The Goderich Star, 1934-08-02, Page 8Sir e' tl e stroking' of thesrato .by, 'the . : t 'theTo • 10: 11 zero bu7 Preparing the tax rails, An4 A A' s1 � 1 j' d,, ,{loyQ�1 1 T, 4:51wTag Provincial, Constable •Pere IeCo 'has.: been pertormiug parttaf,. his. dutieo latolY; uaider diiliculties. °. He had a smxall .growth, a velie of hie war days, rezictoved frim his right shoulder, necessitating earrjzing his right .anis in an "itiiprnvised sling. Be insists that he will shortly be.� fully recovered. The annual picnic of the Baptist L'aciies' Aid was held at Harbor Park on Wednesday afternoon. The Auburn. and C;lnton fatties were invited to join them. Owing to Some on holidays and a family re -union lions could come from Clinton. but IS goodly number of Auburn members were present. ]"he meeting was opened in' the usual manner, followed by games sponsored by two of the Goderich ladies. Several selections from _ the Auburn Har- monica Band were very much enjoyed. • Over forty sat diwn to We repast Which seemed to be enjoyed by all, thus' ending a happy afternoon of fellowship. FIR'r AT THE COUNTY ROME - A fire, . started in the attic of the rates were made. House of Refuge at Clinton last Sunday evening, gained considerable 'headway GODERICH BRIDGE CLUB `''".iiY'2 i "�C:t�i= r' ''3t� 3 . ; , Aptir gushed. fortunately, by the fire equip- ment in the Home. It is supposed it was caused by defective wiring. DI"ERY DAY CELEBRATION Eaterisitie preparations for (le celebria- -.tlen -oi Derry Day on iatnrdas, t lith. care being made . by the Black Pl '. r ERI 'STAR 2rrd�--1 tr# and Mrs. . J, +toMehe,n and Wel*. wee it ;firer the yr ekWend `,Mohr d Mrs, Vinhoyeort. tied, phis 4, .! t the UM"' i; Mrr and Mr !til Aro y 1 , :3rd11'l'r's."P. P,1 rare' and /..,,NF!,v� l,loh>a«isiG,_StF h 1 :• tau,' Pluss,' « .44;4 ,Ml's# #0„, . 1 t?114,q ,, lcit.puo t 0tber :OW' Will be held Ott Mon artd ¥argareet, ut I,ueknow, sere ,gue°ts Ven ng. , at • Hotel' Sunset. Itt ‘ the home of .Rev: W. P '',I301:0;;4., and C O N O � O # ranie h a d u1 ae. ss, , 1 stn d c bas Of tlx ��ruzst +� erl� d e is tike' b ill e c #:d of - I:1i 1 etre' v it Th ` nits rte.. ., the' 'Gaunt Treakurer have been, 'Oteni wart d v, D� Mc the tzi '. WOW in; the la 4010;1:-.. . : Mr.. ohn : fttti S.e. cf: *T0tn, naw, lin*Xeuz a: Iiaor °covering: Patterned ,visited 4iver the week-en.I w'tl his auo:tS, in •bloc di .. prett . wood:. shades Of "the•; lldlssa s Bebertsoai, Vieto to St, , ,, y n e• w: ,�. brcawns,' 4and Iona IruatAc inY. th Ile Dr.: a P. W. l ug h+ s and .'Miss 3 ,, and Mt'�, care in conf.rrfs xdcelY` with , the *al a1#ele t• -Hu he f . ntilou were- week -encs decorations.; a guests with drs. %Carrie, Sr,.. Cam1 ?la The `County'Engineer's office wilt beRoark. Knights ,of Goderich, Among the prom -the next oto reeeiv a attention,1 and will be Mr, and xs. i3idney Donaldwon• and inept speaker's ifrg '" vW`estezn Ontario thoroughly' renovated;, At present work - will be Sir Knight ht Joseph Carson, P:4., men are t'nataged in raising and levelling x► g :, Grand. Master of Ontario .'West,,, ' Sir the moor: . • Knight George Spotton, M.P. of North KNOX LADIES' AID MEET. Horan, besides the local clergymen. The regular monthly- meeting of the MEETING Or P. IL C. Discussion of different phases of the dhurch was held on Friday last w the Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Long and