HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-11, Page 1NAM. stens To COMPLETING INTAIT W More Hydro Charges Some. Higbir Ups Accused of Us. mg Tnnunany Methoi4; Mayor "Lee 111 in Bed, -4: C. Shear - down Objects to Donnp. Hydro-, 441.0ir Hard at "alt Hsl at the rov.* House A loeei ,leydro gang Is coMpletIng,th installation of the piping hi the neirill , take well at the power hottse at the bar bor. The cement work has been eoroplete or several ,weeks; the Intervening. thri 'being allowed for tlee cement to harden -XVE hopedthiFaW1be, fixiishedTha the new intake in, -operation before th • snow vomes. Tele heavy pipes are bein , handled expertly by the hydro linemen .1 -Peder the direction of Glen Nelson. --- Reeve B. C, Munnings 'twee the chair, for last Friday's meeting, of the town council ln:the absence of Mayor C. C. Lee, who is confined to his bed, and lis- tened to Conn. Huckins deliever another broadside against certain unnamed 'per -1 ouncileposes Chairman ivtunnings In 'Special Meeting to Consider School Question—Pin4140 Re- port Ready. -After Adtourn- merit Decide to Ask. Advice of Minister of 'Education, n' the people at the time must have know sons Who, he declared, had been aCting in . • a manner reminiscent of Tammanyof the contract ' Hall in their handling of Goderich a- This made no difference tO Countillo fairs. 1 Uutitins, who s proceeded to complain tnat the Elevator *Company had intimat "I'll give the names latter," declared the champio of the people's ed lately that It would decline to renew rights. 4, enee :rem -ewe eerelawle ffeeee.-----eeetseeeeeseeeeeeeeeereeneessee theessii •deeconteact,, next year, but: woul unic, •speateeng TA9 he mope install a Deisel engine instead, th tion that council adopt the report of the leaving Committee of the Whole which recoin- the town saddled with the cos mended that tile Chairman of the H. E., °f the equipment which now amounted he claineed, with interest, to 050,000. P. Ce be asked to investigate and report Reeesee_leluxueings Anterrineted-to....r, 00 all-fryitlICVeontraets lit7town„-he de - mark that :,t/ae_f Elevator...Company •, ha elated liiitteekte'd. etej. Pareona -One paid scene $91.000 to 'Hydro for powe sine its introduction Into Goderith. ,Councillor Huckins could/lop see ehe Hydro userS. that. had anything to do With the con was He c1aimec It was pointed out tio-iii-T-fi:OM arr old -tra4 he ediscgssillgte Minute book produced for the purpose, that it had boosted, the peak g that the council of. 1929 had passed a way as to cost the ordinary user a rea bylaw atithorising the eesue of debentures deal _He claimed that SuPt. J. .B. Kelly ha deal of money. tc the value 'of 029,000 for the ,rairpose ; of paying the cost of the instellateon of' aesured him that the town would be bet the necessary equipmter off without the Elevator Company Elevator to enable the • Elevator Company to Make use. Of the ;a hydro user. "The most sensible remark the ol power. This- being 'so, the council •and _ -&rlow -has made," he. eontinued. "Yo a. over the heads of the people and had esecured a contract from the H. E. P. C. _direct without the knowledge of 'local' APPLICATIONS ror the position ol Assessor and Tax Collector of the Town of *Goderith will be ree,eived up 'to 8 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, Octobei 18th,' 1934. L. L..KNOee, ••Tosen Clerk. - • WANTED 7ANT.-MMd 16 general 'house- ' work. Apply P. O. Box 128, -Ceoderich. 'WOMEN' WANTEDe-To sew for us at " tonne. Sewing Machine necessary. Ito s e lftng ONTARIO NECKWEAR t'omPANiy, Dept. 258; Tomtit° 8. WANTED-Companicin for elderly wo- man in. exchange for room and board and small wage. Apply.to BOX 7, STAR OFFICE. IXTAN11.4.).-,At ontel, three men or " women to distribtite free samples and take orders for national advertising. 'Good steady employment for right party. See MR. PARR, Room 6, Royal Hotel. from 6 to 9 p.m. .ARTICLES IFOlt SAVE , VOlt SALE. -20 cords choke hard -1.• maple foot *OW, $3.o0 ae cord in yard. App . •. • Goderich ft. t, No. 5. 44,1, • all remember that for months I hay been talking about this matter of hydro I've been bringing in complaints •abou It handed to me by people on the stree about mere equipment -used by peopl and listening to the mayor's -explanatio) eeing tete cause of higher costs and all that kinds of hooey. One 'thing I hav found out is that I have been on th wrong track, - I blamed old' John Kell for a lot of the trouble. I intend t •apologise to Mr. Kelly through tfie pub lic " press. I was wrong about him There- is a gang of higher-ups who haw been responsible and who have been us eng Kelly for a tool." ' Councillor Huckins spoke at lengt along the same. lines. Early in the meeting Mr. ,Robertson' resignation, as -Tax Collector was 'read b the elerk. ' The matter was referred ti the finance committee with power to go into the matter of his suecessor as soo as'possible. Jas. McMillan addressed the counci regarding a tree on the cemetery lot which he had purchased. It °couple the room Meant for graves and he wish ed it ,removed. It will be attended to the cemetery committee. J. C. Sheardown, who lives in a hous winch he claims has been redueed velue at -least 50 per cent by the dune . (Continued en page 5) • • VOTERS' LST NOTICE VOaraeS'• LIST N(YrICE--- TOWNSHI — r• 'POR SALE. -Barred 'llockipullets, May hatch50c each.. Cream separa, • NOTICE /5 HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot era' List Act and that I have posted- h tor suitable for. 2 or a cows. E. R at my office in Colborne Twp. on th scjrpij, R R No. 2, Godericntenth day of October, 1934, the list of al persons entitled to vote in said munici- F pality at municipal elections, and tha OR SALE 4)R TO RENT suth list remains there for inspection.. AND H 1OR-8ALEe-100 Acre Farm-, near Port • I EREBY CALL UPON an vot ers to take tunnediate proceedings; to it" Albert. Good buildings, teheap for cash saleApply MRSTESS= have any errors or omissions correcte . . OLIVER according to law,. the last day of aP Goderich, Ont. Phone 291. peal being the 31st day a October, 1934 . , VARM POR SALE -118 acres, 5% miles WMSALLOWS -we from Goderich, eix miles from ChCleric of Colborne Twp u- . . . , ton an No, 8 'Highway. 