HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-10-04, Page 6ssa•
'MOD" OCT. 41th 24
garet xi etende4 a we . all
repwided to 4IdentA
nIson, In tlw "Open, rorutu,!', led
lizat*rso ritsolutio
were pinented
over *VP
"*. Onien 'WO 'held
Slated Clitgen 44.rrldq, With 174
Mi� mlistierle *Yenatimto rots*
ed preSided, Other oincer$ Of the
OtrzliOsl are;
'of Wroxeter; sec:4treak, 0000
;Oft, of. Ilelgravii sec.-treas„
Jaek rithalde. Ooderieli; fetiowshiP.
.4010 Ztlike Wrightmini, N'Vbiteehurch; nils"
stools. Geer0 TOW, Winglhunl
John C. 'BrOwn, Vol; literary,
publicity, Miss Evelyn Howard, 'Peter:
.recreation, Oliver Anderson, Auburn;
0. 1. T.; Mrs. Mabel Pockett, Clinton;
se. S. E. T.. Francis Powell, Clinton.
at Helens Y. Is. S. conducted devotion
in the mot:rang. Reports were received
from the afters.
The following grove led in an Inter-
esting and profitable discussion: Pres.
and 'dec.-press leaders, EvelYn Dane and
Marjorie Jennison; aee.streas„ , Gilbert
Beecroft end Rev. A. .M. Orant;
b1p, Mae Wrightman and Rev. T. C.
Wilkinson; missing, George Taylor and
Rev. Dr. Mortimore; eitizerathip, John 'C.
• Brown and Rev. R. N. Stewart; literary
and publicity,„ Evelyn Hoard and Hazel
Smith; reezeation, Oliver Anderson and
Rev. Gordon Butt; leadership training,
Ftev. C. Dew,-LNS'skns:-C.CftT. arid C.S.B.
T., Mrs_ Mabel Pockett •
The delegates adjourned to the church
lawn. where Oliver Anderson conducted
some- well -avenged games. 'Dinner was
,mrveds4n-thes-S: Z.sroemsbysthesh
ees, members of the Dungannon W,M.S.,
the young ladies of the Y.P.S. waiting
on the tables. •
J'ollowlng dinner there was a sing -song
red: by tt-ev: t De osens, and gree
ings were received frOm Conference. The
afternoOn session opened with devotional
exercises led by inemliers of Dungannon
Y.P.S.- Ina pleasing addreis, Miss Map,
sub , e XnViatntent
•- To,
Return from Goderich
Going--OCTOHER 6 •
• Returning -All trains; leaving
Detroit up to 240 a.m.
• Full information from nearest agent
• J. M, 13EATTIE •
Town Agent.
Canadian Pacific
the,evening a solo, WA* rendere4'bi
-WV. it. W.' Cralto,'* Tile; presentation ot
'the $hleld whlch *Oa on for ball play.'
la/ bYlItYtt‘Yfatt.,,t$440.bY o1liver'404*
Okith,, reNgsatot
Xnatallstlen' f'cit as reported'
prevtonsty, was ,made by Rev. Mr. Mal-
colm of 4111anSivilla.• Mn interesting
feature was iiii„filuatrated lecture on
lion *wit iii'NOrthern`Manitobs, by Rev.
47, Ketip'qt, 3*.mitowbO had spent
four years in ndian Mission Work, at
God's Lake., "
"Young People's Problems of Today,"
Was the subject of a Practcial address by
Rev. O. 3. Atathers,. -He advised young
pe.lople to reeegnize the help and exper-
ignee of older people. They should try
to Understand and sympathize with. other
.YoUnit :Peeples ifros and thus help
each other. •
• DUNGANNON, opt. 2 -An impressive
Rally 'Day service. was neld Sunday M-
ternoon In alrAsinc Strealextesriatt Church
with a large attendance of Sunday School
children and parents. The chok was
composed of :prtpils from the Sunday
sshool with the' S. S. organist -Miss Irene
Carr, presiding, at the organ. Robert
Davidson; superintendent was the -leaders
andssandueted- thesservices-Thesprograns-
published by the Board of Sabbath
Schools and young Veople's Soefeties
of the Presbyterian Church, ,In Canada,
-waralrt rain .parts !epar Istrength,-.1fiir
'Ow; fOr
Ooa Our, Mi for God." The scripture
lesson for the /frit part was read by Miss
Beth Park, and Miss Myrtle: Caldwell
read a -.partition the Same :Oubject. The
prayer was Sad in unisioii all joining.
