The Goderich Star, 1934-08-02, Page 1No Permission For Sale of.Beer - New Regulations Not Greatly Dif- ferent From Old In This Colin. tY--Law Will Be Enforced:* 1.9•••••••,•09,9.999 Theti ft sale ARTHI.IR cittctz PxeNic ENJOYABLE •AFFAIR IsTevelty rseee comeits and Pleafant. EQ04 Inter:Co/ire% Marked the u . snit pieniteef the ArtienePirele Knoet Pres; byterian Chureli, on Wiednefsdtv)r., afters noon, This annual tvent Was held this, year in Jowettit„..0-teve, MeM- bers with 131eir husbands, elsildpsn and ques on. o hefuture wlxiefriendt, nuriabering' 125, Were PreSent. and beer in Huron County remains in a The members of the committee in , 'state of doubt none of the hotels whe charge of the arrangements. were tire]as , having received definite word from Tot- • privnefp; in their efforts ,to add to e the enjOymeot have made applivation for •the X, of the occasion. Tot - onto as yet, One hotel in Zurich Is said to be ex - Petting a permit, at any time but those in the best position to judge state that there is little likelihood of the govern- ment taking action without some general manifestation of a wide public 'desire on the part of the citizens for freer regula- tions. Huron isknown as one of .the coat...„.,rae-41i,;;Ball,,,. Rod-. Jolenstur. two or three really dry epots in the.Pro- Wheelbarrow race -Donald MeQuarrie, . vinee. Pat Hume. Peanuts on knife won. by Those who would like to see the eountY Mrs. H. K. Revell's eside Hitting bags, treated like any other part of the pro- blindfolded -Ruth Drier, Jack 'Telford. tt vince 'recall that the torn of Goeterich,. ,leelienitealleleeeletstle contest:fore'..boys and twice voted POI: 'beer and cannot See Whi girl . the kaia4.1..crof iheleaunty--shouid:_diotafe _- s -Ruth Deer, Marion, Cha_psaan, arkers,--r-eareited -from. -menebers-of- the- a n yne, mem or H ."% ,i7in, and Mr, ......_ ... , =It -bOttle . and -60thes. plee" 'contest,tehurelt, eintilatertliebeSt -e.t.a* of too,,,.-C.,TATIVehertiaiisTM.L,A,---for m.-Brue'e to the town in this particular. , The re-, ladies--Meis Margaret Barnett; boys and fessional ,circus performers and drew pat- before the Board takes any action, Some port that the Dominion Gorver,nment IS girls, Grant Johnston.' Change should be made to give chea,peg rons to many of the wheels of fortune, . ' ,taking the stand that the peoPle shoeeld A peanut scramble in which all. joined the *games of chance and to the Various power to Goderich. It does .not seem awn Carrov4 is Splendid Success St. George's Rectory G Scene of Colorful Gathering, • Rein Fad s to Mar Centennial Affair Hain, :falling' in • light interneittent showers, dampened but tailed to prevent a real euccess for the lawn carnival at St. Georges chureh on Thursday, % • Llofes ?Apitointittent of Rural Wm- Victim In IViorris her on Provincial %lir° Cont..' I E Robt. Dodd Hold miesion,Claint Tourist Trade Hurt Because of Dry Law , 'That GOslerieh is not getting a fair i Two Men Attook 'Farmer Late on Sunday. Niglit Near VVinghant Rnbert Dodd Vilka, •the victim,. of a near hold-up in nerds Township, near NV/M- elee' in Hydro serVice was expressed ham, when he was returning to his horde freely by representative businees men at late Sunday night July 29th. the meeting of the Goclerith ,Boerd of He states that two men jumped out at Trade on Monday night. W. H. Robeetd him from a ditch, brandishing what he thinks were weapon.e of some sort He The results of the races and contests SQZ1 and Dr, A. H. Mecklin were named . was driving his horse and buggy He the were: Plate raee-Mr. Schaefer and 26th' a committee. to draft a resolution asking time ;sad one of the men seized the Mrs. J. C. Cutte Girls' race, 8 years and Designed as a part of the celebration the Ontario Government to appoint a re- horse's bridle in an attempt tb bring the under -Claire Bisset. Girls, 10 years of the church and, pari.sh, extensive plans presentative for the counties outside MacEWan, Boys; 12 years and under - and under -Jean Schaefer and Eleanor had been made for it, Plans which were Toronto and Hartillton on the - ,Hydro carri d m ca on made Donald 1VIcQuarrie, Billy LanawaY.