HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-07-19, Page 3.rte DEATI 'OF'MISS S*R U ii,T,O Brus~eis Post: • ' With the Pe$eliig Miss Sarah Black at her borne early ,Sunday morning, Brussels, lost . another -welt:-1> nown and ,highly res ted, citizen. For the past. few years she, :had resided in the village, ' but the greater •part of her 76 years of• life was spent' en the 4th; concession of Morris., Both' in that 'view laity and inBrussels', she wilt be mourn.' ed by a host of friends who knew, ;and' loved ..• herr,-. TO- -mourn----thetr-.•105r aike; leaves one brother, Peter, Owen •Sotind; and one sister, Mrs, Alex King, of 4th concession of Morris., DR. F. J. a: FOlt • EYE, EAR, Q THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Orph- `,halm% and Aural Hospital, 'assistant at. 'Loorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden 'quare Throat "Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford, Tele- phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, front 7 o'clockon the evening of the 'third. Monday . of each month until the fol- lowing day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. PROFESSIONAL CARD • j. W. MONTEITH. CHART1 NetED ACCOUNTANT. 269 Ontario St., 1510 Star Building, Stratford, Ont. Toronto, Gut. LEGAL C..S • Barristers_ and Solicitors. R. C. HayS, .C., and R. C. Hays. B.A. Hamilton street, Goderich. , e Telephone. -88 DOUGLAS R. l AIRN. ,.r { • Barrister and SolicitorPhone 512. Dffice: Hamilton St. .RANK DONNELLY, B. E1.• a. ' Barrister, - Solicitor, Etc. - Phone 282, HAMILTON ST., Goderich. o F Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Public, Etc.. ' Successor 'to J. L Killoran. Phone 17. Office, The -Square, Goderich. ERNEST M. LEE. Barrister• -and Solicitor • Sun Life Bldg.,, Adelaide and- -Victoria. Streets. T4:ephone'i Eight 5301 Toronto 2- , CHIROPRACTIC • DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRACTOR A N D DRUGLESS THERAPIST, QODERICH. Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatmens and . chiro- practic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 p.m: and by ap- pointment. Closed Wednesday frim 12 to6p.m. A. N. ATKINSON, residence and office, corner of South. street and Bri- tannia Road. Phone 341. . AUCTIONEERING .THOMAS GUNDRY fez Live' Stack and General Auctioneers. ' Elgin- Ave., Goderich. Sales made everywhere a!rd, all efforts made to give you satisfaction. . Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. Phone 119, • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC._ WM. BAILIE. NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done. Good _Companies Represented. , Phone 298, • Goderich, Ont. INSURANCE ' cKILLOP MUTUAL, FIRE INSUR- • ANCE COMPANY FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO- PERTY INSURED. ' M OrlitIST •TB C .Reports frrlllt -towns•-along the Blue Water -IfigifwaY indicates the neatest earllt :se*Son: into*, of American: holiday makers j• the :history . f 'titd sem* route,' Forglison;,,seeretary Of'tlte highway association, reported today.. • 'roue, these reports Mr, k'erguson believes that the tourist season ' for 1934. will -egiai--if-riot"surpass-the--record-year'-•-0 1929. : . .4U6S: fiAAltikIIL INSURED Huron Expositor: While Le.Iping to unload a ear of oil at the Supeitest yards on Tuesday *morning, Thomas- Habkirk, eaforth manager of that Con.pany, had his foot badly crushed and a large bone 'broken, Mr, Hablt:irk was taken ' to Scott-M,,emoria/ Hospital ,when. X rays .Were taken .and the bone set. He was then.,removed to his home. H. was eel - ling barrels of oil down a plank when a barrel slipped and ' struck : him on the foot . DEATH • OF MRs. WILLIAM KNOX Clinton News Record: The death oc- curred at the home of her sone Li Hullett on Sunday of Mrs. Mary Knox,. widow of William Knox of Hullett, in her seventy- seventh. year. Mrs. Knox was for sev- eral years a resident of Clinton, going to Hullett to the home of her son after the death of her daughter last winter. • She is survived by three sens; l nomas , of Hullett, and Albert- and Joseph in the : Vanadia -West.. -The-funeral"teO1Cp7ace fiorart home -of -Mr Thos.. Knox, 13th- concession of Hallett township, yesterday afternoon, interment in Burns' cemetery=. FISHER• -NIKON 'Su're •Xot . get p"QI1'llll<1!i ReIlog'g''s; .A,%' . l AN '. thin haa proved so euoe er l t relieving common constipation that some cereal nianuf acturerg, ,with products having only a fractional quantity of bran, have claimed that this ninimuni, •bran content is, SO - dent to get r-esnitL. You inay bave Wed some of these .._.. art~breavvrodutei' ;ud..have`been disappointed! The simple truth is that they dei not,furnish the amount of bran you need. It's the "bulk" or fiber in bran . 