The Goderich Star, 1934-08-30, Page 1AP4 0.• vA070.100., A1111,4,04 •00 • A Ft' 0ubeCr1PtiOnt " .$2120 tio4r? 8, Decision Reserve I RELIEF liNsPEcroR HERE 'In School Dispute Word ReCelesed Late Wednesday - to that Effectast Minute Ato p tempt to Settle With Board a, _Word was aeze-ieed _late -Wednesdaz. afternoon that the Supreme Court sitting in Toronto had reserved judgm&nt in the case of the Collegiate Board vs. the Town Council in their dispute over the aecelet- ance of the.latter's estiniates. Douglas Nairn and Frani Donnelly went to Toronto to argue the case'which was heard as 'scheduled. It Ls hoped that a decision wifl be --arrived at Were the opening of school as the teachers haVe not yet been paid their May or June salaries. _ • This climaxes the months old struggle of the iv6o bodies.' Last Friday eVenitita ' a special meeting of the town council de- cided to contest the aetion of the Colle- --giatee Board.: beforeathe:-Suprime -Co yrt On• -Saturday- afternoon tooter heads -in the council' met the Collegiate Board at their session in the Collegiate Institute building and endeavored to 'arrarige a la.st -minute settlement in order to avoid the cost of the action to thetoWn. Mayor C. C. Lee ande Reeve B. a. elViunnings went to the meeting ancl,While they. re- ceived a courteous hearing they -were ad- vised that nothing ceold be dope, the current meeting having been called to ratify the motinr-of the chairman of the _ Board, Z. lye...-.Frasereeao, takirig-action against the eouncil., In addition, the meeting lacked the foil attendance which was iieceisaree to _permit of a _reconsider - talon of the stand of the BriarcL A spe- cial meeting with full attendance could not be arranged in time to perrnit Mr. Donnelly to attend the -seasion of the preme-Court 11 thee decision to go ahead with the action carried. I- ielliouSerfe.ss is, soon . removed with Kino's Laxative Tablets, CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone°90. WANTED WANTED. -Cook general and house: maid. must have referances. Ap- ply MRS. WURTELE. • - WOMEN WANTED -To sew for us at " home. Sewing machine necessary, • No s e 1 hing. ON'rARIO NECKWEAR COMPANYDept, 28., Teronto 8. ARTICLES. POR SALE FaSALE. --A coronet (Canadian Pro- -• fessional) Whaley Royce, practi- cally new., Cheap. Apply NEIL o. mATHEstot• si E94 t. FOR SALE.... -I00 Choice5 C. W. Leg- horn yearlhag heris.. Apply E.• PEACHY, Box 201. teloderich; Ontario. Phone 5/9. FOR _.15ALE.--Man's,..111eyele .18 , extra good" eoridition. Reasonably pric- ed. Apply -to ALLAN' REED,* Dungan - nen.. Phone 84, FOR SAi-4.-.:4301dea. Bantam Corn, 1043 • a dozen by taking five dozen. rspecfany geed for cannitig. Free from • corn borer and maggot. Also apples, plums artd pear, No. -1 quality foi sale. Apply to GEO. LArnivirAtTE, Huron Road:- SALE:I-Three young Yorkehire pigs, male, ,fust weaned, aired by " the champion and grand thainpion of the C E. and Royal of 1933. Also York- e •shire boar, of serviceable age, Apply ORVILLE FREE, Dungannon, rt. R. ,1. Telephone 14 r 13. a FOR SALE OH TO RENT • FOR RENTe-Cortifortable rooms with board, in attractive well situated house, would be suitable for two or three lady, teachere. Telephone 72. 11 • • ,43NT.-,A' A.LX-rcipmed cottage- ..,St Yekeetne_ veSmie aces. p1;37 MISS N TAIT; McEtven't Grocery. TO REIM-440U= apartment On Square, good ideationinirriediate postestion.-J. 404 GRAIO-rta. ioc SAL-in'Varnai Store, finite' , httildiMe 21,x40 �n -Sale one toot square: Lower floor, hardwood and pine, •.apper .flOof 1U, fit Pine, AU on 2iel° foists. Leati-tei 1241 Ake on stile. .5table 1132, thither Trained. e8.roomed 'sric,k" house, heavily Wired on acre cot. vox further tiffornuttiert- apply to Oittittift, Virfiii, or 4. 111=14,- tesys-fit; Abo-roont and 'beard near Ctellaalettea ApPly on Keay* St. REAL ESTATE AND liNSITRAN&":. 