The Goderich Star, 1934-08-02, Page 3CURFEW 1VWST Rink
bylayf is at last Cenairig JAW its ewn,„ atter
_does not knoW .pr reinemberwhen the by-
law es l#st' paged, bat ni 10tYr it WS
re-. ttee and included in the tbwres
consolidated byle.w. The hell was rung
first on Saturday night et 0 tesne anti is
exPeeted to have a beneficial effect on
children fifteen years of age and under.
Late House Surgeon New Yorit Orph-
',.lialmic and Aural Hospttal. assistant at
Vloorelield's Eye Hospital and Golden
3quare Throat Hospital, London, ,Ertg,
53 Waterloo St.. Se Stratford. 'Tele-
phone 467.
At Hotel Bedford, "Goderich, from. 7
o'clock on the evening of the third
Monday of each month until the fol-
lowing day, Tuesday, at 1 Pm.
269 Ontaxio St., 1510 Star Building,
Stratford, Ont. Toroato, Ont.
Hamilton street; Goderich.
Telephone 80 , •
esolioltwi,hene 512.
'Barrister Solicitor, Etc. •
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc.
Successor to J. L
Phone 97. Office, The Sqttare, Godericie
Barrister and' Solicitor.
----Sun Life, Bldg... Adelaide. and Victoria
Teeephone: Elgin 5301 „
Toronto 2.
Equipped with electro -magnetic baths.
Electronic electric treatmene and chiro-
pracetc. Chronic, organic and nervous
disea,ses. Lady Ain attendance. Office
pointment. Closed Wednesday teem 12
A. N. A•TIONSON, residence
office, corner of SOuth street' and Br.-
tannia Road. Phone 341-
Live Stock and General Auttioneers.
Elgin Ave., Goderich.
, Sales made everywhere and all effcirts
made to giVe you satisfaction.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
Phone 119. A e
General Conveyancing done.
Good Companies Represented.
Phone 298: - -Goderich; Ont.
Value of property in6ured up to Jan-
uary, 1910, $3,6413,975.00.
President; M. A. Reid,
DIRECTORAlex.. Broadfoot, •• Sea -
Wm. -Knox, Londesboro; Geo. Leonhardt,
P.orriholm NO. 1; John Pepper, Brace -
field; Jas. Connolly, Goderich; Robert
Jas. Watt !Myth; McKereher.
Polloyholders cat pay their aiii6ss-
ments at Calvin Cat's. store, Godetich
The Royal Hank, Clinton, or J. 13.
titave attended, to by the
Established 1878
Head (tikes Daimrention, Ont4
President; in addition to :the PreSident
and Vice President, the vittowirie are
Harry To Salkeid, Goderleh," Dan MAO
Kay, Ripley; Tiros 411,440, R.
.inernliag, When She Patted AWAY in her
Ututt,1-4 0400ell, had Oat been in
been * ltkeT usual', health, _Wm' ahont
had retired, without anY' complaint Of
feelhig unwell, She had en40Yed a little
term= and lic:r passing was a seyere
shock to her; httsband; claugliter and other
membera of her family. Mrs, Hardy wars
"a daughter Of the late James Campbell
and vac, -Isabella. of West Wawa-
aeste ithiph, township she was born
end spent her girlhobtl, On October
sp.t, 1900. ,seie was united in Marriage t°
Mr. Thomas II. Hardy. a the Base Line,
where they settled and remained for
eleven years, coming to Clinton in the
antumn. of 1911. tier hudb4pd and one
daughter, Mrs. g, Vtorndyke, of
Clinton, survive, also one little grandson.
Fred Thorndyke, aged five. Three bro-
thers and one sister also survive, James
and William Campbell on the old home-
stead in West Wawanosh; John Campbell
Llicknow. Sentinel: A rather amusing
incident happened in Teeswatee on Sun-
day last when about 6.30 aan. semeone
went-downe-to---EladeLee-milledara and
found ta trialtS• "cloihing lying on the
bank consisting of a pair of overalls,
shirt, blue Smock, socks and bedroom -slip-
pers. , As there waiAno one to .1:te seen it
was of course -thought to be either a
IleOWningTeaciitlent or a- suicide and an-
alarra-evaa_raised_which brought, the toWee.
ednstable and many villagers to , the
scene. A boat •was secured and' the
town'e best"' divers were pressed into ser -
continued all forenoon and its soon as
the church serviees were oyer, the people
went dawn to the dam to try and iden-
tify the clothes and to watch the pro-
ceedings. Among the newcomers to the
scene of action- was Roy Renwick of
Teeswater, who spends considerable of 'his
holidaYs at the-'heme-of Jae. D. Little,
and who lives just north of Teeswater.
