HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-08-30, Page 2A
•04 •
eve rY ThUrsthil
liMbeerIPtkel Pr--
Orciit Britain • 040 Per
nee tin *Mama
IteL $2.50 per par in•itivene*.
and new addresata alould be
hth--thatigerrot -*Um* • is
4$044/4ATIONS.... We • And he f
Of Our enbseribers Prefer not, tion
teirlge.,AubstriptiOns not . he
ittuetot.„04104,04smit,,e,tointeterrilooPtem.d. (0:0014_.
Prce to
artettt'ovor-we*te000t-oer, „
, woos vo.are metitted eolnoet; 41`40"sti" aroft
wants the Sabsciber wisbee the &tr.. inen4ers to 'OM •0*
„ice ontimAe4,,, BnaTTAISTIOW 4100 Moat* a Protest b been be ZOO hY registered letter, 1110neY Or. • out —A entered -
der Or Oneelac PVtable g. 04r PI °0410 the 'Pl.(47140'3• •9$ .aritlah 99140* 'Vanish
deli claSzn. that the new Aet Is illegal under
'the- PrOir*OneOf the 13.X.A.'''Aft, The
I 1 -•°•,)41 -an 'that e is the tiOnlitidoil 00v.
TI:RTIZSDAY, AUGUST fleth, 1034.
e6nlent- W•1410. instIPUteci by,the rrovin'ets.
THE srEvEsis,r0iPlitogT 4 ce41110t , delegate powers o their. It is
flne pointofleN viVh$01 learna PrOVineta
may Wee itdettlitaile Of to hold. up the,
tete the ses,elt y orhc I7c
Otto 40000 04.,t0 the Mins
Where thesm11' fOrialort
nt suPer4sion,
ting zws TO give
'Of t
•401--Sikr,"Ife' ik
;SPeint. the Ofl37
00 hot -Sari '"Ifet
.91111,t VW.
'not • 4,04 !Ili* mu4 fr4 se 440
/*ger -before Wif.'.40 it bioici*t•
Do not 01/Y4 ''''.040"401.40..tild. not 'fisZo
the apeaker." "'414ii410:4Otiase o.
‘PeolacePt!' the: 4e4eir. •
' PO' net, sity... :The Ship stnIk.,"'
"Thit .ShIP snk
PO. net tar titotitar, stir .stietwoznan.
- -
WO r t144 Otten ladjprOlsoluitett
• PrOtionnee 041k.ser. *et
in Me, I as .iii.liekceteeent.
TrOithadOur,•FrOliOnnee' 000404004
- Ad:niters of the BOP. It 11. etstVene
' will experience a naetion of reel ;egret newplen. although it lit iinPouible at the both pOY4- AS it) toel, a 10 'ha ttak.2"Aceent
when they read tds 'Paniplet - On _priee mPU1ei1t to fOretellf /te: eireet.: , .* ' I first ayllable,
ellereadS and on general bullies* condi. Certainly it IS.* 'teVehitleilitrY *et. and? _ Almondpair:ounce stb.skond, 0 as in
.. ----
- tions in Canada. In spite of its with. will -birVe• the -oppesition of all' those Who .01..*1-'20-erit Jut 15711104e.:1-
' drawal it May be read in a :lumber otbelieve that the natural course Of t de Melee Pronpunee Ma -la both as as
„PaPers• ebeuut not be interfered with, , in may, Principal accent ,on last syllable.'
-ii,-,lts-taa•-_-appArenb that --ittt-SteVens : .'Titis"--Oiher -*Von 'WITS -ire; described as ' Di'vati. Pronounce- dt,Vall";111tIrtedn'
' 6 • 4
_Is not quali, fled_ ' to _tat_ ton. „,...th„..111..._.:Veri. - followst..._ .. „_. , __ 1-,.., 1 a as in an, ,94eent PIO Syliab/e.,.. ,...