Mr. and work on the new suction well occupied lecture room. of the church. The meet- Mrs. Alex. McCormick were recent guests most of the time Of the last regular meet- ing, which was very well attended, was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole, Mg of the Public VVtllitie$ Commission. presided over by Mrs, A. D. McLean, who °Britannia Road. Messrs. Looby and Co. were present, and also, conducted • the devotional exercises.. Mrs. 11. Trowbridge, of Spanish, Al - satisfactory Progress was reported by the The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, J. gonia, is spending some • time with her engineer, E. H. Darling. The °account of W. Baker, and •Mrs, Wm. Sancler hdn led uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Phil Clayton Looby for $284.00 was .passers for In prayer. After the business part of the lips, East St. - payment': A . number of applications for meeting, which showed the Society to . be Mrs,. and- 1. rs, ,,Vernon Burke, of St. Children, of. , Toronto, are visiting the. lady's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Straughan, West Street. " Mrs. 0. Jackson and ,daughter and Mrs, A. *Akerson, of Detroit, visited: Mr. Ladies" Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian and 'Mrs, Rcbt; •T: Phillips, of Goderich, on Tuesday, electric range and •lighting services were very successful in their different activi- passed. Some re -adjustments of , water ties, GFxgirp No. 3, led by 1VJxs. W. P. Abell, gave a very entertaining program., which consisted of a choru$ by the whole group; a musical number by Mesdames a'*raent,4 C, L, Bisset apd Reg. Tuf- held ani' ' -a" ford,�r�ca�' venin atHotel Sunset,on .��, Monday evening t the following were winners: skit by Messrs. D. R. Nairn and' F. G. a wr n mea ' LOIti$, . Mcr,a are the guests of Mrs. l lurke's parents, Mr. and :Mrs. 1, E. •Baechler, North Street. Messrs. )3..E. Campbell and Bert Ward are, the delegates from the • 1Goderich ach�of the Canadian Legion in Tor. "malM23: t� .211-.:::�nw -ai. onto this week; Mr. and Mrs.. Peter W. Weir, of Strat- North and South-lst, Mr. Jas. Hume Weir, spec l ally .t itte forthis tfrig.'ford,• are _guests at the home of the for - and Mrs. N. C. LanawuY, plus 10. 2nd- The meeting, Which was thoroughly en- mer's brother, Mr, Fred Weir, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Whipple, plus -3. 3rd joyed and appreciated by all present, was weir,East. Street._ - _ ., ° . -- - _ ";:-Mr. and ars. b, D. Moony, plus 2'x'.. corse f ded with -the- choral beneclfctki .C3 TTIVESDAY., AtiOt'$'I,, . 44,, 1t;34 erYono, olik,far and ,near, will 1,g t 'Marriage et MISS; a� hesine laary' ailed}, 4eug Iter of M. 'Flames,„ a Melfi' >. 4i de .-:to. - x. l�icliatrl , Joseph;�: We , �tf lx:,,larrre� oar :of° plainiiel,c NA, ,alt, ►lace^ gUistly at•Our Zadt of the Hilly Rosary Chreh, Detroit,; on, Saturdsait, Duly' .29th, L 1934. Rev, Father lyraino . cifhciated at' the nuptial Mass, ' The a attendants were. Miss, .oar e Q"Neill ui O aderieki, and Mr. Edward• Daley, of` %7etroit - CARTER-DO17.G1 WRTY; -_ _An interesting wedding took place Saturday aternoon, Jul ► 20th, when Miss Evelyn.. Nina Dougherty, daughter of the late Mr. afad , Mrs. Nixon 'Dough* erty, of Goderich, was united in marriage to Clyde William Carter of London, only son of Mr. . and Mrs. William. Carter. The eeremony was. solemnized• at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Lauder, the latter a sister of the bride. Rev. C. F. Clarke, a former pastor of ,North street United church, now of London, officiated, - _. 