Seripture lessen for part tWo was read
by Miss Leixtre Strothers, whlle Miss
Donalda Jones gave the paper on this
Subject, Master Po. nalgtil. oseming.,a.very,
appropriate solo, The scriPtUre lesion
for part three was road responsively,' and
Miss Agnes Youngrid al paper on the
subject Lade Miss Helen Strothers sang
a solo for whch her *lister,' Miss Lenore
Strothers „played the rtecompanimente
'The address on the Subject "All for god."
was given by Rey. Joba. Polloak, of
Whit,ichuren, and was a sununing up -of
the entire program. The offering, which
Was 1% liberal one, will be given toward
heedr seheoli&
(Intinaed fr last - Week) '
A rally of the Young People. of Huron
Presbytery will be held in Dungannon
all day Friday. It'is expected there -wilt
•be a large attindance... .
:Mr. and , 1ttrs. Fred...Ross attended the
funeral- of the late Motile' goge, Ashfield,
on Monday. '
Mrs. Clunikell .retnrii.ed to 'lltmgannon
ON YOU 14,110AVA
.pitos 415
• •,t1/0 wceks vs1twith ,her son,
0*,1151041Pb01, and, Xtra# Campbell, ot
Lome. ,„ , • .
tfi„ Geo. Irwin, who bad the barn on
hia farm,' Oh Con, Ashfleid, destroyed by
fire about a year ago, hits utilised the
Cement well of the hot*, Wthch was de-
etroyed by fire sixteen Year* ago -for
making a fine barn. A roof was added•
and the doors and, windows closed up,
The lower part us converted Into a
stable and the large loft above, Will be
used for hay, straw, etc. Although it
has been standing for so many Years;
the walls were found to be in a*. first
Class' condition.
A large numbei 'attended the section-
al meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of
the W. M.S. of the United eliurch, held
et Nile on Thursday. A full report will
be given next week. •
• Several people from, Dungannon were
at Clinton on 'Wednesday attending a
meeiting to discuss the temperance sit -
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven: and.
familSr, of LuCknow, were Dungannon
..visitors on Sunday.
Mr. awl Mrs. Harry Anderson. of
..lateknOW,...Were ZileSt.S.Witki, Mr., anclyask,
Burton Roach onsSunday.
rots and Mrs. Win. Alton Sand "Douglas
of 'Toranto, .and MiSs Olive Alton, of
Bronte, were week -end guests wit'h Mr.
Jas. Alton': Lucknovr. We -are pleased to -
report that Mr. Alton, who has been
somewhat improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Alten were -guests
with Mx. and Mrs. J. C. Alton on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Alton and Mr.
and Mr. G. C. Treleiveis attended the
ball/ game at Southampton on Wednes-
day afternoon when Southampton won
from Walkerville .with score of 5-2.
. -The solosssentitled; "Fear Not Ye, 0
sting by Mr. • Leslie Hanna, Gixierieh, on
Stniday morning and evening sinni'ver-
sary services of the Dungannon United
church last Sunday were greatly enjoy -
sed and appreciated by ,all who attended
these services.
Ifen gongs,* mildred. An.4 Mr. and gro, nObt. 0viclson, an
down, Ve4 %too, pots: owitg, ka11, BOA, spent Sundaya'. the borne of
Oa)** Antienlon,'OSek aeea,ONO. Riekti_Stn,t2W Township.
8r, 2-11404, Tont. Young, #erlikfille Aus8 MyrtleuP411,:' POderich
Rivett RosstecIST---- „1!pent iSull4SWy at the bene • of her
asSotord; p grandmothero Mot- Rehert.