large problem, either from the Piga BIll 20 -An Mt flePrettentin
of - ' - ' Abjeet, .abieet"here: of IY. .abIeetnesS; aceent tbad 'Inert a . sig# . them, some
'.g Fruit first rvllable. Abj; accent
view or a trained businekr and ss executive - Honey.. • ---A ' - . syllable. • ection'
, .. . 'Second' mention would ' almost certainly have
from the point of view Of titi' intpartial, Bill 3.8...Ati At ResPeeting% the POry . Word e Often Misapelled . ,fbee4ere4rnahydaiiny,°,fautft'hoelgt,yeall:a4-to th'°:nlit' beet.' neCle-
judicial mind. Bit paper is full ,of Ob. Tntiustry14,11 ,,,i'l*_,'1.1g,r,„;f.":.,,,;:;'-'!"1; , ' 'Ballast; two l's. Glacier (a body of .of 'the hereamere, - or 'Polar 14ight , or
, viously Partial faots and of statements Bill 39 -An Aet to ,Amend - the • De-- lee), -Glazier (one who:sets glass in Win-. -AurOra 701arts,-Which; latter' is; hidden.
from =MI6*, a InentarY whit:II-One fears, strUetIve Inseet. and Peat act. 1 dow frames). Embryo. Observe the Y. tellY, the terrect natne,' the name used
does not sent -hint 'vizi, well. Oranddaughter; two Vs. Pitze;'..two z's..
Bill 40-4,0 Act to A.Mentrthe Live.' 'to -describe riet only the lighta Whieh aP.
It would appear to have been the Wiser , ' stook Prottucts .Act, , Elnissaryobserve the double s arid the pear in the nOrtile--homtspitera, ii4t, al.
course to have someone write his views . pill 53 -An Mt tO AMenci...tho.4ana. ari. ' so those Which appear in all of the sou.
for him, giving Partictilar euro to exact+ Wan Oraitt-Aet. ' ' Synonyms thern--balf-of_1110-world-Another nalli
11S ill detail and to autharatative quo -Bpi 92-40 Act to illtate Com- Wealth, money. 'riches, possessions, for those appearing in the Antipodes is
• , rac
tatoproperty, means, fortune, assets, op Aurora Aurora Australis. • , *
' .= arid. extracts to , prove some -of his ' promises 'and Arrangernents. te- enee, abundance, -substance. 1
contentions. Without our Pretending to 1 , tween Partners aii4 -Agreditors. .....1 amiable, .iond,, charming engaging.,
. . . .. _ Prior to 1574 the Aurora was seen fre-
know the facts, it IS obvious to . 'kuyelleiBill.....n., Act...to-Amend.,•., thg,...varia.-. iovable,--pIeasartleatiin-C-- "-qUentaY-1*---ExIiiiii""lent-P"Pi
, that the pamphlet is not a weildrawn 1 .. dein •p,artri..,44,11„Aet..... ,..-_-.., , i. • -er,-/,://it.r--:let* -.E.thow,.- vant,.-,..-voncede; °'Iv'''-•-thP'' -'4•*"411ers-'4nd-P-1 '59."'k/45) -
- detiuMent:- ' - - - . ' ---:- -7-- --1' 411 of illje, haVe a verypersonal inter. iielit. tolerate, ' , . ing -e-treti: Teak' than 46' knOW tOdaf as: to
It. is the more to be regretteea at, Mr en for many 'farmers, but Bill �a ' Is the 1
"Veracity, • truth, truthfulness, .hoines4 ty, their exact nature,. feared them artd:built
Stevens paiA a terrible picture of conone which will
, Candor,.., frankness; • , < ' all sorts of fearserne legends -around their
"n_. aftect'tthose-who-aVel new
411t1ons In Canadian indistry, the general • strattfaing-4*---the bends 01 -debts )(Mgt
truth of which is believed by most Canal' An" ii'cl'irrect
Ilere-agairrlhe-PirOvin ,Also, likewtse, besides,.siraliaily, in 'ad- ' 'L4.:4).°'4ett: • 1441.2-rtia*al -'-1-.54.glii'l'11-1-4.14".
. the astronomer *lei diScovered and wan.
---filittia-.--:-Tritor true: if thereTS a, eren tetinusit' ' '...miI..hil..__;1_1virtetimi: eras 0114VSSelitt. atYli: purity, morality; good.-
' to Mike the new law effective.. Brie*, . nets, rectitude. ,
, :side to it, the ,,,,...,pe!pre of this.- country'
ih-04-1-d- be diont. .fit isirplan.IVIterebYlartners who have no
, Word Study •
a with the Varlints combinations and mer'hope of ever paying off the debt. which Use a word .three times and it is
gen Of tillSillettleS. the reorganisations they *Mitred * the booming deam of the 'Yours." Let us increase our Vccabulary
.....,:afist rt.44ump_ vytoly ,. to ok stiam bt, t last, decadek_ may.^..eampratntse with, tileki . by mastering ene %nerd each day..„Words
. twecn the end of the War and the fad .of
: creditors in a tourt sitrillar to the Bank- 1 itfit;DEACtbrONI6Se_ntistmiA.13: LE' ; that can be ma- d'.0.