30 acres, of Tim- RItNo6Goderich othy and Alfalfa, 4 acres Pall Wheat, 10 acres Pall Ploughing done. Barn on stone wall With ten**, timers. • Apply to GEO. B. WIIJSON fl n. 2, Clinton. Ont. rArtm„, roof Qt1XC14 SALE-Abotit 80 J- entree. Choice land; no hills, ex- cellent binielinges, 'Pine water supply. Orchard. Near school 'and church, 'about eight tittles from Girder:1th. price $3500.00, entail down pityrnent. Pine terms .for bithinte to reliable patty. See J. W. ARIVISTEONO, Heal Estate Agerit, GoOrichi-E0X 80. Office at Mr8 01181- leneee's, Elgin Avenue. - TENDERS FOR DREDGING S EALED TENDERS, addressed to th undersigned and endorsed "Tende for Drerigine'Parry Sound, Two, Fly and seven Mile Narrows and Devil's El bow, Ont:", will be received until 12 o'clock noon;' Tuesday, October IS, 1034 Tenders Will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De pertinent and in 'accordtifite-With th conditions set forth therein. COmbinecif specifleation and form o tender dan be obtained on application to the Undersigned, also at the Office of th Diattiot Engineer, Equity Eldg., Toronto -Ontario: Tenders must include the towing 01 the plant, to and from the work. The dredgesand other =plant .whlcli ,are intended to be 'employed rro this wdr shall have been duly registered in Can 60A OA or before.the _thirty.first, day December. 1020, or shall hate been leOne strutted and registered in Canadaa sine the *aid date. _ - Edith folder mug be .iteteinpanied b tertilleel cheque on Cchartered hank in Canada, 'made Payable' to the order o the" :Honorable the Mbiater_ of, wmics equal tO 6 per cent Of the *Montt ot the. tender, ,Or Hearet`BOOdis Of the :N'*tic*zal Ra.Uway . Cormp�ny and ftaCOW,' .DotnirtiOrt Of dantidir Or Of the Canadian atituerit Companies ilotooditionallY xostr weed as to Principal and Interest b the tkardnitio, 01. Canaria, Or the Oore. Mentioned hoods ittid",* Ort1fit4 eheqtt if 'required to ritike tiP 041.0dd *Mount. ltrt no trtiai Mali the serttritt *Vogt leas than $506.00i for Sat Order, 11 DESJARDH48, Pbft Ottarra October *. 1434. 111011W-ttalOtirliect-Ineeeting-Or the town' council took place Tuesday evening,„ vent, Mayor C. CI, Lee, absent, although it had been underetood that no meeting would bp held Without a full attendance of members. The -adjournment was for the purpose of dismissing Councillor Humber's Mo- tion of two weeks ago to reduce the sta- tus of the Collegiate Institute to that of a High School. Councillor 'Humber being present, the meeting proeeeded without:the mayor.. , Theellierinisiness Was that of replat- ing the chairnian, Reeve Munnings. Coun. Humber moved, seconded by Coun. Iiiicktris, that Deputy Reeve Turner take the chair. Conn. Humber grite-al liftireaserieleir 'breaking -the Vetter eetistiein e the 'feet- thlteelie el"iefaefitjd''' the next mayor (Deputy Reeve Ttirrier)- to have some 'experience iii the chair." _ C 0 Une1110 r Se ab r o ok e Colclough and Huckins voted -NMI hint e-seteeve-Munnengs ,renierked that while it was not important to hien iveno was in the chair. "It is the most preposterous thing, I ever.Sam. 1ncouncil. If I didn't , -want -to knoeveihat_you want scleele abeeek the streets, I'd leave th,e meeting." e • NO Committee- Repine anksgiying Day eet Great Success M. and Mrs, Wililatu Stratighan Xef Wined TiteedaY rOM NiF, and MO, •Wm. M... and fantil spent the I -week -end at Sarnia, miss Elele 'Briedfone., is Spending he Vacation in !onto at present, A41----LeeesgediMe.....C.Meetejleelet the_weekt end with friends in Ititehener. Mies Greta Tiffin,' of, London, is Vialto letle at.,the home oe her aunt ,Mrs, J. ° • " Miss Wigginsspent the week -end in Toronto and attended th,e MoMorran, Burgess wedding, ,etirs.• Robert Peck, ot New'York State spent the week -end With Mrs. B. teeny - on and „Mien L. Smith!: J. Keith Saunders, f' Doug. Middleton and .Stan. Taylor, of tioderich, -lett on Sattirday to' spend -a feweedayseeli Trotteir, Impeii*1 410,iwortia' yt • Makes Best rune and,: Wins C r oWd's Affections—Twelve H e at s Provide Great After. noon's SportCottolitaill Sta- , ges—roi—oe 'Efir-rt.: 0. cago. Mr. arid Mrs, J. $. 'Henderson, who sOnt the suntnier months at their sum- mer home at Saltford, ,shave returned to Detroft. .I.Ybert _0%4...AWL „daughter,. • *Norma, spent Thanksgiving' holiday with her sister Mrs. eorge BrOWnlee, of Mr ancL We...Stuarts-Henry and -t,w sons, Jack and, Stuart 01 Windsor, spent the..week-end at. etlietelienhelete .hcole at Goderich. • Mrs. J. B. McKayt Miss Mary McKay and Miss GertrudC fittest, spent the •holiday weekeend_at latter's home ip Crediton. t Miss Beatrice Ca `bell; of 'McMaster University, Flainiltore,.e spent Thanksgiv- ing at the -home of 4,4. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cairepbet Mr. and Mrs. Irvin't Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodgers tatted with the 1ae dies' parents, Mr. -*I Mrs. E. Curren, at Saltford, on Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Massey send 'daughter, Ber- nice, and Mr. A. --*icholsod, Stoney Creek, spent Thanks ving at the helm A. Campbell, 85 It was then discovered that the spe- eial col:QM-Mee had net brought M any report on the school question so it was decided toe adjourn for 15 minutes to • enable them to settlee-tnesmatter. After desultory talk for an hour the Meeting resumed with the deputy reeve Still in the chair, no vote being taken with regard to the chairinanship. The special committee suggested, "In the matter of the status of the done- giate Institute reverting to High School, 'we recommend that a letter be Sent to the Minister of Education asking for de- tails as to the difference between a High School and a -Collegiate Institute with the result or. results of having our Col- legiate Institute revert to status of Higui School and any relative savings and What 'wetted' tee the Petseeduee to have the Goderich Collegiate Institute come under a Board of Education." The meeting also had .ocrcasion to pass the following motion, written by Coun. Humber, but signed by Come. Seabrooke and Colelough, "That an auditor's com- mittee of three be appointed to consult with auditors from time to time as may be found necessary, the committee to consise of Councillors Huraber and leuckins, With ,Reeve Munnings." Reeve Munnins got some action on the matter of the telephone poles on the streets, the . council • leaving the question of their location with him with the proviso that if in doubt on any • street he is to consult with the whole council. An actor in Holywoed has taught the woF a oor o re an now renting him to the studios. • - ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE ewee. A DiVIINISTRAT'RIX'S See E 0 LAND. • The administratrix of the estate of Charles A. Walters, will tell by public auction at the premises of the late Charles A. Walters, namely part of lot • Imbiber 232 on Park St. in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday, October 27th, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. Pirstly.