•,tIerald, Currie,'Roy-Jones, jenore Patter. Sr* " " •
ierk."•,44111 Petrie, Mort* OUrrie, I.00eard Mr.•.'n't C. .Besii0M,
!vett ofifciar !visit to
blais—gon. Btpe 8t`ev4i;'41,44 unSo Sohobr, s: $.-"!:lkro# Tues-
ingtot4 Piss. p J11‘e* (Ito. othist
The. regular. 'meeting of igef The Y. Ari.
ls; fall. Glensit.Csk!,wg' be,heldrot :0441day,,siVe5ing,
' Everett.roniraiwt•gtoute,iiiobottio,
Hackett (ties), J, 0, Alton, Paul, Caesar, Inspect4 BeatiOit.Paid 11first visit of The tom to Union:school
*amid Leonard. Chisholm, Keith. •
CaMPbell, iaubne Jones, Xda Rivett.
'Number of roll, 40. Average attend-
ance 3'45.
• DungannensJunkar Room •
.The classes have been examined during
September in. the, following subjects:
Arithmetic,' SPelling, 'Reading, Writing
and Composition. Daily work has also
been considered. The names of piipits
missing one or more eXaminafions is
marked by an asterisk. ,
. The names are itrranged order of
Sr. 3 -Honors, Eitithelle Webster, Billie
Campbell, Iris Rivett, Marjorie Sraith;
Pass, Winnifred •Swan, Betty Bradford
•New Fall Coats ---NO Dresses
and New Milliner -
all in the latest fashions for fall. Styles and inaterials that
will please our„pocket-Oook. Let us help you choose
your FALL ournr.
• n
and Bags Leather and fabric—zipper fasteners...4.-- vbc
VES Kid. ca...,,,_ i „,,, . t.. i
onin and ,,,,,,narnoise akteat., 74,, t ti nt
fall shades and stYles ' . in"' L ip I ad .
,,..,,,... ,...r,..0.. ,... , . Pr.
Sheer ChiffonrService and Crepe,Weldrest, fine qual=
8 lty. Fall Shades -4rnoliernist, siye - •
smokebroWn: trotteur, ja a, etc.. 4 I C
, and $1. pr.
and Young Men s at log or Fall and Winter
New overcoats, tailored from Tweeds, Silvertones,
Elysian„ etc.. in oxard or modiuni greys, browns and navi,
,140e: New styles and ekellent values.
Popular lines tailored otfint worsteds in smart ne
user fihuiltS
A 11,,
LOOK o e.tombleasure
t give quality xcelie otiotittntihip. We *re fo un,
ate ifl their sarnp invite you *rid t
On esdag,4404asz week. •
Mrantr•lrrri wAlVin MeAllister,
Kenneth and 3tarlettO of Middleton's
spent Sunday,44 the home of Mr. and
Mrs. nobt. 'McAllister, -
Mr. Robt. McAllister, accompanied
his, brother Sam McAllister, on a
Mr. and Mra Isa IS, Kean have taken visit with relatives. in Paisley last
up residence with Mr. James 1.tcMillenweek.
mlee Olive Puller spent SiuldaY wth Ur& Gordon Orr and Mrs.. Geo;
. . .
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, RobtFalconer attended the WMS
Mrs. Harr)' Powell had the inisfortimearsibyterial meeting at Nile last
t°00dleosertahe;ittPtirseusday. wnighell..returning fromj MX8p lulaYu."1 Mr. McKee Falconer and
family of the 9th concession spent
and,Mrs. PleTd Burnside, of Brad- • ' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Tichborne.
J. S. Locithart. Next Sunday' a Thanksgiving' ser-
nuin:g Is the 'order of the day. `nee will beconducted at Union, with
the, pastor In ,Charge. Sunday school
The abundance of corn has been a God-,
hay at 2.00 p. m., preaching service at
send to the farmers this year with
so, scarce..
1 3.(0 p. m.
Mr, Joe paipon, who hes been. sailing Abell, 3.00 p.