• Girls necessary by the rain, It wound up , Comniission. disoussion brought out kicking the slipper -Ruth Deer. Ladies satisfactorily, however, with a gross the fact that rural Mtinicipalities ,and small towns and villages would not be come of $770, part of which gees to help favored so lang as there are three big pay the-clebiesst.tIres-elfurch. city representati'ves on the Commission. Color was the keynote with banners, 'bunting. and numerous flags decorating. Boar. In introducing the miestlen to. the A. H. Macklin. said he: felt the rectory grounds, while in the evening Goderich was not getting a fair deal colored lights strunprom tree toebooths_ , actviee,4 ise,eeouch. ..eeetee and -a big-spalightanade a lifely scene. eeee -"eece have an opportunity of- expressing an was an entertaining feature of the pie- nienion on -the -Canada Temperance Act ate, before it is cast finally into the discard rather tends to slow up • action, on the p 0 f the Province.. ' " There are a number a different Inter- pretations of the new regulations by some in the county who desire to dispense beer, especially. One .county consteaX.e es; told by a group in the seuthern'part of the countythatthey Could sell in their premises or on the street if they -wished -aralette beillenot `sWee'etilleTh. into Goderich to get authoratative infor- mation and was told by Magistrate Reid that the only let -down provided for bv the new regulations was that a man did not require a permit to have beer in his possessfon. Otherwise the old law stands pretty much as it was and would unques- tirnably be enforced. The new reegula- tions so far do not annt.v-to Huron un- ty and anyone 'considering the opeh sale of beer here mint be,prepitred to.accept the consequenees. 1 es where-oeld-seend-endscandies-a many other articles were on sale. • • Fortune telling, dear to, the hearts of women, was a . feature. with Madame MacDonald andeProfessor Ashbrook dis- -- . pensi'ng •ativiee and information on what Banner Raee Meet Trotting and Pacing Association the future held for many. }lave Large Entri • Supper in Parish Ball It was intended to 'serve supper to Evtrything • it in readiness for the, .hungry townspeople at small tables on horse race• to be held in ..the Agrieuitllr,ethe laeirnr_but the rain made it necessary eal Perk -here on CivicHoliday, August to ni.ove this- indoors. Previously a 6bh. The track Le 1.n perfect condieion; b ear h b . the judges' stand bas been improved b a coat of paint, and the huge covere reasonable, Dr. Macklin argued, that be- cause a city is big and near the source of supply, that the smaller places should suffer. He advocated, shaving down the price. "All members of the legielature nurtli and West of Toronto are Liberals," said Dr. Macklin, "Now is an oppoltune,time. If we ever had a good chance to correct animal to a halt, Dodd urged the horse on and the man 'dropped his held, with the result that the intended victim escaped. Het,p•roceeded to Wingham and -notilled Constable McMichael, who.ralsed tlae alarm. ProvincialeOffieer Tregenza picked up two men who had no Address and brought . them from near 13elgrave and lodged them in the county jail. They were not armed. A full search of the iiity is being iiide for an suspicious characters. . - W. STEVENSON HAS BARN- . • DESTROYED By FIRE --A-barn on---the-farnr-.uf Witfr meson on the Blue Water Highway north of Port Albert, was destroyed by fire dur- ing