl* your FIREPLACE and COOle STOVE and 127A'nkit.• We tarry a. full line of Atithreeites Steam and-Pocaliontlte Coal.. • ' Pot PtIRNACE WORK, TIN'SMITHINO and IrfrmaiNer, we can give you prompt lattention and all Work fully: gliaranteed. We have for sale ."cheap, one NO. Radiant Home Heater with oven as IStorie 22, . .pgb:dbia:st CHAS C LEE ,„ Titeellii12ardWare S:teki:O. at Mt' •lose. his 'crOWtt. AUSterlitt, Seto'. hundred old battles *OA tAilefttO este Mat te410,0tO OM never too week to ilex more men into his greedy at. Mitt 'bat tiler timid, not *boo win; lre went tO use rmintation? , The prorees, of digestion depends largely on ,tlit condition- of the , .-Stozwaelinc,ana, When it unable to do its work properly generallY o When the toocii not digested 'properly it lerms, a miss in the- t)stonietatit a!tv4 a_114d. loteaferin4euta,00vioe. n tftaknes u muting of took( as formation mid • 1310fIthidg 1* 110 11t010941; bathing ,otyrtieltlikkeethitrtho.ofis seed other dygea* • t Ott * hot* Of baratieli `Mood Zittere end eft hot* quietly it will. • "st"*Iheshliatttettli* e't°141*11"ItioiiO4 „foot.tio14 ttlitkr$1 ow* iletime ilittett