The Goderich Star, 1934-10-04, Page 4THURSDAY, OCT. dth
PaYerne 'Calberti,
Jr 3- Nell IlLitle$,* Mildred An*
gni 14104, oetis owshi tom,
fook coo; 100.
*, .0 TM'Yo0,11-iitt, • reic!lne
Uktet*, Rosa Vedy.
ItOPlea U0100. Wa
United Chtineh
iOn are;
''Patie,, of Wroxeter. 1100,‘..
Xteeejeatt, of BeIgraiVam. ste..trea.;
sok Vitbs,Ido, Goderich; fellowship. see.,
)1(Aits Wriiihtinm Whittiehneeli; vele
Om*. Oearge ',110),Io1i Wingloon; eitiaen.,
shp,4olm OroWA, Ethel. '111terarh
PublieitY. MI* Avelyn Howard* *aster;
avocation, Oliver Anderson, Auburill
0. L T., Mrs. Mabel Pockett, Clinton;
.41 8 E. I rancis Powell, Clinton.
St. Helens Y. P. p. conducte4 devotion
in .the truirning. Reports were received
from the's:450er*,
The following groups led In in int/sz.,,
,esting and profitable stiscussionl Pres,
and vice.-pres. leaders, EvelYri. Dane and
Marjorie Jennison; see..treins., Gilbert
Beecroft and Rev. A. M.. Grant; fellow -
Ship, Map Wrightman and Rev. X. O.
Wilkinseer; WAWA., George Dolor and
Rev, Dr. Martbnore; citizenship, .John C.
Brew* and Rev. L N. Stewart; literary
and pablicity, vejyn Upward And Hazel
Smith: recreation, Oliver Anderson and
-Garcion-Butt;-leadership titng
Rev. 0. Dew. Core; C.CII.T, and C.S.V..
T.. Mrs, Mabel Pockett. -
The delegates adjourned to the church
--law/IT-where Oliver- Andersen -conducted
served in the S. S. room by the hostes-
sea, `Piembers of tbe thingannon
the young ladies of the Y.P.S. waiting
,FolloWing dinner .t41ere was * Wag -sang
led by Rev. C. DeW. Cosens, .ancegreet-
'Inas were received from Conference; The
afternoen-session-aPened-with devotiOnal
exercises Ied by lit -embers of Dimgarinon
Ar„PE. In-* pleitsinCaddress, Miss Mar..
.COAL .BrOgiritste,
111014,0111111110 .
4411a401tatto REPAIRS for
4. 4 •
dOti.ERICI1 1:01$1111)
it; and Mr*, ItObt,11,Wifison and
Hugh spent StllIdAY al,,, thelioine et.
Mr*: 'Arot, Reid*. '8tAtIleY 1'0'10'0111p,
Miss Myrtle RY*ii. Of .Gotietich.
pent $llAdAY at the 110014 i4 'hoil
Jr.. 2-4,400. Iforria, nradfortt, pg,tas, grandmother, Mrs..,, Robert, ,),:icilwa'11.4
' oncre P tter
rttl4 0011c' ItO4010, l * ' -10„.p.. C. 'ROO Jilt robtio. sob 1
, s
Ailall'Pe4let,i‘ferris Currie,440nerf$ y , . t „ _dr ,C.' 0 . 1. i .t ‘
. To
-Return from Poderich
Going.* --OCTOBER
Returning -All tra1n8;-leaV1ng
Detroit Up tO 2.30 AA.
TuEstkott_943frOBgR 9.
Full informatfon from ‘nearest agent
Town Agent.
.Canadian PILCifie
TA the eveAbl* sOlo retitle
Rev. , W. Craik. The PrezentzUen-
the ithitkl, *hiell WO won for play-
by 1/17tht, t48.44, bi011vailsnder•f
*On, XV; 'Toll, tOtf responded.
InStilllat ref' -4/cerk* 'rep9rt,e
Previa/nab', Wes Made by Rev. Ur, WI,
-Colm of rtgiriondvillt. An interesting
feature waeliitm,11111atratet1 lecture on mis-
sion work 14 iforthern ManiOha by Rev.
3, A. C. Ket1;4..011;10hto, wh° spent
four Years ;441*n Miseion Werk at
God's Lake. *°-)" '
."Yating People's Probima Today/'
was the subject of A prActoisti Address by
Rev. S. J. Mathers.. ,41fe advised young
People to reeoitnise the help And exper-
fence of older people. They should try
to understand and sympathize with other
young people's pre and thus help
eacti other.