'he bride and bridegroom were 'unattended and only immediate relatives were pres- ent. The honeyincon. will be spent on a motor trip through the province of Que- F bee and New York State. Mr. Carter is a former member of the staff of the Goderich Signal and now of the London Free Press. The bride was a •member of the Hamilton- public • school staff. They �...; eima' East and West ---1st, Mrs. T� RF,. -Mit- chell acrd Mrs: J. H. Taylor, plus 916 , . Special- $ale prices on all summer merchandise All summer -lines- must be c1Qared. See our large. sate bills' for special values. Mid -Summer .Sale :now on ('ELL FAMILYREUNION" The Fell family picnic was held at' Harbor Park, Qoderich, on Friday after- noon last., There were over fifty persons presen , ro • mon on, a., • , Stafia, 'Seaforth, Varna and OOgderich. The greater part of the afternoon was spent at the beach; a ,number of the of •F, E. Hibbert's store, returned home from Part Elgin on Saturday where they, --spent-a,-week s Vacation, - _- Mr, and Mrs, J. Kelly and children, o otos two children, -111441. -and• 1311-V,. re Columbus; Ohio; are visiting at -the -home :. visiting with the lady's parents, Mr. and of the lady's father, Mr. E C. Belcher, Mrs. R. W. Ryan. ' who was taken suddenly. last week. Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth, Miss Lily Carr His many friends will be pleased to learn of Calgary,_Barold WI htman and Edwtn,that-he_is somewhat improved, ' Bender,' of -"B , ca o vii nds In .., and "Mrs. A. W. Farr, of. Wood - Chas, , on Sunday. bridge, •- were week -end guests at the Chas, A. Robertson, member -elect for home of their daughter, Mrs. Ju Al. Sni- Huron ,$ru e.. who suffered a . slight After supperder; and Mr. ` Snider. Mrs. Snider . and paralysisparty lest week, is Progresstwo children returned.. to. Woodbridge a short enjoyingpleasant program was givers, sing favorably towards recovery. . � with them for a visit. lows: President, M followed by'the election of o=fficers as fol -Mr: and Mrs. John Taylor; MLTs Mar -1 r. and Mrs. Worthy R. Ryan, andr<..Ralph Stephenson; garet Burns -and Mr.- S. Base/ger, of Kit- } M daughter, Beverley, ofy'it.' Moosejaw, are vis - Cone, D. I. Hill, W. J. ,Fell and Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Bert Robinson; Sports , chever, spent the past week in. Chum- , sang the former's parents, Mr: and Mrs, '• Ernest leigh Cottage, Bluewater„Beach. 'each. IK...W,. Ryan, Albert Street! Mi': Ry�ri is Robinson'.„. Races_and 'contests were 'en- Judgg tourney Holmes of Barrie was a :_testhez.-,J-the.high school at Moose loved, -the winners being y;as follows: ' T visitor in -town over the week -end, the i .Taw, as well_ as. flying irsstriictor.,. • 'Children four years • and under-Elmor guest of his son, .Dudley .E. Holmes,i. and > Mrs. Loveless have • returned Hill, -Lois Fell. Crown Attorney of Duron County, their home in Chicago after spending Six years and uritier-R ss 1VIcDonald Mrs. Vitra Cranston, Mr. and Mrs, W. a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs, W. R. 1 Mary Vipond: I Cranston, Mrs. Wm.- Menary and son, Elliott, Cabourg -St. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott. Six to nine years --Ralph Stephenson, (,Clifford, all of Dungannon; visited with have .been visiting relatives in Chleago. Ross McDonald, Margaret Vipond. I Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Phillips Test Sunday, Mrs._ Elliott"remaining.for ,a further visit." f'iine td twelve years; Jule,% • Stephen- : ' Mr. James O'Neill and .daughter, Miss Miss Catharine Sale, B.A., 'daughter of son, Ivan Stephenson, Ross 8mal'e. i Carrie -O'Neill, attended the Wynne- Mrs , Sale and the late Dr. C: • E. Sale, 7 e: 4�� S�al ces 'for': Race W C k• HROLI �t . , INCOMPLE 'E.. Wi<THOUT, ,KOPAKK 'WE SELL TIMM. '' NirooDurvirrs FACIAL SOAP 3 cakes.for 25e. Large cake, • • 3fw" 55c.51.: 5e SQUIB,Ir$ TOOTH PASTE !lam • HBALY`H SA"LTS, ENGL1SII 9c, STATIONERY, JUST ENOUGH Paper and Envelopes,. 1.5c MILK ,OF MAGrN SIA.; • . lam oie's • 20 o*' .' 50e rte+... .... 1mm.,., POISON IVY LOTION 50c. SEIDLITZ PO'WD;ERS BOX, 19c SHAVING SOAP, Cake for mug, 10c P. . a' srt'`R:N'":Ih'p'..4Yfiaw.. T,hAWSOLVO ,.414!, s1,. ?'rY • . 'l:.:V:� ,• SS7 _ s. �h i •. hY,.I N' u` T iv 1 _ BUY 'DRUGS AT THE ' DRUG STORE Campbell Lauder. - Dunlop - Wig GOI}EIt Teff DR Clark. (Greta), of Lansing, Mich.;; 1iTTx:. Harold Maedel, of Detroit; and Mr. Her.-_ bar-t-MaedeT;�o-Menterey--Parks G Three brothers, William Cousins, of Mari tette; Miele; C. B. Cousins, of California; George Cousins, of •Toledo, Ohio, and three sisters, Misses Ricca and Martha Cousins, of Vancouver; Nits. David Mc- Phee and 1Viss Elizabeth Cousins, of 'Ver.. milion,. Alberta, also survive. The re- mains reached Goderich on Monday, and the funeral was held on Tuesday after - neon from, Brophey Bros.' ° Chapel The service, was conducted by Bev W F: bane, pastor of North • street United :church. The 'pallbearers' were: Arthur Maedel, brdther-in-law; John T. Clark and Arthur Gibson, sons -it -laws; , How- ard Maedel, Gordon Orr, Brock Orr, nephews. • Mrs. Maedel was laid tb 'rest in the family plot in Colborne cemetery. . Ladies' Race --Jean Smale, Wi'nnifred O'Neill wedding at Our Ladysof the Holy 'successiuIly passed the College of Educe- Elliott. ---.Rosary -Church:---Detroit , or Saturda3'•- tion' examinations, obtaining the - High' A compromise is an agreement by ladies, Winnifred Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex. Anderson and Eternentaaryyis ertificatee in Pa cai Tr the which both partiees get what neither of "Measuring race -•--Men, W. T. Fell; Test. • them wnrrted. • Thfead the needle race -Wilbur Pell two children,; of Dayton, Ohio, are visit- Mg. Miss Sale has been appointed to the• and Jean Smale. Slipper kick --Jean• Smare'. Bean guessing contest ---Ralph Steph- enson, Jr. - Elastic relay race -Captain of the w1n- I ning side, Mr. Be'r't •Robinson, Peanut relay race ---Captain of the winning side=Mrs. Will 'Steplienstur. ` =-::::x=============== YOUR 1934 READING AT ATTRACTIVE .PRICES Clubbing Rates. of The Goderich Star Save You money. The list: TORONTO DAILY STAR and The Goderich Star • $7.00 A TSE GLOBE and The Goderich Suri ' 6.00 THE MAIL and EM?IRE and The Gc ' etirich`Star.`... , 6.00. THE LONDON ADVERTISER and The Grrich Star 6.00 THE FREE PRESS and The Goderichatar. ^ 6.00 THE Y HERALD. 