-Part of Lot number 232 in the Town of Goderich, being More par. ticularly described- as follOws: Corn- , mertcing at a point twelve feet east -from the north-west angle of said lot, thence south parallel with the western bowldary of said lot to the south boundary -thereof, thence east along that said south boundary thereat to a point thir- ty-theee 'feet west from the south-east angle' of said lot, thence north parallel, with the eastern boundary of said lot to the northern boundary to the place of beginning. Secondly. -'rhe following goods and chattels: One Whippet sedan, and Sev- eral auto tires, oneset of double ha - nese, one set of single lines, new, ono part set single harness, one grind stone, one lawn mower, one trearn separator, one scythe and snath, teed buggypoles, one saddle, a lot of useful tools ittclud- Ing dies, pipe wrenches, etc, One move ing jadk, chainsone set stove trucks, carpenter's vice, one lanternplitures and old fashioned mirrors, one good ex - 'tension ladder, a iffittiber of liaise doOrs And iwindow sash, one. knittirig machine, one blow tomb, one iron bed and springs four upholstered chairs. one foot warm. er, tine milk' can one wire -clothes bey ket, tobbler's outfit. one robe, one wal- • tint table, one saw cart, one Quebec article*. range and f1es 5»d Minierous othef TE1t103.-On the mat estate -The Property win be told subject to a reserve Tett per cent.•cash, is Let be' pant „at the One, of the sale, and the balance within thirty &Ws. • • - goods' - and ehattels-- cash at, the thne of the sate. ?or .11`urther partieuteirs apply' to ItsIESSICS. HAYS and HAYS. Hamilton St,. doderkh. • Solicitor* for the Adrninistratris • Or to herein. --- -MRS LtAnnr, it,-,193311Eft. ./t. No. 5, doderich, ' Or tO MESSES. owitirir OONS. • Auttleneera. doderkh, Ontario. of Mr. and Mrs. Ja East St. Mr. Lloyd W. Curre ited, with his pardexts Curren, of Saltford, also Aer, G. Prankli Mr. Stuart Ball of CI . Rev. E. F. and Irwin and two' sons, of China, spenC.Thanksgiving Day with- the, lormer's,siteter, Mrs.. W.' P. Lane. They were accompanied from Body of Local Man .11,,f0M14.0.41, d.#,L0E0 Di013,', IN It `F.IAPSE Se :40:be.j*.rtIrvvedon,otiersoodaik7n.ttoothe7tztii.fodiextrayo: be: Who has.been ettiferillet frinn IteeklaW for the nteet Several. Week-% watt aPPerentlY Oh the road to connelete recovery Up to Wednesday Of this 'Week, On that day he suffered a relapse and at-latt_accetinit& wocznteso_etell..._Conee vulsiona set in and it has been neves- . sary to administer more anti -tetanus Imperial Axwortle,Y; the Marcelled eeruiee trotter, Stole the spot -light from all the pacers at the Thanksgiving Day meet of the Goderich Trotting' and Pacing. Aesso- elation to win two heats in the 2,22 event, hang up the best time of th‘ cifty, 2.12 in bath heats, and incidentally cap- ture the affections of the rather slim crowd. s In the third heat the gelding came 0.....4kg-eirete.a.‘tr,heeekete.-eAreelee"ke e two villa gave hien first money. His speed was matched only by the little -cottontail:rabbit which soineb,ow got onto the track at the north end of the grand stand, ran amid the cheers of the delighted crowd, all the way down hrethe stables -aird•then elfierefed-figlit through the throng at the gate and got airax. If he had been going in the right direction, he would certainly have won something., es it was,, Starter Burnside announced that there _would be no extra -charge for the added-atteaction, Twelve heats , in all gave the crowd lots for their money as every heat was a race and it was found necessary to spilt • the 2.28- class into-tevo, -owing- to th lareg nuniber of entries. Prince Grattan, with E. Prince of _Walkerton driving, stumbled and fell' in_ the first- heat of the 2,22 while going downthe back stretch. As it happened, only one horse was behind him and while the driver was tossed high and far and the spectators gasped. no harm re- sulted. mr. Fritz drove the rest of the heats. Ruth "Grattan, a very consistent per- former, won all three of her, heats in the first section of the 2.28 race, her best time being chalked up in the first heat, namely -2.15%. Little Mustard took twee of the second section with a mark of 2.15. placing third in the other. Star Peter won the two first heats and was just nosed out in the. 'third heat of. , (Continued on Itage 8) ' 1, of Oshawa, vis- • Mr. and Mrs. 5, I vex the w.eekeend, of „Oshawa, and Telephone Company Pipea Starts Local Work About Fifteen Men,F4410344 Or Tuesday—To Vito*, Three - Day. Shifts ap.-....-......hvoneexfe The Bell Tel Company got un,. 1-11 i• cr.-war-ow-the ns on ,program early on Tuesday, October Oth, with o gang of about fifteen Men. West street was the scene of the fine i. operation, that .01- getting Wires 'under- ground. Mr. Prank Cedes .of the London office of the Company is In charge o! the work, his specialty being the bury- ing of wires. Ile will have. charge ol " the complete job. et la planned to give as many men al possible some work 'although he order to go roundeelLeelle_beenece to.", enrZh&IZgWEPI'alt;. veraArie of local unemployed .have theft names . registered at the town hall. These IVO sent out- in rotation as quickly as Poe - able, the Company not, hieeng any Men on its - oven eadecied-iii tilt _ ---_-------- - ------ -----ee .'' eeMreettriff;16-earleitititigee. rePaitillitil.•' . • - .4.-,-.' most citizens are now willing to permit the poles to be placed on private *nei . following the published slatemeneesif the Company agreeing to indemnify house- holders against loss. "It, was just a -matter_otele,tting peepleeelgtow--throughece -- -------•••----; plain honest statement Of the facts just what we were trying to do," said Mr , .Griff. "Once they - got the idea their loyalty_and *pride- -in-• -their --town /did -the- - - - rest. Everyone wants a clean, smart looking town and we are out to help them- get it" •-Thet, job will ,last sOrne tronths espee „ , chilly wfien the additional part of the • ,, program Is added to that which is under way Mew. It is expected that at least $30,000 .will- be spent by the Company. - ..........--,--.4"............2......-.. , Mr. W. D. Saunders, popular accoun- tant of the local branch of the Bank of ,Montreal. has been nottflee Of. his trans- fer to the branch of the bank at Picton. Ont. He will be leaving town in about ten days. - I Dr, J. B. Whitely, his Physician, still hopes for recovery, although of the five other eases which the doctor has had in a very long practice, not one recov- ered. Power Purchase By k Toronto by Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Raymer. Mr. Irwin is a missionary on furlough frcm Indo-China. Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, 66 Glou- cester Terrace, were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dawson and Mr. Kalmer Dawson, Aub- urn, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bale•Mr. Stein - ley Ball and the MLsses Roxie and Marine Ball, • Evergreen Farm, Hullett. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanbury and Floyd, Clinton: Minor Cases Before • Magistrate Makins Only Six All Told Suggest that tm y or $ Formosa Case Put Over a Week. Morals appear to be. on the mend again in Huron County. Police have not been rushed and only a peered on Magistrate Ma docket'for the whole of the curre k. Chilstine McLean, t first ;roman to appear on a charge of • runkenness in a long time was first on he carpet. She was fined the usual e10 or ten days and went out to get the money. Then two deck hands, Herb tIrquttart and James Holland, who had foutid time hanging heavy on their hands 4), week ago and had attempted to "kill" it; in the_bever- age rooms, appeared and, as they lacked funds, went back to finish their ten •chtet in the Bastille. Clarence Ileingessner, of Cleormositt, who first appeafed Tad Thursday on a charge of having converted certain moners belonging to hie employer to his own use, was up again this 'I'luirsday and pleaded not guilty. He elected to hive his case disposed of suinmarily by the Magistrate but the 'crown was not ready to proceed flis counsel.. Alex, IftNa.bb of Walkerton, did riot like the delay.'" as he was all set. PinaRy Seingesiner was allowed to go after supplaring his own ,ball for 52,000, while a friend, Edgar ' Merle. of Por - mow put up another ;400. , •The ciao Witt he heard next Thrusday. Alexander Powell of Goderich ,was al- lowed another week in whieh.to prepare his case 10 a charge of having liquor net obtained on a permit.Jno „ pear•toff:L}Saireto,tof 84thiasoirthna;netal.ledmro ril be at the nett sessioir, a week hence. CiODEIttellf flEThOE CCM% At the weekly duplicate bridge town. arnent held' Mom* evening, the follow - Lug were -winners: IA lArti• W. Ekittn. ders and Mr. P„ P. Caret 241, 4nd, Stn. 13. 13-Caxey..,and Atra,-.J. Johnston. 23 • ol2 d, .2.4f.lAtiaway and Ur. Jas. 1, The nerd gatrie will be played at the Park itouse not Uouday 'evening. Found In Maitland Henry Snider, Retired Farmer, Apparently Leaped from C. • °P: _R. Bridge—Body Located After Search. EL Henry Snyder, aged 68, a retired farmer who had been residing on Essex street, Goderich, for some years, was found dead in the Maitland River under the C, P. R. bridge at about 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. , Snider, had driven his car down onto the Maitland Golf course in the morn- ing, the club professional, Jack Annet, seeing him park near the entrance to •. thing -me wen of the driver, whom Mr. Annet did not krlow, and the car stood there until the prolonged absence.. of the owner aroused the suspicions of both employees and players. A search was instituted, two boats being secured and several men took part in a search of the ,river. Jas.- Donald eon finally found the body in shallow Water under the bridge. rt, is b4.11eved that deceased jumped from the bridge after walking from the • peeked automobile and climbing the 'high bank of the railway file: This can- not be proved but an mgneet will pees- sibly Clear the point eupe Some days ago, deceased was pulled out of the water of' the harbor by four Elsvittor Company employees. It was thought at the time that, he had had a fainting spell and had fallen in. - When the body Was found on Thure- dayt it was removed to the bank and. Dr. A. H. Taylor was called. Every efe iart was made to resuscitate him but it found that head injuries, caused presumably by the leap from the bridge, had calmed quick death. There was no water In the lungs. The remains tvere removed to AleXandra:Uarine and Gen- eral 410ipital where a ftirther examina- tion Was made. , • Cettstable Thos. Gundry found that the watch carried by deceased had stop, "teed it 10.10 a.m. shortly after he had - • 'eta to delve dowri `Onto the self course. A few weeks aio, deceased was Mar- ried for a second .time to Mrs. Irvine Riney of Waterloo. It is reported that he had intended moving to Preston 40 ifve On tire inOrriing he wag &Ufa dead. This has not been- confirmed. letiffleing' -rale Irealefes Wife, ere one SOU and four daughters., The son, Jack, his latterly been in the emit* of a local drygoods merchant. The daughters are /Mrs. ?tank, Wright, itelboUrriel lifra. Wm. Henderson, Cop- per, Cliff: -atra., Ohm, and Miss Elite. of London. Ite also has to brothers tiving in Western Canada and kir stater* residing In Huron Ckalthty.‘ Report of Request for Additional Equipment Appeared in Star With Council's Decision—By- _ Law Passed Four Months 9 Incouncil it has been claimed several thing of the deal whereby -1 times by Coun. Huckins that the eiti- the Gocierich Elevate'. . Company had 4 been supplied, with power. 'The folloWing eapneaire e on '(eU�t The Star of May 16th, 1920, under the caption, ° • Hydro Power for New Elevator. At the last "meeting of •theeWeiter and - Light Coin -mission on Thursday evening, May Oth,, a letter from the Hydro Elm - trio. Power •Oomiseion was read whiUi stated that the'total cost of preposed line and station changes necessary to supply power- to the new • elevator annex would be $26,300, .including 89937.50 for transformers already ordered., The H E. P. Commission wrote, "As you have sorne six to eight thousand cellars on hand, it would appear advisable to issue debentures for $20,000 to •over the ad- ditional capacity M the statidn only. - It was Passed that the H. E. P. Com- mission bo. anthorized to purchase and enstall the 'neceisary equipment as pet their engineering department's estimate of March 26; and another resolution was adopted that the council be asked to OS* bylaw authorising the issue of 420,000 -6 per delete. 20eyear bends Seir tite extension of the electric light este power plants. Council's Actions In the following issue, that of May 23rd, 1929, in the report of the council proceedings of the previous Fridae. the following appears; ' A request .from the Water and Light Commission for the passing ot a bynter to rase, $30,000 by the issue of 5 pet cent debentures to provide for. plant ex- tensions was granted the by-law to be prepared. Engineer Kelly reported that the capacity of the present equipment a was 1000 H.P. and that the load had run 10II-1048 and even a peak of 1208. Tile bylaw olvering the issuing Of the debentures wee not passed until the fol- lowing Sentem6er„A ppa re n fly the council of the day was taking plenty Of 9.99.449.19m4.194490•999 1 COM inh iEvents AND BUSINESS BRIEFS The W. C. T. U. will:hold their -legit,. Nr meeting at the home nf Mrs. M. W Howell, St. Vincent street. on Thurs. day, October 18th, at 3.00 p.m. Mrs. E. E. "Herald N in charge in town of the sale 'of membership tickets for the Alexendra, Marine• and General Hos- Oita. Anyone .wishing to communicate • with her will find her at the home of ' Mrs. Frank L awrence, Market gtreet ee Phone annual The thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox church will be held on Teesday, Oct. 16th e at 3 p.in. Mrs. Gordon. of Exeter, will be the official speaker, and a cordial invitation is ex- tended to all the ledies -to attend. Ooderich Township Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. T. R. Rundle, Hur- on Road, on Thursday. October 18th, at public had four nfonths in which to learn Of the arrangement and to voice any,,proteste We are informed that no objection 'was offered as it -wan