PPNOANNON, Oct. 2 -An impressive
Rally Day service was neld Sunday Af-
ternoon in Itralcine OtrestistOtari Church/.
children and parents. 'rho choir' was
composed of pupils, from the Sunday
se..hool with the 8. 8. organist, Miss Irene
040 -WOO* visit owitil 110 Son,
Ore icaltPhOls-,arld Mr* tlatripliell, Of
air. Geo. *hi,' bad the barn on
nspec Or, pal Sin .0 ela ,
ett U" '
to .sti on Itchoor, , S.. No. etl'e 011 Tu9
00110 rf:„.*1',"4#0.6 diW of Vetaki-
, pass, Wed climg,i'k TeflaY The. regular tlid
an; Nit.',91.17 61,T1,0!,,,,9,rt,I.,i!,:lt-; wiB, .bellemeeung or ftit rIld40,,A*0.43.141, '4'.#
t&*on.' ' : ' ,' ' . i:' , ' . ' .'. ' , _ .' "' ' Elora .:tfttl;.rairli .04A* in thatite.:
1°4..111ler 4...',440104:i Ofitile.40t ..,,4°a:
Inapieft .0
t • " '' te i'lli'Pltiit h
.. A., dBe., ... „ . ...
Hackett ,(tiets):4 J. p., Alton, Po ‘
i riaesar; Ant visit of the terin to. Unlow$0001
Harold Clem, leoll-aril• 01.141910;1:, 1C, on Ttieed0;44fo1sit *oel,
carqi*U; ''.11.ktillite 400, 'Oa Rivett. '' , ' '14:t. *Turitrfir7A114.1) .MeAntater;
I:deltoid and Ir,exie idonne irt (!STINGAREE'f.
MONDAY A.ND TUNSPAY-00r.-110liclay SPecial,
litlinber of "11#' 40' Average Kenneth and, lifirlene .of Afilidletoles
illi /oral, eth col. Ashneltli destr°Yed°"/ CLIVIC 0 FARRIER Teacher X Robt X Alli t
an" 37'5' . : ' s ' . !Pre°, Sund.""act.' thaa.ehr°,113-!:-)t -MI'. and'
ltre aboUt a Yealw ago hex utilized the .--s-...- . Mr. Robt MeAllister, accompanied
cornea wo et the house which. with det - p oRTEits }nix . . ,, , .
stroyo by am. otteen re.? *go for . , his brother iSam.Ni.cAllistmr, °ill . a
fine barn A roe; was added Mr., And Mrs. 4Iiis, 40. near' have taken Visity Wit, re relatives in Paisley ast
and the dOora. ,and, Window, closed ul). lip residence with lir. James geWllet. Week,-
The lower`, Pert '' V1s, "Averted 1°4 a ' Miss Olive Puller spent Sunday with: WS,. Gordon Orr and Mrs. Geo.
stable and the large lett sb4;nre, will 11 ber ntis, mr,,, and.urs. riebt, Fuger, Falconer attended the W. M. S.
wood for ,hasr, straw, etc,' Although •• . ; rreabyterjal meeting . at Wile last
the walla were foiMd to be hi a first to lose her purse when returning from. -
has been standing for so many Years, Mrs. Harry Powell had the misfortinui ,Thunsdi .
-.and Mr. McKee Falconer and
class% conditran. Gedettch "tuTdaY AiglAt• ' of the 9th coneeigion spent
A' large number Attended the section- ler. and litrti,'LloYd Burnside, of Brad -1 Sunday at the hone of Mr-. and ill's.
al meeting of the Huron Preststterial of
the W. M. Et, ot the United church held ford, visited their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tichborne,
at Nile on Thursday A full' report wilt s• Lockhart • Rext Sunday * a 'Thariksgrving ser -
be given next Week. ' . Sila Ailing is the . order Of the 'day. vice will be conducted at Union, with
Several people from Dungannon' were The a1i4idence of born )a been a Gea.. the pastor in °barge. Sunday school
at Clinton on, Wednesday attending a send to the farmers this year With bay at 2.00 p. m, preaching service at.
.meeiting to discuss the temperance sit- 59 „mime.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven and Mr. Joe
family, of liticknow, were Dungannon since lea
visitors on Sunday. , years ago
Mr. and isXrs. Harry Anderson, of last.
DooPer; wh° has lren saumg J'ean • LaidlaW and lgr..
Miss Esther gertwain, Miss Jean
ving this district some three, Ames Salkeld are 'attending the
renewed old friends on FrMaY Teachers' Convention in Goderich tO.