the • electrical storm on MondaY, This is the third time in 0/Q11V years that a barn on thik farm has been de- stroyed by fire. The storm- which start- ed shortly after midnight, and lasted two hob rs, was partic esevere. Borne a long standing abuse, It' IS now." calves were •removed lay the. hay• crop Dr. Macklin • referred to the .scheme and some implements were - destroyed by proposed sorne'yeaxs ago of damming the the flames. Mr. Stetrenson fs a brother • Maitland River for the purpose of gen- of Albert •Stevenson,, .tewn. Y but this was cleared away and a bevy of mer Hydro engineer, when visiting Gode- e parish hal le power. F. A. Gaby for - • grand stand has been thoroughly clean led. , Outside *horses are 'erriving daily, an by Saturday evening it ie estimated ever stake will be thoroughly filled with tit• number of the Grand Circuit speeder right fresh from the meeting Toron last week should make the king of sports a,ncl the sport of kings very,attractive to horsemen end others in tine. section of the province. y KINCARDINE LADIES VISIT -MAITLAND GOLFCLUB The ladies of the Maitland Golf Club • entertained a team frcim the Kincardine Golf Club in an inteseclab match on a to - the younger members of the congregation rich, had said there Ifras enough power. under the leadership of Mrs. G. L. Par- in theriver to provide ,sufficient energy sons, served supper to several hundred for seven co peopje. More than were expected, came. high darn whi with the result that supplies had to be, strutted woul replenished frNuently. The hall proved felt by Dr. exceilerif place for thie, event, decOr- ellecouraged be atece as it was with colored lights. and to pronlote H flowers- in profueicn. F. E. Binh that instead by lelr. Gaby, would cost le • arke—Ae_white-elephant--boothi—H-.- ff ur-g under the able direction of Mrs. Fred' Municipalities .Naftel and Mrs. R. C: Whateley,-tvas well patronised all afternoon and evening.* A fancy work table in charge of Mrs. Mon- tague • Baker, Miss Claire Reynolds And a Mrs. G. Watson did a splendid business ti while the goods lasted, many satisfied customers carrying away much desired articles. • The children enjoyed that source of t neremeial pleasure, the fish pond. where • Mrs. IL lealnfee held forth. Almost, as ropular with the 'young, was the candy booth where Packages, of candy in' un-, 4usual- shapes. -were -dispensed by Mit. 'A: • Gorl, Mrs. H. Hunt .'and lyfrs. Evans. Mr. G. L. Parsons was the thairman • 'of•'the general -committee-in charge ofe /the Centennial celebration and on -him ,• .largely fell the taek Of coordinating the various activities. Dr. Jas. Graham was responsible for the detail of the lawn •eareival, and these two, with seVeral active committees, achieved a reneefie-- cess. • Several hundred keys were sold, one of inch was W +sten the treasure chest, one of the main prizes of the carnival. This *at won by Mrs. Gordon' Tebbutt. A splendid mattress was won by Mr. Chas. Clarke, a stove by Miss Phyllis oBaechler. Thestreet alongside the rectory grounds was toped .off from Nelson street north and on the space provided many ears were perked, while the town band enlivened the evening with an ex- cellent eelectioneof-Popular airs. unties, but had declared the eh would have to be eon - d cost, enormously. It was Maelcnn tits_ t the idep. was cause the- engineer wiened ydro.. • • am interjected the opineon tary-treasurer of the Exeter Public of the high dam proposed' Utilities Commission at Exeter, waes gee - a eerie, of smaller ones; en a preliminary- hearing_on Wednesdey ss and give greater power,' at *geter before Magistrate Reid, He - Outside, a flower table held blooms -which were sold_ by a conimittee compos- ed of Mies Hazel Hartwell and Miss %Nr Hermann W. Doerr Sent Up For Trial