commonly felt that the whole investment was a splen- did one for the town. - From- -the -feet- -that the -Hydro -engin eer reported that the then equipment was inadequate for the load which Was being carried, it would also seem that addftional equipment would have been necessary even if the Elevator Company had not purchased more power. ..,,••••••••••••••;•. TIHIANKSGIVING, DINNER ENJOYED The annual Thanksgiving dinner 'held In Victoria street United church on Monday, October 81h, and sponsored by the Women's Association, was Well at- tended. Large crowds gathered for the dinner hour, quite ,a nung)er remaining for the program followinv which con- sisted of readings by Miss L. Treleaven of Crewe, and solos by Mr. T. Menary of Crewe, Mrs. E. Henderson and Mr. Itaiph Henderson rendered vocal duets and solos. anti Mrs: J. Snyder and Miss A. Howell played tteVered piste &lett, Rev. F. W. Craik gave a few words of greeting, and the Young feeoPers orches- tra played during the dinner hour and rendered several selections during the program. Return visit Carolina Jubilee Singers. Victoria St. United church. Iforiday evening, October 15th. at 8 pin. Adults 25e, ellildedie tinker 12 fears, 15c. e 'TheWeather Oct. , 4 9 919 4 5 0 " 10.. Max. Min. 1033 07 43 12 44 84 07 68- 60 . 63 63 • 61 42 00 36 Max. Min. 11)241 62 SO 58- 60 03' 46 80 50 62 46 68 45 57 43 2.30 p.m. • - •4,1 The regular. monthlir meeting of the Arthur Circle will be held in the lecture room of Knox 1Presbyterian church on Monday, October 150. at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jas. Hume will have eharge of the meet- ing and Miss G. Hoist will sing. The .adrross.wlII be. given by Mrs.. San' nett A hot fowl supper will be 'served by the ladies of St. Augustine Parish on TuesdayeOctoner 16th. et St. Augustine. The Supper will start at 5.30 p.m. In- teresting features, and dance. Supper, adults 35e, children 20e. IeUleeMAGE SALE Under the auspices of the Maple Leat Chapter, r.o.D.E., in the bisersent of lefacKay Hall Friday and Saturday. October 19 and 20. THE DRUG STORE Every year about this time, the drug- gists of e.Canada have resolved to tell their customers something of the profes- sional side of their business. This year, 1934, the time tet for this purpose is Oct. 81h to 13th. The Goderieh drug- gists. Lander, Campbell, Dunlop and WIgIe, join with their Cranadicue brothel' 'druggists In telling the people abont pharniacy. Dreiggists are required •to strve three years' apprenticeship and to attend a College of Pharmacy for two years, at the end try .a qualifying exam- ifiritken and if AftiltrettlUT 'Will titelttfe diploma which licenses him or her be practice their profession. This tra1n1n3 especially fits him or, her to render a corninunity service in the tompounding of Prescriptions. first aid, and sale of arugs; When its drugs, remerriber your druggist. 1101SN nrcniumsoN.-At Alexandra, Irospl. tal; on Saturday. October 8t11, to Mr. sue Mrs. Witi, A. Riehardson, Nit Alberti 801a TAYLOIL-At AleXandra hosPital. Or Friday. October 5th. to Ur. arid -604* *M. Ross Taylor, 11,11. 3. Auburn, daughter. WILSON. -At Alexandra 110004 60 1.k• folhdaY. October 6th, to "W. Mid 4Vteph Wibon It lc 1. OoderiOst * daughter. ,FOR RENT , or FOR SALE Bedford Resideneem.Cohourg St; Apply P. IL WiltROVir, Executor Phone 01. ZEAL ESTATE AND INSULINCE ... .THE CAREY CO.. Fire,' Accident and Motor Car INSURANCV:- - s , masa* Tes9p0, West 84.40,4deelek ries° t2S . NELSON '�ILL, Mgr. • j.t W. CRAIGIE Itssrate ai KO Estate . 0001114101, 'PlIOVINCAL An MUNICIPAL !PONDS , TENDERS FOR DREDGING S EALED TENDERS, addressed to th undersigned and endorsed "Tende for Drerigine'Parry Sound, Two, Fly and seven Mile Narrows and Devil's El bow, Ont:", will be received until 12 o'clock noon;' Tuesday, October IS, 1034 Tenders Will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De pertinent and in 'accordtifite-With th conditions set forth therein. COmbinecif specifleation and form o tender dan be obtained on application to the Undersigned, also at the Office of th Diattiot Engineer, Equity Eldg., Toronto -Ontario: Tenders must include the towing 01 the plant, to and from the work. The dredgesand other =plant .whlcli ,are intended to be 'employed rro this wdr shall have been duly registered in Can 60A OA or before.the _thirty.first, day December. 1020, or shall hate been leOne strutted and registered in Canadaa sine the *aid date. _ - Edith folder mug be .iteteinpanied b tertilleel cheque on Cchartered hank in Canada, 'made Payable' to the order o the" :Honorable the Mbiater_ of, wmics equal tO 6 per cent Of the *Montt ot the. tender, ,Or Hearet`BOOdis Of the :N'*tic*zal Ra.Uway . Cormp�ny and ftaCOW,' .DotnirtiOrt Of dantidir Or Of the Canadian atituerit Companies ilotooditionallY xostr weed as to Principal and Interest b the tkardnitio, 01. Canaria, Or the Oore. Mentioned hoods ittid",* Ort1fit4 eheqtt if 'required to ritike tiP 041.0dd *Mount. ltrt no trtiai Mali the serttritt *Vogt leas than $506.00i for Sat Order, 11 DESJARDH48, Pbft Ottarra October *. 1434. 111011W-ttalOtirliect-Ineeeting-Or the town' council took place Tuesday evening,„ vent, Mayor C. CI, Lee, absent, although it had been underetood that no meeting would bp held Without a full attendance of members. The -adjournment was for the purpose of dismissing Councillor Humber's Mo- tion of two weeks ago to reduce the sta- tus of the Collegiate Institute to that of a High School. Councillor 'Humber being present, the meeting proeeeded without:the mayor.. , Theellierinisiness Was that of replat- ing the chairnian, Reeve Munnings. Coun. Humber moved, seconded by Coun. Iiiicktris, that Deputy Reeve Turner take the chair. Conn. Humber grite-al liftireaserieleir 'breaking -the Vetter eetistiein e the 'feet- thlteelie el"iefaefitjd''' the next mayor (Deputy Reeve Ttirrier)- to have some 'experience iii the chair." _ C 0 Une1110 r Se ab r o ok e Colclough and Huckins voted -NMI hint e-seteeve-Munnengs ,renierked that while it was not important to hien iveno was in the chair. "It is the most preposterous thing, I ever.Sam. 1ncouncil. If I didn't , -want -to knoeveihat_you want scleele abeeek the streets, I'd leave th,e meeting." e • NO Committee- Repine anksgiying Day eet Great Success M. and Mrs, Wililatu Stratighan Xef Wined TiteedaY rOM NiF, and MO, •Wm. M... and fantil spent the I -week -end at Sarnia, miss Elele 'Briedfone., is Spending he Vacation in !onto at present, A41----LeeesgediMe.....C.Meetejleelet the_weekt end with friends in Ititehener. Mies Greta Tiffin,' of, London, is Vialto letle at.,the home oe her aunt ,Mrs, J. ° • " Miss Wigginsspent the week -end in Toronto and attended th,e MoMorran, Burgess wedding, ,etirs.