The Goderich Star, 1934-07-19, Page 2OD
lb 0
.TinatSDATt JULY 1903;
every TrturkdaY iittroie
ettou 'oobooriptiori
and oreat Bot,sin, $2,00 pe:
ye.r In advance Oh. attearii $OO*
United 00001- $2.50 per Ytar in advance.
and nev,P addressee Shenk:1 be
Yen ; *hen ; eharize..ot - sic4t004.---14V! rci-
•quu'e4C/410;g4sittrIO.N4sss'ArO ' find "Of Astr snhSerinehs 'Prefer :not
to naVe" their sto,m0ptrops intorrupwd,
' in case they Ian to remit 'hefere•expIra4
11.• VI711114' IsttbstIPtIOUS will notbe
carried in arrears over are extended per.,
aUd, Vt. Unless we are notified to claneel
we asstirne• the' stibsciher wishes the. ser•
,conttrmed. It•-tlargTAMS.5. should
be made by regiStered letter. MgrieYor-
der or elaequc. payable at par in Oode-
4---irailitSDAY, -JULY --11)thi-Mt
'at Or:at,
now hardly
When' thit*,11*Ppeti*# *titt./1044,k;
rpent4 hi the ISt*t It POltiitott; .will,
44PPeiA 4444.4, 0300146"; of 01, Oorta
work' th*'•,',1-,4 ilkelY,•)-$-P:", 9,f01"4
•• $0i;, en' the
inatitinest Nave bnsooftheeheck. ',.-400YY nife hicjredt
(lined thattheY inov,e 1n*de linileoelSioXY" eheek4f!" /Udell" Mein*. Writ4' tile
haek.of & paper'. •
4 great'Part of our hther Poive* there 14 DO not 13*Y3v "Char10- 0)1" 4194 be
still, the comparatively simple solution Of swerved ,in his course." Say, "swered
shOrter W.oesink tieUnis
beM his oetiree."- ' , - •
Avert entirely from 0,4 so eane4enela,., D not say, "t oon 'realized that #
listle draws01. ease, tbere Is ro reason wag no Use t°' c°P141311e °ICY: °ThatWaAti ,eVeryone thbuniati ,race from tinie ./MMernorial.
.. tian euo* dcl anOthertlbat Y'eiyabinks;a rething
.-11 Centel"' 40:
710itarr tired, '..atied 153;
In Ien, re4ott,
..' 'this Iitiefgen et :extreme old Age, very
much the Puttlie eye, of late on ao-,
oellat'O; the death :of the Turk, WWI pas-
sed away *.feW w.celra, ago In Turkey alp,
ed. 100„, ,efter a visik to, New Ynrk, i one
which has exelted the Interests of the
.$ Use."' • ' Alniglit,,*e 0), tithe
WI? We Sheuld not rettrkour t Working noofnno swhat
hours to six if we can still protinee U hati! SAY. "MI. eisa one (10 to live fer a couple ot hundred years or
thM we „esquire...1n that time, sbou'•m .u'r • • '• Or e) '‘
Do not sav 'a -She led ith r4waYs-e PPtleing-th94. t-gcect-health-
Th0 luvblen1 Is one of distribution of -e — and Measurable TprOSPetity ACCOmPanY
band" Say "She leaded, with her Ire*.
UneniPloYect elasS to be s'bifida* tO I Do net say, "Mr. Isrown'tI spiech-Wai V-4$1u1141-4alt-"-91trcrad-"°m-itatt.riurilit
theMselves and to the working part of : replet,t In humor."Say, "was replete
Mat age,. Fortunately, it is to .be
TLIE CORE,'$ REUNION laber, net of et:eating any Permanently' bancv,
For 'years, sporadic attemPts have been
made to gather together the men of
Canada's array in a reunion No 'at-
tempt lute Wen successful owing Partly to
the vast distances between east end west
and partly to the depression which has
made It almost impossible for Many to
finance their personal, requilements,
much less spendmoney for travelling.
In spite Of.many difficUlties those re-
sponsible for Toronto's Centennial decid-
ed Po atthiript to bring as many of the
men as possible together in what may be
the last reunion of corrirades in arms.