• 1..day_.(Prid
I -Lill
Davidion,Superintendentotaa..tbaJeadir.,.: )0,--"tt AagY iSerlICP Mrs, Rougvie- moved
nurvowneaen rid conducted the seqice. The program and ivols., Alton andnasy- Dongia5 eiindncted iv Cfrace Church. Reid to their home in Goderich last week.
And oteril ma and have your diaphram. titilatecl
STAIR a 11, • ors "
FAXN- LAYE aitz--1....t 'pie Johan Straus
„ raoiodfous 'and romance, played in old Vienna
Present an adventurous story and a variety of e
Coming -John Barrymore in "20th CNTURY."
Saturday at 3 p. m.
..13LF4; 311
Mr. Roy Alton spent Sunday ,after-
gntend.ed for last week) -
Rev. 0, w.,,Doviti cosena, onion, noon with his mother in Wingh'am
hospital. 'We are -very Plelised to
will be the speaker at both services at
Anniversary on Oetober 14th. "' hear that Mrs. Alton is improling. so
Mrs. Bert '1'rewartha spent a pleasant Mrs. George Lane, Mrs. Albert
week with her sister, lvirs. George men- Alton Miss Maizie 4fackett and
wain, Goclerich Township. ' Mrs. *John Mullin attended the .W.M.'
Services in Holmesville Church will be 5- Sectional, Meeting which was held
in Nile church, on Thursday, last. "
Mr, and Mrs. Zinn, Mrs. 'Creorge
Lane, Mr, Elmer Alton and Rev. Mr;
Paton, attended the Temperance
meeting held in the Town hall at
wthdrawn on October ?throwing to An-
rrlversary sesVices,it Zion Church, Tay-
lor's Corners.
Weekend guests, at the home of Mr.
4tln4 oitd, were Mi....,:and_Mrs
Calvert, Mrsi 13,. Cooper and Mr, Chas;
Lindsay, of Clinton..
44. second name on, the sick list is that
of Mr. Harold Yea. who suffered a Sev-
,ere-r---kick--"from a Wiese on Saturday.
Clinton on Wednesdayafternoon.
our faithful; suPerintendent Mrs; Bert Trewaitha, of .1.1olines- NILE,
published. by the . Board of . Sabbath of Tordnto, and, Miss OliVe Alton; of D°rranceP
ville was a rece v s or a e orne
Schools and 'Young Toeople's societies nronte, were week -end guests with. Ur. 00 c arge 0 0 Program..
Ohureh in ganada Jas., Aiton...„Lucknow, Nee ere...please_ 1,0 on Tbursday evening last, Glen anncidtrrrss: Givieoor.iiMs01.3! _ f d speedy
wag' in four parts "Oui Otrength for report that Mr., Alton; who has been hart trivas surprised when about twenty, and
Mrs. Harry Morrison and „son
Ood; Our Gifts IfOr God; Our Hearts for confined to his bed due to illness of the young people walked' in' cele-
of- Guel h were 'visitors t h • covery are sent to Mr. Charlie Cudinore,
Best wia ea. or -a safe Tip
God; OM.. All for GOd." The seripture somevthat iMproved in health.
8:Pent- ' 1 i neaday f last . *km'' F
brate his birthday, a jolly time was. P s_ law the home
lesson for -the--first part_ was read by Miss Mr. and 'Mrs. C. W. Alton were guests 0 wee , w who .is convaleking in the Clinn .hos-
I of Mr. and Mrs. ii...,, r on, ed -
read a -paperi`on the same Aubject. The day.
Beth' Park, and Miss Myrtle Caldwell with mi: and Mrs. J. C. Alton on Sun- - ' - —
Mr. and Mrs. C. W.- Alton skid Mr.• - - -
correspondent had One Sent in the other ''
Puff -ball! who ever ate them? Your -
i, oeiztesdatnhcl_ 31174 7Et• ,pitar atter,an-operatibn for appendicitis
last Friday. , f •
I Mrs Gordon Orr, 1Virs. GeO. Fal
'prayer was -riid in unisk4 .idl joining. ittoijohnston at-
co- Delegates to the :Y. F. s. Convention
znat measureixd 34.1nches around and
Scriptare less4* tor Part tioPo was read and Mr. G. C. TreleSven attended the :ft -_,- ..