• Robert Peck, ot New'York State spent the week -end With Mrs. B. teeny - on and „Mien L. Smith!: J. Keith Saunders, f' Doug. Middleton and .Stan. Taylor, of tioderich, -lett on Sattirday to' spend -a feweedayseeli Trotteir, Impeii*1 410,iwortia' yt • Makes Best rune and,: Wins C r oWd's Affections—Twelve H e at s Provide Great After. noon's SportCottolitaill Sta- , ges—roi—oe 'Efir-rt.: 0. cago. Mr. arid Mrs, J. $. 'Henderson, who sOnt the suntnier months at their sum- mer home at Saltford, ,shave returned to Detroft. .I.Ybert _0%4...AWL „daughter,. • *Norma, spent Thanksgiving' holiday with her sister Mrs. eorge BrOWnlee, of Mr ancL We...Stuarts-Henry and -t,w sons, Jack and, Stuart 01 Windsor, spent the..week-end at. etlietelienhelete .hcole at Goderich. • Mrs. J. B. McKayt Miss Mary McKay and Miss GertrudC fittest, spent the •holiday weekeend_at latter's home ip Crediton. t Miss Beatrice Ca `bell; of 'McMaster University, Flainiltore,.e spent Thanksgiv- ing at the -home of 4,4. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cairepbet Mr. and Mrs. Irvin't Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodgers tatted with the 1ae dies' parents, Mr. -*I Mrs. E. Curren, at Saltford, on Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Massey send 'daughter, Ber- nice, and Mr. A. --*icholsod, Stoney Creek, spent Thanks ving at the helm A. Campbell, 85 It was then discovered that the spe- eial col:QM-Mee had net brought M any report on the school question so it was decided toe adjourn for 15 minutes to • enable them to settlee-tnesmatter. After desultory talk for an hour the Meeting resumed with the deputy reeve Still in the chair, no vote being taken with regard to the chairinanship. The special committee suggested, "In the matter of the status of the done- giate Institute reverting to High School, 'we recommend that a letter be Sent to the Minister of Education asking for de- tails as to the difference between a High School and a -Collegiate Institute with the result or. results of having our Col- legiate Institute revert to status of Higui School and any relative savings and What 'wetted' tee the Petseeduee to have the Goderich Collegiate Institute come under a Board of Education." The meeting also had .ocrcasion to pass the following motion, written by Coun. Humber, but signed by Come. Seabrooke and Colelough, "That an auditor's com- mittee of three be appointed to consult with auditors from time to time as may be found necessary, the committee to consise of Councillors Huraber and leuckins, With ,Reeve Munnings." Reeve Munnins got some action on the matter of the telephone poles on the streets, the . council • leaving the question of their location with him with the proviso that if in doubt on any • street he is to consult with the whole council. An actor in Holywoed has taught the woF a oor o re an now renting him to the studios. • - ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE ewee. A DiVIINISTRAT'RIX'S See E 0 LAND. • The administratrix of the estate of Charles A. Walters, will tell by public auction at the premises of the late Charles A. Walters, namely part of lot • Imbiber 232 on Park St. in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday, October 27th, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. Pirstly.-Part of Lot number 232 in the Town of Goderich, being More par. ticularly described- as follOws: Corn- , mertcing at a point twelve feet east -from the north-west angle of said lot, thence south parallel with the western bowldary of said lot to the south boundary -thereof, thence east along that said south boundary thereat to a point thir- ty-theee 'feet west from the south-east angle' of said lot, thence north parallel, with the eastern boundary of said lot to the northern boundary to the place of beginning. Secondly. -'rhe following goods and chattels: One Whippet sedan, and Sev- eral auto tires, oneset of double ha - nese, one set of single lines, new, ono part set single harness, one grind stone, one lawn mower, one trearn separator, one scythe and snath, teed buggypoles, one saddle, a lot of useful tools ittclud- Ing dies, pipe wrenches, etc, One move ing jadk, chainsone set stove trucks, carpenter's vice, one lanternplitures and old fashioned mirrors, one good ex - 'tension ladder, a iffittiber of liaise doOrs And iwindow sash, one. knittirig machine, one blow tomb, one iron bed and springs four upholstered chairs. one foot warm. er, tine milk' can one wire -clothes bey ket, tobbler's outfit. one robe, one wal- • tint table, one saw cart, one Quebec article*. range and f1es 5»d Minierous othef TE1t103.-On the mat estate -The Property win be told subject to a reserve Tett per cent.•cash, is Let be' pant „at the One, of the sale, and the balance within thirty &Ws. • • - goods' - and ehattels-- cash at, the thne of the sate. ?or .11`urther partieuteirs apply' to ItsIESSICS. HAYS and HAYS. Hamilton St,. doderkh. • Solicitor* for the Adrninistratris • Or to herein. --- -MRS LtAnnr, it,-,193311Eft. ./t. No. 5, doderich, ' Or tO MESSES. owitirir OONS. • Auttleneera. doderkh, Ontario. of Mr. and Mrs. Ja East St. Mr. Lloyd W. Curre ited, with his pardexts Curren, of Saltford, also Aer, G. Prankli Mr. Stuart Ball of CI . Rev. E. F. and Irwin and two' sons, of China, spenC.Thanksgiving Day with- the, lormer's,siteter, Mrs.. W.' P. Lane. They were accompanied from Body of Local Man .11,,f0M14.0.41, d.#,L0E0 Di013,', IN It `F.IAPSE Se :40:be.j*.rtIrvvedon,otiersoodaik7n.ttoothe7tztii.fodiextrayo: be: Who has.been ettiferillet frinn IteeklaW for the nteet Several. Week-% watt aPPerentlY Oh the road to connelete recovery Up to Wednesday Of this 'Week, On that day he suffered a relapse and at-latt_accetinit& wocznteso_etell..._Conee vulsiona set in and it has been neves- . sary to administer more anti -tetanus Imperial Axwortle,Y; the Marcelled eeruiee trotter, Stole the spot -light from all the pacers at the Thanksgiving Day meet of the Goderich Trotting' and Pacing. Aesso- elation to win two heats in the 2,22 event, hang up the best time of th‘ cifty, 2.12 in bath heats, and incidentally cap- ture the affections of the rather slim crowd. s In the third heat the gelding came 0.....4kg-eirete.a.‘tr,heeekete.-eAreelee"ke e two villa gave hien first money. His speed was matched only by the little -cottontail:rabbit which soineb,ow got onto the track at the north end of the grand stand, ran amid the cheers of the delighted crowd, all the way down hrethe stables -aird•then elfierefed-figlit through the throng at the gate and got airax. If he had been going in the right direction, he would certainly have won something., es it was,, Starter Burnside announced that there _would be no extra -charge for the added-atteaction, Twelve heats , in all gave the crowd lots for their money as every heat was a race and it was found necessary to spilt • the 2.28- class into-tevo, -owing- to th lareg nuniber of entries. Prince Grattan, with E. Prince of _Walkerton driving, stumbled and fell' in_ the first- heat of the 2,22 while going downthe back stretch. As it happened, only one horse was behind him and while the driver was tossed high and far and the spectators gasped. no harm re- sulted. mr. Fritz drove the rest of the heats. Ruth "Grattan, a very consistent per- former, won all three of her, heats in the first section of the 2.28 race, her best time being chalked up in the first heat, namely -2.15%. Little Mustard took twee of the second section with a mark of 2.15. placing third in the other. Star Peter won the two first heats and was just nosed out in the. 