HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-04, Page 9air 40itnotOn; 12,1,14 0*.$0. TAghorns, sIng10.. enalt); brown-Id.- afkleArona . 4tgborn% any irarlety-rai Johnston David -Gwyn; „ jolinito* ' 44040. ' Ziack,soti, E1. 4i8-410» ton, , Rock* *Alto -140'1i' J'a, §On,„.DaY14 131-ary,a, ' 6." AnForiut,,-.Win.-Iike,140n* EL.,4'4) , .111nek,breiktitt4, fled Oeme-Prnid s 0 Aolt1t3,pvitto't 400•4:iotkre, mn1eI voii,:oeyT$„ -vavpie rom-vm. Keyes,„ Thos. wiser; GeXing or IULy, 4.'.*Oara.-Thoa.Bol- ger, ' Hawkins IsgrA0610..;.' Gelding or $earo,-Airnii,KOes, ly TOL Bolger, ROY Toll. Mare Or:geldings-Roy TOR. • Best 'oellection by Ono owner -John Vedden, Londeshoro. • HEAVY DRAVOLIT • Brood mare -Hawkins * Nichol. - it ----FoislawkinassIs Nichol, 'as Bolger.. Geldliag or fillysIsyear-Wm.s-Keyes. Teaus-John Todden. Mare or gelding-30bn 'trodden. 'GrEN164MiskilIilPOSE - Brocal Maire:-.3; Austin, Wingham. Foal -Wm, Keyes, Austin. . Team -T. 31, ',Durnin, Dungannon. • Mare or gelding -7-T. M. Durnin. ROADSTERS • Lady. driveis=-Mrs. I. W. Ohm, Mill- bank ; Mrs. Turvitt, Wingham, • .Team -a. Fryfog:e, Wingisam; Car- rie & Turvitt, Wingharn. , Mare and foal -John Mans, H. Bol - Mare •sr gelding, 2 years -Harold • Kititting, Go4idch ;. John Deans. --smareseX-Sgeldint,slyears-Soha Deana, Foal-sliawkins & Niched, John ....-Indges=Dr-Csainp.1;e11„-asnsa'.4sWm, Hey, Zurich. Specials Driving horste hitched to buggy, style and sinteds-,1- Fryfogles rri vitt, J. Fryfogle. ---By-Tifsss-Elliotts-forliest lady day:- er-Mrs.' I. W. Ohm, ltItilbanks • CATTELE-' SHORTHORN Milch cow -W. Gerrie, Bellwood; Me.vin Taylor, B.elgraie. ' • Heifer,. 2 years. -W. 3. •Gerrie, W. C. F. °stretcher, CreditOn. Heifer, 1 year-sW. J. Gerrie, W. C. F. ()stretcher. - • Heifer calf -W. C. F. °stretcher, w.J. Gerrie:,•- Bullsane year and under two -w. -G. • F. °stretcher. Buil ealf--W. J. Gerrie, W. C. F. °stretcher. , Aged bull -W. 0, F. °stretcher. • Herd, bull and two females -W, C. F. °stretcher. HEREFORDS , Mitch cow -Jas. Little, Teeswater. Heifer,. 2 years -Jas. Little. • Helfer, 1 ear -Jas. Little, lot and 2nd. , Heifer ea:f-Jas. Little, 1st and 2nd. Bull, one year and under bwo-Jas. Little, 1st and 2nd, - • . one-yearand under two -jus. Little,' lst and 2nd. •' ,• Ball calf -Jas. Little, 1st and 2nd. Aged 'bull -Jas. Little. Herd -Jas. Little. GRADES Mitch cow-Robt. Whiteman, Blyth;. •Geo. Brown. . Heifer, 2 years -R. 'Proctor. Heifer, year -R. Proctor. Steer, 1 year -W. .I. Gerrie, R. Proc- tor. . Heifer gailL--W. 3". Gerrie, John Barr. •Steer calf-sil. Proctor, John Barr. Vat steer -W. Gerrie. - Fat cow' or heifer -John Barr, R. Proctor. Dairy cow -John Barr, Wm: Taylor. Special By T. ,Eaton Co., for best purebred calf, 8 months old -Jas. D. Little. Judges -J. D. Jackson, Jas. earning. • SHEEP LE10ESTVR Aged rani -E. Snell,' Xondesboro. Shearling ram -B. SAO. Ram Ian:lb-11 'Snell, 1st and 2nd. 2nd. Aged ewe -I34 Snell. Shearling ewe -E. Snell, lst and 