Working in harmony with the. various
veterans ° bodies, arrangements have been I
made for the reunion to occur' on the
20th anniversary of the Empire's entrjo
inte the war. August Oh, It wil_last for
three- days- in alt-rcrid-will--full;W ou-the
•heels of the 1934 Convention of the Can-
adian Lelgion, Ontario Command, which
Tts'staged tr:
• For some reason the 'reunion ha.s grip-
ped the imagination of the mem Prom
,all Over the province and beyond, men'
• with humor."
the people,
Certaitily no tmch hoPelesa thrrY
sliould find an accepted place in the
polioy of tthy nation.
One hundred and fifty motor cars in
use by' employees of one departinent
alone and now considered not necessary,
is something to think about.
* * * *
- Pr. eviler Hepburn's 'actions so far are
Wargo often Aittiprosiouneed
Routs. Prahounte the ou as * 00 In
otherwise t4epopulation ot the earth
would grow by leaps and hounds. Ninth
no one dying and many children being
.born We should, within a reasonably short
sp*ce of time, be crowded off Into space.
shoot Now Plenty of men and 'women have
Denionstrative, Accent second syllable been reputed to have been of great age.
The Biblieal examples are too 'well known
to be repeated Mere and . anyway it is
•pretty geneiSallY agreed that their tieeS
not the first.
- Cello, ,Pronounce chel-e, e. as In bell,
o as in no.'
Lamentable. Accent first syllable, not are allegorical or, at most reckoned on
the second.
Addresi. Accea last, Syllable; riot the
News. Pronounce the ew as in few,
not nooz.
Words Often Illiespelted
Frolic, frolicsome (no k)......_Fralickat,,
frolicky (observe the k). Illtterate; two
.errq uriq ,une atea_ uo aou pust..tioour ben
torieal times Many' eases of. claimed Ion-
gevitY heft come to -light, .
In England alone there were 'Margaret
-Patten, aged .137, the Countess of Des
mond, aged 145, Thos. Dartune, aged
1,44.t.:Tbes. .RoYin agect 172, and Peter
Tarton, who outdid them air with. the
Fresh from
the Gardens
At a meeting of the Publio School
Boexd in .`Marys it Was decided to
store the salaries of the teachers to 'the
level prevailing bepre tJae cu';- of last
year. . ' !is
• • • 11E ' (PlItian9:»
And. 110 doubt there are many ram
' reminiscent of those off Mr. Roosevelt ho9ses whieli long for the good old da,ys
-when he assumed office. Ile aP6ears to , is. Revise; s, though 'pronounced as z. grand total of 185 years pr
,seit when the family -Could afford 10 run the
be determined to keep his election prom -1 Presentiment (foreboding). Presentment claitned. • car arid leave the horses at home to -en.
-are planning to be in Toronto for -the I
last meeting, in all probabilitywith old
• I
In Toronta--exceptional---preparation
are under way. A French village has
been laid out in Exhibition Park with
- -• -estarsdnets-the squares_ the lovm.,.
• the old familiar signs, in fact all that
:will be so well remembered as part of
Many battalions will have headquar-
convenience as meeting plares of old
• convenience as Meeting .`plac,s off, old
members: "Many other features will sur-
prise.. those who travel to_ the „queen City.
A march past of the old corps is a part
Of the_plan.
It will truly be in all probability,. the
"last roundup."' Most of the • men who• IMMINE'NT; threatening to.occur_ kia±
Vere--years---and-vigorous-twents-years • *•
mediately. "We -could see thau disaster
ago, are now sliding; more or less grace', ' • ••Was iimmlnent."
Prernier Hepburn's decision. not le al- .
_full,,Y; down the_other side of life. Thet
/ow liquor advertising in Ontario will be
• shadowe are gathering in the vakeys and GUARANTEED
urce of comfort to
their days of travelling and joining in a 643 • many newspapers. Subbubs-:'Do' you guarantee- this clo-
-the old song.% 'e old menioria,,,v
, are get- .`'"ers pf such •acivertiallig whk-b Is of a ver seed?"
(presentation). Bounteous. Observe the The ;trouble with all of them was that
when the.* cases were investgated • by
' Weil men -as -Sir Gorge Lewis: istdaftife.,i,
land; 'their stories fell` pretty wen to
Pieces. Only Old Parr seemed to have a
yalit Whieb, it was found difficult to dis-
turte....Heilad,---liveclAiretherestrine'.$Po 4
nits lifeT-;
the was invited up, to -London-,"-o see the
•Xing" and old Charles 1st sowed himi
such. a good time that he died , soon at-
con.tusion. terwards. 'But Iii§ life' was lived in -a
Ruin, destroy, extinguish, subVert, little Tillage in Shroluliire; 'C'ellOratrOlf .
overtlut*. , , ,---• -:
. after generation! knew him perstbenallyemand;
he had becetne a legend even
ve-option. . - '-death7--At-any--Tate----Hufeiarr , w 0
• ,
Word Study ' vestigated in a most dubious frame a
1.1Se a word three tithes and
' mind, came to be practically convinced.