ball -gree at Southampton - on 'Wednes- '''' glW. nearly A pounds, and it tasted, of Huron Presbyterial held at Nile -were the Misses Atalind. McCa,rtney,
held at Dungannon on September 28th,
by Miss -Lenore Strothers, ,wh,ile Miss
day Afternoon. when southampton won .ar. ,
good. - Who .cati be t this? '
.. 1 on Thursday of list: ,week.
ponalda Janes pot the Paper -on- this The pUpils of -S.- S No 6 will ly;vi Esther McMath, Alice Charabers, Ruth
:.-Po-A very intereating and instrue
subiect."-MaSterPonaldftr Sang a verY 111,rnhe7:1110Vitfilod, ...±11.,e With. score of 5
N, t. 1,-,-- 0 ---On-TtiesdaY-evening -the---Goderielr-Ti;:i
ive day -war -spent. ' ---- • ----
,s.s-OT,l'iiiiiiiii„ -A-1-1 ' mie-arlith jCid;" ,.
-appropriate-taikst- ' Vlie-scripture lesion -44:-.
for part three was read responsivelyra
, and sungLe,sae,, Hanna, coclerith, 0..ii Large representations from Zion and
Miss Agnes young read a piper. on the Sunday morning and evening anntver. , . . . -
spbjeet. Little MISS Helen Strcsthers sang ,sary services of the Dungannon UnitedEbeneezer communitiesas well as
krfarivnun-fier'llaterwAttiss-Len hurch-last-Sunda '" w r tlyr-enj Ifolmesville attended the YPsmeet
- i g last_Priday evening.i _s_dila Huller,
the. itteehioanhuenc ed and appreciated by all who attended This is oPening r4ght for the fair terno; of Union church will be held in the Literary Convener, Vat; in chine and.a
StrotherS p.laired '
The addresis on'the subject "All for Ood,''' these services. -,
AtearirOlub-wittliold_their meetingz -Fridaywhile -
R. W. 3415„ehtle,'Of Milton. will be` the teacher. :Miss Esther. MeIlwain is at-
1Pealtei and hts subject Will_ be "From tending the teachers' convention at
pulpwood to paper." During the even- Goderich.
retun_and_caku_xautw_serv T gular__meeting_of-the Y.P.S
miss sto,,e,,01 ountnn w" an church op Friday evening. This will sPlendid, program resulted. 'The Scrip:-
, .
was given bx Rey. JOhn,, l'ollaak, of Dangannen4a.rdor Rooks
Whiteclaurch, and was a suniining up of
the entire program. The offering, which The-clasaiRrhave been exaMined during
ta A liberal one% vvill lmk given toward -ilk- the kalatFhig- sub.1004,
nosinns. t.4i hop new iihonk. a ' Arithnietle, Spe, Iling,' II;eading, I Wilting
(Intended ;for hot- -week) . w and. cobl•PositloriL Daily work _ -has also
been 'Considered. - The manta of pupils
A rally' (if .th'S Young' Itople° of Huron
-PnebYterY--will--be-heid-14-....oungartnon, missing , one or InOre' (”CiallitlatitOTIS is
be * birse stodenee.. . The names are anged in order of if if" f "1,4
' the first meeting in- the last guar- tura-was read by 'Marjorie , Glidden and
eating speaker and in her pleasing nialit:'
tier talked to the schobl, of iiving...tb* .
'lei and will be wider the leadership the topic given hy4Miss Webster. Char -
.Of Everett "Mcilwaires group. late Trewartha contributed a fine piano
Christ -like life, ,she stressed kindness in
. Little Lillie Elliott, daughter of 1 solo and Mr. Edwin' Moore gave several,.
word and deed and told the Start Of the
passirig of the . uch loved Por- -ells w‘hoe.!--- -1., Mr' and Mrs. 'Dave Elliott, attended' - delightful solos 'accompanying hinvielf on
Asweetly,_"‘Tesau114.0venlisy , s Me" —Ara"' -.Lillie 'hits.lo undergo -air oieration en by Esther McMatlapi. Giames and„ lunch
we !lito br:n 10;e2:•,esse,nos, ,xf Kma ttthilsibetliinnic.osopdoenriacolf;edlabsti :....vtthre%neLsidoanys: 4 .pthr:gguiramta, r.v;aAsn Ma terreeastIgg .,feature of the .