1020. We all know of the new bend Is.. ruPOY Votit in princiPle but much,leswelirihideliti: have
of proof. "These things
. appears/we 0
*Mien/ 404 rni,10.4 *(tioll W. On)
Bruce COM/W.',' gets 0106 front-pageis „was suet, euriout IteM Ova witatc bank re*** at'.Cargill.wet to tile •
tk000r 004,ipt- the Matter And we had . come t4-4110`. COnelesion thatsin :autimritative white& It 4.1,4#44 :there was nO,MOney left in th*,
,seenipass,blit that a pheneinendit tbe'eountry, '
the' Northern' I4.Aghts *deli must have
been hAP'Pening for untold centuries In
the Whole „northern hemiephere at least.
Could POE$* have Missed Englend Until
the year,
We -tonna that We were ,P.orreet- ,and
*LS, the Ainianack•wse Purveying ,a little
MOM inifinferalatiello :ar 004 It 'Prone
to 40 either through ignormio ined 14' "Young men wearing nothing' but
leeriness thefacts.)
At the aatotrneotleoetrT,Ore Was 8Oine in!'"
Between 1574 and 1767 there - .05
Mention .Made by any writer in ilniland
4140/110 Thio 1
• itionovi4; EVA»
rort )010 ovoyuiert tennis
and badminton,- mitts oa his .properey at
the Beeteh eves nOtice that theY may:be
Closed to- the Public if Continued tob�
Of' anything- *inch InIghi balm- bCo'n
any WO siOtifesed ,with the I4lerthern
tiurTing7;tlitit ititne-n-iiini astron-
omers, gazed; nightlYt at. the,skiee load If
sues whieh,appeared constantly in the eaPetiSiVe. New iocal Boards wal be set'
linincial- -seetions 4--the--papers.--41-,---ulto-.-WhOth-the-larinee ibar.refer ,hir -14, AS ave tollttYlani.kr-e de4ntnultril/ile'"
a/thlarYVIII-usorsr. 'ilt
steams insists thst,..tnese resulted in e„,,, case( , Meetings being arranged with repre. 'WAS a fantastic tale of adventure." !
,eejles 0f top heavy ,00ncern4. waited .wit,ti I ieritit'. Iva. . of the t reditorti and an am. IMPLICATION :• act of bringing into
s.' burden of bonded debt on which' it ctunt ,which its4isir,..M.Attef-thel
. -..- Intimate -or----bwrinlinatInit-' connectlarr.--, Dancers." This was somewhat at var.,
imp-otsible to earn interest without' "gong- -ere present condition and hopes,' dead. Your intplicaticin Is that Charles is '. lance' ,witil the meat 'whien,.they,.bistined
, new Companies. deliberately took the tte.1 ThtS new feature provides that any ,
.. They were never frequent in England
ink the workers and the public, generally, ed On. *still details 113 to procedure tt're • into the breasts Of other_peo 1 but s
hmluding tne farmer. He clalias that. .
v ' nit no cenighl-cotiree" ; probably the result of their frequent oe.
ed In The Act, which also includes 7---- ' -avi
wandering. "Re is a man of erratic ha. currence with . -116 elril result.
-the -principals', and the proinoters of the! a feature enite new to Canadian law. bite, •
PEN'S/YE; dreamily or somewhat sad-
cempimies, leaving them: bond
conugged 4vine,nt yiikr4 out of thec,ici form debtor whosef indebtedness now ly thoughtful. .41311*_. remained_in this the ,,eirii4st.b17-4e-inuriti: *ow caongilt, It
and when"-ilie great display occurred in
iisnes, in! writs a rate Of ,Interest exceedin41,7 per .pensive state for si long time." .
, ,other ward.s debts, in their plate. 1 eerie ' nutY, if' he has the money, tender IV/MUT,: pertaining or approprfate to princes, on the land. Possibly this was
foretold an early descent of foreign
the full amount (if interest and primeipie servants. "It WAS & menial' task assign -
These things people believe and resent a hangover ,from, their reeent. Ise'quisition
- ., ,, ----now---due"-together whir- az-additientil '''ed -t* hint" - -
--. - 77- If• iiiii;-fire not trui, the facts :would be
arrimmt of' interest. suftlelent for an addl.( _. ..