- it ts
yonee." . Let us inere_ase our_ vi,scalmlitu He had toAftlegend fr_oni. 4191,.._mem,..!
y-master1ng-one-word-eagle-day17-Wor ...thiSc-eleyi: . the-
l'pr this lesson:, only Method ef Computing age was by
• AGILITY; quality or state of being reineinberhig something which
lidnible. "Ile has retained the aallity of pened when some. other even hap-
, was oc-.
ycnitlx.4.- , .• tirrini,--Ameh-as- -."That---waa --the-yeas- I
CYNICAL; disbelieving in the sincerr broke my arm. 1 remember b
same year the. old • grey maprecausdie edthy,
ity of hurnan motives. "Why should one I
take sueh a optical, view of lifer, ,i There Wae no. Vital_ata,tistics Der.artmen
ATROCIOUS; ' wicked ill the_ highest then WI the ,British Isles.
degree; outrageotts. "They were gufftl Old Parr, however, 'by a reasonably
of atrocious .deeds." 0
LONGEVITAetigth of life. •1"Th. e
longevity bt• the ,human. race has been
' SERENITY; calmness Of mind "N'oth.
ing could disturb his serenity.'
_ '*•
Except that everyone ikisiidio need a now and then, there would ap-
ROOT to 4.9 no _rO*TisfOr-dildtrtqll.PN14,
-*-leave-town-for-a-holida :y-L----The-de--
lightful weather of the past .few weeks
cannot be improved, upon anyv,here.
• We should like to add our voice to
that ef many who are complimenting the
1--and-Mistruon its remarkably -fah•
ancein fact generous, reporting or oppo-
sition meetings in •the late election. • It
did not. even attempt- -to -distert----the-
stor-ia`by using biased headlines, 'an
trick- of the old time political sheet.
..* _le . *..•
The munificent salaries of such a large
number of Hydra officials came as some-
thing of a shock to 'many People. It
uld beLinteresting to' lcnowlf-any cuts
were atcepted by these men • during the
course of the depression. 1.1. is tobe
hoped that •the general, business of the
Commission has not been conducted
along, the same magnificent liner. ,
• five voweLs. Abeyance; ance, not puce.
--Synonynis •
Ifiteceed, psper, thrive, flouriSh,
achieve, attain.
Appease, allay, alleviate, soothe. 'quiet,
t1et6hipi-- 111ance, union;--compa,c
federation, confederacy. - •
• Amazement, awe, astonishment, be-
wilderment, surprise, wonder,, perplexity
joy a rest instead of being issznessed up
and taken to church servioes, pirnies.and
garden parties.
• stdi..xdaik
•(ListoWel StandardL
(m.coe. Reformer)
Instead of .endorsing the lieziate bill to
•legalize aweePStakes In Canada, the
House of Commons has taken a step in
he oPposite direction by authorizing the
• government conftse4t1on of all lottery
whmings of more than $50 value. The
new la** becomes effective on September
lst and will not only affect iweepstake
winners, but will likewise apply to the
motor car raffles which -have ' become
more,or less epidemic in recent years.
we believe that the measure will meet
with favour in Most quarters and that
the automatic elimination of the "com-
mon informer" will be generally Com -
Mended. ,flouhtIess ways and -means *ill
be found of evading the law, but at the
same tithe it will materially check the
expenditure ot , monies by many people
,who cannot afford it. .
With the election campaign now his-
.tOrY, and the elated victor planning for
an,,,is/lawanscxestit.eciodtao,,,ong,..0.„ the filtu7, ankthe)osers wondering just
1104,11 -all happened, gives One time to
is rather too much of both in the ideaid, think out just who won the election. Of
the newspaper that changed IU heading, - -
"Births, Marriages land • Deaths"
"Yells,- Bells; Knells."' Not satisfied with
•either a wag- suggested, "Hatched, Match-
ed, Despatched."
