HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-04, Page 8e HOU reaPerided to 1" the!' v., SO nwere scdted ' 'from t (tka), non uttiz roof,,ttoro rm. GQI)Eittril TOWNSHIP 14 LeVerna.Cilibert:4" ' ' ' „,_ • ,. . . . : dell Heineset , Mil .Aii:. ,..•• 404 Mrs, Robt. .1.lividso11 bmi. ,VerL Itivett;0,* SW*ii; au,j llugh 'pent Sunday AV the home of ,2401) Ah4,e0P12-14, ',0,1kck Vaeekir, *ii4.0i, XI*: 'Woi. 'Reid, 'StailloY Township.' .1.04 young,: slut15t140 . : Miss Myrtle Ryan. of ,Goderich• Icett, Rose rodY. ' ' .' .° ' /. ' " ,sPeht Sunday at the borne ,, of her .Jr. 1.4.4,0„.., 2.foj„ria7:israootdi.:, grandmother, Mrs Rehert-SfeIlveatilt ;00rald Ciarrlie; #0.40hei‘ .../erkire Patters ..r'' . Rs •i ,ion,' Agin Fettle, %Orris Cigaletutsnare, ,.,.., Mrs ' C: Beacom,, PuhtiO•• So4ol, *vitt.' „ • IP,Ppetor; Pild. an olliCtitt- Tisk' -to ii.41itiiii...'si1i1ept:pm4,t0? .11 tiuNGAN0if, Peqpl• POriYleatleh • e'#) UniitOit United! Char,c MIss Mar* Preeisted; 0 arti., Viee.spreil4s bane, Of liVroxeter; ried.treseas, Gilbert 3:Wert*, ot' lielgtave; seesstreaa, k-Pithald0, 0000e1Cht lellOwshiP SOC4 M1z MM Writhtnlank 'Whtiechareinsmie admit deerge • TOW, Winginkte; cittsehe ahlP, JohnHeOvin; Ethel; literary, laibileitY, M2M Evelyn Howard, Exeter; atereation, Oliver Anderson, Atiintrii; Y. .40.•i. Ts Mrs. Mabel. Poekett, -Clinton; C. 8. E. T., Frencis Powell,' Chnten. $t. Helens „Y. P. S. cenducted devotion in the morning. •Iteptirte" were -received from the .0Mcell. The following groups led in an inter - testing and profitahle titteuistolis Ites, and vice. -press leaders. Evelyn ihme and _Marjorie Jennison; • sec...treas., Gilbert *Beecroft and Rev. A. M„ Grant; fellow,. ship, Mo Wrightman and Rev. 'T. C. Wilidnsons missions, George Taylor and Haw. Dr. Mortimore; citiramship, John C. .Brown and Rev. R. N. Stewart; literary end publicity, Evelyn Howard and Hate' Smith; recreation. Oliver .Anderson and Rey. Gordon Butt; leadership training, Rev. C. Dew, Cosmic; 0.0I.T. and 0.8Z. T.,' Mrs, 'Mabel Pockett. The delegates' adjoinned to the church lawn, -where Oliver Anderson -dendueted some well arranged games. Dinner was eerited in .thesgisf 8... roetn4,y_timshe,steass ses. members of the Dungannon W.M.S.,- the yeung ladies of the Y.P.S. waiting -on the tailless. - - Following dinner -the hy_Rev.S._ DM; Cosens,-and greets irigs were received trhieThe afternoon session opened with devotional exercises led by members of Dungannon pleesirig address, Miss Mar's idetruMentil aide, A.,PraCtioll ot9flctorh •chrcb, Otid4tili,414* Mrlijeet USA 41110 1:00401,010t In the evening a Sel0 was letider04 Roo Craik. Zia Piliaeritattort the Weld, -WW1 Visa Wols for wat pl*'- th byB1yth, Trait made ,by Oliver Ander. ,aoh. Or, To%of Vith, reaPondell.,"; Intaflt1ou'pt Afilicerap 4 rePerteci PreviOnsly, was ,mada' by Rev. Mr. Mal- olzn or Xtinaddville. An interesting feature wax an,11111atnited lecture on Psis Mon work Id Northern Manitoba bY ReY, J. A. C. Ir.41,4;Vorekuto, W'ho had spent four years in Indian Mission Work at God's takes "'h "' . . • "Young People?! Pri*eet of Today," was the subject of a preL,etclel' address by Rey. .S. J. gathers., .He advised Yeling people to recegnize the help and exper-, knee Of older people, They should' try to Understand andsympathize with other young peliple's prphlema and thus help each other. ON YOU* itismcg voRrors COAL KO �UMII)WIERB GENERAL . A oii.