Miss. Jean
Miss Jean • Laidlaw and
since/ leaving this district some three: James sauced Mr.
are attending the
0/. 0, PARRIIM, Teiseher
ford, visited then' friends, Mr. and Mrs.
years ago renewed' old friends on Friday • Teachers' Convention in Goderich to -
last, „ day (Friday). .•
Rougvie moved
was conducted hi Orate- Church. Reid to their" home-irtotierich last -week:
Torrance, our faithful superintendent! Mrs. Bert Trewartha of Holm
• E
70F.A.t''..A.NIC--41"‘41:4 Dix anil.trele Dunne
-OUr, Holiday Special.
' one WI ace. "
and 4,vhat a ,balt dose& Comerand.have your diapbram titilated!A
F .1:111. AlssnyflANSNI:LA: ,A:YfrEu 1,44 77.........„Euitz Joklan SOMAS
Mele(1190,1 winsome rOmanee, played in old Vienna
?resent an adventurous story and a variety of entertainment.,
Coining -John Barrymore in "20th CENTURY."
Matinees, -Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at '3 p m.
(Intended for last week)
Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cosens, of Clinton,
will bethe speaker at both services at
Anniversary 'on October 1,4th: •
Mrs. Bert 'I'rewarth.a spent a pleasant
week with her sister, Mrs.'George Mc11-
wain, Ooderich Township.
Services in HohnesvIlle Chureh will be
withdrawn on October 7th, 'owing to An-
niversarg Sesvices at Zion church, Tay-
lor's Corners.
Weelsi-end guests at the home. of Mr.
and Mr's. A. Bork!. were Mr. and Mrs.
-dilvert:••-•fcsr7;-S";-caier-*Ei'n-ifMr Chas
Lindsayr-of-Clinton,-- -.-
A'second name on the sick list IS that
took chexge of the program. • !Ville was a recent visitor at the homel Cd
On Thursdayevening lett, 101en--Lock-tief Mr. and Mrs.- Geo. Mell•sisiiis-
hart wassurprised when about twenty
Mr. and'' Mrs's --*Morrison, - sr., • Mr.
' *c
.Best wishes for -a afe-and Peed e
• Harold Yeo. who suffered • a sev-
Roy Ailtorspent Sunday after -
non with his mother in Wingham
hospital. We are very plepsed
hear that Mrs. Alton is improving so
well. ,
!Mrs. George Lane, Mrs. Albert'
4)ton Miss Maizie gackett and
Mrs. -John Mullin attended the W.M.
S- Sectional Meeting which was held
in Nile church, on Thursday last. -
Mr. and Mrs. Zinn, Mrs. George
Lane, Mr, Elmer Alton- and Rev. Mr.
Paton, attended the. Temperance
meeting, held in the Town halt at
Craft -on 7-
"kick from 'a horse on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Tabb, Miss Jane
Latest -reports are favorable. . -Uhl:rand Vesta Tabb, of tied -6W c -h,
o yeung peePle wilk-M---firsce . - -s
, ' visitor's at the 'home
brate 'his birthday, a jolly . thite wasofGuelph, were
' covery are sent to Mr. Charlie Cudmore,
nesday of last week. pital after an operatinn for appendicitis°
Puff -ball! Who ever ate them? Your
�f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller. On Wed- who is convalescing in' the Clinton hos-
ner an rs. Ernest Johnston at -
day that measured 34 inches aiound and, tended , the west " branch conference held at Dungannon on September .28th,
rsssGorden Orrs--Mrss-Geo: - •
correspondent had had one sent in the other Delegates to tie S 'Convention
I_.•1• Priday.
weighed nearly !six pounds, and it tasted
J' Huron Presbyterial held at Nil weres the -Misses ,Atalinds IVIeCartney,
good; Who can teat this? • , on Thursday of last week. e Esther AfeMath. Alice Chambers, Ruth
Metea Club will hold their meeting. Mr: a holiday on Fridays while their Potter. 4 very interesting and instruc-
tive day was spent.