'that helps correct' common consti- pation. This "bulk" is similar to that in leafy vegetables. , Within the body, it absorbs moisture and forms a softmass, which gently clears out the intestinal wastes. Kellogg's , ALL-ORAN provides "bulk" in convenient and concen- trated form. It also furnishes vita- min B, as Well as iron for the blood. It has wont millions of friends be- • `cause it overcomes 'commoncense- pation .safely and pleasantly. It is all bran just as the name implies —with nothing _ added ex- cept the flavoring of Malt, Sugar °and Salt. When you buy a bran cereal for the relief of constipation, read the wording on. file package. The facts ' are there! , Make sure by getting Kellogg's ALL. -BRAN —in the red •-and-green package•: -Sold• -by all gro- cers.. __ Made' by. Kellogg iin..London, Ontario, Canaa. S• bias ' Irian' V incent la''- visiting her sister,;°•Mrs.:Mtlri'ay' 3;e!'erld of •lamilton, ins Mico 'Irwin,, of Ood>Mrteli, ria '..Visiting yw- t' he-bome:01,31.r: ltd' lira. .. t MCDONvoil. • : • ' ! Mast.er Colin talarka, .Of Ottawa, pis (netting at the home of .his aunt, 1:Ire. Marvin : MoDowell Mr, ..Tikek Harrison, of ' Toronto, is holidaying at the home oil Mr, and Mrs. Fred J. 0001c.• Mr. Roy Black of the West, ' Is irisitidi.g.'his brother Mir.. Harvie Black find other friends. y 5 Mr, end Mrs. Walde, of London, -and- lis- :Walden; ' o !the -West -Far visiting at the home of Mr. an'd Mrs. Mrs, G. 'Smith, of Sari Jose., Cal, 'fend 1/I7rs, J. Walker, of Winnipeg, visited on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, 'Mir. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook and children spent the week -end at the :home of Mr. and Mrs,, Reg. Carter of Woodstock. Mrs. J. Cook and Miss :Eileen Carter accompanied them home.. Mrs. Pribr, of Windsor,, who has been at her summer cottage at Grand Bend, spent a couple of ' days last week with her aunt, Mrs. R. Buchan- an, who accompanied her to Grand Berea( on her return there. THE 'OLD SCHOOL' RE -UNION (School Section Ivo.` 13; Ease Wawranosh, July. 25, 1934) By Austin L. Budge. "RECESS AND AFTER=FOC1$" We hear the teacher rattle --The ruler on the wall ; Our slates are piled • togethere 'And soon °in line we Clinton News -Record :- A• pretty ''am, mer wedding was solemnized at I-igh noon Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nixon, Campbell street, Lucknow, .when their younger -daughter, Winnifred, became the bride of Gordan Jaynes Fisher, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Fisher of Lucknow. , The ceremony` -was performed by Rev.- J. H. Geoghegan of St: Peters Anglican churr:h. The bride_sm,.aid_ was.. Mi ss_-P.ear1.LNixon,-R N sister of the bride. The groom was - at- tended by' his brother. ;Fisher; Lueknow. Following' a recepticn, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher .left' on a ,wedding trig by •mnotor- to' Sarni attinto Coo iVa,71rOf=- onto and Niagara, They will make their home in Lucknow. STOREY ILOWATT _ • ewe , tape tcok place recently in Trinity Anglican church, Blyth, of Miss Sarah E Howatt, -daughter of Mr and Mrs. William J. Howatt, •and J.oseph M, Stores',..of Hullett, • The marriage cereranny was performed by the rector, the Rev. L. V. Pocock. The .church was beautifully de- cor -at -ed -for -the occasion, the girl friends of the bride taking upop Themselves this, task. -The bridesmaid' was MIE M Caldwell, of Londesboro. M:. W. E. Howatt, brother of the bride, was best man. afiss Winnie Howson Auburn played the wedding music and during the