'rf tIonal three months', and the creditor 1 Many theusands of Oilers are being
known. .•-. •
" . .
trtinka and girls with little more than a
bandirerehlef fO COltrer the upper portions
of tbAr Viso* to lakeellore re-
sorts' would indicate that we are' not Very
fizOtri ifedisin.-----Only about sr quarter
Yard` of -linen or, khalcf.
• Otin toot/AGE
The glis-rarnvou6r'a.Pt*ge is said' to .be
spoken by more people than any. other
language, there being 160,906,000 people
who speak, it and another 60,090,000 who
Understand These .fliferes, we pre-
ineltide -English' as if is `spO' ken by
Some Englatmen -and 401110
, (Taking out ihe'Englislunen Who don't
Understand AnielloaiU and the Ante*.
can who don't understand Enklishmen,
tie--61Y,00e;0011:woul4 be coiaderably re
'duced), •
_go itit4e.r. no added medic
lion, is 'necessaty. guards
_'6410.1rthas _C.4411,g_
and -.acid irritations. Within the familiar
Mavis red contAier .is complete summer
comfort .for every member of the family.
um.a.ciis„rfalcu.ni ;7 keeps ,the5s 5ki fin cooler.
V. Vdi
Ito _departinentaLLstere---Itri,ille- neithe
(Canadian 40330), ---- newspaper -has -Made edittillai-Wunmen
-7Ttio.Oriagiti-laf the 'Worct-V-etes whicirilie "-On* the fact, newspapermen throughou
dictiorWrY7Says means tidings; new in- Ontario will have their suspicions as
,forMa,tion, fresh eltents reported; is said the reason. -
tile Om :N.E,'W.S. at the- top Of the news tee ---at -Ottawa, inveatigating this com
49- have- COMe -fr011l-fhe : eustorirof=putting -Not very long ago. the Steven; Commit
pany, ibprought • out some, startling fac
13- a -
t 'rho ..King and Queen were spectit-
4) tors at a recent rally of the 'Boy.
&Outs of Edinburgh, held en the
beautiful grounds of - D re g• h rn- -
castle. • .
stheet.. This Indicated that the. tidings
ed beat publicised, eoniett:. t rote
.d"' -were- froMllirdifferecit-tight. of the Com -
to gather the few historical facts known
or frorn the ends of the world, the
abetit _their appearance In ancient times. north, tbe east, the -Weil and the` -South..
People then, knowing nothing 'of. tle.
• ihape,of the earth and Of the polar reg.
_Imas saw Jo. them omens Or war,41test1.
leneeLand faltilne; 3.71107:00Mpared-the
long shafts of light to flaming spears,.
armies - in, battle and Were. especially
Gradually the letters were cembined and
-the words New*. was the result, -so we
might : have had Wets, Nwns ornz Snew
, _ .
: .
afraid Of them when they Were Crimson DON'T PAY VS ANY. DEBTS!
'In color as seinethnes;hal*ebs• ' IttOwel -.Ataridard) -
- .,In. Eiemlanci,Thspecialii in the islands Once upon a time debt wits rather the matWr in thit light. Of etiiirs-6 the
an t,,,,u-r-*---2pany cermet do' Without advertising
of' the north, the Shetlands and the cNic•-• inexorable matter. But under the com- -
nen they were known as - the "MerrY pexitiet... Of world trade and world fin- that 'would be disastrous. So the ad-
vertising is no* confined to the evening
ance it seems as if it is almost a . diaster pipers.
to have your debtqr ply his debts. There
Not knOWing the_reaLreason, why th
about e spre,ods and other unfavor-
able_ features of the. company's way of
Both Mall and Enipire and 6.1obe re-
poited 'fully the evidence given before
the._ _g0111131iSSiOX),_ and both -have been
dropped from the advertiSing of this
Company. It may be only coincident, but
until people are informed otherwise the
*public cannot be blamed for. lOoking at
olor-of-sense-in--it. -for..-toce-fot,., evert
two newtpapers have lost this. 'advertising
private life there is just one thing, worse ' we are apt to notfce the coincidence re -
than to get nothing ftir, your money and
ferred to. If the truth be. In this fact,
that is to have it paid ' back to you, for
zler to get It ellt. 44.94P.,94 OP9..4!...ec.,uritY*
once in. your own hands it is some puz-.