. zifST,ofstiktton,- will be ineTteacher. Miss -Esther -Moilwain
speaker and his .subjec.t will. be "From, tending the teachers' convention at
is at_.1. Large -representations from _Zion and
- Ebeneezer Comanunities, as well •as
_pulpwood to -piper." During the even- i Goderich. . Holmes -vine attended the Y.. P. S. me;et-
This is opening night for the fall terM of union 'aura wilV be held in the' Literary Convener, WaS in charge and a
Ing ice cream and cake will be ser.yeat _ The regular meeting of the Y.P S. Ing last Friday evening: Edna Huller,
Miss Stones of Clinten, w_ieasas saline inter.rda; .4'hurthceh
" fioillstFmriedeatymegveinilinthge
eating. speaker and in her p
.`, ter and . it be under the leadership
lIshtisquawirll_ 8131endill program resulted. The Scrip-
ner talked to the Schott], of living the
m Of Ever ItilcIlwainN 'group.
Christ -like life, she stressed ktadriess
, .
word and deed and told the story of the
. . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Elliott, attended delightful sots accoinpanying himself on
passing of the much loved Dorces whese
, the clinic sponsored by the: Lions'•1 the guitar. An interesting feature of the
life- had beill ut ireq..ezisenes' °.t Ithil•-1;Club, in Goderich, last -Wednesday. program was a reading, "Fro
nos, lily° j or children sang° r'r
sweetly, "Je.sus LoVes Me", me-)Issw I Lillie has .to undergo an operation on by Rstner McMiith;t Games. and _lunch
Assssve,,and it is with regret we learn that , soliloquoy", one of her own competition
Loehhart gaye as_reaidingi "A:, CenurY-0,119-ph
a Half of supokr, &11641 Iftvernehri'l On SUnday, October 14th, it is
Rev. R. M.. Oak .after a few 'Werth of, hoped that the Carolina Jubilee Sin followed. .
ers will take part in the gervice. . tivei
The -y. P. S. meeting of Friday, Sept.
encouragement to children and teachersi
read a letter from the drought stricken I It has been f u d . Sing. 2ist was attended by a large and attens
gathering of the young people. The
On Tuesday_evening- the Goderich ,The pupils of S. S. No. 6 Will have
ture was read by Marjorie Oliddon and
the topic given his Milts Webster. Char-
lotte Trewartha ccrritributed a fine piano
Little Lillie Elliott, daughter of solo. and Mr. Edwin Moofe gave several,
n necessary to minutes of the last' meetin were
district 'the 'West askinglo nein Mi
visite Tuesday_ afternoon at the hoine
The W. S. Sectional meeting was
held in Nile church last Thursday. There
were_ forenoon and afternoon sessions,
and dinner and super were served by
the Nile ladies. •
Rally Day" was observed with a speciar
programme in the Nile Sunday School
_last Sunday. Anniversary services are •
being, prepared for Sunday, October 14.
These are to be followed by aslowl sups
per ,and play on Tuesday, October
The Huron Presbytery Young People's
,Union held their annual convention in
Dungannon, last Friday. 'Ilse' Nile soc-
iety was well represented at all se:miens,
and especially in the evening when there
were thirteen Nile. people present
Mr. Pomeroy had a busy time last
week attending a Temperance Convention
In Clinton, on Wednesday; the preliby:-
tery meetnig, in Holmesville on Tilurs:-
• day and the Young People's Convention,
in Dungannon, on Friday. .
Always. keep Douglas' Egyptian -LW-
ment at hand, ready to brign inunediate
relief to blusis, sores and felons., Stops
bleeding at onee. Prevents blood „pois-
oning. Splendid for sore throat and
• itt Jack Torrance and Mr. Milton Woods Union from October 21gt to •October Grigg read the serasture lesson, \after
ggiven qu nsy.
• n • . 'pOstpone Anniversary' services at by Alice Chambers, secretary, Mary .
were appointed ktalook after. the toad- ' -28th. The afternoon service at 2.30 whieh
buttons. Appi,potaboes„. yegetables, p. in. will be Conducted by Rwas taken by Harold Yeo and Rev
ev; ' W. Mr
the tapie, presented in two pails,
fruit, good • used clothhut stockings, 1. Lane of North St United Church, Herbert,.