'and 'WEEKLY STAR and The AMlEtt l; ii+i MANE and The Goner (h • Star 4.00 4.50- 2.50 , .50'2.50, CANADIAN MAGAPNE. and The ,G Dench star. . , 2.50 THE CHATELAINE A ELA INE 'e .. , Goderich, Stows r . i. a • • , at 9 2.50 COUNTRY GELNTEl,MAN and The Aa Sir 2.150 THE ETUDE and iliacCeodetiih Stat* , w • . v b • r . ♦ ♦, 3.50 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL and-The GaderithStar.. 3.00 TikatLEAN'S ttE Ana The. GoderW* . . 3.50 MAYVAIR .The Goderieh Star , 4.50 NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY ani The Goderich 2 50 ONTARIO ARMER arictrilie Godes' Star.... { . • .:. 2.00 piCrotamilkEvitw and The Aodarieh. St*. . . 2.50 POPULAR- MECHANICS ice` _h.sGoderb VP i 4 . Y • ;'�..,, : M4 .•00!Y'0 . BOOK+andJG�ch.Stet#:ac,4 R/A3�#uN' The C�b��� �.i AlEVIG POS'The G 0•v Sires'.. 6.00 iS MA . 4 'not; WIDE Toder 4, 'A' b ill . 4 Q 'a O' „ 6 `M h' . 'h Cat• 00 der , Piione7i Mrs. Randall Marriott is on a two weeks' visit with friends Dr Detroit. '"`-Miss Ida Hodgson, of Toronto, is visit- -ing--at She -borne of the.Misses Robertson.. Miss Aalene Litt is the• guest of her friend, Miss Helen Hurnber; at Stratford. Miss Dorothy Marshall, of Toronto, is spending her 'vacation ,pyitb ' friends in town. MISS Gail Yenker, of, Detroit, is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. .A, McManus_ • , `Mrs. GetzMacVicar is thet guest of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. N. Deitrfbil,. of Floradale. Miss Mary Tye, of Colborne, is spend- ing holidays With last rnndrotl i, `Mrs: W. D. Tye. Mr, and Mrs. T. C, Walker -spent the week -and at pier respective, Monies at Flesherfon. Mrs.E. J. Kelley, of Kingston. visited. with Mr, and Mrs. Wr D. Saunders over the week+ tits. Carrie. Sr'.. is attender the Sis- tbn family* re -anion l this reek at Spring- bank Park, London. ML $id Mrs. Wm. Black and Miss Helen Black, spent t'ile week - end with relatives kt. totuidas.t. Mr. and ', Douglas, Brown, Etg Avenue, -have lett for x two weeks' lista tion' 'atBaY of bullate. • Mrs A, B„ dark, of Blake, spent `tie 1 ... ... .. week»ezrtl wat2u her,two daughters, Misses O' 'en and Mary Chi*. , Miss tlertrnde Wheeler is 'visiting in Bobcayi eon the guest of 'her aunt and uncle, 'Dr. and MrS Stott-. Mrs, `Ra mend tarter andtan have, been irlaiting. at the `ho a erMlsel Mari Buchanan, Vert Avenue. ,Mrrs�y. S. HMrder aced" -'s tr, C y tl Hams,[ n, are in Py rnith Oottege, Btue w iter Bosch. for AW, ] il�rraaiarlle d, lieiatlit *Ie . the .1r este , ot '�' y s. Mitclte 4 ' tl! ,y.(e it -eanit.1,�1 f,y►�,yr,. Jg. Nacho' 'rF+6F. lean F i araaoriainr to lattet4 the, ansa Ch►dReAlitilOtry at Toronto. lOtra Iios a Smith and children. *lean N f i' *leltdls atrsd l iaatte s toOoderieit. s puha mit afiricl.aat1t at the *.; . . ing at the home of the former's parents, staff of St. Clement's Oollege, Toronto. Mr., and' "Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Napier Dr. and Mrs H. L. hickey and . ttvo Street. • daughters, Beatrice . and Margery Janes Mr. .E • W. MacVicar and" Mr. Ross of • Denver,. Colorado, returned to their Tlchbourne are attending the re -union homes. on ISaturday, ,July 21st, after visit of war veterans in Toronto. Miss Belleing-at the home, of the lady's` mot -ter, MacVicar at eoznpanied them• and is visit ' Mrs, R.. Clark. Th were accinnpanted ing relatives. - • • � .by Miss Evelyn Clark, who will spend a Mr. Athol McQuarrie. of' oronto, is few" weeks at Chicago and Denver. visiting at the home of Mrs. •0. A. Nairn, 'Mrs. McQuarrie and children° have been' 1 here with the .lady's