'third heat of. , (Continued on Itage 8) ' 1, of Oshawa, vis- • Mr. and Mrs. 5, I vex the w.eekeend, of „Oshawa, and Telephone Company Pipea Starts Local Work About Fifteen Men,F4410344 Or Tuesday—To Vito*, Three - Day. Shifts ap.-....-......hvoneexfe The Bell Tel Company got un,. 1-11 i• cr.-war-ow-the ns on ,program early on Tuesday, October Oth, with o gang of about fifteen Men. West street was the scene of the fine i. operation, that .01- getting Wires 'under- ground. Mr. Prank Cedes .of the London office of the Company is In charge o! the work, his specialty being the bury- ing of wires. Ile will have. charge ol " the complete job. et la planned to give as many men al possible some work 'although he order to go roundeelLeelle_beenece to.", enrZh&IZgWEPI'alt;. veraArie of local unemployed .have theft names . registered at the town hall. These IVO sent out- in rotation as quickly as Poe - able, the Company not, hieeng any Men on its - oven eadecied-iii tilt _ ---_-------- - ------ -----ee .'' eeMreettriff;16-earleitititigee. rePaitillitil.•' . • - .4.-,-.' most citizens are now willing to permit the poles to be placed on private *nei . following the published slatemeneesif the Company agreeing to indemnify house- holders against loss. "It, was just a -matter_otele,tting peepleeelgtow--throughece -- -------•••----; plain honest statement Of the facts just what we were trying to do," said Mr , .Griff. "Once they - got the idea their loyalty_and *pride- -in-• -their --town /did -the- - - - rest. Everyone wants a clean, smart looking town and we are out to help them- get it" •-Thet, job will ,last sOrne tronths espee „ , chilly wfien the additional part of the • ,, program Is added to that which is under way Mew. It is expected that at least $30,000 .will- be spent by the Company. - ..........--,--.4"............2......-.. , Mr. W. D. Saunders, popular accoun- tant of the local branch of the Bank of ,Montreal. has been nottflee Of. his trans- fer to the branch of the bank at Picton. Ont. He will be leaving town in about ten days. - I Dr, J. B. Whitely, his Physician, still hopes for recovery, although of the five other eases which the doctor has had in a very long practice, not one recov- ered. Power Purchase By k Toronto by Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Raymer. Mr. Irwin is a missionary on furlough frcm Indo-China. Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, 66 Glou- cester Terrace, were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dawson and Mr. Kalmer Dawson, Aub- urn, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bale•Mr. Stein - ley Ball and the MLsses Roxie and Marine Ball, • Evergreen Farm, Hullett. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanbury and Floyd, Clinton: Minor Cases Before • Magistrate Makins Only Six All Told Suggest that tm y or $ Formosa Case Put Over a Week. Morals appear to be. on the mend again in Huron County. Police have not been rushed and only a peered on Magistrate Ma docket'for the whole of the curre k. Chilstine McLean, t first ;roman to appear on a charge of • runkenness in a long time was first on he carpet. She was fined the usual e10 or ten days and went out to get the money. Then two deck hands, Herb tIrquttart and James Holland, who had foutid time hanging heavy on their hands 4), week ago and had attempted to "kill" it; in the_bever- age rooms, appeared and, as they lacked funds, went back to finish their ten •chtet in the Bastille. Clarence Ileingessner, of Cleormositt, who first appeafed Tad Thursday on a charge of having converted certain moners belonging to hie employer to his own use, was up again this 'I'luirsday and pleaded not guilty. He elected to hive his case disposed of suinmarily by the Magistrate but the 'crown was not ready to proceed flis counsel.. Alex, IftNa.bb of Walkerton, did riot like the delay.'" as he was all set. PinaRy Seingesiner was allowed to go after supplaring his own ,ball for 52,000, while a friend, Edgar ' Merle. of Por - mow put up another ;400. , •The ciao Witt he heard next Thrusday. Alexander Powell of Goderich ,was al- lowed another week in whieh.to prepare his case 10 a charge of having liquor net obtained on a permit.Jno „ pear•toff:L}Saireto,tof 84thiasoirthna;netal.ledmro ril be at the nett sessioir, a week hence. CiODEIttellf flEThOE CCM% At the weekly duplicate bridge town. arnent held' Mom* evening, the follow - Lug were -winners: IA lArti• W. Ekittn. ders and Mr. P„ P. Caret 241, 4nd, Stn. 13. 13-Caxey..,and Atra,-.J. Johnston. 23 • ol2 d, .2.4f.lAtiaway and Ur. Jas. 1, The nerd gatrie will be played at the Park itouse not Uouday 'evening. Found In Maitland Henry Snider, Retired Farmer, Apparently Leaped from C. • °P: _R. Bridge—Body Located After Search. EL Henry Snyder, aged 68, a retired farmer who had been residing on Essex street, Goderich, for some years, was found dead in the Maitland River under the C, P. R. bridge at about 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. , Snider, had driven his car down onto the Maitland Golf course in the morn- ing, the club professional, Jack Annet, seeing him park near the entrance to •. thing -me wen of the driver, whom Mr. Annet did not krlow, and the car stood there until the prolonged absence.. of the owner aroused the suspicions of both employees and players. A search was instituted, two boats being secured and several men took part in a search of the ,river. Jas.- Donald eon finally found the body in shallow Water under the bridge. rt, is b4.11eved that deceased jumped from the bridge after walking from the • peeked automobile and climbing the 'high bank of the railway file: This can- not be proved but an mgneet will pees- sibly Clear the point eupe Some days ago, deceased was pulled out of the water of' the harbor by four Elsvittor Company employees. It was thought at the time that, he had had a fainting spell and had fallen in. - When the body Was found on Thure- dayt it was removed to the bank and. Dr. A. H. Taylor was called. Every efe iart was made to resuscitate him but it found that head injuries, caused presumably by the leap from the bridge, had calmed quick death. There was no water In the lungs. The remains tvere removed to AleXandra:Uarine and Gen- eral 410ipital where a ftirther examina- tion Was made. , • Cettstable Thos. Gundry found that the watch carried by deceased had stop, "teed it 10.10 a.m. shortly after he had - • 'eta to delve dowri `Onto the self course. A few weeks aio, deceased was Mar- ried for a second .time to Mrs. Irvine Riney of Waterloo. It is reported that he had intended moving to Preston 40 ifve On tire inOrriing he wag &Ufa dead. This has not been- confirmed. letiffleing' -rale Irealefes Wife, ere one SOU and four daughters., The son, Jack, his latterly been in the emit* of a local drygoods merchant. The daughters are /Mrs. ?tank, Wright, itelboUrriel lifra. Wm. Henderson, Cop- per, Cliff: -atra., Ohm, and Miss Elite. of London. Ite also has to brothers tiving in Western Canada and kir stater* residing In Huron Ckalthty.