Roy said that the clothes looked like
these of Alex. Little (youngest .Son of J.
De. The town constable, Artherrelvlore
den, iminediately 'took the clothes "and
droVe to the home 'of Littleito see, if they
were those ef their son.: They at once
identtfied them as belonging' to Alex. and
explained that he had taken his good
clothes with him on Saturday night and
after -having his dip he had »changed to
the better garments and had apparently
forgotten the old clothes. Later in the
evening he had left tewn, accompanied
by Reg. Moore, clerk in Freeman's gro-
cery, with Freeman's Camp cat. When
the search was on, Alex. Little was ie
Port Elgin at the sUmmer schc el and I
quite innocent of the fact that they were
searching the 'dam Teeswater for his
body. --Walkerton Herald -Times. ' .4
Brussels Post: Hon. James
Gardiner, B.A., LL.B., was born on a
farm near Exeter, Ontario, on November
200883, of Scottish parents. His early
-education was received at Themesville.
Ontario, and Lincoln, Nebraska, and
Awhile still a youth, went West, to Clear -
rcau, to Mr. Charles Percival Westaaray,
een of Mr. and Mrs. "W. WestewaY,
ganiiiten, tha raArri*Nto 14) take place m.
Stratford Beacon -Herald; , Mr. and
the engagtment of their elder daUghter,
Ellen Grace, to Russell' Lewis Jervis or
.Clinton, °ply sou of Mr. and Mae, Olive;
J.: Jervis, of Ooderich Township, the
marriage to take place in AugUst.
Brussels Post: Mr. ond Mrs. T. Rich-
ardson, who ha,ve managed the Queen's
Hotel tor the past year' have gene to
London, where they will operate a hotel
in that city. »Uri Harry Kirby of Lon-
don, well-known in this district, as the
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joe. Querin of
town, will be the new minager at the
Seaforth News; Miss Margaret
son, Sperling street, celebrated her 85th
birthday, on July 18th. Miss Robison
celebrated. -her- birthday.
unique lashlen and also demonstrated
that'She is Still quite active, -She put a
quilt on tile frame on Monday, July 16th,
and on her birthday, the 18th, she fin -
\day were amazed at her remarkable
quickness, as she did not take time. off *,
celebrate until the work was finished, un-
assisted.. Her many friends wish her
many more birthdays.
Lucknow Sentinel : Miss Dorothy
Douglas, daughter of Mr. George H.
Douglas, is expected to arrive at her
home 'here Friday at noon. Miss Doug-
las. le principal of the Girls' School at
Tamsui, 'Formosa, Japan, and is arriving
home On her first furlough since going
there as a missionary of the. W. ;111. S. in
Canada in 1928. Sailing on the 'Empress
of Canada, Miss Douglaa arrived at Van -1
conver on July 18th. En route home, she
spent a Couple Of days With her brother
George et Winnipeg.
HAVEN'T ' you noticed that- your
happiest hours occur on days when
you feel your best?
Have more of these happy days.
Yon and all your family, Cotard
health_ while you have .it. Keep on
the sunny side of life.
The. greatest enemy of .health
common °constipation. It may
cause loss of appetite - and energy.
Certainly it kills enthusiasm! Yet
it . can be ebaniAbed by eating . a
delicious cereal.
Laboratory tests show Kellogg's
At.t.-BaAN supplies "bulk" and vita-
min B to -relieve common cansti-
- pation. Also iron for jthe blood.
The "bulk" in ALL .BRAN is much
like, that in _leafy vegetables. Row
inch pleasanter to eat this deli-
cious ' cereal than to
take patent medicines. Two table
spoonf nls .daily are usually . euiiii•
tient. ,Chronic
cases, with each
meal. If not re-
lieved this way,
see your doctor.
Made b Kellogg.•- ._
in London, Ont.
Exetei Times Advocate: Mr. _John
Hunkin, tement contractor, who has been
working near Ingersoll, -met with an un-
fortunate accident Friday of last week
when he suffered a compound fracture of
his leg. He had just completed the erec-
tion of a silo and the »workmen were in
the act of removing the scaffolding. A
pole landed on \the gangway and in re-
bounding struck Mr. Hienkin in the leg.