2nd. Ewe lamb -E. Snell, lstsand 2nd. f311110PSIIIREDOWN Agled ram-OrVal McGowan, Blyth. Shearling rain -Orval McGowan. .Ram lamb ---Orval McGowen. , Aged ewe -Orval McGowen. Sbesrling ewe ---Orval McGowan. Ewe larnb-Orval McGowan. -OXFORDS Aged ram -J: It. Henry, lielgrave, 1st and 2nd. Shearling rani -J. R. Henry, 1st and 2nd. Ram la inb-J. R. Henry, Earl Cald- well, Blyth. Aged ewe -3. R. Henry, lst and 2nd. Shearling ewe, J. R. Henry, ist and 2nd. Ewe lamb -J. R. Remy, litandlnd. Wether lambs -4. R. Henry, 1st and 2nd. •• DoliSEt Aged rain -Orval McGowan. Shearling ram --Orval McGowan. Ilanl lamb -Orval MeGowan. - Aged ewe--Qrval McGowan. Shearling rams -Orval, McGowan. Ewe latn-Orval MeGowen, 3edges-4. D, Jackson; Jas. earning. Special By R. D. Philp, ter two best bacon hogs -Jas. Cuming. ' judges --J. D. Jackson, an. POULTM , Pair geo01.1440....YX10.4-7.71,. ry, Win. B. jaekson, ttgriston. rAir geese, •sinall---SarletY-Earl CMdwell. ,•*, ,• Any variety, duekS-2-Dststid Gwyn. White •W:Yandot(g, ben -Edward johnstoit W atIOOtt.'; jackson. Collection -Wiz. Ja4son, White Leghorn,' ;ainglei,p-Omb,,vock,.._ Wm. Jaekson; Ed. johnston... lien;••=- DaVid Mont td. JohnstOil. Pullet 10.1olinston, Win. 3aekson. • Barred, Rock, dOeltp-Witd. jackson, David Gwyn UeflWm_Jackson, David Gwyn. Cotkerel--Win. Zokeent Datld Mon, voek,-"Wito.Jk • ittnimAATE1.330h400;PaVid 01v)* x By Dr. . W. T+ *fleet for 14e,4 'des ducks-ROY'T011. By 11. Erskine, for beat Barred. Rock 0.00kerd-Win. !Pidgeon, . Judge-r-thaa. Watson,. iondeshero. , potatoes -D. qii7314 sass M. Livingston, - Late .potatoes -A. naggitts Sohn Barr. Garden_carrots,launes, Lotkle, Earl ealtivvelL Pleld Progtor, Mrs. its. Workman, Brussels. . • s - Beets.„.tablesuse---MrS.-e: Workman, Ibis A. elllesPi'e- Mangolds-11. ,ProctOr. . - Pumpkin -Geo. Brown, Zahn Barr. . Squash -A. Haggitt, Mrs. Jolm Wright. Red ontans-4. Yellow onions -A. Haggitt, Jas. Lockte. - Silver pickling•Onlons--Davtd Gwyn. White field beans-Davtil Gwyn. Citrons -Mrs. C Workman, David 7 Gwyn. eabbags, named-DavidHaggitt. Red. cabbage -Miss A. Gillespie. -Caultflowerss-Miss-A:- •GillesPiss - Meld _corn, Dent (braided)-ssMiss A. -jutige-Geo. Sloan; - ' DAIRY PRODUCTS Dairy ,butter in 5-1b. prints -Wm. Taylor.. , airy but er in 3.1b. rolls -Wm. Tay- lor; Mrs. Wm --Somers,- Brussels:. Dairy butter in three 14b. prints - Mrs. Wm. ,Somers, Mrs. Wm. Brown. Special . ily J. S. Chellews-fOr two lbs. -dairy butter in Prints--Robt. Whiteman. Judge -Jas. Cuttittlyth. - APIARY AND OTHER PRODUCTS Maple syrup -Mrs. 1. Johnston, Geo. Brown. 'Carry, a liberal SuPP1Y of the IiuekIy ,Bronciimi Mix; 4,0. Vic, OP- Pena. ler' White Pine and SpruceBalettM ....Vies Se lieSsen'a 40 C0141111,errefts 40e0 7.4) WARD " THAT COUGH A Tasteless Cod 14ver Ck. Ayer 'Vito!min 044.08.-t, altesss VS. •Wiu 4omere, W1164 sls Seithetells MrL '11:111tkliOrin' ,a0;,;:rw.. 'Co. to; ake-.4Ira. X. Johnston, Um J. Cum. - 41 gig. NV,I*4 ..140*40, k Jiy Wo.st•Onf.