1 nit ,0. C Fire, Accident and motor car " INSURANCE tante t masonto Thew, West St, theatrich • Phone 2� • NELSON OpiLL, ' Use 0; 441;4' reeest-in""i"I' Offklakr teaves, 'Velem*" • . tea "th 6ioderich 110W as *11 the interMatleti and tonne aleeetesall to take' care of re. Ue eases nefct, winter aithough.there. are Xip tree% draWilia'reljet W. ,J,1V100411,ft Freatincial Relief Inspector, tailed at the 1;4tIceet. the tevaa 'clerk ait4.1ett. the'cide- iunenti'anek talked the. sitnatii4. over, „ - Mr eaticetilly-lieinetharge -of -No3 Dise- tr14t CoMprising 'the . counties Of Huron and Betice. He reiteraQ the Stand Of the new provincial government to the ef. feet that only the deserving eaSes would get help. Bathers Wait Fir Warmer Weather Harbor Almost Deserted—Some Boats In—A Good Catch of Fish Only the' meet ,tottrageotts of leathers have venturent1waterojtheher,. bor during the paet few 'slays.- *On Wed, nesday morning the 'temperature went down to 64, which is not so bad,_but_the wind was lower and cut 'like a January blast. The result Is that the docksare deserted. On the beach the usuld group of sun - bath -ear hiCea been -sae -di; hhiie being warm- in the shelter of the 'pier. Most of last Week the water stayed around 68 bue the- weather Mao dispens- hig-eciteTroei:the west kept Mat peOple trom testing the water. • Yachts continue to be scarce, but on,, •Augu:st -25th-the-Babette 'of- -Toledo, a `Very sinert yawl, tame in for a visit. This is the boat which held the speed re- cord from Port Huron te the entranee to Mackinack_ztraits for seven years. Her time Was 41 hours flat. Thii- year she was beaten by the Triont, which negotia- ted the disfance -3717ii honrs. Capt. Leveleas of the Eabette is not resting comfortablY under the defeat. • Two ether pleasure c.raft, the Cradle et thp_Oeppt ;Vprn OrpaSe Polnt with ()apt. Smith ettlic.arci, and the Drieka of Detroit, with .7.'.7, Jackson in charge, came- in anr--TteeStlaYe • afibou Made her regtheir call and the Superior is expected on Thursday for, salt. • • , Red MacDonald went down some 38 miles to a spot off Kettle Point and came back ---with 400- pounds of trout, kis hest catch for the season and one of the, best any of the boats have made this year. The Geo. R. Donovan brought_ wheat for the mat, clearing again mi Monday evening: There -are no fishermen on the Pier; the perch having twig since left for other feeding grotinds. Werk on the water intake is he abeYe .ance just no*. The new tanks are built but water is still seeping in from the *ear - tons springs will& were uncovered in digging the hole. Fartof the •earth has been returned to thCexettvatecai- but it Will be sorte time 'before the new intake is in use. NORTH HURON LIBERALS , Whighttm, Aug. 26. -The annizal Meet- ing of the North Huron Liberal Associae tion convened in the town hall, *hell there was a fair representation. Hugh Hill of Colborne Tcnanship, president of the Organization., was re-elected, and *as chairman of the nieeting. The election of officers resulted: Pirst.triee, J. W. Shavr. Clintob; second vice, Mitts P. Powell, Wgham; third vice, Mrs. R. Dievalsort, Dungannon; secretary, J. J. Robertson; Colborne; treasurer, Abner Cosents, Winghain. On the platform With Mr. Rill were: Vir.- cx014,14,- for • SiihtlaSHUrrifie -nObertatit, Goderich, Who Intro- dticed the speaker for the afternoon, Fred 0. Sanderson, MP., of St. Marys. The synipathy of the organization was extended to Charles A. Roberta -on, for Ifuttnettrilee, Who suffered a stroke a short tbrte ago, and who is reported Pregaessing favorably. GUESTS AT PARK /MUSE Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Acres, Niagara Falls; G. p. Ward, Toronto; Miss Mary J. Hagan, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ry E. Mitchell and Janet, ,Toronto;t., Dorothy Diana Hi:Milton, Ohio; rris. Fisher, HamiltoOhloieCharlotte Mitzner, pin- • • ; • , einhati; Arthur Pord, London; rsabelle Armstrong, Ottawa; Mr. Edward P. Len - nom Mr. Edw*rd 'F Lennoij, fteitnioinet, - • "a„.