Ile"' ' rive Juor 17:47e8n7----uryg, .7-1„11,,titarr,,ihtiivis,,, w...ith,s,,td regret.we learn that ,:ooillilowoquedo.y", one of her own, 'competition
h64,1' i0t-- t'' I
marked by all asterisk * Lochhart gaVe a I
all day Friday. It is expected there 'Mil
a a 0 14 • Oti Sund4y, October 1 -4th, it is
Anima of tho toe Daniel 4046,, Ashneid. 3 --Honors, Webeter, Billie entouragement to children and
will take part in the serviee.. g
' kill Rivet. Atarierk ISmith%Lread_a.letter_irom_the drought -stricken- .
teachers 'ersIt has, betii foturt, necessar to
Nix.' and. s. ed attended the
Irr ttizis Sr RAW. R. M. Otile.-sIter,s401i 'Vorde a hoped that the Carolina Jubilee Sin -
, .
on Monday.
cemobeh *plied punga'nnOxii Pam N011iAlTrett Swan, Betty Braitf"0: &Arta hlathelivestliskinef° !"141). :POStiime services at
all in the latest fasiuons for fall. Styles and - materials that
will please your pocketbook. pLat us -help you ,choose
13a,gs tether atid fabric ziPPer fasteners
EsKid. Cape Skirt and Charnoise Suede,
fall shades and
„ Sheer Chilfimpiervite and Crepe, Weldrest, fine qual,
ny EII Shades'.4mokernist,
a, etc. -.t ae and $
, •
Jack Torrabce and W. Milton Woo4 Union from October 21at to 'October
were appointed t,titi, look After the ,contrI-128th.. The afternoon service at 2.30
buttons.- Apples, potatoes,y'
egetables, .p. M. will be Conducted by Rev; W.
frnit, geed used cl4hitiii, stockings, P. Lane of North at.. tJnited Church,
mittinas and shges,V11' be tiCsOfiXlly;re-,Godeilch. The speaker for the e
ceived, In the absence of Irelie.Vitoods,lizig. has: not been aelected.Evening
oar turiday-sehool Fred service at MO p. Tn.
Pckard very kIndly .orgazi,11 Rally Day Service was celebrated
The alter was banked with., flowers *hick, At Union church on Sunday, with the
are "lkaut-"-:°'.4/1intlleascaL-•• Itrereading"A"A
' W..CI'Cltkn.tuinr;rind
''.'"(Intrtitle0 for last week) tlfalf of *the Sunday School MoVe."
The ice Creani soelir arranged by the, ment', was given by ,Mrs. Geo. Mc -
Mn' Club' for Tuesday evening has' nwain.
Visitors fAromPaFgaqr41,1tPlaec‘'Ses°'n'dwaL Schenactool-ban104,4Verfot Ai -while -owing- the
144itit"IlinylL'474 one,v00,.of
willbemembers..bedSunday,' an, :ry
i Ipa peir-
trio'. McAllister Murice Har -
Sept. 40010M:10n- we hope to have with , Elva Orr,• 'Jean McAllister,
ua ,again Rev. H. V.C. Cale, who bas re-Atary Harwood, Nora Sowerby; Mar! -
turned troll -1113 11°12daY" • 04 Calwell and Esther Mellwain
!,There Passed away on -Sat4rgaY1 with Mrs. AlatwOod- playing sat
!dot/1111E1h- DetrOto log; 1;.Dalt°11:-Irn''T music throughout. Mr. Craik gave
til about three Jens at* AttS' t*it°111.1 very interesting address oh "OM'
4vas a' resident 4:4 4:11S
version of (Watch, bilkdiliafter'tritt*thedeath
" e°ft•''. Sunday .8chool-yesterila. (sacrifiee)
of her husband she Moved with litill,09.4.1r. .(service) tomorrow,
.children Deqbit, where she had lived, ing)".
toyer Since. A ", kind neighbor and loir- •Couteil inet'in,Eiohneaville, on 'Monday
'Ing 'mother, she will be greatly missed 1at. torreepondeiVce from the 1y0,O
• by her family', Maly :and Joe, who tiectric Power Pommission, re the ehang-
left to niOntil. Interment took place lzi Ing of contracts fronv20 years to 5 years,
ePniete0, Tuesday -11115411114, the clerk was directed to reply asking for
*here the remit:hs. were laid beside her more mi_entatior4-1-:
husband. A- number' of the old tri*lid4 Mr. J. A, Biliwas s, re relief read and
And neighbors. attended the funeral. 410., the Department
Aildlie000. Report on 1933 e 'xpe,ndlture
MAPtt(INGvas presented showing everything torreet
MiSs Mary Alton. of Lane, , but sale of gravel' to the county was
her niece, Mrs. *Will Irwin last
mt, And Mra, WM. 11. Johnston, oi1irtbe, the Clerkwidirectedto'rePt,
Exeter are. guests of W. and , Mrs.; • -Ito* at: 110418 ceralgalued about .the
7111 -*Ur" LA. '111411‘111.1(146;;; :tut _ v- tre'lleth **gm* thee:A' elaitn,
- - condition of sideroad,-toztOme--summer
Arthur, were iteek-end visitors With'
and Mr. $Inigy 8110140011i Of.,'eetateage.;::relowritei.olitt6r, ivrt,d4,00A'tilvoadV•
I repair tms toad.