The small boite was splhitered Teem the
knee to the ankle and the large bone
broken. He was brought to 'his home in
Exeter and the fracture was set by Drs.
G. Fletcher and W. E. Weekes.
Mr. Hunkin was taken to London Sunday
for en X-ray._ Rie leg will bein a plaster
east for six weeks.
Lucknow Sentinel: A blaze of unde-
termined origin, discovered in its early
"It Heips MO.":
That's what 98 out of 100 "
1 wmoeldniecles.ayIt aretstaki
nerves, gives them more .
strength before and after
childbirth, tides them over
Change of Life ... makes life .
seem worth living again,
Phone 127 P. O. Bo?K 131
stages in- -ti" skiing -Fe- pile of about two
thousand bundles, in the lumber yard at
Henderson and Fi.sher's planing mill, was
eXtinguished in. the 'nick of time last
Wednesday evening to prevent what
would doubtless haye developed into a
fire Of majbe-propor-fions hid it had a few
more Minutes In whiele to gain headway.
The blaze was discovered shortly before
nine o'clock by Jack Smith, a brother-in-
law of Frank Miller. He hurriedly ,noti-
fled Mr, jack Henderson, who by prompt
action succeeded hi removing and extine
guishing about tWenty-five or more of
the bundles, that were commencing to
blaze freely and in so doing suffered
paentul burns on his hands.
Lucknow pentinel: Two young women
and two young men from Caledonia had
a narrow escape from drowning on Sun-
day at noon when -their eailboat turned
over about a mile off shore at Stoney Is-
land, three miles »north of Kincardine.
The young. people were the guests of Rev.
and Mrs. Harold Ackert of Caledonia,
who are holidaying -at their cottage at
Stoney Island. They had' gone out for a
sail in the morning 'and about a,mile off
shore, their frail craft was overturned by
a strong breeze. The boys were strong
swimmers and succeeded in placing the
girls On top of the upturned boat with
they themselvess clinging to the craft for
almost an hour until Kincardine rescuers,
who were informed of their plight, reach-
ed the spot in a motor launch avid help-
ed the nearby exhausted boys Who were
chilled front -their' long stay' In the water
into the rescue boat. After a . few hours
rest at the cottage, the young people were
none the worse for their harrowing ex-
' perience.
Wingham Advance -Times: What in
all probability would have peen a letious
fire, was prevented on .Monday by the
quick action of. Dr. A. W. Irwin. While
working in his laboratory about 2 o'clock
on Monday some heated oil that he *was
using, in -some unaccountable manner took
fire and the blaze quickly spread. The
Doctor used great presence ol mind,
tarried the pot of burning oil out into the
waiting room and then rushed back into
the laboratory and put the fire out. By
this time a slight fire had started in the
waiting room. He quickly extingtihhed
the blaze and carried the 'Pot of burning.
oil down the •baelt stairs into the yard.
His prompt action no doubt averted a
seridus blaze but the Doctor had the back
of his right hand, from the wrist to the
Mp of the fingers, severely burned. The
will be about two weeks before his hand
heals sufficiently te carry on his work.
The ()Mee while 'not badly damaged by
fire. is badly blackened by the thick black
smOke from the burning Oil.
Clinton News Record: Death camo
AL -Wheeler
'Ali tittkilded te day
or night.
comparing favorably with any of -his pre- •
deceasors office, in these respects. He
has been a most intens.ive campaigner in
all general and by-elections, in the past
twenty 'years, but the campaign
ended June 19th, was the most strenuoas
of all for him and the strong Comeback
he staged with so many Wins and large
majorities, sUrprised even the most
hopeful among his followers, and
astotmded hundreds Of his political op-,
London Free_ Press Perfect weather
prevailed for the Scott-school*Termlori,
which was held at 8. 8. No. 13,, East We-
wanoshe when there .was an • estimated
gathering of 1,200. Ten years" have
elapsed since the last reunien was held
Dr. S. Shertt, el Barrie. moderator -of
the General Assembly. De. McKerroll,
of .Torcinto, Wilt also supply for one Sun-'
day during Mr. McDenald's absence.
-Wheat threshing -has commenced,
but the yield is very .low. •-tealyzt
Miss Betty Fuller visited -last week
in Goderich at the home of Mr. »and
Mrs. Mac McDonald.