‘0.40,44 Flour 1111, for loaf brea4-- 411.• 04 Workman, Mrs. _JOhntilOn,'.4tra. :J. cowing. Lotter, • c'Ul$4,. , 00MOT'Hic..144mtly4 WORK QOCkolteatt-41rs. j*nstonA.Urc. Wiktkit4 ‘i• 7 044 e,10,9:41f8;•11. *10ic1ii; Ai Savage, tuttea.`and.' A. Savage, Uri, Wm. SOMere, Quilt, vrochet,-Mss 1. Woodcock. Mrs. WM. SoMera, upplique,Mrs, . *elite** FaneY bed.ein'en4*-411:8' A. '34Vage" WS. Wni.'SOmerS, Conaforter-Mrs. H. McNichol, Mrs. Wm. Somers. Men's soeks-Mrs. H. McNithol, Miss M. LivingstOn. Men's rnitt, double -Mrs. Win. %Mc- ihr, Mrs. A. Savage. Mat, hooked -Mrs. H. McNichol;Mrs. A. Savage. Mat, braideti-Mrs. Wm Taylor, Mrs. H. MeNiepol. • 'Mat, any other kind -Mrs. Wm. Som- ers, Mrs. Jas. earning. • Man's work shirt-llirs. 'Wmr Som. era, Mrs. Jas. Cuming. 'Work aprons ---Mrs. I. Johnston, Miss A. Gillespie. Boy's suit,out of old garments -Miss M. Livingston, Mrs. A..- Savage. Girl's dress out of old garinent-Miss M. Livingsten, Mrs. A.sSavage. EMBROIDERY • 's Cherry'Pkt4t14:. ,110fie '14Syrup'1*r vidCod 1.4ver 3 1,1).)4r• Wamoille$ od Liv Oil Park!, Dayis judge -Mrs. W. 1'otter,0 MIsa Gillespie. One . dozen hen. eggs -Geo. 'Drown, Win, Brown. jud0„et-_,Geo. _ ART . „Olt painting, seene-MIss -cock-,- Naas -1t..LivingstOm' :011. Painting, .from-nature--31rs. A. Savage, Kincardine; Miss M. 'Living- ston. Animals -Miss M. Livingston, Mrs, A. Savage. . • Water color, scene -Mrs. A. Savage, Miss M. Livingston. • . Water color, marine -Miss M. Liv- ingston, Mrs. A. Savage. •Sep1a--.1.tiss L Livingston. -- Pen. and ink -Mrs. A. Savage, Miss M. Livingston. • • Water color, marine- M1ss M Llvs ingston, Mrs. A. Savage. • Pastel, coLection-Miss M. Living.' /stop, Mrs. A.Savage. - ifitmisi *Ociii-6oeit. China, figure' work-Miss'll. Living- ston. -CISInsc;-eon esigrs.-3.11.sa.M., Livingston. „ Collection of five oil paintings -Miss M. LiVingston,,Mrs. A. Savage. Ca1tetTrO117•51'W-ce water colors-. • IL -Livingston; -Miss-As- -Glileeptes J ado:L-33. McArthur, Blyth. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Arend, white -Mrs. C. Workman, R. Proctor. 1' -, '• Buns,. Jointon, Mrs. C. Workman. Bran nitiffins-L-Mrs. L Johnston; John - Barr. Taits:7L-Wm. Taylor,' jOhn- ston. tionon- ple-Win. Taylor, Mks.1. Johnston.. ' A6ple ple-Mrs, I. Johnston, Mrs. NI13. *own. Pie pumpkin -Mrs. C. Workman, A. Haggitt. salads-Mts. I.' earning,3iiss J. Woodcock. e B)ak‘norants, Preserved -Mrs. L 'Johnston, Mrs. J. •Cuming. Strawberries. preserved -R. -Proctor, I Mrs. 3. Cawing. s Apple jell -Mrs. li. MeNtebol, Att-1 wood, E. Caldwell. Combination jelly -Mrs. L Johnston,- E. Caldwell, ,Tam -'Mrs. Wm. Somers, Miss A. Gillespie. - Peaches, „canned -Mrs. I. Johnston, Mrs. J. t0111g. • Pears, canned -R. Proctors canned -Mrs. -Wm. Somers. Salad dressing -Mrs. Wm. Somers, Miss M. Livingston. - - Relish -for -Colds ingston, Miss A. Gillespie. Pickles, sweet mLxed--Miss A. Gil- lespie, Mrs. Chas. 