at December Assizes—Traffic -Court Cases - SERIOUSLY .HURT NEAR. WINGHAM Um. Mirold, 0+ White, 31, Seaforth, in Whighaln hoSpital .with a tracturo Anil in Critleal condition .as a redult of alt automobile accident near Illuevale al 11 o'cleek on Monday. Her hhsband driver of the car, eeeened with chest facial and leg.abraeions. Travelling at high speed, according to titanic Officer A. G. Rupp, White, pro- ceeding east from Wingharn to Biuevale, sideswiPed another ear driven by MIlIej Ireator, R. R. 2, Winglunii. as it was coming out of his farm driveway. The White car turned over four times and catne to,rest four wheels in the aii 100 feet from point of impact. Mrs. White was thrown from the ear fifty feet from , the scene of the collision, but her hus- band was still behind the wheel and was able to extricate himself. Both injured were removed to Wingham hespital by .passing motorists. Proctor was unin- jured and hie car not datnaged. lower School , . Exam. Results The following pupils who wrote the Lower School examinations at Goderich and Dungannon .„have been successful in pass ng in the subjects Indicated: • Goderich C e n tr e -Phyllis Rambler, Gram., Arith.; Maurice Bowler,: Grain.,‘1 Acocridilei inntgt?viaxhineri Large Drilling Bit Broke at God, - rich Salt Company's Plant During the Week The Jordan Roberts Sales Co., of ;Brantford, engaged. In drilling the new salt well at the Plant of the "Gosterich, • Salt Cempany, suffered an unfortunate accident lett Monday. The large drilling bit broke off the stem at a depth of 800 feet and remained lodged there. • deavors to remove it from its pesitgon proved -futile, and progress in the work was held up temporarily. Necessary.mea- sures have been taken., and the work is proceeding. BOWLING TOURNAMENT ON WEDNESDAY The Lawn Bowling Club held a Scotch .Doubles Tournament on Wednesday at the PIcton Street, Green-- ---- • The trophy was won -by J. A. Wilton and A. Taylor, or Vlnghamthe second prize going to T. Taylor and W. Abell, Goderich, Second Event-ist, A. M. Crawfordand W. 'Millen; 2nd, F. Hunt and M. Ainslie_ Godcriche Third Event -1st, E. Prldhana and George Mumby;' 2nd, FL MeNte and J. Geog., Arith., BotanY; Col, Lander. linson-r-vGeog, Arith.; -Ortice--Courtn6y; ' Physio;' Craigie, Arith.; Char- lotte Crawford, Hist., °cog.. Art, AgriC: I; Eugene -Daltoh.. Arith.; Phylles Elliott. Hist., Geog„ Art, Boteny; Myrtle Foster, Geog„ Agric. I; Gladys Grassick, Gram.s Dorothy Gray, i Gram.; Leah Grifft. Arith., Aterie. IL; 'George Hamilton, dram.: Prances Hong:on, Hist., Art, Botany Ivan_ Irwin, Hist.; Kenneth Laing, Agrio. I.;. Donald. Latte-Arith.: Kathleen Led - nor, Botany; Marion MacKay, Arith.: Robert Maobgnald, Gram.; Mary Marks, Hermann W. Doerr, defaulting secre- : $ Mcndoey afternoon, the hostesses winning.i The individual scores were: Goderich •Kincardine Mee Bruce , .,,e Miss M Stewart P. Grassiek ,0 Mrs. Chowen...: .... 1 _Mr' ,LioYd . A 1Vir5. _Spire • 1 • Mr:. J. M. -Taylor ...1 Mrs. Magmoci0 Oraee Watson 1 Miss IVIcPherson 0 Williams 1 Mrs. Davies 0 Nees M. Edwards 1 Mies Mitchel- 0 .Mrs. 7. D. Eastm-anTO 1Vtiss McInnis 1 •."Mr- D. D. Mooney 0 Mrs. Morrison. 1 Mr: W. F. Gallow..1 1Vr1ss Scougall • 0 6 • 4 Jo' Luncheon was served to the visitors -at ape o'clock and tea dining the lafterneon ,•hen Mrs. C. A. Reid, the Preeident, Was e tea hostess. The weekly field day was held on Fri- day. July 27th.. The winner of the low net score was' Miss 'Janet Martins and of the hidden hole, 'Mrs, ,D, O. Mooney. mid -Summer Sale now on. Cleartng pri< es on et-sununer Unmet Sebtrefer's e *ANTED • WANTED. -At once, a nlald for gen- eral ho u se w otk. Apply' MRS. CeleleS. GARROW, North- St.. FOR SALE OR TO RENT_ To ' RENT. -4'Lakeefewt large new five -r ooened Cottage, furinehed s:reened verandah at.Port Albert. Avail- ab;e up to August 121h. Apply to MEL- VILLE UIEW, "Phone 55, Dungan - eon • FOUND Panel 'Contiining two pair A of shoes, and a bathing dap, _0wh- ,er can have same by Iroving- property an -3 °eying for this advertieement. Ap- ply Box 5. $WA/tiorpxcE. NOTICE TO CIIEDITOBS -ivarre6 To "thisoficrit....