. .
'respectively. Marjorie and
MittenS, and *tea Ssill be tha)41dUlly.re. -.Goderich. The speaker for the even- Viola Oliddon delightedthe -audience by
ceiVed. In the -absence of Irene Woods -Ong has not been selected,.
Fired Service at -'43O p. m. g-Nreafiv ren
the dering of a duet, -"Beatitifur Isle
Somewhere.” poetn, s'A Bar-
otir 'sunday &thaw orgaiilif. Of A
fitkard__ ttry sonasys_psuea, -Use organ.' 1?ally ,Day -Servicecelebrated rrewartha: Altalind McCartney gave a.
are so ,beautifia this sesson. I Pastor,- Rev. P. Vir. Craik in the P111. the Beer Vats."' the. meeting which
'That's True," e70c read by Charlotte
'The alter was *banked with flowers which at Union church on Sunday, withthe 'very startling paper entitled, ``Rats in
t(Intencle4 for last week) . Half.of the Sunday School Move- under the guidance of the, 3rd vice -pre -
The Ice crear social arranged laY the ment't was given by Mrs, Geo. Me- ident, Mias Helen )4ac111ath.
pit. A reading "A Century and a was rousing in its temperance views, was
Men's Club' r Ttiesday evening hes' ilwalfi. ' A pageant "Sunday School
4136n, left .Ter in! it Whn6 Mit* to the thrs from Far Places" was enact -
Pausing of oneofits members. , ed by 1VIrs. Mary Phillips Eric Speir-
.mottiulfrrithitniweooedr:ftiroinrsinhrDeheesetrisdo, (wt. g. 30 7D.3ftsiiiitostf•
tie again' Rev' as Gale who has re- Mary Harwood, Nora Sowerby, Mari=
Rally. service will be held SundaY, .an, Eric McAllister Maurice Ha
p ,r W en 'we ope ve
apt.uratrld 'eryMthirit;eure
wood, Elva Orr, Jean McAllister,
on Calwell and. Esther Mellwain
. .
playing soft
ar/as.a resident of this distriet, tith con- • eghsoatiurnwtg.ch)daliddrr.esCsraoink dg‘Ottuvre
tminster-Guildisfs.the _Pr
terian Chinch, met at the home of
and Mrs. J. McBride, on the evening a
'September 21th, for the purpose of re-
electing Mews for'the Guild.
,Hon. Pres. -Rev. D. J. Lane. Rev. W.
H WlIs. President, Whittle Marsh; lot
cession of Ooderich,, hut after the dean Sunday School-ryesterday (sacrifice) Vice -Pres., Dorothy Robertson; 2nd Vice-.
01 her husband si4 Moved. With her today jserviee) and tomorrow (shar. Pres., Harold Walters; Secretary, Eleanor
sehildren 11, Detroit, where she had lived Ingr.' , Tyndall ; Treasurer, Isabelle 'Tyndall;
ever Once. A -kind neighbor and lova .touncil met hi Ifolruesville
. Social COmmittee, Dorine Webster, Etwart
Ing mother, she will he greatly Misted last, COrresponden0e froM the Hydron Yo
by her family, Mary and Joe, whci are Itiectrie Power Conunisilon, re the thang-
left to Monti). "Interment took Vikee ---,fil Ing of ccuitracts from 20 years to 5 years,
-C611scrt.le cemetery Tuesday Mc'rning': the clerk was directed to reply asking for
where the remains were laid betide her
more info tion.- '
husband; A ntinther of the old friends Iv .
and 'neighbors a.„,...t,tende_d t1i,,,,e funeral.