• era., PtliettO NOTkC 0. .0., • CAR (WHIG TO '1011011TO over Labor totY week -end will have rooni for Wo Or three • pastengers. Apply grAtt Orlottit for further ptirittalare rititiAlt, SWINIMPtlt 14th Of *Papier, *Rio* and toftWOOd, Okada, MountOrdk ttirtinia owlets and beet* cows Sof Ave SUP* tattle. "IVAIW AU IC R. 4, 600. Passe* at His 'Home on Sunday— Public Funeral--MarsiPsoi,?,70. bute at ttiOlivh* said' 110i414.. Long Careei in Ministry. Rev. J. E, Fora ended a verylong We of service to h1 fellow men When he died on Sunday morning last -at his honie in Godarich in hba 86th year. Rev. Mr. Ford, whose passing leaves. a gr.eat blank in the lives of many people, was ill but two weeks. Apparently not a serious ecindltibreteit hrst, his illness aaPe "idly developed dangerous Symptoms until he passed away shortly before noon. It was the first illness of any consequence he had eiperienced in his lifeb his -vital- ity and good health being :such that for 42'years he did not Miss a stagle service -irr-tenrot ilifirnanyealeargea---TheetOritiere aoedetcretakeatureinteresteinearislocateattie• vities right Up until hiS latel seizure; and bad preached •a number of times during the present year. His ability in the pul- pit during these last months was such as. to give little evidenee of his great age. The. late-Janitze-Edeportel-Mawasbern In the town Of Peterboro, Ontario, on •••-October - 1 -3e -f849. was the *son of Jogeph and Maria Ford, who had come to this country from Wiltehire, England, some years before. He was educated in _the' schools ..cif Peterboro: After graduae- tion he „entered the printing ,office of the Petertoro Eicaminet where he was ap- prenticed .a_e_at printer, Thies 0,pation did not hold him long_and presently he had qualifled as a schaei teacher at the old Model School in Toronto: Aftet teaching for some time he decided on his life's calling- 'and- entered • Wesleyan Cole lege in Montreal to study for the Meth- odist ministry. . - Ordained into the ministry in Londo on June 28th, 1879, he continued association with that church until it lo Its identity in the United, church, site which time Mr., Ford contipued a loya member of the latter body. It is, inter esting to nOtee' ha.t -thee &Vsurviviri member of his old, graduating class " Rev. David Rogers, of St. Thomas, wh was ordained with. him In tendon. Mr. Ford's first charge was in Pohl Edward but the practice of his church o moving ita ministers every four year took bien to Thmeidale, Siloam, Lambeth, 'Westminster, Wyoming, Lucan, Parkhill. Forest, Essex, Lucinow, Clinton and Goderich. While here, he was superana nuated ina.'1911--arnie-elecacled.4o -r-ernai permanently.* Goderiehe . During his active church career 1ewas chairman of a nuMben, of districts and in 1912. was thosen president of the London Conference. Strice coming to Goderica he has made the best interests of -the foam has' sblet aim. Always in the forefront of, any activity alined at 'the -alleviation, of suf- fering: or towards- civic betterment, he gave generously of•his time to all public bodies whose object was the welfare Of the people. • He served as president of the Children's Aid Society, was on the tegiiete institute Board, for a, -time as its chairman; was a member of the Pub- lic Library Board and a member of the board of the Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital. No trouble was too great for a friend and his friends were legion. His temperance convictions made him all outstanding fighter in the •battle for wire restricted sale and use oi 'liquor, in the course of whieh he held many positions on organizailons deeigned to carry on this work.. 