'Workman. MilSt3" Pleklei=s:111iiirsk. Cucumber picklesMrs. Win. Som- ers, Miss M. Livingston. Tomato_ cstsup=)Jrs 4 Johnston, Raspbei:ry vinegar -Miss M. Liing- ston. . Judos -Mrs. W. Potter, Miss A. Solid white -Mrs. A. Savage, Miss M. Livingstoa. L JOhnstoa,- Mrss-A - • Savage. • Cut work -Miss SfAivingston, Mrs. A. Savage. -Moderireross'atittilisEgrS. A".-Ststnige, Miss 'M. Livingston. Applique -Mrs. A. ,savage, MISS M. Livingston. • • E. Hibbert • "" • •-- 13pechtls By Edwin Cartwright, for dark fruit cake -R. Proctor. • By L, hilborn, for collection baking made from bread dough -Mrs. I. John- ston, By Gorman, Eckert & Co., for plate StisCOMINS , Tatting -Mrs. A. Savage, Miss M Livingston. Filet crochet -Miss M. Livingston, Mrs: • A. :•!'uvage. - Maria he na.stitaing=SI iss M. LiVinglt sten, Mrs. Wm. Sotnerss• Needlepoint -Miss 1,1; • Livingston, Mrs, A. Savage. • LIVING -ROOM FURNISHINGS • Table runner -Miss M. Livingston, Mrs. Wm. Creighton. uring thepast tew days w0.. have received s6 ‘manYshipmerol'Of new mercharmlise. We just can'tiell ou ali about them, so -we invite you to visk corstore and see 'these new materials now on display in our windows and throughout the store. We Are also showing a beautiful assortment of New Dress Trimmings such as: Satin and Moire collar and cuffs, fancy frillings by the yard, beauti- ful laces, buttons and slides Wind- sor ties,. plain and with polka dots. 11111110,-1, - Pictorial, Excella and Chatelaine _Patterns,-wilkmake_y (>1ml-di-sew- - 1•111111111111111111111111111111111r11•11111111111MMIMIM, • The Cash Store DOMINION OF CANADA 1934 REFUNDING Latil%L' . - 'The Minister of Finance offers for public subsciiption Two-year 2% Bonds,, due 15th October, 1936 Issue price. .98 .90 and accrued inkreit,' yielding 2057%--to-maturity. Pive-year 4% Bonds due 15th October, 1939 Issue. price : 98.15 and accrued interest, yielding .2 • 90% to triaturity. • E4glit4ear 3 -70 -Bonds, due 15th October, 1942 Issue price: 97.00 and accrued interest, yteldino 48% to . maturity.. • .Fifteen -year 3.1% Bonds, due 15th Octobec, 1949 Issue price: 9650 and accrued interest, yielding. 3 81% to Maturity. Principal payable without charge in lawful money of Canada at the Head Office of' the • • Bank of eanada, Ottawa, or at any of its branches in Canada• . Interest payable -haf-yearty, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada,,, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. 'Denominations • Two-year' Bonds, $1;000 Five-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000 Eight-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000 Fifteen -year Bonds, $100, $500 and $1.,000 Cash Subscriptiobs All cash subscriptions will be subject to allotment. Following the announcement of the plan of allotment, payment in full for the bonds allotted must be made promptly against delivery of interim certificates, which will be effected on or about 1.5th October. _ Refunding Subscriptions Holders of Victory Loan Sf% Bonds due lst November, 1934, after detaching