, Auditor's Report on 1933 p;spegnstiture
, , med.. j.thA.e,l3llisbe,pareittnreenlietf wasof airegadhwaanysis
11(ArtilKIN:ti, -,.. , 'via4 presented showing everything correct
Miss Kos, Alton. Of Lanes, Visitedbut sale of gravel, to thO COulity was
her niece; Ws..Will IrWin. last week. marked for a &Netter( which should
Mr. and urs., wtn.i. it Johnston,' of not be,, the clerk was filrected to reply.
ithtxtlemteli% alettge‘rsof Mr: !MA M.s. .„,,,,,002ritt Hays oirtalsercattOMPd lioairi_tedo.niste,byttutnint the
Arthur,Mr. iand ittMorsw. eVoikn.alaet%Slivai3eiktolertionv;itohf .„eottag%, councillor Joh+..0-,n VAS (lir-
ettad to report un iChAt tviS net.ded to
i, repair Ms road. .
the former' parents here.. " , „ '
'Mrs. Din' Little and 'Mita
.V'h'ii I t." ""(1"-"litiL:oingtt, eaheoec4::itilin7re$57001d: V41.
raatiO Cranston'. --
Little, Of ta,neS,,,;:perit part, of lastv;:to;ticuhee.,::shx4meepw•97:itaitzsghai thesi790:01e,sirtillp:tirloa-00:
week at the ,ilsonte of Mr. arta Mr.1.1'w* ..51*
Born.—On Sr_itlay, Sept. 2_titit, to _ .41 ' _4":: .6,4,It, W. tt.eleT
Mr-., , Anct.__Atm. _ Wig - _Col, 1Vtat._ 1)1*" 45teittt $35°1$ '
The clerk - presented the tax roll tom.
tV11017.5:111°s_li; ilvi,ri 4°. n!!;" ,„.C„, 6_ 7 gi.ratti. a• ,Plettitetis, 1)611:110.1$'1".211,, tothtale. :,tici;ijiesivaii,to, ii.bo_iiiedeedi...
' 4 and Ntts. Alrairtei-WN1111i1'ari4 to Mr. 110"ward Sturdy to start ti) tollect.
babe, . of ,Amberty, viiited..•,, Mr. and i ',council filet .Adiotifiled , to intet .0.
'Mis. tbos,--13111ke-S11140*--ltitIL"":--Milatiat iiiivertilier-sth,74t7 lio.14-;x-iii--.--'''-
ukkfi who hid been,.their gUest for I it. O. TROMMON, Clel.k.
a te*,,ttays woropokba, thonitoitto..:' , , ,
',Young, Ohristiiic Robertson, Harvey Pet-..
tnian. Wilfred Fisher; Lookout Commit-
tee, °halite Mitchell, Dorothy Watson,
Bessie Crawford, Cleerge AtcBride.
I3uY V -Neck and
Turtle Neck -
in all teh new shades and color
trimmings, also 'plain shades in
sizes 26 to 34, at
89cto $1.25
• Phone 384
You hove seen' --ista-krr BOOF" on the screen
'stow lie. the Betty Boof,Dott now on .display.,
Rev. W. i. tattnit and. Mi.
4011414 the. ),Isre4hyte
'litmett:Iniote thlat4:Blake W** 'oth,4neirseo. ,A04.•
sivkluto, the OMAC
from tfit Wake W. M 5. to the sec., VoatingtAelehing,„Iteartbarn,
trenal, mietinir ,at,cthe Nile United tertItert..etennett,1**Irot before_of afL
c11111.0107 -00:11r1411#04
Mr and lilt. Alfred Armstrong, of tmar.„11111:LIC,ATTE!L.1.12,T01111.
Wtbitt!i ititttotA :;.„,1;;17.4v--477,;;;Iirlajt;
othe ot-Mr. *id Mrs; 1CII ;at ,./Cla-"tektitniatry .t!!1.!* nded_
trlOtin 140 had been in Un-- trt# 10„-iairor 3ii•a- 0t."
kiit for otite tune retarn4d }traria bit otimiketti itiot.dom agoiL
'WOO :&lreet
Pho.ne 48q
Anna teen secompaiii** toy- and stonotileal 10
ra AtItiStrOW ottihtir- to. I woe to' &tot%
4, Tains, SATURDAY, OM 6.
ItgrUlt. om Detroit up to 11.46 p. m. MO,,Oft 8
front Windtior 1.00 Ilit$DAY,4),CTOSE
---trirket*4014 Information from Aionts.
CAUMIltilt MOO (64rOttlk.