'Less than a year ago, on Septernber 10th, 1933, Mr. Ford was. bereaved of his wife, whoee passing left a blank nothing "1-'-perr"-ecc-13.Etr.teltp'4irtIlet..*:`441*for;:..hMira°±-iii:creti:eilierritan'.'y long years of his ministry. Surviving him are one son, Arthur Ford, editor the London Ih'ee Press, and three dlaugh. ters, liers.'Efoteurd Reneertson of Oode- rieh, Mrs. R. D. F. DavidSon of Belleville and Mre. W. .3. Scott of Fleshertoo: 'nee , innumerable friends wishing to attend' the late Mr. Ford's funeral met& it necessary that the service be held in North Street Milted attire& Here, On Wednesday afternoon at three 0'4o*, gathered hundrede Of the .eitia meta of the town, crenumen ftxmi, tar and near, old colfeagUes of the deeeleed ministere torte to pay' "homage - tO his mentory, repreeentativis or all civic bodies with whom he had,served during -his life solvelentatittes_ Of...service .elt�s in London with. whichhit son, Arthur rdrd, is associated:, Ms Worship Mayor 0., C. 'Lee, arid inernbersr or the cOuntilt Inembets of the IsUblic Atria Collegiate Behool Boards, IL. " 'Edteeirds, Of the Childrent'S • .4.14tfoe ditty, neetritteat of the Roapital Thiard, all heell utiaelils* liSeful hi "aCtivitkt fOr' the htlikft Witt. The aPlite behind: the altar tiras Bed, With vflOCMI fribUtes train Mahl, thuroh, civic and private . Onto lt,ide the thumb, the street was lined With art far bie)ek in *1,1 diteetkait, *Ogee lit thes• httralt Wit 'tri 4$40tatit RE. JAS,,,Et.FORD who Passed away on Sunday last and 'whose, public funeral was largely attended. Setrrlif.-0.`11'. 'Omen, of -London, Nato had been associated with Mr. Ford for many years in the work of the church.' Dr. _Hazen -and- other- speakers .were laboring under stress of great emotion as they spoke of their departed friend. • Hazen epeke of -the -wonderful Influence which Mr. Riad had exercisedaon his life and .on thl UTwiio..COIne-in contact with -him during his ministry. He referred to his keen' ahd lucid intel- lect, slating his belief that Mr. Ford was 6Zie Of the greatest eXtionentirof the goi- pels whom- he had ever heard. Mr. Ford's honor and integrity were beYond- eauestiona -They---everee keeping with the traditions of the fine old Enghah stock from Which he had sprung. His Ministry had been confined almost entirely to the :Londoo Confer- ence, passing from one charge 10 the ad- joining charge in the same area. This -was-remarkable tribute to" a man. His n reputation had gone before and he Was in welcomed in his charges. His executive st ability was of a high order, his locum - e 'bency, of the presidency of the London 1 Conference proving his capaaity. - Mr. Ford was not dead. He .would hive g in. the hearts of einnunerable • peoplewhilie they lived.- ail-, • 0 , Mr. Lane in opening the' service, spoke - of the personal loss which *he • felt in the t passing of Mr. Ford. He had come to f Goderich countIng on the wise -counsel s of one so old ahd wise in the ministry (Continued on page 8) Wm. Downing Comes to Giidreiiteh After Absence oft474.ears, Finds Brothers .and Sisters in. Bruir.... sels---Touching Reunion • • A remarkable incident, one such as ocheys Be Goderich Made If Plans Go Ttwoilltia---,Go'derich Manutecturing Co. Asks Town's Assistance to Pittance Addition toFactory ftheisns fet the tiOderieli -1Vittritifice -airing Company materialise it is. pro, bable that Goderich will become one of the most important ,centres In Canada for the manotacture of hockey sticks. It may be the most iinpertant as ie letter from the Coinpany to the Town Council pointed out that there is reason to be lieve that we have In Horan County, the wood most Suitable for the purpbse to be, found tueywhere,;----ae, ea ' The plan hinges on the acceptance by the awn