—. IN vri.E ESTAlti UMW SANE 4' STEVENS, DECAASE15. An e$ereoiis hating claims ,against ,the cq.aW -Oft, MAIL,Alitnedatelteril,lateof;,the T,vnt of Goderich, in the ,cohalty,_.or Heron, widow, &Ceased, who diet oti or abut the 13th dap of Jay, 1034, are hereby notified 10`send in to ille Under- signed on or before the 10th day of Aug us+. 1034, full Particulars of thel, clabats„ Immediately after the said date the exeoutors Will distribute the *vets Of the said deceased, having regard- OW tk.• the claims ef Whith thy then shall have n0. • ticeand they *111 not be liable to an sperson of whose thilin they shall not then have receiVed Take tOt the woe so distruniud or' any part thereof. Dated at ti0dett6h 1d sIQttt 44 , ;July, 104. 0. HI0 t titictr?, C. 0. F. PICNIC- _• , LARGELY ATTEsbED • The members of Court Goderich No L32 and Benneiller No. 86, C.O.F., held successful picnic on Wednesday-, Augus 1st, in Harbor ,Park here. It Was the annual outing' for the lodgee _and •wai well attended -by both. Included- in, the visitors - present was W. E„ aging, Super- intendent of Organization, of Brantford. Thecommittee in charge of the ate ranieements was cOrnposed off,tne -follow- ing: ' Ernest Breckenridge, 'John W. Bell, A: E. Barker, W. F. H. Price, Gordon Reece, Frank Bowra and . George Ginn._ Frank E. Bowra and Ernest Holtzhausen, are the Chief Rangers, of Goderioh and Benmiller lodges respeetfvely. A bountiful supper was served in the pavilion. The lemonade in large con- tainers was stirred with a huge spoon made of maple wood and Presented to the Goderich C. 0. P. -Court by N. E. Bark- er, the energetic secretary. , The races resulted aS followe: Boys years.- and under -Douglas Barnes, Ronald Barker. Boys 8 years' 'and under--eifelviii Barnes, Jerry Ginn. Boys • 12 years .and under -Raymond Barker, David Geieve. 15 years arid un- der -Earl Fuller. •Single men's race - Clifford MeNell. Married men's rade-, • Frank Bowra. Boys' wheelbarrow race -Earl, Fuller and Raymond Ginn. Gide 6 years and under -Audrey Ginn, Dorothy Wa1ters.--'-8 years and under - Bernice Fuller, Audrey Barker. • Girls 12 yes and under -Phyllis Ginn, Dor- othy Single ladi* raCe-Asiss Jean Price. Married ladies' race -Mrs., John FarriSh. -Girls" Moe race -.Dorothy Ginn. Boys' and men's soda fact* centest-Charles Wigle. Boys' and, rriezi's novelty race, the prize going *to ,the one wiho einptied a bade of milk first -Bert Campbell, Senior ,girls* three-legged rake --Mrs. ,G. Parrish and Albs Myrtle Good. Ladies' novelty race -Mrs. J'. Farrish. Young girls' three-legged race -Ruby and ROS. ena. Waif& ." REAL ESTATE AND INSIIIIANCE- • BASEBALL • Gram.; Muriel Miller, Hest., Geog., Art, Agile 1.: ffetty Newton, ,Hist., °cog.. Botany: Cyril O'Keefe, Zoology; Joseph 'Keefe, Arith,i SWAIM= Wi • 'nders, Arith.; Isobel Scott, Rik., Geog., Botany; Jean Scott, Hist., Geog., Botany; Albert Shore. Agric. II.; Donald Simpson, reerane, Hist., Geog., Arith., Botany; Rob- ert Simpson, Gram., Hist., ()cog., Arith.; ed Beterly: Elizabeth Thiel Gram Hist shas-osnteaeu-of-many- elected to be tried by judge and jury andiPh,ySicg., Arith., Zoology; Mary Vraoman, t up fe;• tit at the Art, Aerie I.; Winalfred Watson, Hist., with hydro itre drawing to was gen a close, and the formee will be in a posi- tion to be the dictators to demand a• , cheaper rate or set about to develop their own power. Plans are available for a plant on the Maitland River sufficient to