'Miss Ella MeMath, of Toronto, is
visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Mciltwain.
'Phe parents and pupils of Taylors
corner school held a successful pic-
nic on Friday of last week.
Next Sunday the Service will be
under the leadership of the Young
'is holidnying at the ihonie of Mr. Wm.
Mitster-Ocircitrn-Ffsher, of Tee iii RI e r
Old school, which Wa.s of logs, Was donut -
Jennings and Alma.
ed by Walter Scott, following a meeting
!Miss . Mildred 'Westlake 'visited
held' by' the settlers in -the fall of 1862.
last. Week at - the -home of Mr. aiiii-
Ann-Hoare- was -the first -teacher, who
served three terms, her -service ..begInning
February, 1,,J363. The firat trustees- were
isonift. spent the week -end at the home" of
Miss Alitee Sowerby, of Toronto,
school was erected a short distance from Miss Mary-- Harwood visited last
T1 h87o6m a 1 ") .S . lPaar rgreo 7; r any( in de her father. Mr. Wm. Sowerby.
the log school; which was replaced by.
the present bricit school in 1914. -
J. L. Stonehonse was ehairman of the
invitation committee and Reeve Peter W.
-week-with --her - grandparents, Mr.
Mr; Walter Russel, of Beacon -
Herald staff, (did Mrs. Russel, visit -
Scott, secretary. who sent out' approxi- at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. G. W,
mately 360 invitations. to the various- eIlettwood on _Friday.
On this occasion the school and sur- Buffalo, are visiting at the home of•
roundings 'with harmonizing decorations the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs- John'
presented a pleasing appearance for the Blair. •
-home-comersee Miss Rebecca Lovatt, a Miss Myrtle and Master
who Well, of (7arlow are spending
opening exereisea of the school retmion
.MrcsOndTYucneterd, the
Mr., and Mrs. Reg. Johnston.
hclidays with :their uncle mid
The Linton soft ball team are still
adding to their score. Two games
were played. last week with.the hon -
yesterday, after which a one -minute sil-
Early Teachers
fornier pupil, was chairman, and he in-
troduced Reeve' Scott, and spoke of. the
old school and its teachers. among whom
were: Ann Hoare, Miss Churchill, Mrs.
Spence, Miss Oliver, Miss McGill, Miss
Whew and Miss S. A. Bone.
Miss Ann Harrison and John Joe
Mason, were the first pupils to pass their
Mr. Stonehouse was then introduced.
Other epeakers were: George Spotten,
M.P., George Sowler of Allegin, Mich.. an
old pupil, Warden Elliott of 'Clinton, Rev.
-water, Manitoba-- _Hie ambition and ine William Taylor of Rockwood, Mrs. W. C.
wee i Scott, Rev. Mr. Grant .of Seigtave, Gor-
dustry enabled him to complete his
••school course and a B. A. degree at
Manitoba College, ,Winnipeg. tek-
(Mg Normal course 'at, 'Regina, he was
principal , of Lemberg, Saskatchewali,
school, until lured int& the political
arenas Hon. Mr. 'Gardiner was first
elected to the Legislation in 1914 for the
old North. Apple riding, which seat
he held tmtil June, 1934, when he wet
elected to ,•epresent the new ' Melville
constituency., In 1922, he became High-
waye Minister in the Dunning Govern-
ment and was chosen. premier in 1926,
when Heille-C7--A. Dunning resigned to
_join the Xing -Cabinet at -Ottawa. Mr.
Gardiner met his only reverse in 1929
when his government was d,efeated
the polls, leaving him as House Leader
of the Liberal Opposition for the past
five yeare, At the next session, he will
face a C. C. F. opposition led by a man
of strong socialLstie•vieWs with only four
followers. Hon, Gardiner and his eight
ministers were sworn en July 19th and
at once took office. The new government
most difficult_task with the re-
lief situation getting-aehie edieh year and
the provincial debt soaring. There was,
however, plenty of reel suitable ,material
in thoosing a cabinet and the rank and
file of members will. it is exPected. ren-
der valuable assistance to the new prem-
ier. Premier Gardiner rs , excellent
platform speaker; debater and organizer,
&tenths ahead': we're picking the
pick of the coal and storing it
away for you. 11, you want to
keepatp the good wirrk and buy
your coal now, long before you'll
need it. you can 'SAVO. When
now and put in your Pins, you
keep Money in your pockets.