the. fe,rtAees 1"tr.:PltS he"" The following accounts were *tit
ttetieli:,..4trt.ii-ttaiihmnoto7h1;0, • home eytn:t .811frr and ( '84 povo thot 001,01;1 te et. sheep110 ot, oh no. oe, (4, seltl, Loan
Mp t Supt.5t. 0 10 wift
th, t�
Mr. 'awsanno$1, twin 470111,s1:‘, roll
,$31 0$2.26i, handed
:04;1614.tior:Y711.°14:41;106' liuttlitalttl"ntitl‘%.4.74""t4ilt::
ink *t troollaiktav:41: •: thurri: •
W. M. PaAtot *ha mr. s
New ,evertoMs, tailored from Tweeds, Siivertortes. Nu
Elytian, etc„, in oxford or modium greys, browns and navy
blue. New styles ' and excellent values.
" *reins and sha
P9P4lif taildge4 arte worsteds in mart. new
Mr. and Mrs: Thos., Tabb,- Miss jaaie
--- -
WaanVisited Tuesday afternoon at tit'e home --
of Mr. John Tabb.
' The W. M. S. Sectional meeting was
beld'in Nile Church last &Thursday., There
were forenoon and afternoon sessions,
and dianer and supper were served by
the. Nile ladies. -
' Rally Day, was observed with a sPeciat
programme in the Nile Sunday school
lad "Sunday. innivektry.„-seftices are
These are to be followed by a Wedsup-
per and play on Tuesday, October 16.
The Huron Presbytery Young People's
Union held their arunits4 convention: -in
Dtmgannon; last -Friday* -The
iety was well represented at all Sessicms,
and especially in the evening. when there
were thirteen Nile people rceserif.
Mr. Pomeroy had a 'busy time last
week attending a Temperance CortVention.
in- Clinton, on Wednesday: the-preiby-
feu meeting, in Holmesville on
day and and the Young People's Convention,
In „Dungannon, on Friday.
Always keep Doug_.2 n_ -
Ment at hand, ready Im brign rimmediate
The Y. P. S. meeting of Friday, Sept. relief to bUrnS, sores and felon's. „Stops
21st, was attended hy a large and Eaten- bleeding at once. Prevents --blood Alois-
tive_gathering_of the, young people„ The- oning. Splendid for sore throat and
"minutes of the_ lastmeeting were given quinsy.
by Alice Chambers, secretary. Mary .
Grigg- read the scripture' lesson, after
which, the topic, presented In two parts, 4
was taken_by Harold Yeo and R,ev. mr.
Herbert,. respectively. Marjorie. and
Viola Glidden delighted the- audience by
_the rendering otAt_dueti."Beatitiful Isle
of Somewhere." A poem, "A Bar -
That's Prraepo :oreu; read by Chaitotte
Trewartha; Altalind, McCartney gave a
very startling paper entitled, "Rats in
tile Beer Vats." the meeting 'Which
WWI rousing In its teraperande views, wi'S
under the guidance of the 3rd vice-pre-
kient, Miss Helen .1VfacMath.
Eits that gives quality *ncl q lltnt wo4'kmnshsp We 4e1 fortuti.
"curingit umpie* tit
1 .1
The 17Crestminster (laid of the Presby-
terian Church, met at the home of Mr;
and' Mrs. 4, McBride; On the evenin
September 27th, for the purpose of • e -
electing ofacera for the Guild.
Hon. Pies. -Rev. D. 3. Lane, Rev. W.
H.. ' President, -Winnie Marsh; ist
Vice -Pres, Dorothy' Bobertson; 2nd Vice..
Pres., 'Harold Walters; Seeretary; Eleanor'
TYndall; 'rreaaurer, Isabelle Tyndall;
Catrunittee, Dorine 'Webster, Ewart
-Christine Robertson Harvey Pet.,
train, -Wilfred Fisher; Lookout Conunit-i
tee, cliarlie Mitchell, Dorothy Viratison,
Beside Crawford, George Mellride.
Buy V -Neck and
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