and the Globe that they can lose noth-
then we can assure the Mail. and pmkire
Ing by playing the game. with the public.
and it the same tirae in anything like
If they are martyri, because they have
its earning Power under contracts made
, published the' truth, neither paper has
some years ago.. , , , _ _ _ _ ... •
any'reaSOli to be aliiiim-ed if It' has kit'
of Dutch. Prince William. In 1716 the ' adVertising patronag4, but standing by
display was so brilliant that all •Xorthern NEWS -RECORD FIAS A Bins,T1I6DAY the code of ethics of the fourth estate.
Europe stayed up to oek at it, fearsomelY ith regard tOldr. Steven's ditetission 1 mus (1-iweep• ,t it.
" - l(Collingwood Enterprise -Bulletin): . It is also further proof that advertising
on price Spreads, _here againhe dISZI .g4O.3 ..eannotAfter that the creditor sPent by the, GOderich Salt Co. to enable wondering *het, caiamhy was about, to
the 'problem in too general and tOo loose: cling5 per tint,
et/11041i filfere# at any. rate ex. it to 'keel-) pace With its 'rapidly expand.lhendl.” , . . • '.:--• ' • eightieth birthday. ' This gave Edito; news and editozial ,polley of a newsP4Per,
, The Fergus XeWS-Reeord had had its. Columns do- ,not dlotate" or govern the
a waZ- OnlY A chartered aceountant tan. This is revolution. ' ing busitiess. Pour wells soon will:be In 'In the. year '4688 when, Ireland Was a Hugh Temolin, the excuse to turn to the --.... - .
ivy, ing, in the eyes of some, confisca- operation, ...A high chits product coinbin-1 great•er, itory ot journalism in. the Scotch town
land thazi.4,Brigland;: they gave
Ole the detidled explanation of a fairi,
tory, , HoareVer, otherssee in it a *cog. ed with energetie," highly competent *light. to -fight A great-batile between arid in a highly 2ntereat1ng way be re- A farmer's Son eritigrated to Aus-
nal cosi of, say, a-sitit of, clothes, and ad which which, it is believed,
Price, taking into consideration the orig1.1 Intim' of the :tete trend in, money rates imanagement is sure of a market even in*
! Leinster and Munster. Durb3v the fight calls briefly: --all too, briefly-outstandhig. after.arrrval. lie -wrote home,--to----his:
tralia 4..0 make his fortune. Shortly
_ ding to it the fah*, cost of handling -if -to, wilt probably be low . d '
,epressed times. Ooderich is partion. - ••
a great. Oiall---Chieftain-Avith one -or th event's. ff-the IiiitOry,- of the News.ltecord,, father: '"Ant,getting on well With the
r fol.' il- tood-manY years to come. _ 1 -fortunate _ • ingsualt an -in 1 •
. _ _ . . _ _ 1ar_y unpronounct6le names, was. killed. 'Quite, also ',of the, town of -...Peeglis and its dis-fboss . over here.. That's: a- feather in
.oatvr S, „rePt,trallaportation, ---insurameeil , The :Other Acts -. aret„largely Modes-
_ .. aPProlialitely "the winning -.side , saw in Wet. Our friend is a. versatile writer InY.: :cal)."
wages and* that store or iteils winch go; tions Of existing legisletion and none of dustry. ' , the .event an. Intercession cot the gods On and, at usual, makes that "inside page„, 'A few months late the, farmer rew
into the cod sheet of Oe Modern system4 them Were subjected to nut li oppouon - the side of the right. .Legencla rentainin sta tte terms lib.. editorial .seation; which, ceived .anether, lettgii.. from his sort
st I? _ ta ts
of attountalley. It is by tia means the! in p,arlismient.: Zie tWO principle' Eillls The death. of Rev., J. E rd 'Ts'a. real Ireland to this day to tell of the 'affair.' In last. week's issue is devoted to .the an, sayingl "Am courting , . the boss's.