siriing of the register Mrs Norman Sanderson, sister of the br-ade, sang, "Promises of God." a wedding • hymn composed -by Mrs. (Rev. Dr:) Mortimore M Auburn, Miss Elizabeth Mills playing the accompaniment. CAR I,ANDS ASTRIDE FENCE Exeter - 'Times Advocate: Wnen the driver of an Oldsmobile 8 bearing a N. Y. license plate lost control of the car about a mile 'north 'of Exetcr 'Monday Value of property •insured up to Jan- uary, 1910, 83,648,975.00. OFF'ICHRB=A, Broadfoot, Seaforth, President; Jas. Connolly, Goderich, Vice - President; M, A. Reid, Seaforth, Secre- tary -Treasured • • DTREOTOR4--Alex, Broadfoot, Sea - forth R. R. 3; Jas. Shouldice, Walton; Wm. -Knox, Londesboro; Geo. Leonhardt, Bornholm No. 1; John Pepper, Bruce- fleld; Jas. Connolly, Goderich, Robert Ferris, Blyth; . Thos. Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; W.M. R. Archibald, Seaforth No.4. AGENTS -W: J. Jao. Watt; Blyth; Finlay McKercher. Seaforth; John Murray, Peafortk: Policyiholders• can pay their asp- meets at Calvin Cutt's store, Goderich The Royal Bank, Clinton, or. J. H. Eteid's, Bayfield. FIRE INSURANCE Have it attenaed to by the WEST WAWA'N"PSII martuAL FIRE INSU1LA►!'10E' CO. Established 1878 Head .Offieei , Dunialleireen. , itooert Davidson, Dungannon, Presi- dent; Ernest Ackert, Holyrood, Vice- s�restdent:, In ..additiox to thea -President and Vice President, the following 'Arie Directors: ;Aum: W. ,J Thompson, Auburn!: WWni. Mcgiimillalan, Lucknow; W. P. Reed, R.R. ', Luclfiioir Harry L. Salkeld, Goiter*: Dan Maces° I!"ay, .Ripley: Thr( din, R. R. No. '3 Ooderialx. CECIL Tatt.t.41024. •. 'Mos, irrOTIMMO, Tr w.. " Blue" Spells Reduce somme women to the petulant shadow of their owls -^ ' smiling aelves;-iDtheej tate'_ the Veggetabfe Compound when they feel the "blues" coming on. It steadies quiver- ing nerves ... helps to tone up the general_ health...gives them biota' pep .: more charm. LYDIA E..-PINKNAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND JOHN PINDER PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAL WORK Phone 127 "P. O. -tel 1131 R. Wheeler FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALI4R ALSO AMBULANCE SERVICED GOD$RICIT, ONTARIO All Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phi hhg Stogie 335, How 368. evening It lett the highway 'and- Complete mtcomplete turn, landing on its.' wheels •astride; , a fence. ,The body of the car was damaged, including the `er+dors and lights. The- glass in the windrhield was broken and one of the wheels was also 'smashed but luckily for the two oecu- cants of the car they escaped with only few minor cuts • and bruises. A Lon- don lad who was visiting in Exeter had driven to I- ensall with Harold `boss, of St. Thomas, who -was also- visiting in: . Exeter_ _They_.xtere_ returning al,out-,.ten -o'clock in the evening and had turned -nit to • pass a car and were -meting • an- ^thcr. when the driver _,last cnntroL_with the above result. A tratflec officer was ^tilled to the scene and the car was tow- ed 'into the Huron Garage. FOUR 'BIRTHDAYS ON SA11IF DATE Lucknow Sentinel: The home of Mr: 'and Mrs. Phillip Steward was the attract- ive settine for a gathering on Thursday ^'' the children and grandchildren of Mrs. .tames isher, a beloved resid"a,t of the village, ' who that day celebrated' her seventy-six ;birthday. Not only did the -fent e('mmemeeete the natal clay of Mrs. Fisher, but the occasion 'a:3, mark- ed the ar%nroximate birthdays of a• er, rs, Steward, •a, g: e,ndchild, Alien Steward. and a son-in-law. Mr. Roderick Camphell. Of Mrs. Fisher'S m `gbly of few daughters and two sons. all were present with the exception f'f Mrs. Albert Reynolds (Marion)' of T(-- -nto. - Besides the immediate relatives, Mr. end Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Hedley and Mrs. Al Dowli1Igwere guests_ in ,at- tendance. "OL.L•OCIK- WESTLAKE Clinton- News -Record A pretty wed - Cine matt' solemnIr 1 in Trinity church, iavfield. at 3.30 Wednesday, July 4th, "'hen Susanna Westlake. daughter of the ' "te M'fthew D. and Martha Westlake, 'vas- united in marriage to William Mil - fen Pollock, son of the late Wrr