mother, Mrs. Nairn, for a few. weeks. • Mrs. Wellington, of, London _South,- ., London, i*irs.. P. r', Carter, o't "Arlingtoxs, y a . ,, LaGrange, Ill., and Mrs. N. Linda; of Ar -t, - MRS, MARGARET MAEDEL . lington, are guests with Mrs. • Thos: ' The' deatri'o'c"curred at Monterey Park, /Young, Sbuth St. ' July 26th, o! Mr. A. NI: Robertson left ort -,-Thursday California, oil 'Thursday, for Nova SQotia where 'he will attend the Mrs. Margaret A. Maedel, in her 65th Robertson family re -union. Misses• Mary �VFaedel was; before her max - Robertson and Margaret Robertson .intend leaving ageµ, Margaret Cousins, , daughter of the _late Mr. and Mrs, •Thomas Cousins, of for -Nava Scotia next weep. late Colborne" Township, where she was born rs, 11'31117 Ryan, 'wit° has been a t an the 6th concession, near Benntilier, guest with fifer cousins, Mrs. Jay Kisses- I- F. . years her husband conducted a Can- ton, Port Huron, and MIS. Harry Holli- 1•:riery at Saltford. After his heath eight- day. Cerl$ary, has returned to her .home, ecu years ago, Mrs. Maedel. removed to at Newgate St. • I° Detroit to be with her children. She W. Chubs Chapel- anti his sister; Mrs: Tried there until 1930, when she removed oibson, and Miss Edith Caisson, `from 'California.1 to She is 'survived by four Ripley, were in Gioderleif last week and' children. They are: Mrs, Arthur Gibson (FTorence),; , of Detroit; °Mrs. John . T, Cautious Gentleman -"What time do • you have to be home?"' • Girl --"How much money ' have you got?" P Gentleman -"Five hundred .dolliras." Girl --•'Thursday." ' To- E 1TTz " OP THE TOWN OF' GODERICII\ MONDAY, AUG. 6th,'34 HAVIl'G BEEN FIXED BY • BYLAW AS IVIC, HOLIDAY All citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. CHAS. C. LEE, 'Mayor. L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. called en their friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. Russell: Wells Street. _ Miss Donna Bell, of the staff of the People' Store, and Miss Margaret White,. 'CHEF, LIBBY'S or CLARK'S BROWN: or GRANULATED PORK AND BEAk4iS, • 4 16- SUGAR, 10 lbs.. , , :•....59c oz. TINS.. ........ 22c• �••- FRESH ' `BULK SODA BIS- CUITS, lb. , , . - 1Tc - CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, 2 TINS. 25c ARTIFICIAL' VANILLA, 2 -oz. BOTTLES.. , Ile OUR OWN ENGLISH MAXWELI, HOUSE COFFEE: 1 lb., TIN ,. 40c' RICHARD'S CARBOLIC SOAP 6 CAKtES. .. :. .25c• CLAWS - SOUPS, (ekcept ' chicken), 4 tins • 25c 1=LB• BAR LAUNDRY SOAP;. BREAKFAST TEA, 2 M -Ib. `1R:.• 2rc �PAAGES . -. in finestripes or plain. r+r►it blue, Crehan cir green, a t': special clearing° prices, in sizes t4 to 17,, at 69c, 89c 'and $1.19' RTISS.. You like so. much, 'canlbe made to 4 took. Why not call us ? , under the auspices of , MAPLE' LEAF. CHATTER . I.O. D. E. .a.R1DGE ` and_ rE -... art . 3 p►. m :: - Parade:. of the Movie Stars -10' p. m. Featuring a>iusing 'car"icaturea df the popular screen faVotites. Fortune Teling., Games,' Refreshments . n forr, Drawithe �' P prizea by Mayoi C. C.. Lee at 11 p. tn. , Confett"ai, Lathy 'Numbers and Novelty Dances ffo,r'Titi 'op Taforre Phone 314, n . AUt01100111I U1 ►oat 0' t c lie bit , i r thrirou the 0rata ..1 Your est. Mia a yo►lf a by i i'rith. to* Birt etnity t This 'ts the season foar .awnand ,. .(amp +hairs , etc. We have 1934 Tixes ,now payable at the c►ince Collector. Ray early and -save the iscount. , J. H. •RB, C011e