serve a. territory for fifty° miles at a cost of less than a quarter million. At pres- ent Goderich Ing Hydro $42 Toronto, Ram The resolutiti municipal cou throughout W them to see& members of th A.ssizes. M. C. Burkitt, of Burlington, pleaded guilty: to tendering two worthless cheques •at Wingham for 810..09 each. • Hi. was arrested at Burlington on July 27th by Provincial Constable Tragenza. and come up for sentende on Friday. Geog., Art. Botany; Kenneth Campbell and nearby towns are pay- John Radford„ of Wingham, and Frank reiram., Botany; Mary Cerra. Art, Bot - per H. P., over twice what[ Pitsquelle.- of Toronto, were arrested' en ilton, -and dther places pay.' a charge of vagrancy. They, are wanted any; James Parrish. Hist., Cleoge Zoo.. logy; Kenneth FInlayson, Phy- -n- wilt be sent to all in Kincardine for breaking and entering' slog., Arlthe Zoology. Sara.belle Finlay - mils, and Boards of Trade three different stores there. On Tues- son. physiog, Zoology; Jean Forste,r • -to-oPeration of their est. rn Ontario, and, ask- doy they were remanded for a week. physiog.: moon. outhore. Geog. ey admitted their 'guilt, and will be e Legislature: Botany; Kenneth Hodges, Gram., Phy. t ed at Walket:tdp. Radford has a re- cord. • slog, Arith., Agile. II.; Bertha 'Jones Hist., Geog., Arith., Agric. 11.i Beatrice Wesley Thcmpson, Whitechurch fish peddlar, was fined 810 and 'costs for Kinahan, Gram., Hist., Geog Phy,slog Arith., Art; Finlay MacDonald. 1,;hyslog, stepping too hard on the gas tome days Zoology; Donald°. MacKendriek, Gram.: Kathleen MacKendrick, Gram., Zoology; Florence MacKenzie, Zoology; Roy Mac- Kenzie, Physiog., Zoology; Lillian Mac- I Lean, Gram., Arith. Zc,ologyet Laurin° Iteller-, Hist., Physlog. Arithe; James-Nel-e son, Hist.. °cog., Art; Doreen Puidon Geog Art; 'Alvin Robb. •Phyaloge- Art Zoology: Irene Roes, Gram., Zoology Kathleen Thom, Gram., Arithe Norma Weatherhead, Gram., Hist., Phyeiog.., Arith., Botany; Bertram 'Whyard. Geog. Physioge Arith.; Viola Young. --deog. E. C. BEACOM, I. P. H. Huron, West NOTABLE DUNGANNON SOW OlvBIrth to 35 Small Pigs In Leos Than Seventeen ainnths Agile L; Dweena Wilson, Arith: Annie Young, Geog., Art. Dungannon Centre -Verna Anderson, PhY•siog.: VOilliam` Blake. Gram., Hist., Arith„ Botany; Ralph Brodie, Hist., • Arith.; Joseph- BropheY, Hist., Losing TorirIng • That Goderich Is not getting a- fair share Of the tourist trade this summer because it has where beverag plaint voiced by several members Of the Board. Goderich is just marking time, It was declared. Tourilts are not corn- ing here because the town IS diy".' Wiar- ton, Ktncardlne and Pert Elgin, "wet towns,". are being well. patronized. "are chuck full of tourists." "All we have to offer is •the atmo- sphere, environment, scenery and sun- sets, and, that isn't enough,' said L Parsons; and„ Mayor Lee volunteered the information that even touristyaeliti which call here, ask for -beer, and when they can't get it, they move on." , The Town CoM-611 has tabled twice a petition signe,d ,bye.ettiteeeeftetelief asking the government to eitablish a liquor store here. The opiniort was expressed that a start shOuld be Inede in getting a slate of representative citizens to run for next yeat's council, and some navies were sup gested by Mr. Parson.s. - Mayor Lee was urged to use his pre- rogative chief Magbittate and send on the petition: To Which his 'Worship replied that it was held up by majority no liquor store, nor:place ago., The alternative Was 10 days in es are sold, was a cern- Castle Reynolds. He • discovered that there was not enough mash in the treasury to pay the ehot. so there was nothing to do but take the ten days. Then he found that he couldn't get to Goderich any way eeeept by hitch' hiking. So he started-ode-from- Wingham