'simple matter .of paying $15 fee & &lilt Of 1 outllueit • abuvii are de,signa. to be a real blow to . Ooderiehl where he has been - In 1621 there was a great display of niversary, especially.entertaining and irk- daughter. Times another feather in
rioiliWdeelding that It vivuld be nice to, • - . -
e arming community. It was known and loved for rtieny. years. Al -
tion being :interested, but for some reit-
the Aurora in Prance, the whole pupuht,-. ,ferrning.' tilie Na,.ws-necord Ls one of the Sothe time later Another letter ati.
, my tap.”' • , .
get the greatest pessible reside iiriee. for' at- • •.- ' ' - ' '
bright and well edited weeklies Of the rived frotu the son in Australia which..
. - it and AleiLlt.ddOlg_on-the-atoomit-Which ' ,„,„,1; the
I eh* passing whith caused critics to stig- Ways a friend in neerhe litretite eitlit in -son it .was -not visible in Eh' glind or elte Delnitilon. Which fully Merits. the liberal read: Have had .the sack from my
honored place in the hearts of his felkav
job; Send Tiitisiage money for Me tO '
'sin ,give- that return. The great firrusl "1"`'.9e ...PreSent i4loveriunent as "more ,
citizens. It i3 given to few td live, so , ,
. radical than the fiadieali,", ,' ''' land to see' it as no Mentied is made of
the people went to bed too • earli-in riii:. iAtrortage which. it enjoys and which it
SO well ierves, eurn 6°Md."
are, 'supposed to have definite Polities On 8 The farmer, repged to his son as
' long a life and to serve *so well, : His iniitt. • : c"- s' ' ' • *.-
, Many People belim they he excied.
-1fient•-$ ant! to adhere to those -policies,x';---- EDITORIAL NgTES'
.... _ „ . . . 9
numerable IFiencla In *TAM parts Of Wes -'1- ' The nature Of the Anrora, Polaris it
; SUGGESTION *you r arzn ahd---fly., horde."
follows: • 'Vat the feathers under
...........„.. . tern 'Ontario- eipeaally, will hear with ' ,
'• rit '2- 't'tlitStint‘ble; and fate proilt-basia-and**Ille last Week of tholielidays, hide.- genuine ii:egiet, of hre Imating. -
. _ Still More or less_at It-MysterYlilthOtih-
, , - -- (Eketet-Times-Ativotrate)::
-- itt*,,--gtefene- dotometlt win add . 4' 0 8*' 4 - ' * "* * -•. ,. Marshall lAyantey, -of Patrice, hair
to their+ just
' . laid. down h4.baton for the hist time. In,
boastful American had been ad-
mitted to heaven, and ' WAS talking of
the wonders a his home country
There was nothing in. the world to e
tbuch-Niagara- Falls, he -claimed:-,A11'
'•old'man who was standing near snig-
gered. audibly.
"Perhaps, sir," exclaiined the an-
moyed American, "you don't censider
8000 raid feet of water a second •a. -
lot a water? May I ask your nam?"
• P`Certainly." replied the • other
It ft 'known to be alectriesd pritielpre.
bontletioh without hio. producing. Inv Ootteriert has -a beverage. room. Beer g Suiteevidence ;seems to showclettly .its
he ,to the Sheeee relatiOn With oUr old friend* the spbt's
careful *naiPIS .to. mve that tbia 46, *nd, wine Are. *Mg Sold hoe for dapt when -Was the fashion to belittle
th6; t
essential fworkthe
. lSeetald °IV tilt Sint ;,CiraP118' 661164 3:1"1°di or, both the soldier and his ' Len-
Enotigh ilia been ,said by )42.. Steveris time many Yes". MeV DeoPleormer whichhas wel for the
doh Times Calls tivii&atiotr to• a:sane-view
to make it,. tial that Mote be Sititt' ;hntigOt- tlu". !Old eleh• of the attOmPlIslimea of the army :and
time1*1 tout loot the, msteeti Trephi, IlOtilrltY of the aptits are , toholved very
awarded to the beSt :11;1: closely by MtUsItal activity on the ,part tit
but,it wotild be Welt to have it d b haPPen In Ooderich-
o y , its rational PnrOcSe the service of
, i the Aurora. &1st, what the
5anad,A. . The- award well deserved -I ts is, no( knotrn* *a the nature°40inee.ti°11..