•'; PLUMBING. PROMPT SERVICE t' DUNGANNON, Oct. 2 -An Impressive Rally Day !service was held Sunday Af- ternoon Areeiesteilasi Church' with a large attendance of Sunday School children and parents. , The choir wet; composed of pupils from the Sunday pirollivioonsh94t$:$.7-14.0,6V1*Irii‘s „k ; lickra; Dm, *ea touni•,Teaftli, 1 day of ; lafsi week. , '• " * '* . i,,,, ,' inn an wt. pnvei alfaln, attar rat,I,Tke."gul4r Meeting Of,thi$ t /tiSi teHarge::tit'(t."; J. 0:;:' 'A:lt:I'lle:;i311:°*C'sea.';:r.,* /17:1!ntristiele'selihtt°:11"ir"ithEn'e'i'113;1'ClintsBe:-.Y;0114t:t117111-113:1"'oiac,li*S*Alitc*hrhOg-t-oe*'t!tl after X two weeks' Oa% '14th her soll, Harold Glenn, teonard. VitishOlna, Rena Clyril Campbell, and Iiirs, CaMpbell, 'of carapheli, isaut-rie Jones, /aft mow Oti Tuesday...4,1w vro..kek, . . Idine;,. ao' : . who , had the barn • • .I Nulia" ber Of roll, 40. Average " attend- Kenneth4*rnt-orsa asir""ialZi.lolf IVIMictalelitaotners' his faun, fith V011. Ashitelil, deatrOyedby ' an"' 37'5' sss.ss. - '• spent Sunday -at the home of Mr.,:, and fire about it' year ago, has Utilized Owl * °I'll/6 Q' riARmEa, teacher Mrs: Roht. McAllister. Cezilerit-Wall-of •the hoilite Willett Was de- Mr. Robt. McAllister, fiecoMpariied f•OltrEirS HILL atroYed hY ffre Sixteen_ Osiris ago for - making a fine barn. A roof atati added and the ddoriesand windows ebsed up. The lower part was converted into a stable and the large loft above, will ,be used for hay, straw, etc. Although: it class condition. the walla were- feund t° be ' 'n a &et 4;° leee her Puree when "tUnling ."1 i - Mr. and isir. McKee Falconer .and Goderieh SaturdaY nig, ht.' • 1 family of the 9th • concession spent it, large number attended the section; Mr. and afrs.„1' ;oyd HMI:wide, of Brad- Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. al meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of fora. visited their" friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tiebborne.. . .. the W 4 S of the United church held at Nile on Thursday. A full report will J. S. LociOlart - Next Sunday a Thanksgiving ser- , ss „ be given next week., • . Silo filling is, the order of the day. vice will he conducted at Union, with at Clinton On Wednesday attertding a send to the farmers this year with 'hay Several people from Dungannon were The abundance of cern has been a Goes 4 athte2p.oaostpo.r min.., chpra;agoeh.ingSunodearvy.;oseeho.al nomemteioirtn.ing. and Mrs. mrdiscs.u7Barv.the ey temperancesoand, so scarce. „ 3.°MisPs. misther McIlwain, Miss Jean Air. Joe Deipon, who ilas been sal -1171 Abell, Miss Jean Laidlaw and Mr. family, of Lucknow, were Dungannon since leaving this district . James Salkeld _.antt•Geno' visitors. on Sunday. years ago renewed old friends_ _on. rri_day4 isochera,_ some three Cilienrfch tthoe-• school with the S. S. organist, Mies Irene.' sciii....4..Te7celawg..a.....thse....,iwit_aii. ttobert L mitr.1,,,i and agrs,e , Harry. Andersen, ef last; , • - ....- - •. ss - --- ...- •,- _.--- - - 4 2, , ti, i Da.vidson,Lsuperintendent was the leaderr-sti'Liolwito woe; ogunes h Sunday. - ts with Mr. an d Ms. On- Sunday last, Rally' YIVI).r.s'. . A. Rougvie moved tt,floitata was, .conductertrin Apace ciiurch.., Reid to their ,home -in Goderich last week. Day service ii ilamY r:(Fornidda .4-"n4"/44-114°-•4"14°4' 721443Mgr414- '7-11r: and -Sim wilt liltdre an Torrance, . our faithful • superintendent Mrs. Bert Trewartha, of H I published by the . Board of ,,Sabbath Schools and. Young People's Societies 13ronte, were week -end guests with Mr. took charge of the Pregralli- ' • . of Torento, and 1Vliss Olive Alton, of ' i ville was a recent