A ;4..........,..0. ,
(Wiarton Canadian Echo) ''..
Hanover LS sporting a new fire truck.
It was given a grand reception on MOn4
day last‘when it Warte-Sted mit before'._ a
large iniiiiber Of the townspiople: The
Hanover Band Was in attendance and it
was a• gala affair. With the pump at-.
tached_.the_pressure.'_rose_frera_ 35 to: 90 ,
pounds and the gallons per minute titan '-
146 to 374, and it was net tested to full 1
'capacity. Firemen from other towns
were present.
satisfactory sequence of events, proved. •
Carre."an. Sella)
that. he was nearlylf Pot quite_hle
ed age.
This Ir sto- ". the rounds
• -• of the litt:e e° a -Irian Waugh. He
Hufeland gives a good a0count of hint Is too young to so `s sshocl but evidently
"He was a poor farmer's servant, and hearshis bratlie-s and sisters doing
obliged_ to nmintain himself by • dolly bele Jienwynek_rize
a r. When ebOve 120 years age he to his mother '7 can spell Toronto.", She
married a widow for his secondowite who said, "Oh, nO, you can't, you haven't
_lived with for. upwaks •01 -twelve- learned -to -spell- yet:" "But* I em-," he
Years and who atserted that timing that persisted. "Let me hear yoti then," said
time- he never betrayed any sign of in- his mother -arid to her astonishment he
firmity of flee. his 130141 year he replied' "C F R B Toronto."
• - • •
'Ong fewer. • .pei perfotmed all hie usual work,- and was•. rofitable nature, have conae to. almost all ' Dealer -"Guarantee?- I should say
most inen know this and many will be PaPere, both weekly and daily. and im- accustomed eVen to thresh. Sefee •YearS
mediately there is a, battle between btisi-
ness acumen and, conscience. In the
great majority of cases, constienre wins
U• NEMPLOYMENT out, beir Premier Hepburn's, dictum has
91 Wonderful. /alliance •to
There appears to be sr growing accept,i been
ante of the theorY,that_never agafin'shall
* ,
weie able to expect Ihat all Who want •
to work shall be pre' 10 secure employ- -The recurring controversy over the loss
matt, that uneMplayment as an instifu- of- the cruiser Hampshire. and the 'death'
bas pome to stay and must be pro- of Lord Kitchener is only natur41 in the
'Med for. • ,•eireumstarices." remains a vast and
.any such potion ever gained-zup- somewhat mysteriousfigure and the un -
port of responsible bodies is impossible usual manner of his passing was tittlie in
to understandkeeping with a, glaitiora-aiirexceptiori:
- ,
It is evert harder to set bow any re- al career. It is probabie that the great
sponsible bodies should be willing to ac- old warrior 'would have choson such a onlY my transfer l.
number of people everywhere who do not second.
cept it as a -normal and satisfactory eon- death had the option been his,
dition Of the white race living in a itor-
„ _ *
,. of Co4no. Thompson,
of co%me
urce we always haVe certain
for many ye= thisietriati Of the li!oarci
of 'Pension Clonunissitmers in OitaWS,' to
Wish rmanent -ern lo ent Who re
do. If. that seed doesn't come up you
can bring it back and we'll refund..your
* * *
'live not seen old Mrs. Wisii.ns lately.
HoW is she"
"Dead, slr.".
4F-i'What, joined the great majtrity?"
"Oh, no, sir. She was a gool woman
as far as I know."
a • •
before his .death, his eyes anci memory
'began. to fall, but his hearing and senses
Continued sound to the last. In his 452
year his fame had reached London, and
as the King was yriesirous of seeing- so newspaper for the fair and aceuratenews
great a rarity. he- was induceeto make 1-disPatches It published 'dtzring the re-
jotitney thither. thisin : ell •proisibil-; eent.political: campaign; The .Mail and
ity, shortened his existenee, which het EMplre.,. is a Conservative Party organ,
otherwise -Ittight have prese.rved- somel but it -never-stcops. to- -anything-degrad-
years, longer; for he was treated in court
in so Royal a manne rand his mode of
living Was so totally changed, that he
died soon* after, at ,London, 1,635, He
was 152 years an4. nine months old and
had lived under nine Kings ..of rxtgland.