J. Pcl- '^^k and .Te-cie PcI]esk, The ceremony -as a quiet rine because sof the recent death of the father of the groom. The marriage was solemnized by the rector, ,,,Rev. W. G. Bugler, . of •Bayfield The hxide w as' attended _.by- Miss Req. 1' Hons.. `on of London, and the groom was at= 'ended by a cousin Gf the bride. Mr. Al- fred Hudie. After the wedeir.r supper .Mr. . and Mrs. W. M. Pollock left • for a motor trip to Chicago and other _points fur • their honeymfion. On thee* return thev wilt reside ,an the farm on the Cos - nen line, Stanley Township. Make- Breathing Easy. -The constric- tion of the air passages and the struggle for breath, too familiar evidence of asth- matic trouble, , eannot daunt Dr J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This is the famous remedy ..which is known far and wide for its. complete effectiveness even .under very -severe conditions It is no untried, experi4nental preparation; bite one with nriasny years of' strong Service behind it. Buy it from your nearest dealer. The Scout Troop of Lcys School, England, is "camping this summer, in r•l.uxembourg. Rath teads._up__hispap_gun.,,6 • An alder -berry limb ; . He hits Priscilla.. Sowler. Andihat's six sl'alis for hie. John Joe said, "You're another " el,. Which George Vancamp denied ; The water -pail tipped over - We hope by now they're dried. In •Parrott's beaver -meadow, The butter nuts were fine - Ten minutes late! Oh dreadful! We were a sorry line ' Jim -Armour- danced ne-jib ; Ed Coultes, the Jew's harp; The dust and broken plaster - Made-all--trhestove -pipes- warts. And there was Tom McBurney, ' Nephew of. Andrew Black, The- latter's sweet, large turnir s -"'” He slipped :• into his sack. , Matt Harr -MOW OFIisteriT A witty wag was Matt. There wasn't a bit of mischief, But he was blamed for that Pete Wilson coaxed ,the trustee:- A niagic lantern show ; And also a ventriloquist- Such fun we rarely know. t Joe Stonehouse was the hunter--. Like fled we Edwards' of ap F und Henry Troughs And kettles on the bar. "Some raft" said Charlie Wig ht.man, One day to Aggie Bell. They Just had reached the deep hole, When in they went, peil mell. "KC eANADIAN M ROICAt, 0(4,$0411A1'1014 ANO LIFie INSURANCE. CQMeekt at !f MNAt4AOA r PRICIE4Y BIENP rabies 'eould.• tt5l&; they oi*ld 'oer. tainly tell us that prlck1S heat is a most aningyling complaint.: They" would iixcely •mexition, at .the same time, that saw down .pillow is not a cool resting 'place on a' warts day, And doubtless, they wink!, in chorus, 'proclaim how comfortable they feel after 'a btm--and--itow they like to Sleep after they have been cooled Off by a bath or a sponge.. a Prickly heat is most common in sum- mer but it does occur at all seasons of the year among infants whose clothing is too warm forthe weather. and among adults whose occupation expo'es them to excessive artificial heat. The name "prickly heat" augests the, cause, heat, and the oustanding symptom, prickling -a tingling, itchy sensation. Excessive or prolonged heat overworks the sweat . glands, and, as a result. they, are apt to become inflamed and blocked.' up. This is shown by the appearance of Wall red spots, which change into little blisters, accompanied- ly an almost intol- erable itching. The rash usually ap- pears on the head, neck, chest or shoul- ders, and the mother will notice that the baby's skin feels rough. • ' Babies are clothe -CIO -eh more sen- sibly ;than were those of a generation ago., Many mothers, however, are still - ()UMW or till- eia' uror raking off most or all of their xbabies, clothing qm, rerrabot=days >--,the want to keep their babies well -clothed. l g.03!...419410 wear . eriougli „clothing� but.,. on -very- hot -days: enough -clothing- means no -clothing-at alts—Whether • it is-Janu ary or July, baby should' be clothed ac- dording . to the thermometer, - Prickly heat can 'usually "`be prevented by using light -weight clothing, with soft muslin or linen next the • skin. The baby should have a tub -bath mice a day and, in the hot weather, several cool sponges. The skin should- be carefully dried by patting, not rubbing. If the skin is thoroughly