of, the proposal set forth Metre letter of the Company. . This proposal is that the town reissue debentures to the value or $25,000 on be-. or the Comliteny. "With -the proceeds --theattitrofatifeSeethe--COMPany pro. poies. to Wild another story on the main part of their enclosed plant and install therein. machineryaespectialbseelesignecat the manufacture of hkey sticks The letter pants. out that the business of the firm is: exparatingeand-that all present capital is needed for present business. -- The addition eto tlie" Plant brwhole floor. measaring 114, feet by 204 feet. This in itself would give a lot of worketce looal men. --Soneeyears tned the town istied deben- turea for the Goderich Manufacturing Company, payments on which have been met proniptly :ever :sinee-iultil :-tae etort count .is almost ail, paha off. The Com, riany ie prepared to discharge the "bal. ahce when due. A new issue would be merely a reissue Of the same amount. 'MRS., ALM HARVEY POURED° Le12444 W,amate. 'llati*Threa Bretton Ribs Reeult Ittoter.:Aceident ' What Might haVebeen a very SerionS aecidant OetUreed tOMr.; and Ment. Mea. 'Harvey.. Of Landon, when.their Car turo, ec .Oyee at ti" Writing or the Bluetvater ieria0 • tteare Part .4,1bert on 'Monday Mething apee 'SAP_ aelVailltiMrasetlanalt -isaiti -the Alex. andra Hospital, Ooderich, suffering frank three broken riba and severe ehock. Mr. Harvey, who is President oft% the 'Hobbs Hardware 'Co.. of London, and very -well known threughout „the district, eacaped with nothing more than a few bruises. The couple were returning from their sununer home when the ttecident occur- red --shortly after nine o'clock in the morning. The car turned over three times and came to rest astride a fence. While the frame snd glass of the ear ap- peared rather badly damaged it is said net to be .beyond repair. Its solid steel - construction is credited with saving the - occupants from more serious injury. oys' 'Reunion Is AL Possibility Boas* of Trade Talks it Over— ' To Ask Council to Call Meet- ing—Tourists C* mp COM* plaints. tt -• That tiUmbere ef people are interested in an old boys' gathering' in Clocierieb and would like to seeone in 1935 wile brought out at the regular meeting of the Board of Trade . in the Town Hall on Monday evening, August 27th. As a re- sult of' the discussion it was decided to have Secretary Nelson Hill interview the Town Council ,and ask them to call e public meeting at which the possibilities could be canvassed. Several complaints have been 'received from • tourists as to -the accommodatIona or lack of accommodations at the intini- (041 tourists camp. People want ade- A - flume --facilities- for- cooking---anciLbathirkr.0-'-- t --Tee Maglig-11- tratesour- and report -that other towns haye,campi Functions Smoothly whtch it is a delight to vialt. As tourists' are a Source of great the nue to the town a Committee was teri. go n o t eir co plaints t Among- other thirof the committee. whica is composed of 'Chairirtan G. L. Parsons 'President 'Croft, and Messrs. °Ciriff tine _ .Hill11Lmakea. •sureave-of -camps it* - **• other towns of similar' size and see just a, what they otter In the way of attract,ens - The party Wilt probaily start next IVeon- day, September 3rd, and -wilt irisit Mid- - land, "ThorteSuey. Collingwooda and r. - number of other -plates, . When' they re- turn they_taill have some_ auageetiona_to Numbet of Cases Reduced bu Routine Quickly EstablishedMixter Gets Another Remand-- ' MasilNiirnerinis Magistrate J. C. Makin's court es func atientng smoothly on Tueeditys a•nd 'rhars days. the -Cases "far ,having been din posed of in busioess-like style. The vol ume of complaints has decreased some w e aatofelatee-owingapossiblyatothearnal a number of officers on duty, a se N.. Mixter -got another extension 0 one week wheo he