(Graverihurst- 13anner) '
A great deal of . credit -and -respect is
due to The Toronto Mail and Empire
Minister (who was filling' ou4 .the mar- What was most remarkable_ in regard to
?loge ZerlIfleate difd-was undifthAt as to' this man:, IS- that when his body was
the date) -"Let me seeLthis is the fiftb., owned by Harvey_(The discOverer of -the
lir' 1110". ' •' • Circulation of the blood) his internal or -
Bride (Indignantly), --,-"No sir This ;Is sans' were found to be in the most i;er-
• feet state, • nor was the least symptom of
decay to be discovered in them.. His
cartileges even were not osSified,Jas is the
case -inall old people„ Tb stop,11-e.4,
tome of death had not Yet settled in his
body and he died merely of 'a plethora,
because he had been too well treated."
• * • * •
, "Why were sioti driving so fast
this mornbig-?"
• "Well, the judge, fined Me fille
rats for SPeeding yesterdaY, rind he
content to eke out a meagre .existeoce the chaOnlansh11) at the new, VrAnehise, couldn't change niy ten; -dollar bill, as
with oddJobsand the assistanee .. Board, reirtoves a highly controvereiar, be told. me to sp,eed it out."
" •. or
figure from veteran's, affairs. * He is to,
charitable organisations.. but the t is not , * 47 . ii, Jo
a normal mental attitudethe rIt houldsult 0r most e administrator but long farnii-
considered as abnormal, . sbe
Maoe. iarlty wlth ex-soldierS. troubles Appeared A BIG. SiltDBI
tO dry 1113, somewhat bis L -
i ., , , .
mental, defieloosy or physleitl_diss,b4t
, i 'inillcof Iranian
render exeelient service to trio countrY
Which certainly onglit to be a ita,rning
to .soe People who like live well.• A
7g:inlet ieriular existence' spells' longevity,
that is if you wittit to live along tftne',
The .Almanack sast that Parr lived
, tinder ten English Kings while Riifeland
"De yell make life-size entargements calls it pine. This it beeause he was born,
4CertaittlY, MISS,wanswered the pheto-; :Icinite at onae, Edward :, IV and 'Edward
grapher, -"That Our specialtV." At any rate he lived a long time and
"Altett,',2, said. the. girl; "Leta see what might hare lived.•lenger if he had not
you Can do With thia pieture of the
'brand Canyon."
• ;lot, • ,
scone otudertteo ".agked one to name a•
tteitionoua atilztanee- 'The Amaze-.
meht WAS hitenge whert he replied; The Afrottnok reports antither-6ticient
'"Aviatien, air.° I one in the persodof Itenry Jenkins', who
°Conte, tome!". snapped the pro., ' died in 1610. age Ail years. Ite was. not
fessor "OW ia tun e for hilarity‘ nearly to welt known nor was the auth.
What 'do you =eau?
ghtkit$ WI ago 4°a11...V 'Va. °Stab.' '64 *n4 1%10.4 P0".11111 nafInation.0.01Ih?"1 .61
"Weil, sir, one drop, win' kill" was 711zhoct that of .rstf. Tv is, sus-
pected, rut* that he was net even 100 reply.- •
eavt ta„doei._net eonimarid.
et al prederestor, nit Ote WAtt,,
0.the in.
• . of those *Itth tautpd II*. Otago
LeWls-to,-belliVe that rto -itian-_bad, over
lived re3- ta 100 years. Sir Otero
18 Wlously wrong, there tts: thatern tatta
,are -Ittiovi of plenty... Of 'men- livingnto
Nolt or the century mark. OUr own
.0,cuator 'Woitir
k nte* si
lit tir4tut; Ile us Still active 'it: the. reit.
ate' When 1'06 years, (tit atia reWotly,
• utiheateatta toti `to6., * -
. WM_ st4t: t4t,.1 !)4.0 )4_44*.
Ada for only a *Moat/inter:if sliert
Wittat they have 'been existence- fOr
mere than, teriturY It it pak)bable that,
thettuestioti of lorurevi4' will Itt4Ve been't
eettled Withoht 40eatket,
anst treat:ea as, 'turn. - Iltlakife4:7-0-1:s-Woviitag7lifir
Apart from this l
elast men Wish to in his new606eity.
• have a -Ottani occupation and ine re -1 * • * .
vett of their fellow Men, whieli Comet
as a result or'.useful.citizenshtp.