visitor at the home' of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 'Jas.. Alton; Lueknow. We are pleased to On Thursday evening lest, Olen Loci- i of _Mr, and Mrs: Gee. IVIcIlwain- .. Onds Our Gift -510r God; Our Beats for Confined. to his bed due to Illness- of the young people 'walked in to eele- ' ur pirts----11Gur 'Strength fo report that Mr: --Alton, --who- has-been hart- was ' surprIsed-whiri -Shout twenty l'-mr-aT: Irl' rW-gT---1Wisori, sr., Mr, and. Mrs: Harry Morrison and son Godl- Otif,; RII.T.5t-atir." ' - The-s-d'ilptalte lilati-lifi- -URI-di-SF; --ii- 'JODI' 'illn-e-iiii;ito$--attelph-,-W-dre-•-vra'itiiii-itc iliiliiiiii hut brother Sam McAllister, . on a Mr. and Mrs. Jos..F. Rean have taken visit with"relatives in Paisley last Up xesidence with Mr. Jellies McMillen.. week.- • , Nftse Olive Fuller spent Sunday with Mrs. Gordon Orr and Mrs. Geo. her parents, Air. and mra, nebt. neer, Falconer attended the W. M. S. S yterial meeting at Nile last Nis been standing' for so many years, Mrs. Hairy Powell had the misfortune ramburada THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL SATURDAY, OCT. 61.1 TO wirmstokagorRoIT $3.9• Return from Godetich Going-OCrOBER- 6 • ReturninW=s-All train*, leaving Detroit up to 240 a.m. 'TUESDAY, OcroBER 9. Full information from nearest agent or .1. M. ' • - Town Agent. Canadian Pacific rennewhat-sitnprOved- lesson for the :first Part was read by Miss spent. . r, • nesday of last week. la Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fuller 'on Wed - Beth Park, and Miss „Myrtle Caldwell Puff -b;11! Who ever ate them? Your Mrs. Gordon Orr ' Mrs Geo Falco• - read a paperadn the saint aubjeci. The ‘111.irs: prIlegt 'Johnston at-' Mr. and Mrs. 0, W. Alton Were gueste with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alton on Sun- day. • • • MONDAY. AND TUESDAY -Cur, Holiday Special. a. a.,,, . a , ,ir,.. , Oliy:Payt:Richard Dix and Irene Dui ......„....„....maggi_mAny,, nal::: 807:::::: . Cif .4 R SON :SKIPly0IIT11."--:GPORQP BURNS 'aid GRAGI't ALLENa,gh? ono an ace. . "SIX ,OF A 'KIND" , , and 'What * half dozent',Come•and have your diaphram tiO1at01,, IVVRNSDA,Y.,.AND THURSDAY .• Val.,%1./itYR 44 Waltz Time ,Atrgtgas : . , • . A melodious ,. and winsome romance, played in old Vienna Piao'kr-ArritCskrvAnaY . JOHN BOJEtS-CLA.RIE TREVOR-r-IIARY GREEN Present an adventurous story and a ,variety of entertainment. , "WILD GOLD" Coming»-Jobn Barryniore "20th CENTURY." Matinees-- onday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p.ni .411MEMM • 110,IIMOS,VILLE Untended, for last week) Rev. C: W. DeWitt Cosens, of Clinton, Will be the speaker at both services at Anniversary on October 14th• . Mrs. Bert Trewartha spent a pleasant week with her Sister,- Airs. t}eorge letc11- wain, Goderich Township. Services in Holmeaville Church will be withdrawn on October 7th, owing to An- niv'ersarY Seeices at Zion Church, Tay- lor's Corners. ' ---Weekrend. -guests- -at-the home- of -Mr. anti Mr's. A. Borki, were Mr. and Mrs. dalvert, Mrs. S. Cooper and Mr. Chas. -Lindsay; of -Clinton; 'A second name on the sick list is that of Mr. Harold Yeo. who suffered .a sev- ere kick from a horse on Saturday, test-reports---are-faitora e. Best Wishes for a safe and speedy re- 4-covery-are- Charlie--Cudynore, who is convalescing in the Clinton hos- pital alter an operatiOn for appendicitis 'last Friday. Delegates to the Y: Convention held at Dungannon on September 28th, were the IViisses Atalind meCertney, Esther McMath, Aliee Chambers, Ruth 