‘ Report of Request for Additional Equipment Appeared in Star With Council's Decision—By- _ Law Passed Four Months 9 Incouncil it has been claimed several thing of the deal whereby -1 times by Coun. Huckins that the eiti- the Gocierich Elevate'. . Company had 4 been supplied, with power. 'The folloWing eapneaire e on '(eU�t The Star of May 16th, 1920, under the caption, ° • Hydro Power for New Elevator. At the last "meeting of •theeWeiter and - Light Coin -mission on Thursday evening, May Oth,, a letter from the Hydro Elm - trio. Power •Oomiseion was read whiUi stated that the'total cost of preposed line and station changes necessary to supply power- to the new • elevator annex would be $26,300, .including 89937.50 for transformers already ordered., The H E. P. Commission wrote, "As you have sorne six to eight thousand cellars on hand, it would appear advisable to issue debentures for $20,000 to •over the ad- ditional capacity M the statidn only. - It was Passed that the H. E. P. Com- mission bo. anthorized to purchase and enstall the 'neceisary equipment as pet their engineering department's estimate of March 26; and another resolution was adopted that the council be asked to OS* bylaw authorising the issue of 420,000 -6 per delete. 20eyear bends Seir tite extension of the electric light este power plants. Council's Actions In the following issue, that of May 23rd, 1929, in the report of the council proceedings of the previous Fridae. the following appears; ' A request .from the Water and Light Commission for the passing ot a bynter to rase, $30,000 by the issue of 5 pet cent debentures to provide for. plant ex- tensions was granted the by-law to be prepared. Engineer Kelly reported that the capacity of the present equipment a was 1000 H.P. and that the load had run 10II-1048 and even a peak of 1208. Tile bylaw olvering the issuing Of the debentures wee not passed until the fol- lowing Sentem6er„A ppa re n fly the council of the day was taking plenty Of 9.99.449.19m4.194490•999 1 COM inh iEvents AND BUSINESS BRIEFS The W. C. T. U. will:hold their -legit,. Nr meeting at the home nf Mrs. M. W Howell, St. Vincent street. on Thurs. day, October 18th, at 3.00 p.m. Mrs. E. E. "Herald N in charge in town of the sale 'of membership tickets for the Alexendra, Marine• and General Hos- Oita. Anyone .wishing to communicate • with her will find her at the home of ' Mrs. Frank L awrence, Market gtreet ee Phone annual The thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox church will be held on Teesday, Oct. 16th e at 3 p.in. Mrs. Gordon. of Exeter, will be the official speaker, and a cordial invitation is ex- tended to all the ledies -to attend. Ooderich Township Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. T. R. Rundle, Hur- on Road, on Thursday. October 18th, at public had four nfonths in which to learn Of the arrangement and to voice any,,proteste We are informed that no objection 'was offered as it -wan commonly felt that the whole investment was a splen- did one for the town. - From- -the -feet- -that the -Hydro -engin eer reported that the then equipment was inadequate for the load which Was being carried, it would also seem that addftional equipment would have been necessary even if the Elevator Company had not purchased more power. ..,,••••••••••••••;•. TIHIANKSGIVING, DINNER ENJOYED The annual Thanksgiving dinner 'held In Victoria street United church on Monday, October 81h, and sponsored by the Women's Association, was Well at- tended. Large crowds gathered for the dinner hour, quite ,a nung)er remaining for the program followinv which con- sisted of readings by Miss L. Treleaven of Crewe, and solos by Mr. T. Menary of Crewe, Mrs. E. Henderson and Mr. Itaiph Henderson rendered vocal duets and solos. anti Mrs: J. Snyder and Miss A. Howell played tteVered piste &lett, Rev. F. W. Craik gave a few words of greeting, and the Young feeoPers orches- tra played during the dinner hour and rendered several selections during the program. Return visit Carolina Jubilee Singers. Victoria St. United church. Iforiday evening, October 15th. at 8 pin. Adults 25e, ellildedie tinker 12 fears, 15c. e 'TheWeather Oct. , 4 9 919 4 5 0 " 10.. Max. Min. 1033 07 43 12 44 84 07 68- 60 . 63 63 • 61 42 00 36 Max. Min. 11)241 62 SO 58- 60 03' 46 80 50 62 46 68 45 57 43 2.30 p.m. • - •4,1 The regular. monthlir meeting of the Arthur Circle will be held in the lecture room of Knox 1Presbyterian church on Monday, October 150. at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jas. Hume will have eharge of the meet- ing and Miss G. Hoist will sing. The .adrross.wlII be. given by Mrs.. San' nett A hot fowl supper will be 'served by the ladies of St. Augustine Parish on TuesdayeOctoner 16th. et St. Augustine. The Supper will start at 5.30 p.m. In- teresting features, and dance. Supper, adults 35e, children 20e. IeUleeMAGE SALE Under the auspices of the Maple Leat Chapter, r.o.D.E., in the bisersent of lefacKay Hall Friday and Saturday. October 19 and 20. THE DRUG STORE Every year about this time, the drug- gists of e.Canada have resolved to tell their customers something of the profes- sional side of their business. This year, 1934, the time tet for this purpose is Oct. 81h to 13th. The Goderieh drug- gists. Lander, Campbell, Dunlop and WIgIe, join with their Cranadicue brothel' 'druggists In telling the people abont pharniacy. Dreiggists are required •to strve three years' apprenticeship and to attend a College of Pharmacy for two years, at the end try .a qualifying exam- ifiritken and if AftiltrettlUT 'Will titelttfe diploma which licenses him or her be practice their profession. This tra1n1n3 especially fits him or, her to render a corninunity service in the tompounding of Prescriptions. first aid, and sale of arugs; When its drugs, remerriber your druggist. 1101SN nrcniumsoN.-At Alexandra, Irospl. tal; on Saturday. October 8t11, to Mr. sue Mrs. Witi, A. Riehardson, Nit Alberti 801a TAYLOIL-At AleXandra hosPital. Or Friday. October 5th. to Ur. arid -604* *M. Ross Taylor, 11,11. 3. Auburn, daughter. WILSON. -At Alexandra 110004 60 1.k• folhdaY. October 6th, to "W. Mid 4Vteph Wibon It lc 1. OoderiOst * daughter.