appeared before .Magistrate Makina on Thursday morn- ing. His counsel, Douglas Nair -re- was absent in Toronto on town business hi • connection with -the Collegiate Board ac- tion and' could not appear for him. As Mixter is serving a iiart of a three months sentence. anyway, the reedit of his Stratferd _ experience, Magistrate Makiree felt that •no harm would come of letting him rest in Castle Reynolds an- other week. Henry Moore. a• honey dealer of Bay- field, got a week in the lockup for driv- ing while under the influence of liquor. He was using an old Model T and ap- peared to be uncertain as to just when he started driving It claiming that it was very 'recent. tfis license showed otherwise, He was picked up on August 29th. Henry Kerr of West; Wawanosh should have been la to answer 'to a charge of securing $70 by false pretenses from Thos. McNeil. He did not appear. No bench warraht was issued as it is not certain that he was notified. Just one •of the g When the proposal was made to' the council at the special meeting on Friday, August24th. it -was approved inianimone- ly. It will now be necessary. for the, town to secure the approval of • tae RailwaS Board in Toronto. The. council appoint - •ed Mayor C. 0. Lee and Town Clerk L. L. Knox a conunittee to interview _the Railway Board as soon as possible. This will be One not later. than next, week as the neva Clerk is away on his holidays and cannot be reached at .the. moment. • If the. Railway Board approves, 'a ape. otal bylaw ,will be submitted to a yote of the people at the. earliest possible nann- ent. Speed is necessary as the Company winth to get the ibuilding under way at once to haire it enclosed not later tleae October lath. ot Anher reasonels that the -Company. has been offered a full:y. equipped factory in a neighboring town; -suitable for the purpose for which it, is intended, at a yearly rental' of $1 and a tax rate Of $100 per annum, with the right of purchase al the end -of ten years for $1,000. The manager of the Company states that he has ordered the necessary 'mech. inery and Will 'install it, Iry one'plaht dr the other. I • • A finanee and membeishiP cormilittee was mailed to get after new members ane cheek up on 'old members and arouse their- ontleusiasnre-sl'his committee Wee named as F. Bingham, chairman, G. L. Parsons, R. C. Munninge, Cleo, Schaefee and R.: C. Whateley. A good representation of the members attended the meeting. The president. S. ,D. Croft, was In the chair. GUESTS AT HOTEL SUNSET J. N. Hagen, Toronto; Mrs. W. R. Turnbull,_Brantford; Mra-J; A, Sinolhir, Detroit; Mrs. R. S. hymanr-Detrolte-allas- -E. Symington, Toledo; G. T. O'Mara, St. Catharines; Mary P. Brugger, Detroit; Alfreda Brugger, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Russell, Torooto; Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Simpson, Hamilton; Mr.' and Mrs. W. 0. Keprnane Hathilion; Judge and Mrs. Killoren and Joseph Killoran, Stratford; W. A. Turnbull, Brantford; Mr. argil Ntrs- Eyemrd, Detre% Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Larrie, Grosse_ Point; Miss Louise Watt.. Guelph; Mies Kite Watt, ,Guelph: Mrs. Geo. leteceateat. St. Catharines; P. H. Lunn, London: L. Walton, Hamilton. little difficultiaesurrounding the change In the system of taking com- plaints. He will be seen about it. He le 01711n, Even ts -4---for -taking aq-uttielitr of -agoddiza from AI -el , the man who recently got into trouble 1, 4•N_ P BUSINES,13.- fiction stories and movie scenarios are - bailt a.s . after an absence of' 47 yeare. around, occurred Goderich last week when William Downing drove into , . tovvrr from New York to see hit brothers and ister During -that time Mr. -Downing- was -com•- pletelyalost sight of and was prestuned dead., The\'"nanantic toOeh was added when the, long lost -brother WaSaadvised that be was heir. to $1000, left him :by an old school. friend, Robert MaoKay. Mr .