4Potter. A very _ interesting and 'instruc- tive day was sPent. • Large representations from ,Zion and Ebeneezer communities, as well as Holrnesville attended the Y: P. S. meet- ing last Friday evening. Edna Huller, Literary Convener. was in charge and a splendid Program resulted. The Scrip- ture was read by Marjorie Gliddon and tfie topic given by. Miss Webster. •Char- lotte Trewartha contributed a fine piano solo and Mr. Edwil'i lVfoore gave several delightful solos accoinpanying himself on the glitter. An, interesting feature of the pr am was a reading, "Household So oquoy", one of her own competition by .Esther MCMatit,', Games and lunch followed. The Y. P. S. meeting of Friday, Sept. 21st, was attended by a large and atten- tive gathering of the young People. The minutes of the last' meeting were .given by Alice Chamhers, secretary. lVfary Grigg -read the scripture lesson, After which the topic, presented in two parts, • was taken by Harold Yeo and Rev. Mr. Herbert, respectively. Marjorie and Viola Glicidon delighted the audience tiy the rendering of a duet, "Beautiful Isle of _Somewhere." -A poem; "A ,Bar - That's True," xess read by Cha,rlotte „Trewartha; 'Altalincr McCartney gave a very startling paper entitled, "Rats in the Beer Vats." meeting whieh was rousing in its temperance views, wtiS under the guidance of the 3rd vice -pre- -Went; ailias Helen ,IllacMath.. 'BELFA 3T Mr. Roy Alton spent Sunday after -- noon with his mother in Wingham hospital. We are very pleased to. hear that Mrs. Alton is improving- so • well. . iMrs. George , Lane, Mrs. Albert Alton Miss Maisie ;Hackett and Mrs, "John Mullin attended the W.M. • S- Sectional Meeting which was held in Nile church, on. Thurscie,y last, • Mr. and Mrs. Zinn, Mrs. George Lane, Mr, Elmer Alton and Rev. Mr. atton, attended the _Tempexance- meeting held in the Town hail at Clinton On Wednesday afternoon. ^ correspondent had one sent in. the other „con P • • pritYer' was *ad hi iliMihre-s11--joining. --Mr. and Mrs. 0"W- Alton anttsgr. and Mr. G. C. TreleIven attended the ball game at Southampton on Wednes- day afterneen when Southampton won from Walkerville with score of 5-2. The solos, entitled, "Fear ,Not Ye, O. Israel:" and "I Walk Alone with God," sung by gr. Leslie- Hanna, Goderichr Sunday Morning and evening anniVer- sary servicea-of -the Durigaimon United church last Sunday were greatly enjoy - day that. meastired ,34 inches jafround, and , Seripture, lessen for part Ott was read -weighed nearly six poupds, and -- tasted . tlioded the west branch conference by Miss' Lenore Strothers, while Miss Donalda Jones ga.ve the Paper on this good.' Who can beat this? s on Thursday of last week. . subject. Master jaoneld Rots wig a very On Tuesday evenbig the Gederich Tp.i 'The pupils of S. S. No., 6 will .have appropriate solo. The scripture lesion Men's Club will _boa their meeting.' Mr a holiday on Friday, while their for part three was read responsively, and R. W, ly.folictinp , et clinton," will be the, teacher, Miss Esther MeIlwain is at - 'Speaker and his subject Will be "From', tericjing, the teachers' convention at Miss Agnes young 'feed Is: paper on the . - pelpwood to paper."' During the even -1 Goderich. subject. Little. Miss Helen -Strethers San a solo for whch -4er siker, miss Lenore Ing ice_leeent. and cake will be •serired.: •• The regular meeting of the V P S isiecorpattlinent This Is opening 'tight for the fall term,: Of *Union chinch ,,will be held in the d by all who attended. • .sehurch on Friday