alihoegit there Was keen. COMpetitiort:' trkite 10 Alto one of those *things' hi
There are splendid weeklies in Barr- le,' 3c.e... stumble birer 'When we trtle' * expwitt12-°1
ene whose fitness for the task'is 4, * 1114114.01tY **.niakinft t the following edm-
ment on the sithievement of gift great
Went. The GOvernment Oiled the Yilnewater
IlighWay a sedoitti. time 'which Makes tor 'rrench Pm/Ale servant "he •subordinated
the- liteS Of War te4 the Work of ixtoiand
saw •00ntineSt Only as *a 'Method of eX.-
tendingv -the area ef good goVernraent and
tiVilizatiers." 'VVhat Marshall' LialiteY
has "done 1104,4- ioHh
seldier nall ages. 'war is tobe avoided
if at all posible, but the* are possessions
Worth holding even, a the east Of -war,
terrible a War is,„ and there. Eire certain
duties -that roUtt be done; even 'when 'War'
is the „price of their diseharge.
.LAws-, AfttenkG rAitivitas pleasant drliing, tt they will now widen . .,. . Often the ittagrlette poke. and the streani.
Thesesion of Parliament, whPro- lighWay
Wilt:000d and elsewhere so that the T4ere is • - ...
undoubtedly 4 zelitionshila be-,
honor is tot 4 hollow one..; The Winner 4 ___
• , •- -‘• . - ' ;the danger spot down 'near' hayfield, I ere . People north of bolt Straite and
, sich Iwill be one .tir the mosdeSi
t r.
L is. deeideti each at. the .coneetition of. consmortor., north 'of„.., tlie north naig-
• roweled in,. Ottaa,--a, in elufy was.pesponsibki, table In Olt provinte *drive Over. That -:
. the Canadian Weekly lieWspapers 'Amp- .1:ietk*fie, Ae..e. the 4///'*.orer M the_sont11,
...JO- -. __ e'' ntrr for -Zear Eta- Via, ,iiiii*iiii-rtac'erc-Ii--44,.Tti•iiiiittiiit. bieriae-SJO -''-'7.:*--'--7"-'''' ;17 • • 14 '''41° Me' Ilti()SeT '44 t3ree11144114 alit (4'
mothiletitieht-ef Old eots. respecting agri.. lit a '
lturc 1 /nrib' HE WAS Bin' THIN'
,reeltt.nd.. England res• the tent* of the
*' * " „ • • I lights ,sway pit to the northwest,
• t
. .
No ;Dever than eight- bills woe poissea,i, Th • „I - -at was trying to gave. a definition eating that they have an Origin that
twaTie beret wh th WaS wedthe. 0411',, p
• 1.
of the thinness of an siokquaintsawo 'area
ct °Alleh nrn 't154. chtks eoltlInt/ VOnt,-0, mAdelp'' "Shure,* he remarked ' to % * friend:. ' . '
14.111itt be '444- re1,nlutionatY4 A Sum. stmii an Iwtsatt hit With the Men llnit it "you're thin and Poi thin - but he's -Tile sPalere of IntermIt4t like it
ry . t as bort ,$erat ,buti by; practleal certainty 'that it*
• the Department of Agricailttire. 4reritIng 1.,Wern at all tnture tonotitone exe.servIce
tulthat their characterjstics. and explain." men. Batelle* in Buren -Count?' at a
Ing jitt What the Oorepanlen had 'in; Legit* itt'aie Meeting in Clinton; on Velulitd.
" • ' day night last Veted to reeointriend that
Itili Si, *known las the ttarketa B111,11, it be Adopted generally here. atOat men
the Itiest important, This Is a.attoott 'oil wilt lose it at„ itirUstets at .the Memortal
Aet in/PrOve the ,Metittett •anaGterilice.there-.1n„Septern*r;----
of Ina/aeons, ustitial„ proluctS . • *
anAtrA Ana In 0000 trade and to *Me sonateitr weather: prophet* are
make further proision tonneition Atokitt rridaY teto lisgaecti
MP' ,114sinVnIres the ttelootion by ope or lift that, vititoe vioot bet�
tht. Oruvince. ht, -04th, earlier ,thiktk -Stat.., and - teere isetere,.