• - Doweling was . standing 18 tteo. Prices's grocery gore when W. He Rob- ertson entered. Mutual • recognition qedcklet enSued and Mr. Downing was toldthat his family had been living 18 Brussels for many years. He got back into his car and hurried -ever to Brussels Where he was , welcomed as one long since given up for dead. •A_ :very touching :410 - ens andsisters, mi longer young, actually wept in -their j(1. His elder brother, *.sebert 'Dawning, who is in the shoe business iti Brussels, tVas first to recog- nise iiiiri. 'Then his sisters, Hattie and Elliebetet, teoming• horse from criureh, found in the etranger the boy Whomtbey Ifetti played tvith so many years ago. No one was more astonished than Mr. Downing at the news of the bequest' of $1,4100 from Mr. Metelraa. Ile had not seen `Mr. MacICety for many ytart and had no reasonto eXPect anythfrig from bini.Itowever, he arrive in the !ticket time is tift‘'. (Joe. Wiillatritathe executor thii'MaeRay'eatirte; was abolit tiO dis- tribute the money elsewhere; it 'having been eteSUMed after several atteMpts 18 lOcate-the Missing lieirthat he -was dead: Mr. Odwilltig 1,101 iseeti tieing New 'Voile for mstty, Vars. Re has been em - played at a- waiter in Whites restauraht witere.he .41 cOmes in contact with malty a the fittrioneyitod of ,the American, met- ropcklit. Re had been jtithi earelese in net dolentaltileatifig With his people here, he iabieltreiVeifittetlilabit of-..neglett h ittaWei -tato Ate of forgetfulness. SeV... etind U410 bo hitt been. 410itt to Godtriott In tOs trakirets out tad -never trossed the border before, tat itl*tidltilf few diva 0/ his htli- dot renerrint old sequaintstriees before returning to his Ire* ''drk°ii�nie Ile b VAtUtt 18 retireiritAt rtotic itta the lestatiriant liWArtit eeteted tiottte frict_ 4'04 appear i that Mr. Baehler was ap- proached some two years ago .,by the largest sporting goods house in the world with, the proposal that he make hogaga_ -sticks fOr them. They claimed that they were not satisfied with the sticks being supplied and 1141C1 to find a new soufce of supply, Mr. Beeethler is certain, aftet long, study, that he can make bdttef sticks in Huron County than are made any -where eLse and at a fair profit. • • The new isstie of debentures would be on the same basis as the old Isime, name- ly that the town's interest be secured .by a first mortgage on the whole of , the Company's plant, with sufficient insure, once payable to the town for protection The plan is generally regarded as a good orie and one likely'18benefit the town. : LEGION ZONE MEETING Clinton Glitheriog Decides to Sponsor Wearing of Berets and Arm Rands -Vote or Thanks to Ladles At a meeting of Huron County bran- ches of Zone 10 of •the Canadian Legion held in Chilton on Friday evening, Mtg. 24„11 was decided tori.ecommend that all ex -service men secure berets and arm bands to be worn at all public functions In future. , Theeare procurable through Legion branch secretaries andait is not =Mi. .prated that, any trouble 'will be experiene Ced ih persuading men to wear them, especially as their cost is notrilhal, The 1* beTotrItntioCIPIttliaCt7nroett--1:°-hatreMwugelbicoYat Med - - the • idea of malting the practice general. Final detaira in connection with the winding up pf the 1024 county picrtic were' completed add the costs apportion- ed among the bratieltied. hi this connec- tion a vote of ti•iiatiks tie the' ladies of tae Wade cbutraittee Was 1.1flith1niteite1Y sed. h wit; exPeeied that all branches would have a good representation at the ehurch parade whIeh is to he held in Brussels Ott Stutday, Septernber feth, A quorum' of braticliett vas reposed/8d at the inieetiiig. 