evening. This will Theaddresa on the subject "Alt for COL"' 'nese servie • Strotheri played the . Miss Stone, of C7linton, was an in- - -iaA' the first meeting. in the last eluar-` - ed._;_, and . .alrPosreciate . esthig speaker and in her pleasing niati.,:: .:7 ter and will. be under the leadership was given by Rey. John Pollock, of . Dungannon ..Tunlor Room ner talked to the schda, of living.; t4111 Of. -Everett group. . Whitechurch, and was a summing alp of the entire program. -The offering, which se' ptember in the followhag sublectu word and deed and told the story of the The ilasses have been ,examined during Christ -like life, she stressed kindness in Little Lillie., Elliott, daughter of was * liberal one, will be given toward & Arithmetic, SPellingy Reading, Writing Dmea; vv11°Se.i.he elipie sftonsored by the., Lions'. -f Mr. and Mrs. Dave Elliott,, attended= xrdmienel tti. belP n" sch'iii. V and Composition. Daily work has also ,,,a,'''se ill'Ildfbeithneissucele'ry-16.-vell',esse„. nce at Itinti- A rally of 'the Young People of Huron miamne , 4 tIriterui_ed for last Week) been considered. The names of pupils mesa . nye. i nr eldlu*n• Sang vcrY .'and it is with re'gret we learn that .„.. tyClub, •in Goderich, last :Wednesday, I o Huron Presbyterial held at Nile one or more examinations is sweetly. Arrfie Lillie has to undergo -an operatien . oh Presbytery %ems_ be held -in-- Dun---aann-_,, marked by an asterisk. • . tochhart g"ajveesusa reyllavingegg "ZeCen," .n1"1'.,ancti,,,her, hip, '.,, s ss • .„,,, ,be ' -a- large -attendance. all day Friday. It he exPected there eaa Tha, names are yranged in order of as_Haia of .§nridaysstaahaaaLlecaemaae„i oil . . ;Sunday October 14th, it is , • Mr. and* Mrs. tred PASS attended the merit: ' Rev. R. 31t. Gale • after asfew worcts of ho Campbell,' Iris Rivett, -Marjorie &filth; reed a letter from ,.the, drought stricken Paas winnifred swan, Betty Bradford district in ebe,:weet.asking4on help. It.fi, Sr. 3-7Ifonors, belle Webster, Billie . encouragement to children and teachers funeral of the late Daniel Rose, Ashfield, on Monday. - Mrs. Campbell **nett Dungannon • war.. N all in the frost fashions for fall. Styles and materials that wili 'please your pocket -book. Let us help you. choose your .PALL OUTFIT. ped that the Carolina Jubilee Sing - ers will take part in the service. 'dist 0 t anse, been, found... necessary to p Anniversary services at Jack . Torrance and Mr. Milton Woods Union from October 21st to •October Were appointed Ito, look altei. the contri-i 28th. The afternoon service at 2.30 butiens. Apples, .Potatoel.,. Vegetables,' p, m. will be conducted by Rev: W. fruit, good used clothing, • stockings, 1 P. Lane of North St. United Church, mittens!, and shOes :will be tisaniehilly -re; ',Goderich, The speaker for the ceived. In the absence of Irene Woods,ling has .not been selected. Evening our Sundayachool :rga. ' , 1Trs. Fred service at 7,,30 p. iii; iiick.ard very kindly played :the organ.' Service_was . celebrated _,. — , . , Rally Day Ser _ The alter Was banked with flowers which, apatoUtonrisonnetvh.upre.hwon. cSruanidkayin, cetsion of tioderiell, Wit after the death SundaY.,School-f-yesterday (sacrifice) Century se 1Io o 1 the withamh Move - Thi' 3:1 lbelae: are so . .beautifitl ,'ati thit season. i pit. A reading , sor,41.0:7,:cc(eiruniittorireatarddetlr socvutoriesatlotiaiy:t wirgeekij3g3et has Dwain. A pageant "Sunday School' • i Half of the Sund"Aay bhLiti left-, ov.e.r.:fOr a while-6"wing to the Visitors from Fir Mimes' was enact- ,the-t•rnent4 was given by. Mrs. aeo. Mc - Men's passing Of ope a its members. - - ed by Mrs. Mary Phillips Eric Speir- Rallyssovw- will ,be bold Sunday. .an, Eric McAllister Maurice Mee - Sept. 30tha When we 'Wipe to have with wood, Elva Orr, = 'Jean McAllister,- tue again Rev. R. M. Gale, who has re- Mary Harwood, Nora Sowerby, Mari - 'turned from his holiday. ' . ongaiwelt and Esther Meilwa.in There passed away on Saturday .w.; Mrs. 