and retaining the coupon due lst November next, mot, for the period during which the subscristion lists are open, tender their bonds in lieu of cash on sub- scriptions for a like par value of bonds in one or tnore maturities of the new issue and receive allottnent in full with prompt delivel-y: The surrender value of the -Victory 51% Bonds will be as follows: 100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Two-year 2% Bonds and the FiVe-year 2% Bonds. 100i% of their par value on subscriptions for the Eight-year 3% Bonds if effected on or before 6th October, and 100% of their par value atter that date. 100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Fifteen -year 3% Bonds if effected on or before 6th October, and 100% of their par value after that date. 1101dera Will receive in cash the difference between the surrender value of their Victbry BOtids ad the cost of the bonds of the new issue. Soft pillows- Alss-s-Assliiisesp '.Table., centre -Mrs., •McNichol, •Miss A. Gillespie. DINING -1010M VURNISHINGS Buffet set --Mrs. savage:Mks M. Livingston. White sentre, entimildered-Miss M. Lfvingston, Mrs. Wm. Somers. ' Tray eloth-Mrs. Wm. Somers, Miss M. Livingston. -- . . Luncheon_ set--- 1r N. Savage, Miss M. Livingston Tea eloth---Mrs. A. Savage, Mrs. IL Mc N lehol. Centrepleee, colored Mrs. A. Savage, Miss A. 61111.espie.- BEDROOM rrRNISHINGS -P9llows1;- Mks M. 1.3vingston, Mrs. A.ps A. Savage. • Set Cif sheet and pilloslips-Sliss M. Livingston, -Mrs. Wm. Homers. - :Bedroom towels --Miss M..Livingston, Mrs. A. Savage. • Dresser f,;earf'... Miss M. Livingston. Mrs. A. Ss rage. Hand -made eurtains---Miss :M. Liv- ingston. Mrs, A. Savage. LADIES' PERSt)NAL WEAR --- robe,- Mrs.. A. Savage, Miss M. Livingston. Dress. slip Mrs. Wm, ,Sower-, Mrs. A. Savage. l'nderwear-Mrs. A: Savage. Alropping bag- Mrs. A. Savage, Mies M. Livingston. Fancy handkei-ehtefs---Mtss J. Wood.- ; COCli, MASS M. I,Ivingston. •'7N FA NTS' W EA R Baby's euttit in wool, knit•or croehet A. SaViii-e, Miss M. Livingston. uSullifrig.. Short Mrs, A. Savage, Mrs. J. c , Carriage cover and 'pillow slip -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Wm. Homers. MISCELLANEOUS Handmade tray -Miss M. Livingston, Miss 3. WoOdeock. Lainp shade -Mrs. Wm. Somers. Best artiek. made froth yard of fac- tory eotton-Mrs. A. Savage, Mrs. 11: MeNiehol. Collection of five buttonho'es-Miss M. Livingston. Hand etp.ving on wood, Mrs. A. Sav- age, Miss M. Livingstim. Beaded rgig Mr?.1., IL McNichol, Mrs. A. Savage. - Collection 'a -fancy work -Miss M. Livingston, Mrs. II. 11cNisliol. Roses -Miss J. Woodcock. • Specials , By F. Bainton, for hand knit ses -Mrs. Wm. Creighton. By Blyth Women's Institute, for best co.lection of stn01 articles suitable tars Christmas gifts---..nrs 1. Johnston, Mrs. .. - By Jfift. It. Clitt, for best afghan - Mrs. A. Savage, Kincardine. FRUIT Collection winter apples -R. Proctor. t'olleetiln fall apples --R. Proctor. Pears -IL Proctor.' Crab apples -R. Proctor. Tomatoes --Geo. Brown, -Win. Judge -Geo. Sloan. - GRAIN Beans. -D. Gwyn. • .1 utige Alen. Sloan. • FLOWERS . i Collection dahlias - Nils% A. Gillesiie, Mrs. 1 Wright. .Gladioll-•---Mrs. J. Wright, •Nliss A. Gillespie. Sweat peas A. • Giiiespi.e. Z11)111:14- jas, Lockle. Miss A. pie. Roses. Nils,. 