Yott wouldn't let a warehouse
stand eniOty, so why forget your
coal bills Rernember it oate,earn
ite keep for you by storing coal.
`Bleeides, If you s(?e to it that the.
Heat Polks deliver your coal you
guarantee a warm welcolne for
YOUR 1:0,041S Aro-,
ro 611 loos,
don Wightman of Upper Montclare. N J...
Alfred Naylor of Chatham, and Elliott
The evening program was in charge of
the Blyth band. of which Alfred Cook.
the leader, was a former pupil of this
Zella Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Fred 'Cook, Jr.. and a favorite in the
community: was crowned Mess Wawa-
Word hae.been received here by rela-
tives of the -death on Monday, July
Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. otirnifi
was a native of Guelph. Ontartie, her
maiden name being Miss' Zeta Jessie Hill
The funeral took place at Great Falls
on Wednesday, July 25th., Besides her
husband ,shce is survived by one son and
one daughter. James and Zeta Durnin
Dr. Brown Durnin is a brother of Robert
Aehfleld, arid received his- elementary -
education at Dungannon public sehOol
Miss Flora Durnin conducted suc-.
cessful canning detnonstration ,at her
hcone en Monday afternoon when 20'out
of 24. members of the Caingannon Gar-
den and. Canning Club were preeent
Followirig the demonstration the &la
organieed as a sports club with the fol-
lowing officers: President, Bernice
sports secretary, Margaret Stewart.
The regu;ar monthly meeting of the
Junior Farmers' Club will be held at the
home of the president. Allan Reed. on
-Thursday. August 2nd. at 8.15 pan.
Roll cell will be answered by the name
Of a weed and eontrol same Harold
Congram will give an address on Sum -
port on Current, Zvents„
Miss Ethel Cese returned bn Wednes-
day to her home in Torento after renew -
Her vesit was shortened by the arrival in
T4ronto of her brother Howard Case. and
Mrs. Case and family. of Western Can -
Mee: Max Hoffman and Ml31, Rublea
Sproul are enjoying a holiday with rela-
tives in Toronto
Miss Clara Sprettl, of Stratford. is en-
joying her holidays wtith her mother, Mee
David and other relativea.
month's vacation which ho will spend at
his eotttge at the lakeside. The arvite
next Moldity. will be oonduoted by Rey.
Cant -
Me Gardens
ors going to the home'team.
The 'regular meeting of the Y.P.S.
was held on Friday evening, after a
game of soft ball between two pick-
ed teams. Lena Calwell had charge
oi the meeting.
The service at Union on Sunday
44;440 -Bailie. of Goderieh, as
guest speaker. Mrs. George Mell-
wain conducted the opening exer-
cises and Miss Bailie delivered a very
tine address: '
Exhibition Park, honie of the Cana-
dian National- Exhibition, is one of
the mest beautifully landscaped parks
in Canada- It is a mile and a half in
length on the shore of Lake Ontaro
and icevers an area of 350 acres. •"
Many-test•imonials - could -be-presented
showing the great 'efficacy of Dr. Thom-
as' Eciectric Oil in correcting disorders
Of the respiratory processes, but the best
Lb on ta: experience mid tile Oil LA
recommended to all 'Who suffer from
these disorders with certainty tinte'
they will find relief. It will allaY in-
flammation In the bronchial tubes.
Many Women and Young Girls
Are Troubled With Anaemia
'Antelmia • is caused by the blood becoming thin
tied watery, and lacking in rod corpuscles. •
What the antemic person needs mostly is a prep-
aration rich in the iron so essential •for enriching
the blood, and building u-p.the red corpuscles in the
blood etream.
Milburn's H. & N. Pills contain the necessary
iroti for the purpose of acting. as a restorative to
the blood. They bring blick.eolor to the pale, Wood -
less lips and chocks, and increase the.vitality and
energy so essential to good health.....S.--
Put up only by The T.. lililbarn_Co.:,,Lid, Toronto, Ont,
Can't you just see yourself?
gua.rded championship course
. • . riding trail with real
of luxury at
in. the RorAte4
4200 square miles to play in.
in' the glorious setting of
the mighty Rockies. And
you can do it all this year
easily. Costs Ludt way
Jasper Golf Week, Aug. ?k, Sept. 1
Enquire about kw° summer farei,
bookiets. iull details from au?
Canadian National Agent.
MU MOM iind