'Illaxwelod playing . soft Morning In i Detroit, Mrs. J. Dalton. Un- ),„,'^ throughout. Mr. Craik gave NIS a resident of this -district dth tons til about three years ago Mrs. Dalton a-uveeiery. interesting address Oh l'Our of her husband she moved With her today , (Service) and tomorrow (shar- .ehildren 4o Detroit, Where she had 'Wed ing) • ever since. A kind neighbor and lov- • Council met in Holmegville, on MondaY Ing mother, she will be, greatly Missed 'last. Correspondence /rpm the Hydro by her family, Mary and Joe, who are Electric Power Commission, re the thong - left to mourn). Interment took Nate m Ing of contract's from 20 Years to 6 years, Celhortie . cOneterY Tualla,1 • ni°rning' •the clerk was directed to reply asking for where the rentable „Were laid beside her more hitormation. , husband. A rinsirber of the old friends and neighbors, attended the funeral. Mr. J. A. Ellis, re relief was read and ......•......0 filed. The Department of Highways Auditor's Report on 19.33 expenditure , - ''' • /WAFERING , was presented showing everything correct Miss Mary Alton, of Lanes* visited but sale of gravel to the County was her niece, Mit. Will Irwin. last week. niarkeo, the dfoclerkra•,was deduction,4trooWtehidehtosrh000ulyld. " Mi. and Mrs, Wm. H. johnsten,of not b Exeter are guests of .lifr. and Mrs. IlaYs ds }rays complained about the Th4Irtn" Mike' ' ' • ' taidicottagteT 0°oriiii'-sideilleir (1.J0-6:res- titin'Ysa-s;inul-l'a di --1-.r.. Arthur, *ere week -end Skiditore with ' Mr. and Mis.,Vifilay Stfackletorkefof , etted to report on, what was netui,vd to the ferhaer's parents. here.. . ' .. I rei4:1;e" tftillowin"lidit.' acoetit'ts. were paid: • 'Mrs. ban* Little , -iMd Miss Little, of Lanes' siva veek at the. home of Mr. and Mr. :1-* '. part '-'74 Irl:at 1' -401.reinglage..-thstitreetti:t:. ithaintarit.'78h, 4:77a.in'ioc4.1a.ii11435.00't..$;7p.rtayI.' Issie Cranston.' . . , i.;. (vouther ,k, , 0 . , Mi. tout Mrs. Will Cook, 28th, Ph°n'e 8ist.610 *3500— ' Born, ---On rridays Sept, ‘a$th to ' -°- 90 0.60, Lottl't to tcie. i ,e,1116 elerk,,preeented the tax TO torn.' ta:w_.*11,1"' ti.4n., s°1.04 ' et)14ratuz4-' Plete showing the total, taxesto be Col; . ns -- .. , 1- .,,,,,L,, _.--- --- ' - .'teb-t.ta' lat OfiLie the ' ' ' balm, of AmberlYt viS1U41 Mr. MI** and Mrs. Mil' 4111°3' .3f °Y*--irn: atii;taai NI; 14: Hewa*rd'' ttur"dYt0"alitart"to% he09411Vt, Atte, 11108. Vake Sunday, Miss Olive ,°°,trbtli then adicooned., to meet on Intkla 144i -o-- had tee -ii;- their *nest for I '''amtulkYr 't1"enit,r, 6„.ett°461.4„raio l'31,1,1/,114,"x-it: *, tiff days, "liketomnitnied. them homeiii, ._ .. , , .. , , Utsv, ,.,W. it. Patton and Mr. S ' ,lpatricl:attenatd the , fire§bvt etting' it,' Itolintsvilk - %mask rtt,. Tliotut Blake W* ,* *:'llolotts44 It* 06 atkiti Vi,v XI $,'.' to'the Set* tie 1. *Wing 01)10 line Lnitsd°Mt b, on • W0drieaday4 ., tit* and Mt*, Alfred Armstron 0 ,tvetis iiitilt.torl visitors .0f.Mr. ari4 Mrs. Vi !1 Yrwitt, ' Irwin Who had ben in ton. for tone time. totutnt4 ,tone im .iiivut Ittlit kimitipatitozi MA. Armstrong on i' Loistion. EsKid. cape Skin ana Chitnoise Suede, 75c ti fail shades and styles-- --- 1 LO I 70 pr. 4. Sheer ChifronloSiervite and Crept, Weldrest, fine quills * ity. Pah Shtiies I/token-list, PIS „ and $1, pr. New overcoats, taiihred from Tweeds; thertones, Nu, E,13isian, etc,„ in oxford or rnadium gveys, browns and inayy •blue. New styles and excellent values. * Poto-pular taiiiired of fine Worsieds in smart, new 11/1 patteens and shlides. 