'attible the setting. to of )(4,J basiti hi* prOpheey On the fee' t that
.Marketing botirtls*Which Shall thake, eberrita ikr* Mlualtin/ PlentAll
lier o*de ahroet produrtCp *int that beech ire* *r
'tin* Jrgulationa *1th regard 004 at Attir *pate. Thiele 'teeth W. be. Itt
deride AS thapae.1 tiOtk ,014001 M *0% We *re to
*etc ht. *mei& they *hat btitt the. ‘0110 le
they *hail be *Old. atiiheitf` elim *Inter liitt.tt"
11111 IOW 'INIthheitt and mikited. It hot -41111,toto t
orofide tor eottlpermation to *e than )*** out taith PrOPhtta
*Mr lboot. incaltei,"thhiAtth td
thinner than 'both ale us put* togeth, table eloth in a laUgtlid brecte. It draNv's ,.
A ltne front the soUth,of Labrador. across , trilifE 1.145111T tr.)P PAIMACITY TOO '
• It, - -1t1 the htottish. Wands 'then straight. north ' *UM
, .
tYt 86 $APt
; to the tip ot .NorWaY; eitrOrig do•Wn IMO (11,0wmanviiie ,i3isitesinany ,
4First thirglar,4 need glasses.. WestSiberia and so on in long :Par-, .„11411g steady readers; ef all %Oro:Ito
'Second Ditto -What olakea '*ou e, *bats batk to the starting point. , 'The -
newalpalxs,rt we could not 'help -Out notice
think tio
violet -60$ of Intensity of diSplay sitehaS that the Globe aid the Mall and tanlaire
Piot Durgiat-NVelli, I was twirling itx.,,cie 'Atte rernartArt.. the Alumna* 4031
the, knObs otaq Sate -00a tk• 41110 Or- s-4*, *re tv,idently beyokiti solution, *4, ofil' 4t\littolatrdvt:re.iiis- locterotiilksinb:neilt
,.,';hestra began Ao-IneY. one know* the' ftte. muttetirn' VIS -1 *
* 0`, ible in * and then tor Ions sears
A LITT141t
Unato1ner44- Vent it. 41ttliof stpte Akbetu„t'
rimmed 14001101es-44 Mean tool -hilt. Almost nothing 18kno
.med :reetneles.-pshAwl:1 mean beam. harateutsei Thrimmed porritelet. the )uthi
` Wei *tie attetipt h5% been
Clerk -4 know WI•il"....'t /04 • §"it.ins tt 040 thtm t*e. postibirAd.
YOU rile" *. tlfrP`6P6Ille0 tod at prieent in the South. Pol.
* at region* wilt be able to thittat *Int
light 4)tt the titOblein,..*** he ittiffts.
In tie tiniantitne, they happen, they
ers,..beatitiful when !Seen at therlght4t
an trait* the *IA -Phote and at
that they do not totetert
id oddien death t* the
my---good:lellovr, this -is a -
great university'. It is known in
every corner of the world. When you,
leave here you can be proud of Your
background. Think Of it. You have
had every alvantage 'a young man,
could desire. Your four years have
been spent in profitable pursuits o
the greatest thoughts of the 'greatest
minds the world has known. Now the.
tithe ifiti-ionie -yen- to --hoose- a
profession. The world is entitled to
expect a lot /tom ,you. What are you
going to turn your hand to?"
"I've got a job at a. pickle.faetory."
-the Westerw.faiir
THousANDs Joe** haVe4o'und that the ideal vacstdOn cfrifs are in the
, Autumn months. They have found too, that the ideal -spot to spend
,•ixart oe stli of their VS,C.SalOtl iS in L.onden and it the Western Pair.
• • Here they find recreation, education, pleasures and enjoyments -the
'requisites of an ideal holiday. • • ,
* Plan your vacation to include a. two three or four day visit to London.
.the Forest City,. Once yOu, are in tho city, 'you :will not fa to visit the
VVestern Fair..
Rhein*ii.iit .110401 Just IIappeDOverAcidfty s the Cause
Nt,boy. WI' tete the
Uired to keep the heti
The 1ecture4
Wild/tot* yer dinner
repli fiettithy,
%%on urto acia lorrio ito
blooa It euten the ,..101,124tet...an,a
11.tutelee to Leiaio:itteeteat none-
ti*es *tit 01*h* paint ,
Tkesrprir to get Tiot Ain*
nudism .is. 0 'dew° the-Urin'ota out
of the e3titoni
Tide navb (lone by Dane
:which tleineen the b1od O ote
nela atlying It oat of
th.t*ugh thenatnol.
r* 4roarn,*-01"a*
tutgo *or ow