3. Woodcock. Table .holuptet or basket -Miss A. Gille.410. Miss 3. Woodcoek. Wood. cal.k. Mrs. J. Wright. Colleet ion perennials --Mrs. J. Wright, Miss A. Gillespie • Isira•„,,o rs. wrIg';!. 1!Mi. 1'HIP410-4 3Ii,c4 t;Ilesple. Special . fly Miss O. for bouquet id' aladioii It. Proctor. POT PLANTS Begonia. tuberous •NIrm. J. Wright. Begonia. any other kind • Mr8. J. Wright, Nliss Oillewpie. Begonia collection Mrs. .1. 011(11 I.n foliage Pla 1Vr1ght, Mks A. Gillespie. House plant In ll'oom Mrs. J. Wright. Nove:ty ;11 bloom 1Iiss Mlle -Tie. Asters Mrs. I. Johnston. 111,4.. :Nair, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. F. Metcalf. 0. Wright. Mrs 1, SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE MEATS and POULTRY 0s, The amount oi this Loan is limited to $250,000,000. ,Tht Loln isukothotized Ainder 4ct of the Poliament of Canada, and both principal and • interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. 21. proceoda of thix L011$ *Ili retire $222,216,8.50 Dominion of Canada Sy', Ronda viaturing 1st Noveliber, 4934- The balance will be used for the getters] pur. potait oi the Govarfunent, including the redernptianoi short.terrn - Treasury Rills. Art;th acripti' oss wilt be riceived and' receipts issued' by any branch in Canada of any Chattered . . • Rank and by Recognised Dealers, !torn whom may be obtained application forms and copies 61 the official prospectus containing complete details) 01 MeZoan. APPIkatiotte Will ht b fredid,tiit forins, other than those ,printed 1)y the iKing's Printeranbsription lista will open lst October, 1914, and Will close on or before 11th Octohet, 104, With or ,withliut notice, at the! Nitration of the Minister of rinaticc Oft YNAN, irOito 1' - O1934. Young Steer and Heifer BEEF• hound Steak 11c Sirloin Steak . 17s Wing Steaks 15c Porter House Steaks. • 1Sc Hamburg Steak . 104 or 2 lbs. for • 15c Lean Pot Roast.,., 9c Shoulder Roast. . 12e Rib Boil 2 lbs. for 15e •, ..marriammudeihrert " PORK Fresh Hants . 18e Fresh Picnic Borns to ro st.14e •'5 to 0 lb. average . Fresh. side pork ....... 18c Pure Pork Sausage ' 15c • Loin Roast. . . ,,20e CHOICE FOTATOES bag 5* Extra Special. SPRING LAMB Breast to stew or bake, lb.. tie I.egs lb. I7c Shoulder Roast lb 1.4c Front Quarter, lb. 12e (rolled free) Lamb Chops lb. 15c off shoulder Rib or Loin Chops lb • 1 Se 2 lbs. for 35e Combination. Specials Half riouffd 'Side %eon ' and 1 lb. Liver for...21c • 1 lb. Pork Sausage and - 1 tin Tomato Juice.. 20e ,ettOtog nitotS • CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS • (Grain Pod) • (Milk 'Fed) 'SANITARY MEAT filiAlitke tn. • MOS. 1(030. • '16iitett S *MN*