0 Ot gives . cexceiltht ifl invite )0,1 grin t 1114 ourmtz,.g. o-Mitisure *trumps We c�me ai.nd iospec,, CARLOW The Westminster Guild of the Presby- terian Church, raet at the home of gr. end Mrs. Mel3ride, On the evening of September 27th4 for the purpose of re-^ electing officera for the Guild. Hen. Press-al:Lev. te J. Lane, Rev. W. 41. President, Winnie Marsh; 1st Vice -Pro., thoothy•Robertson: 2nd Vice - 'Press Harold Walters; Sieretary, Eleandr Tyndall; Treasurer, Isabelle Tyndall; Social Cozzunittee, Dottie Webst,er, EWart Young, Christine Robertson, Harvey Pet.. trnare, Wilfred Fisher; Lookout Cominit- tee, Charlie Mitchell, Dorothy Watson, Bessie Crawford, Oleorges -Me-Beide. itc"144_ OM* "c $ 41"' the' hetet* Oaflei r 1"*14" ^/4"al440-,IIvirthn.to AuttA, of Psntsen ralat, 'Abe' ...heal It MA* ifl tone un atilt" Mont. itt NILE - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tabb, Miss Jane abb-and-Miss-Vesta--Tabla, of Goderteh, visited Tuesday afternoon at the • home -Mr.--John Tahb. The W. M. S. Sectional meeting was held in Nile Church last Thursday. There were forenoon and ' afternoon sessions, And dinner -And supper were seryect by the Nile ladies. ' gaily Day was observed with a 'speolar programme in the Nile Sunday School last Sunday. • Anniversary--seririeea are, being „prepared for Sunday, October- 14, These are to be followed by a fond sup- per and play ori 'Tuesday. October 15. The Huron Presbytery Young People's Union held their annual convention in Dungannon, last Friday. The Rile soe- • iety was well represented at ' alL sessions, and itspecially in the evening when there were thirteen Nile people present.. Mr. Pomeroy had • a busy time, "last week Attending a Temperance Convention •„in -Clinton, on Wednesday, the pieiby- tery meetnig, in Holmesville on Tilurs:- • day and the Young People's Convention, ID Dungannon, on Widay. Always keep Douglas! Egyptian Lini- ment at hand, ready to brign trunediate relief to burns, sores and felons. Stops - bleeding at once. Prevents blood ,.pois- wing. Splendid for sore throat and quinsy. 1 1 Buy V -Neck and Turtle Neck . SWEATERS in teh new shades and color trimmings, also .plain shades in sizes 26 to 34, at 89cto$1.25 ROBINS .AGENT FOR TIP TOP . TAILORS Phone 384 -41118161 lo verybod y. DO YOU REALIZEIT IS "JUST. TWELVE WEEKS _UNTILCHRISTMAS. SO WE INVITE YOU TO . VISIT . OUR NEW TOYLAND AND TAKE AD', VANTAGE- OF. OUR CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY CLUB. WE HAVE TOYS NOW 'SHOWING AT ALL PRICES. ropt have seen "BETTY BOOF" On the screen Now tog the 'Betty Boof Poll now on- display. momemse ---1.1""mirlmillimlowairemosiminor• CORDON T West Street .. Phone' 486- - V!" •••• • allftedto alltsdhle tetnit* elikklY sweeten $0. ach. It It Setentlfk the testilt Of teat'S, Of stOffisoch di*order*„. *nail it too and econoM1e*1 to mkt% r t#'• t wrottatrA Ca%ehottoto% Mot* Ewa GODERICH M.L.Trains 1ID4T,00V0 EX S. - A4 M. ortititronSI)itpto SuATttRft:A45,Yp) .00tm,s4. 0614. otiot Wind$or 1.00 *4 tn. TUESDAY. �c O1ural, 9, TieketS and InforinsitiOn fro* AntsDIAN NATIONAL