and, with the aid of kind-: hearted Motorists finally arrived at the gates of the jail. Thee he presented his admission ticket and after establish- ing the fact that he was entitled to enter was taken in. Committal Papers were made out afterwards. •• Thos. bickinson Teeswater paid the court* costs under a -false pretense charge and was, alloived out; on suispended sen- tence. Magistrate Reid assessed the Oats at 816.90. At the same time John John- ston, of ininberry, paid .82,5, for the pri- vilege of consuming liquor in a public Place. : Phillip Straus, aged 74. of Clifford, was sent up for trial at the fall aseizes on, a charge of Indecent assault preferred' against him -by Howick Township woman and her husband. Straus plead - GUESTS AT SUNSET HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Robert WhitelaWeWood--- stock. Jas. Symington, Detroit. Ie E. P. Gundry, Toronto. Mrs. 'A. Crawford. Port Huton. 1 Violet Crawford, Port Huron. R. R. Ramsay. London. • Dr. and Mrs. S. leaching. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ChOwn and Misses Alice and Margaret Chown, Toronto, E: J. Barieeon, Windsor. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. B Girdon, Broekville. Mr' 'and Mrs. A. Ripley. Toronto. _GUESTS AT PARK HOUSE . • • a, K. P. Pink, Millbank. Mr. and -Mrs. J. E. Melrose, Detroit ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown and daughtei. Elma. of Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brown; Kingsville Mr. aed Mrs. E. V. Lesslie and Jack, Brockville. Mrs. and Miss Miller, Toronto. Mr. N. P. Eckart, Toronto. Miss Emma Gurd, London. VETERA14S.ADVISED TO TAKE THEIR MEDALS • These Oring to Toronto 1111,3t Need tempi. Interest in the Corns Reunion.has so grown in the past week that it is now confidently predicted that at least.75men win leave Goderich on special train on 'Saturday morning The same story ape _.1.1%& in every ..paper In Western Ontario. The last great camp is _calling the m'en together. Leg- ion Officials advise all who intend going to be Sure to take their medals arid if possible their diseherge certificates. It IS said .that many non-qualifled •per- sons will attempt to join in- the -festivi- ties with the result that it may be neces- etuy to ask for credentials at the gates of Exhibition Park. _ HARBOWNOTES The government supply boat, St. Etel- tors, of Sorel, arrived in Goderich on WednesdaY, "ivith supp..lies for the light- house. The Superior disehalged a cargo of wheat and oats at the Goderich Eleva- tor.and the Western Cenada Flour ernes today, and take on a load of salt from the Goderich Salt Co Several' 'fine. yachts vesited Godele:h bungannon, has a sow of which he Is Matthew Shackleton of R. R. No, 1. this weeit'_. .10 -Goderich ,took in the, tournament at ° on WedtiesdaY afternoon. very newt'. In February of last year she gave birth tO a litter sol. 12 pigs- weighing' a total of .- 211 pound. ttflii* :the following, 13th of I Com in Events- 1 AND BUSINESS BRIEFS ,° Goderich *on the first game from Mit- chell by the. score of 8.74Cirk, going the route for Goderich. In the second genie Clinton won from Staffa in a twelve -innings game by the score 4-3. in the final game Clinton won from Goderich, score 9-5. Fritzlo started for Goderich and was relieved by Don John- atm- in the fifth inning.