Th hold out te, a large part ot the
wOrid..a ttte.roht of telt, reSpeeting mn
of thera can never hope to get a jel.1 OM& . •
, .the yoUng that-P:1'4C/ if ur red_i ut oaer* VOUld ,etu-or thop- us a
thOrt'ilete taint us Iv, 110 tile, -1110tvt:W;ltu.
thei;= they must expett 'to live oh the i
thert‘ Wel he delighted to print it. fl
itlikrity of their lo,,e)ty fellowtt :forever 1841 Ottcu hePAVaiq that friends ate here
defeatist* View Of life Which J With ditTfortt. falloff, tod te‘t mfet
* .1
There are So many people vls:ting Ih
CiOderich.theSe days that it altnost
Possible for us, to begin to hear of 411 Of
-theta. It ‘tvoultt-iihe --greatly-*PPreebitta
=841)1. ° • • itkeept tteettlent* A nate in the paner
trtle tilEtt11"611net el e(14will bring theta, together to the .pleoure.
do, atitirb °Om e11Ubun at indttititot "eh. so igtoi ,ai1 3310
ifyriter-Inet-tort-brousht -intorvestoy onto kitiidto
That bat *petted tniku.V timestom
past hp,t.
other Una. eel:Ana
*WO been
a totivIt$
# *blab they
Ing or disgusting to r, .readers. -The.
management- of that m&nItu journal
are to be conexatulated. on ,the 'high plane
stPhieh it follows and its service to the
reading public is highly enjoyed and ap-
prealated. Agreed.
(Wia.rton Canadlati- Lho)
Fer three years we scarcely got a peek
at Arfierian monev but this year it is
flying around quite freely. We were.
tendered an American ten -dollar bill the
ot1er. day and hadn't, POSsish tn the tin
to take $2.50 out of ft-euite a common
,oecurrerrea, We went into the bank for
change and it just eost us 40e. Very
aPoIngetilany we tendered the ehange to
our -customer -but -wa s-gitite agreeable -
end Paid It wes not so Init.113, years ago
that, he tnade,15e on every American dolt
lar.. The shoe is on the other foot now,
and you know we Canadians hate to take
the money.
• (New 'YOrk Journalti
' The regular daily and nightly, horni-
wandered up to, Londmi when the Stuarts eiries, the regular stick-ups and hold-ups,
were on the throne. The coirt of Char.:. the regular gang shootings and
oIs 1 was no ;duo tor an eid than. =antes of violence .continue itt their reg-
bninkenness and profilgacY of all *in& ,ular rate,. They are too familiar to be
were ircirtiput uti4er the gay Charles eonsidered news. So, we as1In all good
Avith,tho,lidies-:or-theLkourt sated -With -fltd4li.,-Whe., rats trIs!Oil/1434 •Nite,41,031
all kinds Of vicet and anxious only for.a .see rowthede'dowt
decentpeopleepa: chaonw otlhaeiracittyb
new sensation.. Old Parr prolleed that. rlur W
and state and„nation'al goVertanctitt .tati
elaint to run It; /1 the pope or the
orivernment dittrun it,' do you, think for
Minitte that A kW thotiSands criminals
could terrorize with impunity "the riOh-
I -course the- Libers is Nitta .say
won it, aud had it been a GonserVatAve
victory the Conservatives would have
made the same boast, but really It ws
neither won It.
The fact is apparent that it is not 'the
staunch old Liberals or the staunch old
Conservatives that win any election, it is
the open minded citizen who, doeS not
consider it his business to be tied for life
to any particuiar political partY, • The
life long party man may be the man
•who does- the hard campaign , work, but
It is the man who votes who makes a
gavernment, and it is the man who
changes his vote -who wins for or defeats
a government. The Liberal victory was
not won by the Liberals., but by that great
army of cittzens who refuse to be tied
to the apron str,inge of any political or-
ganization, but vote as their conscience
and their good eonunon sense guides
them. And it is these peOpli9 who gov-
ern Canada, both Federally and Provin-
. ,
109 out of the 173 public schools
recognized by the British Htad-. -
Boy -S-couting.
the Liberilis
(Minimum Fares: • Adults 75c.: Child 40c.)