dried in --.this 'way, there is --little need- for taper powder; but some powder may, bA ttkad it t creases and folds of the skin To limit the attack of prickly 'beat and to__.hasten recoYery, rest the. srea lands.. and keep the skin as dry as possible by Twas- Lizzie Scott who wone it-- The prize for being good. The teacher praised and lecti'rec:, While like a saint she stood. Gow Dunbar_ was the headman. '1''o crack the whip -and, loci, - The tail swung off the island And ducked in Geordie Cock. Jim Walsh and Maggie Morton - Both had to sweep the floor They said, "We'd rather gossip-" Were kept in 'afterf' ur. Jack Fothergill was gallant; Joe Bennett.. truly brave-- Both crawled under the dark fi.-or, • "Feem" Turner's pen to say.. John Fells had nice red -apples And Fanny Black -had _none. Jim Nicol caught them eating Both at the core of one. A score of many memories, Are these out. of a host. Now to the Jolly Old Boys, Let's- honour with a toast 1 HEADQUAR__� ,RTEItS for PLUMBING HEATING EAVESTtotJGN1CiVG GENERAL REPAIRS CARL W. WORSELL KEAYS ST. PHONE' 475 THE GODERICft HEAT iOLKS WHEN I"T COMO TO ('!APPY NEAT OWE 1 801t0FINVIS ;i"C1THE **Ar1 U(3 'y'IDu�I'gOing Or0.''a .$ i .a a .'duthe hoteld .r crowded it es arid your vrif* 4 • s is you i .suck things • Smooth your path at home its well as on your travels - by telephone. - Long Distance lei a .business ally: a social asset; quick, clear, dependable, inexpensive. Rates are listed in the front of your ' directory. You can{ telephone 100- miles- for as little as 30c. ..•..rm d.!.�f+'M1t-i>tia"' -. Yaavv+ .mn_uVI.=F-C+1719 ,011..x....11,4 »i�wnv+•v.e..,. ,.+a...�,•wrmaR'.2•xTir r.,:a.:'. w.�.-v:. avoiding anything which causes perspir-1 ation. Card should be taken not to cause further irritation -to -tho--skin with rough clothin should be sponged frequently=>with `bicar- bonate of soda and water, or powdered with starch and boric -acid• powder (two parts of starch~ with One part -of boric Me a. acid). The condition will clear up fair- ly quickly provided the skin can be kept • reasonably _iooL ,_ ,Douglas' Egyptian L,►n)mec ' relieves' toothache and neuralgia. In' aluable in cases 'or croup.. sore throat and quinsy. Keep a' ict-fl handy _> . __ 8E -CUT OFIO IAN M'OTO,ISTS KNEE -ACTION RIDE FRONT WHEELS` ". STABILIZER SUPER- SAFETY GLASS HYDRAULIC WINDSHIELD AND BRAKES • VENTILATORS RfCES. 13 -EG -IN AT 94 Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Oat. fully equipped. Freight and Government license only extra. Convenient O. M. A. C. terr,aa READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY If you intend to buy a low-pricod automobile, don't overlook the now Oldsmobile. T. i$ car has ev'erythingeeand _a eensatiflnal rawlow- pile(). places it within roachof almost everyone whp can afford.an automobile. Check Oldsmobile's new features. Consider tho delivered price. Then, visit the dealer nearest your home, try out a new .nodal, and give Oldsmobile "the works." This nma-t automobile has _poowerand _pick-up to exceed even the exact, ing domande of city motoring. It has afamina-- but stamina has always boon an O-ldsnobile characteristic. Ito 'Floating Ride" is a revelation in smoothness and comfort. You'll find too, that the further you drive , Oldsmobile, the more enthusiastic you will' be! - We know this to bo afact because hundreds of owners have proved it by thousands of miles of expense -free motoring! SEE •'.A-1.1 4 THE -MIEDIUM.PRICED OLDSMOBILE STRAIGHT EIGHT A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE. . PRODUCED ---IN CANADA Men! Stepup and place your bets on the Heat Folks. If you 'want ,to vin the main - heat next winter, order this thoroughbred coal now, Here is coal that ,starts - '.from scratch and wins in a walk. Your have air inside' bet v d' ,., can win by odds if you suable the heat l olks in your cellar now. Here is a sure tip: WE NOW CARIIT 4ENI INE 8COTCI ANTHRACITE LIFE AUTO INSURANCE FIRE ACCIDENT l►yrtii,SICIOIESS liou ',roe GODERION l fl cAL i)imorogs f►txtlESIBALMEI S ALS() AIAi1OI' 'SERVICE' AT ALL Ut tS° 1°1ItI.K2 On .tat p, NEN 0-440 CALL THE OtAttetftS D CORI, ONTARIO .