1). E. Cardphen, tone reoroentative., was in the „chair. A wzf lo a person *he can't mAke, up bot' mind till vpu advise one thing to makilet Oder the 0009ite. -farm' of Chas. McPhee. its was asked i on that occasion to return the axticles. which eonsisted of logs, ete. On Tuesday morningLeonard Stanley of R. R. "2. Hal roe less driving charge and one of having driven without. e license, evidence showed that he had come out 0e a .eaneway of Win. Siniebottorn's farm two, miles north of Belgrave on Highway No. 4 without stopping and withotxt look - Mg to see if anythitig was eotning. As a result he got in the WaY..of C. Mussel - man of Kitchener and the latter crashed into the side of Stanley's par. Neithez man was hurt but .a lot of damage was done to Musselman's car, about 8200, worth, 'in fact iViagistrate Making decided he was guilty as charged and. the efines were,On "Voth-CiViiritriTS with posts- in each case, respectable total of $39.80. Stanley is a farm hand but with a mod- est income, but his brother fortunately was able to come -to hie assistanee. . ' • • /I 1 John lefofrison; the vagrant who was piekeP up near Seaforth under suspicion of having had something to do with the attempt to burn or dynamite varloUs threehing outfits down that way, was al- lowed to •go, to' cal residents were not mire whether he was in bis right mind or n,ot as he gave odd answers to a um- ber of questions. Whert 'Magi:IA*4W Mak- , ins had listened to his story and had tin. ally decided that he was harmless he told him to get. out -of town and to stay •out. Morritan understood all right and asking "Which way out," he grabbed his • ilitt. aP4 v111-1. POolo „on, Ile claims to live in Woodstock. There will be no cOurt on Tuesday. SePtember 4th, unless something of uh- usual interest conies up. Weather August 25 ' " 24 25 21, 21 ae. a Al 01 00 $0 • Max, Min. Max. Min. 1033 1934 14 45 49 52 '10 47 64 4$ 65 40 04 4$ , The Ahmeek Chapter. LODE., will. hold its regular meeting the firstaFriday 1 of the month: • The annual Collegiate swimming meet_ , - - -- will be held at Elle harbor on Labor Day, - . Monday, September 3rd. at 2.30 p.m. IThe . Evening Auxiliary. of North street United eliiireli have 'postponed their pic- nic to.be held in Harbor Park from Wed- ' nesday, August 29th, to Wednesday, Sep- tember. 5th. ' V A, • - The Ladies' Aid of Zion- church Tay - Corners, Will hold their regular monthly meeting at the hOrne of Mess Reg. Sturdy on Wednesday, 'September 5th, it 2 p.m. A community decoration Service will be held at Maitland ceinetery on Sun- day; SeptiOthe at 3 -o'clock, .sptieTeefed- by the ,Boy Scouts, Victoria Lodge No. 182, L.O.L., and Court Godetich No. 32. C. 0. P. Cioderich Musical Society band In attendance. Lodge to meet ,at North St. At 2.30 ,sharp. • e The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at MacKay Hall on Thursday, Sept. 6th. at 3 pan. Mr. It , briff will give the address. The roll call will be answered by reasons, "Why it am a member of the, Women's Institute." Current eventwill be taken by Mies M. Salkeld. The h.testeases will be 'Mrs. 5!. Huston Mrs: J. ..leiry, Mrs. !A, 4, McDon- ald, Mrs, J. B... McKay, Mrs, P. Merhall. and Mrs.' G. Miller; CARII OF THANKS „ ,A. Ohishelln wishes .to take this opportunity to thank her friends and neighbors for their kind expreselofts of sympathy In her • recent bereaVernent. She alto wishes tti thank those who loan. ed cam for the funeral. Mrs. Elizabstir Evans and family* wish to express their. appreciation /or the Wildness shown. them during their re- sent betersent, midi alto those, who loaned ears tor the funeral. BORN " ACHESON-On Saturday, AtegUst 2518, 1934, at the Roes Mentor -lel Holed:tat Lindety. Ont e Sir. and Mrs. Willitt* cf. a Acheson, ten boys. ZONtlytt- t A4. ItifittOdAtt Atittutt 23rd,, tO, ttr.and rs. 001 .$04aerbY; 4404tiett witshif tiothter.