(Except Guelph, Kitchen▪ er and ▪ St. Marys).
tARNIA'm BRAMPTON-including all branch lines
4 _ north to Goclericik Kin-
cardine, Southampton,-Wiartene9Wen Sound, Florham, Oreentore :-
• Sarnia to Komoka: Ettrick - Wmgham. • ' •
F -R I. -J-U LY--2-7tk 13-5-WiT4' Port Hopc,,
pelleville, Kingeton, Gaiiinoque,
Brockville, Prescott,. Morrisburg, Cornwall, Agincourt, Uxbridge,
Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale,
Collingwood, loileaford,_ Barrie, Orillin, Midland, Gravenhurst,
_Bnacebridge, Huntsville„ North Bay.
Ail towns in New Ontario on line of- Timiskamingallorthem Ontario Re..f
, Nipiating Center, Rly.s Kapaskasing3
-Sat. -.111L --28th.-To-TORONTO Als° t°-Chathan; -
Sarnia, London,
Ingersell, Woodistee.k,_Paris. Brantford:Berate% St, Catharines, Niagara Falls.
and JULY 28th. ircreny between Important Stations atwhich Excursion
, -
tit are sold -Ask Ticket Agent -See Handbills.
For Fareto Traltfit Untie, Train Information, Mete consult nearest Agent
S. D. stRO-FT, Ag -Na, C. NI R. Depot. Phone 29.j
• J. A. LAWRENCE, Down Town Aged.. Phone 8. -•
'Face Powder
or Your
+ The lightest film'
of this superbly finer
powder gives the ef-
fect of natural perfec-
tion .— Let your skirt
benefit by Melba Bou-
quet, thefinal clinging
touch to emphasize
sheer loveliness.
on for tionia.
Delicately scented
With the inimitable
Bouquet fragrnce.
• Brunette • Flesh
Peelach 4,- White
Ai your (Naito' Cannel skOply you,
- -r e -vs -1 t cult * - - • --
Moihn lipstick, Indelible . 5$0
•.. Shiba Room Narurof Tones - 550 ' •,
ew%intents Ante 'titre& ,b3s wing.. tendert.
• tbe rittoo, tto Autota01;96'tha. a lipulrett, fellow leWittnteri to trte the vv5sPOPer
ovtirea The eeniees! for everythittg tat Adsettltlet, Ilbuth
ndflioris 01 votkoti .0/014( thty IAN* .0009 ettitO tttentlY *ked them
reed, front.- their' former oceppit.
14 "Mitts of. Whitt( -01-
to, *Walnut that the loft
tt ihe World hat suddeuiyrun ie
hit* more still eve .1*
Oan. those thttigs Iettieh
On the tontrarr thilo arc,
•inettattY. 111 a Page one box:
tlf any member Of $.611*...trtrilr rile&
*mild $ron Ond...btlt ,the 441,0Ary.10
ittmlar "Iettert your 14,0 entertain
OM ran to. slide or th *Tee
the nvoto hnw 11Yon *ere te
rite your ttore. would *ou ttil• foil%
* hotel rellstiet1 Ifyou/ were to IWO
wedding tit par bemk. *tot $ou tilt*
the MA* Oft * WON** POPO
°DSOS ,Wli$ Vet dOtit l'Olt Vint yokit
adtkettiall* tti• the i!tewttiolic Wye
.Captain of Ctieket Tetra (to new
rosident)t "Wilt you join our cricket
7--I'Vtivir-frir03111' efitt teally`,-*Pm
.knoat ntiolutely, nothing
ate, itt the gturte',, teouldret itto any-
thing except ututoire." • Whi)3ey Sen.
$ide Chioniele,
+Or 11111tRY I •
mop; atked for motley.
begged for money and 1'0 C`rica
money, tody,"
Lady:. uli•vo you tor thought of
orking for it, my mot? I'
nknip,: Ma, not yet., mum. You
ofi rM in ttimfet t jpilti bet
Those ,tieksigh.ttitijtai 6stong_
nipiesibreaking put ort different-
parta of trio hedyy Indicate• an Ir*.
aro condition of'thebloed.,
• Thousands of young people suffer • ,
kusowriytda:ed ettahhiltamtstsiaeseouttfiroonmitu the::
With Whet( they temp in d(intttet,
awl they worry, ditil ittiter '44*
bWioettuitetri:11 totlirtItalietyeaditlit.; get the
'Take rt few bottles of 13.70:14. And
hloodr. and tro,t U�
Make tie eompleltiOn
:Ina moot* shot: tinie it talte6 t°
Out t
arlIre he ,imptutitlei
IMPOttent tiling IA llfe later
with nitan; tout the were
lott.4«o atoket On% tont kng.