• Innings, 1 2 4 +-a -6 e 6.rt E -- Goderich-2 1 3 0 0 4,2 o 0 8 11 2. • Mitchell-:-- 6 3 6 2 2 0 0 0 0.1 3 NirlF. and Otlitell, 'Rodgers and MOM - con: 'faCtory. vote, • • ed not guilty at the' preliminary hearing 10 Gorrie. He was allowed his freedom on a $500 bail. Harry Wat;on, of Gerrie, and Malolm iiague, of 'Woocistock, aged 21 and 22 re - The antiquated tele,phone system in vogue in Goderich also came under tire The Secretary tvaa instrifeted to com- municate with ale Bell Telephone Co.,. siequesting them to install a more med. spectively;• appeared before Magistratie trii-SYSfetri Imre- " ,Reid kiii.traturdaY Mei-rang, '28th..: to r tvnr.n. atkrqepoingrinrianmothen w.,,lasndusgilitorrifeatitaint thethe answer, to the, charge of making off 'With a motor car belonging to I. SaundersorL, aGoodoeriepeih, gShoalpt InCoMparithe oyIdattreittbsionatabirhini toerdgvve rearnedtere.d.or,4wi;nbrilitt; 1_;0„,iltterLiknotwilo- Clinton 4 • 8 ° 2 thent. ' Stara 3 deed-WrilefiTOOCI)la-ce on July 12th and Were Sera beak fo for a wek to await 5, 4, The president ft D. Croft., who is the sentence. The eats was badly damaged. Carrick, kracEwart. Kerslake und 1er. representative of the town on the 13lies IThey vvill come up on Saturday. slake. 1 wok memo Atrdocutions wog asked tc, Several man tiimc cases also eame Timings I 2 3 4 5 0 .7 It U 19 write Col. Woodrovv, the president, and' b6f°11' Magistrate 'Reid on Saturday VP. D. •terguson. the secretary, remind. ITIQrning. Anabng them wa.s one' in which Ing thern that tho semi -alma! meeting John ,;4ariiini:o.1..,. Wroxeter paid 810 : for will be held in CiOderich ha Septemb'ere failing to regiite? the transfer of med; meson Ha 0. It. Bennet and Cyril Spence, all paid into Ille triemkers Present Were: & a antomobile. Nelson Cardna. J. Kehoe. J Croft, who tweg. . iur. Grim W. tr. nobertton. .00ttrt for the prit4lege of speeding 10.7hile " 27 0odor1ch.,4 1 6 0 1 0 05 9 5. clinten- 4 5 0 0 0 0 x 5 2. Vritzley, Johnston and •Currell. Brant and 1Viactstati, thalipliei-!-Cale at plate, Clarke and litenean en Wes. The GOderkli tiotticultural Society will hold its annual flower shower itt Maelny ThlirSdaY :And- rrldat August .th atitA0t,14. July she had anOther lirtfr of 11„ weigh- ing 203 pounds. In June 'of this year she again had a litt0. 6this tiltie there were 12 Mlle ones 10141ng on the average the same at the ;Other litters. This total of Ilk, pigs in 17 months is p e y rd to beafi. in the opinion of Mr. Shackleton,' who is eendirm the factIsi to sorrier of the' farm „r4).pert. -catcher • There has been 1.28 inches more fall in July this year than there during July. 1933. This year it was while a year ago it Was .63.p The temperatures recorded by the er:motneter wrist us-,•tollor; Sfax. Min, Max. Min .1.n3 1034 July 20 '79 59 le 93 map? Let, Dt. %twat told it.. a mho, Tom Xing. the -young BurlirigtIn Mari " 28 *iits I.> •-•?• e• , , hatft$ • '• 't * whoSe car took -10 the air last reek n..a ' " 29 Grand Bend. Was alsessed 420 and eettt 9 30 , -,,, 93. 14 ._ '.,,,,....„........-,......6.4„,,..„„,....,... Mid.Stirtimer Sale tow Ma. kClettrur for rocklas drivaig. WVItin. Quinn Vaid titi IlifieS, Ori 411, sunttnettenow4A -fiVitifett antrAttattf not ig 'tilitilititgliik' Aug, • 80 al 13 54 88 87 69. 0 . 91 0 $3 47 71( 87 ' 74 51 Reserve Friday, August 3:4, for the I annual Maple Leal night at the. Banish Stoniaeli Trouble. 'Get quick relief with ittRIC'S sTomAutA.. Camp- bell's Drug Store, Mid -Summer Sale now on. Clearing priees on alt summer lines at Schaefer's, The Border Cities Star, with the greatest circulation tn Western Ontario, -can now be purehated it local new stands. Place your order now for a daily „.paper-with-a-colored-week4eintecittic------ section. Relief, from Stomach Troubles with Kipp`e Herb Tablets. Campbell's brug Store. Phone 90. The Macaillivray Mission Band at , , Kit e urc will meet Sat- urday, August 411t, at Z. Pan. All mera- bers are asked to be present. 6AItD OF TIIIANKS Mr. "Vest Carter and son, ttezwkitd, wigh to toren, mefr appret lama to the *Vilestat the 4ttoderieh hotpitat'and J. NC oration% vat! De. Oalleve• for the kindliest attnta to Mrs. tarter dtutaikt her long sof tog , mm94. too 10 their littlittttitt eava or the tutto4